Thursday, February 28, 2019

Tarps In The Wind

It's not just politicians who post tarps on every electric pole and forget about them allowing these banners to slowly decay in the elements. Businesses are guilty as well. All across the country poles proudly display battered old tarps which have been reduced to garbage. Globe, SM, Smart, and more are all guilty of this practice.

That is just at a tiny sampling of all the trashy garbage tarps tangled in electrical wires and flapping loosely in the wind. A whole blog could be dedicated to this very visible type of littering of which corporations are guilty. Like those who cleaned up Manila Bay are there any volunteers who will remove these tarps? Those that are caught up in the electrical wires pose the gravest danger. If there aren't rules against hanging tarps indiscriminately all around town there should be. These ubiquitous  advertisements are eyesores as well.

Some businesses even allow weather-beaten tarps to flap from the top of their stores!

The tarp in the bottom picture might not belong to Robinsons but it's on their property and they should toss it. Having that mess of a tarp hanging down the pole as well as the remnants of the tarp on the building looks spectacularly awful. The message it sends is that Robinsons does not care about their image and presenting themselves in the most attractive light. Who wants to enter a trashy building or park next to a flapping tarp?

I can only imagine this problem is a million times worse in Manila and Cebu. Will it ever be addressed?

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