Monday, July 29, 2024

That Time Imelda Marcos Officiated Pee-Wee Herman's Marriage

Of all the crazy things about Imelda Marcos, and there are many crazy things about the Iron Butterfly, perhaps the craziest is that she officiated Pee-Wee Herman's mock marriage to Doris Duke's adopted daughter Chandi Heffner in 1989.

First some background.

In November 1988 Imelda Marcos was arrested on racketeering charges. Billionaire Duke Doris loaned Imelda $5 million for her bail.

The tobacco heiress Doris Duke has agreed to post $5 million bail for her friend Imelda Marcos, the former First Lady of the Philippines.

Lawyers for Mrs. Marcos yesterday presented the bond package to Judge John F. Keenan in Federal District Court in Manhattan, where she was arraigned Monday on racketeering charges.

By yesterday afternoon, a court officer was dispatched to Miss Duke's 2,700-acre estate in Somerville, N.J., to get her personal guarantee - backed by more than $5 million in municipal bonds held in a New York bank - that Mrs. Marcos will make all required appearances in court.

The loan was to be repaid with interest by March 6th, 1990. But at the time of Doris Duke's death in 1993 the loan had still not been repaid. Miss Duke left explicit instructions in her will to collect the money.

B. I direct that my Executors make reasonable arrangements with IMELDA MARCOS (or the legal representatives of her estate, if she shall not survive me) for the repayment of the Five Million Dollars ($5,000,000), plus accrued interest, that I loaned to her pursuant to a demand note dated March 6, 1990, such repayment to be made when Mrs. Marcos and the Philippines government settle their financial dispute or at such other time as my Executors shall deem appropriate in their absolute discretion.

Unsurprisingly Imelda has still not repaid this loan pleading "poverty."
This March, it will be 30 years since the Philippines’ erstwhile first lady Imelda Romualdez Marcos, 90, was presented with a Demand for Payment for one of the largest personal debts known in history—a $5 million loan advanced by the late American tobacco heiress Doris Duke to Mrs. Marcos in late 1988 as bail money to stave off Imelda’s going to jail.  Mrs. Marcos had just been charged with racketeering by New York’s Southern District court.  After all this time, the debt remains unpaid and, counting interest, has more than doubled. 

Will Imelda’s debt ever be paid? Not even when hell freezes over, and for several reasons:

One, Imelda has outlived Doris.  I am sure Imelda is thinking Doris had several million dollars at her disposal when she was alive; surely, she wasn’t wanting for a mere five million. What more now that to ashes she had returned? 

Two, Imelda still continues to plead “poverty.”  Due to exposure to liability, not too many liquid assets are attached to Imelda directly.  The Pacific Plaza penthouse, which she now calls home, was supposedly bought by her brothers and sisters; hence, the owner on record is probably a shell corporation with Limited Liability and cannot be seized easily.

Three, what recourse does Doris’ foundation have?  Practically none.   As far as is claimed, the surviving Marcoses no longer have any known tangible assets in the US that can be attached.  Furthermore, Imelda and offsprings Imee and Bongbong have outstanding warrants in the US as scofflaws and deadbeats to the judgments of the Hawaii courts. Thus, none of them will voluntarily be setting foot on American soil any time soon.  Hence, how can DDCF serve them a Collection Notice or lien if they no longer have any assets in the USA? 

While out on bail Mrs. Marcos was free to roam around the USA which allowed her to return to Honolulu. It was in Honolulu in 1989 at Doris Duke's estate where Imelda Marcos met Pee-wee Herman, Paul Reubens, at a dinner party. That is where she officiated at Pee-Wee's mock marriage to Doris Duke's adopted daughter Chandi Heffner.

Though never much of a premiere-goer or one to vacation in Aspen or the Hamptons, Reubens did enjoy the celebrity perk of meeting other famous and successful people. He got to know the late Heiress Doris Duke and her adopted adult daughter, Chandi Heffner, whom he had met in Hawaii though Jim Nabors (whom he had met through Charo). Though some in Duke's circle looked down their noses at Reubens--"He was singing for his supper," says one--she enjoyed his company. There was a semi-notorious dinner party in 1989 at Shangri-la, Duke's faux-Persian Diamond Head estate, during which Reubens and Heffner exchanged vows in an improptu mock wedding ceremony. Nabors serenaded the couple, and, Reubens says, "I still have the temporary marriage license signed by Imelda Marcos" (whom Duke had recently bailed out of prison). I wonder: what do you talk about at a dinner party with Doris Duke, Jim Nabors, and Imelda Marcos? "Oh, they were talking about everything. They were talking about the F.B.I., they were talking about, you know, gold and prices. It just ran the gamut."

Of course Imelda Marcos and friends were talking about the FBI and the price of gold. What else would they talk about?

There is really not much about this event anywhere online. There are no pictures of the marriage license, no pictures of Imelda Marcos with Pee-Wee Herman, and no more details than what is in the above article from Vanity Fair. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The God Culture: The Philippines is Japan

In his new book "The Garden of Eden Revealed: The Book of Maps" Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture teaches the Philippines is actually Japan. Specifically he claims the island of Zipangu, described by Marco Polo, is not Japan but the Philippines. 

Garden of Eden Revealed, pgs. 124-125

This lie appears to be tightly woven together but comes undone easily if one pays attention to the words of Marco Polo. Therefore we shall dismantle it one thread at a time. 

First of all is the description of Zipangu given by Marco Polo. Rather than discuss the citation of Marco Polo given on page 124 Tim cites an article from Japan Today.

In the West around the 14th century, Japan was likely going by “the noble island of Chipangu,” which was given to it by none other than the famous explorer Marco Polo. Although it seems likely that Chipangu was Japan, it is not confirmed as Marco Polo included some very fanciful tales about these isles including the presence of rhinos, cannibalistic natives and private houses made of gold.‘japan’-and-not-‘nihon-’

It is a crucial part of Tim's method that he never cite primary sources but if they must be cited they are to be dismissed or have their meaning twisted.  Here is Marco Polo's description of the island of Zipangu.

Chipangu is an Island towards the east in the high seas, 1500 miles distant from the Continent; and a very great Island it is.

The people are white, civilized, and well-favoured. They are Idolaters, and are dependent on nobody. And I can tell you the quantity of gold they have is endless; for they find it in their own Islands, [and the King does not allow it to be exported. Moreover] few merchants visit the country because it is so far from the main land, and thus it comes to pass that their gold is abundant beyond all measure.

I will tell you a wonderful thing about the Palace of the Lord of that Island. You must know that he hath a great Palace which is entirely roofed with fine gold, just as our churches are roofed with lead, insomuch that it
 would scarcely be possible to estimate its value. Moreover, all the pavement of the Palace, and the floors of its chambers, are entirely of gold, in plates like slabs of stone, a good two fingers thick; and the windows also are of gold, so that altogether the richness of this Palace is past all bounds and all belief.

Now you must know that the Idols of Cathay, and of Manzi, and of this Island, are all of the same classAnd in this Island as well as elsewhere, there be some of the Idols that have the head of an ox, some that have the head of a pig, some of a dog, some of a sheep, and some of divers other kinds. And some of them have four heads, whilst some have three, one growing out of either shoulder. There are also some that have four hands, some ten, some a thousand! And they do put more faith in those Idols that have a thousand hands than in any of the others. And when any Christian asks them why they make their Idols in so many different guises, and not all alike, they reply that just so their forefathers were wont to have them made, and just so they will leave them to their children, and these to the after generations. And so they will be handed down for ever. And you must understand that the deeds ascribed
 to these Idols are such a parcel of devilries as it is best not to tell. So let us have done with the Idols, and speak of other things.

But I must tell you one thing still concerning that Island (and ’tis the same with the other Indian Islands), that if the natives take prisoner an enemy who cannot pay a ransom, he who hath the prisoner summons all his friends and relations, and they put the prisoner to death, and then they cook him and eat him, and they say there is no meat in the world so good!—But now we will have done with that Island and speak of something else.

That is the end of Marco Polo's description of Zipangu. He says he is done and will now proceed to speak of something else. Here is his next subject.

You must know the Sea in which lie the Islands of those parts is called the Sea of Chin, which is as much as to say “The Sea over against Manzi.” For, in the language of those Isles, when they say Chin, ’tis Manzi they mean. And I tell you with regard to that Eastern Sea of Chin, according to what is said by the experienced pilots and mariners of those parts, there be 7459 Islands in the waters frequented by the said mariners; and that is how they know the fact, for their whole life is spent in navigating that sea. And there is not one of those Islands but produces valuable and odorous woods like the lignaloe, aye and better too; and they produce also a great variety of spices. For example in those Islands grows pepper as white as snow, as well as the black in great quantities. In fact the riches of those Islands is something wonderful, whether in gold or precious stones, or in all manner of spicery; but they lie so far off from the main land that it is hard to get to them. And when the ships of Zayton and Kinsay do voyage thither they make vast profits by their venture.

It takes them a whole year for the voyage, going in winter and returning in summer. For in that Sea there are but two winds that blow, the one that carries them 
outward and the other that brings them homeward; and the one of these winds blows all the winter, and the other all the summer. And you must know these regions are so far from India that it takes a long time also for the voyage thence.

Though that Sea is called the Sea of Chin, as I have told you, yet it is part of the Ocean Sea all the same. But just as in these parts people talk of the Sea of England and the Sea of Rochelle, so in those countries they speak of the Sea of Chin and the Sea of India, and so on, though they all are but parts of the Ocean.

Now let us have done with that region which is very inaccessible and out of the way. Moreover, Messer Marco Polo never was there. And let me tell you the Great Kaan has nothing to do with them, nor do they render him any tribute or service.

Marco Polo writes a description of Zipangu saying it is an island 1,500 miles to the east of China. Then he says he is finished and says there are 7,459 islands in the Sea of China according to mariners. He also mentions the two winds that blow, one carrying ships inward and the other blowing them homeward. That is most certainly a description of the Philippines. Marco Polo has moved on from describing Zipangu to describing the Philippines.

But apparently Tim is not paying attention. 

Zai-tan is modern Guangzhou in Central China on the coast just North of Taiwan and Kin-said is the ancient name of Hangzhou which is North of that. Japan is not East of these locations. It is Northeast. The Philippines is Southeast. This is not merely a voyage to the East; it is neither Northeast or Southeast. We can determine which fits this story very easily. The island of Zipangu is said to be 1,500 miles from continental China. As this is by ship, these are nautical miles not those of flight. Chinese were traveling according to their own records, to the area of Mindoro they called Ma-I which is right next door to Palawan which they would pass. There are two ports listed here in China, but one fits the 1,500 miles distance to Palawan exactly. According to, the distance from Zhoupu (Zhejiang) Port in HUnagzhou Bay to the Port of Puerto Princessa in Palawan is 1,4600 nautical miles. Ok, they missed it by 40 miles perhaps, or did they take a little longer route around the shoals. However, the time of year this journey occurs tells us much.  

The mariners of Zai-tun and Kin-sai, who visit them, gain indeed great profitsbut they spend a year on the voyage, going in winter, and returning in the summerfor the wind in these seasons blows only from two different quarters, one of which carries them thither, and the other brings them back.

This is consistent with the prevailing winds of the Philippines due to the Monsoon season especially for the return trip.

pgs. 132-133

Do you see what Tim has done here? He has correctly noted that Marco Polo wrote Zipangu was 1,500 miles away from China. He also correctly notes that a description is given of two winds which match the Philippine monsoon season. But he has conflated the two sections as if they are describing the same place. This section about the two winds is written after Marco Polo has finished describing Zipangu. There is no need to calculate the distance from China to Palawan in order to prove that Zipangu is the Philippines because Marco Polo is not talking about Zipangu in this section. A note on this new section says:

Polo seems in this passage to be speaking of the more easterly Islands of the Archipelago, such as the Philippines, the Moluccas, etc., but with vague ideas of their position.

To reiterate this section is NOT about Zipangu but Tim wrongly claims it is. 

Second of all is the little bit of history Marco Polo gives concerning the Khan's invasion of Zipangu.

"Kublai, on hearing of this amazing wealth, desired to conquer the island, and sent two of his barons with a very large fleet containing warriors, both horsemen and on foot." 

"One was named Abatan, the other Vonsanicin, both wise and valiant. They sailed from Zai-tun and Kin-sai, reached the isle, landed, and took possession of the plain and of a number of houses but they had been unable to take any city or castle, when a sad misadventure occurred."

This is the one area where Japan does have history of attempted conquests by the Mongols in 1274 and 1281. However the Spanish wiped out written Philippine history prior to the era. We may very well have this story if not. With the other factors not fitting Japan, this does not carry enough weight to overrule all the facts against the option of Japan. Anyone calling themselves a scholar who claims Chinese ships in that era could not make it to the Philippines is a liar especially the right season which would make this trip even more favorable than Japan.

pg. 132

Tim says this history is correct and does apply to Japan BUT the Spanish wiped out the written history of the Philippines which means the Philippines could also have been invaded by the Khan. Now we will never know. That is not only pure speculation but completely false. The Spanish did not erase "written Philippine history." There was no "written Philippine history." You can read all about that in the following article.         

Third, and finally, is the description of the people of Zipangu.

The people are white, civilized, and well-favoured.

Tim's remarks are as follows:

He wrote the people of Zipangu were "fair, handsome, and of agreeable manners." Fair in Old English is not white but comely or beautiful referring typically to women and handsome is for the men. Either culture could fit that. However, it is difficult to find more "agreeable" manners than the Filipino as this indicated a welcoming culture. In those days of Marco Polo, Japan was a closed society to the outside world largely and that does not fit. 

pg. 131

Old English? The edition Tim is citing from was published in 1844. That is not Old English. The edition I have cited from was published in 1920. If Tim wants to prove that the people of Zipangu were not white then he should take a look at the original Italian and not the English translation. 

However, it doesn't really matter because Marco Polo is obviously not talking about the Philippines when describing the people of Zipangu. Just before he begins describing the Philippines he ends his description of Zipangu. 

But now we will have done with that Island and speak of something else. 

Tim either was not paying attention or he willfully misinterpreted what Marco Polo wrote. 

Now, there is a lot more stuff in this chapter about Zipangu but the most important points have been discussed. These are merely three threads which have been untangled. Tim's whole scheme relies on conflating two sections of Marco Polo's Travels which discuss different places. One of those places is Zipangu and the other is the Philippines. Once that fact is realized Tim's argument comes undone. In conclusion, the Philippines is not Zipangu. Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture is wrong. 

Saturday, July 27, 2024

New DOJ Rules Allow Prosecutors to Investigate Crimes

The criminal justice system in the Philippines is fundamentally broken at every level. However, it seems there might be some hope yet as the DOJ has passed new rules allowing prosecutors to finally do their jobs.

Reforms undertaken by the Department of Justice (DOJ) in the preliminary investigation process will protect the innocent from unwarranted charges and ensure that the guilty will be made to answer for their crimes, a senior DOJ official said Wednesday.

“The newly-signed Department of Justice – National Prosecution Service (DOJ-NPS) Rules on Criminal Investigation virtually changed the landscape in criminal investigation and prosecution by ensuring there is a higher degree of proof, there is a quantum of proof or evidence needed for the filing of cases," Justice Undersecretary Raul Vasquez said during the 2024 Post State of the Nation Address (SONA) discussions.

The DOJ-NPS 2024 was signed by Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla at the Kalayaan Hall in Macalañang on July 10, with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. as witness.

Under the new rules, the standard of proof was raised from probable cause to prima facie evidence with reasonable certainty of conviction.

Vasquez said the new rules also call for more immersive participation by prosecutors in the investigation phase to ensure quality indictments and help weed out harassment suits.

"This is to ensure that only quality cases are filed, one that is supported by evidence, real, testimonial, and other corroborative witnesses, in order that the wrongdoers or criminals would really be brought to bear before the bar of justice, but at the same time, and more importantly, it is also assures that the innocents need not needlessly be charged in court nor incarcerated," he said.

"We will also try to formalize the close coordination between law enforcement and the prosecution in order that only trial-ready and evidence-supported cases will be filed."

Vasquez also pointed out that efforts have been initiated for the establishment of a Forensic Institute, which would make investigations science-based, in terms of criminal investigations and prosecutions.

"This is also useful in terms of calamity and disaster control because, with the higher capacity of our doctors and medical practitioners in terms of forensic science, we would be able to determine the real causes of death," he said.

Under these new rules prosecutors will now participate more in the investigation phase. What have prosecutors been doing all this time? Marcos says not only will prosecutors participate more in the investigation phase but they will lead it.

The President said the new rules and procedures will ensure fairness and due process as the government protects its citizens.

“Through this, all prosecutors are now empowered to take the lead in criminal investigations, ensuring that there is proper and sufficient case build-up before filing in court,” he said.

President Marcos said the new rules will institutionalize the executive and inquisitorial nature of preliminary investigations in line with legal precedents and reinforcing the DOJ’s authority in this domain.

The guidelines will also enhance existing prosecutorial functions empowering the DOJ to take a proactive role in the investigation of crimes and ensure efficient case build-ups, he added.

Basically these new rules empower prosecutors to do their jobs. If prosecutors were not leading the investigation of criminal cases then what were they doing? Allowing for the cops to do the investigation. Everyone knows the PNP are corrupt and do not follow proper protocols. I wrote a whole article about it. 

Remulla blamed a culture of “arrests” within the PNP for what happened.

(Before, police would just keep arresting even without a case. If there is no case, they plant evidence. They can no longer do that. We will not allow that. That's why they're having problems.)

The Justice secretary said they are trying to address this culture by implementing new procedures under a new DOJ department circular which mandates prosecutors to take an active role in gathering evidence and building the case.

Let's take a look at this new law. 



Section 6. Prosecutors and Officers Authorized to Conduct Preliminary Investigation and Inquest Proceedings. All prosecutors, including prosecution attorneys, mentioned under R.A. No. 10071, and other officers as may be allowed by law, are authorized to conduct preliminary investigations and inquest proceedings. 

State prosecutors or prosecutors assigned at the Office of the Secretary of Justice Prosecution Staff shall have national jurisdiction over all crimes or offenses involving national security, all criminal cases for which task forces have been created, and all criminal cases in which the venues were transferred to avoid a miscarriage of justice, or when so directed by the Secretary of Justice as public interest may require. 

The city, provincial, or regional prosecutors and their assistants shall have jurisdiction over crimes or offenses, and violations of ordinances, cognizable by the proper courts in their respective territorial jurisdictions. 

It is simply incredible that only now do prosecutors have jurisdiction over crimes and the ability to lead investigations. How would they know if the case before them is valid without doing any investigation into the matter? 

Perhaps these new rules will bring change.  Only time will tell. 

Friday, July 26, 2024

Retards in the Government 375

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

Three suspected hackers, including an officer of the Philippine Navy (PN), have been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI).

NBI Director Jaime B. Santiago on Thursday, July 18, presented before the media the three suspects who are alleged members of the Blood Sec International (BSI) and who were arrested during operations conducted in Metro Manila and Cagayan de Oro City last July 16.

The suspects reportedly hacked the systems of the PN and the New Era University.

Two of the suspected hackers were identified as Daniel Xavier Valdez and Anikin Luke Abales.  The third suspect, a PN officer, was not identified due to an ongoing investigation.

Valdez has been charged with violation of the Cybercrime Prevention Act of 2012 under Republic Act No. 10175 for allegedly hacking the system of the New Era University, while Abales was charged with violations of RA 10175 and RA 10173, the Data Privacy Act of 2012, for reportedly hacking PN's system.

“They are one group. They are responsible for the 2016 hacking of the Commission on Elections,” Santiago said. .

He also said that Valdez has admitted to be the founder of the group.

NBI Cybercrime Division (NBI-CCD) Chief Jeremy C. Lotoc said the operation was an offshot of the arrest of suspected hackers in Tagaytay City last July 8.

During the controlled viewing of one of the phones of those arrested in Tagaytay, Lotoc said it was found that there was communication with a hacker who was found later to be a member of PN. 

Through the help of the PN, the NBI was able to identify that the suspected hacker was the Navy officer, Lotoc also said.

He said the mobile phone of the PN member showed that it has a directory scanner. "The directory scanner has the capability to scan secret files, directory, etcetera sa system ng ating Philippine Navy,” he explained.

When investigators dug deeper, Lotoc disclosed that it was found that the directory scanner remained active and that the Navy man was also in constant communication with a person who was later found to be Valdez.

“So we hatched an operation to arrest the founder of the BSI,” he said.

Valdez was arrested in Cubao, Quezon City following a brief chase with the NBI.

“At the same time, we discovered another member of the BSI in Cagayan de Oro City and apparently his participation in the hacking was that he has possession of the source code,” Lotoc noted.

New Era University representatives said what was breached was the school’s data processing system.

PN Spokesperson Commander John Percie Alcos assured that what the suspected hackers accessed were open source information already publicly made available during press conferences of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).

Valdez claimed that since 2020 he has not been doing illegal activities. He alleged that he was asked by his member to test the system of the Philippine Navy.

After conducting the tests, Valdez said he contacted his member at the PN and "I gave the information how to fix the vulnarabilities and how to strengthen security.”

“I apologize to the Philippine Navy and Philippine Army for defacing and testing without papers,” said Valdez who admitted what he did had no approval from military officials.

Three suspected hackers, including an officer of the Philippine Navy, have been arrested by the National Bureau of Investigation.

The Court of Appeals (CA) has reversed the acquittal of former police lieutenant colonel Rafael Dumlao as the mastermind of the kidnap-slay of South Korean businessman Jee Ick-joo in 2016.

The CA sentenced Dumlao to a life term without parole and ordered him to pay P350,000 in damages for the charge of kidnapping with homicide and P225,000 in damages for kidnapping and serious illegal detention, according to a statement by the Supreme Court issued yesterday afternoon.

Dumlao was also sentenced to another 35 years for carjacking.

The decision was penned by CA 13th Division Associate Justice Carlito Calpatura, who granted a petition filed by government prosecutors to nullify the 2023 decision of Pampanga Regional Trial Court (RTC) Branch 60 Judge Eda Dizon acquitting Dumlao, a former official of the defunct Philippine National Police Anti-Illegal Drugs Group (PNP-AIDG).

In granting the petition, the CA found that Dizon “gravely abused (her) discretion by gross misapprehension of facts” when she acquitted Dumlao.

The CA also ruled that the proceedings before Dizon were “a sham and an apparent mockery of the judicial process.”

The CA held that “the RTC reached a conclusion that clearly contradicted the testimonies of witnesses, rendering the prosecution’s presentation of evidence inutile and blatantly abusing its discretion to a point so grave as to deprive it of its very power to dispense justice.”

“It erred in brushing aside the circumstantial evidence by the prosecution, which is sufficient by itself to support a judgment of conviction and could have galvanized Dumlao’s culpability,” the CA’s decision stated.

Dumlao, SPO3 Ricky Sta. Isabel, SPO4 Roy Villegas, former National Bureau of Investigation aide Jerry Omlang and Gerardo Santiago were charged for kidnapping and killing Jee.

They were also charged for the kidnapping and serious illegal detention of Jee’s househelp Marisa Morquicho and stealing Jee’s vehicle.

The Pampanga judge found Sta. Isabel and Omlang guilty but acquitted Dumlao.

The Court of Appeals has reversed the acquittal of former police lieutenant colonel Rafael Dumlao as the mastermind of the kidnap-slay of South Korean businessman Jee Ick-joo in 2016.

An employee of the Manila City Hall was arrested after he extorted money from a street vendor in Ermita, Manila on Friday, July 19.

The Manila Police District (MPD) identified the suspect as Christian Lopez, 48, a resident of Tondo, Manila and personnel of Manila Hawkers under Manila Bureau of Permits.

According to complainant Pamela Montoya, the suspect introduced himself as a personnel of Hawkers of the Manila City Hall who was assigned to remove road obstructions in Manila.

She said the suspect was demanding P500 from her in exchange for her stay in the area.

The suspect also threatened her that he will destroy her food cart if she fails to comply with his demand. 

The suspect also mentioned to the victim that he will give the money to the Special Mayor’s Reaction Team (SMaRT) office.

The MPD operatives immediately conducted a surveillance to verify the veracity of the information and launched an entrapment operation against the suspect.

The suspect was brought to SMaRT office for documentation of the case.    

An employee of the Manila City Hall was arrested after he extorted money from a street vendor in Ermita, Manila.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has questioned the grant of P452,000 in productivity incentive benefit and communication allowances by the Lemery town in Iloilo to its officials and employees "despite the absence of legal basis."

In its 2023 annual audit report, the COA said the expenditure by the municipality "is considered as irregular disbursement of government funds."

In questioning the disbursement, the COA cited Item 9 of Civil Service Commission - Department of Budget and Management (CSC-DBM) Joint Circular No. 1, series of 2012 dated Sept. 3, 2012 which stressed that "the grant of the Productivity Incentive Benefit (PIB) shall be discontinued beginning Fiscal Year 2015."

However, when Lemery's 2023 transactions were audited, COA auditors found that every official and employee received P2,000 PIB or a total of P208,000. 

It also said the municipality likwise shouldered the mobile load allowance of each department head and member of the Sangguniang Bayan, which totalled to P244,000 or P1,000 per month.

When questioned about these transactions, the COA said that the town's accountant told the audit team that it has been the practice of the municipality to grant its officers and employees such incentives and allowances annually or monthly.

It pointed out that the incentive and allowance are not among the standard and special-purpose allowances and benefits provided in the Total Compensation Framework established in Republic Act No. 11466, the Salary Standardization Law of 2019.

In the case of the the expenses for mobile loads, the COA said that since the payment was given directly to the department head in the form of monthly allowance, it is considered as an additional benefit granted to the employee concerned.

The COA then asked the officials of Lemery town to discontinue the grant of Productivity Incentive Allowance/Benefit and communication allowance to its officers and employees.

"Henceforth, we recommended and the Municipal Mayor and the Sangguniang Bayan agreed to ensure that the payment of allowances, incentives, and other benefits to its officers and employees are expressly provided by law, and other statutory authority, and the rules and regulations promulgated by competent authority to avoid incurrence of irregular expenditures of government funds," COA's audit report stated. 

The Commission on Audit has questioned the grant of P452,000 in productivity incentive benefit and communication allowances by the Lemery town in Iloilo to its officials and employees "despite the absence of legal basis."

A 28-year-old policeman was seriously wounded in an accidental shooting incident in Barangay Rizal, San Carlos City, Negros Occidental on Sunday, July 21.

Police Capt. Honey Labaro, deputy chief of the San Carlos City Police Station, said the victim dropped by the house of his girlfriend after the end of his duty at the police station.

Labaro said the police officer transferred his Glock 17 9mm caliber pistol tucked in his waist to his sling bag. However, he dropped the gun while moving it to his bag.

His girlfriend handed over the firearm to the victim but when he was about to put it in his bag, it hit his right jaw and accidentally pulled the trigger.

The victim was shot in the right jaw and was taken to a hospital. He underwent a surgery after he was transferred to a hospital here.

Labaro said the victim is currently under observation at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the hospital. 

Another cop has accidentally shot himself with his own weapon.

A complaint for attempted murder has been filed against a former city councilor and son of a barangay chairperson in Laguna over the shooting of a local journalist, the Presidential Task Force on Media Security (PTFoMS) said Wednesday.

According to the PTFoMS, the Malacañang’s arm in charge of ensuring media security in the country, the case was filed last Monday, just a week after Marc Angelo Barrios of Laguna Patrol was shot by unidentified gunmen aboard a motorcycle.

Undersecretary Paul Gutierrez, PTFoMS executive director, commended the Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) for immediately responding to the task force’s request for a deeper investigation of the incident.

“This again showed that the established mechanism by the government to address any violation in the right to life, liberty, and security of all members of the press is working efficiently,” Gutierrez said.

The initial police report said two motorcycle riding suspects fired seven times at Barrios, while he was on his way home to Brgy. San Gregorio in San Pablo City on the evening of July 15. He was miraculously unharmed although his motorcycle was damaged by the attack.

The suspects then sped off toward an unknown destination.

The CIDG accompanied Barrios in the filing before the Prosecutor’s Office a case for frustrated murder against the principal suspect.

The task force refused to name the suspect “pending the result of the evaluation of the complaint by the attending prosecutor.”

Gutierrez also thanked the local police for its immediate assistance to Barrios after the incident.

A complaint for attempted murder has been filed against a former city councilor and son of a barangay chairperson in Laguna over the shooting of a local journalist.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Coronavirus Lockdown: Still Waiting, PH Poverty Magnitude Back to Pre-pandemic Level, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government. 

LRT ridership is back to pre-pandemic levels.

The Light Rail Transit Line 2 (LRT-2) grew its passenger footprint and fare collection by double digits in the first half of the year due to the growing demand for metropolitan transport.

Based on records from the Light Rail Transit Authority (LRTA), the LRT-2 increased passenger traffic by 12 percent to 25.89 million from January to June, from 23.18 million a year ago.

This marks the highest first semester ridership in the LRT-2 since the pandemic, closing in on the 2019 level of 29.94 million during the same period.

Further, monthly ridership in the LRT-2 has never gone below four million since July 2023’s 3.81 million. As was expected, LRTA has seen more and more commuters take the railway, driven by the resumption of onsite schooling and work.

In turn, LRTA’s fare revenues went up by 31 percent to P622.61 million in the first semester, from P476.2 million a year ago. Similarly, this marks the highest first semester collection for LRTA, surpassing the 2019 total of P575.61 million between January and June.

LRTA’s fare income ballooned to P1.1 billion last year, exceeding the pre-pandemic high of P1.07 billion in 2019.

Alongside this, ridership surged to 49.43 million on the reopening of economic activities, but has yet to revert to the pre-pandemic level of 56.98 million.

For 2024, LRTA projects that LRT-2 ridership would reach 50.7 million, anticipating a boost from the return of in-person classes and work.

And so are fare revenues naturally. 

The Philippines and Vietnam have resumed joint military drills on Pugad Island.

The cooperative activities between the Philippines and Vietnam on Pugad Island (Southwest Cay) have resumed, marking the first bilateral engagement between both countries in the West Philippine Sea since the COVID-19 pandemic.

The seventh iteration of the joint activity between the Philippine Navy and the Vietnam People’s Navy was held on July 10, navy spokesperson Commander John Percie Alcos said on Tuesday.

Alcos stated that this event, led by the Philippines’ Deputy Marine Commander for Marine Operations in Naval Forces West, Col. Enstein Calaoa Jr., and Vietnam’s Naval Region 4 Deputy Commander, Senior Capt. Ngo Dinh Xuyen, is “another milestone in fostering bilateral cooperation and camaraderie between the two navies.”

“This used to be a regular thing, but because of the COVID it stopped for a while,” Alcos also said in a regular press conference. “I believe after the pandemic, this is the first time that we held this again.”

Alcos said the navies of Manila and Hanoi held a staff-to-staff talk on regional maritime security updates as well as proposals for future cooperation.

The activity, attended by 60 personnel from navies of both countries, also includes friendly games, cultural presentations and even culinary exchanges.

Pugad Island was previously held by the Philippines but was seized by Vietnam in 1975.

Despite this, Manila and Hanoi maintained good relations as both countries faced continuous aggression from Beijing.

Why did these exercises stop when other drills like the Balikatan exercises did not? 

The DOH has released the COVID-19 allowance for health workers but barangay health workers are still waiting for their money.

Barangay health workers (BHWs) all over the country have asked the Department of Health (DOH) to release their much-delayed health emergency allowance (HEA) for the services they rendered at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Other health-care workers (both in public and private hospitals) have long received their HEA. But for us BHWs, we have yet to be paid. We are always the last ones in the distribution of HEA, even if we are the first ones people go to for help when they are sick,” Myrna Gaite, BHW National Capital Region (NCR) Federation president, said in a statement on Tuesday.

“We are urgently appealing to the DOH: You already have the funds, so it is just right to give us what we worked hard for. This is not just an issue of money, but of justice and recognizing our … contribution during the pandemic,” she added.

A survey conducted last month revealed that almost 10,000 BHWs in 13 regions were facing an average of 14 months in HEA arrears, amounting to an estimated P793.3 million.

The bulk of the unpaid HEA were for BHWs in NCR, estimated at P332.5 million, followed by those in the Calabarzon (P166.9 million) and Central Visayas (P88.4 million) regions.

The delay in HEA disbursement has had significant adverse effects on BHWs, who rely on this allowance to supplement their modest incomes.

Aries Dawa, president of the BHW Federation in San Juan City, said that she and her colleagues were relying on the release of the allowance before classes resume to buy uniforms and school supplies for their children.

To date, the Department of Budget and Management has released a total of P91.283 billion to the DOH for the Public Health Emergency Benefits and Allowances, covering all benefits for health-care workers from July 2021 to July 2023. Of the total, P73.261 billion has been allocated specifically for HEA.

The payment of HEA is provided for under Republic Act No. 11712, or the Public Health Emergency Benefits and Allowances for Health Care Workers Act.

How long until everyone gets their money? The government says they have it. Now is the time to give it. 

Cruise ship passengers will have their tourists visas waives in order to boost post-pandemic tourism. 

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) on Wednesday said the newly launched Cruise Visa Waiver program will attract more cruise tourists to the Philippines as it simplifies the visa process for passengers on cruise ships.

According to Commissioner Norman Tansingco, the initiative is to enhance the Philippines' position as a top cruise destination, offering a secure and efficient entry process for cruise passengers.

He noted that with the program, the country is expecting 117 cruise calls with an estimated 118,000 passengers in 2024.

"The pandemic had a profound impact on our tourism sector, but with initiatives like the Cruise Visa Waiver, we are confident in our ability to rebound stronger. This program is a testament to our dedication to enhancing the tourist experience while ensuring national security,” he said in a statement.

In 2023, the country welcomed 123 port calls, bringing in over 101,000 passengers.

The Cruise Visa Waiver allows visa-required foreign nationals to enter the Philippines for a limited duration, strictly for cruise tourism purposes. This streamlined process is designed to facilitate entry for tourists, ensuring a seamless travel experience.

The cruise visa waiver is non-convertible and non-extendable and would require the bearer to arrive and depart on the same cruise ship. It utilizes the BI’s e-services platform via its website at

The project, which is in collaboration with the Department of Tourism (DOT) and the Department of Justice (DOJ), was launched on Tuesday at the Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Authority (TIEZA) in Pasay City.

"The collaboration between the BI, DOT, and DOJ is pivotal in this initiative. We are united in our effort to strengthen cruise tourism and support the country's economic transformation,” the BI chief added.

The program was institutionalized under Immigration Memorandum Circular 2024-001 issued by the BI Commissioner on Jan. 25, 2024 and approved by Justice Secretary Remulla on March 14, 2024.

The initiative came when the Philippines was recognized globally as the Best Cruise Destination at the World Cruise Awards in Dubai and Asia's Best Ports of Call for 2024 at the 19th Asia Cruise Awards in Jeju, South Korea.

Now try streamlining everything else. 

The Philippine poverty incidence is back to pre-pandemic levels.

The Philippines has seen a decline in family poverty rates, dropping to 10.9% in 2023, an improvement from the 13.2% recorded in pandemic-hit 2021.

However, in terms of magnitude, the 2023 figure translates to about 3 million poor families, which merely mirrors the pre-pandemic level of 3 million poor families in 2018. This suggests that there was no decrease in the actual number of families classified as poor in the six years between 2018 to 2023.

On an individual level, the poverty rate also showed improvement, decreasing from 18.1% in 2021 to 15.5% in 2023. This reduction means that approximately 17.54 million Filipinos fell below the poverty threshold in 2023, down from nearly 20 million in 2021. Yet, this number remains close to the 17.67 million individuals classified as poor in 2018.

In 2023, 2.7% of Filipino families were classified as food poor, an improvement from 3.9% in 2021 and 3.4% in 2018. Similarly, 4.3% of individuals were considered food poor in 2023, down from 5.9% in 2021 and 5.2% in 2018.

“Based on these preliminary poverty statistics, the poverty situation in the country has returned to its pre-pandemic level,” the PSA said in a press release discussing the findings of its Family Income and Expenditure Survey on Monday, July 22.

“The poverty threshold, which is mainly affected by changes in the prices of food items in the food bundle, increased by 15.3% in 2023.  On the other hand, the mean per capita income, particularly of the second decile, or families near the poverty threshold, increased by 22.9%, which is higher than the increase in the poverty threshold. These resulted to the decreases in the poverty incidences among families at 2.3 percentage points and among population at 2.6 percentage points in 2023,” the PSA said.
