Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Coronavirus Signs

You cannot go anywhere without seeing signs telling you to do this and that all in the name of protecting you from COVID-19. They are all pretty much the same but a few stand out. Let's take a look at some coronavirus signs.

These first two signs come from a house which was under quarantine.

What is the story here? I don't know! I heard the guy was a seafarer just back from abroad and was under a mandatory 2 week quarantine. But what about the second sign and fake news? Were people spreading rumors about him?  Perhaps.

Here's another warning sign on the entrance to a gated community.

I asked the guard if someone inside was infected and he said no. I guess it's just an unnecessary scare tactic.

These next signs comes from the post office.

There are signs like this all over the post office. It's overkill. Why so many signs inside and outside the building? You cannot get in the post office without wearing all these accoutrements so there really is no need for all the signs.

The same overkill is happening inside the mall. Let's go shopping at SM and take a look. To get into SM you must wear a face mask and a face shield.

You absolutely cannot be in the mall without wearing a mask and a face shield. Despite this fact practically every store has a sign indicating NO MASK, NO ENTRY. Funny they don't mention face shields too.  Many store also require you to log in.

This is all in the name of contact tracing of course. I do sign in but my hand writing is bad and so is the handwriting of others.

There are more pictures of the mall I could show but let's skip across town to the public market. Outside the entrance of the public market is a hand washing station. Next to the washing station is the following large sign.

This is totally unnecessary epal. It's just another shameless way for this guy to get his name out there. Believe me his name is on all kinds of stuff around town.

Perhaps the one thing that I don't think about during this silly crisis is the age limits of who can and cannot leave their houses.

This sign really drives the point home how stupid and arbitrary this policy is. No one was carding customers as they entered the store.

Speaking of arbitrary, not even gas stations are exempt from posting silly coronavirus signs.

So let me get this straight. If you are not sitting in your car wearing a face mask and a face shield then  they won't fill your tank? Of course not! I was able to get gas no problem without wearing all that. Why have the sign if it's not going to be enforced?

Let's end with a trip to the vet. The guy who was waiting outside and weighs the dogs said I needed a different mask to enter the clinic.  He pointed to the sign on the door.

I did not remove the cartoon character mask I was wearing, Instead I covered it with a blue mask like in the first picture which thankfully I had one in the car. Still just as ineffective at stopping any virus. Inside the clinic was a funny graphic about social distancing.

Keep four cats apart.  That is a rule of cat to keep in mind!

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