Monday, September 19, 2022

Sara Duterte Does Not Understand the History of the Philippines

Recently Vice President Sara Duterte celebrated the 124th anniversary of the Malolos Congress and even gave a speech.

Vice President Sara Duterte on Thursday, Sept. 15, highlighted the importance of democracy and freedom the country enjoys today as she celebrated with Bulakenyos the 124th anniversary of Malolos Congress.

She joined the commemoration of the Malolos Congress at the historical Barasoain Church this morning.

In her 12-minute speech, Duterte noted that the historical opening of the Malolos Congress became the foundation of the country’s democracy.

“This democracy is the most important inheritance from our forefathers—that we freely enjoy until today,” Duterte said.

She greeted the province and people of Malolos in the celebration and emphasized the important chapter of the country’s history that happened in Barasoain.

“This celebration is important to our history because the opening of the Congress of Malolos on Sept. 15, 1898 became the signal that birthed a free republic—the Republic of the Philippines,” Duterte added.

Malolos Constitution was the constitution of the First Philippine Republic which made the country the first-ever free republic in Asia.

This is ALL WRONG. I get it though. Sara Duterte, like every other Filipino, has been fooled into believing June 12th is Independence Day and that everything related to that date, including the Malolos Congress matters. It does not. Hear the words of President Diosdado Macapagal who changed Independence Day from July 4th to June 12th.

It is noteworthy that no one among the half-dozen great heroes of our history, Rizal, Aguinaldo, Bonifacio, Lapu-Lapu, Abad Santos and Quezon, has played a role in the Republic that we administer today. This fact emphasizes the responsibility which devolves upon us to whom they bequeathed the fruits of their heroic labors to fashion this Republic as an instrument for the welfare and happiness of our people.

The current Republic of the Philippines has no relation to the one represented by the Malolos Congress. True independence was not obtained until 1946 and it was brought about by the hard work of Manuel Quezon. The question of independence was put to a vote which means the current Republic of the Philippines is a manifestation of the people's will rather than a Masonic conspiracy such as happened in 1898.

It's really a shame that Macapagal changed the Independence Day because of a $73 million dollar payment that the USA initially declined to give. Now, no Filipino knows their real history. Not even Vice President Sara Duterte. 

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