Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The God Culture: Exposing The Lies in Our Bibles

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has released a series of videos about the New Moon festival of the Bible. Let's see what Tim has to say about the matter. 

New MOON or New MONTH? Part 1. Exposing the Lies in Our Bibles!

The gist of these videos is that every time "New Moon" appears it is is a mistranslation.

6:39 The fact is all 21 of these verses these uses are mistranslated. All.
But it's more than a mere mistranslation. It is a deliberate and evil fraud.
3:07 This is one of the biggest frauds of our age. They change the Bible. Someone, and we all know who, inserted their Babylonian lunar calendar into the Bible in modern texts and it's not there in the Hebrew or Greek. It's just not
33:44 It's not an honest mistake. This is evil really. Because what they're doing is they're transposing false Doctrine into the Bible.
The fraud runs so deep that even Bible dictionaries and concordances have been compromised. 
35:00 What they're doing is, uh, changing the Bible through definitions, through concordances, and through, through Bible translation and that's what they've done. We are in a strong delusion but we can see through this and correct it.
If all Bible translations, dictionaries, and concordances are corrupt just how exactly are we supposed to see though this "strong delusion" and correct it? On what basis can we trust anything Tim says when he admits the very documents he uses, those same Bible translations, dictionaries, and concordances, are corrupt? Is he endowed with some kind of Holy X-ray vision to see through these alleged lies? Of course not.  According to Tim it's because he has done all the research! In the second part of this series he says:
45:21 These will Enlighten as they are well researched and no one can actually debate these things. They try but not successfully when they do
Research is Tim's key word. He says he was taught by the Messianic movement how to keep the sabbath but it turned out they were wrong. He found this out by doing research.
15:17 Again, we started our Sabbath series. We told people how we kept the Sabbath honestly and accurately to what we did and what we what we were taught. Problem is we were taught wrong. Uh, the Messianic, uh, movement, uh, is is lying to us telling us we're on a lunar calendar. So, we told everybody we start Sabbath, uh, at sundown Friday. Well guess what? Then we tested it and as we tested it the research leads where the research leads. That is how you get to the truth.
What Is the New MONTH Festival? Never Moon!
But how does he know the conclusions he draws from his research are correct? Surely every sectarian has done their research and it has led them to wherever they are. What Tim is asking, demanding in fact, from his audience is that they trust his OPINIONS. It is Tim by himself outside the Holy Spirit led Body of Christ, the Church, who has come to the REAL truth, the truth THEY are HIDING from everyone by corrupting the very texts Tim is using in his research to prove they are corrupt. 

For Tim all one has to do is read enough and one can come to the truth. Except he has admitted the very texts he is using are corrupt and we are in a strong delusion. If Tim is in a strong delusion how can he alone see through it? What is his epistemic basis for that claim? He gives none because he has none. 

All the scholars who have devoted themselves to reading and studying ancient texts and languages have come to different conclusions than Tim yet he calls them ignorant and illiterate. How can Tim and the scholars reach different conclusions when they have the same method?

That is a huge problem for which he offers no way out. Timothy Jay Schwab has no justified epistemic foundation for what he is teaching except for his own research, i.e. his own opinions which he derives from books he claims are corrupt. Upon closer inspection his opinions are always wrong as I have documented in every single article I have written about The God Culture. 

For example Psalm 81:3 mentions the New Moon.
Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on our solemn feast day.
According to Tim this is actually referring to the Feast of Trumpets. After all, the Feast of Trumpets is the ONLY feast on which a trumpet is blown on the first of the month.
38:29 So, what Feast do we blow Trumpets on the first of the month? Is this really hard? Why can't Scholars just get stuff like this straight? Well, the new month, hm, it's called Yom Teruah. It's the Feast of Trumpets which falls on Ethanim 1 the first day of the new month, duh. And what do? We do we blow trumpets, taada!!! This isn't really hard folks there you go new moon out. This is new month.
That is totally wrong because Numbers 10:10 says:
Also in the day of your gladness, and in your solemn days, and in the beginnings of your months, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt offerings, and over the sacrifices of your peace offerings; that they may be to you for a memorial before your God: I am the LORD your God.
Tim is wrong that the Feast of Trumpets is the only feast on which a trumpet is blown on the first of the month. The Mosaic Law says a trumpet must be blown at the beginning of every month. Here we see how Tim's research which no one can debate fails radically. Funny that Tim does not mention this verse at all in his entire series about the New Moon and the New Month festival. 

The very first video in this series shows that Tim cannot justify anything he is saying as he has admitted the very Bible translations, dictionaries, and concordances he uses are corrupt and he is in the midst of a strong delusion. On what basis can he say the texts he uses are corrupt but he can see through their corruptions? He cannot. It is pure hubris to say we are in a strong delusion yet he alone can see through it because he has studied corrupted texts. 

The second part of this series examines the other verses Tim neglected and tells us the exact purpose of the New Month festival. 

What Is the New MONTH Festival? Never Moon!

This video says we are to still keep the New Moon feast which is actually the New Month feast. It is not a feast day and is in fact a relaxed get together with no specifics give on how to keep it. Tim calls it an "additional tradition."

19:43 Now it's, uh, just a dinner as, uh, we can see in scripture, uh, not a lot of specifics and the reason is is they're not needed. It's just a gathering uh a time of worship that's all.

26:26 No it's, it's not a feast day, uh, it's not included as a one of the seven biblical feasts. It's not a Sabbath, it's not one of the 52 sabbaths. This is additional, uh, tradition in the Bible.
Additional tradition in the Bible?  No, it's part of the Mosaic Law which is binding on the nation of Israel. It is not a tradition Moses made up. Tim is also wrong about the lack of specifics because Numbers tells us how to keep it. It includes blowing a trumpet. 

Tim also claims the ascension of Jesus also affirms the New Month feast so we must keep it. 

34:25 He resurrected on the weekly Sabbath and then he affirmed the new month Festival in his Ascension after 40 days on the first day of the new month the third month.

Except the Bible never says or hints at such a thing. 

But even if it did Tim says he does not have a true calendar. In fact the calendar in the very translation of Jubilees he published is filled with errors!

11:24 Now, this is an ancient tradition. This is the Bible tradition and Bible calendar and it matters. It matters because this is Torah. That's why Jubilees, when we published it, uh, we call it the Book of Jubilees the Torah Calendar because Jubilees keeps the Torah calendar. Is it perfect? Well, you know what, uh, it, it was preserved in the Ethiopic, translated then into English. Did R H Charles do a great job? Yes absolutely. Was he perfect? No, no of course not. There are mistakes in there, uh, in translation that if you looked at the original Hebrew, which we don't necessarily have in each passage that's part of the the challenge there, when you're looking at those things, and of course if we didn't have the the ancient Hebrew we didn't go back and change it because we didn't have the Precedence to overturn it even though we we know that it's not it but we'll teach that.

Tim also says he has no idea when or how to keep the New Month festival because he is not God!

1:40 So, hodesh is never New Moon. It is new month and this is a new month Festival which we see established here in the plural really. Um, the question will remain, and we do not have a complete answer for everything, sorry we're not God, okay? Um, we do our best. But here's what we're seeing. I mean there's a new month Festival in scripture it's there many times, you're going to see this video, uh, and the question is when do we observe it? Uh, it's not a Biblical feast in, in, on the par with this Seven Feasts, uh, it's not a Sabbath and in fact it's not a Sabbath in practice even, uh, in Scripture that we're seeing so far, uh, but it's simply you know a, a get together, a meal, a gathering of course which you focus on scripture. They would sacrifice but we don't do that anymore as far as animal sacrifices but you can still do your spice offering, your drink offering those kinds of things.

Despite admitting he does not know when or how to keep the New Month Festival Tim says he has begun keeping it anyway. 

39:45 Frankly we had not kept these until just recently. so, there you go folks. We, we were not keeping the new month Festival. We now are trying to restore this. We haven't taught it before because the research was pending. We don't mention it in our books because we hadn't researched it yet in detail. Now we have. Now we're just having a dinner with spice offerings, drink offerings, and of course we teach and spend time in fellowship and in the word.

How does Tim know he is right? Because scripture interprets scripture. 

4:30 Scripture defines scripture on this. Again precedent already established in the last video.

So, Tim admits he does not even know when to properly keep the new month festival yet says he is keeping it, calls the scripture corrupt and yet says scripture interprets Scripture! But that is all incoherent nonsense. If the scripture is corrupt and the tools available to a layman like Tim to interpret it are corrupt then it cannot interpret itself correctly on the matter nor can Tim interpret it correctly. 

According to Tim it is no big deal whether or not he has the right calendar because the intent of the heart is what matters. 
23:02 Heart intent, heart intent is always paramount.
Of course the Bible never says such a thing. The law is very clear that the feasts must be kept on the right day and in the right manner and to not do so is an offense to God. In fact the law is above one's "heart intent" as we we see in the story of Uzzah.
2 Samuel 6:6 And when they came to Nachon's threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it.

And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.

Uzzah's "heart intent" to save the Ark from falling was no match for God's law which says only the Levites were to handle the Ark. 

Tim claims there will be five videos in this series but it has been over a month since the second video was published and no more parts have been forthcoming. But no matter because these videos are enough to demonstrate that Timothy Jay Schwab is absolutely mad and his entire logical system is fallacious.

He says we are in a time of strong delusion as all Bible translations, dictionaries, and concordances are corrupt. Then he claims he can see past that corruption and give a correct interpretation concerning the New Moon Festival. But this is not possible if ALL THE TEXTS HE IS USING ARE CORRUPT! He has shot himself in the foot and given himself no justified epistemic ground on which to stand for anything that follows after that statement. 

Tim's doctrine of Bible Preservation should be noted here. He claims that translations, which he says are corrupt, do not actually matter because God has preserved His Word on the Heavenly Tablets in Heaven.

20:17 This is the best track possible because scripture was kept in Heaven first and that Heavenly Tablet was shared with Moses on Mount Sinai which keeps that in perfect condition even better than what we call the Bible passed downEverybody worries about how this or that is translated but understand, you know, Yahuah said he would preserve his word he meant in Heaven it's perfect.

Biblical Tithe Series: Part 7: The History of the Law of Tithing

According to Tim God has not preserved His word perfectly on earth but only in Heaven! What good is that for us who are not in Heaven but on Earth? It is a denial of God's sovereignty and an admission that no one, Tim included, can ever know what God's word says for sure because it is only perfectly kept in Heaven. 

Furthermore he admits he does not know when or how to keep the New Moon Festival because "we're not God" and then proceeds to speak for 50 minutes on how to keep the New Moon Festival! He also admits the calendar he published in Jubilees is corrupt and he does not have the right calendar but keeping the New Month festival on the correct date does not matter only "heart intent" matters. 

There is no longer any reason for anyone to ever again listen to Tim speak of Bible matters because he admits the texts and interpretive apparatuses he is using are corrupt. If they are corrupt then he will only be able to give corrupt teachings. Not only that but Tim claims God has preserved His Word not on Earth but only in Heaven which means no one on Earth can ever hope to know the Word of God. This is the fruit of leaving the Church and spitting on all the faithful Christian scholars who have devoted their lives to studying and explaining the Hebrew and Greek texts. The sum of it is Timothy Jay Schwab, by declaring Bible translations, dictionaries, and concordances to be corrupt, has admitted he has no idea what the Bible actually teaches nor will he ever know what it teaches.

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