Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Insurgency: Free From Abu Sayyaf

Two towns in Basilan have been formally declared free of Abu Sayyaf. First up is Akbar.


THE municipality of Akbar in Basilan province has been declared as Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)-free and rido-free.

The declaration was made on Tuesday, June 18, in a ceremony headed by Akbar Mayor Alih Sali, who chairs the Municipal Task Force to End Local Armed Conflict (MTF-Elac) and witnessed by officials of government and military, including representatives of other sectors.

The event also featured the participation of the National Security Command of the Moro National Liberation Front led by Basser Basta, underscoring solidarity and broad support for the municipality's peace initiatives.

The Army’s 101st Infantry Brigade said in a statement that the declaration marked a significant milestone in the town’s journey towards lasting peace and development.

The brigade said that a significant part of the ceremony was the presentation of nine surrendered loose firearms by village chairpersons, which included carbines, grenade launchers, and rifles — a powerful testament to the town’s commitment to peace and progress.

During the ceremony, a Peace Marker was unveiled in a symbolic act of the municipality’s new status, while white doves and balloons were released, representing the promise of peace and hope. 

"The declaration of Akbar as both ASG-free and rido-free marks a pivotal moment in our pursuit of lasting peace. Our collective efforts have made this possible, and together, we will continue to ensure a safe and prosperous future for all Basilenos,” Brigadier General Alvin Luzon, 101st Infantry Brigade commander, said.

The second town to be declared free from Abu Sayyaf is Lamitan. 


Business opportunities and development are expected to rise in this city after the local government declared Lamitan free from Abu Sayyaf bandits.

Mayor Roderick Furigay made the declaration during his state of the city report held at the Lamitan City hall complex in Barangay Maganda yesterday.

Furigay cited several developments that the city achieved under his administration as basis for the declaration.

“This is a very significant milestone, the declaration of Lamitan City as Abu Sayyaf-free,” Furigay said.

He said preparations are ongoing for the construction of infrastructure projects including business establishments, port expansion and concreting of roads in almost all 45 barangays.

Furigay said plans to build an airport in the city are underway.

He thanked Basilan Gov. Hajiman Hataman-Salliman for leading local government units in declaring an all-out war against against the Abu Sayyaf.

Lamitan was the second local government unit in Basilan to make the declaration, followed by the town of Akbar.

The municipality of Lantawan was the first to make a similar declaration two weeks ago.

The declarations technically cleared Basilan from the presence of the bandit group.

During the event, Salliman recalled how Basilan was portrayed as the capital of kidnapping, bombing and extortion as well as of Abu Sayyaf.

Brig. Gen. Alvin Luzon, chief of the Army’s 101st Brigade, said Basilan was technically cleared from the Abu Sayyaf as more municipalities are preparing to make their own declarations.

“After all the towns have made the declaration, we will declare Basilan Abu Sayyaf-free,” Luzon said.

He said the security sector could now focus on addressing the remaining clan war or family feud in Basilan.

With this declaration and two previous ones Basilan is "technically cleared" of Abu Sayyaf? What does that even mean? Two years ago the AFP said Basilan was free from Abu Sayyaf.



The province of Basilan has been cleared of the influence of the Abu Sayyaf bandit group, the military announced yesterday.

The announcement was made following a recent meeting conducted by the Area Clearing Validation Board (ACVAB) at the headquarters of the Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom) at Camp Navarro in this city.

“The ACVB evaluated Basilan and cleared the province of the influence of the Abu Sayyaf based on the recommendations of the preventing and countering violent extremism evaluation committee (PCVEC),” Westmincom chief Lt. Gen. Alfredo Rosario Jr. said.

The PCVEC reported that 29 barangays across Basilan, which were formerly known for the presence and of being supportive of the bandits, are no longer under the influence of the terror group.

The military said the clearing of these areas came after the completion of a community support program conducted by the Joint Task Force Basilan (JTFB).

These barangays are located in Isabela City as well as in the towns of Akbar, Al-Barka, Hadji Muhtamad, Lantawan, Maluso and Ungkaya Pukan.

Citing observations during the conduct of the community support program in these barangays, the military said there has been no existence of or existing support for the bandit group and no resource generation and teaching of extremist violence and radicalization in madrasahs or educational institutions.

Religious leaders in the barangays are promoting the right teachings of Islam, and no extremist violence was monitored, the military said.

“After a thorough evaluation and validation, we declare all 29 identified barangays in Basilan as free from the influence of Abu Sayyaf,” ACVAB chair and Westmincom deputy commander for external operations Brig. Gen. Arturo Rojas said.

How was the AFP able to declare Basilan free from the influence of Abu Sayyaf in 2022 and two years later are making the same declaration but calling it a technicality? If these towns were free of ASG influence is that not the same as there being no ASG bandits in the area? They are not very clear on the issue. Why make this declaration in the first place if the province is only technically cleared an not actually cleared of ASG? 



The City of Lamitan and the town of Akbar in Basilan province have formally declared yesterday they are “Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)-Free” and openly announced they are “ready to receive fresh investors and accommodate new investments.”

Lamitan Mayor Roderick H. Furigay said yesterday the city is now ASG-Free and is ready to receive fresh investors and accommodate new investments to help boost the economy of the city.

Furigay said the peace and order condition of the city is now stable and does not foresee any investment disturbance in the coming years.

“Having new investors in this city will also help the local government unit (LGU) here in our quest for economic development and employment efforts for our people and increase the prosperity of our city,” he said.

Furigay emphasized that new investment will greatly contribute to economic growth and build relationships and goodwill that will last beyond the investment time horizon.

Having good peace and order conditions in the city and inviting the private sector to invest in this city is essential for stimulating and boosting economic growth, the mayor here pointed out.

Over in Akbar town, Mayor Alih A. Sali is also inviting investors to invest in his town after the municipal government unveiled a “peace marker” that signaled the formal declaration of the town as ASG-Free yesterday.

Capitalizing on the town’s status as ASG-Free, Mayor Sali also said that the town is “drug-free and extortion-free” since no organized groups are operating in his town.

Ironically, a few hours after declaring Lamitan ASG-free a bomb exploded at a gas station.  


Hours after Mayor Oric Furigay declared Lamitan City as free from the influence of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) on Tuesday morning, a bomb exploded at a gasoline station in the early evening, which authorities said was a response to a failed extortion attempt.

Richard Falcatan, provincial information officer, said in a post on social media that the bombing took place at 6:47 p.m. at Barangay Matibay.

Falcatan said that Brig. Gen. Alvin Luzon, commander of the 101st Infantry “Three Red Arrows” Brigade (101IB), supported the declaration of the city as ASG-Free.

The official announcement declaring Lamitan as ASG-free followed Mayor Roderick Furigay’s state of the city report, which he delivered as highlight in the celebration of the city’s anniversary.

But the bombing of the gasoline station owned by the Mateo family marred the celebration.

Falcatan said that police found during its initial investigation that the owner, Bonjin Mateo, has admitted to having received an extortion letter a month ago. But Mateo reportedly did not name the extortionist.

Quoting police, Falcatan said investigators now have persons of interest behind the bombing after retrieving CCTV footage that captured the suspects on board three motorcycles within the vicinity of the gas station.

Lt. Col. Arlan Delumpines, Lamitan police chief, was quoted as saying that the explosion “partly damaged the cover of a fuel dispenser, and no other casualty except for the boy, who happened to pass by the area when the improvised bomb exploded.”

Police found parts of an improvised explosive device, including a nine-volt battery, blasting caps and powder.

Gov. Jim Salliman, in his speech at the ceremony, said: “Today, we celebrate not just the absence of a threat, but the presence of a hopeful future for Lamitan City. Together, we have shown that peace is possible. And together we will build a future filled with opportunity and prosperity.”

The 101IB said in a press statement that Luzon, during the ceremony, expressed his brigade’s commitment to continue its mission to ensure peace and security in Lamitan.

“The declaration of Lamitan City as ASG-free is a testament to our united efforts. We have faced numerous challenges, but our collective resolve has brought us to this day,” he said in his speech.

While Abu Sayyaf may not be responsible for this bombing it does go to show that the area remains dangerous which is not a quality that will attract investors. 

The fight against the NPA continues with the AFP recovering an abandoned weapons cache in Buluacan. 


Troops from the 80th Infantry Battalion (80IB) seized a cache of weapons while pursuing a group of communist rebels in San Jose Del Monte City in Bulacan, near the boundary with Rizal province, the Philippine Army reported on Thursday.

Lt. Col. Mark Antony Ruby, commander of the 80IB, told reporters that the operation, which was carried out on Wednesday, was prompted by reports from concerned citizens regarding armed elements associated with the Komiteng Larangan Gerilya (KLG) Narciso.

He said this armed group is a local faction of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), operating along the Bulacan-Rizal boundary.

Personnel from the 80IB, in coordination with the Philippine National Police (PNP), uncovered and confiscated one M16 rifle and one shotgun with corresponding ammunition, as well as a hand grenade, and subversive documents.

Ruby said the weapons were abandoned by fleeing members of the terrorist group "upon realizing that they stood no chance against the government's overwhelming force."

"This event highlights the true nature of the armed NPA, who bring trouble, extortion, and deception to our fellow countrymen in rural areas," he said.

The AFP was also able to prevent the NPA from committing atrocities in Nueva Vizcaya. 


Troopers from the 84th Infantry Battalion (84IB) of the Philippine Army repelled the criminal activities of the New People's Army (NPA) at a village in the mountainous area of Alfonso CastaƱeda town in Nueva Vizcaya on Thursday.

Lt. Col. Jerald Reyes, 84IB commander, said in a social media post of the 7th Infantry Division that an aerial attack was conducted on the exact location of the enemy after residents of Sitio Marikit East, Barangay Abuyo reported the presence of the communist terrorist group (CTG) to authorities. 

The 84th Infantry Battalion is under the control of the 703rd Infantry Brigade of the Nueva Ecija-based 7th Infantry Division.

There are no reports of casualties following the operation as of this posting. Residents in the area were safely evacuated after the military operation.

Reyes said the NPA members were believed to be heavily armed and from the "Kilusang Larangang Guerrilla Tarlac - Zambales" who have grouped themselves to attack areas declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security.

“The Army, as the protector of the people and as part of our sworn mandate, responded to the concerns of the community as the CTG was harassing them. In response, (we) conducted combat and aerial operations to locate the enemy to prevent them from harming the civilians,” he added.

Soldiers continue to preserve the peace, security, and development in active cooperation with the Philippine National Police, Alfonso CastaƱeda municipal government unit and the community.

“We thank the local officials of Barangay Abuyo for initiating loudspeaker operations in their community to calm the residents and help the families evacuate to a safer place,” Reyes said.

A group of remaining NPA members have formed a detachment "to attack areas declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security." Just goes to show being "declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security" doesn't mean there is actually peace or security.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Operation Tuli For All to See

Every year in the Philippines hundreds if not thousands of school aged young boys are circumcised. These circumcisions are called Operation Tuli and happen on school grounds rather than in a hospital. To add to the humiliation of this ritual of genital mutilation pictures and videos are taken while it is happening.

Recently a video of a young boy having his foreskin removed circulated online. The National Privacy Commission says this is a grave violation of the boy's privacy.  


A video of a boy being circumcised, which has made the rounds on social media, should not be shared any further, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) said.

According to its statement on Monday, the sharing of the video violates the privacy of the child and can have negative effects on his psychological and social stability.

“We strongly urge the public to avoid sharing such sensitive content, particularly when it involves minors, as it exposes them to potential cyberbullying and infringes upon their privacy and dignity,” the NPC said.

“The unauthorized sharing of videos or images involving children not only violates their privacy rights. It may also lead to serious psychological and social consequences,” it added.

The agency likewise urged the public to report the video when they see it online.

Meanwhile, healthcare providers were also instructed to remind parents and guardians who take photos and videos of their children undergoing medical procedures about responsible parenting and proper social media use.

“The privacy and dignity of our children must be safeguarded at all costs. Let us uphold our responsibility in maintaining a safe and respectful online environment for everyone,” the NPC concluded.

Privacy and dignity? These boys are getting their hogs sliced at school as a group! Everyone knows it is happening. Where is the privacy and dignity in having doctors knife your Johnson at school? Furthermore pictures of Operation Tuli are routinely posted online.


More than 760 youths in four barangays availed of the Operation Libreng Tuli (Operation Free Circumcision) in Taguig. 

The city government launched the free circumcision service on June 4. 

Those who were circumcised were from Barangays East Rembo, Ususan, Bagumbayan and  Maharlika. The operations were held at East Rembo Elementary School, Ususan Elementary School, CP Sta. Teresa Elementary School and Maharlika Trade Center from June 5 to 8. 

The Operation Libreng Tuli is a yearly program of the city government through its Medical Assistance Office. 

The free circumcision was done by a group of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. The city government also provided free medicine including antibiotic and pain reliever for the patients. 

The Operation Libreng Tuli will continue in the following barangays in Taguig:

June 10 – Western Bicutan

June 11 – Rizal

June  13 – Pitogo

June  14 – New Lower Bicutan and Lower Bicutan

June 15 – Upper Bicutan

“Circumcision is a surgery to remove the skin that covers the tip of the penis, also called the foreskin. For some families, circumcision is a religious ritual. The procedure also can be a matter of cultural or ethnic traditions, personal hygiene, or preventive healthcare. But for others, circumcision doesn't seem to be needed, or it seems risky,” according to the Mayo Clinic website.

The pictures in the above article are from the Taguig City Government. Google images has many more pictures of Operation Tuli. Where is the National Privacy Commission's rebuke to the groups and people who posted those pictures? Why do they care about this one single video? 

Rest assure if you are unlucky enough to be born in the Philippines as a male you will face the indignity of having your foreskin removed at school and in the presence of many others. Perhaps that fact is the problem which should be rectified. Then there would be no more pictures of videos of Operation Tuli.  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Filipino Man, 26, Wins P10,000 for Getting Circumcised

 What would you do for P10,000? One 26-year-old man was willing to get circumcised.


No guts, no cash.

Such was the case for a 26-year-old man in Lapu-Lapu City who received P10,000 for being the oldest individual who was circumcised during the “Operasyon Libreng Tuli” (Operation Free Circumcision) in Lapu-Lapu City on Friday, June 21.

Lapu-Lapu Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan identified the man as a certain Alfredo Jr., a resident of Barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu.

Chan handed the P10,000 cash to Alfredo, who was among the 1,350 individuals who availed of the free circumcision spearheaded by volunteer schools and the Department of Health-Central Visayas.

"Alfredo is very lucky. Aside from becoming a real man, he also got P10,000!,” Chan said.

Chan said Binibining Lapu-Lapu 2023 Cheron Kisses Co was also there to assist Alfredo during the circumcision.

Free ice cream and burgers were  given to those who were circumcised at the Hoops Dome in Barangay Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu.

With the theme “Transforming lives, one cut at a time,” the city government started the free circumcision last June 14.

Another Operation Tuli will be held on June 28 in nine areas in the city.

This is quite the lurid story. 

A 26 year old man, for reasons not specified, decided it was finally time to have his genitals mutilated. Not only does he get a free burger and an ice cream but he also wins P10,000. The headline says he earned it but getting circumcision is not a job.

While the doctor snipped his Johnson he was being assisted by a beauty queen named Cheron Kishes Co. 

How exactly was she assisting? Did she hold his hand? Did she hold something else?

To top it off the mayor declared that Alfredo Jr. has now become "a real man" as if he were still a child until he removed a bit of flesh from his hog. Does this mean the fourth graders who get snipped are "real men?"

Thank goodness Alfredo Jr. is covering his face because in this embarrassing picture it appears he is not wearing any pants or underwear. Did he go straight from the operating table to the photo-op? 

It is simply a bizarre story all around. Only in the Philippines?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Unlicensed Crane Operator Drops Concrete Slab on Worker's Head

Many construction sites in the Philippines are unsafe and dangerous. Here is another one.


A miscalculation by a crane operator at a construction site in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu became the cause of a tragedy when a concrete slab fell on a worker on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

The victim, a construction worker, was crushed to death by a pre-cast concrete slab that weighed 600 kilograms.

The fatal incident reportedly happened at around 1:30 p.m. at a construction site inside a subdivision in Barangay Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City.

The deceased was identified as 39-year-old Joseph Alvaro-Salburo, married and a resident of Barangay Matab-ang in Toledo City.

Salburo was installing iron grill reinforcement at the construction site at the time of the incident when a slab of concrete suddenly fell on him and crushed his whole body.

Investigation showed that the concrete slab fell because of a mistake by the crane operator who was moving it.

Police Major Jaypee Dagami, chief of Gun-ob Police Station, narrated that witnesses said that the boom of the crane was fully extended despite the very short distance that the operator was moving the concrete slab to.

Because the operator miscalculated the equipment’s weight-load ratio, it began turning sideways and the concrete slab fell directly on the victim below.

Salburo, who was only wearing gloves as safety gear, died on the spot.

This was despite the efforts of personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP-R7) Lapu Lapu City District and City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) who responded to the scene.

The crane operator, identified as Oliver Navarro, 39, from Barangay Masaba in Danao City was promptly arrested.

Dagami said that it was found that Navarro did not have the proper license to operate the equipment.

He said that the company, who hired Navarro as a subcontractor, may be held liable for the damage and required to pay compensation to the victim’s family.

Meanwhile, Navarro is now detained at the custodial facility of the Gun-ob Police Station pending the filing of a charge of reckless imprudence resulting to homicide against him.

Dagami said that they would be waiting for the victim’s family to visit the police station and relay their decision for the formal filing of the complaint.

A man working on a construction site wearing ONLY gloves as safety gear died after a slab of concrete dropped onto his head because the crane operator miscalculated the distance he was moving the slab as well as its weight. It also turns out this man did not have a license to operate a crane. Now he is being held in jail while the cops wait for the family to file to a complaint.

This story has everything I write about on this blog. There is the wanton disregard for safety, the incompetence of not only the crane operator but the company who hired him and apparently did not bother to check if he was qualified for the job, and the injustice as the cops wait for the family to file a complaint with the possibility hinted at the man may get off by paying blood money.

It's a stunning snapshot of what makes the Philippines so backwards. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

Retards in the Government 370

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.




More than 500 Metro Manila policemen were dismissed from the service while at least 800 more were punished since July last year as the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) stepped up its internal cleansing against erring cops.

NCRPO director Maj. Gen. Jose Melencio Nartatez, Jr. said the policemen who were punished were slapped with various administrative charges, and those who were kicked out of the police service were facing serious offenses that warranted their dismissal.

Right now, Nartatez said he has already ordered to speed up the review of more than 4,000 documents pertaining to the administrative charges of other policemen slapped with administrative cases.

“There are more than 4,000 documents of administrative proceedings that remain pending, meaning there is no certificate of finality and therefore remain to be enforced,’ said Nartatez.

He said they are eyeing to resolve all those cases within two to three months.

The statement came amid the involvement of several policemen in various illegal activities, the recent was a police colonel who was arrested for carnapping in connection with a rented vehicle that was being sold in ParaƱaque City.

Nartatez said there is a need to focus on the reward and punishment in the NCRPO as part of the efforts to professionalize the organization.

“As commanders, we are responsible for the accomplishments and failures of a unit. We are responsible for what they do and what they fail to do,” said Nartatez.

More than 500 Metro Manila policemen were dismissed from the service while at least 800 more were punished since July last year.

A total of 26 personnel of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) had been dismissed from the service since October 2022 for grave misconduct and gross negligence in the performance of their duties.

BuCor Director General Gregorio Pio P. Catapang Jr. on Thursday, June 13, said he will continue the internal cleansing of the bureau while he remains director general.

In a statement, BuCor said that ”there are 71 personnel being investigated by the bureau's Internal Affairs Office while 35 uniformed and one non uniform personnel are being investigated by the Intelligence and Investigation Division for various allegations and offenses.”

But BuCor said that Catapang is also determined to reward with promotions personnel who have been doing good in their jobs.

“We will continue to promote deserving personnel, and we will continue to recruit new blood and rest assured that as long as I am the Director General, I will continue to reform the bureau until everything is put in order,” Catapang said. 

A total of 129 personnel had been promoted. Those promoted were with the rank of corrections chief superintendent, corrections superintendent, corrections technical chief inspectors, corrections chief inspectors, corrections senior officers IV, corrections officers II,  corrections technical officers II and  non-uniformed personnel.

A total of 26 personnel of the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) had been dismissed from the service since October 2022 for grave misconduct and gross negligence in the performance of their duties.

A village official of Maguindanao del Sur died on the spot in a gun attack in Pagatin village of Datu Salibo town around 11 a.m. on Thursday, a police official said.

Colonel Roel Sermese, Maguindanao del Sur police director, identified the victim as Mama Buat, village chief of Barangay Buayan in Datu Salibo.

According to Lieutenant Victor Lim, Datu Salibo police chief, the victim had just arrived at his son’s residence when two unknown assailants aboard a gray minivan, armed with unidentified firearms, shot him several times.

“He (just) attended a meeting at the town hall, about 300 meters from the crime scene, when gunned down by the suspects,” Lim said.

Buat succumbed to death due to several gunshot wounds in different parts of his body.

Pagatin village is about 10 kilometers away from Barangay Buayan.

Lim said that the family of Buat is still reluctant to provide information about the incident.

Police found 17 fired bullets in the crime scene.

A village official in Maguindanao del Sur has been assassinated. 


Several police personnel, including three officials, have been relieved from their posts as the Philippine National Police (PNP) investigates the alleged violations during the serving of an arrest warrant against fugitive televangelist Apollo Quiboloy.

Speaking to reporters on Friday at Camp Crame in Quezon City, PNP spokesperson Police Col. Jean Fajardo said the officials who were part of the police team that attempted to serve the warrant against Quiboloy were administratively relieved from their posts.

Fajardo identified the officials as Police Regional Office 11 director Police Brig. Gen. Aligre Martinez, PNP Directorate for Operations head Police Maj. Gen. Ronald Lee, and Intelligence Group Director Police Col. Edwin Portento.

She added that nine members of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group, two from the Special Action Force, and one from the Traffic Enforcement Unit were also relieved.

“They were administratively relieved to give way for the investigation that we will conduct to determine if there were lapses, excessive force, or if there was negligence of supervision,” she said.

According to Fajardo, the probe would allow the PNP to assess what really happened during the June 10 attempt by the police to arrest Quiboloy on charges of human trafficking and sexual abuse.

Several police personnel, including three officials, have been relieved from their posts as the Philippine National Police investigates the alleged violations during the serving of an arrest warrant against fugitive televangelist Apollo Quiboloy.


Criminal and administrative charges have been filed before the Office of the Ombudsman in Davao City against two village officials involved in the deduction of PHP8,500 from the PHP10,000 worth of aid given to a pregnant beneficiary on June 6.

In a Friday news release, the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) reported that its Field Office-11 (Davao Region) assisted Anne Villarin in the filing of charges against the Barangay Sinawilan chief and a councilor in Matanao, Davao del Sur.

The two officials admitted in a video interview with Brigada News FM Davao to giving only PHP1,500 to the pregnant beneficiary, distributed in Digos City under the Presidential Assistance to Farmers, Fishermen and their Families.

“Our office has also provided Mrs. Villarin with an additional PHP8,500 because she refused to accept the money being returned by the barangay officials after the post went viral,” Assistant Secretary for Disaster Response Management Group and DSWD spokesperson Irene Dumlao said.

Based on the instruction of DSWD Secretary Rex Gatchalian, a complaint affidavit was jointly executed by Villarin and DSWD FO-11 Regional Director Vanessa Goc-ong, a lawyer, on behalf of the Department.

The formal complaint was submitted to the Ombudsman in the Davao Region, together with the affidavit of witnesses and authentication executed by the Brigada News FM Davao reporter and Field Office-11’s legal assistant.

“As guaranteed by Secretary Gatchalian, the barangay officials will be held accountable and be given the harshest action. We will also ensure to maintain an open communication with Mrs. Villarin throughout the pendency of the case and to assist her as she nears the end-stage of her pregnancy,” Dumlao assured.

She emphasized that DSWD cash aids are for the beneficiaries alone, and nobody, not even government officials, should take a cut. 

Criminal and administrative charges have been filed against two village officials who deducted and pocketed money from a pregnant beneficiary.

A laborer was gunned down and a barangay chairman and his two siblings were wounded while on their way to a court hearing in this town on Friday.

Police identified the victim as construction worker Demy Peralta, a resident of Barangay Calot here.

Peralta was onboard a van driven by his brother-in-law Barangay Calot Chairman Robert Bio with his brothers Benson and Raymart when they were shot in Sitio Silag, Barangay Calot, at about 7 a.m. 

Peralta died from multiple bullet wounds and the Bios sustained bullet wounds and were taken to a hospital.

Police recovered empty bullet shells from the crime scene. 

A barangay chariman survived an assassination attempt.


The National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) operatives on Sunday arrested a cop in a drug buy-bust operation in ParaƱaque City.

NCRPO Director Maj. Gen. Jose Melencio Nartatez Jr. identified the suspect as Cpl. Neil Bagunu, 31, presently assigned at the National Police Training Institute (NPTI).

He was arrested in Purok-2 Formost Street in Barangay BF Homes, ParaƱaque City after receiving the marked and boodle money from a poseur buyer as payment for shabu at around 2:30 a.m. Sunday.

Nartatez said the operatives seized drug paraphernalia worth PHP136,000 and a .45- caliber pistol.

The cop, he said, was brought to the Paranaque Police Station to face criminal and administrative charges.

He said over 500 policemen in Metro Manila have been dismissed from the service as part of the NCRPO’s internal cleansing since July last year.

A cop has been arrested for drugs. 


The Makati City Council has unanimously passed a resolution suspending for 12 months Barangay Magallanes Chair Jose Mari A. Alzona for abusing his authority when he withheld the salaries of two barangay workers without due process.

In City Resolution No. 2024-048, the council suspended Alzona for improperly withholding the salaries of administrative aides Sarah Jane M. Cama and Robert P. Sunga without proper notice and without seeking an explanation for absences.

The two cases were consolidated and the council’s Committee on Laws, Rules, and Ethics held a hearing where evidence was submitted and testimonies were heard from the two complainants and the respondent. Following the hearing, the committee recommended Alzona’s 12-month suspension and the council passed the resolution on June 5.

The suspension is set to take effect on June 20.

A baranagay chairman has been suspended for abusing his authority when he withheld the salaries of two barangay workers without due process.


Four Philippine policemen were found guilty Tuesday of killing a father and son, court officials said, in a rare case of law enforcement officers being prosecuted for taking part in former president Rodrigo Duterte's deadly drug war.

The low-ranking officers were all sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for the shooting deaths of the two victims at a Manila slum during an anti-drug police operation in 2016, Manila regional trial court judge Rowena Alejandria said in her written verdict that was read in court Tuesday.

"It must be worthy to note that the accused themselves did not deny their presence and participation in the police operation conducted, the same event where the victims Luis and Gabriel were killed," Alejandria wrote.

Luis Bonifacio was 45 and his son Gabriel Bonifacio was 19 when they were killed.

Manila policemen Virgilio Cervantes, Arnel de Guzman, Johnston Alacre and Artemio Saguros, who attended the court session wearing their blue police uniforms, were also ordered to pay 400,000 pesos ($6,820) each in damages to the victims' heirs.

The family has alleged more than a dozen police officers took part in the nighttime raid at the northern Manila slum community.

The family insisted the two were not involved in drugs and were unarmed when police opened fire.

The defendants pleaded self-defence, alleging the suspects were armed and had shot at them.

But state prosecutors went with the lesser charge of homicide against only four officers, instead of murder, which involves deliberate intent to kill and which carries a heavier penalty.

Four PNP officers have been foudn guily of homicide during the drug war. 


The Commission on Audit (COA) has flagged the Malabon City government over its P2.183 billion "unreliable" year-end balance of Cash in Bank (CIB) and the P4.265 billion Property, Plant, and Equipment (PPE) accounts.

In letter to Malabon City Mayor Jeannie N. Sandoval, COA said: "The accuracy, existence and validity of the year-end balance of the CIB account totaling P2.183 billion was unreliable due to the noted discrepancies of P392.859 million and (P24.877 million) when compared with the balances per cashbook and per bank confirmation, respectively."

The letter dated May 16, 2024 was sent to Mayor Sandoval by Atty. Maria Carmina Paulita B. Juguilon Pagayawan, director IV of COA.

In its letter which summarized the annual audit report for 2023, COA said the "unreliable" balance was attributable to the absence of reconciliation between the subsidiary ledger (SL) and cashbook and the "significant delay" of the city government in the preparation and submission of the Bank Reconciliation Statement (BRS), which it said was contrary to Section 74, Chapter 3 of Presidential Decree No. 1445, Section 181.c of Government Accounting and Auditing Manual (GAAM), Volume I, and COA Circular No. 96-011.

COA has asked Sandoval to direct the City Accounting Department (CAD) to properly document and adjust in the books the derecognition of three bank accounts declared as closed by the Philippine National Bank (PNB). 

Moving forward, Malabon's CAD has been asked to regularly prepare and submit the BRS to COA within the prescribed period.

As for the City Treasury Department (CTD), COA said CTD should record in the cashbook the two bank accounts maintained with the Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP) with a combined book balance of P1,087,657.71 and recognize in the cashbook the time deposit maintained with the same bank amounting to P1,547,535.39.

At the same time, COA questioned the "unreliable" year-end balance of the city's PPE accounts amounting to P4.265 billion. One concern was the "lumped" PPE items, which were described as "Beginning Balances" and without appropriate description amounting to P37.638 million, it said

Another issue cited by COA were the PPEs inclusion in the Report on the Physical Count of PPE (RPCPPE) but not recognized in the books of accounts, as well as the PPEs taken up in the books but not in the RPCPPE in the amounts of P56.859 million and P554.116 million, respectively.

It said its auditors wondered why the RPCPPE included 41 units of PPE items without costs and 36 units of missing properties worth P4.473 million, which resulted in the "unreconciled discrepancy" of P497.258 million between the accounting records and the inventory report.

It then tasked the  CAD to determine the composition and details of the PPE items lumped and recorded as Beginning Balances and without appropriate description. 

The Inventory Committee, on the other hand, needs to establish the costs of the 41 units of PPE items while the City General Services Department (CGSD) needs to verify whether the missing PPE were disposed of or transferred to other government agencies, it said.

The Commission on Audit has flagged the Malabon City government over its P2.183 billion "unreliable" year-end balance of Cash in Bank and the P4.265 billion Property, Plant, and Equipment accounts.


An enlisted personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is in danger of losing his job after allegedly firing his service gun indiscriminately while on a drinking session with his buddies in Manila before dawn Tuesday, June 18.

PCG spokesperson Rear Adm. Armando Balilo identified the erring personnel as Apprentice Seaman (ASN) Christopher Busilan. He hails from Solana, Cagayan but is currently residing in Port Area, Manila.

Busilan was arrested by elements of the National Capital Region Police Office (NCRPO) after he allegedly fired a gun while drinking alcohol with a group of men along R. Papa Street around 1 a.m.

The NCRPO notified the PCG National Headquarters about the incident.

“CG ASN Busilan initially denied the incident and later admitted he was the one who fired the gun,” Balilo said.

Balilo said that PCG Commandant Admiral Ronnie Gil Gavan does not condone illegal activities of coast guard personnel. 

Accordingly, Gavan directed the Coast Guard Inspector General and Internal Affairs Service (CGIG-IAS) to conduct a parallel investigation regarding the incident for appropriate administrative measures.

If proven guilty, Busilan “will be dishonorably discharged from the Coast Guard service,” Balilo noted.

Aside from that, Busilan also faces charges for violation of the Republic Act (RA) No. 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act and illegal discharge of firearm.

An enlisted personnel of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) is in danger of losing his job after allegedly firing his service gun indiscriminately while on a drinking session with his buddies in Manila before dawn Tuesday, June 18.

Still unidentified gunmen killed a barangay worker here while he was having lunch on Monday, June 17.

Police in Mambaling confirmed a shooting incident that took place in Brgy. Duljo Fatima that claimed the life of a 44-year-old man.

The victim was identified as Edward Abayan, 44, a resident of Alaska Mambaling who also worked as an administrative staff for the same barangay.

According to witnesses, Abayan was eating inside a carenderia along Spolarium Street in Brgy. Duljo Fatima around 1 p.m. on Monday when a man approached him and then fired his gun towards the victim.

He was declared dead on the spot.

Investigators continue to determine the identity of the suspects and possible motives behind the fatal shooting.

A barangay worker has been assassinated on his lunch break.


A policeman assigned to the Morong, Rizal Police is now under investigation after pulling out a gun on another motorist he had an altercation with along the zigzag area in the town of Teresa heading to Antipolo on Tuesday, June 18.

In a now viral video of Willy Ruiz, a motorcycle rider who identified himself as a police officer, was seen telling the latter to get out of his vehicle with a gun on his hand. The rider told Ruiz that he had allegedly cut his way up the mountain, prompting him to chase the victim.

The rider's motorcycle had no license plate.

According to Rizal Governor Nina Ynares, she had already seen the video of the incident and immediately coordinated with Rizal Police Provincial Office (Rizal PPO) Provincial Director Col. Felipe Maraggun to determine if the gun-toting man is indeed a police officer.

"I have already coordinated with Rizal PNP Provincial Director PCol. Felipe Maraggun to verify and identify the alleged policeman involved in the road rage incident. After a few hours, he confirmed to us that the rider is indeed a PNP personnel assigned to the town of Morong," Ynares said on Wednesday, June 19.

Maraggun assured the governor that the Rizal PPO will investigate the incident and make the policeman liable for his action.

"We are extremely condoning these kinds of incidents. We will make sure to keep an eye on the police's investigation and impose the appropriate punishment on the policeman," Ynares stressed.

A cop has been caught on camera threatening a motorist with his gun. 


A dismissed police major was arrested by members of the Las PiƱas Police Station Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU) after he yielded suspected shabu an a gun during a buy-bust operation last Tuesday, June 18.

Las PiƱas police chief Col. Sandro Taffala, identified the suspect as ex-Major Reynante Ibon, 54, a resident of  Batangas City.

Tafalla said Ibon, who included in police gallery of high value individual (HVI), was nabbed at around 12:20 a.m. at the corner of Saging and Strawberry Streets in Barangay CAA, Las PiƱas City.

He said confiscated from the suspect were 15 grams shabu placed in seven plastic sachets worth P102,000, one blue rubber pouch, a white Nissan X-rail with plate number ZRU718, and a cellular phone.

The city police chief said SDEU operatives also confiscated from the suspect one .45-caliber pistol with four rounds of ammunition. 

Tafalla said Ibon along with the confiscated shabu was brought to the Southern Police District (SPD) Forensic Unit for drug testing, while the confiscated gun was turned over to the SPD Crime Laboratory for ballistic examination.

Police investigators are also conducting firearms verification to determine the registered owner of the gun.

Tafalla said charges for violation of Section 5 and 11, Article II of Republic Act (RA) 9165 (The Comprehensive Dangerous Drug Act of 2022) and RA 10591 (The Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunitions Regulation Act) were filed at the  Las PiƱas City Prosecutor's Office against the suspect.    

A dismissed police major was arrested by members of the Las PiƱas Police Station Drug Enforcement Unit after he yielded suspected shabu an a gun during a buy-bust operation last Tuesday, June 18.