Monday, November 9, 2020

Even More Coronavirus Signs and Situations

Surely some revelation is at hand; surely a new normal is at hand. A new normal! Hardly are those words out when a vast image out of Clown World troubles my sight. 

Like this:

As part of our continued efforts to keep you and our store personnel safe, this in store EXPRESS HOTLINE is temporarily unavailable.

In the meantime, you may SCAN  the QR code  below for general inquires and after sale concerns.

Wow, thanks Globe! Now instead of being able to contact a customer representative while in the store and get specific information about my account and answers to my questions I can scan a code and get general pat answers which don't answer my concerns. At least I won't get the COVID-19 by talking to someone on a phone which could very easily be sanitized just like the door which is wiped down every time someone enters or exits.

One of the biggest single changes about the new normal is in regards to eating out. It is now highly discouraged to eat at a restaurant. If you do want to sit down for a coffee you better be quick about it. Thankfully for your convenience Starbucks will supply a baggie for your mask.

To ensure safety, we will be happy to provide you with a bag to store your face mask while you eat.

I guess they don't want you placing your filthy face mask on the table. I just stuff it in my bag when I take it off. Thankfully they don't require a face shield inside their store. Where would the customers put it?

Filipino traditions are being undermined at the barrel of a gun.

This a cemetery which the PNP are zealously keeping vigil in order to prevent any who would venture in to keep vigil for their dead for Undas by and all in the name of the safety. There is a huge sign out front which says so:

An order for temporary closure of public nd private cemeteries/memorial parks/columbaria and the like from October 29 to November 4, 2020 in compliace with the national IATF resolution No. 72 dated September 17, 2020 to enhance public health and safety protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Safety, safety, safety, it's all about safety even if it is inconvenient and undermines your culture. 

You know the COVID-19 pandemic has a slogan right? We Heal As One. Like all slogans it looks great on a t-shirt.

Only P250 and you can walk around showing your support for washing hands and wearing face masks.

The pandemic has been devastating for the economy. People have lost jobs and businesses have shut down. Like this one:

This used to be a bookstore. Now it is a monument to the economic shutdown. Thankfully they have another branch in town at the mall.

People are understandably upset after 8 months of lockdowns and quarantines and all the rest. 

The anger is misplaced. It is not COVID-19 which is the problem. It is the response of the government which is the problem. Their response guarantees we will be seeing more clownish coronavirus signs and situations.

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