Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Presidential Remarks on Philippine Independence From 1946 - 2024

On May 2nd, 1962 President Diosdado Macapagal, after not receiving a $73 million payment from the US government, issued a proclamation changing the date of Philippine Independence from July 4th to June 12th. While seemingly a patriotic move this change has gradually erased Philippine history so that everyone now thinks the Philippines has been an independent sovereign nation for 126 years. What I'd like to do in this article is trace this slow change through Presidential speeches commemorating Independence Day. 

First is President Roxas:

One year ago today we achieved our national independence and established the Republic of the Philippines. On this same spot, hallowed by the blood of Rizal and consecrated to his memory, the American flag was lowered and our flag, that glorious flag of our forefathers, was raised upon yonder masthead to wave thenceforth alone and unshadowed over all this land we love. (Applause)

It is well that on each anniversary of that historic event we recall the significance of that symbolic ceremony, to remind us of the magnanimity of America and to awaken in our hearts a renewed devotion to freedom, a fresh determination to defend it with our lives.

We won our independence through the processes of democracy, by the will of a free people. We will scan the pages of history in vain for another such example. In the past no star ever fell from an imperial diadem except through force and at the cost of torrents of human blood. It is to the undying credit of Americans and Filipinos that by trusting each other and having faith in one another, they cleared the way for the fullest cooperation in the consummation of the historic act we now commemorate—a priceless flowering of Christian civilization.

We Filipinos can feel proud that we were actors in that historic drama that ushered in this new age. We are grateful to America for having kept faith with us and for pointing the way for other nations to follow in the trusteeship of the peoples under their flags.

President Quirino:

Two nations celebrate today their anniversary of freedom. With the United States of America, this celebration is one of the many she has observed annually in her long and successful life as a republic. With our Republic, it is only the second in its young but promising life. To the Philippines, Fourth of July signifies both freedom to the Filipinos and gratitude to America. To America, aside from being also the historic clay of her freedom, it is now properly a continuous source of justifiable pride for the liberty she made possible for us to enjoy. To both countries it should likewise signify from now on the periodic reaffirmation of faith, friendship, and confidence in one another, based on their solemn covenants and mutual commitments.

To be sure, the Filipino people celebrate this memorable day with perhaps greater rejoicing. I shall tell you why. The recentness of our birth as a republic makes our part in this observance like that of proud parents watching fondly their child grow up. You—I—every Filipino, dead or alive, are the proud parents. Dig deep into the past or scour the present and you will find that our libertarian achievements have no parallel in the history of the world. Every man, woman and child in this vast congregation, specially those who suffered in the recent war, know how we won our independence. Our emergence as a nation has been a most painful process. We can truthfully say that this Republic is the child of storm and stress—of fire and famine. Strange as it may seem, although we are only two years old today, we have shown clear signs of amazing strength and vitality, both physical and spiritual, which surely will endure the hardest test.

President Magsaysay:

TEN years ago today, by the grace of God, we realized a dream for which Filipinos had fought and died for hundred of years. On that day was born the Republic of the Philippines, a sovereign nation of free and independent Filipinos. The road we traveled to reach that goal was long and hard. On that road our fathers and their fathers before them fought and died. During the past half century the end of that hard road came in sight. The marks of our struggle changed from blood and steel to persuasion and principle. Our final victory was won with reason rather than violence.

At the turn of the century, we shook off the grip of one foreign country only to come under the sovereignty of another. Fortunately, the new sovereign was a nation which held and still holds the freedom and dignity of man among its most cherished traditions. Within the framework of this tradition we developed our case for self-determination and independence. Our case prospered. And on July 4, 1946, in an atmosphere of mutual respect and warm friendship, the stars and stripes of America were lowered; and the flag of our Republic proclaimed to the world that we stood at last as a free and sovereign people in the community of nations.

President Garcia:

THE vast throng which we Filipinos comprise in this park is but the nucleus of an entire nation 27 million strong in joyous observance throughout the country of the Great Day of Independence.

Fourteen years ago today, from the holocaust of war our freedom rose like the Phoenix from the ashes—and with it sovereign statehood. This Republic of the Philippines is the capstone achievement of four centuries of libertarian heroic struggle.

Today we begin our fifteenth year of independence. July 4, 1946, indeed was a day to become unforgotten ever. Here at the Luneta hundreds of thousands of us watched with throbbing hearts the ceremony marking the birth of the Republic. This edifice of stone from, which I speak was not here then; nor the imposing skyline of modern buildings that we now see around us. But at the time of the proclamation of independence, it did not matter that the ceremonial grandstand was a makeshift affair, that all around were the debris of war, that the whole country was prostrate and bleeding.

Indeed July 4th, 1946 is a day that no Filipino should ever forget. But, because President Diosdado Macapagal changed the date of independence from July 4th to June 12th, that date has been long forgotten and most Filipinos operate under the delusion that the Philippines has been an independent sovereign nation since 1898. 

Presidents Roxas, Quirino, Magsaysay, and Garcia all recognize the fact the Philippines became independent on July 4th, 1946.  None of them mention the declaration of 1898. Three of them mention the fact that Philippine independence is unique in the history of the world because it came by the will of the people rather than by a violent uprising and war. Today no one mentions that history when commemorating independence day. 

Even though President Macapagal changed the date of independence from July 4th to June 12th he still recognized that the Philippines became independent on July 4th. 

President Macapagal. 

THREE years ago today, we commenced the celebration of our day of freedom on the 12th day of June. We made the change not out of a diminution of esteem for America but out of a sense of fidelity to the verities of history. We have since commemorated the 4th of July as American-Philippine Friendship Day, also out of a sense of reality and truth. For it is a reality and a truth, indeed, one of the marvels in the annals of colonialism that after the ties of sovereignty were torn asunder between the United States and the Philippines on July 4, 1946, following forty-eight years of colonial association, instead of the relations between the two countries since then suffering a loosening, the bonds of friendship and partnership between the United States and the Philippines in defense of their security and in support of common ideals have become firmer and stronger with the passing of time.

Finally succumbing to the power of superior arms and brought under the rule of the Spanish crown, the people revolted intermittently and incessantly during the whole period of the one hundred and seventy-seven years of Spanish rule until finally a nationwide revolution led by General Emilio Aguinaldo and the founder of the secret revolutionary society, the Katipunan, Andres Bonifacio, under the inspiration of the Filipino hero and martyr, Dr. Jose Rizal, exploded and succeeded, resulting in the proclamation of Philippine independence in Kawit, Cavite, on June the 12, 1898, by General Aguinaldo and in the establishment of the Philippine Republic under a Constitution adopted in Malolos, Bulacan, with Aguinaldo as President of the Republic.

At about this time, war broke out between the United States and Spain. Defeated in the war, Spain ceded in the Treaty of Peace to the United States the Philippines over which it had lost physical control. Again, the Filipino people resisted the implantation of American rule but were subdued by superior arms with the capture of Aguinaldo in Palanan, Isabela, in 1901. Despite the magnanimity of American rule, the Filipino people continued the struggle for freedom for forty-eight years on the battlefield of peace under a new triumvirate of great Filipino political leaders, Manuel Quezon, Sergio OsmeƱa, and Manuel Roxas, until on July 4, 1946, the United States proclaimed, restored, and recognized the independence of the Filipino people as a free and sovereign nation.

President Ferdinand Marcos:

And we of all peoples are perhaps most aware of the costs and the perils of freedom because we know and we remember that our very First Republic that was born in Kawit, Cavite 86 years ago died soon after its founding, the victim of yet another colonial power.

We know and we remember how long it took and what sacrifices were required before we could recover our National Independence on July 4, 1946.

And we know and we remember the labors that we had to bear decade after decade thereafter, in order to preserve our right to be an independent nation and to make authentic and life-giving this blessing for our people.

To celebrate therefore, Independence Day in our country is not simply to mark by ceremony and ritual the history beginnings of our Republic; it is as ever a moment to renew those purposes upon which our nation stands and to review the difficult stages of our evolution into the nation we are today.

We are a nation today of 52 million people that is fully 26 times larger than the nation that came to birth 86 years ago.

In both the growth in size and in the time that has elapsed are vividly marked every trial that we have lived through, and every lesson that we have learned about the challenges that a free and independent nation must face.

As we learned long ago that National Independence is not won after one demonstration of the valor of our arms, so have we also known that the achievement of authentic national freedom involves many forms of struggle and effort. And it is thus the task of every generation of our people to show by deed how it can preserve, protect and promote that freedom,

In many ways the last decade and a half has been such a critical time for our country. For this has been a period when, by choice, we faced up to the many constraints on National Independence since 1946; and this has been a time too when we have had to confront grave challenges to the very life of our republic.

President Marcos made these comments in 1984, 22 years after Macapagal changed the date of independence. This is the last time any Philippine President will mention July 4th, 1946 in their Independence Day remarks.

President Cory Aquino:

We first took the road to nationhood and democracy 90 years ago. It did not take long for us to lose our way. Those who tried to pick up the trail of true nationhood again, found only martyrdom.

There is no easy road to nationhood and enduring democracy. And the road signs have been erased or confused by those who do not want us to complete the journey.

Today, we recall those who sacrificed to help us find our way and rededicate ourselves to continue their search and undertake their sacrifices. We cherish their memory and acknowledge with gratitude the sacrifices they made on the altar of country and democracy.

This year, we begin the decade of nationalism, in hopes that we may celebrate June 12, 1998, the Centennial of Independence, as a nation fully free at last. Free from the threat of renewed tyranny, free from poverty, disease, ignorance, homelessness, and conflict.

President Fidel Ramos:

To whoever may ask what exactly it is we celebrate today, we have this to say:

We Filipinos are rejoicing in our coming of age—in the final proof of our ability to understand, to use and to protect the liberty our heroes won for us a century ago.

Today we mark a hundred years of learning what it takes to rise from a diverse mix of language-groups, islands and regions into a self-conscious unity—into what Rizal called “one Filipino nation”—ang sambayanang Pilipino.

This quote is interesting because just two years prior in 1996 President Ramos declared July 4th to  be a special day for the commemoration of 50 years of independence. 

WHEREAS, July 4, 1996 marks the 50th Anniversary of the Philippine-American Friendship Day which ushered the beginning of Philippine political independence from the American colonial rule;

Yet, despite this admission, Ramos continued to spout the lie that the Philippines gained its liberty in 1898.

President Joseph Estrada:

One hundred years after Kawit, fifty years after independence, twelve years after Edsa, and seven years after the rejection of foreign bases, it is now the turn of the masses to experience liberation.

We stand in the shadow of those who fought to make us free—free from foreign domination, free from domestic tyranny, free from superpower dictation, free from economic backwardness. We acknowledge a debt of gratitude to Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Aguinaldo, Manuel Quezon, Ramon Magsaysay, Cory Aquino, Fidel Ramos, and the magnificent twelve of the 1991 senate who voted for Filipino sovereignty and honor.

This speech is from his inaugural address. There are no Independence Day speeches recorded in the Official Gazette. 

President Arroyo:

Today we remember once again those historic events of a hundred and eleven years ago when a band of patriots announced to the whole world the birth of a new and sovereign nation, one with full rights to dream its own dreams, choose its own leaders, and work towards its own goals and aspirations.

Our freedom, paid for by the blood of heroes, has been challenged several times since. But our people rose to the occasion at every turn, defending their liberty with everything they had, prepared to render the ultimate sacrifice if asked to do so.

President Benigno Aquino:

It has been one hundred and sixteen years since our national anthem was formally played and our national flag was unfurled in Kawit, Cavite, as symbols of a free and unified Philippines. On that day as well, the Philippines declared its independence: a country unshackled from foreign chains, composed of citizens who had control of their own destinies.

This is what we commemorate today. For us, the 12th of June is a culmination of all the sacrifices, the battles, and the triumphs our ancestors underwent to achieve independence from Spain. We are all aware: The goals of our heroes were not fulfilled overnight. It was the result of facing and overcoming multiple setbacks and challenges, and of the cooperation of several people united by one purpose: to live dignified lives, free from oppression. There was the Propaganda Movement, which planted the seeds of change in the minds of Filipinos; the Katipunan, which grew to become a refuge to many of our heroes; the many encounters between Filipino guerrillas and Spanish forces; the publication of two novels by Gat Jose Rizal, and his martyrdom in Bagumbayan on the 30th of December 1896.

In the course of history, we continue to defend and uphold the dreams of our forefathers: After the fall of the First Republic founded in Malolos, we fought off those who invaded our lands. We rose up from the ravages of war.

President Duterte:

I join all Filipinos in celebrating the 122nd Anniversary of the Proclamation of Philippine Independence.

One hundred and twenty-two years ago, our forefathers proudly proclaimed the birth of the Filipino nation. Today we honor them for their bravery, heroism and sacrifice as well as we thank them for the gifts of democracy and freedom.

President Marcos Jr.:

One hundred and twenty-five years since the Declaration of Independence in Cavite, it is appropriate to pause, to reflect on how far we have come from that profound transformative event in our history.

The heroes of our liberation would be proud to know that we have thrown off the “ominous yoke of domination”; never again to be subservient to any external force that directs or determines our destiny.

We have stayed the course and adhered to their ideals for our free and independent country: popular, representative, and responsible.

We have evolved into a healthy and vibrant Republic, with a stable government, supported by growing institutions and mechanisms, all of whose mandate and authority ultimately emanate from and are owed to the Filipino people. Then as now, it remains an unassailable, self- evident principle that sovereignty resides in our people.

Our independence was not the end, but merely the principal means to achieve full development of the Filipino. Our success and the pursuit of happiness are not just the ultimate goals of our independence; these are to be seen as the expanded notions of human freedom.

We subscribe to this; for after all, it is the “blessings of independence and democracy” that we have avowed to secure for ourselves and for our posterity.

A hundred twenty-five years on, we will view our Nation’s “development as freedom”, with more focus and determination.

We owe this to our national heroes, who had won for us this freedom that we now enjoy. We owe this to the next generations of Filipinos to whom we swear to bequeath a stronger and genuinely free Republic.

Beginning with President Cory Aquino every single President makes the claim that the Philippines became sovereign on June 12th, 1898 and ignores the actual date of independence, July 4th. It is not clear why this is the case. One could recognize the significance of both dates but, except for Ramos, that is not what any of these Presidents do.

President Arroyo, the daughter of President Macapagal, offered some insight into her thought process when she praised her father for moving the date of independence.

In her speech during the 121st Independence Day celebration at the historic Barasoain Church in, Malolos City, Bulacan, Arroyo said she was proud about the achievement of her father for standing ground and believing that it was wrong to commemorate the country's freedom and sovereignty on the same date with the former colonial masters—the Americans.

"It is a great honor for my family that the one who set Independence Day on the right date of June twelfth was none other than my father, President Diosdado Macapagal," said Arroyo.

On May 12, 1962, Macapagal, barely five months into his presidency, issued Presidential Proclamation No. 28. moving the Philippine Independence Day celebration from July 4 to June 12, nearly two decades after the United States formally set the country free from its colonial rule.

Arroyo explained that her father strongly believed that July 4 was not the right day for Filipinos to celebrate their independence since it somehow connoted dependence on the United States.

"He (Macapagal) is still a congressman, he already thought that it is not right to commemorate our liberation on the fourth of July, the old date of celebration... every time we hold our Independence Day on the fourth of July, we join the country that used to be conquer us. And it seems that we are still tied to America and continue to rely on his help and defense," Mrs. Arroyo stressed.

Mrs. Arroyo said her father stood ground during his time and initiated the first step to further enhance nationalism among Filipinos.

"It is appropriate to move Independence Day to the twelfth of June — the date when General Emilio Aguinaldo announced in Kawit, Kabite, in 1898, that we are a free country, with our own stand, goals, and rights like others another free country," said Arroyo.

According to Arroyo it is not right to celebrate independence on July 4th because the United States celebrates its independence on the same date. To continue celebrating Philippine independence on July 4th "seems that we are still tied to America and continue to rely on his help and defense." 

This is as stupid as if one shared a birthday with a friend and decided to celebrate the day of his conception instead just so he could have his very own special day. It is a straight out denial of history due to an ill-conceived notion of pride. 

Arroyo is wrong because the Philippines continues to depend on the USA for "help and defense." The USA gives the Philippines millions of dollars in aid every single year for projects of every kind. The US military trains with the AFP. The USA and the Philippines have also signed a Mutual Defense Treaty in which the USA will come to the aid of the Philippines if they are attacked. 

It would be interesting to hear what Presidents Roxas, Quirino, Magsaysay, and Garcia have to say about this issue but they are all dead. President Garcia is the only one who survived after Macapgal changed the date of independence but his thoughts on the issue are either not recorded or are not readily available. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Insurgency: NTF-ELCAC Seeks P10 Million For Each Barangay

The AFP says 21 towns in the Eastern Visayas have been declared rebel free. These towns are concentrated on Samar island.

A total of 21 towns in Eastern Visayas have been declared completely free from threats from the New People’s Army (NPA) and have attained Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) status, the Philippine Army reported on Wednesday. 

The municipalities conferred the SIPS status from January to June this year included Pagsanghan, Tarangnan, San Sebastian, Sta. Margarita, and Sto. NiƱo in Samar province; Allen, San Jose, Rosario, Capul, and Biri in Northern Samar; Bontoc and Macrohon in Southern Leyte; Palompon, Isabel, Matag-ob, Merida, and Hilongos in Leyte; and Giporlos, Mercedes, San Julian, and Taft in Eastern Samar

The Philippine Army’s 8th Infantry Division said in a statement Wednesday that these municipalities earned SIPS status due to the successful conduct of local peace engagement down to the community level and the effective multi-sectoral commitment to peace and security. 

Brig. Gen. Lenart Lelina, commander of the 801st Infantry Brigade, said that a municipality is recognized with SIPS status only when no single resident is a member of the communist terrorist group. 

"Municipalities and provinces free from insurgency are declared to have stable internal peace and security. Hopefully, the entire province of Eastern Samar will achieve this status when all its municipalities are declared insurgency-free," Lelina said. 

In the SIPS declaration in Leyte province on Monday, 802nd Infantry Brigade commander Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir emphasized that the declaration of SIPS status represents a victory of freedom from the deceptive ideas of the New People's Army (NPA). 

“The SIPS declaration is a testament to collective efforts and commitment to peace, unity, and progress of stakeholders. It highlights the importance of embracing peace and working together to achieve reconciliation and sustained development,” Vestuir said. 

Alongside every SIPS declaration is the ceremonial signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) among the municipal task force to end local communist armed conflict and other peace partners. 

This MOU aims to strengthen the support of local governments in maintaining peace and order, conducting activities to enhance law enforcement operations, and preventing the resurgence of the NPA. 

Major Gen. Camilo Ligayo, commander of the 8th Infantry Division of the Philippine Army, reiterated his call to the people of Eastern Visayas that maintaining a stable peace and security environment cannot be achieved without community support. 

"We aim to eradicate the decades-long insurgency problem in the region completely. Therefore, I urge the remaining NPA members to surrender to the government and take advantage of its programs to start a new life. The government is very willing to help you all," Ligayo added. 

The military said several areas in the region have long been peaceful; hence, the declaration of the SIPS condition is just a formal and official manifestation of the commitment of local leaders and people to sustain the peace and never allow any threat groups to gain a foothold in their communities. 

While the areas which have been declared insrugency-free are in Samar and Eastern Samar, Northern Samar remains an insurgency hot bed.

A member of the New People's Army (NPA) was killed in a clash with government forces on the outskirts of Hitapi-an village in Catubig, Northern Samar, late Sunday.

The slain rebel,  one of the five rebels engaged in a 15-minute firefight, was left by his comrades while fleeing from soldiers, the Philippine Army said in its report sent to the media on Monday.

The rebels belonged to the NPA's sub-regional guerilla unit of the front committee-15 operating in the province.

The unit is known for its involvement in intimidating, making grave threats, and extorting from the local populace and small businesses in Northern Samar communities.

This group was also responsible for the June 1, 2024 incident in Manering village, also in Catubig, where they tried to harass the Army's mobile community support and sustainment team, said Lt. Col. Richard Villaflor, Philippine Army's 20th Infantry Battalion commander.

He said soldiers seized two M16 rifles and an R4 rifle after the clash.

The clash occurred just days after the military deployed a team in the area, responding to reports from villagers regarding extortion of essential supplies from residents and farmers.

The military has coordinated with the barangay task force to end the local communist armed conflict and the municipality of Catubig to identify the dead rebels and facilitate a decent burial.

"In light of yet another unfortunate incident where another NPA member has lost his life, we extend a heartfelt plea to all remaining members of the communist terrorist group to surrender peacefully and return to your families. The government awaits you with open arms, ready to support your fresh start through the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program," Villaflor said in a statement.

 In 2023 the governor of Northern Samar claimed guerrilla front committee 15 had been dismantled.

Northern Samar Gov. Edwin Ongchuan announced the dismantling of the last two active guerilla fronts in the province.

“The CTG Front Committees 1 and 15 are now down to 36 remaining personalities and 64 firearms. This is a testament to the Nortehanons’ determination in achieving peace,” Ongchuan said as he reported the gains made by the province during the Joint Regional Task Force (JRTF) ELCAC-8 held here recently.

However even in this announcement it is evident that Committee 15 had not been dismantled as there were still active members. 

In January 2024 the AFP also announced that Committee 15 had been dismantled.

In January, the Joint Task Force Storm formally declared the four remaining Guerilla Fronts (GF) in Eastern Visayas as dismantled.

They are the Front Committee 2, Sub-Regional Committee (SRC) Emporium; Front Committee 1, SRC Emporium; Front Committee 15, SRC Arctic, and Front Committee 3, SRC Arctic.

The Army attributed the dismantling of the four GFs and the two NPA units to the implementation of programs and projects under the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC).

Why announce the dismantling of guerrilla fronts when there are still active NPA rebels? Why announce regions as rebel-free when they are not rebel-free? Money.

The anticommunist task force called for the increase of up to P10 million the allocation for every village under its Support to Barangay Development Program (SBDP).

“Hopefully, for every village, our proposal is P10 million,” said Rene Valera, project management office assistant director from the Department of Interior and Local Government’s (DILG) Office of Project Development Services.

DILG is part of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-Elcac).

Valera said they already complied with the Department of Budget and Management’s deadline for the National Expenditure Program for 2025.

Under the proposed 2025 SBDP budget, the NTF-Elcac has listed 870 barangays for P10 million each worth of farm-to-market roads, school buildings, water and sanitation systems, health stations, rural electrification, and other relevant non-infra projects.

To date, the government has already released a total of P28.39 billion for its SBDP.

For 2021, each village under SBDP received P20 million.

It was slashed to P4 million in 2022 and was even reduced to P2.5 million for each village in 2023 and 2024.

Villages declared rebel-free are entered into the Baragay Development Program and given millions of pesos. These declarations are very lucrative. 43 villages on Negros Island have been declared insurgency-free and are seeking development funds.

The Negros Occidental Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (PTF-ELCAC) is pushing for development funds for the additional insurgency-cleared villages in 18 local government units (LGUs) in the province next year.

As of Friday, 43 more barangays are considered free from the influence of the Communist Party of the Philippines-New People’s Army (CPP-NPA), whose five guerrilla fronts in Negros Island have already been dismantled since last year.

Under the Support to the Barangay Development Program (SBDP) of the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), each village is proposed to receive PHP10 million for infrastructure projects for inclusion in the 2025 National Expenditure Program, which shall serve as the basis of the General Appropriations Act.

“The consolidated priority projects proposed by the 43 beneficiary barangays were submitted to the DILG Region 6, which they have endorsed to the National Secretariat of the National TF-ELCAC,” the DILG-Negros Occidental said in a report during the PTF-ELCAC first semester meeting on Thursday.

There are 66 total proposed projects, including 41 farm-to-market roads, 18 electrification projects, four health centers, and three school buildings.

The SBDP is a hallmark program of NTF-ELCAC with the end goal of bringing development to former conflict-prone communities.

Amazing that the Philippines needs so much development. This should be a regular process and not part of an anti-insurgency campaign. 

More NPA leaders have been killed in battle. First 3 leaders in Nueva Ecija.

Three New People’s Army leaders were among the 10 fatalities in an encounter with soldiers in Barangay Malbang, Pantabangan, Nueva Ecija on Wednesday, June 26.

Three more NPA casualties, all females, and four firearms were recovered by soldiers from the 84th Infantry Battalion during a clearing operation at 11 a.m. on Thursday, June 27.

A total of 15 firearms, subversive documents, and personal belongings were found in the encounter site. 

Casualties were from the Komiteng Rehiyong Gitnang Luzon (KRGL). Seven of them have been identified.

Major Dondon D. Canilang, 703rd Infantry Brigade civil-military operations chief, identified the three NPA leaders as Hilario Guiuo, alias Berting acting Secretary, KRGL, and commander, Regional Operational Command; Harold Sarenas MeƱosa, alias Luzon, commander, platoon Silangan Gitnang Luzon, and Pepito Trinidad Bautista, alias Dylan, team leader, Squad Tersera, platoon Silangan Gitnang Luzon. 

The four other slain NPA rebels were Reynan Mendoza, alias Mel; Archie Anceta, alias Joel; Andrie dela Cruz, alias Lay, Rowen, and Lunti, political instructor, platoon Silangan Gitnang Luzon, and Azase Galang, alias Cha.

Canilang said they are in the process of identifying the three remaining casualties – three females who were found a few meters away from their exit route. Soldiers believe they were abandoned by their comrades when they withdrew.

 Brig. Gen. Jorwin Joseph D. Pasamonte, 703rd Infantry Brigade chief, commended the 84th IB for their achievement and  their commitment to preserve the peace and security in the area.

Another high-ranking NPA leader decided to surrender.

The 4th Mechanized Infantry “Kalasag” Battalion of the Philippine Army facilitated the surrender of alias Rex, a high-ranking member of the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG).

Rex is the former Vice Commanding Officer of the Main Area Platoon, Guerrilla Front (GF) 8, Northeastern Mindanao Regional Committee, and Sec Sangay sa Partido sa Lokalidad (SPL) Sandatahang Yunit Pampropaganda Peacock, GF 88, North-Central Mindanao Regional Committee based in Esperanza, Agusan del Sur.

The 42nd Mechanized Infantry Company of the Kalasag Battalion, led by 1st Lieutenant Raymund Macandili, under the leadership of their Battalion Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Dennis Mark Malinit, facilitated the surrender as a result of their intensified intelligence and psychological operations.

Reports have revealed that the former rebel decided to surrender due to the hardships and pressure caused by intensified, focused military operations. These operations neutralized their movements, leading to fears of potential encounters with government forces. Additionally, they lacked resources and financial support from their organizations.

The 42nd Mechanized Infantry Company then coordinated with Tagoloan’s local government unit and the Municipal Police Station (MPS) in the area to surrender and turn over loose firearms to military forces.

Now he will have to apply not only for amnesty but for all the benefits the government is offering to former rebels. What he will not have to do is face any penalty for his crimes against the nation. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

Residential Fires June, 2024

This is a reported list of residential fires in the Philippines for May, 2024. The Bureau of Fire Protection is on record saying the fire codes does not apply to residential areas which is why so many of them go up in flames during a fire. Being made of light materials all it takes is one spark to cause massive devastation.

A fire hit a residential area in Rivera Street, Barangay Rivera, San Juan City on Friday night, May 31.

According to the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the blaze started at 8:02 p.m and has reached the 2nd alarm at 8:26 p.m.

The 3rd alarm was raised at 9:20 p.m as the affected houses were made of light materials.

Firefighters declared fire out at 10:33 p.m.

Arson investigators are still investigating the cause of the fire and amount of damage to property.

A 10-year-old child died in the fire that was reported at 2:21 a.m. was responded by firefighters of the Cebu City Fire Department at and was raised to the first alarm at 2:23 a.m. The fire was declared fire out at 2:39 a.m.

The fire destroyed 3 houses and fire investigators estimated the damage to property at P300,000.

Fire investigators were still investigating the cause of the fire.

Two persons were injured when a fire razed a house in Barangay Hagonoy, Taguig on June 5. 

According to the Taguig City Fire Station, the fire started at about 7:20 p.m. at No. 139 M.L. Quezon St. in the barangay. 

Firefighters raised the first alarm at 7:07 p.m. before it was put under control at 7:35 p.m. and put out at 7:44 p.m.

The fire station reported that the fire damaged P150,000 worth of properties, destroyed two houses and affected 11 families or 45 individuals. 

It said the fire started on the second floor of the house. The cause of the blaze is under investigation. 

A total of 12 fire trucks, a collapsed structure search and rescue truck, 31 local government unit and fire volunteers, and four ambulances responded to the incident.

A fire displaced 12 families or 42 individuals in Purok Santol, Barangay Mandalagan here on Wednesday, June 5.

Chief Insp. Stephen Jardeleza, city fire marshal, said the blaze broke out around 1:30 p.m. from the kitchen of Jasmin NuƱez’s two-story house.

The fire destroyed two houses and partially damaged one, Jardeleza said, adding that the houses were mostly built of light materials.

Based on their initial investigation, Jardeleza said the fire patterns suggested that the blaze was caused by a butane canister.

Rescuers assisted a woman after she felt unwell from nervousness and smoke inhalation.

Fire out was declared at 2:46 p.m.

Damage to property was placed at P630,000.

The city government has extended assistance to  affected households such as hygiene kits, food packs, sleeping kits, and hot meals.

Nineteen families or 70 persons were rendered homeless in a fire in Barangay 9 here on Saturday, June 8.

Eighteen houses were destroyed in the blaze that started at 6 p.m.

Responding fire brigades put the fire under control at 7:52 p.m.

Damage to property was estimated at P900,000.

Cause of the fire yet to be determined, arson investigator Senior Fire Office 3 Ferdinand V. Gapit said.

No casualties or injuries were reported in the fire.

A 63-year-old woman and a firefighter volunteer were hurt, while around 15 families lost their homes in a fire that gutted a residential area on Elias Street in Sta. Cruz, Manila on Sunday morning, June 9. 

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) said that the old woman sustained a wound on her lower extremity, while the 19-year-old firefighter sustained minor second degree burns on his left upper extremity.

The BFP said that the fire started on the second floor of a two-story house that was made of light materials at around 8:43 a.m. 

The fire was immediately raised to the first alarm at 8:46 a.m. and escalated to the second alarm at 8:53 a.m. 

Firefighters were able to put the fire under control at 9:29 a.m. and extinguished it at 10:01 a.m.

Arson investigators said at least P70,000 worth of property was damaged.

The affected families are currently staying at the barangay hall of Barangay 351. 

Some of them took to social media their request for donations of old clothes, school supplies, and other basic necessities.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

Three persons were injured after a fire hit a residential area at J.P. Rizal Avenue corner Zapote Street, Barangay Olympia in Makati City on Monday afternoon, June 10, the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) reported.

According to firefighters, the blaze started at 1:35 p.m. and reached the 2nd alarm at 1:40 p.m.

Firefighters declared fire out at 3:52 p.m.

The BFP said three individuals, two fire volunteers and a Poblacion Fire Station civilian employee, suffered burns and abrasions while responding to the inferno. They are all in stable condition.

Arson investigators are still determining the cause of the fire and amount of damage to property.

Nine houses were destroyed in a fire that hit a residential area in Purok Malinong, Barangay Tangub here on Sunday night, June 9.

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)-Bacolod said the blaze broke out from the house of Larry Lorimas adjacent to a mall at around 8:15 p.m.

Seven houses were destroyed and two others were partially damaged. These were made of light materials.

Arson investigators said the fire was initially caused by an unattended open flame from a firewood.

Fire out was declared at 8:43 p.m. No injuries were reported. 

Damage to property was estimated at P100,000.

A fire broke out in a residential area on the boundary of Barangay La Huerta and Barangay San Dionisio in Paranaque City on Sunday, escalating to a second alarm. 

According to Fire Inspector Mark Tutu, head of operations at the Paranaque Bureau of Fire (BFP), the fire quickly spread due to the proximity of houses, despite most being constructed from concrete materials. The fire engulfed approximately six houses, displacing around 12 families. 

No injuries or fatalities were reported. 

"We had a fire at the boundary of Brgy. La Huerta, besides San Diego, the houses are close together, but the constructions of the houses are also made of stone," shared Tutu.

The fire was contained and declared extinguished around 2:14 in the afternoon. 

Mohammad Endol, a purok leader among the affected residents, recounted the incident and noted that the fire ignited shortly before noon, leaving him unable to save any belongings. 

"I don't know what I can carry because of my thoughts," Endol lamented.

Tutu disclosed that the fire allegedly started on the second floor of one of the houses, although investigations into its cause are ongoing.

Aselita Sipagan, the sister of the homeowner, stated that the fire started on the second floor of their house. She had gone out to buy something from a nearby store and returned to find the second floor engulfed in flames. The blaze also affected their manpower agency located on the ground floor. 

(When I came back, I couldn't enter the house because thick smoke was coming from upstairs.) 

Their belongings, including laptops and computers, were completely destroyed. 

No one was on the second floor. However, Aselita's sibling did not immediately manage to escape and sustained minor injuries from the fire and is currently recovering in the hospital. 

(My sibling was outside but didn't want to leave. It seemed they were suffocating as the smoke quickly spread downstairs.) 

The barbershop owned by Rolly Quiel, who had been in business for 26 years, was also consumed by the fire, along with his residence on the second floor. 

(My children called to tell me there was a fire, and by the time I got home, everything was gone. It all started from the neighbor's air conditioner, which overheated.)

He expressed disbelief over the incident but acknowledged there was nothing more he could do. 

According to barangay officials, ten houses were affected, displacing 10 families or 41 individuals. 

(We will temporarily house them in our evacuation center. They will be provided with clothes, food, and other necessities with the help of the city government.) 

No fatalities were reported, but one person sustained injuries according to the BFP. 

The BFP is still conducting an investigation to determine the cause of the fire.

A fire of still unknown origin razed 30 houses on Sunday, June 16, in Calamba City in Laguna province.

The Region 4A police, citing information from Calamba City police, said in a report on Monday that the blaze erupted at 2:57 p.m. in the residential area in Barangay Lingga.

The fire was raised to 3rd alarm and put off around 5:30 p.m. The incident left 35 families homeless.

There were no reported casualties or serious injuries.

Firefighters were still investigating the incident to determine the cause of the blaze. Authorities have yet to ascertain the damage to the property.

The affected families stay at the nearby chapel and unaffected houses in the neighborhood. Local social welfare workers were taking care of the victims.

Village officials are asking for donations to help the fire victims.

Three fire responders were injured while 60 families were displaced by a fire that gutted at least 20 houses along Coral Street, Barangay 58, Tondo, Manila on Sunday night, June 16.

Medical staff said the injured victims sustained minor burns on their arms.

According to the Bureau of Fire Protection, the fire was raised to the first alarm at 10:27 p.m. and was immediately elevated to the second alarm at 10:31 p.m.

Most of the houses were made of light materials, authorities said.

The firetrucks and firemen struggled to enter the narrow alleyway. It took them two hours before the fire was put under control at 12:43 a.m. on Monday, June 17, and another hour before it was extinguished at 1:52 a.m.

Witnesses said the fire allegedly started from the third floor of a house near the barangay's basketball court.

The BFP estimated some P1.6 million worth of damage caused by the fire.

It said the origin of the blaze is still unknown.

Meanwhile, some of the affected families temporarily took shelter at the basketball court and barangay hall.

Members of the Manila Department of Social Welfare (MDSW) arrived at around 7 a.m. to distribute hot meals and modular tents to the fire victims.

The local government said the victims will be given cash assistance.

Eighty-four families were displaced by a fire in two barangays in this city on Monday, June 17.

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)-Iloilo City reported no fatalities but six residents were injured while they were trying to escape the fire.

The Iloilo City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office reported that 39 houses were totally damaged and 12 others were partially damaged in the fire in Barangay Tanza Bonifacio and Barangay Rizal Estanzuela.

Thirty-two houses were damaged and 60 families were displaced in Barangay Tanza Bonifacio.

The Iloilo City DRRMO said displaced residents are staying at the Rizal Elementary School and Rizal Estanzuela Hall.

The Iloilo City Social Welfare Office is still gathering data on the actual number of displaced persons.

Barangay officials have sought donations such as food, drinking water, and anti-tetanus vaccines for affected residents.

There was a fire in 27 houses in Barangay 234 in Tondo in Manila, at 9:26, Sunday night.

According to F/Insp Ronald Lim Ronald Lim, Bureau of Fire Protection Manila Station 1 commander, the fire was immediately raised to the second alarm because the fire grew quickly because the houses are made of light materials.

"In the investigation, [the origin of the fire] was still in the middle, so it came out in Antonio Rivera, then [the fire] also came out in Abad Santos." Lim said.

"If you can see entering Antonio Rivera, it's a big road. The only problem is in Villaroel, near Abad Santos. Because there's only an alley there, it's difficult for us because the alley is small." he added

The fire was extinguished around 1:30 in the morning.

"The water line was put in, but 10 lines were laid per company. So many were lowered, so the fire was controlled so that it didn't grow any further." Lim said.

No one was reported injured or killed in the fire, but some residents have problems with where to live. 

They didn't save any things either.

"There was nothing left of us, everything was burned, we didn't even save a single piece of clothing. I'm just thankful that all my grandchildren were saved. It doesn't matter that we are a family of four in one house, each with their own room." said Rebecca Esteban, one of the burned residents.

"Because we are asking for a little sleep because we were burned, for my grandchildren and my children. Now we have nowhere to live nor do we know where we will sleep now." he added.

This is also how Fortune Esteban called, who also consumed all the equipment in the fire.

"For those of you with a good will, I hope you can help my neighbors, thank you very much" he said.

The BFP will continue to investigate the origin of the fire and the total cost of its damage.

Thirty-four families were displaced by a fire in Purok Magtiayon, Barangay 10, this city, before midnight on Tuesday, June 25.

Fire Supt. Jenny Mae Masip, city fire marshal, said that 29 houses were razed by the fire and affected more than 100 individuals based on the data from the barangay as of Wednesday morning, June 26.

Masip said the fire broke out around 11:55 p.m. and destroyed 16 houses and partially damaged 13 others.

She said that based on their initial investigation, the blaze, which originated from the house of Ramona Anoche, was electrical in nature after they discovered some faulty electrical wires suspected to be from the service entrance of her house. Masip, however, said that this is subject to further investigation.

Masip said that Anoche was not at home when the fire happened and she was just informed by her neighbor.

The fire reached third alarm 20 minutes later due to the affected area which was about 600-square meters. But Masip noted that they were able to immediately control the blaze.

Damage to property was pegged at P210,000 since most of the houses were made of light materials.

Fire out was declared at 12:57 a.m. No injuries were reported.

Eleven houses were destroyed in a fire in Purok Roadside, Barangay Tangub here on Wednesday, June 26.

Fire Supt. Jenny Mae Masip, city fire marshal, said that six houses were destroyed and five were partially damaged.

The Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP)-Bacolod said that 11 families were affected by the blaze that broke out at 3:07 p.m.

Masip said the blaze originated from the bedroom of the house owned by Silfa Nolasco and spread to neighboring houses made of mixed concrete and light materials.

She said the fire was electrical in nature as they recovered broken electrical wires in the area.

Damage to property was placed at P600,000.

Fire out was declared at 3:45 p.m. No injuries were reported.

A fire that hit a residential area in Purok 4 Upper, Barangay Kamputhaw, Cebu City, on Wednesday morning, June 26, resulted in the loss of P264,000 worth of properties, affecting a total of five households.

A report from the Cebu City Fire Station (CCFS) disclosed that the fire started at around 9:28 a.m. on Wednesday.

According to the report, the fire originated from the house owned by a resident named Apolonia Heredia.

However, the occupants of the house at the time were reportedly Lemer Vismanos, Raquel MiƱoza, and other family members.

The fire was raised to the first alarm upon the arrival of firefighters at 9:30 a.m. and was brought under control less than 30 minutes later, at 9:56 a.m.

At 10:08 a.m., firefighters officially declared the fire out.

The damage caused by the fire was estimated to be around P264,000. Among the five houses affected, three were partially burned while two were razed to the ground.

Five families, comprising 18 individuals, were affected by the fire, according to the report.

Two houses were damaged by a fire on Meralco Road, Purok 2, Barangay Sucat in Muntinlupa on June 26. 

According to the Muntinlupa City Fire Station, the fire started at 6:21 p.m. from the kitchen of a house in the barangay. 

The first alarm was raised at 6:26 p.m. before the blaze was put under control at 6:39 p.m. and put out at 6:43 p.m. 

Two families with seven members were affected by the fire, which damaged P360,000 worth of properties. The cause of the fire is under investigation. 

A total of 13 fire trucks and three ambulances responded to the incident.

AROUND P2.1 million worth of properties were damaged when a fire hit at least 27 houses in Sitio Sayco, Barangay Basak San Nicolas, Cebu City around 5 p.m. Thursday, June 27, 2024.

The fire reportedly started at the house owned by Edwin Tamara.

Of the house burned, 21 were destroyed, while six were damaged.

One person, identified as Michael Corpuz, 44, was injured. He sustained second degree burns in his arms.

Firefighters hoisted the first alarm at 5:19 p.m., and then raised it to second alarm at 5:30 p.m. The blaze was placed under control at 5:58 p.m. and fire out was declared at 6:26 p.m.

Firefighters from the south and central units quickly responded to the scene.

“Dali ra kaayo uy! Wa abtig 5 minutes tingali,” said Dodong, an owner of a chicken farm near the incident.

“Nidagan dayun sya diri. Nya nibali man ang hangin, nibalik siyag lahos ngadto,” he added, referring to the rapid spread of the fire and noting its change in direction caused by the wind.

Authorities said around 40 families or 108 individuals were displaced by the fire.

Investigation is ongoing as to what caused the blaze.

Ten houses were damaged in a fire on Sunday afternoon, June 30, in Barangay Maria Cristina in Jaro District.

The Iloilo City Social Welfare and Development Office said that nine out of 10 houses were totally damaged. Forty-nine residents were affected.

The Disaster Response Division of the Iloilo CSWDO will deliver food and non-food items to displaced residents staying in two evacuation sites.

The Bureau of Fire Protection-Iloilo City has yet to release a detailed report on the incident.

A fireman was electrocuted by a live wire and sustained minor injuries.

That is 20 reported incidents for June. Remember, these are only the major fires reported in the national media. Residential fires are up all across the nation and they do not all make the news. This is the tip of the iceberg concerning the real situation in the Philippines.