Monday, April 18, 2022

The God Culture: Samuel Purchas On Ophir, Tarshish, and The Philippines

Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture makes a lot of unsubstantiated claims in his books and videos. That is par for the course as anyone keeping up should know by now. One claim he continually makes is that Samuel Purchas ignored the Philippines and wrote propaganda for Britain about Ophir. This is 100% wrong. Samuel Purchas never wrote propaganda about Ophir and he certainly never ignored the existence of the Philippines. In fact his testimony about the Philippines played a role in determining where the first Easter celebration took place in this nation. Let's take a look at Tim's claims and then let's take a look at what Samuel Purchas actually wrote.

Answers in First Enoch Part 11: Ancient Historic Maps to Garden of Eden

29:51 Yes, we cover Samuel Purchas and this admission of him being paid, uh, I think was a hundred pounds, uh, to commit his propaganda and he wrote a nice thick position where he just ignored that the Philippines even existed. Yeah, that's not, that's stupid is what it is. Uh, it's propaganda. So that was in about 1625 or so, uh, even as they paid him to write about Ophir without ever acknowledging the Portuguese data which he ignores completely nor the Spanish. I mean that is about as ridiculous as one can be.

In his book Solomon's Treasure Tim writes the following:

Much of this case originates with Samuel Purchas from “Purchas His Pilgrims” in 1625. Purchas assumes Ophir in India and the British East Indiesonly British territories of course. He cites historians who are basing their assumptions on etymology and uses antiquated geography ignoring Magellan completely. He intimates Tarshish as Peru perhaps. This was a British find in which Sir Francis Bacon, the Freemason, was obsessed. Right or wrong, it proves though, the British did not believe Tarshish was Britain.

Solomon's Treasure, pg. 215

It's incredible how Tim can make a statement and everything be factually wrong. The first thing to notice here is that in all of his videos or his books Timothy Jay Schwab only cites the words of Samuel Purchas one time and he gets the source wrong. 

“Lastly, Peru could not be Ophir, if wee conceiue that SALOMON brought thence Iuorie; and Peacockes. For Peacockes they read Parrots, and for Iuorie they are forced to take it vp by the way in some place of Africa or India, which distraction must needs prolong the Voyage, which without such lets could not (as before is obserued) in three yeares bee performed.” [262]

262. “Purchas his Pilgrimage; or, Relations of the World and the Religions observed in all ages and places discovered, from the Creation unto this present.” By Samuel Purchas. Book 1. Printed by William Stansby for Henrie Fetherstone. 1626. Chap. VIII. p. 27.

Solomon's Gold, pgs. 224 and 376

The real source for that citation is Vol 1, Chapter 8, pg. 73. How does Tim constantly get his citations wrong? 

By all accounts Tim has not read Purchas. Purchas wrote 134 pages in volume 1 about Ophir discussing possible locations and even, gasp, testing the resources and Tim has nothing to say about that. Tim seems to think he is the only person who has tested the resources of Ophir but he is dead wrong because Purchas did it first. He even discusses the possible route and how a three year voyage to the east in ancient ships might fare. They would not be going as fast as modern ships plus they would be resting on the Sabbath which means they would be slow-going. He makes a lot of calculations which I will have to omit here. Needless to say Purchas is very thorough in discussing Ophir even going so far as to allegorize the journey to Ophir as a metaphor for our life in this world.

Or if you had rather adjoyne to the Allegory, the Anagogicall sense and use ; this History will appeare also a Mystery and Type of Eternitie. Every Christian man is a ship, a weake vessell, in this Navie of Solomon, and dwelling in a mortall body, is within lesse then foure inches, then one inch of death. From Jerusalem the Word and Law of our Solomon first proceeded, by preaching of Solomons and Hirams servants, the Pastors and Elect vessells to carry his Name, gathered out of Jewes and Gentiles, which guide these Ships through a stormy Sea, beginning at the Red Sea, Christs bloudy Crosse, which yeelded Water and Bloud, till they arrive at Ophir, the communion of Saints in the holy Catholike Church.
Smauel Purchas, Vol 1, pgs 6-7

Also, he never implies that Tarshish is in Peru. In fact, the first place he mentions which might be Ophir is Peru and after he gives the arguments for that claim he dismisses it completely. Tim even acknowledges this. Purchas next pours over several more claims all of which he dismisses. One thing he does mention during this portion is that a Jesuit claimed the following:

The Jesuite Pineda (which out of Lemnius citeth these Arguments to prove that the Compasse is ancient) is no new thing as a Man; but as a person, as a Jesuite (a new order which beganne 1540.) as an Author which conceited, that that great fish which tooke up Jonas carried him in three dayes quite thorow the Mediterranean, and round about the African vast  Circumference (statim atque deglutitur Jonas, revertitur coetus velocitate incredibili ad mare Indicum & Sivum Arabicum, per Mediterraneum & Gaditanum fretum, immani totius Africae circuitu, these are his own words) these are new things under the Sunne, and this a new interpretation, which himselfe prefaceth with Pape! novam & inauditam exponendi rationem! These particulars are new, and yet that text is true. I will not adde (that were too serious and severe) that all Jesuitisme is new, and their Expositions of Scriptures, Councels, Fathers for the Roman Monarchie, are all new, New-gay-no-things, Vanitie of vanities and vexation of spirit; yet to lye (the genus generalissimum of Jesuiticall tenents, as they are Jesuites ; Christians is a name too old for them) is as old as the old Serpent 

Samule Purchas, Vol 1, pgs. 70-71

Sir Walter Raleigh mentions Pineda's testimony in his History of the World. This is exactly what Tim teaches about Jonah. 

Jonah must travel around Africa to fit his story. 

Solomon's Gold, pg. 122

Not only is Tim's doctrine not new but it was taught by a Jesuit and even shows up in chapter 83 of Moby Dick. Is Timothy Jay Schwab aware he is teaching the rehashed and novel doctrine of a Jesuit?

Where does Purchas locate Ophir and Tarshish?

For Ophir we have before found it, the proper name of a man and of a Region denominated of him; but withal have acknowledged the Ophirian voyage to comprehend more then the Region of Ophir, including the other Indian Ports wherat they touched and traded in that voyage, especially the two Hands now called Seilan and Sumatra, and all places on the Coast within the Gulfe of Bengala, which might fit their purpose. It is usuall now to call an Indian voyage, not only to Iacatra, Bantam, or Banda, but thereto also they reckon their touching at Soldanha, on the maine of Afrike, or at the River of Saint Augustine in the great Hand of St. Laurence, and the Hands of Comoro, or Socatra, or wheresoever they arrive on the Abash or Mohan shoare in the Red Sea, or in any Arabike Port, or in the Persian Gulfe before they come to India: and there also Surat, Diul, Calicut, or wheresoever they touch besides on this side or beyond that principal Port where they make their Voyage, as they terme it, that is, where they take in their chiefe ladings. Of which, the following Relations will give you many instances. So the Straits Voyages, intimate not the meere sayling to or thorow the Straits of Gibraltar, in vulgar appellation, but all Voyages within those Straits whether to Venice, or Ligorne, or Zant, or Constanstinople, or Scanderone, or Alexandria, or in one Voyage to visit many or all of these Ports, is yet called but a Straits Voyage. We may yieeld thus much therefore to Acosta, the Ophir was a proper Countrey (as India also is) extending from Ganges to Menan, and betwixt the Lake Chiamay, and the Gulfe or Sea of Bengala; but as it happened, that India being the remotest knowne Region, gave name in old times to all later Discoveries beyond it, and in after times accidentally to the New World, which the first finders mistooke for Easterne India ; so also the Voyage to Ophir, accidentally might give name to all those Remote parts, and comprehend all the farre Ports, which by occasion of the Voyage to Ophir they visited, lying in the way thither, or somewhat wide or beyond. And as there is a Region truly and properly called India, even al that which extends from Indus (whence it is so named) to Ganges ; which name by others ignorance of the proper names of Regions, was extended further both beyond Ganges, and to all remote Regions; so was there a true Ophir, named of Ophir the sonne of Joktan, which occasioned other remote Countreyes to beare that appellation, at least in this Voyage thither.

But for Tharsis or Tarshish, or Tharshish ; we see Acosta himselfe in his finall upshot, to make an aut of it, Aut immensum mare, aut regiones semotissimas & valde peregrinas accipi solere. So that his former Proposition admits now another, that either it is the maine Ocean (which I take to be the true sense) or some remote Region. 

Samuel Purchas, vol. 1, pgs. 123-125

After weighing all the evidence Purchas comes to the conclusion that Ophir is not just a specific county but an entire region and that Solmon's ships stopped at many ports, not just one. Ophir is in India and the surrounding region. As for Tarshish, Purchas does not think it is Peru or any other place but refers to the ocean. He goes on for several pages giving his reasons. This is not propaganda. This is one man's opinion based on his assessment of the facts he has before him. Tim is by no means bound to agree with Purchas' conclusions but he has no right to misrepresent what Purchas actually wrote. In fact, Tim does agree that India has the sources of Ophir.

The only other coherent claim as far as resources are concerned is India yet it’s own history says it had a source of ancient gold and silver, isles to the East thus none of these make any sense except the Philippines. 

 Every resource of Solomon tests as native to the Philippines and all other claims fail in this chapter except India whose claim already failed the test of it’s own history. 

Solomon's Treasure, pgs. 110 and 115

Is Tim unaware that India is said to be loaded with gold? Herodotus in book 3 sections 102-105 relates how the Indians would gather the gold in their country. India's source of gold was itself. Even Josephus says Ophir is part of India.
4. Moreover the King built many ships in the Egyptian bay of the Red Sea; in a certain place called Ezion-geber. It is now called Berenice; and is not far from the city Eloth. This countrey belonged formerly to the Jews; and became useful for shipping, from the donations of Hiram King of Tyre. For he sent a sufficient number of men thither for pilots, and such as were skilfull in navigation: to whom Solomon gave this command, that they should go along with his own stewards to the land that was of old called Ophir, but now the Aurea Chersonesus: which belongs to India: to fetch him gold. And when they had gathered four hundred talents together, they returned to the King again.

To get around this problem Tim writes the following:

Aurea in Latin is Chryse in Greek which is Ophir in Hebrew. He also ties this to the Indian land of golden antiquity and remember, India was vast in interpretation in those days from Afghanistan to the Indies including the Philippines.
Solomons's Gold, pg.34
That is nonsense and he offers zero support of the Philippines ever being referred to as India. There is quite literally no history that links the Philippines to Ophir. Ancient maps and directions show nothing past the Malaysian peninsula. This is a fact Tim acknowldeges but refuses to discuss in a rational manner.

26:14 Again, underneath within the earth is where the Garden of Eden is and lined by gold, the roof and the walls, which is why it is the land of gold and why that gold matters immensely. Not for money, monetary value but for sentimental value to Yahuah and that's what gave it value in the very first place

Notice the area in orange here. This is something and this is our mapping to explain this area. That's specifically why I'm using our mapping of this so this will make sense. Uh, notice what's missing in the perspective of this era. They did not typically map the Malay Peninsula. it's just not there. If it is there it's a tiny bump but it's not, it's not what we know is the Malay Peninsula which would impose the map. Um, nor Indochina. It's just not there. Again, maybe they'll pick a town you know or a city or whatever here or there but generally many of the maps of this era they just don't have it yet. Why? well because they were not physically going there at that time but they were determined to maintain this route in knowledge so it was not lost.

What does it mean that including the Malaysian Peninsula would "impose the map?" The missing orange area is the Malay Peninsula and Indochina. Tim's says it's missing because no one was sailing there when these directions were written in 70 AD but the Greeks had passed on knowledge of the Philippines so they tried to preserve the route to the Philippines even though they were missing Indonesia and the Malay Peninsula which one must pass to get to the Philippines from the West. He offers zero proof for this thesis. The cold hard fact is no one was sailing to the Philippines. 80 years later after the Periplus of the Erythean Sea was composed Ptolemy's world map would show the missing Malaysian Penninsula.

Suffice to say Timothy Jay Schwab has no idea what he is talking about. All his arguments as to why the Malaysian Peninsula are missing are made-up ad hoc rubbish not supported by any facts.

That brings me to what Purchas had to say about the Philippines. By no means does he ignore the Philippines. Here is the index of volume 20.

Samuel Purchas, vol. 20, pg. 331

Purchas' most important reference to the Philippines is his translation and summation of Pigafetta's journal. The importance of his translation is that, while it makes no mention of a mass being held in the Philippines, this is said to be the source for Fr. Fransisco Combes concocting the first mass being held at the fictional Limasawa. 

But about four years later, in 1664, another Spanish priest Fr. Francisco Combes, SJ, (1620-1665), came up with another name for the island where the first Holy Mass took place. In his "Historia de Mindanao y Jolo," Fr. Combes wrote - without citing any source or attribution - that the Magellanic fleet's stopover island in Leyte was called "Limasaua." He then spun off an evidently new account of Magellan's sojourn in the archipelago based on Samuel Purchas' English translation of Ramusio's garbled version of Pigafetta's chronicles.

The Purchas version made no reference at all to the Easter mass of March 31, 1521 and only mentioned the planting-of-a- cross rite on a hill. So, unlike Fr. Colin, Fr. Combes was not obligated to negate the idea that Mazaua was the site of the First Mass. On a personal hunch he just decided to replace the prefix "Di-" in "Dimasawa" with "Li-" to make it read as "Limasawa."

Here is a truncated version of Purchas' account of Magellan's landing in Butuan.

The eight and twentieth day of March they came to the lland of Buthuan, where they were honourably entertayned of the King and the Prince his sonne, who gave them much Gold and Spices. 

But hee marvelled much more, when the Captaine told him by the Interpreter, how he found the Strait by the Compas and Loadstone, and how many dayes they were without sight of any Land. 

When the King saw Antonie Pigafetta write the names of many things, and afterward rehearsed them againe, he marvelled yet more, making signes, that such men descended from Heaven. 

As they sifted a certaine Myne of Earth in the Kings Hand, they found pieces of Gold some as bigge as Nuts, and other as bigge as Egges. All the Kings Vessels were of Gold, and his House well furnished.

The people are nimble, naked, painted. The Women goe clothed from the Waste downewards, with their long blacke hayre hanging to the ground. They weare eare-rings of Gold in divers formes. 

The Captaine or Generali caused a Crosse to be brought forth, with Nayles, and a Crowne of Thornes, giving commandement to all his men to give reverence thereunto, and signifying to the Kings, by the Interpreter, that that Banner was given him by the Emperour, his Lord and Master, with commandement to leave the same in all places where hee came, to the great commoditie and profit of all such as would reverendly receive it, as an assured toW^ of friendship : and that hee would therefore leave it there, as well to accomplish his Lords commandement, as also, that if at any time any ships of Christians should chance to come that way, they might, by seeing that Crosse, perceive that our men had beene well entertayned there, and would therefore not onely abstayne from doing them any hurt or displeasure, but also helpe to ayde them against their enemies : And that therefore it should be requisite to erect that Crosse upon the top of the highest Mountaine that might be scene from the Sea on every sid^ also to pray unto it reverently : and that in so doing, they should not be hurt with Thunder, Lightning, and Tempests. When the Kings heard these words, they gave the Captaine great thankes, promising gladly to observe and fulfill all such things as he required. Then the Captaine demanded, whether they were Mores or Gentiles. They answered, that they had none other kind of Religion, but that lifting up their hands joyned together, and their faces toward Heaven, they called upon their God Abba. Which answere liked the Captaine very well, because the Gentiles are sooner perswaded to our Faith then the Mores.

Samuel Purchas, vol. 2, pgs 96-99

How is it that if the Philippines had a high literacy rate before the Spanish that this king was surprised to see Pigafetta writing which indicates he had no idea what writing was? How is it that Filipinos were an ocean faring people who traded with Greece by circumnavigating Africa, according to Tim, yet this king had no idea what a magnetic compass was? These are questions I shall not answer here but ones I have yet to hear Tim ask or answer in his videos and books likely because he has either not read Pigafetta and Purchas or these are inconvenient facts that damage his thesis. The impression he gives us is that everyone was highly literate and decked out in fine clothes and golden jewelry. Speaking of gold Purchas cites this:

They make account likewise of the gold; of Veragua to bee very fine. They bring much gold; to Mexico from the Philippines, and China, but commonly it is weake and of base alloy. Gold; is commonly found mixt with Silver or with Copper; but that which is mixed with silver is commonly of fewer Carrats then that which is mixed with copper.

Samuel Purchas, vol. 15, pg. 73

The gold being shipped from the Philippines was "weak and of base alloy" being "commonly found mixed with silver or copper." But according to Tim the Philippines is the land of gold and the Spanish came here for the express purpose of stealing that gold. However the amount of gold found and taken by the Spanish paled in comparison to that found in Mexico.

Although Fray Ortega felt that the lives of five hundred natives was too high a price to pay for twenty-five kilos of gold, the Spanish colonial officials apparently did not. Dreams of fabulous golden cities may have danced before their eyes, despite the fact that the gold was actually much less than what had been obtained in the Spanish colonies in Latin America. Hernan Cortez' initial campaign against Montezuma produced 680 kilograms of gold while in 1533, Pedro de Heredia obtained 420 kilograms of gold from one tomb alone in Cartagena (Tegengren 1963).

Gold Mining in Benguet to 1898, pg 468 (14)

Gold mining was serious business among the Igorots and they made sure no one ever found their mines. Not even the Spanish.

In 1576, Francisco de Sande reported his discovery of the gold mines. These were not located in the Ilocos, as was popularly believed, but in mountainous country further north: "very rough country, twenty leagues inland; the way thither is obstructed by great forests; and the country is very cold, and has great pine forests" (1903-1908, 4:21-98). The area was peopled by naked outlaws who "in addition to other cruelties, cut the heads off those they encounter to sip their brains" (Antolin 1988,121).The bleakness of the region and the hostility of its inhabitants put a temporary stop to any further expeditions.

Gold Mining in Benguet to 1898, pg 468 (14)

Gold mining even involved elaborate rituals involving blood sacrifice. 

Rituals were as important to gold mining as they were to the rest of Benguet Igorot life. Cañaos were performed before opening gold tunnels to appease the anitos to whom the gold belonged. A blood offering must be made and only pigs were killed in cañaos relating to gold mining. To find out the condition of a vein, a chicken must be sacrificed and its bile sac consulted. If dark, it is favorable but if pale it is unfavorable. 

Gold Mining in Benguet to 1898, pg 462 (9)

Let me sum up here. Timothy Jay Schwab regularly accuses Samuel Purchas of ignoring Magellan's account as well as the existence of the Philippines. This is absolutely not true. It is true that when he discusses the location of Ophir he never mentions the Philippines or Magellan. Tim says that is because he is a propagandist trying to puff up the British claim in India. But a look at the facts shows that Josephus referred to India as Ophir, that India and the surrounding region pass the resource test of Ophir (as Tim acknowledges), and ancient maps do not show anything east of the Malaysian Peninsula which means the Philippines is out of the equation for being Ophir. Referring to ancient descriptions of India by Ptolemy, Mela, and the like Purchas writes:
Pomponius Mela mentions those Ants, More Gryphorum keeping the Gold, cum summa pernicie attingentium. He, Solinus, and Plinie mention Chryse and Argyre so plentifull of Mettals, that men reported the soyle was Gold and Silver: so hyperbolicall reports were raised of their store. 
But as the Ancients knew not these parts of India so well as at later times, wee will produce later testimonies.

That's not a statement up for debate. It is proven by all the maps and directions by Ptolemy, Dionysius Periegetes, Pomponius Mela, and the Periplus of the Erythean Sea. Tim uses those sources extensively and has to make up arguments as to why they do not show the Malay Peninsula or the Philippines. He is reduced to claiming that two tiny islands on Mela's map are the 7,000 island archipelago of the Philippines.

It's simply ridiculous and an honest review of the facts shows that Timothy Jay Schwab is wrong about his comments concerning Samuel Purchas.

Friday, April 15, 2022

Retards in the Government 254

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) has filed criminal cases against five cops tagged in the missing online sabong (cockfighting) agent in Laguna last year.

The CIDG said kidnapping/serious illegal detention and robbery were filed before the Department of Justice (DOJ) against Staff Sgt. Daryl Paghangaan; Pat. Roy Navarete; Lt. Henry Sasaluya; Master Sgt. Michael Claveria; and Pat. Regil Brosas, all members of the Provincial Intelligence Branch (PIB), Laguna Police Provincial Office; and several John Does, for the alleged abduction of Ricardo Lasco.

The five cops allegedly involved in the case are now under restrictive custody of the Regional Holding and Accounting Unit of the Police Regional Office (PRO) 4A (Calabarzon).

The suspects were positively identified by witnesses based on their statements and other pieces of evidence as to the group of men who entered the house of Lasco a.k.a. “Jun”.

The suspects introduced themselves as National Bureau of Intelligence (NBI) personnel and then arrested the victim by virtue of a document purported to be a warrant of arrest for the crime of large scale estafa on August 30, 2021, in Barangay San Lucas 1, San Pablo City, Laguna.

Lasco is a master agent of e-sabong and a real estate agent who went missing after being abducted by the said suspects.

The suspects also took with them numerous personal belongings of the victim and his relatives worth more or less PHP500,000 and PHP180,000 cash.

5 cops have been arrested and charged with kidnapping an online cockfighting financier.

A high school principal allegedly shot a teacher and her husband to death before killing himself at about 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, April 12, in Hinoba-an town, Negros Occidental.

Police investigation showed that principal Warren L. Escobar, 56, shot the couple at the Bilbao-Uybico National High School in Barangay Pook before taking his own life, Maj. John Ganzon said.

Killed were senior high school teacher Alvarisa A. Arroy and her husband, Christoper, both 35 years old.

Hinobaan Mayor Ernesto Estrao said he received unconfirmed information that the principal was angry at the teacher because a complaint was lodged against him with the Office of the President.

Escobar allegedly received a notice to explain in five days, and blamed the teacher for filing the complaint, the mayor said.

A high school principal angry at a teacher for filing a complaint against him with the Office of the President shot and killed both her and her husband. Then he killed himself.

The National Intelligence Coordinating Agency (NICA) is investigating a list of 20 “smugglers,” including an importer tagged as the “onion queen” operating in Cagayan de Oro,  and their “protectors” in government, senators were told on Tuesday.

This, as the Senate Committee of the Whole resumed its investigation into the smuggling of agricultural products into the country.

“As to the list of players, smugglers that are allegedly enjoying protection from the DA (Department of Agriculture) and BOC (Bureau of Customs) officials, we do have a list,” said NICA Director Edsel Batalla, who is the agency’s focal person to the government’s sub-task group on economic intelligence (STG-EI).

The NICA claims it is investigating DA and BOC officials for protecting vegetable smugglers.

The chief of Barangay Mataiao in Mati City, Davao Oriental was shot dead at 8:18 p.m. on Wednesday, April 13, inside his house, according to the Mati City Police Station.

Ronie Palma Gil Valera, 57, married, was resting on a hammock in his house in Purok Matahimik-1 when attacked.

Unidentified gunmen shot him several times, according to a report by the investigating officers, Cpl. Sunder Orjaliza and Cpl. Franciz Regidor.

A barangay captain was shot dead by unknown men while resting on his hammock at his house.

A village secretary was killed and the treasurer was wounded in a shooting incident Wednesday in Bauan town in Batangas province.

The Calabarzon (Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Quezon) police in a report said Jojo Acuzar, secretary of Barangay (village) Sta. Maria was driving the barangay mobile patrol vehicle at around 12:45 p.m. with Demetrio Silang, the village treasurer, as a passenger when the assailant, armed with a still unknown firearm, who was waiting at the shoulder of the road repeatedly shot at them.

After the shooting, the gunman fled aboard a motorcycle driven by his cohort.

A village secretary was killed and the treasurer was wounded in an attack by unknown men for unknown reasons while they were driving in the barangay mobile patrol vehicle.

The multiagency panel headed by the Department of Justice (DOJ) tasked with scrutinizing President Rodrigo Duterte’s brutal drug war, the Philippine National Police, and the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) will look into the alleged fraudulent death certificates of some who were killed in the anti-drug operations, officials said on Wednesday.

“The alleged falsification of death certificates as a possible cover-up is part of the DOJ drug war review,” Justice Secretary Menardo Guevarra told the Inquirer, referring to findings by Dr. Raquel Fortun, a well-respected forensic pathologist.

Asked if this was the first time that he had come across Fortun’s findings, he said: “The original problem that we encountered was the absence of a copy of the death certificate in some records or files that we reviewed.”

He said the death certificates may have been issued but some of them could not be found in the files of the PNP or the National Prosecution Service (NPS).

Fortun told reporters on Tuesday that she had autopsied the remains of 46 people killed in the war on drugs and found that the cause of death of some had been falsified to show they died of “natural causes.”

The death certificates of seven of the victims who had multiple gunshot wounds indicated they had died due to, among others, hypertension, sepsis, pneumonia or heart attack.

Allegedly several people, so far, who died during the drug war  and have been exhumed and autopsied have found to be riddled with bullet holes and their official certificates of death falsified. This could be pretty big if true and more proof that the war on drugs was a license to kill for the PNP.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Coronavirus Lockdown: Airborne, Endemicity, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government. 

Despite the government continuing to stoke fears about a possible resurgence of the virus and further lockdowns its appears that COVID-19 is becoming endemic.

The Philippines is seeing some signs of Covid-19 endemicity despite the new threat posed by the recombinant variant Omicron XE, according to an infectious disease expert on Wednesday.

In a televised public briefing, Department of Health – Technical Advisory Group member Dr. Edsel Salvaña said endemicity is a gradual process a country goes through.

(We can see the signs of endemicity here – the health system is not pressured, [admissions are] manageable, we have cure [for cases]) and we know how to prevent [cases] it with masks and vaccines. In a way, it’s becoming endemic,” Salvaña said.

Daily coronavirus cases remain low, a step forward toward endemicity, he added. However, the public has to remain vigilant in utilizing safeguards like the minimum health protocols to avoid possible surge in infections.

Health experts said endemic phase means that the pandemic will not end with the virus disappearing. Even as the virus continues to circulate, enough people will gain protection from vaccination and from natural infection, resulting in less transmission and less Covid-19-related hospitalization and death.

Even though there are signs of endemicity the government seems as if they are about to come down hard with requiring booster shots for everyone. One proposal they are considering to get rid of vaccines before they expire is going door to door.

The National Task Force Against Covid-19 is currently "studying" the proposal to implement a house-to-house vaccination drive amid concerns over Covid-19 vaccine doses nearing expiration, Malacañang said Wednesday.

Acting presidential spokesperson and Communications Secretary Martin Andanar made this remark after President Rodrigo Roa Duterte said the government may embark on a “last minute” house-to-house Covid-19 vaccination program to ensure they are used before they expire.

These won't necessarily be booster shots but some may be. Either way DOH Secretary Duque wants to require booster cards.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque said Friday he supports a proposal to require proof of booster vaccination against COVID-19 for entry into establishments and public transportation.

Presidential Adviser for Entrepreneurship Joey Concepcion has recommended mobility restrictions for individuals who will fail to get their booster jabs within 30 to 60 days after they become eligible for the additional vaccine dose. 

The Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases will still have to deliberate on the matter next week, Duque said.

“I personally support this because of proven waning immunity over time against COVID after vaccination with the primary series. And booster has been proven to bring back adequate protection to those who received it,” he said.

An enabling law is needed for mandatory vaccination, Health spokesperson Maria Rosario Vergeire reiterated.

(Secretary Duque specifically stated that just to respond that the national government is doing everything so all can be reached by vaccines and we can ramp up inoculation.)

(An enabling law is needed for mandatory vaccination or booster, which comes from legislators and that's why Duque mentioned it.)

For labor group Trade Union Congress of the Philippines, the proposed mobility restrictions on un-boosted individuals have the same effect as “mandatory” vaccination, which it said is illegal.

“The TUCP warns the government in forcing mandatory vaccination of booster shots. Mandatory vaccination is illegal under the law. And based on our recent experience, forcing workers to vaccinate and to have them boostered makes government not credible, not believable,” TUCP Spokesperson Alan Tanjusay said.

It would seem Duque wants to make booster shots mandatory which won't sit will with a lot of people. Say what you will about Duque and the rest of the government's heavy handed response to the pandemic with economic crippling lockdowns and continuing to keep students from school, the WHO says the Philippines' response has been great.

The World Health Organization has commended the country's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

In an online media forum, Health Undersecretary Maria Rosario Vergeire said WHO Regional Director for Western Pacific, Dr. Takeshi Kasai, commended Health Secretary Francisco Duque III's "solid leadership" amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

"(The Covax also commended our immediate purchase of Covid-19 vaccines. The government and Department of Health do all these for the protection of all Filipinos)," she said, referring to the global initiative for supporting fair vaccine allocation.

WHO are they kidding? The Philippines' response to the pandemic was to immediately and unnecessarily lock down the entire nation. The effects of that lockdown are being felt and will continue to be felt years from now.

To pave the way for real economic recovery, the government should shake off its complacency in resolving the jobs crisis and help Filipinos without work, small businesses and the production industry.

This was stressed by the Ibon Foundation on Thursday (April 7) as the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) released the results of the February 2022 Labor Force Survey, saying that the economy is still finding it hard to generate enough work.

The Labor Force Participation Rate (LFPR)—the employed and people who are still actively seeking employment—was 63.8 percent or 48.61 million, higher than January’s 60.5 percent.

There was likewise a rise in employed individuals—from 43.02 million in January to 45.48 million in February. The 93.6 percent employment rate was higher than the 91.2 percent over the same period last year.

However, while the unemployment rate was still 6.4 percent in February, it translated to 3.13 million jobless Filipinos or 200,000 more compared to January’s 2.93 million.

The PSA said there was a decline in underemployment rate—from 14.9 percent in January to 14 percent in February. This translated to 6.38 million people who are already employed but still looking for longer hours of work.

While it was “not catastrophic,” Ibon Foundation said it’s “not a good sign” that the unemployment rate was 6.4 percent even though COVID-19 restrictions were already eased in February.

It stressed that this indicated that the economy’s ability to create enough work has not even recovered to how it was when the Philippines was not yet hit by the COVID-19.

Ibon Foundation said the government should not take the rise in employment at face value, stressing that the economy and people’s livelihoods are clearly not normalizing: “They remain in crisis and crisis measures are needed as ever.”

“The government needs to immediately distribute substantial cash and employment assistance to vulnerable Filipinos and provide subsidies to small businesses and production sectors,” it said.

“This will not only help poor households cope with the jobs crisis but will contribute to jumpstarting the economy towards recovery,” the think tank said.

The solution to this problem is not going to be easy but handing out cash to everyone will only increases inflation. Where will the money come from anyway? Not to mention the corruption from the Bayanihan cash much of which never even made it to the people. The fact is the lockdowns have permanently crippled the Philippines' economy and for many there is no going back.

There is a lot of fear mongering going on about another possible surge in cases. This has prompted authorities to remind everyone to follow health protocols which is basically blaming the public. But not only do face masks and vaccines not prevent infection it turns out that the virus is ariborne.

Earlier this year, President Rodrigo Duterte expressed bewilderment about how Omicron, a variant of the COVID-causing virus SARS Cov-2, was able to infect more people, including those who just stayed home.

“This Omicron has hit so many people who wear masks, who are vaccinated. Even those who just stay at home, they get infected,” Duterte said, speaking in a mix of English and Filipino, addressing his question to Health Secretary Francisco Duque in a taped meeting aired last Jan. 17.

“There are others—or there are many of them—who are vaccinated who still get infected. Is that airborne? There are so many people who are already wearing masks who still get infected,” Duterte went on.

Duque, who was asked to answer Duterte’s curious question, did not categorically answer whether the COVID virus is airborne.

However, he pointed to “token compliance” of minimum health standards, like improper wearing of face masks, as a possible reason for the spread of Omicron.

“Those who get infected are either wearing their mask wrongly or with their nose sticking out. That’s useless. That is what we call token compliance, but it’s the wrong way of doing things,” Duque said.

“It is the wrong way of complying with our minimum public health standards. For example, when it comes to avoiding contact, instead of [distancing] one meter, people talk close together,” he added.

Because the virus is airborne that means "that guidelines based on droplet transmission — such as standing six feet apart and wearing cloth masks — were inadequate infection prevention strategies." The virus can travel further than one meter and face masks can't stop you from inhaling it. That means the public is not to be blamed for the spread of the virus. Despite face masks being ineffective at stoping the spread of the virus and a source of pollution Duterte says they are here to stay until the end of his term.

It's both Holy Week and Ramadan but if you are thinking about going to church or the mosque think again, unless you are vaccinated that is.

Only individuals fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will be allowed to enter the places of worship, Interior Secretary Eduardo Año said on Monday during the taped weekly “Talk to the People” briefing of President Rodrigo Duterte that aired Monday night.

That is clearly the rule of the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF) regardless of the COVID-19 alert level, Año said.

He made the reminder as Muslims were in the middle of marking Ramadan and Catholics the Holy Week.

“All of our religious groups follow [the rule],” he said.

The rule will also be implemented in mosques in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM), he added.

According to Año, the Philippine National Police (PNP), which operates under the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), has been directed to coordinate with BARMM officials for the implementation of the rule.

The BARMM has been an area of concern in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, as only 20 percent of the target population there has been vaccinated against COVID-19, according to Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr., the national vaccine manager.

That is a massive amount of overreach. How are they going to enforce this rule? Have cops at the entrance to every place of worship checking vaccine cards? It's an insane policy.

The number of lockdowns across the nation has decreased to four households.

For the first time since March 2020, no area or even household in any of Metro Manila’s 16 cities and one municipality was considered on lockdown, the National Capital Region Police Office(NCRPO) confirmed on Saturday.

Even across the nation, only four households, with seven COVID-19 infected individuals, in the Cordillera Administrative Region remained on granular lockdown, as of April 8.

The Philippine National Police, however, reported that there were still 292 quarantine control points throughout the country, but none in Metro Manila nor Central Luzon.

It looks like I might have to change the title of this series.