Thursday, June 27, 2024

The God Culture: Your Spirit Can't Die

Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture has some outright heretical teachings about sin and its effects on man. He says our spirits cannot die because we sin. He teaches the heretical and unbiblical of annihilations which means our spirits will be burned up once and for all on judgement day to exist no more for ever. 

What Is Hell? Is It Real? Part 9 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23I

13:27 Your spirit can't die because you sin. Now, you can eternally set your position that you will be in hell, that you will die, yes, but that's not what the Bible does here. It's not playing these word games of dumb scholars that just don't get it. It doesn't do it. So, spirits don't die not unless they are consumed with eternal fire period. That is the only measure in scripture for so-called spiritual death. We do not die spiritually when we sin. Our spirits can't die. It can set it up sure but the Bible doesn't do that there and that is not what Yahuah is saying to Adam. They have rephrased Yahuah's words changing the Bible. It is a lie.

There are problems with that interpretation. First of all the Bible does say Adam would die in "the day" he ate from the tree."  

Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

But it is only in Jubilees that we read an interpretation about dying in the day you eat from the tree.  Any story that comes from Jubilees is apocryphal nonsense that is rightfully ignored though Timothy Jay Schwab eats it up like a pile of tasty dung. That book is not and never will be scripture.  But even so Jubilees says this:

4:29 And at the close of the nineteenth jubilee, in the seventh week in the sixth year thereof, Adam died, and all his sons buried him in the land of his creation, and he was the first to be buried in the earth. 

30  And he lacked seventy years of one thousand years; for one thousand years are as one day in the testimony of the heavens and therefore was it written concerning the tree of knowledge: 'On the day that ye eat thereof ye shall die.' For this reason he did not complete the years of this day; for he died during it.

Are we really supposed to believe that when God said you will die the day you eat from the tree he really meant you will die within a thousand years? What kind of threat or punishment is that? How does it apply to the rest of humanity who fell in Adam and are subject to the same penalty? The punishment happened then and there. Adam died. He became spiritually dead and separated from communion with God and so are we.

Secondly, the Bible says we are all spiritually dead in numerous passages. I will only list a few.
John 3:3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

Ephesians 2:1 And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

Ephesians 2:5 Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;

Titus 3:5 Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;

Obviously our soul is not dead as in lifeless. We are alive. But as the Bible says, we are dead in our sins while we live until Jesus Christ quickens us by the Holy Spirit. What exactly about us is dead? What did Jesus mean when he said let the dead bury their dead?

Matthew 8:22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

How can someone dead do anything? Because Jesus means they are spiritually dead and are walking after the things of this world rather than seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness. To say that our spirits cannot die because we sin is more heretical nonsense from Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Hi, My Name is...49

Pastors are supposed to be upstanding members of the community. It's too bad that some of them are not. Others are also the victims of horrendous crimes. 

Hi, my names is Pastor Dimver Andales. I am not merely a pastor but the Bishop of the largest Baptist Church in Mindanao, Lapasan Baptist Church. My fellow pastor and I have been accused of the murder of Mr. Cagayan de Oro 2023 candidate Adriane Rovic Fornillos. The basis for this claim is social media posts alleging that I had been having an affair with Mr. Fornillos' girlfriend. I am a married man and I deny the charges. However, I am ready to face the charges to clear my name.

Police arrested on Monday, October 16, two pastors tagged in the killing of Mr. Cagayan de Oro 2023 candidate Adriane Rovic Fornillos in this city on May 9, 2023.

The suspects, one of them identified as Pastor Dimver Andales, were arrested in their church in Barangay Lapasan here through warrants of arrest for murder issued by Judge Marites Filomena Rana Bernales of the Cagayan de Oro City Regional Trial Court Branch 39 with no bail recommended.

Suspects did not resist arrest by lawmen here.

The 23-year-old Fornillos was shot in the back of the head by an unidentified suspect on 13th St., Barangay Nazareth. The victim, a resident of Barangay Lapasan here, was in Barangay Nazareth to visit his trainer in preparation for the pageant.

He was pronounced dead by a doctor at around 12:30 a.m. on May 10 due to severe brain injury from a bullet wound.

Cagayan de Oro Nazareth police station chief Police Capt. Bayron John Ratunil confirmed on Monday that there were two other unidentified individuals possibly involved in the killing aside from the two arrested suspects.

Andales’ name emerged on social media months after the killing, accusing him of having an affair with Fornillos' girlfriend and orchestrating his killing.

The suspect denied the allegations. Andales said he knew the victim’s girlfriend because of common friends and he also knew Fornillos as a resident of Barangay Lapasan where he also lives.

Andales’ camp gathered some online posts as they plan to file formal complaints against netizens who shared libelous posts and ruined his name.

In an interview with iFM Cagayan de Oro in August, Andales said he already prepared himself after he received unverified information from unknown sources that he was one of the suspects even though no formal complaint has been filed.

“I was told (by my lawyer) that we have to wait if there’s a complaint before we can respond,” Andales said, stressing that he doesn’t want to ruin his name as his son is running for councilor in Barangay Lapasan in the barangay elections on October 30.

Police have yet to disclose the participation of the other suspect.

Fornillos' girlfriend who became the center of attention after the incident because of her heartwarming posts to her boyfriend was also not exempted from criticism after allegations thrown at her online. 

She has yet to issue a statement about these allegations.

Rhobert Maestre, one of Andales’ legal counsels, said that his client neither hides nor travels and they are willing to face the complaint. 

He urged the public to give respect to the court that will hear the case. “It’s only the opinion of the court that matters, no one else. No other opinion will matter for that matter,” he said.

Suspects were processed at the Agora Police Station and taken to the Cagayan de Oro City Jail in Barangay Lumbia.

On July 25, Fornillos graduated at Liceo de Cagayan de University with a degree in civil engineering. His parents and sister attended the ceremony.

Hi, my name is Edgardo Sade Balsamo. I am a pastor in Lapu-Lapu City. While riding my motorcycle two men pulled up beside me. One of them shot me in the stomach. I was able to cry out for help as I feel but I ended up dying while undergoing treatment at the hospital.

A pastor of a Christian church died shortly after he was reportedly shot by still unidentified suspects in Barangay Pajac, Lapu-Lapu City at around noontime on Sunday, July 16, 2023.

The victim, who was identified as Edgardo Sade Balsamo, 54, died from a bullet wound on his stomach.

As of this writing, personnel of the Mactan Police Station continue to investigate Basalmo’s killing as they also try to locate CCTV footage from nearby establishments that may help in their investigation.

Police Major Bonifacio Paneja, chief of the Mactan Police Station, said they continue to look for witnesses as they try to figure out how the shooting incident happened.

He said that they are yet to determine if the suspects, who are yet to be identified. were on foot or riding a motorcycle when one of them shot Basalmo.

At the same time, they are yet to determine the motive for the killing, Paneja added.

Based on their initial investigation, Basalmo left their home in Sitio San Vicente in Barangay Pajac on a motorcycle.

As he was travelling, the suspects suddenly appeared and one of them fired a shot at the pastor, hitting him on the stomach.

Paneja said that Basalmo still managed to call for help after he fell on the pavement.

The shooting incident was first reported to the NERVE Office at the Lapu-Lapu City Hall. An office personnel was the one who relayed the information to the police.

Basalmo died at 4:39 p.m. while he was being undergoing treated at a hospital in Lapu-Lapu City.

Hi, my name is Michael Catabay. It is alleged that in 2019 I sexually harassed and raped a 15-year old girl inside my church. But she waited four years to file a case which is why the headlines say she is a 19-year old girl.

Operatives of the Manila Police District (MPD) arrested a pastor in Caloocan City on Monday, Sept. 18, for allegedly raping a 19-year-old girl.

The MPD identified the suspect as Michael Catabay, 46, a resident of Dagat- Dagatan, Caloocan City.

Police said the victim, assisted by her mother, went to the MPD District Special Operation Unit (DSOU) to report that Catabay had sexually harassed her.

A warrant of arrest was issued last Sept. 7 by Judge Glenda Cabello Marin of Regional Trial Court Branch 124 in Caloocan City for crimes of lascivious donduct with a recommended bail of P200,000, acts of lasciviousness with P36,000 bail, and rape with no bail.

According to the victim, the suspect repeatedly harassed and raped her inside their church in 2019 when she was 15 years old.

On Monday afternoon, the MPD conducted a manhunt operation against the suspect after the victim and her mother reported his location.

The suspect was collared at Block 17, Samatadd Compound, Tanigue Street, Dagat-Dagatan, Caloocan City.

Police added that the victim was able to identify the suspect when she and the responding police officers arrived in the area.

The suspect is currently under the custody of MPD-DSOU for inquest proceedings.

Hi, my name is Pastor Alcom. I was having problems with a seven year old girl and her family so I decided to kill her. But I decided to pass the job to a 14 year old. I threatened him saying if he did not kill her I would. So, he took a a stone and lobbed it at her head. It is probable he also stabbed the girl. He was later caught by the police and gave me away.

A 14-year-old boy in Iligan City said that he killed a little girl after being threatened by a supposed pastor.

According to a 24 Oras report by James Paolo Yap on Thursday, the suspect admitted to killing a 7-year-old child, who had been found dead by the Iligan Police on December 12.

The suspect said he was ordered to do so by a pastor called "Alcom."

"According to the statement of the minor, the one who ordered him, said that if he could not kill the child, he would be the one to kill him. So, he seems to have no choice, then it seems that the party that gave the order and the child that was killed have family problems," said Iligan Police spokesperson Police Major Zandrex Panolong.

"His revelation is that he threw a stone on [the victim's] head but I saw that there was a wound that looked like the result of a sharp object. The expert from the forensic unit will be able to determine the cause of death," he added.

The police have yet to confirm the motive behind the crime.

The suspect is now in the custody of the Department of Social Welfare and Development Iligan, while the alleged pastor is still at large.

Hi, my name is Pastor Nick Davi. I was shot dead by my Fil-Am neighbor Joe Junio as the result of a conflict she had with my family. We had reported her to the Home Owners Association over violations she committed. She retaliated by throwing rocks and feces at our house and flooding our house as well. She also made death threats. Eventually it all came to a head and she shot me dead. Thankfully my last moments were caught on camera. 

A North Las Vegas church has honored the memory of one of its pastors, who was allegedly killed by his Filipino American neighbor following what Las Vegas police described as an escalating dispute over violations of homeowner association rules.

Joe Junio, a 36-year-old Fil-Am taxi driver and real estate agent, is accused of shooting and killing Nick Davi, 46, on Dec. 29, 2023. Junio is charged with murder, attempted murder and child abuse.

The shooting happened on Lookout Lodge Lane inside the gated Court of Aliante, a community of townhomes, where Junio lives next door to Davi and his family.

Junio remains in custody at the Clark County Detention Center with bail set at $300,000. She is scheduled to appear in court on March 8.

Members of Grace Point Church in Las Vegas recently held a memorial for Davi.

“You could tell (Nick Davi) was such an amazing father and person,” Lily Pie Andrews, said in her comment on the church’s Facebook post about the memorial.

Andrews said she used to be a neighbor of the family and had “always had an awful feeling” about her other neighbor, Junio.

The final moments of Davi’s life, captured on video, have recently been revealed in a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Davi’s wife, Sara, who was also shot and wounded.

Junio reportedly confronted the pastor and his family in front of their home after he filed complaints about her to their homeowners association (HOA).

The lawsuit alleges the HOA then told Junio about those complaints, stating, “the homeowners association knew or should have known that defendant would likely perform violent actions against deceased and Plaintiff as a result of ongoing association dispute.”

Court documents also revealed a screenshot from a video taken by one of the pastor’s children, aged 12 and 15, who were inside the family’s car when their father was shot and killed.

Junio admitted to shooting Nicholas Davi and was initially taken to the North Las Vegas Community Correctional Center before being transferred to the facility in Clark County.

The Davi family had filed for a temporary protection order against Junio and had been staying elsewhere before the killing after she repeatedly threatened them.

The couple called local police twice in December about Junio, according to the police report. In one instance, Junio allegedly threw rocks into their yard and “ran her finger across her throat in a cutting motion and told them they were next.”

In another instance, Junio was accused of throwing feces into the couple’s yard and flooding their home.

Hi, my name is Sylvano Capicenio, also known as Pastor Bing. While I was riding my motorcycle with my dog on the back the dog fell off and I ended up dragging him down the road. Of course I would never drag him in purpose. I love animals. But the court decided against me and fined me 10,000 pesos. 

A man who dragged his pet dog behind his motorcycle in Masbate City has been convicted of animal cruelty.

Sylvano Capicenio, also known as Pastor Bing, was found guilty of violating Republic Act 8485 or the Animal Welfare Act, Municipal Trial Court in Cities Judge Lea Estrada said in a ruling dated March 1, which the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) released yesterday.

Capicenio was ordered to pay a fine of P10,000 with subsidiary imprisonment in case of failure to pay the penalty.

In her ruling, Estrada said prosecutors have proven beyond reasonable doubt that Capicenio committed animal cruelty when he dragged his dog along a street in Barangay Centro on June 14, 2019.

The PAWS said Capicenio leashed his dog Brain behind his motorcycle and took him on a ride across towns.

Bystanders said the dog struggled to keep pace, resulting in the animal’s exhaustion and leaving a trail of blood from his injured paws.

One of the witnesses said Capicenio dismissed her concerns when she confronted him, saying the dog is his pet.

When warned about a law against animal cruelty, Capicenio reportedly retorted that he had the dog vaccinated.

Capicenio presented a city veterinarian, who attested to his background as an animal lover.

He claimed he did not notice that the dog fell from his motorcycle.

However, Estrada said it was unlikely that Capicenio did not notice that he was dragging the dog.

“For certain, the dragging would have affected the balance on the motorcycle so the accused would have noticed that something is not normal in his trip,” the ruling read.

“The court cannot just countenance the acts of the accused in existence of express prohibition under the laws,” the court said. “It may just be a single act or a single lapse of judgment, but unquestionably the act negatively impacted the well-being and welfare of Brain.”

Hi, my name is Pastor Genaro. I was driving my car when a motorcycle almost hit me. That angered me so much that I got out my car and pulled a gun on the motorcyclist. After I fled the scene he called the cops and they were able to track me down and arrest me.

A 59-year-old pastor was arrested by members of the Rodriguez Rizal Police following a road rage incident on March 16, where he pulled out a gun and threatened another motorist, the Rizal Police Provincial Office (Rizal PPO) said.

The police identified the suspect as "Genaro," a resident of Rodriguez, Rizal.

According to the police report, the victim, a 44-year-old call center agent, was cruising along Mayon Avenue Extension on his motorcycle when he and the suspect, who was then driving his Hyundai Veloster, almost hit each other. This prompted the suspect to get out of his vehicle and pull out a gun on the victim.

After pointing the gun at the victim, Genaro fled the scene on his car towards the direction of Sub-urban Village in Barangay. San Juan.

The victim immediately sought assistance from the police where a follow-up operation was conducted which led to Genaro's arrest.

Recovered from him were a .45 caliber pistol with two magazines and 39 pieces of live ammunition.

The suspect is now detained at the Rodriguez Municipal Police Station and is currently facing charges of Grave Threat and violation of RA 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms and Ammunition Regulation Act.

Hi, my name is Pastor Precila Salbatiera. I was riding along in my van minding my business when I was shot in the stomach by a tricycle driver. The shooter then broke into my house and killed himself. Weird.

A tricycle driver allegedly ambushed a lady preacher then killed himself in Barangay Gappal, this city, on Friday, June 7.

Police Major Esem Galiza, police chief here, said that Eduardo Pabigayan, a tricycle driver from Barangay Disimuray here, shot and wounded Precila Salbatiera who was riding a Toyota Hi-ace van on a  bridge in Barangay Gappal using a caliber .45 pistol.

Pabigayan proceeded to the house of Salbatiera in Purok 7, Barangay Gappal, where he shot himself in the premises.

Salbatiera was wounded in the stomach but is now in stable condition in the hospital.

Police are conducting follow-up investigation. 

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Insurgency: Free From Abu Sayyaf

Two towns in Basilan have been formally declared free of Abu Sayyaf. First up is Akbar.

THE municipality of Akbar in Basilan province has been declared as Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)-free and rido-free.

The declaration was made on Tuesday, June 18, in a ceremony headed by Akbar Mayor Alih Sali, who chairs the Municipal Task Force to End Local Armed Conflict (MTF-Elac) and witnessed by officials of government and military, including representatives of other sectors.

The event also featured the participation of the National Security Command of the Moro National Liberation Front led by Basser Basta, underscoring solidarity and broad support for the municipality's peace initiatives.

The Army’s 101st Infantry Brigade said in a statement that the declaration marked a significant milestone in the town’s journey towards lasting peace and development.

The brigade said that a significant part of the ceremony was the presentation of nine surrendered loose firearms by village chairpersons, which included carbines, grenade launchers, and rifles — a powerful testament to the town’s commitment to peace and progress.

During the ceremony, a Peace Marker was unveiled in a symbolic act of the municipality’s new status, while white doves and balloons were released, representing the promise of peace and hope. 

"The declaration of Akbar as both ASG-free and rido-free marks a pivotal moment in our pursuit of lasting peace. Our collective efforts have made this possible, and together, we will continue to ensure a safe and prosperous future for all Basilenos,” Brigadier General Alvin Luzon, 101st Infantry Brigade commander, said.

The second town to be declared free from Abu Sayyaf is Lamitan.

Business opportunities and development are expected to rise in this city after the local government declared Lamitan free from Abu Sayyaf bandits.

Mayor Roderick Furigay made the declaration during his state of the city report held at the Lamitan City hall complex in Barangay Maganda yesterday.

Furigay cited several developments that the city achieved under his administration as basis for the declaration.

“This is a very significant milestone, the declaration of Lamitan City as Abu Sayyaf-free,” Furigay said.

He said preparations are ongoing for the construction of infrastructure projects including business establishments, port expansion and concreting of roads in almost all 45 barangays.

Furigay said plans to build an airport in the city are underway.

He thanked Basilan Gov. Hajiman Hataman-Salliman for leading local government units in declaring an all-out war against against the Abu Sayyaf.

Lamitan was the second local government unit in Basilan to make the declaration, followed by the town of Akbar.

The municipality of Lantawan was the first to make a similar declaration two weeks ago.

The declarations technically cleared Basilan from the presence of the bandit group.

During the event, Salliman recalled how Basilan was portrayed as the capital of kidnapping, bombing and extortion as well as of Abu Sayyaf.

Brig. Gen. Alvin Luzon, chief of the Army’s 101st Brigade, said Basilan was technically cleared from the Abu Sayyaf as more municipalities are preparing to make their own declarations.

“After all the towns have made the declaration, we will declare Basilan Abu Sayyaf-free,” Luzon said.

He said the security sector could now focus on addressing the remaining clan war or family feud in Basilan.

With this declaration and two previous ones Basilan is "technically cleared" of Abu Sayyaf? What does that even mean? Two years ago the AFP said Basilan was free from Abu Sayyaf.

The province of Basilan has been cleared of the influence of the Abu Sayyaf bandit group, the military announced yesterday.

The announcement was made following a recent meeting conducted by the Area Clearing Validation Board (ACVAB) at the headquarters of the Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom) at Camp Navarro in this city.

“The ACVB evaluated Basilan and cleared the province of the influence of the Abu Sayyaf based on the recommendations of the preventing and countering violent extremism evaluation committee (PCVEC),” Westmincom chief Lt. Gen. Alfredo Rosario Jr. said.

The PCVEC reported that 29 barangays across Basilan, which were formerly known for the presence and of being supportive of the bandits, are no longer under the influence of the terror group.

The military said the clearing of these areas came after the completion of a community support program conducted by the Joint Task Force Basilan (JTFB).

These barangays are located in Isabela City as well as in the towns of Akbar, Al-Barka, Hadji Muhtamad, Lantawan, Maluso and Ungkaya Pukan.

Citing observations during the conduct of the community support program in these barangays, the military said there has been no existence of or existing support for the bandit group and no resource generation and teaching of extremist violence and radicalization in madrasahs or educational institutions.

Religious leaders in the barangays are promoting the right teachings of Islam, and no extremist violence was monitored, the military said.

“After a thorough evaluation and validation, we declare all 29 identified barangays in Basilan as free from the influence of Abu Sayyaf,” ACVAB chair and Westmincom deputy commander for external operations Brig. Gen. Arturo Rojas said.

How was the AFP able to declare Basilan free from the influence of Abu Sayyaf in 2022 and two years later are making the same declaration but calling it a technicality? If these towns were free of ASG influence is that not the same as there being no ASG bandits in the area? They are not very clear on the issue. Why make this declaration in the first place if the province is only technically cleared an not actually cleared of ASG? 


The City of Lamitan and the town of Akbar in Basilan province have formally declared yesterday they are “Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)-Free” and openly announced they are “ready to receive fresh investors and accommodate new investments.”

Lamitan Mayor Roderick H. Furigay said yesterday the city is now ASG-Free and is ready to receive fresh investors and accommodate new investments to help boost the economy of the city.

Furigay said the peace and order condition of the city is now stable and does not foresee any investment disturbance in the coming years.

“Having new investors in this city will also help the local government unit (LGU) here in our quest for economic development and employment efforts for our people and increase the prosperity of our city,” he said.

Furigay emphasized that new investment will greatly contribute to economic growth and build relationships and goodwill that will last beyond the investment time horizon.

Having good peace and order conditions in the city and inviting the private sector to invest in this city is essential for stimulating and boosting economic growth, the mayor here pointed out.

Over in Akbar town, Mayor Alih A. Sali is also inviting investors to invest in his town after the municipal government unveiled a “peace marker” that signaled the formal declaration of the town as ASG-Free yesterday.

Capitalizing on the town’s status as ASG-Free, Mayor Sali also said that the town is “drug-free and extortion-free” since no organized groups are operating in his town.

Ironically, a few hours after declaring Lamitan ASG-free a bomb exploded at a gas station.

Hours after Mayor Oric Furigay declared Lamitan City as free from the influence of the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) on Tuesday morning, a bomb exploded at a gasoline station in the early evening, which authorities said was a response to a failed extortion attempt.

Richard Falcatan, provincial information officer, said in a post on social media that the bombing took place at 6:47 p.m. at Barangay Matibay.

Falcatan said that Brig. Gen. Alvin Luzon, commander of the 101st Infantry “Three Red Arrows” Brigade (101IB), supported the declaration of the city as ASG-Free.

The official announcement declaring Lamitan as ASG-free followed Mayor Roderick Furigay’s state of the city report, which he delivered as highlight in the celebration of the city’s anniversary.

But the bombing of the gasoline station owned by the Mateo family marred the celebration.

Falcatan said that police found during its initial investigation that the owner, Bonjin Mateo, has admitted to having received an extortion letter a month ago. But Mateo reportedly did not name the extortionist.

Quoting police, Falcatan said investigators now have persons of interest behind the bombing after retrieving CCTV footage that captured the suspects on board three motorcycles within the vicinity of the gas station.

Lt. Col. Arlan Delumpines, Lamitan police chief, was quoted as saying that the explosion “partly damaged the cover of a fuel dispenser, and no other casualty except for the boy, who happened to pass by the area when the improvised bomb exploded.”

Police found parts of an improvised explosive device, including a nine-volt battery, blasting caps and powder.

Gov. Jim Salliman, in his speech at the ceremony, said: “Today, we celebrate not just the absence of a threat, but the presence of a hopeful future for Lamitan City. Together, we have shown that peace is possible. And together we will build a future filled with opportunity and prosperity.”

The 101IB said in a press statement that Luzon, during the ceremony, expressed his brigade’s commitment to continue its mission to ensure peace and security in Lamitan.

“The declaration of Lamitan City as ASG-free is a testament to our united efforts. We have faced numerous challenges, but our collective resolve has brought us to this day,” he said in his speech.

While Abu Sayyaf may not be responsible for this bombing it does go to show that the area remains dangerous which is not a quality that will attract investors. 

The fight against the NPA continues with the AFP recovering an abandoned weapons cache in Buluacan.

Troops from the 80th Infantry Battalion (80IB) seized a cache of weapons while pursuing a group of communist rebels in San Jose Del Monte City in Bulacan, near the boundary with Rizal province, the Philippine Army reported on Thursday.

Lt. Col. Mark Antony Ruby, commander of the 80IB, told reporters that the operation, which was carried out on Wednesday, was prompted by reports from concerned citizens regarding armed elements associated with the Komiteng Larangan Gerilya (KLG) Narciso.

He said this armed group is a local faction of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), operating along the Bulacan-Rizal boundary.

Personnel from the 80IB, in coordination with the Philippine National Police (PNP), uncovered and confiscated one M16 rifle and one shotgun with corresponding ammunition, as well as a hand grenade, and subversive documents.

Ruby said the weapons were abandoned by fleeing members of the terrorist group "upon realizing that they stood no chance against the government's overwhelming force."

"This event highlights the true nature of the armed NPA, who bring trouble, extortion, and deception to our fellow countrymen in rural areas," he said.

The AFP was also able to prevent the NPA from committing atrocities in Nueva Vizcaya.

Troopers from the 84th Infantry Battalion (84IB) of the Philippine Army repelled the criminal activities of the New People's Army (NPA) at a village in the mountainous area of Alfonso Castañeda town in Nueva Vizcaya on Thursday.

Lt. Col. Jerald Reyes, 84IB commander, said in a social media post of the 7th Infantry Division that an aerial attack was conducted on the exact location of the enemy after residents of Sitio Marikit East, Barangay Abuyo reported the presence of the communist terrorist group (CTG) to authorities. 

The 84th Infantry Battalion is under the control of the 703rd Infantry Brigade of the Nueva Ecija-based 7th Infantry Division.

There are no reports of casualties following the operation as of this posting. Residents in the area were safely evacuated after the military operation.

Reyes said the NPA members were believed to be heavily armed and from the "Kilusang Larangang Guerrilla Tarlac - Zambales" who have grouped themselves to attack areas declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security.

“The Army, as the protector of the people and as part of our sworn mandate, responded to the concerns of the community as the CTG was harassing them. In response, (we) conducted combat and aerial operations to locate the enemy to prevent them from harming the civilians,” he added.

Soldiers continue to preserve the peace, security, and development in active cooperation with the Philippine National Police, Alfonso Castañeda municipal government unit and the community.

“We thank the local officials of Barangay Abuyo for initiating loudspeaker operations in their community to calm the residents and help the families evacuate to a safer place,” Reyes said.

A group of remaining NPA members have formed a detachment "to attack areas declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security." Just goes to show being "declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security" doesn't mean there is actually peace or security.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Operation Tuli For All to See

Every year in the Philippines hundreds if not thousands of school aged young boys are circumcised. These circumcisions are called Operation Tuli and happen on school grounds rather than in a hospital. To add to the humiliation of this ritual of genital mutilation pictures and videos are taken while it is happening.

Recently a video of a young boy having his foreskin removed circulated online. The National Privacy Commission says this is a grave violation of the boy's privacy.

A video of a boy being circumcised, which has made the rounds on social media, should not be shared any further, the National Privacy Commission (NPC) said.

According to its statement on Monday, the sharing of the video violates the privacy of the child and can have negative effects on his psychological and social stability.

“We strongly urge the public to avoid sharing such sensitive content, particularly when it involves minors, as it exposes them to potential cyberbullying and infringes upon their privacy and dignity,” the NPC said.

“The unauthorized sharing of videos or images involving children not only violates their privacy rights. It may also lead to serious psychological and social consequences,” it added.

The agency likewise urged the public to report the video when they see it online.

Meanwhile, healthcare providers were also instructed to remind parents and guardians who take photos and videos of their children undergoing medical procedures about responsible parenting and proper social media use.

“The privacy and dignity of our children must be safeguarded at all costs. Let us uphold our responsibility in maintaining a safe and respectful online environment for everyone,” the NPC concluded.

Privacy and dignity? These boys are getting their hogs sliced at school as a group! Everyone knows it is happening. Where is the privacy and dignity in having doctors knife your Johnson at school? Furthermore pictures of Operation Tuli are routinely posted online.

More than 760 youths in four barangays availed of the Operation Libreng Tuli (Operation Free Circumcision) in Taguig. 

The city government launched the free circumcision service on June 4. 

Those who were circumcised were from Barangays East Rembo, Ususan, Bagumbayan and  Maharlika. The operations were held at East Rembo Elementary School, Ususan Elementary School, CP Sta. Teresa Elementary School and Maharlika Trade Center from June 5 to 8. 

The Operation Libreng Tuli is a yearly program of the city government through its Medical Assistance Office. 

The free circumcision was done by a group of doctors, nurses and other medical personnel. The city government also provided free medicine including antibiotic and pain reliever for the patients. 

The Operation Libreng Tuli will continue in the following barangays in Taguig:

June 10 – Western Bicutan

June 11 – Rizal

June  13 – Pitogo

June  14 – New Lower Bicutan and Lower Bicutan

June 15 – Upper Bicutan

“Circumcision is a surgery to remove the skin that covers the tip of the penis, also called the foreskin. For some families, circumcision is a religious ritual. The procedure also can be a matter of cultural or ethnic traditions, personal hygiene, or preventive healthcare. But for others, circumcision doesn't seem to be needed, or it seems risky,” according to the Mayo Clinic website.

The pictures in the above article are from the Taguig City Government. Google images has many more pictures of Operation Tuli. Where is the National Privacy Commission's rebuke to the groups and people who posted those pictures? Why do they care about this one single video? 

Rest assure if you are unlucky enough to be born in the Philippines as a male you will face the indignity of having your foreskin removed at school and in the presence of many others. Perhaps that fact is the problem which should be rectified. Then there would be no more pictures of videos of Operation Tuli.  

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Filipino Man, 26, Wins P10,000 for Getting Circumcised

 What would you do for P10,000? One 26-year-old man was willing to get circumcised.

No guts, no cash.

Such was the case for a 26-year-old man in Lapu-Lapu City who received P10,000 for being the oldest individual who was circumcised during the “Operasyon Libreng Tuli” (Operation Free Circumcision) in Lapu-Lapu City on Friday, June 21.

Lapu-Lapu Mayor Junard “Ahong” Chan identified the man as a certain Alfredo Jr., a resident of Barangay Basak, Lapu-Lapu.

Chan handed the P10,000 cash to Alfredo, who was among the 1,350 individuals who availed of the free circumcision spearheaded by volunteer schools and the Department of Health-Central Visayas.

"Alfredo is very lucky. Aside from becoming a real man, he also got P10,000!,” Chan said.

Chan said Binibining Lapu-Lapu 2023 Cheron Kisses Co was also there to assist Alfredo during the circumcision.

Free ice cream and burgers were  given to those who were circumcised at the Hoops Dome in Barangay Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu.

With the theme “Transforming lives, one cut at a time,” the city government started the free circumcision last June 14.

Another Operation Tuli will be held on June 28 in nine areas in the city.

This is quite the lurid story. 

A 26 year old man, for reasons not specified, decided it was finally time to have his genitals mutilated. Not only does he get a free burger and an ice cream but he also wins P10,000. The headline says he earned it but getting circumcision is not a job.

While the doctor snipped his Johnson he was being assisted by a beauty queen named Cheron Kishes Co. 

How exactly was she assisting? Did she hold his hand? Did she hold something else?

To top it off the mayor declared that Alfredo Jr. has now become "a real man" as if he were still a child until he removed a bit of flesh from his hog. Does this mean the fourth graders who get snipped are "real men?"

Thank goodness Alfredo Jr. is covering his face because in this embarrassing picture it appears he is not wearing any pants or underwear. Did he go straight from the operating table to the photo-op? 

It is simply a bizarre story all around. Only in the Philippines?

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Unlicensed Crane Operator Drops Concrete Slab on Worker's Head

Many construction sites in the Philippines are unsafe and dangerous. Here is another one.

A miscalculation by a crane operator at a construction site in Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu became the cause of a tragedy when a concrete slab fell on a worker on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

The victim, a construction worker, was crushed to death by a pre-cast concrete slab that weighed 600 kilograms.

The fatal incident reportedly happened at around 1:30 p.m. at a construction site inside a subdivision in Barangay Gun-ob, Lapu-Lapu City.

The deceased was identified as 39-year-old Joseph Alvaro-Salburo, married and a resident of Barangay Matab-ang in Toledo City.

Salburo was installing iron grill reinforcement at the construction site at the time of the incident when a slab of concrete suddenly fell on him and crushed his whole body.

Investigation showed that the concrete slab fell because of a mistake by the crane operator who was moving it.

Police Major Jaypee Dagami, chief of Gun-ob Police Station, narrated that witnesses said that the boom of the crane was fully extended despite the very short distance that the operator was moving the concrete slab to.

Because the operator miscalculated the equipment’s weight-load ratio, it began turning sideways and the concrete slab fell directly on the victim below.

Salburo, who was only wearing gloves as safety gear, died on the spot.

This was despite the efforts of personnel of the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP-R7) Lapu Lapu City District and City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) who responded to the scene.

The crane operator, identified as Oliver Navarro, 39, from Barangay Masaba in Danao City was promptly arrested.

Dagami said that it was found that Navarro did not have the proper license to operate the equipment.

He said that the company, who hired Navarro as a subcontractor, may be held liable for the damage and required to pay compensation to the victim’s family.

Meanwhile, Navarro is now detained at the custodial facility of the Gun-ob Police Station pending the filing of a charge of reckless imprudence resulting to homicide against him.

Dagami said that they would be waiting for the victim’s family to visit the police station and relay their decision for the formal filing of the complaint.

A man working on a construction site wearing ONLY gloves as safety gear died after a slab of concrete dropped onto his head because the crane operator miscalculated the distance he was moving the slab as well as its weight. It also turns out this man did not have a license to operate a crane. Now he is being held in jail while the cops wait for the family to file to a complaint.

This story has everything I write about on this blog. There is the wanton disregard for safety, the incompetence of not only the crane operator but the company who hired him and apparently did not bother to check if he was qualified for the job, and the injustice as the cops wait for the family to file a complaint with the possibility hinted at the man may get off by paying blood money.

It's a stunning snapshot of what makes the Philippines so backwards.