Saturday, July 13, 2024

The God Culture: Philippine Gold is Sentimental to God

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture loves gold. Specifically he loves Philippine gold. He teaches that the Philippines is Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba, Havilah, and the Land of creation solely because of gold. Find the Land of Gold and you find Ophir, etc. The Philippines has lots of unmined gold in the ground therefore it is Ophir, etc.

But there is something special about Philippine gold to which no other gold can lay claim. Adam sacrificed Philippine gold to God for an atonement which makes that gold precious to God. 

Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish 

41:00 This gold of Ophir was the fine gold or pure gold of that day not because it was necessarily of higher quality than other gold but because it had meaning to Yahuah from Adam's very first sacrifice once exiled from the Garden of Eden. It mattered then and it still matters now

Tim reiterates this in his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 71

This is the Genesis 2 gold Adam used in the first sacrifice of atonement when exiled from the Garden. It is precious to Yahuah and this is why Solomon knew to fetch it for the Temple project from this primordial estate.

Where does Tim get the idea Adam sacrificed gold to God as an atonement? Not from the Bible. From The Cave of Treasures.

The Estate of Adam: Solomon's Gold 2i. 100 Clues#50.

16:30 We found a source a bit more specific and this is amazing as Adam actually offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh on that day in the first atonement sacrifice to Yahuah. This is why these have so much value. It's not about money.

Tim mentions The Cave of Treasures several times in his book The Search for  Solomon's Treasure. He calls it a historic source.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 79

There are historic sources..

Then he admits The Cave of Scriptures is NOT SCRIPTURE.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pgs. 97-98

Finally, there is a book called the Cave of Treasures that we do not use as and reject as scripture but we glean a fact from. It actually makes the claim that upon leaving the Garden of Eden which means Adam was in Havilah, Philippines, he was able to find gold on the sides of the Mount of the East where he then made the first sacrifice of atonement.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 303

We will use an historic reference outside of the Bible to further support this not for scripture but geography to better understand. This is not scripture

Adam offered the first atonement and there is no passage to indicate he ever sinned again in his entire 930 years. He retrieved gold, frankincense and myrrh from the sides of the mountain meaning they grow there natively and all three are native to the Philippines.

What exactly is The Cave of Treasures?

The Cave of Treasures, sometimes referred to simply as The Treasure, is an apocryphal and pseudoepigraphical work, that contains various narratives related to the Christian Bible. It was written in the Syriac language, approximately at the end of the 6th, or at the beginning of the 7th century. Its authorship was traditionally attributed to Ephrem of Edessa (d. 373), but modern scholarly analyses have shown that the true author was some other person, who also lived in Upper Mesopotamia, but much later (c. 600).

It is an apocryphal book full of fictitious stories that Tim does not understand and which he misquotes. Adam does indeed place gold, myrrh, and frankincense inside a cave but the reason is not to atone for his sins. It is a kind of prerequisite for sleeping with his wife. 

Now Adam and Eve were virgins, and Adam wished to know Eve his wife. And Adam took from the skirts of the mountain of Paradise, gold, and myrrh, and frankincense, and he placed them in the cave, and he blessed the cave, and consecrated it that it might be the house of prayer for himself and his sons

So Adam and Eve went down from that holy mountain [of Eden] to the slopes which were below it, and there Adam knew Eve his wife.

Those bolded parts are not quoted by Tim. He purposely omits them. That is kind of odd seeing as the whole paragraph shows up highlighted in his sourcebook.

Solomon's Treasure Sourcebook, pg. 91

According to The Cave of Treasures the three Magi retrieved those treasures to give to Christ. 

And straightway, according to what they had received from the tradition which had been handed down to them by their fathers, they left the East, and went up to the mountains of Nôdh, which lie inside the entrances to the East from the lands on the skirts of the North, and they took from them gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.

The book is called the Cave of Treasures because the cave in which the gold, myrrh, and frankincense were placed connects Adam and Christ. That is the framework for the entire book.

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, pg. 531

Cave of treasures essentially takes Its name from a awe near paradise in which Adam is said to have deposited a number of items taken from paradise. These are called Treasures and later on will be carried by the magi to Bethlehem in order to be presented to the new-born Christ. This basic plot serves the author to construct a panoramic view of Christian salvation history spanning from creation to Pentecost. 

The narration therefore starts in the same way as the first book of the Bible, describing the creation-week in tabular form, and then passes on to a lengthy account of Adam and Eve's creation and stay in paradise, their temptation, fall, expulsion and settlement at the outskirts of paradise, where the Cave of Treasures is introduced for the first time. On occasion of their first sexual act Adam and Eve deposit within the cave gold, myrrh and incense, that is, those items which were presented to Christ by the magi according to the Gospel narrative.

The gold, frankincense, and myrrh have nothing to do with an atonement sacrifice nor is it called or even alluded to as such. Tim is fundamentally wrong.

On what basis does Tim think The Cave of Treasures is a reliable account of history? Has he read it? Here is a passage from The Cave of Treasures about the circumcision of Jesus Christ. 

Now Christ was eight days old when the Magi presented their offerings; and Mary received them at the very time when Joseph circumcised Christ. In truth, Joseph circumcised Him according to the Law, but he only went through (or imitated) the act of cutting, for no [flesh] whatsoever was cut off from Him. For as [a rod of] iron passeth through the fire and cutteth the rays thereof, without any part of it being cut off from it, so in like manner was Christ circumcised without anything being taken from Him.

The author says the circumcision of Jesus Christ involved no cutting of flesh. That means there was no real circumcision. But Christ was born under the Law and subject to all its ordinances. That includes circumcision. A real circumcision which involves the cutting of flesh. The passage reeks of the heresy of Docetism which teaches the flesh of Jesus Christ was only an illusion. Does Tim think this is reliable history too? Or will he pick and choose from this book? However, as I have shown he does not understand The Cave of Treasures and purposely misquotes it. 

Timothy Jay Schwab's foundational story as to why the gold of the Philippines is Biblically important has no basis in fact. It is a concoction of his fevered brain which latches onto anything no matter how minute in order to make his system of exalting the Philippines to a status it does not have work.

In The Estate of Adam Tim says something else that is so ridiculous it must be laid out for all to see.

The Estate of Adam: Solomon's Gold 2i. 100 Clues#50.

48:50 See this resource matters all the way to the end because it is sentimental to Yahuah God. Why is this so important? Well Yahuah certainly is sentimental. Adam used the gold of Havilah the land of Eve where he lived. Which became known as Ophir,  Sheba, and Tarshish after the flood. Which is now known as the Philippines in modern times or the same pattern of three Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao: Ophir,  Sheba, Tarshish.

God places a sentimental value on the gold of the Philippines, Ophir, because Adam placed it in a cave as an atonement. For one thing that story has already been torn to shreds above. For another God is not sentimental. God places no value on gold or any other commodity. The Bible certainly never says or indicates or infers such a thing. To say something like this is to turn God into a man with human emotions. Only one who has no idea who God is could say a thing like this. Of course Tim's denial of the Trinity saying the Holy Spirit is likely a creation along with his denial of the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ means he has no idea who God is. It is par for the course for Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. 

Friday, July 12, 2024

Retards in the Government 373

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has admonished the provincial officials of Sorsogon in the distribution in 2023 of P37.7 million worth of relief goods which were not adequately supported with documents or promptly reported.

In its 2023 audit report, the COA said the provincial government's failure to provide supporting documents "cast doubt on the propriety of the receipt and distribution thereof."

It said its auditors found that Sorsogon purchased 21,000 sacks of rice as relief goods for stockpiling purposes in 2023, and this was charged against the Local Disaster Risk Reduction Management Fund (LDRRMF) for P37,779,000.

But it said the auditors also found the relief goods were received by the Provincial Social Welfare Development Office (PSWDO) and not by the Provincial General Services Office (PGSO). 

At the same time, it said the receipt of distributed relief goods by the recipients could not be ascertained due to the absence of Relief Distribution Sheet (RDS).

"Interview with the Provincial Government Department Head (PGDH) of the PSWDO revealed that all relief goods were distributed as of Dec. 31, 2023; however, duly accomplished RDS were not yet submitted," it said.

"As a result, the 21,000 sacks of rice remained as part of the inventory as of year-end," it also said.

The RDS, the COA said, should have indicated the names and signatures of the recipients of the relief goods as well as the details of relief goods received during its actual distribution.

The COA then asked the head of the provincial government of Sorsogon to instruct the PGSO to observe the proper inventory and monitoring of all procured relief goods, taking into consideration the RDS evidencing the issuance to the end-users or beneficiaries.

The Commission on Audit has admonished the provincial officials of Sorsogon in the distribution in 2023 of P37.7 million worth of relief goods which were not adequately supported with documents or promptly reported.

A female member of the Philippine Army reportedly tried to bribe a traffic enforcer to get away with her apprehension for encroaching on the EDSA bus lane.

A white sport utility vehicle (SUV) driven by a woman, who was wearing an Army uniform, was flagged along the EDSA Carousel on July 2, according to the Department of Transportation (DOTr) Special Action and Intelligence Committee for Transportation.

The private vehicle has a logo of the Philippine Army, the DOTr said.

The soldier said she used the EDSA busway because she was running late for a conference in Taguig.

When she was asked to present the vehicle’s official receipt and certificate of registration, she allegedly tried to bribe the traffic enforcer.

Authorities towed the SUV to the impounding area of the Land Transportation Office along East Avenue in Quezon City.

The soldier was issued a citation ticket for disregarding traffic signs.

The DOTr did not disclose the identity of the female soldier as well as the license plate of the SUV.

A female member of the Philippine Army reportedly tried to bribe a traffic enforcer to get away with her apprehension for encroaching on the EDSA bus lane.

A barangay kagawad or councilor was shot dead in Barangay Victoria, Alaminos City, Pangasinan on Wednesday, July 3.

Police Major Jairilyn Camangian, Alaminos City deputy chief of police, identified the victim as Recto “Romeo” Tabua, 57, kagawad of Barangay Victoria.

Camangian said Tabua was sitting in a covered basketball court when a man wearing black helmet, black jacket, and black denim pants onboard a black motorcycle appeared and shot him multiple times in the back.

The suspect fled and police took the victim to the hospital where he was declared.

Lawmen recovered three empty shells of a handgun from the crime scene and reviewing surveillance cameras in the area to identify the gunman. 

A barangay kagawad or councilor was shot dead in Barangay Victoria, Alaminos City, Pangasinan.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has affirmed the P131.5 million notice of disallowance (ND) issued in 2012 on the purchase in 2009 by the Philippine National Polide (PNP) of 75 units of rubber boats and 93 units of outboard motors.

In a decision, the COA denied the petition for review filed by PCSupt. George Q. Piano, then the director of the Logistics Support Services (LSS) and chairperson of the Inspection and Acceptance Committee (IAC) of the PNP.

Through ND No. 2012-11-069(09) dated Nov. 20, 2012, the COA said that in the purchase of rubber boats and outboard motors for P131.5 million, the PNP failed to conduct public bidding for the items, and instead resorted to direct procurement. 

It said the Supply Contracts (SCs) and Purchase Orders (POs) were likewise divided among suppliers due to their incapacity to deliver the entire units, which resulted in the splitting of contracts in violation of the Procurement Law.

Also, the COA said the suppliers incurred delays in the delivery of equipment, and the PNP failed to impose the necessary penalties and lost the amount of P8,506,100 as liquidated damages.

When the ND was issued in 2012, Piano was among the persons held liable for the amount of P87,375,000. 

In the petition for review, Piano argued that his involvement in the procurement was limited to his being the director of LSS and chairman of IAC.

He told the COA that he had no hand or participation in the award or recommendation for the award of contracts for the supply and delivery of the rubber boats and outboard motors. 

He also pointed out that he acted in the regular performance of his duties, without negligence and without personally benefiting from the transaction.

However, the COA found his petition bereft of merit. "Aside from his failure to verify the reports before he approved the acceptance of deliveries and payment, PCSupt. Piano admitted his own negligence and that of the IAC when he stated that the IAC during his watch as chairperson thereof only acted in accepting the delivery of 75 units of rubber boats after the Inspection Team found the rubber boats to be conforming to the Napolcom (National Police Commission) approved technical specifications," the COA's decision stated.

"This shows that he was remiss in his responsibility to personally supervise the composite team in making sure that the delivered units were compliant with the Napolcom specifications and PNP tests and evaluation," it said. 

The decision also pointed out that the fact that Piano did not benefit from the transaction will not absolve him of his personal liability under the disallowance, since there was an expenditure of public funds that was not made in compliance with the law.

The Commission on Audit has affirmed the P131.5 million notice of disallowance issued in 2012 on the purchase in 2009 by the Philippine National Police of 75 units of rubber boats and 93 units of outboard motors.

Robbery with intimidation of person has been filed with the Caloocan City regional trial court (RTC) against a police seargeant who was arrested after accepting P30,000 from the sister of an apprehended suspect in illegal drugs trading. 

In a press briefer issued Sunday evening, July 7, the Department of Justice (DOJ) identified the charged police officer as PSSG Andro C. Centeno who was detailed at the Amparo Police Sub-Station in Caloocan City.

The DOJ said that Centeno was arrested last June 24 during an entrapment operation conducted by the Philippine National Police-Integrity Monitoring and Enforcement (PNP-IMEG).

It said that Centeno was caught accepting P30,000 from a woman whom he asked for payment for the release of her brother who was arrested for drugs charges.

It also said that Centeno tried to escape but was eventually caught by operatives of PNP-IMEG at a nearby condominium. A P100,000 bail was recommended for Centeno's provisional liberty.

During the same operation, the DOJ said the PNP-IMEG also caught at the same sub-station two policemen engaged in illegal gambling by playing the card game “tong-its,”

The two were identified as PCPT Jun-jun A. Silvertino and PSMS Jonathan G. Aggalao, both of whom were charged with illegal gambling before the Caloocan City RTC. A P30,000 bail was recommended for each of them.

Centeno, Silvertino and Aggalao are detained at the PNP Headquarters in Camp Crame in Quezon City.

“Let this be a warning to law enforcers or to any public servant for that matter, not to abuse their authority, neither enrich themselves at the expense of others,” DOJ Secretary Jesus Crispin C. Remulla said in a statement.

A PNP officer has been arrested for accepting payment for the release of a suspect.

Senator Nancy Binay on Monday filed an ethics complaint against Senator Alan Peter Cayetano over his alleged “unparliamentary act, and language” during last week’s hearing on the controversial new Senate building.

In her complaint filed before the office of Committee on Ethics and Privileges chairperson Senator Francis Tolentino, Binay stated that the Senate has the power to punish its erring members for disorderly behavior.

Binay cited that during the July 3 hearing of the Committee on Accounts, chaired by Cayetano, on the New Senate Building (NSB) project, the latter uttered “offensive, derogatory and improper” language against her.

The two senators traded barbs while the committee was reviewing the cost of the building.

“Respondent repeatedly acted in an unparliamentary manner and used offensive, derogatory and improper language against me during the subject public hearing,” she said in her complaint.

The chair, she added, repeatedly blamed and accused her of “lying and spreading falsehood” against him.

She added that the senator even called her a "gossipmonger."

“You've gone crazy, lady,” Cayetano told Binay as she stood up and left the hearing.

At a press briefing, Binay turned emotional as she explained that her children witnessed the incident, thus, she decided to file a complaint.

Meanwhile, Cayetano said he saw photos of Binay filing the complaint.

He shrugged it off and said nothing would come out of it. He added he could file the same against Binay.

“She knows that nothing will happen in the ethics case. I can also file an ethics case against her because what she did was also unethical,” he added.

Senator Nancy Binay has filed an ethics complaint against Senator Alan Cayetano.

The Supreme Court (SC) has ordered the suspension for six months of a police officer who punched and kicked a female drug suspect during an anti-narcotics operation in Las Piñas City.

In a decision promulgated on April 3 but released only yesterday, the SC’s Third Division found Cpl. Herminio Besmonte guilty of simple misconduct for using excessive force and unnecessary coercion against the suspect.

Besmonte posed as a buyer during a drug sting conducted in Las Piñas to arrest the suspect.

When the woman resisted, Besmonte and two other police personnel exerted force to restrain and arrest her, with Besmonte punching her face and kicking her knee and abdomen.

The woman filed a complaint for physical abuse against Besmonte and the two other lawmen before the National Police Commission (Napolcom).

She presented a medical certificate that her left cheek and groin area were swollen.

The Napolcom found Besmonte administratively liable for inflicting violence on the suspect, punishing him with demotion by one rank.

Besmonte appealed the decision with the Civil Service Commission, but the CSC increased his penalty to dismissal from the police service.

The Court of Appeals upheld the CSC’s ruling, prompting Besmonte to elevate the case to the SC.

In resolving the case, the SC ruled that Besmonte was administratively liable only for simple misconduct since it was not proven that his actions were tainted with corruption or clear intent to violate the law.

A cop has been suspended for punching a drug suspect.

The Philippine National Police (PNP) has identified two dismissed police officers as the alleged masterminds in the killing of beauty pageant candidate Geneva Lopez and her Israeli boyfriend Yitzhak Cohen.

Ranking police officials and Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) Secretary Benjamin Abalos Jr. presented suspects Michael Guiang and Rommel Abuzo to the media in a briefing in Camp Crame on Monday.

PNP Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) chief Maj. Gen. Leo Francisco, director of the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), said a land dispute was the motive of the killing after Lopez attempted to take the parcel of land pawned to her by Guiang over his failure to pay back the money he owes the beauty queen.

Investigation showed Guiang convinced Lopez to meet a supposed buyer of the parcel of land in Capas, Tarlac on June 21.

The CIDG chief said unknown to Lopez, Guiang connived with Abuzo for him to pose as the buyer.

"From that point they met in Barangay Armenia and the two former police officers shot the couple. You'll see it’s a planned activity. Based on our investigation, Guiang and Abuzo planned how they would deal with the couple, so there was that plan of killing the couple. Guiang doesn't want to give to Geneva the land he pawned,” Francisco said.

The couple succumbed to gunshot wounds, based on the results of the autopsy conducted by the National Bureau of Investigation.

Francisco said the surrender of another person of interest (POI), alias 'Jun Jun', led to the identification of the suspects as he narrated the events that occurred on the day the couple was killed.

'Jun Jun', who served as Guiang's driver, revealed the location of the couple's remains. These were later exhumed by authorities in Barangay San Vicente in Capas town on July 6.

Abalos said Guiang and Abuzo are now under police custody.

The CIDG chief, meanwhile, said a manhunt is underway against two other persons who allegedly assisted Abuso and Guiang in carrying out the couple's murder.

PNP chief Gen. Rommel Francisco Marbil assured that the police would file airtight cases against those involved in the killing of Lopez and Cohen.

He said the two former police officers would be charged with two counts of murder.

Abalos, meanwhile, said two more cases would be filed against Guiang and Abuzo -- charges of illegal possession of firearms and illegal possession of explosives as a result of follow-up operations that resulted in their arrest.

Abuzo and Guiang were dismissed from the police service in 2019 and 2020, respectively, for being AWOL (absent without official leave).

Two ex-cops have been arrested for murder.

Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV on Friday filed plunder complaints against former President Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go before the Department of Justice (DOJ) in connection with the alleged anomalous award of 184 government contracts worth more than PHP6 billion.

In a 30-page complaint, Trillanes alleged that Duterte and Go facilitated corrupt practices in the awarding of contracts to companies owned by Go's father and brother.

He said from 2007 to 2018, CLTG Builders, which is owned by the senator's father, Deciderio, was awarded 125 government contracts worth around PHP4.9 billion; while Alfrego Builders, owned by the solon's brother, Alfredo, bagged 59 government projects worth PHP1.74 billion.

Trillaned claimed both companies lacked the required contractors’ license to undertake such large-scale projects, with many contracts exceeding their allowable project cost limits.

“All the elements of plunder are clearly present in this case. Mr. Bong Go, in conspiracy with Mr. Duterte, used his position, authority and influence to corner billions worth of government projects in favor of his father and brother, thus unduly enriching himself and the members of his immediate family. The evidence presented in the complaint is compelling and warrants a plunder charge,” he said.

Besides violating Republic Act (RA) No. 7080 (The Anti-Plunder Act), Duterte and Go were also accused of allegedly violating RA 3019 (The Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act), and RA 6713 (The Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees).

Former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV on Friday filed plunder complaints against former President Rodrigo Duterte and Senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go.

An employee of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) was gunned down in Purok Sandia, Barangay Mambaroto, Sipalay City, Negros Occidental on Monday morning, July 8.

Police identified the victim as Andre Maria Pajarillo, 57, of Candoni, Negros Occidental.

Police Lt. Col. Fernando Somblingo Jr., Sipalay police chief, said the victim was driving his motorcycle when he was shot by two unidentified persons.

One of them was the gunman and the other was believed to be the lookout.

Somblingo said that the perpetrators may have tailed the victim on his way to work around 8:35 a.m.

The victim succumbed to two bullet wounds in the neck and head.

Recovered from the crime scene were two fired 9mm cartridges.

Police are looking into work-related or grudges as possible motives of the incident.

An employee of the Department of Agrarian Reform has been assassinated.

The director of the Davao City Police and 19 station commanders were sacked from their posts over what top police officials described as highlighting severe discrepancies in crime statistics and inadequate police response times.

The decision was made by Police Regional Office 11 director Brig. Gen. Nicolas Torre III after a review of the crime statistics in Davao City which allegedly revealed 22 killings and 41 rape cases from January to May this year. 

Police Maj. Catherine Dela Rey, PRO-11 spokesperson said the reassignment of officers was part of the ongoing efforts to maintain the integrity and effectiveness of the local police force. 

"The reassignment of officers is a crucial part of our duty to ensure that our police force remains dynamic and responsive to the needs of the community," said Dela Rey.

In a press statement posted on the official Facebook page of the regional office on July 1, Torre disclosed that the killings and rape data translates to one killing and two rapes per week for the 22 weeks covered by the Davao City Police Office (DCPO) report.

Torre said the DCPO report suggests a community where killings occur seven times more frequently than physical assaults, which is inconsistent with Davao City's reputation as a very safe city. 

He said they discovered that some police officials kept two police blotters where one is sanitized so as not to reflect the real situation in a particular area of responsibility.

Torre emphasized the importance of accurate crime reporting and recording to understand the true peace and order situation. 

He pointed out that physical injuries are often precursors to more serious crimes, and if not properly addressed, they can lead to killings. 

Most of the killings reported were motivated by personal grudges, with previous violent incidents between suspects and victims.

Torre also emphasized the need to observe the 3-minute response time and the proper use of communication equipment and maintain strict supervision to enhance their response capabilities. 

20 Davao City cops have been relieved over 
severe discrepancies in crime statistics and inadequate police response times.

Criminal and administrative complaints have been filed before the Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) on Tuesday, July 9, against Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) Administrator Sonia B. Malaluan and four other persons for alleged illegal Special Permits (SPs) issued to foreign dredgers.

Also charged were former MARINA administrator Hernani Fabia, former chief of sStaff of the Office of the Administrator Jabeth Dacanay, MARINA National Capital Region (NCR) Director Marc Pascua, and MARINA Domestic Shipping Office Director Rowena Hubilla.

On the criminal complaint, they were charged with violations of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, and RA No. 7080, the Plunder Law.

The complainant, United Filipino Seafarers Chairman Nelson P. Ramirez, also asked the OMB to hold them liable on administrative charges of grave misconduct, grave abuse of authority, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of service.

The charges arose from the issuance and renewal of SPs for foreign dredgers that are "predominantly Chinese" beyond the maximum two-year period specified in MARINA Circular No. 2011-04 from 2022 until their departure.

The complaint alleged that the circular stipulates that SPs for foreign vessels can only be granted for a period of up to two years if no local ships are available.

It said that to enable this extension, Malaluan and Hubilla reportedly caused the issuance of MARINA Advisory No. 2024-25, which tackled the extension of validity of existing SPs for the temporary utilization of foreign-registered ships within the national territory.

"In the best interest of the service and to effectively cope with the robust investment climate in the country resulting to an influx of specialized foreign vessels operating on numerous government-approved projects, the validity of existing SPs... for the utilization of foreign-registered ships within the national territory shall be extended," the advisory stated.  Among other conditions, the advisory stipulated a condition that the contract duration of the government project for which the ship is being utilized is more than two years.

In his complaint, Ramirez alleged that highly specialized ships are primarily involved in petroleum exploration and operations, such as seismic survey vessels, drilling rigs, and other similar vessels. 

He claimed that dredgers are not classified as highly specialized vessels, and yet, Hubilla and Malaluan reclassified them "without clear basis, to justify the unlawful extension of SPs."

"Assuming for the sake of argument that dredgers are specialized vessels, they should have collected the shortfall of P300,000 every month from the 11 holders of special permits for 24 months because, under MC 2017-02, the required fee is P600,000, whereas under MC 2011-04, it is only P300,000 or a total of P79,200,000, otherwise, this translate to an advantage or benefit granted to the owners of the foreign vessels," the complaint also alleged. 

It also alleged that the issuance of MARINA of an SP to a foreign-registered highly specialized ship comes with the condition that there are "no readily available and suitable Philippine registered ships operating within the national territory." 

However, the complaint pointed out that there are Philippine-registered dredgers on record.

"Despite the availability of Philippine-flagged vessels, which are manned by Filipino crew and capable of performing the necessary tasks, the respondents have failed to prioritize these local vessels, undermining the development of the Philippine maritime industry," the complaint alleged. 

The OMB was told that the renewal or extension of these SPs by MARINA-NCR is illegal because of the "absence of any legal basis" for such extensions. 

Since these vessels continue to operate within Philippine waters beyond the maximum two-year period, the complaint alleged that the respondents should have exacted a payment of P3 million penalty per vessel instead of "rewarding" them with an extension.

The the complaint stated that at P3 million per vessel the total amount of penalties should be P66 million which reached the threshold for plunder. 

"The failure to collect these penalties provided undue financial benefits to the vessel owners, which may have been shared with the conspiring public officials," it alleged. 

Criminal and administrative complaints have been filed before the Office of the Ombudsman on Tuesday, July 9, against Maritime Industry Authority Administrator Sonia B. Malaluan and four other persons for alleged illegal Special Permits issued to foreign dredgers.

A Senate panel on Wednesday cited suspended Bamban Mayor Alice Guo and seven others in contempt for their failure to attend the committee inquiry into the criminal activities of Philippine offshore gaming operators (POGOs).

Sen. Risa Hontiveros, chair of the Senate women's committee, ruled to cite Guo and others in contempt upon the separate motions of Senate President Pro Tempore Jinggoy Estrada and Sen. Sherwin Gatchalian. 

Hontiveros also ruled to issue a warrant of arrest against Guo, which would still need to be signed by the Senate president before it takes effect.

Estrada moved to cite Guo in contempt after saying he found her letter explaining her absence due to mental health issues "unacceptable."

In the letter Guo's camp sent to the Senate on Tuesday, the suspended Bamban mayor said she is not "physically and mentally fit" to attend the Senate hearing. She said he has been the "subject of malicious accusations" and targeted with death threats, causing her to seek professional help.

Guo said she could not find a medical professional to issue her a medical certificate because they "fear that they may also experience the humiliation and ridicule that I am going through."

On Wednesday, Hontiveros said that while the panel recognizes the importance of mental health, Guo is being compelled to testify due to the gravity of the accusations against her.

The Senate can also arrange for a government doctor to attend to Guo, if requested, the senator added.

"We do not want to set a precedence where mental health is invoked to skirt the obligation to appear before a Senate committee," Hontiveros said, adding that she and other senators find her claims in her letter "devoid of credibility."

Gatchalian said he considers the absence of the invited resource speakers as a "sign of guilt" as this is already the committee's fourth hearing into POGO hubs' illegal activities. 

"Not attending the hearing will be their loss because it removes the opportunity for them to explain their side," Gatchalian said in Filipino.

"This is a sign that they have something they do not want to reveal or that they have something to hide," the senator added.

Escudero on Tuesday vowed to sign an arrest warrant against Guo if issued by Hontiveros, reminding Guo and her legal camp that the subpoena issued against her requires her to face the senators out of "compulsion of law."

The Senate has held Bambam Mayor Alice Guo in contmept for not attending a hearing.

Former Cagayan De Oro City congressman Constantino G. Jaraula and four others have been convicted by the Sandiganbayan of graft charges in the accreditation of a non-government organization and the release to it of P3 million in 2003 to 2004 for the purchase of fertilizers.

Aside from Jaraula, also convicted were Department of Agriculture (DA) Budget Officer III Ma. Reina Legaspi Lumantas, Accountant III Claudia Beros Artazo, and Regional Technical Director Joel Semana Rudinas, and private individual Evelyn de Leon of the Philippine Social Development Foundation, Inc. (PSDFI).

They were sentenced to six to 10 years imprisonment with perpetual disqualification from holding public office.  Their retirement or gratuity benefits under existing laws were also ordered forfeited.

They were also found civilly liable and held jointly and severally liable in the amount of P3 million which, the anti-graft court said, was used for the improper implementation of the Farm Inputs and Farm Implements (FIFI) Project in the lone district of Cagayan de Oro City.

On the other hand, the court acquitted them of the charge for violation of Article 217 of the Revised Penal Code, also known as malversation. Their co-accused, City Agriculturist Godofredo P. Bajas, has also been acquitted of graft due to the failure of the prosecution to prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

Those convicted were involved in the unlawful accreditation of PSDFI, which resulted in the disbursement of P3 million for the purchase of liquid fertilizers to ghost farmer beneficiaries from December 2003 to July 2004.

The anti-graft court said in its decision that Jaraula, Rudinas, Artazo, and Lumantas exhibited bad faith, partiality, and failure to exercise due diligence in the performance of their official government functions when they gave unwarranted benefits to PSDFI which caused the government undue injury in the amount of P3 million.

"It cannot be denied that they were the ones who facilitated the preparation of the requirements for the release of the funds and despite their knowledge of the insufficiency thereof, through their acts, PSDFI was able to get hold of the amount of P3 million to the damage and prejudice of the government," the court said.

Former Cagayan De Oro City congressman Constantino G. Jaraula and four others have been convicted by the Sandiganbayan of graft charges in the accreditation of a non-government organization and the release to it of P3 million in 2003 to 2004 for the purchase of fertilizers.

Seven policemen, including an officer with a rank of Lieutenant Colonel, were demoted for implementing a search warrant issued by a local court on a wrong house in Zamboanga Sibugay last year, the Internal Affairs Service (IAS) disclosed on Wednesday, July 10.

IAS Inspector General Brigido Dulay said their decision was based on the complaint of the house owner who questioned the manner of the search warrant implementation, including the trauma suffered over what was described as a botched operation.

Those punished with one rank demotion include an officer with rank of Lieutenant Colonel and three Police Corporals.  

"Let this serve as a reminder to our policemen to be more judicious and circumspect when implementing arrest or search warrants to ensure that the constitutional and civil rights of innocent private citizens are not violated," said Dulay.

The operation was carried out in September last year in Imelda town of Zamboanga Sibugay.

Although a warrant of arrest and search warrant was issued by the Regional Trial Court, Dulay said the policemen erroneously implemented the said warrants in the house of the complainant.

This, according to him, despite clear indication that the house of the person sought to be arrested and searched in the search warrant was in a different location.

"The Supreme Court has repeatedly said that while the power to search and seize is necessary to the public welfare, it must still be exercised and the law enforced without transgressing the constitutional rights of citizens. It is neither fair nor licit to allow police officers to search a place different from that stated in the warrant," Dulay said.

Dulay stressed that policemen have no discretion as to where they search and only the place named or described in the warrant should be searched.

Otherwise, he said the search becomes unreasonable and the personnel involved may be held administratively liable for its wrongful implementation.

“Entering any dwelling not included in a search warrant and against the will of the owner may also constitute the criminal offense of violation of domicile under Article 128 of the Revised Penal Code,” said Dulay. 

Seven policemen, including an officer with a rank of Lieutenant Colonel, were demoted for implementing a search warrant issued by a local court on a wrong house in Zamboanga Sibugay last year.

A member of the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group (HPG) escaped and left his unregistered motorcycle after passing through the exclusive EDSA bus lane.

Enforcers of the Department of Transportation (DOTr)’s Special Action and Intelligence Committee for Transportation flagged the unnamed police officer along the busway on July 8.

He was recorded on video while being apprehended by a traffic enforcer.

The DOTr said the HPG officer fled on foot and abandoned his motorcycle, which reportedly had an expired registration.

The DOTr impounded the motorcycle at the Land Transportation Office, which would send a show-cause order against the policeman.

A member of the Philippine National Police Highway Patrol Group escaped and left his unregistered motorcycle after passing through the exclusive EDSA bus lane.

A Manila court has ordered the arrest of a police officer who ran over protesters during a demonstration in October 2016.

The violent incident occurred on October 19, 2016, in front of the US Embassy in Manila, where a police mobile ran over demonstrators who were picketing in support of President Rodrigo Duterte's announcement of an "independent foreign policy" and to call for the pullout of US troops from the Philippines.

The group's program was about to end when the vehicle driven by PO3 Franklin Kho suddenly reversed and then moved forward, running over some of the protesters, including Argee Piya Malayao from the group Katribu.

The injured individuals filed a complaint with the Office of the Ombudsman.

After eight years, the case has been filed in court.

"After eight years buti naman hindi nakalimutan ang kaso," Atty. Ephraim Cortez, legal counsel for the victims, said. 

(Based on evidence, this is a clear case. In fact, he did this publicly and there is so much footage on top of the witnesses who saw what happened)

Although they did not expect the wait to last eight years, Cortez of the National Union of Peoples' Lawyers considers it a welcome development.

He is urging his clients to continue with the case.

(They should pursue this. It's clear how cruel this was. To end impunity, to serve as a lesson to other police officers that they will be held accountable at some point. I hope they see this case to the end.)

For now, Cortez said, he will first try to find and talk to his clients to prepare them for the case proceedings. He last spoke to them in 2019, he added.

Based on the order from the Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 7 of Manila, PO3 Franklin Kho is to be arrested on three counts of attempted homicide. 

The bail is set at P36,000 per count. 

The Manila Police District is urging its former officer to surrender.

(Our advise to him is to surrender and just face the case.)

The court has set Kho's arraignment on September 2, 2024.

A Manila court has ordered the arrest of a police officer who ran over protesters during a demonstration in October 2016.

Malacañang has placed National Commission on Senior Citizens (NCSC) chairman Franklin Quijano on a 90-day preventive suspension as the Palace probes accusations of gross neglect of duty and grave misconduct.

In an order dated July 9, Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin said Quijano is suspended considering the gravity of the accusations hurled against him

" order to prevent possible undue exertion of influence on witnesses and tampering of evidence, his preventive suspension pending investigation is warranted,” the order read.

The 90-day preventive suspension takes effect immediately.

The allegations against Quijano stemmed from a complaint filed by a certain Jose Francisco Tapia for gross neglect of duty and grave misconduct.

Prior to the complaint, there had been calls for a revamp of the NCSC for alleged graft and corruption.

Five NCSC commissioners, namely Ricardo Rainier, Enriqueta Rodeles, Dr. Mary Jean Loreche, Reymar Mansilungan, and Edwin Espejo have accused Quijano of bypassing the NCSC as a collegial body.

Their allegations include 11 acts of grave abuse of authority, four acts of gross misconduct, nine acts of gross negligence of duty, two acts of ignorance of the law, and conduct inimical to the public's interest.

Malacañang has placed National Commission on Senior Citizens chairman Franklin Quijano on a 90-day preventive suspension as the Palace probes accusations of gross neglect of duty and grave misconduct.