Thursday, October 24, 2019

Is Duterte really the Superhero Icon of the Hong Kong Action Film "White Storm 2?"

Time for a mother movie review! Ths time it's a Hong Kong action film titled "White Snow 2: Drug Lords" starring Andy Lau.

What does a Hong Kong action film have to do with the Philippines you ask? Because DFA Secretary Teddyboy Locsin has tweeted to the whole world that this movie is a vindication of Duterte's war on drugs and that Duterte is the movie's SUPERHERO icon for the fight against drugs.

Is this true? Does the hero of the movie "White Snow 2" dedicate himself to Duterte's war against drugs? Does he really donate tens of millions of dollars to Duterte's war on drugs?  There is only one way to find out and that is to watch the movie.

"White Snow 2" is a tale of two friends, Tin and Dizang, who drift apart. Tin leaves his drug and gangster lifestyle to become an obscenely wealthy broker. Dizang works his way up the chain and becomes a big time drug dealer. Both are number one in their respective trades.

Tin's past comes back to haunt him as receives a letter from an ex-girlfreind who is dying of terminal cancer in the Philippines. She tells him she was pregnant with their son Danny before she left him and that know he is a drug addict and she wants Tin to look after him. Feeling the burden of this knowledge he immediately books a flight to the Philippines.

Tin is so wealthy he is able to bribe the PNP  to take him to a drug den where his son lives. 

Wow so much danger that they actually pull into a drug area in a limo!
"Where there are drugs, there's gonna be danger," says the PNP officer to Tin. Amazingly enough these officers, with no gear or masks like in On the President's Men, bust into the drug den and shout, "Where's Danny!" An incredible rooftop chase follows. Danny slips and dies.

In the next scene we see Tin at a drug rehab centre for youth. Along the way the man in charge leading him around says:
Drug is a very big problem in the Philippines. Our President claims that 75% of crimes are drug related. 
Tin is shown a large cell where people are writhing on the ground as they experience the pain of withdrawal.

At the end of Tin's tour of this rehab centre he gives his tour guide a check of an undetermined amount as a donation. How do I know that he is giving a donation to a drug rehab centre?  Because at 22:36 we see him leave the building and it clearly says Drug Addict Centre on the big sign out front. Also later on in the film at the 1 hour and 4 minute mark we learn this fact explicitly.

Next we see Tin sitting in his hotel room watching TV.  He is listening to somebody on TV talk about his war on drugs.

"You can hit 7 or maybe 10 and yet the people are wallowing in agony and suffering. My war against drugs will not stop until the end of my term. Until the last pusher, or drug lord, are killed. You know what? For those who are listening simultaneously, the bad people, just stop if you are doing bad things. I will not let you succeed." 
Ok there is a Philippine flag standing next to the podium so I guess this is supposed to be the President of the Philippines.

Looks more like Moe from the Three Stooges than Duterte!

Oh a wise guy eh!?
Tin is very inspired by this speech.  The camera pans on his face as he watches and we can see his thoughts working. What will he do?  Without giving too much away Tin goes back to Hong Kong and starts killing drug lords! 

But note that. He starts killing DRUG LORDS! At 1 hour and 10 minutes Tin is confronted by the media and he says:
"I sympathise with drug addicts. The problem with drugs is not their fault. The root problem is the drug lords. Without drug lords there'll be no drug problem." 
Everyone shouts, "What can we do!?"

Tin says:
"I hereby announce I'll pay a $100M bounty if anyone can kill the biggest drug lord."
At the end of the film a police officer and Tin have the following exchange:
Tin: The law can't punish him. Let me kill him.
Officer: That's enough. You can't kill all the drug lords in the world. Leave him to me.
Tin: I don't care! I'll kill as many as I can!
The movie concludes with Tin dead in his pursuit of killing Hong Kong's biggest drug dealer which just happens to be his old partner in crime Dizang.

So was Teddyboy right?  Was this movie a vindication of Duterte's war on drugs? Is Duterte the superhero icon of the film? The answer is a big NO!!!

First of all Teddyboy can't even get the plot right as Tin does not go to the Philippines AFTER his son dies but in order to find his son who is living in the Philippines as a drug addict.  Second of all Tin does not donate tens of millions to Duterte's war on drugs.  He makes out a check of unspecified amount to a drug rehab centre! That is because in Hong Kong Tin is involved in funding many anti-drug programs.

The speech of the fictional Philippine president appears to be copied from a speech Duterte gave in Singapore in December 2016. Watch the video here.
My campaign against drug will not stop until the, until the end of my term. That will be six years from now. Until the last pusher and the last drug lord are...
After the word "are" Duterte then drags his finger across his neck and makes a noise like he is cutting off someone's head. The fictional president in this movie makes the same gesture. But take note again in this fictional speech the president says he will go after pushers and drug lords.  This is what Tin does. He kills drug lords. He sympathises with addicts.  The real president of the Philippines, Duterte, has no sympathy for addicts.
“Hitler massacred three million Jews ... there’s three million drug addicts. There are. I’d be happy to slaughter them.”
Tin does not go after addicts.  He only goes after drug lords. He sympathises with addicts. He funds programs to help them.  That is the complete opposite of the real Duterte. It is only after his son dies and he hears the speech of President Moe Howard that Tin decides violence might be the best way to solve the problem.

Tin's attempt to put into practice the fictional Philippine President's kill all the drug lords rhetoric ends with his own death!  

There are two morals to this movie. The first is that you cannot get rid of your past.  The second is violence is not the answer. Killing everyone will not solve the drug problem even if those you kill are all drug lords. You live by the gun, you die by the gun. A basic Christian principle from the lips of Jesus in Matthew 26:52. Violence is not the answer to the drug war. "White Snow 2" is a stunning rebuke to Duterte's war on drugs! Duterte is no superhero icon.  He is a warning sign to those who think violence can solve anything.

The message and the moral of "White Snow 2" are the exact opposite of what Teddyboy would have you believe.  Why does he constantly lie?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

I Used to Think the Philippines was a Tragedy, Now I realise It's a Comedy

The title of this post is taken from a line in the new movie Joker. One possible interpretation of the movie is that it is about a man coming to terms with himself. He embraces his insanity with gusto. It's key to note that in the movie we do not witness a downward spiral into madness.  The man has been mad from the get-go. It is part of who he is. His insanity is innate. Putting on the clown mask allows Arthur Fleck to hide his identity and become the Joker.

You could say Arthur Fleck's insanity is part of his own personal culture. In the same way the culture of the Philippines is also innately insane. Foisting a foreign culture upon the Philippines only exacerbates this insanity by allowing their true identity to be masked.

To adapt another line from the movie:

What do you get when you cross Western culture with a society that has no idea how it works in spirit and treats it like trash?  You get what you deserve!

Ever since the Americans came and left the Philippines has tried its hardest to mimic a modern republican state with free democratic values but this is absolutely impossible because Western culture is completely alien to the Philippines. Here is a very relevant quote from Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey.
A central point when thinking about this subject is the growth and now the total supremacy of the Western idea of technics. The entire world of science is a reflection of Western man and no other, and we have seen Western technics conquer the world. We see our science being appropriated to varying degrees and in varying manners by every simian Culture on the planet which has advanced beyond the arboreal stage. The stone age Negro denizens of Africa, Haiti, New Guinea and the southern Philippines are fascinated by clocks, radios and even sails. When an American city wants to get rid of its old street cars, it sells them to Amerindian Mexico. The Semitic Arabs ride their Cadillacs and use rifles made in Belgium; both of which are bought with the gold of oil royalties from Wall Street, Dallas or London. The Oriental Chinese have learned well, and are expected to explode an atomic bomb at any moment. And even the half-Western Russians, from the days of Peter the Great, or even Rurik, have constructed their ships, cannon and rockets with European engineers. But does this mass appropriation of Western technics have the slightest effect on the inner and distinctive soul of the culture which appropriates? The answer is no, and we should not allow our foolish pride to think otherwise.
The "this subject" Yockey is referring to is the idea of the universality of all cultures and all men. The fact is all men are not created equal nor are all cultures men create equal. That is why a society like the Philippines appropriating Western culture and completely failing is not a tragedy but a comedy. What else could one expect? So let's have a laugh.

The Philippines finally has universal healthcare. Signed into law this year. But guess who's going to be running it?  The corrupt PhilHealth!

Hoo-hoo-haaaaaaa!!!! Top level PhilHealth executives allegedly run a mafia where they file fake claims and rake in millions in a race to see who can steal the most from fake dialysis patients. Surely they are the best group to run the new Universal Health Care system.

Universal healthcare no doubt means the government want's their citizens to be healthy right? I guess that's why they cut the budget of the DOH and the PGH!
“The PGH is often the first option and the last resort of the poor and middle class families to get the best medical treatment,” he said.

Hoo-hoo-haaaaa!!! Cutting the budget to the hospital all the poor use and cutting funds to the DOH in the midst of two serious epidemics! What's even funnier is the budgets for the PGH and DOH have been restored but with one caveat; more pork for Duterte!

Let's just get straight to the punchlines and avoid all these long articles shall we?

Ferdinand Marcos plundered this country with one had and handed out bread and circuses with the other to placate the people and many believe his time of dictatorship is the golden days of the Philippines!

Cops bust drug suspects but keep the drugs to resell them in order to bust suspects but keep the drugs to resell them in order to.....!

During every election season scores die at the hands of motorcycle assassins!

Every year scores of politicians die at the hands of motorcycle assassins!

The Department of Tourism is so desperate for tourists they are marketing malls as tourist attractions!

The world's first anti-corruption court is the Philippines' very own Sandiganbayan and ever since it's founding has been backlogged for years!

The Philippines' Constitution, rather then being merely a set of rules for how each branch of government should function, sets forth a broad social program that has not and cannot be implemented!

The Philippines has had several constitutions over the years, casting them aside and rewriting them as they see fit which shows they do not know how a Republic should function nor can they enter into the genius of such a government. In contrast the USA has had one constitution for 230 years!

OFW culture has created a subculture of leeches who wait around at home for their remittances and without the remittances from abroad a large part of the economy would collapse!

Though these leeches spend their remittances and prop up the economy the nation still has an underclass of do-nothings lazing about who contribute nothing of substance to the nation or their community!

OFW culture only exists because all the jobs in the Philippines pay little and so many people remain without training or education and are forced to be maids to rich Arabs and Chinese!

Those OFWs who do have training such as nurses and engineers take their skills out of the country causing a massive brain drain and leaving the Philippines the worse off!

The greatest technological feat of the past 50 years is the internet where all human knowledge is stored and accessible but Filipinos only use the internet for social media and to play League of Legends!

Those who do know how to use the internet use it to dupe their fellow citizens into swallowing propaganda which is why many people believe Marcos' time of dictatorship is the golden days of the Philippines!

Every service both in the private and public sector in the Philippines has a black market and politicians are very willing to let those markets flourish so long as they get their kickbacks and votes!

Laws are written and passed with no way to implement them or if they are implemented are done in a manner contrary to what is stated in the law!  (See the GCTA law and RA 9003)

The PNP is tasked with enforcing traffic laws but nobody is monitoring the roads for overloaded motorcycles, overload tricycles, speeding vehicles, vehicles not using headlights at night, vehicles not staying in their lanes, and vehicles not obeying the laws in general!

The Philippines is a society where no one trusts anyone else which is why every business has an armed guard and every house is surrounded by a fence topped with barbed wire with several dogs roaming both inside and outside the premises!

A culture that values surface over substance!

A culture that professes to be Christian but remains aloof from the solemn mysteries of the Trinity and God manifested in the flesh instead clinging ferociously to the pomp and idolatry of the Catholic church and the excesses of the Protestant church!

The only Christian nation in Asia which is also among the most corrupt in the world because the tenets of the Gospel have not penetrated into the souls of the people!

When the Americans set up shop the nation gradually accepted American jurisprudence practices but to this day there are no jury trials, the presumption of innocence is scoffed at as suspects are paraded before cameras like big game caught on the savannah, lawyers are regularly murdered, the right to a speedy trial is in word only as some trials take decades to reach a verdict, heinous crimes such as murder are settled financially, the PNP dissuades victims from filing charges against those who have harmed them, and many crimes only go to trial with assistance of private prosecutors!


Laughter is the only appropriate response when contemplating the Philippines

In short in the Philippines we live in a society which is quite miraculous in that there is complete anarchy but somehow it doesn't all fall to pieces. What would have happened had the Spanish never landed on the shores of these islands? What would have happened had the US never taken possession of this nation? Would they still be living in bamboo huts and wearing loincloths like any other tropical tribe? Just as the Joker wears his mask of clown paint Filipinos wear the mask of Western Civilisation pretending they are modern men because they have cell phones. Wash away that mask and strip off that suit and what is left? The emaciated body of an insane man.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Martial Law: Bombs Still Under Marawi

You remember that the Marawi siege in 2017 was the whole reason martial was imposed upon Mindanao right? Of course. How could you forget. Maranaos, people from Marawi, who were forced to flee, and of whom many are still living in refugee camps, would opine that the government has forgotten which is why it has taken so long to being rebuilding the City of Marawi. However it appears after several false starts last year that rebuilding is about to get underway in earnest.
A 117-kilogram bomb exploded around 10:42 a.m. on Wednesday underneath the Abdullah Mosque in lakeside Barangay Sabala Manaw. It had been one of the few unexploded bombs left from the five-month battle for Marawi City in 2017 that the military was disposing of. 
The bomb was the ninth of 49 that the National Housing Authority (NHA), through a private contractor, had been searching for beneath the rubble of the war-ravaged city since March
The 10th bomb, of similar size, was discovered a few meters away on Tuesday, and was set to be detonated on Saturday. 
According to Roderick Ibañez, NHA Marawi project manager, the search for unexploded bombs, dropped by Air Force planes on targets in Marawi at the height of the battle, was now down to 12
“The possible location of these are already identified although there is no conclusive determination yet if there are indeed bombs,” Ibañez said. 
Apart from leading housing-related initiatives, the NHA also oversees debris clearing, said Marcelino Escalada Jr., the agency’s general manager. 
The presence of unexploded bombs has bedeviled the clearing of debris in what used to be the city’s main urban and commercial district—encompassing 250 hectares with 24 barangays—where fierce fighting between government forces and Islamic State-inspired local terrorists took place in 2017. 
With the debris clearing stalled, rehabilitation and reconstruction work has to wait. 
For debris clearing, the main battle zone in the city was divided into nine sectors. 
As of Wednesday, seven sectors had been cleared of bombs, leaving the search for the 12 unexploded bombs in only Sectors 8 and 9, both lakeside areas, Ibañez said.
The rebuilding of destroyed public infrastructure is expected to start by December.
Isn't it amazing what a lot of hard work can do? Now there are only 12 bombs left to be found. That is a considerable drop from the number given by the AFP just a few weeks ago on September 28th.
The military said that about 40 unexploded bombs still needed to be recovered from underneath the rubble of this war-ravaged city, which was still being cleared of debris almost two years after it was freed from the hands of Islamic State (IS)-linked militants. 
Oamil revealed that based on information provided by the Air Force, some 70 bombs were recorded to be unexploded. Some 28 of these were already recovered since debris clearing started last March under a private contractor. 
Apart from bombs, the once urban war zone is also littered with unexploded grenades, mortar and artillery shells, and improvised explosive devices. 
Oamil said many of the remaining large bombs have already been located but it would take time to dig pits to expose parts of these for purposes of detonation.
And don't forget about all the unexploded grenades, mortars and artillery shells, and IED's littering the area. So an average of 4 bombs a month were discovered between March and September. Now that there are only 12 left that means they found 30 bombs in a mere 3 weeks! 10 bombs a week! Wow! How did they up their productivity? You know I don't think they did.
Sectors 1 to 7 in Marawi’s Ground Zero have been cleared of unexploded bombs, while 17 to 18 more bombs have yet to be recovered in Sectors 8 and 9, Housing Secretary and Task Force Bangon Marawi (TFBM) chair Eduardo del Rosario said on Thursday, October 17, the second anniversary of President Rodrigo Duterte’s declaration of Marawi as having been ”liberated from the terrorist influence.” 
If we do not see any bombs anymore, then we can declare that all sectors where bombs were delivered and did not explode were cleared already. That extends 50 meters from the intended location of the bombs,” he said, adding they have asked the contractor to “conduct one general sweep of the area to ensure we are not missing any portion of the MAA (Main Affected Area)” or Ground Zero. 
At the consultation/dialogue with Marawi’s internally displaced persons (IDPs or bakwits) in mid-March this year, Del Rosario said the MAA was already 90% cleared as “more than 4,500 explosives were already recovered” but the biggest concern” is the recovery of 49 ammunitions “as big as 500-pounder” general purpose (GP) bombs. 
He said the 49 GP bombs – 110, 260 and 500 pounds — are “scattered all over the MAA and that is the reason why we do not like you to go back there for your safety.” 
On Thursday, Del Rosario said that during the recent assessment by the AFP and Eddmari Construction and Trading, the TFBM’s contractor for UXO and debris clearing, “we were down to 20 last month and two 260 pounders were found just last week and weeks ago. So we are down to about 17 or 18 bombs that we are looking for.” 
After the press conference, MindaNews asked Del Rosario why he said the remaining bombs were “17 or 18” when Eddmari recovered only eight GP bombs. 
The National Housing Authority (NHA) and Eddmari matrix on “GP bomb monitoring” as of October 10 shows 21 of the bombs were recovered by the AFP while eight were recovered by Eddmari for a total of 29 out of 70 unexploded bombs. This leaves 41 more to be recovered. 
He explained the contractor, with the use of technology, scanned the area for bombs, guided by the grid coordinates from the Philippine Air Force on where they dropped the bombs that were reported not to have exploded. 
He said the search was extended 50 to 100 meters from the supposed site of explosion but could not find any within 100 meters. “Sinabi nila cleared na ito” (They said this area is cleared). 
(It could be that the Air force said it did not explode but there was actually a detonation. And there are incidents when they tried to retrieve it but it was found out that they could no longer penetrate 12 meters because at three meters deep, it’s already water. You cannot retrieve them anymore. So they will just neutralize that even if they didn’t get that physically), he said. 
“You cannot get it anymore, like a depth of 15 meters,” he said, adding, “di ka naman magtatayo ng building doon dahil tubig na yung ilalim non” (you are not going to construct a building there because it’s water underneath). 
He explained that even if they can no longer retrieve the bomb because of its depth, they would tell the lot or building owner “meron dito at depth of 15 meters in this location” (there’s one here in this location, 15 meters deep). 
“Ganon na ang gagawin. Pero hindi na (kukunin). Iwasan mo na lang pagka nagpagawa sila ng kung anumang structure” (That is what we will do. Not retrieve it anymore because of the depth. Just find a way to avoid it when you have a structure built,” he told MindaNews.
The number counts are off because some of these bombs were not retrieved at all but left in place because they are buried too deep and in water. The TFBM's solution is to tell the lot or building owner the location of the bomb so that they can "just find a way to avoid it when you have a structure built." 

That is absolutely crazy and not safe at all. Imagine if structures are built over unretrieved bombs and they suddenly go off? This is not an impossible scenario.
He warned that as bombs age and decay, they become more dangerous. This applies to both chemical detonator bombs like the one found in Limburg and conventional bombs, which tend to experience long-term corrosion. 
Over time "this corrosion process leads to the weakening of the safety mechanisms within the bombs," Spyra explained. 
A spokesman for the arms and munitions disposal service for the cities of Cologne and Düsseldorf echoed Spyra's assessment, telling DW that unexploded bombs in the ground "will not become less dangerous over time."
Unexploded bombs will not become less dangerous over time.  Someone please tell that to the contractor tasked with recovering the UXO in Marawi.
“There are 40 more GP bombs pinpointed by EDDMARI Trading and Construction apparatus,” Oamil said. EDDMARI won the contract for UXO and debris clearing in Ground Zero. 
Oamil added that if the GP bomb is more than 15 meters beneath the ground, “it will no longer be detonated for it is considered safe enough.” 
Why bother looking for more bombs anyway? It appears that a deadline has been set and it will be met no matter what.
"On October 30, the Army will declare that MAA is safe of bombs, and on November 30, all other projects aligned in the rehabilitation will begin," he said. 

On Wednesday, October 16, TFBM member-agencies led the final disposal of recovered ordnance inside the MAA. 

Col. Irineo Sebastian, Task Force Builder commander, said that although clearing may not be at 100% yet, he was confident that the MAA is now safe for residents to return.
How can this be the "final disposal of recovered ordnance inside the MAA" when there are more bombs waiting to be discovered?

There are other problems besides removing bombs and clearing the area. A big issue is finding out who owns what so that buildings can be properly demolished and owners compensated.  Many residents are against demolishing their homes but the Mayor of Marawi has completely disregarded their wishes.
Marawi City Majul Candamra has admitted permitting the demotion of bomb-ruined structures in three sectors of his city’s most affected area (MAA), saying the permit issuance was necessary in “a judgment call” to jumpstart the much-delayed reconstruction and rehabilitation works in the area. 
The mayor clarified that the permit was meant for “public structures” such as market buildings and the like, not the private buildings of residents opposed to demolition or clearing. 
Gandamra also explained that if there were private buildings included in the demolition, such case could also be a “judgment call” on the part of the National Housing Authority (NHA), a lead member-agency of task Force Bangon Marawi (TFBM), which contracted demolition workers. 
The mayor said the permit was issued “about three or four months ago” on the recommendation of authorities “from the ground,” particularly the NHA and the EDDMARI firm contracted to undertake the clearing operation. He said he was “surprised” that protesting residents complained “only now.” 
But residents belonging to the Moro Consensus Group (MCG) argued that their delayed reaction was due to the “absence of transparency and public consultation” in the activities of the TFBM and the city government in the implementation of reconstruction and rehabilitation works in the war-torn city. 
MCG leader Drieza Abaton-Lininding posted on Facebook on Monday a copy of the undated city permit signed by Mayor Gandamra and Engineers Almera M. Campong and Sirad M. Dalidig, heads of the office of building officials and city engineering departments, respectively. 
Lininding in his post urged higher authorities, including the Bangsamoro autonomous government, to “stop the illegal” demolition of private buildings, especially those owned by displaced residents who have not given consent on the clearing drive. He warned about his group’s stance to hold city and TFBM officials accountable for the alleged arbitrary acts. 
He also posted aerial photos showing Sectors 6, 8, and 9 of Marawi’s MAA completely cleared of both public and private structures.
The Mayor says the permits were only to demolish public buildings and if any private buildings were demolished it was a "judgement call" made by the NHA and the TFBM. Residents counter that there has been no transparency or pubic consultation in the rehabilitation of the city. This is not the first time the NHA has been accused of illegal practices. Charges were filed agin both them and Eddmari Construction, the company tasked with bomb removal, back in May.
A complaint has been filed before the Office of the Ombudsman against officials of the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC) and National Housing Authority (NHA) due to the rehabilitation mess in Marawi City. 
Datu Meno Manabilang, representative of the Voice of Marawi Internally Displaced Persons Association (IDPs), filed the complaint against NHA General Manager Marcelino Escalada Jr., NHA SBAC Chair Victor Balba, and HUDCC Chair Eduardo Del Rosario. 
He likewise included CJI General Services Inc. directors Jimmy Francis Hinch, Barry Jim Hinch, Julius Joseph Beredo, Noel Mendoza, and Harry Cuevas as well as Eddmari Construction and Trading representative Engr. Edgardo Sagum in the complaint. 
Manabilang said in the complaint that the NHA had “bungled the full rehabilitation of Marawi City” since it has not yet awarded a proper and valid contract for demolition nearly two years after the war has ended. 
“To make matters worse, NHA and the persons impleaded in this complaint have colluded and conspired to cover up their crimes by committing more violations of the procurement law by giving undue advantage to favored contractors,” the complaint read.
Eddmari is most certainly a favoured contractor which has been awarded many jobs by the government.
An eighth company, Eddmari Construction, had apparently also secured contracts to build transitional shelter units in Marawi, according to a PCIJ source. But no records covering these transactions have been disclosed by the NHA, and none could be found on PhilGEPS either. 
Eddmari is a top NHA contractor. In 2017 alone, it implemented at least P962 million worth of projects covered by just three contracts. It is No. 9 out of 325 companies that won contracts in NHA, PCIJ analysis of PhilGEPS data show. 
A triple-A contractor, Eddmari is based in San Luis, Pampanga and is owned by an Edgardo A. Sagum. 
Officials of Task Force Bangon Marawi, as well as a report of the Philippine Information Agency (PIA) on Nov. 16, 2017, named Eddmari Construction as one of the contractors of the project in Barangay Sagonsongan.  
PIA, the government's official news agency, wrote that in the area, "there are three contractors building transitional houses, namely Excelsius, Golden State (sic) Construction, and Eddmari Construction." 
PIA also named other contractors who had been "granted to work on land development of the site” as “MMA/Achiever, Fiat Construction, City Government of Marawi, Al-Hussein Construction, and Kouzbary Builders." 
Yet again, no documents on the notices and award of bids for these other company names could be found on the much-touted "transparency" websites of the NHA, DPWH, PhilGEPS, and the local governments of Marawi City and Lanao del Sur.
Eddmari was also sued back in 2016 for irregular contracts issued by the DPWH.
Former Mayor Jerry Pelayo and a certain Daniel Gallardo filed a joint complaint-affidavit before the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) against Representative Juan Pablo “Rimpy” Bondoc (Pampanga, 4th district) and other individuals for alleged plunder involving “irregular, sub-standard construction projects” in Candaba town.  
Pelayo and Gallardo also included in the criminal and administrative complaint former Mayor Rene Maglanque and Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Regional Director Antonio Molano. The complaint also included DPWH department heads and officers of private contractors EddMari Construction, Ferdstar and Northern Builders.  
“There were several irregular, substandard construction projects in Candaba, all with the full knowledge and consent of Congressman Bondoc and former Mayor Maglanque,” the two alleged. Some of the projects, according to Pelayo, have shown signs of substandard construction while others remain not fully constructed.  
The two said that from 2013 to 2016, there were several projects amounting to billions of pesos, which were bidded out even after the election ban and were allegedly utilized to fund the campaign of the Liberal Party.   
The said projects include the P100-million Malisic River Project, the Maasim Dam/River Project Candaba-San Miguel Road Widening Project, Arayat-Apalit Setback Levee, Pulong Plazan Barit Road, Bomba Bridge, Mandasig Revetment and Candaba-Baliuag Road.  
“These are all useless, worthless projects, whose only objective in its construction is to milk money out of public funds,” the two complainants alleged.  
The two added that the said projects were all awarded by the DPWH regional office to a single construction firm under EddMari allegedly owned by one Edgardo Sagum a few days before the election ban.  
“The projects in the area were all awarded to the same construction firm by DPWH but to date, no project has been completed by the firm,” said Pelayo. 
It's not as if anyone expected the rebuilding of Marawi to be corruption free but at least they could extract all the bombs and not leave them buried just because they are too deep.

Monday, October 21, 2019

On the President's Orders Film Review

It's finally here. The drug war film so controversial that even the Palace had to issue a statement before they saw it. On the President's Orders. I actually watched it while eating my breakfast. Oatmeal with a fried egg all chopped up and mixed in. A perfect way to start the day. Coffee too! And not that 3-n-1 junk. Now that I have seen it I want to share my thoughts with you all. Let's get right to the punch:

This documentary film is all lies and propaganda and none of it is true.

To prove this assertion I am going to walk you through this film. Spoilers abound so do watch first.

The documentary was shown on PBS as an episode of the Frontline television program and before the proper film starts we get a thank you to us the viewer and a thanks to various foundations.

The MacArthur Foundation, Ford Foundation, Abrams Foundation, Park Foundation, John and Helen Glessner Family Trust, Frontline Journalism Fund, the Jon L. Hagler Foundation, Thomas and Karen Hamilton, and the Bertha Doc Society. If you are not aware that these big monied foundations set agendas and dictate policy then you need to watch this interview with Norman Dodd about how that all works.

Right off the bat we know we are dealing with people who have set an agenda.  But what is that agenda?  Once again I will lay my cards out and tell you. It is to discredit the PNP. 

After hearing a speech from the newly installed Caloocan PNP Chief Modequillo about how he wants to instil discipline in his officers one of the first scenes we see is a this same Chief Modequillo instructing officers on the firing range. He says to them, "Fire one shot and holster." They pull out their guns and then BLAM BLAM BLAM!!!  Modequillo screams "Hold fire ***** damn it!!"  
"Do you understand one round?" 
"Yes, Sir!" 
"You say yes sir, yes sir, but then you can't follow instructions!"
Are we supposed to laugh at the contrast between Chief Modequillo promising to instil discipline in his men and these undisciplined PNP officers who, when they are told to unholster their guns and fire one shot, continue firing? Are we supposed to laugh even harder when Chief Modequillo gives them a second chance and someone messes up and he threatens to shoot them?

Do you think that's funny? It's not funny. It is absolutely pathetic and it is only kept in the movie because it makes the PNP look bad.  Who's to say they didn't get more discipline as time passed? But we don't see that. Instead we see bumbling officers who can't follow a simple command and their Chief threatening to shoot one of them.

Neither is the scene where the Caloocan Jail Warden tucks his shirt into his underwear as he sings and dances funny.

He's just having a good time before he has to go to work and beat the inmates. Give him a break! Imagine if you had to oversee an overcrowded jail and you had to beat the inmates because as Sgt. Augustin says:
Yes, I hurt the detainees. I give them punishments.
If you don’t spank a child, he will not obey you. In prison you need to act like a gangster.
How would you make it through your day if not by singing and dancing?

It's just a way to make this guy look silly.  Look at this scene where the warden brings his weapon to the mess hall table.

Sgt. Augustin points his gun at a man who gets a little sacred and ducks out of the way. Is that funny? There could have been a round in the chamber.  The trigger could have accidentally been pulled and someone seriously hurt. You think the jail warden pointing his weapon at some guy in the mess hall is funny? It's not and tell me what value does this scene add to the movie which is supposed to be about the drug war? It only serves to make this man look foolish.

Just before we meet this jail warden we are introduced to the S.O.U. or Special Operations Unit of the Caloocan police who operate directly under Modequillo. Specifically we meet Captain Will Cabrales who is the S.O.U.'s Team Leader.

Like flies on the wall we are privy to this pre-raid conversation between Cabrales and one of his men.
"So this suspect, Jimmy Aussa, is well known in his area. He's been reported as a headache in his area. It's drugs, right?" 
"Yeah, but we don't have a search warrant. We know he has drugs, but we don't have a search warrant." 
"No, what we do in this case is focus on the gun. Always where there is a gun the drugs will be the second offense. He’s definitely got drugs?" 
"He's definitely got drugs. Someone like Jimmy Aussa, sir, if he gets out, he'll keep going back to his old ways. We will have to hunt him again and again. That's why we need to finish him right away."
"No, I asked the chief if we can go overboard, but he said it has to be clean."

Come on man.  For one thing we should not be privy to such a private and sensitive conversation. For's just more reason to look down on the PNP. These men are actually discussing how to get around not having a search warrant and one of them is actually advocating taking Jimmy Aussa out! PNP officers advocating murder?  It's left in the "documentary" to make the PNP look bad.

How seriously are we supposed to take this documentary anyway when so many reviewers keep commenting on how cinematic it is?

“Cinematic with a capital C”

— BiffBamPop
It’s a wholly cinematic, sensory experience, with straight-ahead reportage electrified by glaring streetlights and a panicked urban wall of sound; it would make a handsome companion piece to Filipino auteur Brillante Mendoza’s recent “Alpha, the Right to Kill,” a fictionalised Duterte-era action film that aimed for grainy docu-realism as much as Jones and Sarbil’s film trades in more sleekly immersive atmospherics.

Production values here are so dazzlingly high that, for entire sequences at a time, riveted viewers may forget to wonder just how Jones and Sarbil managed to force a camera into the fray. Sarbil, a gifted cameraman who won a cinematography Emmy for his and Jones’s 2017 Frontline episode on Mosul, shoots the nighttime raids with a hot, athletic immediacy that the aforementioned Mendoza (or even Michael Mann) would covet in a fictional context; bodies are silhouetted in the glare of emergency lights, though amid the shadows, we also get close-up glimmers of strained faces on all sides of the law. The idea here is not to aestheticize a human rights crisis, but to show the absurd movie-logic shoot-’em-up that Duterte has allowed the Philippines to become, right down to the “Fury Road”-style death’s-head masks worn by the executors. Populist politics can turn all too easily to popcorn ones; “On the President’s Orders” vividly captures the tipping point.”
          — Guy Lodge, Variety

In this explosive cinematic investigation, directors James Jones and Olivier Sarbil get alarmingly close to the battle for the streets and soul of the Philippines. Their cameras stand before both sides — the victimised slum communities and the police squads blithely executing their countrymen from a perverse moral high ground. The staggering visions of violence, shot with a kinetic slickness and immediacy, are so electrifying that viewers will have to remind themselves: this is happening now, this is real.”

— Melbourne International Film Festival
Is On the President's Orders a Hollywood film or is it a slice of real life? You want real life then watch the home videos my parents shot in the 80's on a huge, clunky VHS camcorder. You want a "cinematic, sensory experience" with "dazzlingly high" production values then watch this "documentary" or any other movie from Hollywood like Fury Road or Michael Mann's Thief.

Here's the bottom line: I watched this movie expecting to learn more about the Philippines' drug war and I'll I got were pictures of menacing and bumbling PNP officers. If I wanted that I could have just read the daily news!

Look I am not going to give away the rest of this film. All I will say is it's free to watch and if you have 54 minutes to waste then give it a chance. Breakfast time is as good as any time to watch it. But you should know this Frontline version is truncated because the one which was shown in L.A. was 1 hour, 12 minutes!

What did they cut out!?

Friday, October 18, 2019

Retards in the Government 124

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption and murder in Philippine politics.
Three unidentified gunmen on Friday killed the president of the farmers’ group Alyansa ng Magsasaka sa Bataan (Almaba) in the backyard of his house, police said. 
Police Maj. Jeffrey Onde, Hermosa police chief, said Honorio Samaniego, 56, of Barangay Almacen was washing his hands when he was shot by one of the assailants about 8 a.m. 
Samaniego joined the mayoral race in 2016 but lost. 
He had also served as a barangay chairman of Almacen for two consecutive terms. 
According to his relatives, Samaniego had no known enemy in the community.
Most certainly this was a political killing. But why kill farmers? They put food on the table?
A former village councilman and a businesswoman were separately killed in the towns of Matalam and Antipas in North Cotabato on Wednesday, the police said. 
Lt. Col. Lino Capellan, speaking for Police Regional Office 12 (Soccsksargen), said retired village councilman Nemesio Castor, 65, of Barangay Malangag, Antipas, North Cotabato, was resting in front of his home at past 4 p.m. when a man on a motorbike arrived and fired at him. 
Castor was rushed by relatives to the Antipas Medical Specialist Hospital but was pronounced dead upon arrival. 
Meanwhile, businesswoman Marissa Bautista, 46, of Barangay Poblacion, Matalam, was tending her variety store when a still-unidentified gunman shot him without any provocation.  
“The man posed as one of the customers at 6 a.m. when he pulled a gun and fired at the unsuspecting lady trader,” Capellan said, quoting a report from the Matalam police office.
A politician and a businesswoman dead by unidentified gunmen.
A former Lapu-Lapu City Councilor has accused Mayor Junard Chan and acting City Legal Officer James Allan Sayson of usurpation of authority and official function. 
Leo Mercado, who served as Pajo barangay captain ahead of Chan before he run and won a seat in the Lapu-Lapu City Council in 2016, wants Chan held criminally liable for the violation of provisions of the Republic Act 7160, or the Local Government Code of the Philippines; R.A. 3019, or the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act; and R. A. 6713, or An Act Establishing Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees for appointing Sayson as the City Legal Officer upon his assumption to office on July 1, 2019. 
Mercado also wants Chan and Sayson held administratively liable for grave misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of service. 
“Pending the resolution of this case, respondents Chan and Sayson should be placed under preventive suspension,” Mercado said in his 17-page complaint. 
Mercado filed his complaint before the office of the Ombudsman Visayas last September 27, 2019, in his capacity as a private citizen.
Mercado questioned Chan’s appointment of Sayson as City Legal Officer, pointing out that he isn’t even a resident of Lapu-Lapu City, where he now serves. 
“Sayson told a blatant lie during one of his interviews and admittedly told them (reporters) that he is a resident of Lapu-Lapu City, where in truth and in fact, he is not. It is a public knowledge that Sayson has been a resident of Cebu City and was not even a resident of Mandaue City when he served the said Local Government Unit,” said Mercado’s complaint.
The substance of his complaint may be true but what about standing?  That is always important. But in the Philippines anyone and everyone can file a complaint against any public official.
It took presidential spokesman Salvador Panelo four jeepney rides and almost four hours from Marikina City to Malacañang in Manila to finish his commute challenge early Friday morning. 
Panelo started his journey at 5:15 a.m. in Marikina City and reached a gate of the Malacañang complex at 8:46 a.m.
A stunt? A real challenge taker? What I wonder is how this man makes his way to work every other day? If the traffic is really that bad shouldn't he be caught in it every day? It's not like he has a flying car! Despite his long commute time he still says there is no traffic crisis!

He also expressed his qualms over Pacquiao's casting. "My fear is that he is larger than life and his character cannot be separated from Manny Pacquiao the person. If he plays lolo Miguel, the viewers will not be able to see and appreciate my grandfather. Senator Pacquiao’s personality will dominate. That is not a knock on the senator. It is the truth. He is too big to be contained in any role for that matter. His essence will eventually prevail. And it would be disrespectful and a disservice to my great-grandfather if even in the movie about his life, he is not the center of the attention and is merely an afterthought with all the distractions," he said. 
In the Philippines you are supposed to be an actor BEFORE you become a Senator! Manny's got it all backwards! 

A finance manager of Davao del Norte Electric Cooperative -Cooperative Development Authority (DANECO-CDA) was killed while biking in Maco, Compostela Valley Province early Sunday morning. 
Capt. Woody Sabdani, officer-in-charge of Maco Municipal Police Station, identified the victim as Glenn Maico Ordoño, 46, a resident of Purok 3, Poblacion Maco. 
According to Sabdani, information was received from a traffic enforcer informing him through a radio call that a shooting incident had transpired in Sitio Lupon-lupon, Barangay Hijo in Maco town. 
Police personnel immediately went to the said area for investigation and found the lifeless body of Ordoño bathed in his own blood beside his mountain bike. 
According to a witness who refused to be named, she and her daughter were about to go jogging when saw two male persons riding on a single motorcycle and following the victim. 
She said that the back rider shot Ordoño while riding his mountain bike. After hearing the gun burst, the said witness immediately turned back and ran towards their house fearing for their lives.
I really wish the media would refrain from showing corpses and writing lines like "bathed in his own blood."  This is not a novel. Another official killed. Not an LGU but it still fits with this series.
Amid a damaging controversy, Philippine National Police (PNP) chief General Oscar Albayalde stepped down as police chief on Monday, October 14. 
He announced this in an early morning address to cops in Camp Crame. 
"After careful deliberation, I have come to the decision to relinquish my post as Chief, PNP, effective today," he said in a press statement.
After saying he had no plans on resigning and that it was time to move on and that all the allegations were a smear campaign he finally decides to step down to save face. The heat became to hot but he is not out of trouble yet.  Meanwhile DILG Secretary Año had only praise for this "selfless act."
“I commend Albayalde for his selfless act in order to spare the PNP organization of the on-going controversy. This will allow the PNP to move on and continue exercising its mandate of protecting and serving the people. I thank him for his dedicated and distinguished service as head of the PNP,” Año said in a statement.
No it won't. The issue still remains and is prevalent throughout the PNP. They are a very corrupt institution.

The House of Representatives has processed a total of 220 measures in 20 session days, thus delivering its commitment to pursue the legislative agenda of President Rodrigo Duterte. 
In a statement on Monday, House Majority Leader Martin Romualdez reported that the House processed an average of 11 measures per session day from July 22 to October 8.
Romualdez vowed that the House leadership will continue to perform better to pass key legislative measures aimed at uplifting the lives of Filipinos. 
“The House as an institution performed its tasks commendably and with distinction to deliver the legislative agenda of the President. We answered the challenges and demands of our duties and responsibilities,” he said. 
“This will usher us to a good start. Through the collective hard work and determination of House members under the leadership of Speaker Cayetano, we are always focused and committed to pass quality legislation at all times to make better the life of Filipinos,” he added.
As the nation's top executive President Duterte should have no legislative agenda.  These people have no idea what the separation of powers is.
Magalong, who investigated the irregularity when he was chief of police for criminal investigation, said in a television interview that the policemen could all be killed like the civilian agents involved in the antinarcotics operation. 
I hope that those involved in the 2013 drug bust in Mexico, Pampanga, will finally realize that they are on their own,” Magalong said. 
And I hope that some of them start talking unless they end up dead like the civilian agents who [were] involved in that drug operation,” he added. 
Magalong noted that of the 13, only Lt. Col. Rodney Baloyo is in jail. Baloyo is being held at New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City after being cited for contempt by the Senate blue ribbon committee for lying in the inquiry into the drug operation. 
The rest of the officers, Magalong said, are still in the service either as active policemen or “[on] floating status.” 
Anything can happen,” Magalong said.
If these men were assassinated by motorcycle gunmen it would not be any big loss but it would be simply a continuation of the way the PNP has been operating since it's inception.
Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. , talking to reporters after the Supreme Court approved the release of initial recount results in Marcos’ election protest against Robredo, said he was a victim of massive cheating. 
Marcos said by cheating him in the elections, “they robbed the proper Vice President, myself, of three years of service.” 
Robredo countered by saying she was not the one suffering from a reputation of fraud. 
“It’s funny that he is the one saying it,” the Vice President said at a press briefing in her office in Quezon City. 
“Between the two of us, it’s not me who has the habit of robbing,” Robredo said. 
Taking a swipe at the Marcoses without naming any of them, Robredo said she became Vice President because of “hard work.” “I do not have fake diplomas,” she said, apparently referring to accusations that Sen. Imee Marcos falsely claimed to be a graduate of Harvard. 
Marcos, Robredo said, “should not say those things because between the two of us, I know that I’m not the thief.” 
Marcos expressed frustration at being made to wait for too long to take over as Vice President. “Of course, it’s frustrating but what are you going to do?” he said. 
The SC en banc, according to Marcos, had rejected adopting a draft decision penned by Associate Justice Benjamin Caguioa, recommending a dismissal of Marcos’ election protest. “I am happy that the case continues,” said Marcos. “So the case lives and it continues,” he said.
The Supreme Court, instead of issuing a ruling on the recount, has asked both parties to comment on the results of the initial recount.  According to reports Leni earned 15,000 more votes which her camp says means the recount should be dismissed. But Marcos is spinning this gain as proof that there was massive fraud and that the protest should be continued. Barbs back and forth between both parties hitting at each other's credibility continue in the grand tradition of corrupt politics. Now the country has to wait at least an additional 20 days to get a ruling on the case and with the holidays right around the corner it could be until next year that a decision is reached!
An election official of MacArthur town in Leyte province was shot dead by two unidentified assailants on Tuesday afternoon. 
Maureen Palejaro, 42, was on board a motorcycle driven by her co-worker when the suspects blocked their way in Barangay Pongon.
Election related violence and it's not even election season!
A non-commissioned officer, who police believed had accidentally shot himself, was found dead at the back of the police station in Kiblawan, Davao del Sur on Tuesday. He had a gunshot wound in his forehead. 
Police Master Sgt. Brigham Wayne Pascual, the police on duty, still appeared sleeping on a hammock when his fellow police officer found him dead Tuesday morning, Kiblawan police chief PCAT Robert James Carumba said. 
Carumba said Pascual’s issued M-16 Armalite rifle was on the ground along with a spent bullet shell casing nearby. 
Initial post mortem investigation disclosed that Pascual had accidentally shot himself, causing his untimely death.
Lying in a hammock with a single shot to the forehead from his M-16. Sounds rather suspicious.
Police officers and officials are now barred from playing golf on weekdays since it may interfere with their duties and responsibilities. 
Philippine National Police (PNP) declared on  Wednesday that it will ban playing golf of police officers during weekdays as it may interfere with their public service.  
Sinas noted that playing golf alone is very expensive from the entrance fee to equipment.Sinas said he does not want police officers to focus on playing golf and become escorts for businessmen and prominent individuals in the golf course.  
“I don’t want the police na nagfofocus dun. I will not tolerate it. Ang effect is ang mga tao hindi magescort escort ng sino sinong businessman na naglaro ng golf ( I don’t want police officers to focus on playing golf. I will not tolerate it. The effect is police officers will not escort businessmen who are also playing golf).” he said. 
Sinas said the weekday golf ban was already in effect when he was director of the Police Regional Office in Central Visayas.  
He added that the order was already existing in the PNP Headquarters but was just “forgotten.” 
It started in Camp Crame, I just implemented it. It was announced so many times that policemen should not play golf but it was forgotten. But I, from the very start to the end, I implemented it,” Sinas said in English and Filipino.
Hard to believe that PNP offices playing golf is such a problem. But it turns out a ban on golf was already issue but just "forgotten."  How many other orders have been issued and conveniently "forgotten?"
The Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) is set to file a case against a provincial governor for holding the release of permits without any valid reason. 
ARTA Director-General Jeremiah Belgica made the statement as his agency enters its 100th day Thursday. 
In a press briefing in Malacañang, Belgica refused to name the said governor but said the official held permits without a valid reason. He said they will be filing the case before the Office of the Ombudsman. 
“In a general sense, mga permit po na inipit na hilig na hilig po ng mga ibang government agencies po na may mga personal na layunin na hindi natin alam. Bawal na bawal po yun. Iipitin mo ang papel na wala namang dahilan (In a general sense, it’s about withholding permits. Government officials like to do this for personal reasons and we do not know why. Withholding documents without any reason is prohibited),” he said. 
“Ang masasabi ko po itong governor na ito ay nag-violate po na ‘yan sa processing times po natin, pati na rin po sa zero-contact policy (What I can say is this governor violated the prescribed processing time and the zero-contact policy),” he added.
Too bad he does not name names. Perhaps it is the Governor of CamNorte?
According to the report submitted by the Anti-Red Tape Authority (ARTA) to the Ombudsman, Tallado is accused of violating Section 21 of Republic Act No. 11032 which amended the original Anti-Red Tape Act of 2007 when he allegedly failed to render government services to the complainant, identified as a certain Henry Zabala.
But then again it could be someone else!
An explosion rocked the New Bilibid Prison while corrections personnel were conducting clearing operations at the NBP compound in Muntinlupa City yesterday. 
Initial reports said an improvised explosive device went off while NBP personnel were demolishing some of the illegally constructed “kubols” or huts previously occupied by members of Islamic extremist groups in Quadrant IV. 
Eleazar said bomb squad personnel of the NCRPO recovered two grenades and two blasting caps at the site. 
No one has claimed responsibility for the explosion, but investigators said it could be a tactic to put off the demolition of kubols and other illegal structures inside the NBP compound. 
When pressed on how some inmates managed to sneak in explosives, Eleazar said anything is possible since inmates bring in contraband, including home appliances, furniture, freezers and other items by paying off corrupt BuCor officials. 
The explosion broke out in one of the kubols previously occupied by convicted hardcore terrorists belonging to the Abu Sayyaf, Bangsamoro Islamic Freedom Fighters, Maute group and Jemaah Islamiyah. 
With the ongoing demolition of illegal structures in the NBP, an inmate said this would make their harsh life even harder. 
Some of the inmates occupying the kubols were forced to sleep outside. 
They cannot be accommodated in other detention cells because these are already overcrowded. 
The same inmate claimed they have no place to sleep, no food to eat and no water to drink. Adding to their misery is the lack of electricity, which makes the heat unbearable. The inmate said Bantag should have thought of the welfare of the prisoners who are affected by the demolition.“He did not plan it well. If they demolished the (kubols) then they should have placed them in a better place. They are already sleeping outside with cartons as beds,” he said.
An IED exploded while illegal structures previously occupied by terrorists were being torn down and when asked how bombs could have been snuck into the prison the answer is a shrug of the shoulders and "Anything can happen." Further more those illegal structures were actually housing inmates because the prison is overcrowded! How did New Bilibid get to this point?
The City Legal Office has begun the probe of some City Hall employees who allegedly are involved in a scheme of asking money from people in exchange for jobs at the city government. 
Lawyer Rey Gealon, the city legal officer, said this is in response to the directive of Mayor Edgardo Labella to investigate the reported incidents of City Hall employees who are selling jobs to the public. 
Gealon said the investigating team is hopeful to receive a verified complaint in order to “join the issues of the contesting parties and resolve this matter once and for all.” 
Gealon urged the employees to come forward to either clear their names or admit their involvement.
No proof. No complaints. Nothing except allegations. For now anyway.
“I wanted to delay the vote because I did not like to take part in it, because I did not like the public, like the media, speculating that I cooked or orchestrated the result,” he said. “But I always told you: Hindi pwedeng magluto dito sa Supreme Court dahil ang daming involved.” 
[You cannot cook things up here inside the Supreme Court because there are too many people involved.] 
“But the en banc prevailed on me to take the vote yesterday, and after some deliberations, we were able to conclude that it is time indeed for the parties to be asked to comment on the report generated by Justice Alfredo Benjamin Caguioa, who was the justice in charge,” he added.
While it is understandable Bersamin would not want to face the heat from this very hot case it is inexcusable that he wanted to delay the vote because he could not face the heat. It only makes the court less trustworthy and the casts doubt on the decision.
Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) chief Gerald Bantag’s tough anticorruption stance has not deterred some rich and influential inmates at the New Bilibid Prison (NBP) from offering money to errant personnel in exchange for some liberties. 
“[Bribery attempts] are still very rampant,” Bantag told reporters last week. “[I have not gotten an offer yet] but they will definitely try it.” 
History repeats itself, right? Are we expecting good deeds from these drug lords? They will buy even the souls of people here [just to get by],” he added. 
Shortly after he assumed the bureau’s leadership, Bantag relieved over 300 correction officers and ordered them to undergo retraining.
This was not the first time BuCor personnel were sacked en masse. In July 2016, more than 300 Special Action Force troopers took charge of security at the NBP after over 200 BuCor officers had to undergo retraining for failing to stop the drug trade in the prison.
History sure does repeat itself!  More than tough talk and mass firings are needed to fix the problems at New Bilibid.