Monday, June 17, 2024

Egregiously False Philippine Independence Day Remarks

It is an indisputable fact of history that the Philippines did not become an independent and sovereign nation until July 4th, 1946. This fact of history was erased by President Diosdado Macapagal when he issued a proclamation declaring June 12th, 1898 to be the real independence day which was done in response to the US government's failure to pay a $73 million debt. 

The effects of that proclamation have been far reaching. In effect Macapagal erased a large part of Philippine history. At least it is erased every June 12th when Filipinos around the world pretend the Philippines has been independent since 1898. It does not help that the international community assists in this delusion by offering their congratulations each year on June 12th. This denial of history is heard clearly in the independence day speeches of politicians across the country. Here are three samples.

First from President Marcos.

Marcos recounted the declaration of Philippine independence that took place in Kawit, Cavite 126 years ago.

“It heralded the birth of the Philippines and declared to the world the untiring resolve of the Filipinos to chart their own destiny as a sovereign nation,” Marcos said.

A century and a quarter has passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation yet the fervor of nationalism persistently burns brightly in each of us today. We stand united as ever, upholding with pride the hard-earned liberty bequeathed to us by our forebears,” he added.

125 years "has passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation?" Did Marcos forget about the Philippine-American war? Did he forget about the American Colonial period? That is a rather blatant denial of history and those who lived through it. Of course his remarks could be interpreted to mean it has been 125 years since the Spanish yoke was thrown off and there is a direct line between the declaration of the First Philippine Republic and the current one. But it is very doubtful that is what he means because he makes no caveats to indicate that is the case. 

Vice President Sara Duterte's remarks cannot be interpreted so generously. Her remarks are a flat out lie.

Vice President Sara Duterte on Wednesday urged the public to remember the heroism of the country's forefathers as the Philippines marked its 126 years of independence.

Speaking in a ceremony in Davao City for the Independence Day celebration, Duterte said that the freedom that Filipinos experience now is a result of the efforts of the country's ancestors to reclaim their rights and to govern the country as a sovereign nation. 

Today we are gathered to commemorate 126 years of sovereignty, as well as to honor this great legacy left to us by our forefathers who displayed true courage, bravery, and patriotism,” she said in her speech.

“On Independence Day, we do not only celebrate our liberation but also place emphasis on the importance of remembering the adversities we have overcome and the ideals we fight for.” 

126 years of sovereignty!? What!? No. Absolutely not. The Philippines has not been sovereign for 126 years. Like Marcos she is denying the Philippine-American war and the subsequent American occupation. And she wants "to honor this great legacy left to us by our forefathers who displayed true courage, bravery, and patriotism?" You cannot do that by denying history. 

Learning from history is, ironically, a mainstay of Philippine Independence Day speeches which emphatically deny the true history of the Philippines. Listen to the governor of Mayor of Puerto Princessa.

Mayor Lucilo Bayron of this city urged locals to draw inspiration from history in facing present challenges at the celebration of the 126th Independence Day of the country from Spanish rule at the Rizal Park on Wednesday morning (June 12).

Bayron said Independence Day is celebrated “in honor of the heroic deeds of the past generation that paved the way to the birth of the country’s freedom that was attained through sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears.”

He told the crowd in his speech that the celebration is also commemoration of a united journey and cause that binds Filipinos as one.

“Let us darw strength from our history and let our ancestor’s bravery serve as our inspiration to face the present challenges with the same passion,” Bayron said.

Like Marcos these remarks can be generously interpreted to mean, not that the Philippines actually obtained independence, but that the path was set towards independence. However, even that interpretation is wrong. 

President Diosdado Macapagal, in his very first June 12th Independence Day speech, has some interesting remarks to say about learning from history. 

It is noteworthy that no one among the half-dozen great heroes of our history, Rizal, Aguinaldo, Bonifacio, Lapu-Lapu, Abad Santos and Quezon, has played a role in the Republic that we administer today. This fact emphasizes the responsibility which devolves upon us to whom they bequeathed the fruits of their heroic labors to fashion this Republic as an instrument for the welfare and happiness of our people.

Thus, the very man who set the nation on a path to denying its past admitted that the heroes of the past have NO CONNECTION to the current Philippine Republic, the one born in 1946. He was able to say that because he did not have 48 years of indoctrination and erasure of history to contend with. Unless the date of independence is reverted to July 4th, 1946 and Filipinos are forced to deal with the real history of the Philippines these lies will continue to the detriment of everyone. 

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