Thursday, August 29, 2024

Coronavirus Lockdown: Maturing COVID Loans, Be Inspired By Heroes, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government. 

Maturing loans taken out during the pandemic are coming back to bite in a big way. And it turns out some of those loans were not explicitly for COVID expenses. 

COVID drove the Philippine economy to a standstill in 2020, killing hundreds of people and opening the doors to government borrowings that reached billions of pesos and are maturing soon to add to the country’s record-breaking debt burden.

This eventually brought the government’s outstanding debt to a record-high of P12.79 trillion in mid-2022, the end of the presidency of Rodrigo Duterte and the start of Ferdinand Marcos Jr.’s.

But even with the end of the pandemic, the country’s obligations keep on swelling, with the outlook set at P16.06 trillion in 2024 and P17.35 trillion in 2025 since most of the COVID-19 loans are still being settled.

The Department of Budget and Management (DBM) explained that the government relied on borrowings when COVID-19 hit. The debt level, however, is expected to go down once it reaches its peak.

But while the government somehow pointed out that it can settle its obligations, especially with the economy “growing even stronger,” Filipinos still ask: Where did all the resources go?

As of May 2022, the Department of Finance (DOF) said that a fiscal consolidation and resource mobilization plan is required to reverse in 10 years the P3.2 trillion debt that was incurred because of the pandemic.

But based on its own data in the first month of 2022, the DOF said that $25.8 billion, or P1.46 trillion, was “secured” for COVID-19 response, including the grant and loan financing that was received for some COVID-19 programs.

But as pointed out by the think tank Ibon Foundation, the $25.74 billion, or P1.46 trillion, which the government said was borrowed to address the COVID-19 crisis, was not entirely spent for pandemic response:

  • 23 percent, or $5.64 billion: “Explicitly for COVID-19 response”
  • 26 percent, or $13.28 billion: “Not necessarily for COVID-19 response”
  • 26 percent, or $6.82 billion: “Self-evidently not for COVID-19 response even if reported as such”

Sonny Africa, an economist and executive director of Ibon Foundation, told that the government “borrowing[s] was not primarily for COVID-19 response.”

“It would be more accurate to say that the government incurred so much debt […] to make up for the revenue contraction due to the protracted lockdowns and to be able to continue payments in infrastructure and for debt service,” he said.

The problem, however, is not only whether the loans were spent on COVID-19 response because, as pointed out in a report published by the United Nations, the lack of transparency was seriously concerning, too.

The report “COVID-19, Lies and Statistics: Corruption and the Pandemic,” first published on the Science and Development Network, stated that “from Brazil to the Philippines,” the crisis was responded to by “secretive governments.”

“Clandestine contracts for medical goods and services have become the norm in many countries,” it said while stressing the “lack of transparency,” especially in procurements.

Since 2021, the Philippine Senate has called on the government to provide a complete accounting of the billions worth of resources for the procurement of COVID-19 vaccines.

Lack of transparency is only half the problem. The other half is President Duterte shut down the economy for no good reason and the Philippines will be paying the price for years to come. 

Tourism is increasing but international arrivals have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels.

International tourist arrivals in the Philippines have yet to reach pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels, but visitor receipts show a 116 percent recovery, according to the Department of Tourism.

During Tuesday’s deliberations of the House Committee on Appropriations on the proposed 2025 budget for the DOT, Tourism Secretary Christina Frasco said over 5.45 million foreign tourists visited the country in 2023. 

The agency is targeting at least 7.7 million international tourist arrivals this year, just half a million shy of the country’s pre-pandemic record high of 8.3 million in 2019.

But the DOT said that other metrics of tourism performance have exceeded pre-pandemic levels by a lot. Visitor receipts, for instance, more than doubled compared to 2019, while total employment in tourism industries are up 88% last year compared to four years ago.

“Since the onset of the pandemic, global world tourism bodies and nations have expanded their view of measuring tourism performance to include most importantly visitor receipts. The money that goes into the coffers of the nation, and the pockets of our local stakeholders, because this is what keeps the economy running,” Frasco told lawmakers.

“In that regard, I am pleased to announce that we have accomplished an over 116 percent recovery of our visitor receipts, as well as have ranked number 1 in southeast Asia as far as our domestic tourism performance… contributing the highest in terms of GDP contributions among all ASEAN nations,” she added.

“As far as tourism employment is concerned, we have since employed 6.21 million Filipinos and the latest number as of April this year is pegged at over 16 million Filipinos. If we are to judge tourism industry performance by the new metrics that’s being used by the Philippine Statistics Authority, as far as tourism employment is concerned, we have also more than recovered our numbers,” the DOT Chief added.

“Not only must we look at quantity, but quality and to ensure the sustainable development of our tourism destinations. We continue to chase after the numbers nonetheless,” Frasco noted.

The proposed 2025 budget for the DOT and its attached agencies under the National Expenditure Program is at P3.39 billion, lower by 2.8 percent than its current budget of P3.49 billion, and less than the pre-pandemic budget of around P4 billion.

Several lawmakers have expressed support to augment DOT’s budget next year, citing the sector’s contribution to the country’s economy.

“Restore the budget of DOT to pre-pandemic levels, at the very least P4 billion,” Lanao del Norte 1st District Representative Mohamad Khalid Dimaporo urged his colleagues.

But since metrics are changing tourism has seen a 116% recovery. How about that? 

According to studies, since the pandemic Filipinos have been focused on home improvements.

A MANUFACTURER of artisanal home appliance solutions is banking on the continued healthy spending of Filipino consumers on home improvements to grow its business. 

Yven Gerard Almalel, brand manager at Concepcion Midea Inc. Philippines (CIMP), said that even after the Covid-19 pandemic, Filipinos continue to invest in appliances, driven by increased purchasing power and their inherent love for cooking and hosting large gatherings. 

“There have been studies that since the pandemic, consumers have focused on home improvements, making this a great opportunity for introducing advanced kitchen appliances like the gas range,” he said. 

CIMP is the distributor of Toshiba Lifestyle products.

During the lockdowns, many people turned to home renovations, while others took up new skills like cooking to stay occupied and productive.

Funny how the lockdowns simultaneously made everyone poorer and caused them to spend more money on home improvements. 

The Vice Governor of Abra has been suspended for locking down the hospital at the height of the pandemic.

Malacanang confirmed on Saturday (Aug 24) that it has ordered the suspension of Abra Vice Governor Maria Jocelyn Valera-Bernos for locking down a hospital during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, when she served as the province’s governor.

Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin confirmed the suspension to reporters.

When asked if the order was confirmed, Bersamin simply replied, “Yes.”

In a statement issued on August 22, Valera-Bernos condemned the 18-month suspension imposed by the Office of the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs under the Office of the President.

“I was the governor of the province at that time when Seares Hospital filed a complaint at the Office of the Ombudsman against me and other provincial officials for a decision I made for the sole purpose of ensuring the safety of all Abrenos from the threats of Covid-19,” she said in the statement.

“It was never aimed to target any specific hospital, but a necessary and immediate action to mitigate the probable spread of the virus when, at that time, no known control and vaccine were available,” she added.

She pointed out that the Office of the Ombudsman already dismissed the complaint against her.

“On May 4, 2022, the Office of the Ombudsman dismissed the complaint and ruled that my actions were done in good faith and within the bounds of my duty as a public servant during a state of calamity,” Valera-Bernos said.

The official also called the order a “politically-motivated character and reputation attacks.”

Of course she says it was necessary. Everything was necessary in 2020. Right? 

On National Heroes Day young Filipinos are being told to be inspired by healthcare workers who braved the COVID-19 pandemic.

Believing that today’s youths are still the “hope and promise of the nation,” acting Cebu City Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia has encouraged the youths to draw inspiration from the country’s pool of national heroes.

“In our numerous heroes, you will find on display wonderful qualities such as bravery, selflessness, patriotism, nationalism and deep love for country. Truly, they are role models worth imitating, and their examples followed,” Garcia said as the country marked the National Heroes Day yesterday.

He also reminded the youth that they need not dive deep into the history books to find heroes saying that one can easily find them today as some are also living among the people.

Among them are the medical frontliners who bravely fought the unseen enemy at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Garcia honored the medical frontliners whom he said sacrificed their own safety to help combat the virus.

“Who risk their own health and safety to take care the rest of us, especially those who were at the forefront in the battle against COVID-19,” he said.

Garcia also took note of the teachers who sacrifice much of their time and efforts to mold the nation’s youth.

“We must also not forget our dear OFWs, who must bear the difficulties of living in another land and far away from their homes just so they can provide for their families and also contribute to our nation’s economy,” he said.

Will these brave fighters be remembered decades from now?

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #22: Abraham Farissol Locates the Lost Tribes of Israel in the Philippines

Welcome back to 100 Lies the God Culture Teaches About the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Tim's claims about Abraham Farissol. Abraham Farissol was a Jew who lived during the Renaissance and wrote a book called Iggeret Orhot Olam in which he discusses the location of the Lost tribes of Israel. Tim claims he placed them in the Philippines but as we shall see that is not only a lie but Tim has never even read what Farissol wrote!

In one of his videos Tim says the following:

Clue#25: Philippines is Ophir: Magellan, Pinto, Barbosa, King of Spain, Cabot KNEW - Ophir, Tarshish
2:00 First to follow up on Columbus from our last video. We said Columbus in his margin notes and journal had initially found in his research the location of Ophir, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden, and some of the lost tribes of Israel all in the Philippines in fact. He was not the only one however in his era. 
Now, this original writing is lost to history but preserved in an 1846 book by Rev. Thomas Stackhouse.  Stackhouse records that Italian-Jewish scholar and contemporary to Columbus, Farrisol, reached the very same conclusion regarding the lost tribes. He says the lost tribes of Israel are in, for one,...THE PHILIPPINES!  Huh? Ever hear that one in your history class? Yeah. Us either. 
Gee, these Italian-Jews were searching hard for the lost tribes in the Philippines.

This same claim is also in Tim's book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pg 128

Take note that Tim is not citing Abraham Farissol but a Reverend Tomas Stackhouse. Stackhouse does not even cite Farissol but gives a summation of what he claims Farissol wrote:

Another Jewish author, in his description of the world, has found out very commodious habitations for the ten tribes, and in many places has given them a glorious establishment. In a country which he calls Perricha, inclosed by unknown mountains, and bounded by Assyria, he has settled some, and made them a flourishing and populous kingdom. Others he places in the desert of Chabor, which, according to him, lies upon the Indian sea, where they live, in the manner of the ancient Rechabites, without houses, sowing, or the use of wine. Nay, he enters the Indies likewise, and peoples the banks of the Ganges, the isles of Bengala, the Philippines, and several other places, with the Jews, to whom he assigns a powerful king, called Daniel, who had three other kings tributary, and dependent on him. But this is all of the same piece, a forged account to aggrandize the nation, and to make it be believed, that the sceptre is not departed from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, and that Shiloh consequently is not yet come.

Does Farissol locate the Desert of Chabor on the Indian Sea? No he does not. He says it is in Asia Major. This is all laid out in chapter 14 of Farissol's book Iggeret Orhot Olam of which I have found an English translation. It was published in 3 parts over the course of 3 issues of The Occident and Jewish American Advocate in 1849.

In this chapter Farissol relates the visit of a member of the lost tribes to Rome. He came to Rome from the Desert of Chabor by way of Arabia Felix, which is Yemen, Egypt, and then Israel. He locates two of the tribes in this desert and the other ten near Mecca and Jeddah. That is nowhere near the Philippines. The magazine has extensive footnotes which are worth reading. Here is part of the chapter.

This was in the two hundred and eighty-third year of the sixth millennium, when we received, through a Venetian vessel a communication from the Land of Beauty, written in the Hebrew language, informing us that a certain Jew, from the tribes of Israel, had arrived there, declaring many novel things concerning them. The details however, were not made public, until, after having crossed the sea in the two hundred and eighty-fourth year of the sixth millennium, he arrived at Venice, and thence proceeded to Rome, where he was favourably received by all those who became acquainted with the object of his journey and the nature of his mission. 

As understood from his own assertions, this Jew was from the company of the two tribes, and he farther said that he was an inhabitant of those deserts, and, like the Rechabites, dwell in tents, and that his station was in the Desert of Chabor, which is in Asia Major. Beneath them were the rest of the ten tribes, near to the deserts adjoining Mecca and Gjudda, which are adjacent to the Red Sea. They have each and all of them their chiefs and princes, and the people are as the sand of the seashore for numbers. They raise spices, pepper in particular, as also medical drugs ; and, indeed, they possess many excellent things, as we shall show hereafter. Living between these two sections of the Jewish people, however, there is a strong and mighty people who are followers of Mahomet. These, with their numerous kings, render a communication among the Jews exceedingly dangerous, and they will not permit one party to approach the other. 

Many years had they been thus widely separated, endeavouring to approach each other, but finding it impossible to do so, when they were apprised of the arrival of some Christian ships of very large and mighty proportions. They also heard, and, indeed, saw, that the Christians had in their hands certain hollow metal instruments of war designed to throw stones by means of fire, and which could destroy any fortress or village. Whereupon, the Jews of Mount Chabor, according to his statement, determined upon sending him to the great king of all the Christians, with the credentials then in  his possession, as before stated, in order to authenticate his assertions. These credentials were confirmed by the king of Portugal who then navigated the regions of the Hodiyim (or Indies), and who knew of the existence of a Jewish community there. He also wrote to the Pope, (whose glory be exalted,) that the above mentioned Jew was worthy of credit, as were also his declarations. But be this Jew what he may, and be his words true or false, it is sufficient for us, in our captivity and in our dispersions (to know), that the existence of the ten tribes was acknowledged by kings, by princes, and by many influential persons in Rome—that Ephraim existed, even then—a numerous people with their rulers; be this Jew, who came to us, who and what he may.

Since the existence of these Israelites and their kings has been thus acknowledged; we may be permitted to state, that this Jew came by the way and in the manner following : From the desert of Chabor he journeyed with a caravan, which is the usual mode of travelling in these places. This was heard from his own lips and so recorded. Passing through Arabia Felix, he arrived at the Red Sea descended into Egypt, thence journeyed to the Holy Land, where he awaited the arrival of a ship from Venice, by which he might proceed to Italy. He reached Rome, and resided there about eight months, until the reply of the king of Portugal had been received,which authenticated his mission.

The Occident and Jewish American Advocate, June 1849, pgs. 129-134

Plotted on a map his journey looks like this: 

Arabia Felix is Yemen and that is where Farissol says he started his voyage to Italy. That means the desert of Chabor covers Yemen. But Farissol also says that Mecca and Jeddah are BENEATH this Jew's location in the deserts near Mecca and Jeddah! Actually his description does not make any sense at all. This Jew lives in the desert of Chabor and the other ten lost tribes live beneath him near Mecca but he starts his journey in Arabia Felix which is South of Mecca! Perhaps Farissol does not know what he is talking about and is making it all up?

Whatever the solution to this geographical conundrum one thing is certain. Timothy Jay Schwab is dead wrong when he says that Farissol locates the lost tribes of Israel in the Philippines. If he was a real researcher he would have read Farissol's own words which relay this fact. But because he is a fraud he has relied on the words of someone else. 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Insurgency: NPA Further Weakens

The AFP has insisted the NPA is leaderless and thus faces a leadership vacuum. But that appears to not be the case. Recently 3 top NPA leaders were killed in a firefight with the AFP.

Three top leaders of the New People’s Army (NPA) in Panay, including the consultant of the National Democratic Front (NDF), were killed during a series of encounters in the mountainous villages of Iloilo.

In a statement Friday, the 3rd Infantry Division Public Affairs Office (3DPAO) identified the slain rebels as Vicente Hinojales, regional secretary of Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay (KR-P) and known by the aliases Arjie, Hadjie, Mandi and LJ; Maria Concepcion Araneta Bocala, 1st deputy secretary, KR-P, also known as Concha; and Vivian Torato Teodosio, secretary of the central front, KR-Panay with aliases Minerva/Mara/Moray.

Bocala, from Barangay Pueblo in Iloilo City’s Manduriao district, had a PHP5.3 million bounty on her head for murder. 

Police arrested her in August 2015 in Molo district. She was released in 2016 to participate in the peace talks in Norway.

“However, when former President Rodrigo Duterte suspended the peace talks in February 2017, Concha jumped bail,” the statement said.

Concha and Teodosio were killed following a 10-minute firefight with troops from the 82nd Infantry Battalion in Barangay Cabatangan, Lambunao on Thursday.

Found in the encounter site were five high-powered firearms, including three M16 Rifles, one M79 grenade launcher, and one Visor, along with one shotgun and various war materiel, personal belongings, and subversive documents.

The clash happened while the troops were scouring the area after they found Hinojales abandoned and already in a state of decomposition at Sitio Igdagmay of the same village around noontime of the same day.

Oh, look. It's more #Dutertelegacy. Remember when he released several high profile rebels so they could be peace talk consultants? Of course the talks broke down and the dangerous criminals President Duterte released did not turn themselves in. The most high profile of those released were the Tiamzons who were ultimately blown to bits by the AFP while they were attempting to get away in a boat. 

With the death of these three is there a leadership vacuum now? The AFP says the death of the NDF consultant proves the duplicity of the CPP.

The Philippine Army (PA) on Monday said the series of clashes in Lambunao, Iloilo last week that led to the deaths of two ranking communist leaders and the recovery of the body of another one showed the duplicity of these individuals masquerading as National Democratic Front (NDF) consultants.

In a statement, PA spokesperson Col. Louie Dema-ala said these neutralized insurgent leaders are not consultants but active participants of "communist terrorism" in the conflict-affected and geographically isolated areas of the country.

Dema-ala added these illegal actions have brought nothing but suffering and fear to the people.

"The 301st Infantry Brigade troopers’ dedication to attain peace and progress in their area of responsibility is truly commendable. The continuous neutralization of CTGs and capture of war materiel, the local government units’ proactive delivery of basic and social services, and the community's participation in tracking these terrorists are testament to the people’s clamor for genuine peace and development in Panay," he added.

The NDF is part of the CPP and thus a group of terrorists? Who knew? 

Two NPA leaders in the Northern Samar have surrendered which has further weakened the insurgency in the Eastern Visayas.

The voluntary surrender of two high-ranking leaders of the New People’s Army will further diminish the communist terrorist group's strength in Eastern Visayas, the Philippine Army said on Wednesday.

The surrender of alias Leo, the former leader of the squad 2, sub-regional guerilla unit, and alias Mael, the former finance officer of dismantled Front Committee 15, both from sub-regional committee Arctic of the NPA’s Eastern Visayas regional party committee, is a significant development towards peace.

The two yielded to soldiers of the Army’s 20th Infantry Battalion in Dapdap village, Las Navas, Northern Samar, on Aug. 17.

On Aug. 16, alias Abner, a former member of Batakang Organisasyon sa Partido and a resident of Silvino Lubos, Northern Samar, withdrew their support from the NPA by showing up at the Army’s 19th Infantry Battalion headquarters in Opong village, Catubig, Northern Samar.

Lt. Col. Richard Villaflor, commander of the Army’s 20th Infantry Battalion, said the surrender of these leaders is attributed to their focused military operations and the local peace engagement operation of the Army’s 803rd Infantry Brigade.

“Due to the continuous implementation of the National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC), actively supported by local government units, stakeholders, and local chief executives in the area, the significant weakening of the NPA and their mass support is evident,” Villaflor stated.

“This demonstrates that the NPA in the region is now leaderless and powerless. They continue to weaken and disintegrate as your Philippine Army persistently pursues them, ensuring that no one is left to bring violence to our communities,” Ligayo stated.

He urged the remaining NPA members, especially those who are still hesitant, to surrender now and lay down their arms. The officials assured them that the government was ready to help them start a new life.

In Eastern Samar one leader and a medic surrendered leaving the local NPA with only 11 members.

A New People’s Army leader and medic surrendered to the military in Barangay Nato, Taft, Eastern Samar this week.

Rolando Romanca, commanding officer of the Apoy Platoon, Sub-Regional Committee Sesame, Eastern Visayas Regional Party Committee, and medic Jovy Mendez yielded to the 52nd Infantry Battalion and 78th IB.  

Their surrender was facilitated by the local government unit-led Localized Peace Engagement  and Friends Rescued Engagement through their Families or the FReE Families program of the 802nd Infantry Brigade. 

Romanca cited the deaths of their leaders Joel Gaurino and Martin Colima in recent encounters as a major factor in their decision to surrender. 

He said that the group's morale had been significantly impacted, leading to a loss of motivation and a desire to return to a normal life. 

Following their surrender, troops, with Romanca's assistance, discovered an arms cache composed of two M16 rifles, 11 magazines, 317 bullets, hand grenades, and subversive documents on Wednesday, August 21. 

Lt. Col. Joseph Bugaoan, 78th IB commander, said that with the surrender of Romanca and Mendez, the Apoy Platoon now only has 11 remaining members.   

Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir, 802nd IBde commander, commended troops for their efforts in connecting with the families of the remaining NPA members.

That is six leaders who have been neutralized this week. 3 surrendered and 3 were killed. Is the AFP sure the NPA is facing a leadership crisis? How many more leaders are out there? 

Operations continue against the NPA. Recently a couple married by the NPA were killed in battle.

Two key remnants of the New People's Army (NPA) in central Negros died in a clash with troops of the Philippine Army’s 94th Infantry Battalion (IB) in Barangay Buenavista, Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental on Thursday.

In a report, the 94IB identified the fatalities as Joan Lacio "Mark" Encarnacion, 31; and Jolina "Chloe" Martinez Sergio, 30, vice commanding officer and political instructor, respectively, of Central Negros 2, Sentro de Grabidad Platoon.

"They are a couple who were married by the rebel movement," Lt. Col. J-Jay Javines, public affairs division chief of 3rd Infantry Division, told the Philippine News Agency on Friday.

The couple, who are residents of Sitio Cantupa, were married in 2017 in Sitio Bunsad, Barangay Buenavista.

They were wanted for attempted murder and homicide, according to the 94IB.

Their group was allegedly extorting from sugarcane farmers, project workers and quarry operators in their area of operation.

The 94IB report said after the troops were informed by residents about the rebels' presence in Sitio Pisok, they conducted a security patrol that resulted in a gunbattle with a group of five NPA rebels at around 8:40 a.m.

Three others fled, leaving behind the bodies of their two comrades along with an M16 rifle and an M14 rifle, both with magazines and assorted rounds of live ammunition.

Following the NPA’s recent defeats in Western Visayas, the Philippine Army (PA) said it would continue to swoop down on remaining insurgents.

"Yes, they are declining. Nonetheless, the PA is committed to sustaining our gains against this terrorist group. There will be no let up on our focused military operations to put into justice the remaining members of the CPP (Communist Party of the Philippines)-NPA,” Army spokesperson Col. Louie Dema-ala said in an interview Friday.

He added the NPA’s force is dwindling “not only in Visayas but also in other regions”.

The article does not say it but vice commanding officer and political instructor are leadership positions which means these two are leaders. That put the count at 8 NPA leaders neutralized this week.

In Butuan City the AFP is pursuing the remaining NPA.

Government troops belonging to the 29th Infantry Battalion (29IB) of the 901st Infantry Brigade (901Bde) are pursuing remnants of the communist New People’s Army (NPA) after an encounter in the hinterlands of Barangay Salvacion, Butuan City on Monday.

In a statement on Wednesday, 901Bde commander, Brig. Gen. Arsenio Sadural, said the encounter took place as soldiers searched the area after learning from civilians about the presence of the rebels.

He said the NPA insurgents belonged to the regional headquarters of the North Eastern Mindanao Regional Committee headed by Myrna Sularte, alias Maria Malaya.

“The 29IB troops engaged the Communist Terrorist Group (CTG) twice – first, at around 10 a.m. and second, at 10:30 a.m. on Monday,” Sadural said.

He said the rebels suffered casualties, as indicated by bloodstains discovered in the encounter site.

The troops also recovered one M16 rifle, some ammunition, and other war paraphernalia abandoned by the fleeing rebels.

“The information provided by the civilians showed their disapproval of the recovery efforts and extortion activities being done by the remaining forces of the CTG in the area,” Sadural said, pledging that the Army would continue to dismantle the weakening structures and formations of the NPA in the area. 

These rebels appear to be the only thing standing in the way of Agusan del Norte from being declared insurgency free.

The government has said it supports all former rebels even those who do not qualify for E-CLIP benefits.

The 28 former rebels (FRs) from Antique  province who returned to the fold of law before the establishment of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) in 2018 are assured of government support as they restart their lives.

Col. Manolito Montiel, Deputy Commander of the 301st Infantry Brigade of the Philippine Army, said during the “Dialogue for Peace” organized by the Provincial Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (PTF-ELCAC) in the Municipality of Barbaza on Wednesday that government agencies and local government units (LGUs) will extend support for their livelihood, medical attention, and other needs.

“We encourage you to create or organize yourselves into groups so that together you could be given support as you return to the mainstream of society,” Montiel said.

The FRs are from the towns of Barbaza with 16, Tibiao with four, Sebaste with six, and Culasi with two.

Antique Peace and Order and Public Safety consultant Margie Gadian said they organized the dialogue to provide a venue for former rebels to raise their concerns about their benefits.

“Rest assured that the government has not forgotten you,” she said in her message.  

The Provincial Social Welfare and Development Office (PSWDO) assisted the group in selecting interim officers as representatives to the Provincial Peace and Order Council of Antique.

They will also receive assistance to individuals in crisis situation (AICS) from the PSWDO and the Department of Social Welfare and Development Office, depending on their needs.

Johnny Arzaga of Barangay Calapadan, who served as the District Instructor Staff of the New People’s Army Northern Antique Front, said he needs to undergo surgery to remove the three bullets from his body that he sustained during an encounter with the government troops in 1987.

During the dialogue, the former rebels received three kilos of rice and hygiene kits as initial assistance from the provincial government.

In the meantime, Antique Police Provincial Office Director Col. Lea Rose Peña urged the FRs to encourage other rebels to surrender to the government and avail of support provided through the ECLIP.

The ECLIP package of assistance includes PHP50,000  livelihood aid and firearms remuneration depending on the type of firearm they surrender.

“Just let us know your needs, and we will do our best to provide solutions,” Peña said.

Isn't there a way for these people to be grandfathered-in? Seems like it would be best to solve this problem through legislature.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Hi, My Name is...51

Both online and in the real world Filipino children are victims of some of the most horrific crimes. Does anyone even really care about them?

Hi, my name is being withheld because I am a 7-year-old girl. After being reported missing my body was found dead and dumped in a secluded spot. The man who left me here raped me and used my clothes to strangle me. Now I am in a mortuary as the cops try to figure out what happened.

A seven-year-old girl, reported missing, was found dead and dumped in a secluded spot in Barangay Conel in General Santos City on Wednesday.

Brig. Gen. Jimili Macaraeg, director of the Police Regional Office-12, said the minor was first reported missing to the General Santos City Police Station 9 last Sunday.

Investigators and intelligence operatives from the General Santos City Police Office said they are certain that the Grade 2 pupil was raped before she was strangled to death using her clothes by her molester.

Personnel of the General Santos CPO and barangay officials found two shirts and two knives in a grassland near where the body of the minor was dumped in Purok 9 in Barangay Conel.

Investigators from the city police and barangay officials in Conel are trying to put closure to what really happened to the victim, who is now in a mortuary.

Hi, my name is Peter. I reported to the police that I found the body of a girl missing her underwear who had been placed in a sack. But the cops reviewed available CCTV footage and saw me holding a sack and walking with the girl just before she died. They surmise I am the one who killed her, placed her in the sack, and then pretended to be a concerned citizen to conceal my crime.

A nine-year-old girl was raped and killed here on Saturday, March 2.

Police arrested a 20-year-old scavenger for allegedly raping Mae, a resident of this town.

Police said the suspect, Peter, from San Pablo City, Laguna, and his minor companion reported to them that they found the body of a girl placed in a sack without her underwear and possibly raped.

Case investigator Police Patrolman Mark Dave Villanueva proceeded to the area to verify the report and discovered the victim.

Lawmen reviewed surveillance footages and saw the suspect holding the sack and the victim walking on Angeles St. 

Police said the victim’s body was put inside the sack by the suspect who pretended to be a concerned citizen to conceal the crime. 

Suspect faces homicide charges.

Hi, our names are CJ and Alex. The body of an 11-year-old girl was found in a forested area with her clothes disturbed. Investigation showed she had been raped and strangled to death. Further investigation lead the cops to us.

Authorities collared two suspects in the rape and killing of an 11-year-old girl in General Trias City on Thursday, June 13.

Cavite Police Provincial Office (PPO) identified the suspects as alias CJ, a construction worker, and alias Alex, a driver.

On June 11, the body of the incoming Grade 6 victim was found in a forested area, with her upper garments raised upwards and her shorts pulled down.

Forensic examination by the Provincial Forensic Unit indicated that the victim had been sexually assaulted and strangled to death.

An investigation by the General Trias Component City Police Station (CCPS) led to the arrest of alias CJ and, later, alias Alex.

Both suspects are now under the custody of General Trias CCPS.

Police Regional Office 4A director Brigadier Gen. Paul Kenneth T. Lucas commended Cavite PPO and General Trias CCPS for their prompt action that led to the arrest.

“This is a standard and outstanding continuing police investigation and operation that resulted in the arrest of the suspects,” Lucas said in a statement.

Hi, my name is being withheld to protect the victim. I abandoned my daughter when she was 3 months old. Her mother and I eventually got back into contact. She let my daughter stay with me and my partner a few times. My daughter is the one who snitched on me to my partner. Also I confessed to her. The PNP arrested me after we exited a motel.

A father has been arrested in Bulacan for "sexually abusing" his own minor daughter.

The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) withheld the name of the arrested person who was apprehended by operatives of the NBI’s Violence Against Women and Children Division (NBI-VAWCD) last April 18 at a motel in Norzagaray, Bulacan where he and his daughter stayed.

“NBI-VAWCD operatives immediately arrested the Subject as they were getting out of the motel,” the bureau said. 

It said the arrested father was charged with violations of Republic Act (RA) 8353, the Anti-Rape Law, and RA 9262, the Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act.

The NBI said it conducted the operation based on the complaint filed by the mother of the victim.  The mother claimed that her husband abandoned her when her daughter was only three months old.

The mother told the NBI that while her husband has been staying with his  live-in partner, she allowed their daughter to stay with him on Oct. 15, 2023 and March 14, 2024.

“Thru the information given by the live-in partner of the Subject, Complainant discovered the sexual relationship of the Victim and Subject and that Subject will be renting an apartment so he could live with the Victim,” the NBI said. 

“The allegations were evidenced by recorded phone calls and admission of Subject to his live-in partner,” it added.

After the complainant sought the help of the bureau, operatives of NBI-VAWCD followed the suspect and his daughter after learning that they will meet in Cubao, Quezon City.

The suspect and his daughter traveled to Norzagaray where they checked into a motel where NBI operatives waited for the opportunity to arrest the man.

Hi, my name is Julius Rodas. After finding the naked remains of an 8-year old girl investigators backtracked through the CCTV footage to see that I was with her before she died. They arrested me and I confessed that I did it after I sniffed some solvent.

The primary suspect in the rape-slay of an 8-year-old girl on May 31 allegedly committed suicide inside the city jail early Sunday, June 4.

Lieutenant Colonel Ruben Ballera Jr., Lucena police chief, said the body of Julius Rodas, 19, was found dead inside the toilet room of the jail facility.

“Based on our initial investigation, the incident happened between 12 to 1 a.m.,” Ballera said in a phone interview.

The police are conducting further investigation.

On May 31, Rodas reported to the village officials that he found the naked remains of a girl lying in the grassy portion of Barangay Gulang-Gulang.

But during the backtracking of all the footage from closed-circuit cameras in the vicinity, the investigators found out that the victim was with Rodas before she was raped and killed.

During the investigation, Rodas allegedly admitted responsibility for the crime and disclosed that he gave P100 to the girl to go with him to the spot where he raped and killed her.

The police identified Rodas as a known rugby user.

The suspect reportedly admitted that he sniffed solvent before he raped his victim and strangled her to death.

Hi, my name is being withheld. I met a 7-year old girl and invited her home after giving her some bread. Then I abused her and warned her not to say anything or an aswang would get her. Then I fell asleep because I was very drunk.

A seven-year-old was raped by a senior citizen at his house in Dipaculao, Aurora.

According to Marisol Abdurahman's report on "Saksi," the suspect and the victim bought bread before going to his home.

The victim said the suspect brought her to his room where she was allegedly raped.

Police said the suspect warned the victim that she'd see an "aswang" if she told anybody what had happened.

The victim went home after the suspect who was drunk at that time fell aslpeep.

The child is undergoing counselling.

The suspect has yet to give any statement.

Hi, my name is Dennis. My live-in-partner reported me after I sexually abused my 12-year old daughter. When the cops came I pulled out a pistol and began firing. They killed me.

A 37-year-old tricycle driver suspected of raping his 12-year-old stepdaughter was shot dead by police after he allegedly resisted arrest here on Friday night, police said on Saturday.

Maj. Catherine dela Rey, Davao City Police Office spokesperson, said the suspect, identified only as a certain Dennis, was declared dead on arrival at Southern Philippines Medical Center (SPMC) due to gunshot wounds after an armed confrontation with lawmen at his house in Barangay 76-A.

Investigation revealed that members of the San Pedro Police Station went to the suspect’s house at around 8:30 p.m. after his live-in partner reported to police that the suspect sexually assaulted her old daughter.

The child, a fourth-grade student, was inside her room when the suspect allegedly went in and abused her at around 8 a.m.

Police promptly went to the house and attempted to arrest the suspect, Dela Rey said.

Instead of yielding, the suspect allegedly pulled a handgun and fired at the police, leading to a shootout.

Investigators seized from the crime scene a .38-caliber revolver without a serial number, four rounds of ammunition, a spent shell in its chamber, a bullet casing from a 9-mm pistol, and a sachet of suspected shabu or crystal meth from the suspect’s body.

Hi, my name is Rogelio Arganda. Two years ago I was accused of raping my stepson's daughter. No one field a case. Instead her father shot me in the head while I was watching television.

A 58-year-old farmer was shot dead in Barangay Sumalang here on Wednesday, February 28, by his stepson two years after the victim allegedly raped the suspect’s daughter in this town.

Police identified the victim as Rogelio Arganda.

Investigation said the victim was watching television in his house when the suspect, Louielito, arrived.

The suspect drew a gun and shot the victim in the head and body. Arganda died on the spot.

Louielito fled towards the mountains in the area.

Arganda allegedly raped the suspect’s daughter in March 2022 but her family did not file a case against the victim.

Police said the incident could be the motive of the suspect to kill Arganda. Lawmen are pursuing the suspect. 

Hi, my name is Carlo Danni Lloren. I told my daughter to go to the store and buy some stuff. She kept the change! So, of course I beat the heck out of her.  Later on she complained of a headache. We took her to the hospital and her conditioned worsened until she died. But before she died she told her grandmother what I did to her. 

Operatives of the Manila Police District (MPD) are hunting down a father who beat his own daughter to death on Aug. 18 in Tondo, Manila. 
The MPD-Raxabago Police Station (PS-1) identified the suspect as Carlo Danni Lloren, 32, a resident of Barangay 107, Tondo, Manila. 
According to the victim's grandmother, the suspect gave money to his daughter and asked her to buy something from a nearby store at around 9 a.m. on Aug. 18. 
The victim kept the change from his father's money to buy some food. 
The suspect got mad and punched his daughter repeatedly in different parts of her body. 
At around 6 p.m. the victim complained of headache and body pain.

She also said that she could not move her neck. But none of her parents brought her to the hospital.  

The victim's grandmother said the child was only brought to Tondo Medical Center on Aug. 22 when they noticed that her condition and injuries had worsened.
The child was declared dead on Aug. 26, after being confined for four days.
The grandmother said that before the victim passed away, she was able to disclose her father's cruelty towards her.
Authorities are now conducting an investigation to locate the suspect and file appropriate charges against him.

Hi, my name is being withheld. The police found the body of a 12-year old who had been raped and beaten. Witnesses said they saw me beat her head in with a piece of wood after I raped her. But the did not know that the girl bullied me. 

Police arrested the suspect in the rape-slay of a 12-year-old girl on Sunday, Aug. 11, a day after her naked body was found at Palac Road in Barangay Buenavista in this city.

April May Nicolas, a third-grader at Buenavista Elementary School, was found dead around 1 p.m. on Aug. 10.

Police Colonel Lucio Simangan, Santiago City police director, reported that the girl could have been dead for 43 hours before her body, with a crushed head and missing undergarments, was discovered.

As a gesture of sympathy, teachers and students at the victim’s school flew the flag at half-staff, observed silence, and recited prayers during Monday’s flag-raising ceremony.

Nicolas and her 7-year-old sibling were under the care of their aunt.

The suspect, whose name is being withheld, was known to the aunt, as he frequently gathered clams near their house by the river.

Witnesses said the suspect used wood to crush the girl’s head after allegedly raping her.

He reportedly then used the wood to assault her further.

The suspect claimed he committed the crime because the girl had bullied him.

Investigators said the suspect would be charged with rape and homicide.

Simangan has ordered increased police visibility and continuous monitoring of the crime scene.

Earlier, City Councilor Arlene Jane Alvarez-Reyes offered a P100,000 reward for information leading to the suspect’s arrest.

The girl’s father, Diosdado Nicolas, has called for “swift justice,” describing his daughter as “kind” and saying she “dreamed of becoming successful someday.” 

Hi, my name is being withheld because I am a ten-year-old boy. I was walking home from school when all of a sudden a crazy 18 year old woman stabbed me in the back. After I collapsed she looked around and then stabbed me again. My mother was watching the whole time and she ran over to me while the woman calmly walked away pointing the knife at me like a warning to bystanders. The woman was arrested and thankfully I survived.

A 10-year-old boy is fighting for his life at a hospital in Taytay, Rizal after he was stabbed 22 times by an 18-year-old woman.

In a report by EJ Gomez on Balitanghali, closed circuit television (CCTV) footage showed the female suspect walking casually on Adica Street before assaulting the unsuspecting child.

The incident happened on August 19, 2024 while the child was on his way home from school.

In the CCTV footage, the suspect, armed with a six-inch blade, approached the boy and stabbed him multiple times in the back.

"Suddenly, this suspect stabbed a defenseless victim. [He] used his force against that child using a bladed weapon, more or less six inches in length," PCol. Felipe B. Maraggun, Provincial Director of Rizal Police Provincial Office (PPO), said.

After the boy collapsed, the suspect paused, glanced around, and stabbed him again.

The child's mother, who witnessed the attack, rushed to her son's aid as the woman walked away calmly, pointing at the injured boy to bystanders.

The victim was rushed to the Rizal Provincial Hospital System in Taytay. He sustained wounds in the shoulders and lungs. His left arm was fractured during the assault.

The suspect, who lost her parents at a young age, has been taken into custody by Taytay Police and is facing charges of frustrated murder.

"They left me since [I was] young," the suspect said.

Initial investigation suggests that the suspect may have been motivated by jealousy. Police are also examining her mental state as she appeared incoherent and confused during questioning.

"We can tell that he seems to be out of his mind. And when our investigator interviewed him, what he said was different and not clear. So there's something about the mindset of our suspect," Maraggun said.

Ronald Rosas, the victim's father, still in shock, expressed his grief and anger over the brutal attack on his son.

"I'm so angry. My mind is blank... what you see being done to your son, it's like what you see in your heart - that pinching pain," Rosas said.