Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The God Culture: Is The Fish A Christian Symbol?

Magazine publisher, revisionist historian, noted liar, and iconoclast Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has a new video questioning whether or not the fish is a Christian Symbol.

The Fish: Is It A Symbol of the Bible or the Occult?

Now, very obviously the fish IS a Christian symbol. One can read the writings of the Church Fathers where it is mentioned or view inscriptions on Christian burial sites in the Roman catacombs and see that is the case. C.R. Morey has a series of articles on the subject.

But with Tim one cannot present that hard evidence because he will not accept it. His thesis is that ANYONE who did not worship on the Sabbath, keep the Mosaic Law, or used symbols of any kind are not part of the true Church.

2:42 Many early church Fathers were definitively occultists and impostors, those who crept in unawares. Watch After the Apostles and we show you what they say and even thier admission that what they were practicing was against the Bible practice. That's what they say whether they realise it or not. They represent a different religion from the Bible and they always have.

15:54 And let me get this straight. The Church generally thinks its ok to use this nephilim symbol of worhsip in our worhsip? Are you kidding? 

18:42  I mean who would even care, you know, we use a fish symbol or not? Well, why use it when it's the occult? That's the problem. Just don't . Pretty easy not to use it. Not real hard. Uh, they cite legends from the infiltraters, the impostors, those who crept in unawares, watch After the Apostles, who claim this is, well, included with a Latin acrostic of course identifying Yahuhsha. How stupid.

27:09 This was never their symbol but the fake Church from its inception who profaned everything in worship they possibly can.  

There is no point in referring to the Early Church to defend the fish symbol because Tim will not accept the evidence. According to him the Early Church is fake and not the church at all.

Tim goes on to discuss an article from Christianity Today which mentions Tertullian who compares Christians to fish because of baptism. 

19:58 But worst this incredibly inept article tries to claim water baptism. Oh fish! Right? Wait a minute. What, what? Are they just ridiculous or what? John the Baptist baptized in fresh water springs. Oops! Watch our Original Canon Series. So, no fish. Stupid. 

What does John the Baptist have to do with what Tertullian says? Absolutely nothing. Here is the full quote from Tertullian. 

Happy is our sacrament of water, in that, by washing away the sins of our early blindness, we are set free and admitted into eternal life! A treatise on this matter will not be superfluous; instructing not only such as are just becoming formed (in the faith), but them who, content with having simply believed, without full examination of the grounds of the traditions, carry (in mind), through ignorance, an untried though probable faithThe consequence is, that a viper of the Cainite heresy, lately conversant in this quarter, has carried away a great number with her most venomous doctrine, making it her first aim to destroy baptism. Which is quite in accordance with nature; for vipers and asps and basilisks themselves generally do affect arid and waterless places. But we, little fishes, after the example of our ΙΧΘΥΣ  Jesus Christ, are born in water, nor have we safety in any other way than by permanently abiding in water; so that most monstrous creature, who had no right to teach even sound doctrine,  knew full well how to kill the little fishes, by taking them away from the water!

Tertullian was writing about the sacrament of baptism in response to a false cult that had done away with the practice. Tim does know that Christians are required to be baptised right? Or is water baptism another symbol of the false church?

 As for the ICTHYS acrostic Tim calls it a "a nice little story for a nephilim."

21:22 See, he should have, we all should, it appears he or his time made up this fabricated acrostic which is a lie of no value unless you're a nephilim. It's a nice little story for a nephilim. No thank you. 

In his condemnation of the fish symbol Tim says something quite odd.

19:39 We discuss the 5,000 being fed which, well they also got bread, you know? Where's the bread in that image? Oh, Duh! Not there. 

Where is the bread symbol? Is Tim unaware bread forms half the sacrament of the Eucharist? It's amazing this guy claims to have been a Bible teacher for 30 years and he has no idea about the bread of the Eucharist. 

As with all of Tim's videos this is simply unhistoric garbage. His thesis lies less on the fish being a pagan symbol and more on his assertion the Devil infiltrated the Church and turned it into the Synagogue of Satan contrary to the promise of Jesus that He would build His Church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it. 

Tim's ridiculous method is on full view in this illiterate video. First, he condemns all symbols as elements of evil appropriated by the Church. He never shows us where the Church confesses to co-opting these symbols or where pagans complain of this practice. Instead he engages in false equivalency. "The pagans used crosses therefore the Christian cross is a pagan symbol." Is he aware of the dying and rising God all throughout mythology? With Tim's method that makes the story of Jesus just another pagan myth. 

Secondly, rather than investigate the origin and history of the fish symbol AS USED BY CHRISTIANS, Tim goes for the low hanging fruit of a popular magazine article. I would say it is poor research skills except Tim is not interested in doing any actual research on the topic. From the beginning he has already decided all symbols are evil and the early Church which used symbols was a false impostor Church. It is impossible to reason with Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture because he is stubbornly and willingly ignorant.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Insurgency: 1.9K Reds Surrender in the First Half of 2024

The recruitment of new NPA fighters and the resurgence of defeated guerrilla fronts hangs like a specter over the Philippines. The AFP is constantly warning about them.  Counter-insurgency efforts in Negros Oriental are ongoing to prevent the recruitment and resurgence efforts of the NPA.

Counter-insurgency operations continue in Negros Oriental against the communist New People’s Army (NPA) to prevent the recruitment of new members or the recovery of dismantled guerilla fronts, an official said Monday.

Lt. Stephen Polinar, spokesperson of the Negros Oriental Police Provincial Office (NOPPO), said that the latest combat operations resulted in the recovery of an improvised shotgun and components of an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) on Sunday in Barangay Milagrosa in the southern town of Sta. Catalina.

The police operatives from the 1st Provincial Mobile Force Company were acting on a tip from civilians in the area who said they saw three males “harboring” in the said barangay and allegedly buried the items.

They were suspected remnants of the dismantled South East Front of the NPA, Polinar said.

“We are conducting relentless combat operations against the remaining NPA rebels to ensure that they cannot regain hold of their previous mass-base, now that Negros Oriental is already under a status of Stable Internal Peace and Security,” he added.

Relentless combat operations against the remaining NPA are ongoing throughout the country. In Camarines Sur another NPA leader was killed in a clash with the AFP.

A high-ranking official of the New People's Army (NPA) was killed in an encounter with government troops in Tinambac, Camarines Sur on Monday, the 9th Infantry Division (9ID) of the Philippine Army said Tuesday.

In a report, Maj. Frank Roldan, 9ID Public Affairs Unit chief, identified the slain rebel as Vergel Balcueva (alias Disan/Joey/James), leader of the Front Operational Command of Sub-Regional Committee-2.

"The exchange of gunfire lasted for 10 minutes before Balcueva was abandoned by his fleeing comrades. An M16 rifle and personal belongings were also left at the site," he said. 

Roldan said Balcueva was also listed as a wanted person for multiple charges, including two attempted murders, two frustrated murders, illegal possession of firearms, ammunition and explosives, and violation of Republic Act 9851 or the Philippine Act on Crimes Against International Humanitarian Law, Genocide and Other Crimes Against Humanity. 

"No injuries or other fatalities were reported by either the government or the residents in the area," he added. 

Roldan said after Balcueva's death, the 9ID expects the remaining NPA members to surrender and return to the government, further decreasing the group's strength.

He said the government continues to conduct military operations to ensure public safety and prepare for the upcoming national and local elections.

That is one more leader of the leaderless NPA being killed in combat.

Regular NPA fighters are also being killed in encounters with the NPA.

Two members of the New People's Army (NPA) were killed in an encounter on Monday with government troops in Barangay San Roque, Esperanza town in Masbate province, the Philippine Army (PA) reported.

Maj. Frank Roldan, 9th Infantry Division (9ID) Public Affairs Unit chief, said the troops encountered at least eight rebels belonging to the Komiteng Larangang Guerilla-South, Sub-Regional Committee-4, operating in Masbate.

"After the 15-minute firefight, the NPA members escaped toward different areas, leaving behind their dead comrades. We are still waiting for the identities of the two NPA members who were killed during the clash," he said.

Roldan said recovered at the encounter site were an M653 rifle, a caliber .38 revolver, and some personal belongings of the rebels.

Troops in the area are still conducting pursuit operations.

He also said the 9ID is encouraging the residents to continue to provide information about rebels who may be hiding.

The military also ensured the safety of the public, citing intensified operations against armed men aimed at eradicating insurgency in the Bicol region. 

Too bad they did not surrender or else they would have received free money and housing. 3 NPA rebels in Agusan del Norte did surrender.

Three New People’s Army (NPA) rebels surrendered to the military in Agusan del Norte on Saturday, July 6.

Capt. Jade Bryce Bune, civil-military operations officer of the 29th Infantry Battalion, identified the surrenderers as aliases Agila, Jen, and Maxx.

The surrenderers who turned over guns and bullets were from the Sub-Regional Sentro de Grabidad Westland of the Communist Party of the Philippines-NPA Northeastern Mindanao Regional Committee (NEMRC).

Lack of food, loss of leadership, and fear are the primary reasons that they have decided to return to the folds of the law in order to begin a new and peaceful life together with their respective families in the mainstream society,” 29th IB commanding officer Lt. Col. Cresencio C. Gargar said.

The 29th IB welcomed the rebel returnees.

“As the communist terrorist group struggles to maintain its organizational coherence, the 29th IB will continue to intensify efforts in defeating the few remaining members of this criminal group,” Gargar said.

“Through the peace-building mechanisms, the 29th IB aims to contribute significantly in creating Agusan del Norte an environment conducive to peace and sustainable development.”

"The gate of 29th IB is always welcome to all the remaining Communist NPA Terrorists (CNTs) who are only victims, those who want to surrender and return to the fold of the law like these rebel returnees. The 29th IB will help you through the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Programs (ECLIP) of the government," Gargar said.

Again with he charge that the NPA is leaderless and organizationally incoherent. But there must be some leadership, some glue, holding the remaining rebels together or else everyone would surrender immediately. 

Another NPA weapon cache has been found.

The Philippine Army recovered high-powered firearms in the boundaries of hinterland Barangays Calingatnan and San Mateo in Borongan City, Eastern Samar on Tuesday, July 9.  

Found were a baby Armalite, five long magazines and four short magazines for M653, 248 rounds of 5.56mm ammunition, 11 rounds of 7.62mm ammunition, 10 rounds of caliber .38 ammunition, three rounds of 9mm ammunition, one box of caliber .38 ammunition, and one bandolier.

Former members of the Apoy Platoon of the Sub-Regional Committee Sesame revealed the location of the arms cache to the military.  

The recovery was a result of the implementation of Project: Apoy of the 78th Infantry (Warrior) Battalion under the operational control of the 802nd Infantry (Peerless) Brigade.

Lt. Col. Joseph Bogaoan of the 78th IB said the former communist rebels have been cooperating with their unit in revealing the identities of existing contacts of the remnants of the Apoy platoon in the areas where they seek refuge as they continue to evade government operating forces.

Bogaoan revealed that one of the contacts was identified as a trusted custodian of high-powered firearms and other war materials owned by the communist guerillas.

Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir, 802nd IB commander, said that the recovery of the war materials is a testament to the commitment of the former members of Apoy platoon in helping the government attain peace.

"The successful execution of this operation underscores the importance of the support of former rebels in our campaign. They are more knowledgeable on the human and physical terrain in the areas they used to hide and they are the best people that could help us in our efforts to convince their former comrades to join them in the mainstream of our society," Vestuir said.

These arms caches are regularly found throughout the countryside. If the NPA is disorganized who is stocking these caches? The AFP says former rebels are responsible for revealing the location of these caches but why didn't they reveal them when they surrendered? Why wait till now? The AFP says the rebel who led them to the cache was a custodian of those weapons.

"One of these contacts was identified as a trusted custodian of high-powered firearms and other war materials owned by the remnants of Apoy platoon. He provided crucial information to the government troops as to the location of these war materials in the upland Calingatnan and San Mateo villages in Borongan City, Eastern Samar," Bogaoan said in a statement.

Shouldn't a prerequisite for surrendering and receiving E-CLIP benefits be the revelation of arms caches along with other relevant information such as the location of NPA camps and hideouts? It seems not. 

The NTF-ELCAC claims 1.9K Reds have surrendered in the first half of 2024. 1,266 of them were full-fledged NPA fighters. The DND Undersecretary says the current NPA strength stands at 1,251.

The government's Local Peace Engagement (LPE) initiative has led to the surrender of 1,904 communist insurgents in the first half of the year, the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) said Friday.

In a statement, the anti-insurgency body said these surrendered former New People's Army (NPA) members came from 299 cleared barangays across the country.

The figure comprises 1,266 full-fledged NPA fighters and 638 Militia ng Bayan members.

"This period marks a remarkable achievement. This accomplishment will serve as the foundation for us to accelerate and advance," Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation, and Unity (OPAPRU) Undersecretary for the Local Conflict Transformation Cluster Wilben Mayor said during the NTF-ELCAC's first semestral conference at Camp Aguinaldo, Quezon City on Thursday.

He was referring to Tracks 1 and 2 of the LPE and Transformation program, which include community consultation, and problem-solving sessions and local peace dialogue, respectively.

Meanwhile, Department of National Defense (DND) Undersecretary Angelito De Leon, head of the NTF-ELCAC's Peace, Law Enforcement, and Development Support Cluster, reported that the NPA's strength has decreased to only 1,251 from 24,000 in the 1980s.

"Significantly, during this period, 37 key leaders of the NPA have been neutralized," De Leon said, noting that these rebel leaders played crucial roles in the terror strategies of the Communist Party of the Philippines.

He said the NTF-ELCAC is on the right path to finally ending local communist armed conflict.

These numbers do not make any sense. 1,251 left plus 1,266 surrendered means there were 2,517 NPA fighters at the beginning of the year. But at the beginning of the year the National Security Council said there were less than 1,500 actual NPA fighters left.

An official of the National Security Council (NSC) on Wednesday said the New People's Army (NPA) is at its weakest state ever in its 55th year of existence as it has "zero active guerilla fronts" and with less than 1,500 fighters remaining nationwide.

If there were less than 1,500 NPA fighters left in January how did 1,266 surrender in the first half of the year while 1,251 remain? Those calculations are impossible. Someone is wrong. Or everyone is wrong. This is not the first time the government has fudged the figures on the number of remaining NPA fighters. 

Monday, July 15, 2024

Netflix is Once Again Influencing Philippine Politics

Three years ago I wrote an article titled "The Influence of Netflix on Philippine Politics." The article focused on how then Senator Lacson's political opinions were being influenced by watching Netflix. After watching the show Designated Survivor which is about the line of succession after the President and others are killed. He introduced legislation called the Presidential Succession Act, referred to simply as the designated survivor bill to address such a situation should it arise in the Philippines. As of now the Philippines has no designated survivor rule.

That brings us to Vice President Sara Duterte. When asked if she would be attending President Marcos' State of the Union Address she said no and appointed herself the country's designated survivor.

After skipping the Palarong Pambansa opening, Vice President Sara Duterte is also not attending President Marcos’ State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 22.

This is the first time that she will be absent at the event since the pair ascended to power after their team-up scored a landslide victory in 2022.

“No, I will not attend the SONA. I am appointing myself as the designated survivor,” Duterte said in an interview yesterday at the inauguration of the Child and Adolescent Neurodevelopment Center in Davao City.

Duterte did not elaborate on what she meant by “designated survivor,” which drew negative comments from certain quarters.

In the United States, a “designated survivor” must be secured in case the president and all of the constitutional successors are killed or incapacitated in a terrorist attack or calamity.

Duterte’s decision to skip the SONA raised questions about her insistence that she remains friends with Marcos despite her resignation from his Cabinet.

Sought for comment, House secretary-general Reginald Velasco said they would still wait for an official communication from the Office of the Vice President.

In a previous interview, he told journalists that Congress is giving much leeway to VIPs, including the Vice President, as a matter of policy as it is their privilege to confirm their last-minute attendance at the SONA.

For his part, Speaker Martin Romualdez said yesterday “every public official has the prerogative to decide on their attendance at significant events.”

He added that the SONA is “a crucial moment for unity and collaboration among our nation’s leaders,” which is why the people “deserve to see their leaders united for the collective good.”

Rep. Joel Chua of Manila’s third district said Duterte assigning herself as a designated survivor is concerning, as her declaration was “not a laughing matter” amidst the current political tension.

“Strictly speaking, VP Duterte does not have that appointing power for a designated survivor because it is the 1987 Constitution that designates the Vice as the first next-in-line to succeed the President,” Chua said.

Sara's statements have drawn many comments from across the aisle adjuring her to stop watching too much Netflix.

Netflix shouldn't be used as basis for things that a high--ranking government official does or doesn't do. 

Thus, said Camiguin lone district Rep. Jurdin Jesus Romualdo in a statement Friday, July 12 as he chided Vice President Sara Duterte for her supposed reason for skipping the State of the Nation Address (SONA) later this month. 

"Vice President Sara Duterte should be more cautious with what she says. After all, she is still a public official, and Netflix is not a good basis for her actions or inactions," the Mindanao lawmaker said. 

The Vice President announced that she wouldn't be attending President Marcos' third SONA this coming July 22 at Batasan Pambansa Complex, home of the House of Representatives. 

She Duterte claimed she was the 'designated survivor" of the event, which was a reference to a once-popular Netflix thriller that ran from 2016 to 2019. Kiefer Sutherland top-billed the series.

Through her joke, Vice President Duterte implied that she is the desired survivor should disaster strike the SONA and result to the death of high-ranking officials there. 

"Does she have a premonition of the things to come? She should refrain from watching too much Netflix. Her joke could have been better handled given that all high-ranking officials of the land would be there," Romualdo said. 

"In the decades worth of SONAs that we've had, nobody has ever flaunted being the 'designated survivor' and used it as the excuse to skip the important event. Proper decorum and tradition say that the Vice President should be there in plenary at Batasan to hear the good President's report to the nation," he said. 

"This is among the political instances that take a backseat to transparency and unbridled communication with the public. Vice President Duterte's predecessors did this with no issue while in office. One would think that she would also strive to achieve that standard," he added.

Vice President Sara Duterte is drawing more criticisms over her self-appointment as a “designated survivor,” with lawmakers advising her to refrain from watching too much Netflix.

In the House of Representatives, legislators reminded her that having a designated survivor is not sanctioned under the Constitution.

Senior Deputy Speaker Aurelio Gonzales Jr. sounded the alarm on Duterte’s behavior.

“There’s no such thing as ‘Designated Survivor; in the Philippines! Is she spending too much time watching Netflix? She better read our Constitution. It’s as clear as sunlight,” Gonzales said in a statement Friday.

“She should be more circumspect and responsible in her utterances, owing to her title and the high office that she represents,” he added.

Was it really a joke? Who knows what lies in the heart of Sara Duterte? 

Her refusal to attend the SONA really amounts to petty politics as she and President Marcos have had a falling out with Sara going so far as to resign from the cabinet as Education Secretary. Vice President Sara Duterte has said the Uniteam was only for the elections. Now the elections are over and so is the Uniteam.

Is the UniTeam still intact?

It was only for the 2022 elections, according to Vice President and Education Secretary Sara Duterte, and it has served its purpose when it launched her and President Marcos to victory.

“The UniTeam was a tandem during the 2022 elections. The elections are over, we won and we are grateful to those who supported us,” Duterte told reporters on the sidelines of the 126th Independence Day rites here in Rizal Park yesterday.

“We are not candidates anymore,” Duterte added when pressed by reporters about the status of the UniTeam.

What this indicates is that Marcos and Duterte are duplicitous, untrustworthy people. Whether the rumors are true that Duterte had originally planned to run for President but for the sake of political expediency ran as Marcos' Vice President need not concern us here. The fact is Marcos and Duterte presented a false front that quickly fell apart. Yet lawmakers are now saying Sara is no longer trustworthy.

Ranking leaders of the House of Representatives called Vice President Sara Duterte’s quip about appointing herself as the “designated survivor” during the President Marcos’ third State of the Nation Address (Sona) as a tasteless joke and a sign that the Vice President Duterte “could no longer be trusted.”

Duterte was chided by senior deputy floor leader and Pampanga Rep. Aurelio Gonzales Jr. together with members of the so-called “Young Guns” coalition for alarming the people with insinuations of a bombing during the President’s annual Sona.

Representative Gonzales and the “Young Guns” coalition said this in separate statements on Friday, a day after Duterte made the off-the-cuff remarks.

This is the first time the top leaders of the 300-strong House of Representatives openly criticized Duterte, whose resignation from Mr. Marcos’ Cabinet as education secretary takes effect on July 19.

“We don’t even know if we can still trust her now. Whatever happened to some decency or at least being forthright in public service?” Gonzales said.

This lady was NEVER trustworthy. Did Representative Gonzales and the “Young Guns” coalition forget the confidential funds scandal? If they trusted her then they are trustworthy either. For that matter who in the government is trustworthy? Certainly not President Marcos who revealed he ran for President to cleanse his family's name. 

Only Sara knows what she truly meant by appointing herself designated survivor. Indeed she may even end up attending the SONA. What can be said for sure however is her comments are another manifestation of corrupt, petty Philippine politics. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024

The God Culture: The Replica Temple at Qumran

The doctrines of Timothy Jay Schwab who is the God Culture are not only appallingly heretical but downright unhistorical. Tim teaches that not only was the temple defiled by the Hasmoneans who usurped the priesthood and that the true temple priests fled to Qumran but he also teaches that those priests took the true temple worship with them including sacrifices. He says this very clearly and in no uncertain terms in an interview with Zen Garcia. 

Unlocking Hidden Truths with The God Culture - Zen Garcia & Tim Schwab
1:07:45 So, they call it the Dead Sea Scrolls. The reality is it's the Bethabara Scrolls. They are found in Bethabara and this was a community where the temple priests lived and continued the temple rituals, the temple sacrifices, all of that continued in this community. Just read their writings and it's very clear they were all about the law they were all about Covenant. They were all about keeping the Commandments and teaching it.

In a comment on one his videos Tim goes much further and claims the fleeing temple priests apparently built a replica of the temple in the wilderness of Qumran also known as Bethabara.

Psalm 83 War: Synagogue of Satan Exposed. Lost Tribes 8A

@scordova98: Okay all of this is great but I still am left with the question I've never been able to answer if the temple was desecrated at 165 BC why does Zechariah John's father offer incense at it?

@TheGodCulture: You assume he was in Jerusalem. The text does not say that. He may well have been in Qumran instead. That was a replica of the Temple and the legitimate Temple Priests were ONLY there. Otherwise, you do not know the pressures of that day with the Pharisees and he may well have been forced if in Jerusalem. The point is you don't know and you have no question because you can't ask one when you only make an assumption that may be wrong. If he was in Jerusalem, you just don't know so why assume the worst? That is no way to view scripture and your hypothetical in which you don't know the circumstances has no bearing on the Temple being desecrated as it was period. That is not up for debate especially not on such a non-point which you have none. Yah Bless.

It is quite possible Tim may mean that the community itself "was a replica of the temple" but that would not make sense if they were offering sacrifices and doing other rituals which required a physical temple. And Tim has said very clearly that the Qumran Community was engaged in such worship. 

The Gospel of Luke is very clear that Zacharias, John the Baptist's father, offered up incense in the temple which was a physical building. Tim says no such verses exist in the New Testament.

Apocrypha Test: Part 2: Who Decided Bible Canon? History of the Bible.

@sglc27 Thank you for this. I have a question. Zechariah John the baptist father still serve in the temple as priest before he is born right? So is the Pharisees reigning in the temple already that time of Zechariah or not yet? Because Zechariah is the priest that time right they still doing the old testament priestly orders? Because the romans are ruling already in Israel right? I am kind of confuse by the timeline. I’ m new in learning this.

@TheGodCulture Yes, since 165 BC, the Pharisee Sanhedrin controlled the worship system and the Temple. They were the government as well before the Romans as the Hasmonean Dynasty. All the same Samaritan imposter paradigm. John's father and the other Priestly Courses still served on their rotations about 2 weeks per year and in the Feasts. However, this could have been done in Bethabara instead of the Temple. There is no mention of the Priestly Courses in the Temple in the New Testament which is rather odd. Yah Bless.
Tim couldn't be more wrong. In Luke chapter one we read the following verses. 
5 There was in the days of Herod, the king of Judaea, a certain priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abia: and his wife was of the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elisabeth.

8 And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course,

9 According to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord.

10 And the whole multitude of the people were praying without at the time of incense.

11 And there appeared unto him an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense.
21 And the people waited for Zacharias, and marvelled that he tarried so long in the temple.

22 And when he came out, he could not speak unto them: and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple: for he beckoned unto them, and remained speechless.

Zacharias goes INTO the temple while the people wait OUTSIDE. He offers up incense on the altar of incense and encounters "an angel of the Lord standing on the right side of the altar of incense." The people wonder why he tarries "SO LONG IN THE TEMPLE." Then he comes OUT of the temple. Very clearly Zacharias was inside a building known as the temple. The ONLY temple recorded in the scriptures is the one in Jerusalem. Ergo Zacharias offered up incense in the temple at Jerusalem. 

Yet Tim says we cannot possibly know Zacharias was in Jerusalem.

You assume he was in Jerusalem. The text does not say that.

True the text does not say he was in Jerusalem but it does not need to because there is only ONE temple and it is in Jerusalem. It's like reading a book about someone visiting the Empire State Building. Does the author really need to tell you that the action takes place in New York City? 

But Tim says Zacharias could have been in Qumran.

He may well have been in Qumran instead. That was a replica of the Temple and the legitimate Temple Priests were ONLY there. 

Well, the text certainly does not say or give any hint that he was in Qumran. If he was in Qumran then there would have had to been "a replica of the Temple" as Tim says. The text is clear that Zacharias went in and out of a building. Has there been any discovery of the ruins of a temple at Qumran? No and Tim offers no proof for his baseless claim except to mention baptistries. 

13:12 I mean well look first of all what you see what we're doing here is systematically we're going through the Qumran find, what they call the Dead Sea Scrolls inappropriately, because 99.9% is all in Qumran, it's one Community. They had a, a basically, a temple that they built there. Wasn't the temple but it, it was structured like it with lots of water etc.

Unlocking Hidden Truths with The God Culture Episode 2 - Zen Garcia & Tim Schwab

Finally, Tim says something mind blowing. He insinuates even if Zacharias was in Jerusalem he might have been forced to offer up incense in the temple against his will!

Otherwise, you do not know the pressures of that day with the Pharisees and he may well have been forced if in Jerusalem. The point is you don't know and you have no question because you can't ask one when you only make an assumption that may be wrong. If he was in Jerusalem, you just don't know so why assume the worst?

Amazing. How exactly would the Pharisees force Zacharias to offer up incense in the temple? The text never even hints at such a thing. Tim is adding his own spin to the text. Now a story that is straightforward has become something else entirely. The sinister element of Zacharias being forced into the temple by the Pharisees is absolutely unprovable and ridiculous in light of the fact there is only one temple ever mentioned in scripture and it was located in Jerusalem. 

Furthermore the Qumran Community said in their own writings that they did not engage in animal sacrifices or any other temple rituals in the wilderness.

The second issue has to do with the sect’s attitude towards the Temple and Temple sacrifice. While some Essenes, notwithstanding their vow of total fidelity to the Law of Moses, rejected the validity of the Sanctuary and refused to participate (temporarily) in its rites (cf. Philo, Omnis probus 75; Josephus, Antiquities XVIII, 19), they evaded the theological dilemma in which this stand might have placed them by contending that until the rededication of the Temple, the only true worship of God was to be offered in their establishment. The Council of the Community was to be the ‘Most Holy Dwelling for Aaron’ where, ‘without the flesh of holocausts and the fat of sacrifice‘, a ‘sweet fragrance’ was to be sent up to God, and where prayer was to serve ‘as an acceptable fragrance of righteousness’ (IQS VIII, 8-9; IX, 4-5). The Community itself was to be the sacrifice offered to God in atonement for Israel’s sins (IQS VIII, 4-5; 4Q265 fr. 7 ii).

The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls, Gaza Vermes, pg. 83
The Community Rule says:

In the Council of the Community there shall be twelve men and three Priests, perfectly versed in all that is revealed of the Law, whose works shall be truth, righteousness, justice, loving-kindness and humility. They shall preserve the faith in the Land with steadfastness and meekness and shall atone for sin by the practice of justice and by suffering the sorrows of affliction.

Vermes, pg. 108-109 

When these become members of the Community in Israel according to all these rules, they shall establish the spirit of holiness according to everlasting truth. They shall atone for guilty rebellion and for sins of unfaithfulness, that they may obtain loving-kindness for the Land without the flesh of holocausts and the fat of sacrifice. And prayer rightly offered shall be as an acceptable fragrance of righteousness, and perfection of way as a delectable free-will offering.

Vermes, pg 110

Prayer was offered up "as an acceptable fragrance of righteousness." That means they did not make an incense offering. That means Zachariah could not have been performing the ritual of offering up incense in the temple in the wilderness of Qumran!

This claim that there was a replica temple in the wilderness of Qumran and that Zacharias might have offered up incense there is totally without merit and not founded upon anything except Tim's imagination. The claim that Zacharias might have been forced by the Pharisees to offer up incense in the temple at Jerusalem is also bankrupt of any foundation except Tim's delusions. These claims are more proof that Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture is totally ignorant and has no idea what he is talking about. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

The God Culture: Philippine Gold is Sentimental to God

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture loves gold. Specifically he loves Philippine gold. He teaches that the Philippines is Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba, Havilah, and the Land of creation solely because of gold. Find the Land of Gold and you find Ophir, etc. The Philippines has lots of unmined gold in the ground therefore it is Ophir, etc.

But there is something special about Philippine gold to which no other gold can lay claim. Adam sacrificed Philippine gold to God for an atonement which makes that gold precious to God. 

Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish 

41:00 This gold of Ophir was the fine gold or pure gold of that day not because it was necessarily of higher quality than other gold but because it had meaning to Yahuah from Adam's very first sacrifice once exiled from the Garden of Eden. It mattered then and it still matters now

Tim reiterates this in his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 71

This is the Genesis 2 gold Adam used in the first sacrifice of atonement when exiled from the Garden. It is precious to Yahuah and this is why Solomon knew to fetch it for the Temple project from this primordial estate.

Where does Tim get the idea Adam sacrificed gold to God as an atonement? Not from the Bible. From The Cave of Treasures.

The Estate of Adam: Solomon's Gold 2i. 100 Clues#50.

16:30 We found a source a bit more specific and this is amazing as Adam actually offered gold, frankincense, and myrrh on that day in the first atonement sacrifice to Yahuah. This is why these have so much value. It's not about money.

Tim mentions The Cave of Treasures several times in his book The Search for  Solomon's Treasure. He calls it a historic source.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 79

There are historic sources..

Then he admits The Cave of Scriptures is NOT SCRIPTURE.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pgs. 97-98

Finally, there is a book called the Cave of Treasures that we do not use as and reject as scripture but we glean a fact from. It actually makes the claim that upon leaving the Garden of Eden which means Adam was in Havilah, Philippines, he was able to find gold on the sides of the Mount of the East where he then made the first sacrifice of atonement.

The Search For King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 303

We will use an historic reference outside of the Bible to further support this not for scripture but geography to better understand. This is not scripture

Adam offered the first atonement and there is no passage to indicate he ever sinned again in his entire 930 years. He retrieved gold, frankincense and myrrh from the sides of the mountain meaning they grow there natively and all three are native to the Philippines.

What exactly is The Cave of Treasures?

The Cave of Treasures, sometimes referred to simply as The Treasure, is an apocryphal and pseudoepigraphical work, that contains various narratives related to the Christian Bible. It was written in the Syriac language, approximately at the end of the 6th, or at the beginning of the 7th century. Its authorship was traditionally attributed to Ephrem of Edessa (d. 373), but modern scholarly analyses have shown that the true author was some other person, who also lived in Upper Mesopotamia, but much later (c. 600).

It is an apocryphal book full of fictitious stories that Tim does not understand and which he misquotes. Adam does indeed place gold, myrrh, and frankincense inside a cave but the reason is not to atone for his sins. It is a kind of prerequisite for sleeping with his wife. 

Now Adam and Eve were virgins, and Adam wished to know Eve his wife. And Adam took from the skirts of the mountain of Paradise, gold, and myrrh, and frankincense, and he placed them in the cave, and he blessed the cave, and consecrated it that it might be the house of prayer for himself and his sons

So Adam and Eve went down from that holy mountain [of Eden] to the slopes which were below it, and there Adam knew Eve his wife.

Those bolded parts are not quoted by Tim. He purposely omits them. That is kind of odd seeing as the whole paragraph shows up highlighted in his sourcebook.

Solomon's Treasure Sourcebook, pg. 91

According to The Cave of Treasures the three Magi retrieved those treasures to give to Christ. 

And straightway, according to what they had received from the tradition which had been handed down to them by their fathers, they left the East, and went up to the mountains of Nôdh, which lie inside the entrances to the East from the lands on the skirts of the North, and they took from them gold, and myrrh, and frankincense.

The book is called the Cave of Treasures because the cave in which the gold, myrrh, and frankincense were placed connects Adam and Christ. That is the framework for the entire book.

Old Testament Pseudepigrapha: More Noncanonical Scriptures, pg. 531

Cave of treasures essentially takes Its name from a awe near paradise in which Adam is said to have deposited a number of items taken from paradise. These are called Treasures and later on will be carried by the magi to Bethlehem in order to be presented to the new-born Christ. This basic plot serves the author to construct a panoramic view of Christian salvation history spanning from creation to Pentecost. 

The narration therefore starts in the same way as the first book of the Bible, describing the creation-week in tabular form, and then passes on to a lengthy account of Adam and Eve's creation and stay in paradise, their temptation, fall, expulsion and settlement at the outskirts of paradise, where the Cave of Treasures is introduced for the first time. On occasion of their first sexual act Adam and Eve deposit within the cave gold, myrrh and incense, that is, those items which were presented to Christ by the magi according to the Gospel narrative.

The gold, frankincense, and myrrh have nothing to do with an atonement sacrifice nor is it called or even alluded to as such. Tim is fundamentally wrong.

On what basis does Tim think The Cave of Treasures is a reliable account of history? Has he read it? Here is a passage from The Cave of Treasures about the circumcision of Jesus Christ. 

Now Christ was eight days old when the Magi presented their offerings; and Mary received them at the very time when Joseph circumcised Christ. In truth, Joseph circumcised Him according to the Law, but he only went through (or imitated) the act of cutting, for no [flesh] whatsoever was cut off from Him. For as [a rod of] iron passeth through the fire and cutteth the rays thereof, without any part of it being cut off from it, so in like manner was Christ circumcised without anything being taken from Him.

The author says the circumcision of Jesus Christ involved no cutting of flesh. That means there was no real circumcision. But Christ was born under the Law and subject to all its ordinances. That includes circumcision. A real circumcision which involves the cutting of flesh. The passage reeks of the heresy of Docetism which teaches the flesh of Jesus Christ was only an illusion. Does Tim think this is reliable history too? Or will he pick and choose from this book? However, as I have shown he does not understand The Cave of Treasures and purposely misquotes it. 

Timothy Jay Schwab's foundational story as to why the gold of the Philippines is Biblically important has no basis in fact. It is a concoction of his fevered brain which latches onto anything no matter how minute in order to make his system of exalting the Philippines to a status it does not have work.

In The Estate of Adam Tim says something else that is so ridiculous it must be laid out for all to see.

The Estate of Adam: Solomon's Gold 2i. 100 Clues#50.

48:50 See this resource matters all the way to the end because it is sentimental to Yahuah God. Why is this so important? Well Yahuah certainly is sentimental. Adam used the gold of Havilah the land of Eve where he lived. Which became known as Ophir,  Sheba, and Tarshish after the flood. Which is now known as the Philippines in modern times or the same pattern of three Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao: Ophir,  Sheba, Tarshish.

God places a sentimental value on the gold of the Philippines, Ophir, because Adam placed it in a cave as an atonement. For one thing that story has already been torn to shreds above. For another God is not sentimental. God places no value on gold or any other commodity. The Bible certainly never says or indicates or infers such a thing. To say something like this is to turn God into a man with human emotions. Only one who has no idea who God is could say a thing like this. Of course Tim's denial of the Trinity saying the Holy Spirit is likely a creation along with his denial of the eternal sonship of Jesus Christ means he has no idea who God is. It is par for the course for Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture.