Wednesday, May 22, 2024

The God Culture: The Garden of Eden Revealed Book Review

Timothy Jay Schwab who is the God Culture has released a new book titled The Garden of Eden Revealed: The book of Maps. This time around Tim is placing all his nonexistent cartographical skills on view as he examines 75+ maps proving that the Garden of Eden is in the Philippines. The problem is that, according to Tim, the Garden of Eden was submerged beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea during the flood which means NO MAP can ever tell us where the Garden is located nor is the Garden of Eden actually in the Philippines. 

Oddly enough Tim has declined to release an e-book PDF version because the maps are high resolution. That is no excuse as there are plenty of high-res maps available on the internet including those he employs. Where do you think he got the maps in this book? Since there are 75+ maps it would be too unwieldy to review every one in detail so I shall concentrate on summarizing the obvious errors and lies which are numerous and leap off every page.

First it should be noted that no map showing paradise was charted in order to give its precise geographical location. According to the author of Mapping Paradise, Alessandro Scafi:

Topological mapping, based as it is on internal reciprocal rather than external relationships between units (temporal events as well as spatial features) can reach a rigour and a rationality of its own. The topological characteristics of medieval mappae mundi (and of many other kinds of map, modern as well as medieval) have to be grasped if they — and, above al, the presence of paradise on them —are to be properly understood. Thus, the first thing to bear in mind when looking at paradise on a medieval mappa mundi is that this kind of map was not created to inform the observer of the precise latitude, longitude and size of the Garden of Eden, but to demonstrate its contiguity to the inhabited earth.

In structuring their maps, then, all medieval map makers (except those responsible for nautical charts) were working to fundamentally different principles from those of their modern counter parts.

Mapping Paradise, pg. 87

According to Scafi map makers who placed Paradise on their maps did so with the knowledge that Eden was geographically inaccessible. In fact such maps incorporated Eden and other Biblically important locales to show forth "a corresponding geography of salvation."

The challenge for the Christian compilers of maps was to combine geographical knowledge with the biblical world view. Belief in an earthly Eden urged them to render visible in their world maps a place that was geographically inaccessible (yet linked to the inhabited earth by the four rivers) and remote in time (yet still relevant as the scene of an essential episode of salvation history). A process of Christianisation of classical geography had been taking place since the early centuries of the Christian era. Traditional geographical ideas about the dimensions of the globe, its division into parts and the listing of the peoples and provinces of the inhabited world were adopted and refined to accommodate Christian themes, a process in which the Garden of Eden featured prominently.

For the scribes and artists responsible for the maps, the history of salvation brought about a corresponding geography of salvation. Most of the biblical places – specific points on earth where, according to the Bible, God’s intervention had taken place – were locatable in well known regions. Although very different from our modern representations of the earth, however, medieval maps were not devotional, pastoral or theological documents. Nor were they tools of religious propaganda or sermons in visual form. Rather, they were representations of the world according to a particular conception, one that took into account the scriptural text and the teachings of the Christian faith. Assessed on their own terms, the medieval maps of the world were in fact no less scientific than any other type of map.

Maps of Paradise, pg, 46

This would explain why Jerusalem is the center of the earth on these maps. That is where Jesus Christ died, resurrected, and ascended into heaven. The death and resurrection of Christ is the center of our salvation and the Garden of Eden is the beginning of mankind from which all proceeds. Keeping these things in mind, that maps locating the Garden of Eden in the east are symbolical and not precise geography, let us see what Tim has to say about the maps in his book. 

In chapter one Tim writes:

Can the Garden of Eden be located? We have heard this question often but it is the wrong query. We should be asking: Did the ancients know at least roughly the region which house this earthly Paradise? If so, who were their markers associated and how do we accurately transpose those onto our modern maps?

Garden of Eden Revealed, pg. 10

Thus Tim is going to be interpreting all the maps he uses showing the Garden of Eden in the East and on the Earth as being literal. The main marker for finding the Garden is gold. That means the location of Garden is below a land full of gold and other treasures. If one finds the land of gold one finds the Garden of Eden.

If the ancients knew that the Garden was locked up and no longer accessible, why were they obsessed with its location? Why search for it at all? Again, it is covered within the Earth under the land of gold, pearl, and onyx stone which Ophir and brothers returned to this land after the Flood.

pg. 24-25

This literalism leads Tim to declare the removal of Eden from modern maps during the Renaissance is part of a conspiracy to hide the Garden of Eden.

The Hebrew language was certainly equating this, but we kept noticing map after map that identified the area of the Philippines Southeast of China, which is a huge marker, and one that does not really move in the transition to a new map format in the so-called Renaissance. It is incredible how much knowledge was lost in this shift which in this arena, was a continuation and even deepening of the Dark Ages.

pg. 5

As ever with Tim the British are the main culprits behind the changing of the maps and the removal of The Garden of Eden.

Of course, the illiterate British paradigm which walks back history a thousand years, knows very little of these concepts because they choose so. Their feigned unfamiliarity spouted by one historian after another is not a debate point. We do not give credence to childish debate from those who cannot even read because they concede as a group to ignore the very references that claim to disseminate in propaganda. That's a worthless colonial view steeped in the worst racism in history. Oops!

pg. 39

Why are medieval maps so different from modern maps? Why did they place the Garden of Eden in the Far East? Because they were working from the perspective of Noah and Enoch. 

However, in creating these ancient maps, they were really applying this same perspective, knowingly or not. Enoch is the origin and accurately so.

pg. 32

Noah understood the world from his grandfather Enoch and together, they represent the entire origin of this perspective continued through the ages until fairly recently when they lost the Garden of Eden and land of gold.

pg. 39

To claim that these medieval map makers were working from the perspective of Noah and Enoch is total balderdash and is to rip them from their context and put them in Tim's context. According to Tim in Noah and Enoch's perspective the earth is flat, the North Pole is the center of the world, and there are antipodes, i.e. North and South America and Australia. We see none of that on these medieval mappae mundai. Aside from that the Books of Enoch and Jubilees were never a part of the canon and never in use until recently. To interpret these maps literally via Enoch and Jubilees is to not understand them. Remember according to Alessandro Scafi, a real scholar who has actually analyzed medieval maps showing the Garden of Eden:

the history of salvation brought about a corresponding geography of salvation.

Thus these maps are symbolic.

The rest of this book is the same old junk Timothy Jay Schwab spews in all his videos. He spends a great deal of time going over the locations of Chryse and Argyre, the Aurea Chersonese, Ophir, and Tarshish. One could say this book is a bait and switch because rather than revealing the location of the Garden of Eden by analyzing medieval maps alone Tim merely uses those maps as a prop to regurgitate the same old information he has already produced in his videos about the Philippines being the ancient land of gold to which all nations flocked for riches. And all of it is wrong.

There are the same errors about the location of Cattigarathe provenance of Martin Behaim's map, and  the identification of the Lequios. For instance Tim has drawn a map allegedly showing that the Spanish mapped the route to Ophir which ended in the Philippines. 

pg. 104-105

But as I have proven many times in this blog the Lequios are NOT the same as the Lucoes. The Lequios are situated farther north near Japan and are what we know today as the Ryukyu Islands. Tim shows a map with this very identification and calls it propaganda.

pg. 106
Portion of Maris Pacific by Abraham Ortelius. This map was published in 1589 in his Theatrum Orbis Terrarum. It was not only the first printed map of the Pacific, but it also showed the Americas for the first time. Luzon was Lequios before Taiwan was given the Philippines name just as Japan was given such. It is propaganda.

Does Tim not see there are the Lequios grande and Lequios pequenno? That is NOT Taiwan. Those are the Ryukyu Islands! Ferdinand Pinto was shipwrecked on those islands and placed them at 29 degrees north. 

In this manner we departed from Pungor the capital City of the Island of Lequios, of which I will here make a brief relation, to the end that if it shall one day please God to inspire the Portugal Nation, principally for the exaltation and increase of the Catholick faith, and next for the great benefit that may redound thereof, to undertake the Conquest of this Island, they may know where first to begin, as also the commodities of it, and the easiness of this Conquest. We must understand then that this Island of Lequios, scituated in nine and twenty degrees, is two hundred leagues in circuit, threescore in length, and thirty in bredth.

Pinto, pg. 188

How can Tim be trusted to correctly interpret the maps in this book when any map which contradicts him is brushed off as propaganda and he ignores what Fernando Pinto actually wrote? How can he be trusted to interpret the linguistics of these maps when he still confuses and conflates Lucoes and Lequios being unaware that they do not refer to the same peoples? They are not even pronounced the same as the "c" in Lucoes is soft and not hard. The answer is he cannot and should not be trusted with the task. 

There are many more of the same errors in this book but it is not worth the time to go through all of them.

The bottom line is Timothy Jay Schwab's book The Garden of Eden Revealed is wholly worthless as he is not interested in understanding the maps locating paradise within their proper milieu. Instead Tim wrenches these maps out of all context bescumbering them with his erroneous interpretations as propaganda for the Philippines all the while rudely excoriating those who do not share his views and demand proof for his claims by calling them retards incapable of thinking. 

We realize the academic scoffer would then demand archaeology of this house or they will never believe it. Who cares? They have no position as who is dumb enough to leave gold sitting there as a museum for those tp discover after the land was devoured for gold in the Spanish and American eras. How ridiculous! These are uncapable of thinking. They set up false narratives and then, demand that everyone operate in the same obtuse manner they employ. That is retarded.

pg. 128

"Uncapable" is not even the proper word. Tim is in desperate need of an editor. 

Tim does not care to understand these maps as they were written but abuses them for what "proof" they can furnish for the Philippines being the Garden of Eden. For Tim it's a simple formula: The Garden of Eden is in the East, the Philippines is in the East, therefore all maps with The Garden of Eden in the East must mean the Philippines is being described. 

But as Tim teaches the Philippines is not the Garden of Eden anyway because it is submerged beneath the floor of the Sulu Sea and is inaccessible except to its lone inhabitants Enoch and Elijah. Once again Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has given the world a book that is stunning in its ignorance and is fit only for wastepaper. But at least it looks good. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Insurgency: Red-Tagging Threatens Life, Liberty, Security

After a landmark Supreme Court ruling red-tagging is back in the news again.

The Supreme Court has granted a petition of writ of amparo for Siegfred Deduro, a former lawmaker from Bayan Muna Partylist after authorities associated him with the communist insurgency. 

In a 39-page decision dated July 4, 2023, the high court declared that associating red-tagging and guilt by association jeopardizes a person’s fundamental rights to life, liberty, or security, setting aside the ruling of the Iloilo Regional Trial Court (RTC) in dismissing the former lawmaker’s amparo petition. 

“Petitioner should not be expected to await his own abduction, or worse, death, or even that the supposed responsible persons directly admit their role in the threats or violations to his constitutional rights, before the courts can give due course to his petition,” the decision read. 

“In such cases, the consummation of the threat to petitioner's life, liberty, or security, or the commission of the abduction or killing may be the subject of proper administrative or criminal proceedings,” it added.

A writ of amparo protects individuals whose right to life, liberty, or security is violated or threatened by unlawful acts of public officials, employees or private entities.

The case stemmed after the military officers led by Maj. Gen. Eric C. Vinoya in 2020 explicitly said that Deduro and others are members of the hierarchy of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed with the New People’s Army (CPP-NPA).

It was then reported by Bombo Radyo Iloilo and the state-run Philippine News Agency and that there were posters that were put up in different locations in Iloilo about Deduro and other activists as members of the CPP-NPA.

Unidentified men also often follow the former lawmaker, according to the SC.

This prompted Deduro to file an amparo petition before the Iloilo RTC making the Vinoya and other military officers the respondents.

The RTC, however, dismissed Deduro’s petition on Oct. 26, 2020, saying that the former lawmaker’s allegation of red-tagging was “baseless.”

This prompted Deduro to elevate the petition before the SC, assailing the dismissal of the RTC.

In ruling in favor of the former lawmaker, the high court said that red-tagging depicts a “likely precursor to abduction or extrajudicial killing (EJK),” citing previous cases of enforced disappearances and EJK.

“The foregoing accounts of red-tagging depict it as a likely precursor to abduction or extrajudicial killing. Being associated with communists or terrorists makes the red-tagged person a target of vigilantes, paramilitary groups, or even State agents,” the SC said. 

“Thus, it is easy to comprehend how a person may, in certain circumstances, develop or harbor fear that being red-tagged places his or her life or security in peril,“ it added.

The SC then ordered the RTC to conduct a summary hearing regarding the amparo petition. 

“The RTC is REQUIRED to conduct a summary hearing on the Petition and the interim relief of Production Order within 10 days from receipt of this Decision. After hearing, the RTC shall DECIDE the case within 10 days from the time it is submitted for decision. It is further ordered to FURNISH this Court with a copy of the decision within five days from its promulgation,” the high court’s decision read. 

What makes this a landmark case is that for the first time the Supreme Court has recognized red-tagging to be not only a fact but a danger to those who are tagged. This case has caused the human rights advocates to rejoice and once more call for the abolition of the NTF-ELCAC.

Members of progressive groups have reiterated their call to abolish the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-Elcac).

It comes after the Supreme Court (SC) declared that red-tagging or linking people to communist rebels threatens life and liberty.

Former Bayan Muna Rep. Carlos Zarate said that since alleged trumped-up cases and harassment — including red-tagging — originated from the NTF-Elcac, the government must now move to repeal Executive Order (EO) No. 70.

He made the statement in a press briefing on Thursday at the Batasang Pambansa complex.

EO No. 70, which gave life to NTF-Elcac, was crafted during the time of former President Rodrigo Duterte.

While member-agencies maintained that the task force seeks to counter armed insurgency, several groups have claimed that NTF-Elcac is only out to malign and threaten people expressing legitimate dissent.

“Because of this decision from the SC, our call to hold accountable people responsible for red-tagging is stronger,” he said.

“Threats and killings happened because of these trumped-up cases, which we know was really initiated by NTF-Elcac,” said Zarate.

“So we reiterate our call to abolish this, repeal Executive Order No. 70 released by former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte, and remove powers from the NTF-Elcac,” he added.

But NTF-ELCAC officials say that the Supreme Court ruling also favors them.

The controversial National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-Elcac) welcomed on Sunday the Supreme Court’s landmark decision recognizing red-tagging as a real threat to the lives and civil liberties of Filipinos.

The task force, which was not a party of interest in the case, claimed that the decision gave the state a chance to “present witnesses and evidence gathering” on Deduro’s alleged involvement in the communist insurgency.

“The SC’s decision shed light on the RTC’s procedural lapse in dismissing the case without requiring the respondent to file a return, thereby depriving the state [of] due process,” said NTF-Elcac executive director Ernesto Torres.

Torres made the remarks in an apparent bid to deflect demands that the NTF-Elcac be abolished or defunded because of allegations of repeated violations of democratic freedoms.

Torres insisted that accusations of red-tagging were only meant to deflect underground organizations’ “terrorist-grooming,” which he defined as attempts to systematically recruit and radicalize select individuals through manipulation and control.

It is not exactly clear how the ruling favors the NTF-ELCAC since they are involved in red-tagging. Contrary to the SC ruling Torres claims that accusations of red-tagging are only a smokescreen "meant to deflect underground organizations’ “terrorist-grooming."  

Likewise the National Security Council claims the ruling has nothing to do with the NTF-ELCAC and that associating them with the case "boggles the mind."

The National Security Council (NSC) on Monday dismissed calls made by leftist groups calling for the abolition of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC).

NSC Assistant Director General Jonathan Malaya made the remark after Karapatan, Gabriela, and Human Rights Watch, among others, called for the task force's abolition following the Supreme Court's (SC) ruling declaring red-tagging a threat to people's life, liberty, and security, and could warrant the issuance of a protection order.

He, however, emphasized that nowhere in the SC's 39-page decision granting a writ of amparo to former Bayan Muna party-list lawmaker Siegfred Deduro does it state that NTF-ELCAC was responsible for red-tagging.

The SC ruled in favor of Deduro, whose petition for such relief was dismissed by the Iloilo Regional Trial Court (RTC).

"The SC never said that the NTF-ELCAC is a notorious red-tagger. The NTF-ELCAC is not a party to the case nor was it impleaded so why it is now being linked to this decision boggles the mind? It's non-sequitur," he added.

He also noted that the SC, in its ruling, explained that it was not "making a categorical ruling on the merits of the writ of amparo."

The SC also said the RTC must determine the relevance and consistency of the evidence presented by both parties.

"So clearly, the SC was merely correcting a procedural lapse on the part of the Regional Trial Court and ordered the remanding of the case to the RTC for the conduct of summary hearing. The NTF-ELCAC has nothing to do with this case. Period," Malaya noted.

Malaya, meanwhile, said these abolition calls are unfounded and uncalled for as the body has been instrumental and a "game changer" in the successful campaign against the New People's Army (NPA) and their allied and front organizations.

"Because of the NTF-ELCAC, the NPA has been strategically defeated with its last remaining nine weakened guerilla fronts with around 1,000 remaining armed members scattered in remote areas. Peace is finally within our reach," he added.

Why exactly is mind boggling? The SC ruled that red-tagging poses a threat to life, liberty, and security and the NTF-ELCAC is indeed a notorious red-tagging orgainzation. The link is not far-fetched in the slightest. 

The Army also claims, contrary to the SC ruling, that red-tagging does not exist.

Major Gen. Marion Sison reiterated that the 3rd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army is not involved in red-tagging.

It is not a government policy. Such words do not really exist,” said the head of the 3rd ID following the decision of the Supreme Court (SC) to grant a Writ of Amparo or court protection to former Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Siegfred Deduro.

Deduro is an Ilonggo activist allegedly red-tagged by the 3rd ID in 2020 under the leadership of Major Gen. Eric Vinoya.

Sison reaffirmed the 3rd ID’s commitment to protect the interest of the people and uphold their rights and within the rule of law.

“As part of the Army's duties and obligations to the people of Western and Central Visayas, we abide by and respect the rule of law,” he said.

“This principle serves as the bedrock of our operations in ensuring the people that the Army conducts its operations within the bounds of the law. I am more than confident that this case will uncover the truth,” added Sison.

That is an amazing deflection and twisting of the SC ruling. It may not be government policy to red-tag individuals and groups but government officials including the AFP, the PNP, and the NTF-ELCAC routinely do so and the SC called such labelling a threat to life.

Government officials say they are only engaged in truth telling. They claim that because Joma Sison declared certain groups to be legal fronts of the CPP they are de facto terrorist organizations and have warned LGUs to not support them.

The Army’s 3rd Infantry Division yesterday enjoined local government units (LGUs), businesses, landowners, small and medium enterprises, as well as the local populace to refrain from, desist, resist, and avoid by any means necessary the giving of any financial and material support to the CPP-NPA-NDF, or any of their front organizations.

The long arm of the law will reach those who violate the law with severe penalties as provided for under our anti-terror laws, disclosed Lt. Col. J Jay Javines, 3rd Infantry Division Civil Military Operations officer.

We ask that our LGUs and their chief executives, including our local legislators, be prudent and vigilant so that CPP NPA affiliated organizations cannot exploit our legal processes and cannot have access to government funds and resources, Javines further said.

Javines said those charged for various violations of Republic Act No. 10168 or the Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012, which he did not identify, were afforded due process under our laws.

These cases are a result of tedious case build-up and have garnered the support of the peace-loving people of Negros Island, he added.

This is a manifestation of our people’s collective resolve and aspiration to attain a just and lasting peace by ending the CPP-NPA-NDF and their lifeline by cutting all sources of funds to finance the communist terrorist group’s (CTG) terror activities, Javines further said.

While not spelled out definitely the NPA front organizations are certainly all those groups associated with the Makabyan Bloc. But since those groups are allowed to operate freely and have not been declared terrorist organizations by the Anti-Terrorism Council this warning is indeed red-tagging. Of course the government denies they are red-tagging. They are merely truth telling. 

Monday, May 20, 2024

Dog Rice

A while back I bought some "Dog Rice" for my dogs.

I bought it because it was cheap. But that may not have been the best idea. I mix the rice with squash and pour dog food on top of it and the dogs eat it up but perhaps "dog rice" is not so hygienic. In fact, dog rice is being sold to the poor because regular rice prices have increased substantialy.
Due to the hardships of life and the expensive price of rice, the poor are now forced to pay for the rice that is sold at P30 per kilo with "dog food" written on it.

In Darlene Cay's special report, she met 53-year-old Mylene Canoy in Catmon, Malabon, who makes a living from charcoal.

According to Canoy, their income as a couple is not enough to feed their children, and they also have a grandchild.

In fact, even if he earns P50 a day, it is still not enough to buy a kilo of good quality rice. Sometimes, there are days when they don't eat three times a day.

To fill his stomach, he buys the cheapest rice he can find. Similar to Melba Sacayanan's store, which is P30 per kilo but considered dog food or food for animals.

Based on the records of the Philippine Statistics Authority, the year 2013 was the last time the price of regular milled rice reached P30 per. Today, the good variety of rice reaches P50 per kilo and above.

That is why the government issued an order last month to put a price ceiling of P41 per kilo for regular-milled rice and P45 per kilo for well-milled rice.

Compared to regular rice, the P30 per kilo "dog food" rice grain has a dark and yellowish color. Its grain is also crushed and there are also small black things that look like stones mixed in.

But for people like Canoy who have little income now, rice that is considered for animals can be theirs.

After Canoy bought cheap rice for a kilo and a half, he had nothing left to buy a dish. That's why he just borrowed a few pieces of tilapia.

According to Canoy, he washes the rice four times to get rid of the "smell."

As for senior citizen Lolita Mabborang who only relies on P5,000 pension per month, it is also difficult to find cheap rice for her husband and wife.

"The P41 [per kilo] is like us who can't buy a delicious dish, you can't even eat the color [that] because it's brown. The P45 [per kilo] is crushed," he commented.

"It's like the poor are poorer because you can't even eat what you buy, especially if you don't buy a delicious dish," he added.

According to Sacayanan who sells "dog food" rice, each kilo used to cost P33. It used to be that people only bought it for animals.

But now, it is hard for him to call such rice for dogs or for animals because it is insulting to people that they can only buy that.

As for Cathy Estavillo, spokesperson of Bantay Rice, it is said that it is sad that poor consumers are forced to buy this type of rice because the price of the good type of rice is already very high.

He said, the sold rice that is considered for animal use is rice that is old stock or flooded. The appearance is no longer pleasant, there are stones, and even insect excrement which is said to be proof that it is not for human consumption.

Aside from the steps taken by the government to lower the price of rice in the country, the Department of Agriculture will also investigate the rice that is sold as animal feed.

Canoy said the rice he bought smelled bad but I did not not notice a peculiar smell. However I did have to wash it several times to get rid of the chaff, stones, and other questionable particles which I hope were not insect excrement. When cooked it looked this:

It certainly does not look tempting or delicious. You can see it is peppered with black specks despite having been washed several times. The dogs had no issues with this rice. No one got sick or had irregular bowel movements. However I do not believe I will be buying this rice again. 

But it's not just "dog rice" which Filipinos are buying for their dogs or themselves. NFA rice is also being bought for dogs.

The National Food Authority has expressed disgust over the comment of a ranking official from the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) that NFA rice is for dogs.

In a radio interview, NEDA Undersecretary Rosemarie Edillon had said some people buy the cheap NFA rice for their dogs, saying that there is a “quality difference” and that some people buy NFA rice for other uses.

NFA officer-in-charge administrator Tomas Escarez said such remarks, coming from a ranking government official, is a slap to the more than 10 million poor Filipinos who have relied on the low-priced NFA rice for their daily meals.

“This is the highest form of arrogance, callousness and being matapobre,” Escarez said.

He added that the remark is also an insult to the more than 4,000 NFA employees nationwide who have been delivering the staple to marginalized consumers in far-flung areas, isolated island provinces and poor urban areas.

The video of Edillon’s remarks also gathered negative reactions from netizens, including NFA employees, retailers and ordinary citizens.

One netizen said Edillon was being insensitive and unprofessional, emphasizing that such comment should not even come from a public servant.

“We, retailers of NFA rice, do not sell food for dogs. There are about 200 to 500 people lining up every day for the cheap rice, do you call all of them dogs?” an NFA retailer said.

The backlash from NEDA Undersecretary Rosemarie Edillon's comments are totally unwarranted. She did not call poor people dogs. She simply noted that some people are buying NFA rice to feed their dogs and for other uses. It is neither callous nor arrogant to point out this fact because it is true.

A few months after this remark was made someone on Reddit admitted that they feed their dogs NFA rice.

  • corn grits, mix it with NFA rice and dog food

So, while NEDA Undersecretary Rosemarie Edillon was called out for being insensitive this person was feeding her dog NFA rice. And she is most certainly not alone.

In 2008 the NFA advised people to not buy NFA rice for their dogs, chickens, and other pets.

The National Food Authority in Aklan has appealed to pet owners in the province not to use NFA rice as feed to their pets, the Philippine Information Agency reported Friday. "One of the (saving) tips suggested by the Department of Agriculture (DA) and the NFA in the brochure for our Rice Conservation Program is for people to refrain from using rice or palay to feed their chickens, birds, and other pets", PIA quoted Judith Tindog of NFA-Aklan Information as saying. According to the PIA report, Tindog recently learned that a woman wanted to buy NFA rice for her pet dog. She told PIA: "I appealed to the pet owner to buy dog food instead. The NFA rice sold here in the province is for our poor provincemates who are experiencing hardships due to the price increase in commercial rice and other daily commodities, coupled with expenses due to the opening of classes." Tindog said the NFA-Aklan is only selling rice by the kilos and not by bags at 5 kilos per person at P18.25 per kilo. Malacanang has also appealed to the rich not to take advantage of NFA rice.

The fact is everyone is looking for ways to save money. One of the ways to save money is to buy cheap rice especially for your pets. But if you are going to feed your animals cheap rice I would not recommend buying "dog rice." Just buy cheap regular rice.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Retards in the Government 365

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has ordered the relief of a policeman who was accused of evading operatives of the Special Action and Intelligence Committee for Transportation (SAICT) when he entered the EDSA Busway using a marked police vehicle.

PNP spokesperson Col. Jean Fajardo said the policeman is the authorized driver of the PNP van that was traced to be registered to the Police Regional Office 10 in Northern Mindanao.

“The driver was already relieved for failure to follow specific instructions,” said Fajardo.

The SAICT has been very aggressive in enforcing the rules as to the authorized vehicles allowed to travel along the EDSA Busway. The vehicle driven by the policeman is not included in the list of those allowed.

According to Fajardo, PNP marked vehicles are only allowed to use the EDSA Busway if they are in the actual performance of duty. 

In the case of the relieved cop, he was traced to be assigned to the liaison office of Police Regional Office 10 at the National Headquarters at Camp Crame in Quezon City. 

Fajardo’s statement came after the Department of Transportation (DOTr) directed on Thursday, May 8, the Land Transportation Office (LTO) to issue a show cause order against the driver of a white PNP van.

This was after he evaded SAICT) operatives after the PNP was flagged down for illegally passing through the EDSA busway, specifically at the northbound of Ortigas station on Wednesday afternoon, May 7.

The DOTr said the driver PNP van disregarded two operatives of Special Operations Unit (SOU) and sped away to the northbound part of busway station when the said operatives attempted to flag down the PNP van.

A PNP officer has been sacked for using the EDSA bus lane and evading authorites.

Criminal complaints have been filed before the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) against Dioscoro E. Esteban Jr., officer-in-charge (OIC) of the PEA Tollways Corp. (PEATC), for "unlawful actions" in allegedly misrepresenting the firm and reportedly maligning the Cavitex Infrastructure Corporation (CIC) as a "corrupt" private firm. 

The complaint was filed by CIC through Atty. Criselda M. Funelas, head of the legal services.

In its complaint, CIC asked the OMB to hold Esteban criminally liable for perjury under Article 183 of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), usurpation of authority under Article 171 of the RPC, slander under Article 358 of the RPC, and for violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

PEATC is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Philippine Reclamation Authority (PRA), formerly Public Estates Authority, and attached to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

In her complaint-affidavit received by the OMB last May 6, Funelas said that the CIC is responsible for the design, construction, and financing of the Manila-Cavite Toll Expressway Project (MCTEP), now more popularly known as Cavitex, while PRA will be responsible for operating it.

She said that the legal issues against Esteban started when he terminated the legal services of the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC) effective Jan. 31, 2024. The OGCC, for its part, rejected the termination in a letter dated Feb. 19, 2024 and cited the authority of the OGCC to act as statutory legal counsel and primary law office of government owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), she said..

Despite the rejection of the termination, Esteban still hired and engaged the legal services of four private law practitioners -- lawyers Sylvester P. Golez, Antonio Enrile Inton Jr., Jaime R. Tejero III, and Tyronne O. Alvarez, Funelas said.

She alleged that Esteban, through the PEATC, sent a demand letter to CIC. He demanded full transition of operations and maintenance (O&M) to PEATC, transfer point of sale (POS) to and register them under the name of PEATC, and transfer all of contracts for goods and services required in the O&M of the project to PEATC, among many other things.

The PEATC and CIC went back and forth with this issue until the private lawyers of PEATC filed a Petition for Mandamus on March 15, 2024 against CIC and Funelas before the Court of Appeals (CA).

Funelas said in her complaint that Esteban and his lawyers later even went on a press tour, "relentlessly spreading false and misleading assertions... to the substantial detriment of CIC." Esteban even accused CIC of being a "corrupt" private corporation, she said. 

Funelas told the OMB that Esteban had no authority to act on behalf of PEATC, particularly in filing the Petition for Mandamus, because he is merely appointed as OIC. "In fact, his verification is not supported by a Secretary's Certificate or any other document explicitly authorizing him to represent PEATC in the petition filed," she said.

Esteban was also accused of "acting beyond his authority" when he fired the OGCC and hired the legal services of four private practitioners. As for the defamatory statements he made against the CIC, Funelas said that Esteban should be charged with slander.

"Respondent's imputation of corruption against CIC was made with malice and with the intent to cause dishonor, discredit, or contempt of CIC in order to stir public opinion against it while the petition is still pending," the complaint said.

Criminal complaints have been filed before the Office of the Ombudsma against Dioscoro E. Esteban Jr., officer-in-charge of the PEA Tollways Corp., for "unlawful actions" in allegedly misrepresenting the firm and reportedly maligning the Cavitex Infrastructure Corporation as a "corrupt" private firm.

The Office of the Ombudsman has affirmed its earlier ruling finding probable cause to file graft cases before the Sandiganbayan against former top officials of the Procurement Service of the Department of Budget and Management (PS-DBM) in connection with the Pharmally procurement mess amounting to P11.5 billion.

In an 18-page order approved by Ombudsman Samuel Martires on May 2, the anti-graft agency denied the supplemental motion for reconsideration of former PS-DBM executive director Lloyd Christopher Lao, seeking the reversal of its Aug. 14, 2023 resolution finding probable cause to file graft charges against him and several other former PS-DBM officials.

The ombudsman found no merit in Lao’s argument that the awarding of supply contracts worth billions of pesos to Pharmally Pharmaceutical Corp. was done in good faith.

Lao, in his motion, argued that Republic Act 11469 or the Bayanihan To Heal as One Act and the Government Procurement Policy Board Resolution No. 01-2020 neither require a minimum number of years of corporate existence nor a minimum paid-up capital to be considered a legally, technically and financially capable bidder.

The ombudsman, however, maintained that the procurement transactions were attended with irregularities.

The ombudsman said Pharmally not only lacked any business operations, but was even under financial losses prior to the awarding of the contracts.

“Pharmally’s funds came from its irregular transactions with PS-DBM. Its financial statements indicate that prior to the 2020 dealings with the PS-DBM, the company had no business activity from September to December 2019. Pharmally even incurred a net loss of P25,550.00,” the ombudsman’s order read.

When PS-DBM awarded procurement contracts to Pharmally in 2020, the corporation earned a net taxable income of P318,337,099 with a declared net of P7,485,401,046, according to the ombudsman.

The ombudsman maintained that Lao, former PS-DBM procurement group director and erstwhile overall deputy ombudsman Warren Lex Liong and former PS-DBM procurement management officer Paul Jasper de Guzman must be charged with three counts each of violation of Republic Act 3019 or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

The Ombudsman has upheld the conviction of several former top officials of the PS-DBM in connection with the Pharmally procurement during the pandemic.

A total of 472 policemen were dismissed from the service since July last year, which Metro Manila police chief Maj. Gen. Jose Melencio Nartatez, Jr. said, is a manifestation of the aggressive campaign to ensure the integrity and professionalism of the organization.

Aside from 472 dismissed cops since he assumed as director of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO), Nartatez said 42 policemen were also demoted while 434 were suspended for various offenses.

He said 187 more cops were reprimanded while 91 were penalized by forfeiture of salary.

“We also have a total of 1,226 personnel who are facing administrative cases. I have already given instruction for the fast resolution of the case but without sacrificing the due process,” said Nartatez in a press briefing at the Quezon City Police District with Police Brig. Gen. Redrico Maranan.

Citing records from the NCRPO, Nartatez said most of the violation committed by those who were dismissed from the service was for being Absent without filing official leave while for minor offenses, the most common violation is simple neglect of duty. 

For those who were demoted, most of them were punished for failure to comply with their obligation to appear in court hearings. 

Maranan, for his part, said they are continuously implementing several measures to weed out the scalawags in the QCPD.

“We are continuously monitoring their activities and we are also conducting counter-intelligence to check on what they are doing,” said Maranan.

“Our internal cleansing mechanism is also in place, as well as administrative mechanisms wherein we see to it that they are punished if the would commit wrongdoings,” he added.

A total of 472 policemen were dismissed from the service since July last year.

The Caramoan Resort Project of Camarines Sur province earned P14.66 million in 2023 but it spent P23.89 for operational expenses and, thus, incurred losses of P9.23 million, the Commission on Audit (COA) said. 

In its 2023 annual audit report, COA said that other revenues collected for the implementation of other provincial programs, projects and activities were used to cover for the deficiency. 

It pointed out the "significant amount" of P9.23 million losses defeated the purpose of establishing a facility that was supposed to generate income.

It said tha majority of the expenses went to Job Order Contract Wages, which amounted to P9,673,080; electricity bills for P4,467,667.11; food and non-food supplies for P2,605,744; and bedroom and bathroom furnishing for P2,676,878.57.

Also, it said, the other expenses water bills for P1,075,343.92; insurance expenses for P726,291.35; janitorial supplies for P660,805.89; rent expenses for P817,832.31); contract of service wages, P483,450; and resort operation officer-in-charge, P708,360.

COA said its audit team recognized the efforts of the provincial government to provide basic services and facilities through tourism development and promotion programs. 

However, it stressed the need for the Caramoan Resort Project to provide accurate information on whether the relevant expenditures incurred for its operation have been sufficiently covered by actual collections of revenue, thus supporting the profitability and sustainability of the facility.

"Nonetheless, the expenditures that exceeded the actual collections have depleted funds which can be used to implement other programs/projects/activities that provide relevant public services beneficial to most of the people of Camarines Sur," it stressed.

The Caramoan Resort Project of Camarines Sur province earned P14.66 million in 2023 but it spent P23.89 for operational expenses and, thus, incurred losses of P9.23 million, the Commission on Audit said. 

Six officials of Barangay Calaba here were suspended for 90 days over a controversial notice showing an image of a gun as a penalty for those who disobey a rule on dumping garbage.

The notice was printed on a tarpaulin that indicated a fine of P1,000 for the first offense, second offense is also a fine of P1,000 and eight hours of community service, and no specific penalty for the third offense except for an image of a gun.

Concerned citizens filed a complaint against the barangay officials, pointing out that an image of the gun implies killing and a threat to one's life.

The municipal council recommended placing these barangay officials – the chairperson, four council members, and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) chairperson – under preventive suspension pending investigation of the administrative cases lodged against them.

Bangued Mayor Mila Valera on May 6 approved the municipal council's recommendation and ordered the barangay officials suspended for 90 days.

Eric Astudillo, secretary of the municipal council, clarified that the preventive suspension is not a penalty but a way of preventing the suspended village officials – respondents in the complaint – from influencing the possible witnesses and preserving the integrity of the documents or evidence as the conduct of the investigation and inquiry is ongoing.  

The suspended barangay officials are facing cases of grave misconduct, grave abuse of authority, gross neglect of duty, gross dishonesty, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service.

Six officials of Barangay Calaba here were suspended for 90 days over a controversial notice showing an image of a gun as a penalty for those who disobey a rule on dumping garbage.

A resort in Panglao, Bohol, which was recently ordered to shut operations due to lack of business permit, filed charges against town Mayor Edgardo “Boy” Arcay and others due to the alleged use of “excessive force” during the closure.

Criminal and civil cases were filed last April 26 at the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor of Bohol City of Tagbilaran, 10 days since the business was ordered to close down, said the management of Villa Tomasa-Alona Kew White Beach Resort in a statement last May 9.

Arcay signed and served the closure order against the resort on ground.

“We, the management of the Villa Tomasa- Alona Kew Hotel Resort, have expressed fear and utmost disappointment to the recent action taken by some individuals headed by Panglao, Bohol Mayor Edgardo “Boy” Arcay for using excessive force to close out their resort two weeks ago,” it read.

The management added that 300 employees were left “traumatized up to now” and local and foreign tourists staying in the resort were shocked after the “horrible incident.”

The Guardo family of Cebu rented Alona Kew White Beach Resort and launched it as Villa Tomasa-Alona Kew White Beach Resort in March 2023.

The owner and management of Alona Kew White Beach Resort later decided to take over the management of the resort.

The management of the closed-down resort noted there are still four years left from the five-year lease agreement.

“The management also warns unscrupulous individuals who will be taking advantage of the resort’s current situation not to go to any negotiations without the full knowledge of the owner of the Villa Tomasa-Alona Kew Hotel Resort,” it said.

A resort in Panglao, Bohol, which was recently ordered to shut operations due to lack of business permit, filed charges against town Mayor Edgardo “Boy” Arcay and others due to the alleged use of “excessive force” during the closure.
Police seized high-powered guns and bullets during a search warrant operation in the house of a retired soldier in Sitio Camagong, Barangay Sampaguita, Solana, Cagayan on Saturday, May 11.

Police Brig. Gen. Christopher C. Birung, PRO-2 chief, said that seven persons were arrested and one person was wounded in the operation.

Four others, including a retired soldier who was the subject of the operation, escaped during the shootout.

Recovered during the operation were two rifle grenades, one caliber .38 revolver with six bullets, an improvised shotgun loaded with bullets, one air gun, bullets and magazine assembly for an M14 rifle, two caliber .45 pistol, an R4 rifle owned by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), magazine assemblies, and bullets.

Birung lauded police officers for the successful operation.

He called on the people to report the escapees to the police.

The suspects face cases for violation of Republic Act No. 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.

A retired solider is facing charges for violating the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has found as "unauthorized" and "doubtful" the P42.1 million fees and charges imposed by the Cabanatuan City government in Nueva Ecija to its taxpayers in 2023 for lack of appropriate city ordinances.

In its 2023 annual audit report, COA said that Cabanatuan City has been doing the "unathorized" collection of fees and charges for the past years. 

It said that the city government collected a total amount of P42,111,360.54 in 2023, which brought its accumulated sum of "doubtful" taxes to P63,917,043.18.

It noted that the biggest chunk of the taxes was claimed by the Manuel V. Gallego Cabanatuan City General Hospital (MVGCCGH) for its Laboratory/Pharmacy/Dialysis Fund, which was P30,704,524.61. The same hospital also claimed P9,152,981.60 for its Debit Credit Payment Method (DCPM).

It also said the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) collected a huge amount as well for its Building Permit Fees with the amount of P16,135,700.72. Meanwhile, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) collected several fees such as P808,617.22 for its Nutrition Fund, P568,214.88 for its SEA Recovery Fund, P263,938.50 for its Travel Clearance, and many more, it added..

At the same time, COA said the city's Local Civil Registry (LCR) got P1,030,951.54 for its Filing Fees, while the Environment Protection Division (EPD) collected P1,061,033.52 for Violations Using Plastic.

"The recording of these fees, granting that they were authorized, under the Due to LGUs account was improper, as they were not fund transfer as specified in the revised Chart of Accounts mentioned above," the COA noted in its AAR. 

"Moreover, the inclusion of the MVGCCGH’s DCPM in the account was likewise erroneous as they were collections/fund transfer from National Government Agency (NGA) – the PhilHealth, therefore should have been taken up under Due to NGA account."

State auditors said that these deficiencies had been "long standing for three years," which meant that the city government did not address the issues that were flagged by the COA. In its past AARs, the COA recommended that the city's taxes should have prior authority from its legislative body through an ordinance, as provided in Sections 132 and 305(c) of the Local Government Code (LGC).

The audit team has maintained its earlier recommendations for the City Treasurer to discontinue the imposition of unauthorized fees and taxes, unless proven that it is supported by an ordinance enacted by the Sanggunian Panlungsod.

The COA likewise directed the City Accountant to revert the accumulated balance of P63,917,043.18 to the General Fund for inclusion in the annual budget/supplemental budget for proper appropriation. "We also reiterated our recommendation that responsible offices include in their budgets the regular expenditures which they used to charge in the aforementioned Trust Fund accounts," the COA said.

The Commission on Audit has found as "unauthorized" and "doubtful" the P42.1 million fees and charges imposed by the Cabanatuan City government in Nueva Ecija to its taxpayers in 2023 for lack of appropriate city ordinances.

A 37-year-old job order casual government employee was arrested in a buy-bust operation in Barangay E. Lopez, Silay City, Negros Occidental on Wednesday, May 8.

Police Lt. Col. Mark Anthony Darroca, Silay police chief, said the suspect has been monitored for three months following information on his alleged illegal activity.

He was assigned as a watchman of an elementary school and allegedly yielded 17 grams of suspected shabu worth P115,600. Also recovered from him were an improvised tooter and the P2,600 marked money.

The suspect as tagged as a high-value individual for being a government employee, police said.

Darroca said that he was a third casual government worker arrested for a drug offense in the city this year.

A job order government employee has been busted for drugs.

Another job-order casual government employee was arrested in a buy-bust operation in Silay City, Negros Occidental after his illegal activity was reported by his wife to the police on Thursday, May 9.

Police Lt. Col. Mark Anthony Darroca, Silay police chief, said the 55-year-old suspect was working as a street sweeper in the city for about two years. He said the suspect was nabbed in Barangay Mambulac.

The suspect allegedly mauled his wife and children if he is “high” or used illegal drugs, Darroca added.

Police seized from the suspect, a high-value individual, three grams of suspected shabu worth P20,400. 

Darroca said the suspect was the fifth government worker in the city arrested in a drug bust.

Another job order government employee has been busted for drugs.

A Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency-Region 12 job-order employee was gunned down before dawn on Saturday, May 11, in Tulunan, Cotabato.

Police Capt. April Rose Soria, Tulunan municipal police station chief, identified the victim as Peter Estelloso, 39.

Investigation said that two motorcycle-riding gunmen waited for the suspect to arrive in his house in Barangay Poblacion at past 3 a.m.

The suspects approached and shot the victim with a .45 caliber pistol.

Soria said Estelloso succumbed to multiple bullet wounds in the head and body.

Police are eyeing personal grudge and job-related as possible motive in the killing.

Kath Abad, PDEA-12 information officer, said Estelloso was assigned as a case monitoring personnel in Cotabato.  

A PDEA job order employee has been assassinated.

Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency-9 (Zamboanga Peninsula) Regional Director Maharani Gaodani Tusoc relieved on Tuesday, May 14,  PDEA Zamboanga City Office chief Marvin Santos and 11 other personnel in connection with the escape of seven drug detainees on Monday, May 13.

Tusoc said in a press briefing that they were replaced and moved to the regional office to give way to an investigation.  

PDEA Chief of Operations Alduz Restor took the place of Marvin Santos who served as chief when seven drug suspects bolted the facility.  

Tusoc said they are forming a tracker team composed of soldiers, policemen, jail, and PDEA agents to hunt the escapees.

“Based on the report of the tracking team, the escapees have not yet left Zamboanga City,” Tusoc said.

Initial investigation showed that the suspects broke the ceiling and part of the wall of the detention cell using a piece of metal. 

The team is also trying to determine how the suspects were able to get hold of the metal and use it for their escape.

Mayor John Dalipe here has asked the PDEA to probe the escape.

12 PDEA officers have been relieved over the escape of 7 detainees.

Several residents from four Sitios in Barangay Punta Engaño in Lapu-Lapu City have filed a complaint before the Ombudsman Visayas for violation of R.A. 3019 otherwise known as The Anti Graft and Corrupt Practices Act against their barangay officials due to the continued ship wrecking operation of M/V Diamond Highway in Sitio Proper Jansen which allegedly posed health problems to their children and some elderlies.

In their complaint which was received by the Office of the Ombudsman Visayas on May 13, 2024, they alleged that the officials headed by Punong Barangay Crisanto Estardo, Sanguniang Barangay Members, Mario Bacali, Elizabeth Martin, Carlito Pagobo, Marko Jonas Estardo, Vicente Dungog, Rebecca Adamos, and Ranulfo Abejo Jr. violated section 3, sub-paragraph (e) and section 4, sub-paragraph (c) of R.A. 6713 or the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.

In the previous weeks, residents of Sitios Lupa, Colo, Proper Jansen and Mangal have complained of skin rashes and other apparent skin diseases, since the ship breaking works that produced fiber dust began late last year.

According to their complaint, sometime in December 2023, people in the area simultaneously experienced cough and colds or respiratory tract problems which they said  having a clear relation to the fiber dust floated in the air and landed on their plants, rooftops and laundry and affected the air they breathed caused by the recycling activities of the said ship.

Aside from pollution, they complained of loud noise caused by salvaging operation. They also witnessed an oil spillage from the said ship that contaminated the seawater nearby.

For several times these residents pleaded to Mayor Junard Ahong Chan to stop the wrecking works since they were confused why the breaking operation still continued when there had been an existing “cease and desist order” issued by the Mayor and the Barangay Council  issued a resolution approving the continued ship breaking operation.

In their complaint, they cited that the said officials violated Section 3 (e) under R.A. 3019for giving MV Diamond Highway ship and Pilipinas Precious Metals Resources Inc., (PPMRI) management an unwarranted benefits, undue advantage or preference in the discharge of their official and administrative function through manifest partiality by allowing them to continue their ship breaking operations despite the Cease and Desist Order issued by the office of the Mayor.

They also charged that the said respondents violated Section 4, (c) of R.A. 6713 for doing acts contrary to public safety and public interest by allowing resumption of ship breaking operation of MV Diamond Highway vessel which posed serious environmental and health risks to its constituents.

The complaint also charged the said barangay officials of violating grave misconduct in the performance of duty penalized by R.A. 6770 or the Ombudsman Act of 1989 for its failure to enforce the Cease-and-Desist Order (CDO) issued by the office of Lapulapu City Mayor Junard Ahong Chan and failure to act and protect its constituents from damaging effects of the said ship breaking operations.

They said that the CDO has clearly pointed out that PPMRI violated environmental protocols and guidelines during salvage operations. However the barangay officials of Punta Engaño have not provided evidence that PPMRI had put up corrective measures to contain the residual or hazardous wastes generated during operations before allowing them to resume said ship breaking activities.

The said concerned citizens of Barangay Punta Engaño prayed for the suspension of barangay officials as they invoked Section 24, R.A. 6770 that the Ombudsman or his deputy may preventively suspend them if their continued stay in office may prejudice the case filed against them.

Several residents have filed charges against their barangay officials for allowing ship wrecking operations which pose a risk to their health despite an existing cease and desist order.

A HOMEOWNERS association based in Barangay Banilad, Cebu City, has lodged a complaint before the Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas against Cebu City Legal Officer Carlo Vincent Gimena and 11 other lawyers for violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act.

In a complaint dated May 6, 2024, Doña Rita Village Association of Cebu Inc. (DRVACI) represented by their president Albert Tan, requested the Ombudsman to investigate the legal opinions issued by Gimena and the other lawyers that the association believes were “highly discreditable, improper, and irregular.”

Other respondents include lawyers Shana Alexandra Perez, Manuel Degollacion, Ramon Mikhail Duyongco, Arthcris Cuadra, Jave Mike Aton, Luigine Christi Chan, Glace Ongcoyo-Ravanes, Feliciano Alinson, Bernard Inocentes Garcia, Eleodoro Diaz and Lyndon Bernardo Basan.

The legal opinions issued by the City Legal Office (CLO) dated Jan. 22, Feb.19, and March 25, 2024, stemmed from an issue between DRVACI and Miradel Development Corporation, also known as Miradel, that wants to construct a commercial arcade on lots located within the subdivision.

On Sept. 22, 2022, Miradel proposed to the Board of Directors of Doña Rita Village to construct a commercial arcade on Miradel-owned lots; however, the homeowner’s association opposed the proposed project, citing that Miradel-owned lots located inside the village were classified as residential.

Despite the DRVACI opposition, Miradel, began construction after securing a building permit on June 27, 2023. The DRVACI submitted a position paper to the Office of the Building Official (OBO) opposing the construction; but the letter was endorsed to the CLO on Nov. 17, 2023.

The DRVACI questioned the CLO-issued legal opinions favoring Miradel. 

The CLO opined that the homeowners’ association’s consent was not necessary as Miradel lots were already re-classified as commercial in 1996 by virtue of Ordinance No. 1656 or the Cebu City Zoning Ordinance.

In its recommendation, the CLO added that the Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) of the Homeowners’ Magna Carta in 2011 and 2019 requiring consent before re-classification cannot invalidate the Zoning Ordinance.

In its complaint before the anti-graft office, the DRVACI said the respondents “blatantly twisted legal provisions” that only support their “erroneous” conclusion, which shows “manifest partiality and evident bad faith.”

It added that Doña Rita Village was registered as a residential subdivision by virtue of Presidential Decree 957, a national law and also registered as such with the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB), now the Department of Human Settlements and Urban Development, in April 1994.

The DRVACI filed a motion for reconsideration on Jan. 22, 2024; however, the CLO maintained its position that Homeowners’ consent is only required for reclassification after 2010.

After the DRVACI filed a second motion for reconsideration, the CLO again maintained its original position. 

The complainant argued that under PD 957 or Presidential Decree No. 957 or The Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective Decree of 1976, approved subdivision plans cannot be altered without the homeowners association’s consent.

The DRVACI also pointed out that a local ordinance cannot amend a national law.

The CLO’s legal opinion was used as the basis of the OBO and City Planning and Development Office (CPDO) in lifting the suspension of Miradel’s building permit.

The DRVACI claimed there were irregularities when OBO and the CPDO issued the building permit and locational clearance as it was admitted in an Executive Session on Oct. 18, 2023, that both did not conduct ocular inspections and only relied on the documents submitted.

A homeowners association is suing several lawyers from the Cebu City Legal Office for rendering opinions which they claim are in violation of the law.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has blamed Pampanga provincial officials for the loss in 2023 of P9.3 million worth of food products due to "insufficient controls in the safekeeping, custody, and warehousing."

In its 2023 annual audit report (AAR), COA disclosed that the province suffered a qualified theft incident sometime between Oct. 27 to Nov. 10, 2023 at the Pampanga Provincial Warehouse located at Barangay San Roque in Mexico town. 

It said the officer-in-charge of the General Services Office (GSO) of Pampanga notified the audit team about the robbery incident through a letter dated Nov. 16, 2023 and even attached a copy of the Police Report dated Nov. 14, 2023. The reported stolen food items amounted to P9,326,146.

Stolen were 192 cavans of commercial rice worth P460,800; 2,702 cases of corned beef worth P5,187,840; and 1,388 cases of sardines worth P3,677,506, it also said.

Prior to the theft, the latest inventory report submitted to the COA for its 2023 annual audit report (AAR) revealed that the province had 9,302 cavans of commercial rice, 4,427 cases of corned beef, and 2,142 cases of sardines.

After the reported incident, the Nov. 15, 2023 inventory of the province showed 7,887 cavans of commercial rice, 451 cases of corned beef, and 142 cases of sardines, COA said.

When the audit team evaluated documents of the reported quantity of items lost and the current inventory, it discovered several "discrepancies." While 192 cavans of commercial rice were reported lost from the original 9,202 cavans, the latest inventory showed that only 7,887 cavans were left in the warehouse. This meant that there were 1,223 cavans that were unaccounted for, it said.

The same was true for the 2,702 cases of corned beef that were reported stolen from the original 4,427 cases. Only 451 cases were left in the latest inventory, which meant there were 1,274 cases that were unaccounted for, it also said.

Lastly, 1,388 cases of sardines were reported stolen from the original 2,142. However, only 142 were remaining in the latest inventory, which meant there were 612 cases that were unaccounted for, it added.

It noted that its audit team reported that the variances after the reported theft signified "doubtful, inaccurate, and unreliable balances on hand."

On Dec. 15, 2023, COA auditors conducted an inspection and found there were insufficient controls in the safekeeping, custody, and warehousing of the food items.

The auditors noted that there was a lack of closed-circuit television (CCTV) inside the warehouse, weak locks were installed instead of heavy-duty padlocks, and there were no stock cards accounting for the items inside the warehouse, it said.

COA also noted: "Review of documents and records also showed that the lost food supplies were still carried in the inventory, thus overstating the inventory account by at least the amount of reported loss. In addition, it is worth mentioning that as of date, no request for relief from accountability has been filed yet."

Thus, COA recommended that the province should beef up internal controls over all the inventories kept in its warehouse and install ample units of CCTVs in every area of the warehouse.

It also decided to review relevant documents on the robbery incident, including the province's own investigation on the matter in order to identify the parties that are accountable for the P9.3 million loss.

The Commission on Audit has blamed Pampanga provincial officials for the loss in 2023 of P9.3 million worth of food products due to "insufficient controls in the safekeeping, custody, and warehousing."