Saturday, May 11, 2024

The God Culture: Tracts

There's a lot of things Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture does not tell his listening audience. For instance he has not told his audience that he will be hosting a show with Zen Garcia once a month. Instead he only sends a notification AFTER the show has ended which means no one can watch live unless they know about it beforehand. Tim will be on with Zen every third Thursday of the month. Check out Zen's calendar if you want to listen. 

Tim has also not told his audience that he has tracts available to hand out on the street.

Those are the tracts available at the moment. But not available online or anywhere else except from Timothy Jay Schwab himself. That is what Koki Cruz says.

Praises Yahuah for printing of another 7,500 Tracts. It’s Worth investing for eternal dividends. Thanks to all those who participated in the distibution of the 15,000 Tracts in Tugegarao and Penablanca, Cagayan Valley, in Tabuk City of Kalinga, Davao, Makati, Quezon City and distributed by Sabbath Believers Congelation in Baguio City. Thanks also for my partner The God Culture - Original  Founder Bro Timothy Schwab and Sis Anna, for your labor of love for preparing the tracts which we discussed when we were in Bacolod.

According to her Facebook reel these tracts cost a whopping 90,000 pesos!!!

That's a lot of money to spend in order to spread lies to her fellow kababayns. 

Just look at these people smiling as they prepare to lie to the Filipino public about what the Philippines is and what the Bible teaches. You can bet they have swallowed Tim's falsehoods without bothering to test him to see if what he says is true.

It appears these tracts are being handed out with pens.

Now, why are they handing out pens along with the tracts? Is there something inside which requires a pen such as a quiz? It is too bad there are no pictures of the contents of these little booklets. However, anyone familiar with this blog and with The God Culture knows exactly what is in them. 

The first tract is undoubtedly about how the Philippines is Ophir, Tarshish, and Sheba and The Garden of Eden is underneath the Sulu sea. The second tract is about Tim's ridiculous configuration of the name of God from YHWH to Yahuah. The third is all about not doing any work on Saturday. 

The cover of the last one is so egregious because there is a citation of Matthew 11:28. Jesus said come unto ME for rest. He did not say do no work on Saturday for rest. Our rest is found through faith in Christ not in doing no work on Saturday. It's simply a ridiculous lie Tim has repeated ad nauseam in his books and videos. He is literally turning Filipinos away from the saving rest of Jesus Christ. The tract may be titled "In God We Rest" but that is not what Tim actually believes or teaches when he says we must keep the seventh day sabbath.

Likewise the cover of the second book about the name of God is pretty awful.   

The Father • The Son • His People

With the lack of mention of the Holy Spirit that is a subtle denial of the Trinity. Tim is on record declaring that the Holy Spirit is not God and positing that He may actually be a creature. 

So, if you are at the mall watch out! You just might get God Culture'd by a group of smiling children handing out one of Timothy Jay Schwab's tracts and a pen. Leave the tract, take the pen.

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