Saturday, June 30, 2018

And the LORD Hardened the Heart of Duterte

Duterte called God a stupid son of a bitch and the whole nation is in an uproar.
Everyone has chimed in with their opinion. Some even say Duterte did not blaspheme God but merely questioned the creation story. As if that makes a difference!

Here are his own words.
Who is this stupid God? Estupido talaga itong p***** i** kung ganun. You created some --- something perfect and then you think of an event that would tempt and destroy the quality of your work.
See how he addresses God? He does not say that the creation story is stupid. He says God is stupid and even more than that! He is addressing God. He says God destroyed his own work, i.e. brought sin into the world. An overlooked bit from his speech addresses Jesus Christ.
Why do you have to remember a sad thing about the killing of our God? Ako ang Diyos, gawain mo sa akin ‘yan? Ay p***** i**. Para kang karne norte [laughter] if you do that. I am God and you...
Clearly Duterte does not understand the meaning of the crucifixion and more importantly the resurrection.

As I said everyone in the nation has chimed in with their opinion from the benign, "Oh it's just his opinion."
To the outright ridiculous, "He violated the Constitution."
Now I'm going to give you my opinion. It will be more truthful and scriptural and to the point than all the pundits and amateur theologians have cared to offer.

Let's start with a few questions

Who hardened Pharoh's heart?
Exodus 9:12: And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he hearkened not unto them; as the LORD had spoken unto Moses.
Who caused Shemei to curse David?
II Samuel 16:10: And the king said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Zeruiah? so let him curse, because the LORD hath said unto him, Curse David. Who shall then say, Wherefore hast thou done so?
Who sent an evil spirit to deceive King Ahab?
I Kings 22:23: Now therefore, behold, the LORD hath put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets, and the LORD hath spoken evil concerning thee.
Who directs the steps of men
Proverbs 16:9: A man's heart deviseth his way: but the LORD directeth his steps.
Who gives the kingdoms of men to whomsoever he will even the basest of men?
Daniel 4:17: This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Who said to Pilate you would have no power except it were given from above?
John 19:11: Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.
Whom did the Apostle Paul say is the source of all authority?
Romans 13:1: Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
The answer to every single one of those questions is God. It is God who is in charge of all things in this world that he has created. There is nothing outside of his control, his sovereignty, his will and pleasure. Not even the desires of the human heart and the steps of men.

What does this all mean?

It means that God set up Duterte to be the Ruler and Governor and President of the Republic of the Philippines. Did Filipinos vote him in? Yes. But who guides the hearts and minds of men and directs them in their course?  Who is it that gave the Israelites an evil king after they clamoured for one? Who controls the outcome of the casting of the lot?
Proverbs 16:33: The lot is cast into the lap; but the whole disposing thereof is of the LORD.
God. God set evil King Saul on his throne. He set Nebuchadnezzar on his throne. He raised up Alexander and Ceaser and in these last days he has raised up Duterte through the casting of the lot, that is to say the vote. Even Duterte acknowledged that!
And as he does with all men God is working in the heart of Duterte directing it and causing him by those invisible strings of Providence by which all things are bound and conducted to be brought to his appointed end. Through these blasphemous spewings from the darkened heart of Duterte we find that he is not a good man for out of the heart proceedes that which a man is.
Matthew 15:18: But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. 
Matthew 15:19: For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:
Who can cleanse the filthy heart of any man? Only God. That is his prerogative and He has chosen to allow Duterte to wallow in his filth. God has taken this man who was already a hardened soul and is now making manifest the true character of this individual in a way that cannot be denied. Is calling God stupid Duterte's opinion? Yes. And that is the point. That is the problem. That is the proof that his heart is hardened and his mind darkened and blinded by the god of this world.
I Corinthians 12:3: Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus accursed: and that no man can say that Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost.
But you will say, "Duterte did not call Jesus accursed."

In calling the God who created the world a son of a bitch he truly did call Jesus accursed because it is through the Son that the Father created the world. Jesus Christ is the creator.
Hebrews 1:1: God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, 
Hebrews 1:2: Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;
God has hardened Duterte's heart. God has caused him to curse against Himself. Does that sound funny to you? That God has caused Duterte to curse God? I don't deny it. That is the mystery of providence. That God works in us and through us and yet we do all things freely and without compunction. Remember Pharaoh hardened his heart too.
Exodus 8:32: And Pharaoh hardened his heart at this time also, neither would he let the people go.
What are we to learn from this? If you aren't a Christian then it doesn't matter.  All you have is Duterte. But if you are a Christian, if you really do believe in God and Jesus Christ then listen to the words of Jesus:
John 18:36: Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
Does that mean you must flee the world like a monk or have no business politically like Jehovah's Witnesses? No. Daniel, Joseph, Esther, and Nehemiah are all examples of holy men who served wicked rulers. God placed those men in their positions. The lesson is not to shun political participation.

The lesson is that this world is not your home. The men who rule this world will never bring it into submission. Crime and drugs and evil and corruption will never be eradicated in this present evil world. The solution is to seek the kingdom which is above and not to put faith in the men of this world whoever they be. 
Isaiah 2:22: Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?
Some are good, some are evil, but they are all men and they are all servants and tools of the Most High God.

Even Duterte.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Retards in the Government 55

Blasphemy, murder, extortion, drug dealing, anomalous finances, it's just a regular week in the halls of government of the Philippines!
CaƱete is also controversial for his Facebook posts, including a June 12, 2017 entry, where he said "yellows" should be killed "like cockroaches." The term "yellows" used to be limited to describe members and allies of the opposition Liberal Party, but Duterte supporters have expanded this to cover all critics of the administration. 
"This is why no ceasefire. No stopping. No compromise. Fact is, yellows are evil. You do not talk to them. You kill them. After you kill one, you find another to destroy. Like cockroaches," the prosecutor said in a Facebook post on June 12, 2017. 
De Lima is one of the more prominent LP members.
In a sane country this man would be removed from the case because of his statements. But this is the Philippines.

Five active police officers and a former policeman “surrendered” to the authorities here after the court ordered them arrested for planting evidence during a 2015 buy-bust operation.
2015! But the article does not say how this is just now coming to light. The wheels of justice turn slowly in the Philippines.
How many times has the same headline passed thorough the news cycle? Newly elected village official busted for drugs or killed in drug raid. Very common occurrence.
(That is a throwback, just like a tactic being used during 1970s when the Philippine Constabulary arbitrarily set up checkpoints and implemented arbitrary arrests.)
The so-called opposition is losing their minds over loiterers being arrested. Filipinos have a flair for the dramatic and that is very much what this is, a lot of drama. The problem, as I see it, is that people are so used to violating laws that when the PNP decides to enforce the law they call it martial law. Imagine if the PNP started enforcing traffic laws! People would be up in arms over the mass arrests of drivers for not using headlights or driving drunk or making left turns from the right lane.
“It has been five years now since Yolanda happened. So many of our fellow Warays, our people in Eastern Visayas have yet to receive the decent housing they deserve. It’s unfortunate that some housing contractors and developers are not taking this seriously,” said Philip Jude Acidre, first nominee of Tingog Sinirangan. 
“They should be investigated and penalized if they are guilty of negligence. The people cannot afford another disaster that becomes after the typhoon,” he added. 
Acidre said it is important that the government should review its policy on shelter development and identify potential setbacks in the future, saying it should not be “reactive” in its response.
The aftermath of Yolanda continues to be disastrous 5 years on!
The Commission on Audit (COA) has flagged alleged irregularities in the liquidation of P800,000 in cash advances by a Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) commander whom President Rodrigo Duterte promoted recently. 
The COA also noted that 96.6 percent of the cash advances by the PCG’s officials and employees had remained outstanding as of the end of 2017. 
The PCG has not commented on the COA findings. 
In its 2017 annual audit report, the COA said 11 suppliers had disowned the 100 official receipts and invoices used by Rear Adm. Leopoldo Laroya to liquidate P818,531.50 in cash advances in April 2017. 
The COA said Laroya presented receipts that were incorrect, fraudulent, marred by discrepancies, had unfamiliar handwriting or were issued for items not sold by the supplier.
Financial irregularities in the Coast Guard. Spurious receipts credited to a man whom Duterte recently promoted.  Will he snuff out this whiff of corruption or just spray a little Glade to cover the smell?
Officials of the Department of Education (DepEd) in Northern Mindanao washed their hands of an emerging scandal over the purchase of razors for P1,878 per piece when their actual price was just about P200 each. 
The razors were for distribution to students of the Technical Vocational and Livelihood (TVL) course for senior high school in the region. 
Farnazo said the purchase price for the item, to be used by those taking up hairdressing, was set by the DepEd national office.
What kind of hairdresser uses razors? Not any that I have ever been to or heard of. They are cutting the hair on the head, not shaving the face.
Abaya and 16 others including transport undersecretaries and private respondents were indicted for violation of Section 3(e) of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices or Republic Act No. 3019 over the allegedly anomalous MRT-3 maintenance contract. 
The graft case stemmed from a complaint filed by the DOTr in October 2017. 
“We want to know the truth. We find it anomalous that the project was awarded to Busan JV, but the one receiving payments and doing MRT-3 maintenance works is BURI, a totally different entity,” the October 2017 complaint read.
People have been expecting this for along time. The Palace even issued an "it's about time" statement. However the wheel of justice are slow and I would not expect a full resolution for at least a decade.
A barangay official, also the sister of slain suspected drug lord Richard Prevendido, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in San Joaquin, Iloilo yesterday. 
Police said Remia Gregori, reelected barangay captain of Bakhaw, Mandurriao, was killed along with her personal assistant Analee Antipatria.
The way the headline is written makes it appear like this is a picture of a fat, naked woman. But it's not. It's her brother who was also killed during the raid by unknown gunmen. She was a newly elected barangay captain therefore she makes it into this series Retards in the Government.
“Now, the economy is in the doldrums, actually [it is] now,” Mr. Duterte said on Friday night, less than a week after the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) raised interest rates for the second time since September last year to counter inflation. 
The President admitted that the situation in the provinces had become a problem for his administration because projects were barely progressing. 
“Interest rates are picking up, are getting high so it destroys the existing [economic gains] … You raise your [interest rate], our [peso value] goes down, theoretically,” Duterte said in a speech at the National Information and Communications 2018 Summit at SMX Convention Center here. 
“I said in Manila, they’re starting the megaprojects well. I supposed that they would be doing it on time. But in the provinces, it’s a doldrums thing,” he added. 
The President said the government was seeking more funds to finance big-ticket projects in the provinces to induce economic growth. 
“I’m just … brainstorming with everybody in the Cabinet how to come up with a system that would guarantee income to the government,” he said. 
The President said the campaign to stop “jueteng” nationwide was well under way but he was considering a strong replacement for the numbers game to stimulate economic activity in the provinces. 
“Now if I don’t have a replacement for jueteng, what can I do? It’s easy. If there’s another form of gambling that takes over, I’ll say, ‘You get out of there’ and arrest them all. Then what is the activity—economic activity? None. Now if there’s jueteng … at least money goes around. Some people will get hungry, others will be able to eat, [but] there’s commercial activity,” he said.
Duterte begins with an admirably honest assessment of the Philippines' economic woes. But he ends on a sour note by contemplating replacing, or maybe even just continuing to allow, illegal numbers games as a remedy. The PCSO Small Town Lottery is supposed to replace jueteng! Did he forget that?

His statements seemed pretty clear to me but Roque takes time out to clarify what Duterte actually meant.
Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said slow progress in the provinces is the reason Duterte is calling for the timely implementation of the "Build Build Build" and pushing for federalism.  
"Our economic growth is not evenly distributed. Provinces are lagging behind in terms of progress and projects," Roque said in a press briefing in Cagayan de Oro.  
"That's why the president wants to fast-track the implementation of 'Build, Build, Build' in the provinces and he is calling for charter change towards federalism because it will really provide the solution to the uneven distribution of growth," he added.  
Roque urged Congress and the public to support federalism to remove what he described as the "bias" against provinces.
Ok I get it now. Duterte's honest assessment of the Philippines' economy is really just a push for federalism and his "Build, Build, Build" programs. Because build a bridge or two and shattering the Philippines into several smaller states with their own governments will really solve everything! More  corrupt and inept government will take the Philippines right out of the economic doldrums. But guess what?
The people don't even know what federalism is!
Presidential spokesman Harry Roque said critics should not make an issue out of the campaign against loiterers because it is just a “basic implementation of the law.” 
He also claimed that the Philippines is the only country with loiterers in the streets. 
“Only those who violated ordinances and laws are arrested. The President did not order the arrest of those with no violation,” Roque said at a press briefing yesterday in Cagayan de Oro City. 
“Only the Philippines has several loiterers. You go to Malaysia did you see any loiterer? You go to Thailand, Japan, South Korea, there are no loiterers. I think it’s really the duty of the President and it’s a way to increase police visibility and to implement the law,” he added.
This administration always picks the stupidest arguments to defend its policies. Every country has loiterers. Maybe Roque has not travelled much. He should stick with the "basic implementation of the law" argument as it has a more solid footing.
How does a situation like this even happen? 10,000 business with no permits? What exactly are we talking about here when we say business? Those ladies at tables selling candies and drinks? Sidewalk restaurants? Nuisance business such as makeshift sari-sari stores and tricycles equipped with gas tanks so they can serve up french fires and fishballs are bad enough but how many of these 10,000 businesses are running out buildings and have a large customer base? This situation only happens because people do not care to follow the law, the law enforcers do not care to enforce the law, and some unscrupulous officials take kickbacks.
Hopefully this will shut them both up until the outcome of the recount is known but I doubt it.
In an eight-page complaint filed with the Ombudsman, Efren De Luna, Alliance of Concerned Transport Organizations (ACTO) president, said Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) Chairman Martin Delgra and Board Member Ronaldo Corpuz  are liable for signing Board Resolution 045, series of 2018.  
Through the resolution, De Luna said the officials favored and prioritized certain entities in issuing franchises for the initial implementation of the Department of Transportation's PUV (Public Utility Vehicle) Modernization Program. 
He said their group members were not given fair opportunity to apply.
The substance of this suit is that the LTFRB is not giving room for small operators to operate. They are giving preference to larger companies.
THE Philippine National Police (PNP) failed to explain Wednesday, June 27, how a suspected drug personality caught with 45 kilos of shabu in 2015 roamed free. 
Gary Go, who was arrested in a drug bust in Quezon City in 2015, was shot dead in Cordova town on Mactan Island in Cebu on Tuesday, June 26. 
Asked why Go was not in jail after the 2015 drug bust, Quezon City Police director Chief Superintendent Joselito Esquivel said the status of the case is still being checked in the prosecutor's office.
Because money talks. And the PNP is corrupt enough to let that money sweet talk them into giving the man his freedom.
"Bakit Grade 4, bakit 10 years old? Based on our operation, yung bata na gumagamit ng illegal drugs is as early as 10 years old," he said on Thursday. 
Aquino said they had one case where they arrested a 10-year old suspected drug user, adding it may just be an isolated case, but it's better to err on the side of caution. 
"Definitely, meron mga estudyante dyan na gumagamit, at yung iba nagtutulak na hindi natin nadidiskubre pa," he said. 
The PDEA Chief wants Republic Act 9165 or the Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act amended to make school officials, teachers, and students undergo mandatory and surprise drug testing.
This ridiculous proposal will have to get pass Congress first. If it passes let's hope it includes directions for drug testers to use sterile cups as those are pretty much non-existent in the Philippines.
A bemedalled police officer who was also an alleged high-level drug pusher and protector was killed Wednesday in Bohol province in a joint operation by agents of the National Bureau of Investigation and regional police intelligence, authorities said. 
An NBI report alleged SPO1 Adonis Dumpit was on his way to deliver drugs when accosted in Barangay San Isidro, Tagbilaran City, prompting him to fire back at law enforcers. 
Dumpit, a former close-in aide of Cebu City Mayor Tomas Osmena, was convicted of homicide for killing a 17-year-old suspected robber in Cebu City in 2004. He was released in 2016 after posting bail while his case was on appeal. 
The administrative case filed against him was also dismissed by the National Police Commission, allowing him to return to the service. His last assignment was at the Bohol Provincial Police Office this month.
Everything about this story is amazing. Who uses the word bemedalled? Spellcheck thinks its spelled wrong! A rare word indeed. Second of all this guy's name is Adonis Dumpit and the picture is of his beautiful body dumped like a heap of garbage. Thirdly this cop was convicted of homicide in 2004 and was let out on bail in 2016 while the case was on appeal and he was allowed back on the force! Only in the Philippines!
MTPB chief Dennis Alcoreza said the suspects in the killing of Vuelga and Celis were former employees of the Manila Tricycle Regulatory Office, who were sacked for collecting grease money from tricycle operators and drivers.
Previous MTPB agents murders were connected to corruption. Who knows but that is the case this time as well?
PNP Officers charged with extortion? Nothing new here.
Resigned Tourism Secretary Wanda Teo and a former Tourism executive took millions worth of luxury items from Duty Free stores in 2017 and charged them as well as consultancy fees to the funds intended to fuel the department's programs, the Commission on Audit has found. 
2017 COA audit report on Duty Free Philippines Corporation (DFPC) found that P2.52 million-worth of Duty Free items, such as branded bags, luxury brand cosmetics, appliances, and chocolates, were withdrawn from stores following orders from Teo and ex-Undersecretary for Administration and Special Concerns Rolando CaƱizal. 
Duty Free Philippines Corporation, which sells tax-free luxury items, is a government-owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) under the Tourism Department. 
"The withdrawn merchandise consisted of toiletries, kitchen wares, beddings, appliances, canned goods, branded bags, luxury brand cosmetics, chocolates and others," COA said.
Wow. I always wondered what kind of person buys the useless overpriced junk from these shops. Now I know.

China headlines!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Things Filipinos Don't Understand


Just about all traffic problems could be solved if drivers weren't in a mad rush trying to sneak in front of everyone else.  STAY IN YOUR LANE!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Topsy Turvy Philippines

A little honesty goes a long way.  Finally Duterte has come clean about the real state of the Philippines.  The state we with eyes to see have been seeing all along. The Philippines is only a semblance of a nation.

From a speech he gave yesterday:
Ngayon, there seems to be a semblance of a republic and a nation but inside, it’s topsy-turvy.
He said this in reference to the fact that a recent survey shows that 1.5 million families were victims of common crimes. Why so much crime? Because there is no respect for anyone in this country except self. It's a dog eat dog world in the Philippines and sometimes it's a Pinoy eat dog world.

What other truths will we hear from the mouth of Duterte? Remember even a broken clock is right twice a day!

The Witch Doctor

I suppose it is inevitable when one lives in the backwaters of a third world country sooner or later one will end up driving down a long, rutted, dirt road to visit the shack of a witch doctor. 

My trip to the witch doctor started with a massage in the comfort of my own home. Two ladies come to the house at intervals offering massages. One lady has massaged my legs too many times to count but they still cramp. Late at night I will wake in pain as my calf locks up. Nothing she has done has abated that situation. Today the second lady came by. She is a very stout woman with thick hands and she presses very hard. She practically gave my legs a thrashing kneading them with her stubby fingers and when she was done and I sat up they both promptly locked themselves in a cramp.

She called someone, a friend, and told me that this person would be able to fix me once and for all.  He would be able to look at me and instantly tell what was wrong. The place was far away and I didn't really want to go but we all went anyway. I didn't really have much of a choice.

I thought we would be going to an office or a neighbourhood but as we kept driving past the city and way into the country I realised this was not to be the case. Finally we turned onto a dirt road with many shanties and children running around and older folks sitting down staring at our vehicle as we crept on past. We kept going. We passed them all. The road became narrower and the sugarcane became taller. Above the sky was getting darker and darker as the rain clouds moved in. I imagine when the road is wet it is nearly impassible. Thankfully the rain stayed away during our visit.

As we kept creeping down the road I said, "Where are we going? Are we going to visit a witch doctor?" Everybody laughed. Inside I started to get the creeps. Just where the heck were we going and who were we going to see?

Finally we turned the last bend and pulled up to a group of shanties with chickens and dogs mulling about and more children playing and adults sitting and staring. We got out of the car and walked over to the man's "office" to wait for him.

After about 10 minutes the door opened and a pregnant lady walked out. It was my turn. What a sight this man was in his wife beater and with his thick finger nails like claws painted red. The thumbs were even pointed and sharp.

That is a close up of his hands.

He sat me down on a stool and placed his his thumbs on my wrists and listened. He said I have cramps. I said of course he knows that because the lady told him. She denied telling him. He asked if I take a bath at night. I said I take one in the morning and at night.

He then had me lay face down on a large bed. He said it would hurt so I grabbed onto the frame as tight as I could but whatever he did there was no pain. He fiddled with a nerve but that was not painful just a little tingly. His technique was not much different from the masseuses who have worked on me. A little bit of ointment, some pinching and rubbing, and a little bit of spanking. 

If you haven't guessed by now this guy is not a witch doctor. He is a reflexologist. There was even a foot and spine chart on the wall showing which nerves do what. After all that slapping he felt my wrist again. Then he rubbed me some more. Then he felt my wrist again. He repeated this process until he was satisfied and he said he was done. My pulse is back to normal he said. Upon inquiry of what just happened I was told that by showering at night I had trapped cold air in my veins thus causing a vein cramp and that he had sorted everything out by touching and pulling in the right places.

He asked how I felt. I didn't feel much different than I had before I came in the door. My muscles don't cramp all the time. But now they won't cramp any more. So I'm told. He also said I would be farting a lot. That would be the cold air trapped in my veins making its escape.

Here is in all his glory.

On the way out I recorded the drive. In my video editor I reversed the footage so it appears like we are driving to the witch doctor's shanty rather than away from it. It would have worked better had I been filming through the rear window but it did not occur to me to do so. The voices and the nosies of the car are also reversed which adds an element of occult creepiness.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Martial Law: Optimistic

Some people are way too naĆÆve.  Take Harry Roque for example.
They cannot see the forest for the trees. Maute? How about the MNLF and MILF which are armed terrorist groups allowed to walk around freely and have threatened that if they do not get the BBL they want they will not lay down their arms?  

What about the claim of martial law being the cause preventing Maute from resurrecting? Is it really martial law that has stopped Maute or is it the hard efforts of the AFP? Would the AFP be going after Maute if there were no martial law? Let's take a look at some of AFP's hard work fighting the Maute Group.

Two out of five Maute-ISIS members which were reported killed in an encounter with the government forces Sunday in the boundary of Tubaran and Pagayawan towns in Lanao del Sur were already known. 
They are identified as Allan Alamid and Amin Macarimbang which names were not cleared whether its genuine or an alias. 
However, Joint Task Force Ranao Deputy Commander Colonel Romeo Brawner, Jr., clarified that these names are based on the report by the civilians in the area. As of this time, the troops have not seen nor recovered any human remains of the five that were killed, he said. 
The military operation has started last Friday against the remnants of Maute-ISIS led by Owayda Benito Marohombsar alias Abu Dar which was appointed emir or leader of ISIS following the death of Abu Sayyaf leader Isnilon Hapilon at the height of the Marawi siege that happen last year. 
That even the war has already ended, they continually recruit new members especially the young individuals whose parents have died in the Marawi crisis.
How does the AFP know anyone was killed when they have not seen any bodies!?

It does not follow that martial law has prevented Maute from making any gains when they have also claimed that Maute continues to recruit members in Mindanao. Why has martial law not prevented Maute from recruiting but it has prevented Maute from making "tangible gains?" In what way does recruiting new members differ from "tangible gains?" Is not winning the hearts and minds a "tangible gain?" Roque's claim is nonsense. But the media and the general public will take his statement about Maute not making "tangible gains" due to martial law at face value and they will nod their heads and applaud the Duterte administration for their efforts. We love and need martial law say the Mindanaoans. 

Pure naĆÆvety.

Everyone putting any kid of faith in revived peace talks between the CPP and the government are also naĆÆve.
“Although there has been a postponement of the planned formal round in Oslo this month (June 2018), I am optimistic that it will be back on track very soon, but this is of course up to the parties to decide,” FĆørner said. 
FĆørner, who served four years in the country, had led the efforts of the Royal Norwegian Government, not just in the peace process between the government and the National Democratic Front (NDF) but also in the peace process with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front. 
Oslo serves as the third party facilitator in the case of the government-NDF talks and maintains a crucial role in the International Monitoring Team and the Independent Decommissioning Body (IDB) in the Bangsamoro. 
“Facilitating the peace processes in the Philippines is both a challenging yet a rewarding task,” FĆørner said.
"Facilitating the peace processes in the Philippines is both a challenging yet a rewarding task." That is the height of naĆÆvety. How is the peace coming along? The Independent Decommissioning Body is the organisation tasked with decommissioning the MILF terrorists but MILF says there will be no decommissioning if they do not get the BBL they want. 
The IDB will oversee the process of decommissioning, and it shall be composed of 3 foreign experts and 4 local experts jointly nominated by the parties. It will conduct an inventory, verification and validation of Bangsamoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF) members' arms and weapons, develop and implement a schedule of decommissioning, plan, design and implement techniques and technologies for weapons collection or retrieval, transport, storage and putting weapons beyond use. 
The decommissioning process is scheduled to take place on a staggered basis alongside the establishment of the Bangsamoro through the passage of the Bangsamoro Basic Law, which has to be ratified in a plebiscite. Once it hurdles a plebiscite, a Bangsamoro Transition Authority will be established to replace the current Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao prior to the election of Bangsamoro officials.
That sounds good on paper but so does the Constitution. Reality is always a little different.

How about these talks with the CPP? Duterte is insistent, for now, that they be held in the Philippines.
He has also suspended all talks for three months.
“The government team also conveyed the Philippine government’s decision to suspend all backchannel talks with the NDF pending the three-month review of all signed agreements related to the peace negotiations,” Braganza said in a statement.
That word "all" means ALL.  Duterte wants to take a look at every agreement ever entered into with the communists.

“Ang estado ngayon lahat ng usapin [ay] on-hold until marepaso ng Presidente (Right now, all talks are on-hold until the President reviews them). And the President has said, I’m revealing for the first time that he will personally review all these agreements  entered into by all his predecessors,” Roque said in a Palace briefing.
That will be a lot of reading. Does he have time for that? He also wants to consult with the public so they are aware of what is happening. Thankfully the CPP is jus fine with that.
The talks definitely aren't being postponed because of the AFP's planned all-out war against the reds.

“Their reason was to be able to study the signed stand down agreement and how to implement it. In that briefing there was no talk of an all-out war but to continue what they have been doing in the past months, I.e., continue their normal security operations to maintain peace and order in the country,” Lorenzana said. 
“If we want an all-out war we would not only request for postponement but termination of the peace talks,” he added.
That headline is from March 2017.

What does the government even want? War or peace? Or both? Neither? Either way the peace talks are on. Even though for the moment they are not.
If Lady Luck gives the Philippines a big kiss Duterte might just have his dream come true.
Part of the proposed agreement was a face-to-face meeting between Sison and President Rodrigo Duterte to “discuss the peace process and other matters.” 
Casambre said it was still “technically” possible for Sison to return to the country by the second week of August despite the postponement. 
But he said holding peace talks here was “non-negotiable,” citing the possible arrest of peace negotiators and consultants of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines.
If the CPP dos not want to hold the peace talks in the Philippines because of possible arrests and if Joma Sison says Duterte's insistence on holding the talks in the Philippines is a deal breaker then why would he fly to the Philippines to talk with Duterte about the peace process or for any other reason? It defies sense. It is unbelievable.
When it comes to the peace processes in the Philippines between the communists and the Muslims it's better to not believe the hype. A healthy dose of skepticism will keep one from the disease of naĆÆvety.