Thursday, June 20, 2024

Coronavirus Lockdown: Rights of Anti-Vaxxers, Anti-Vax Campaign of US Pentagon, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government. 

During the pandemic those who refused to get vaccinated were met with threats like when Duterte said he would arrest those who refused. Now one politician says the government must create protocols respecting the rights of anti-vaxxers.

A veteran lawmaker in the House of Representatives said the national government must respect the rights of anti-vaxxers, or people who refuse to be vaccinated based on their personal preferences.

“Their rights to their own health is their prerogative. That's their problem, it's not our problem. So don't force our people to get vaccinated,” said Santa Rosa City lone district Rep. Dan Fernandez.

Fernandez made this appeal during the joint hearing of the Committees on Human Rights and on Public Order and Safety on Tuesday, June 11, regarding the alleged “excess deaths” during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The government should create a new protocol that will protect both rights—of those who want to be vaccinated and those who do not want to be vaccinated,” he said.

While the Laguna congressman said he respects the urgency of getting people vaccinated during the pandemic, he said strict health measures violated the human rights of Filipinos. 

“For example, the lockdowns, forced vaccination. We don't want that to happen again,” he noted.

In 2021, the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said that violation of human rights and dignity—such as restricting the movement of unvaccinated people, for example—contradicts the ultimate goal of protecting the people from the pandemic.

In the same hearing, Fernandez also shared his concern regarding the so-called mind conditioning of those who belong to the “global elites”.

“Now, Ted, WHO is saying prepare for the next pandemic, prepare for the next virus, as if they are already conditioning the minds of our people in the whole world that a next pandemic is about to come,” he said.

“We, in the Congress, we just have to be prepared, especially when human rights are being violated,” he added. 

Meanwhile, Manila 6th district Rep. Bienvenido Abante said religious beliefs were among the rights violated during the pandemic.

Abante, chairman of the House Committee on Human Rights, pointed out that about 90 percent of Covid-19-related deaths resulted in cremation, which is not allowed by certain religions.

“Why should there be cremation always for all patients, rich or poor, they are cremated. You have no choice. It means this, our religious convictions have even been violated. Because there are religions here, like the Baptist Church, that do not believe in cremation,” the veteran lawmaker from Manila said. 

“Is that not a human rights violation? Clearly, it is,” he stressed.

Abante said a hospital director had told him that funeral parlors have the authority on the cremation of the body, not the hospital itself.

With this, he seeks to invite owners of funeral parlors in the next hearing to find out “why are they cremating and where did they get the rule that they should absolutely be cremated”.

“We would invite them to come to shed light on this issue,” noted Abante.

It's a little too late since the pandemic is over but at least someone is speaking up against government overreach. 

The pandemic is over but COVID-19 health benefits are still available to the public.

With the slight increase in COVID-19 cases, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) has reminded the public that if needed, benefit packages for the affliction remain available.

“PhilHealth informs all members and health care providers that the COVID-19 benefits packages, which covers in-patient admission, are still in effect and can be availed of in accredited health facilities,” PhilHealth said in an advisory.

Under its existing inpatient care packages, P43,997 is set for mild pneumonia; P143,267 for moderate pneumonia; P333,519 for severe pneumonia and P786,384 for critical pneumonia.

“These are for patients who are confirmed cases of COVID-19 that require hospital admission,” PhilHealth said.

For COVID-19 testing, PhilHealth coverage includes RT-PCR (Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction) from P800 to P2,800; cartridge based from P500 to 2,450 and Rapid Antigen Test for P500.

The COVID-19 benefits are still set for adjustment before the year ends, according to PhilHealth vice president for corporate affairs Rey BaleƱa.

Thankfully most COVID-19 cases do not require in-patient admission.

Local revenue collections were down during the pandemic. Now the COA is lauding one town for improved collections post-pandemic.

The Commission on Audit (COA) has commended the third-class municipality of Pikit in North Cotabato for its efforts in improving revenue collections after the economic repercussions brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

"Improvement exists on the revenue generation of the local government unit to provide a more sustainable and responsible fund source for the budgeted programs, projects, and activities of the local government unit that would be beneficial to the people of the municipality," the COA said in its 2023 annual audit report (AAR) on Pikit town. 

It said that in 2020, the municipality recorded a total of P8,240,343.45 tax revenue and P9,281,116.21 service and business income. The collections dipped in 2021 with P7,772,305.55 tax revenue and P8,990,524.21 service and business income.

Pikit's efforts to improve revenue collections showed that in 2022 the town generated P8,292,594.61 in tax revenues and P9,705,202.26 in service and business income, COA said. The figures further jacked up in 2023 with P8,885,426.36 tax revenue and P9,977,393.47 service and business income, it also said.

COA said: "The locally sourced revenues generated in 2020 and 2021, the years when the Covid-19 pandemic occurred, were obviously low. Despite the challenges that the municipal government of Pikit have faced during the Covid-19 pandemic, it was able to look for ways to sustain the government operation in providing service to its constituents."

Thus, it said, Pikit improved its dependence on the internal revenue allotment (IRA), which is a "good indicator" on the operation of the LGU in which more projects and programs can be implemented.

While the generation of revenues improved, COA noted that there was a decrease in collection efficiency ratio in 2023.

It cited the town's collection of real property tax which plummeted from 18.49 percent in 2022 to 13.9 percent in 2023.

"This could be a sign that improvement on strategies imposed by the LGU officials are effective but not sufficient to cope up with the set target. Thus, there is still a need to re-assess and re-evaluate those strategies to attain a more sustainable and effective cash generation in its real property tax," it said.

COA suggested a "robust system" for collecting fees and fines, such as the implementation of appropriate penalties for defaulters. "The LGU should also focus on improving the overall efficiency and transparency of the revenue collection systems," it also said.

Certainly it is another sign the Philippines has recovered from the pandemic. 

Reuters has alleged the US Pentagon was engaged in a an anti-vax campaign online to discredit the Sinovac vaccine. One DOH executive wants the matter investigated.

Reports revealing the alleged secret anti-inoculation campaign of the United States (US) military, aiming to cast doubt about the safety of vaccines supplied by China in the country, must be probed and heard by the appropriate authorities, according to an official of the Department of Health (DOH).

DOH Assistant Secretary Albert Domingo was talking about the special report published by Reuters revealing the alleged campaign by the US Pentagon during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The findings by Reuters deserve to be investigated and heard by the appropriate authorities of the involved countries,” Domingo told reporters on Sunday.

The report claimed that the anti-vaccine effort began in 2020 and “expanded beyond Southeast Asia before it was terminated in mid-2021” and used “a combination of fake social media accounts on multiple platforms to spread fear of China’s vaccines.”

“Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vax campaign. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits, and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation,” the report said.

Domingo, however, pointed out that “vaccination decisions among Filipinos are determined by their age, educational attainment, health insurance, employer requirement, high awareness of the disease, and a high level of vaccine confidence,” citing a study published under the scientific journal BMC Public Health.

However the former vaccine czar says he doubts this campaign actually took place.

Allies of the Philippine government at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic supported any vaccine available at the time, according to presidential peace adviser Carlito Galvez Jr.

ABS-CBN quoted Galvez as saying that reports alleging a US-backed propaganda that tried to discredit China’s Sinovac vaccine are not true.

“I believe it is not true,” he reportedly asserted in a statement.

Galvez was the National Task Force against COVID-19 chief implementer and vaccine czar during the peak of the pandemic.

A Reuters report, which saw print over the weekend, alleged that the US military allegedly launched a clandestine program to discredit China’s Sinovac during the pandemic.

Galvez explained that countries supporting the Philippines during the pandemic said the best vaccine during the pandemic is the vaccine that is immediately available.

“I am not aware of anything like this since all countries, through their embassies, are trying to help us to acquire available vaccines in the market,” he said.

“As far as I can remember, most of our friends and allies even said that ‘the best vaccine is the vaccine (on) our shoulders,’ meaning, whatever vaccine we had and (was) available, we have to take it immediately,” he added.

China-made Sinovac was one of the early vaccines made available to the country at the height of the pandemic.

Senator Imee Marcos is determined to probe the allegations.

Sen. Imee Marcos said she would soon lead a probe into the United States’ (US) alleged secret campaign launched to discredit China’s Sinovac inoculation in the Philippines.

Speaking to reporters in an ambush interview on Tuesday, Marcos said she was saddened by reports alleging that the US military led such operations during the pandemic.

Marcos was pertaining to a Reuters story published mid June which indicated that US officials supposedly launched the campaign as a payback for Beijing’s efforts to blame Washington for the pandemic.

(Yes, we are very busy — and many Americans were also busy in relation to this incident. We are very saddened by the alleged ‘confirmed’ report that Pentagon is not denying — all to discredit their Chinese foes.)

But Marcos, who heads the Senate panel on foreign relations, maintained that the alleged campaign, if proven true, would mean that Filipinos’ lives were placed at risk.

With this, she saw the need to probe the incident. She said she would call for an investigation on June 24.

(The problem is that Filipinos’ lives were placed at risk just because they don’t want to get vaccinated with Sinovac. That’s why we will delve into this as soon as possible.)

While she has yet to formally file a measure seeking to probe the incident, Marcos said she is eyeing to invite former health and security officials.

(I hope we get witnesses because I know it will be hard to get evidence on this. I call on the DOH to help in our investigation.)

The DOH, through Assistant Secretary Albert Domingo, already said there is a need to probe and hear the alleged secret campaign.

Nobody's lives were at risk because they did not want to take the vaccine be it Sinovac or Pfizer or whatever. But it is still worth investigating if the Pentagon really did run a psyop online directed towards Filipinos. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The God Culture: 100 Lies About the Philippines: Lie #19 The Spanish Wanted Revenge for the Death of Magellan

Welcome back to 100 lies the God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns the mission of Legazpi in the Philippines. Timothy Jay Schwab says Legazpi was out to get revenge for the natives killing of Magellan. As we shall see this is another of Tim's many lies. 

As with every single lie The God Culture vomits the truth can be found if one simply reads the documents Tim claims to have read. 

SATAN'S TRICK EXPOSED. Sto. Nino Is NOT Jesus. Prophetic Warning 5

5:15 "We stopped at an island where Magellan, Magellan's men were killed." 

Where's that? That is Mactan, not Cebu. Get that? In other words Lapu-Lapu island that's where they are in this narrative. He then writes:

"We landed our men and disposed the artillery of the ships." 

They were attacking Mactan in response to their killing Magellan before of course. 

"Which were close to the houses of the town so that the firing of the artillery from the said ships in the arquebuses on land drove the enemy away but we were unable to capture any of them."

Imagine that. 

"Because they had their fleet ready for the sea." 

Smart Filipinos they were expecting this. 

Oddly enough this fake history that the Spanish wanted revenge for the death of Magellan did not make it  into Tim's book The Search for Solomon's Treasure. You will not find it in any book anywhere because it did not happen. 

According to Tim the purpose of Legazpi sailing to Cebu, and it is Cebu not Mactan as I proved in a previous article, was to get revenge for the killing of Magellan. The natives were even expecting such an attack. Of course this is all false. Let's read what really happened. Arriving in Cebu Legazpi sent several men ashore to reassure the natives that they came in peace and friendship.

They were to assure the people that I did not come to do them any harm, but on the contrary to show them every favor, and to cultivate their friendship. Three times this announcement was made to them, with all the signs and kind words possible to win their friendship. But at length - seeing that all our good intentions were of no avail, and that all the natives had put on their wooden corselets and rope armor and had armed themselves with their lances, shields, small cutlasses, and arrows; and that many plumes and varicolored headdresses were waving; and that help of men had come in praus from the outside, so that their number must be almost two thousand warriors; and considering that now was the time for us to make a settlement and effect a colony, and that the present port and location were exactly suited to our needs, and that it was useless for us to wait any longer; and seeing that there was no hope for peace, and that they did not wish it, although we had offered it - the master-of-camp said to the natives through an interpreter: "Since you do not desire our friendship, and will not receive us peacefully, but are anxious for war, wait until we have landed; and look to it that you act as men, and defend yourselves from us, and guard your houses." 

The Indians answered boldly: "Be it sol Come on! We await you here." And thereupon they broke out into loud cries, covering themselves with their shields and brandishing their lances. Then they returned to the place whence they had set out, hurling their lances by divisions of threes at the boat, and returning again to their station, going and coming as in a game of cafias." Our men got ready and left the ships in boats; and as the boats left the ships for the shore, in accordance with the order given them, some shots were fired from the ships upon the multitude of praus anchored near a promontory, as well as at the landsmen upon shore, and upon the town. But, although they had showed so great a desire for war, when they heard the artillery and saw its effects, they abandoned their village without waiting for battle, and fled through the large, beautiful, and fertile open fields that are to be seen in this region. 

The Philippine Islands, Vol 2, pgs 212- 214

After the battle ended the Santo NiƱo was found by a soldier rifling through houses. A Mass was said and then Legazpi once again assured the natives that they came in friendship in the name of the King of Castille and he pardoned them for the death of Magellan. 

" After the mass and the sermon, the general went to treat with the king for friendship, telling him that we came thither for the King of Castilla, whose land this was, who had sent other people here before, and that they had been killed - as, for instance, Magallanes (and when Magallanes was mentioned, the king was much disturbed); but that he pardoned everything, on condition that you be his friends."

The Philippine Islands, Vol 2, pgs 128

That statement is an extract from documents not included in full in the Philippine Islands series but is part of a synopsis of documents which can be found in Spanish. The editors tell us:

 [The following synopsis is made from documents published in Col. doc. ined. Ultramar, tomos ii and iii, entitled De las Islas Filipinas. Concerning these documents the following interesting statements are taken from the editorial matter in tomo ii.

The Philippine Islands, Vol 2, pgs 77

The original Spanish text can be found on page 424 of ColecciĆ³n de documentos inĆ©ditos de ultramar.

ColecciĆ³n de documentos inĆ©ditos de ultramar

That means there is much more to this story than is to be found in this massive set of books known as The Philippine Islands or on shoddy websites like Don't forget Tim acknowledges that blog as a major source for his fake history. 

The Lequios of Luzon: Key to Finding Ophir and Chryse. Clue #52

21:19 For a while now we have used definition for the Hebrew for this word from ancient Philippines blogspot. We, in the beginning in fact, we tried to quote local sources and you'll see in the description box we mentioned those guys. We also mentioned Bob's blog as well. It's all there. It's been there for three years. We've always, you know, given them some credit and those are worth reading because really that's where we started with the history portion. We started reading their stuff and then we started branching out from there. Yes, we verified everything that we could and if there was something that we couldn't verify such as the gold found in first century Egypt as easily we took it from numerous sources so we felt pretty good with it and went with it and turns out it's proving to be fine as a reference. So far our sources by the way check out to be very good.

Actually his sources check out to be not very good at all. Timothy Jay Schwab knows nothing of the real history of the Spanish in the Philippines because he is such a poor researcher that not only has he not read the books he cites but he has not even looked for the information that is more important such as that contained in the Spanish archives. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Insurgency: More Towns Earn Rebel-Free Tags

More towns have been declared rebel-free thus earning them the status of Stable Internal Peace and Security Condition. First are three towns in Leyte.

Three more towns in Leyte province have been declared completely free from threats from the New People’s Army (NPA) under the state of Stable Internal Peace and Security Condition (SIPSC).

Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir, commander of the Philippine Army’s 802nd Infantry Brigade, said in a phone interview Thursday that the towns of Hilongos, Isabel, and Merida formally earned the status on June 12.

Isabel and Merida were cleared of the communist group’s influence in 2016, followed by Hilongos in 2019, according to Vestuir. Since then, these municipalities have achieved and sustained a conflict-manageable status.

"With the declaration of Hilongos, Isabel, and Merida as Stable Internal Peace and Security Conditions (SIPSC), we send a strong message of unity in our quest to end local communist armed conflict and maintain a peaceful and secure environment for the peace-loving people of these towns," Vestuir said.

He urged the local leaders, particularly village officials, to continue and sustain their peace efforts.

"My appeal to the community is to be inhospitable to the remnants of the Communist Party of the Philippines - NPA and its allies and never again allow them to gain foothold in villages," Vestuir added.

The SIPSC declaration's highlights include the signing of memoranda of agreement and pledges of commitment, as well as the release of white doves symbolizing peace and new beginnings.

Why all the theatricality with the doves? What is the point of that if it is not pure propaganda? The AFP is doing all they can to convince the reaming rebels to surrender even going so far as to visit their families. 

In Eastern Samar 2 towns have also been declared free of NPA influence.

The towns of Sulat and San Julian in Eastern Samar on Tuesday were declared completely free from the influence of the New People's Army (NPA), the second and third municipalities in the province to attain such status.

With no sightings of armed rebels for several years now, the towns have achieved insurgency-free status, and officially with stable internal peace and security conditions (SIPC), the military said in a statement on Wednesday. 

Events were conducted to highlight the declarations which included the signing of memoranda of agreements and pledges of commitment, along with the simultaneous release of white doves, symbolizing peace and new beginnings.

Sulat Mayor Javier Zacate and San Julian Mayor Dennis Estaron thanked all the stakeholders who contributed to achieving SIPSC in their municipalities. They emphasized that this milestone paves the way for further progress and a better quality of life for residents.

Brig. Gen. Noel Vestuir, commander of the Philippine Army’s 802nd Infantry Brigade, said they are stepping up their efforts to completely wipe out insurgencies in the southern part of Eastern Samar province under their operational area.

"With our declaration of Sulat and San Julian as SIPC, we have delivered a strong message that we are united in our quest to end the local communist armed conflict and in maintaining a peaceful and secure environment for the peace-loving people of Sulat and San Julian," Vestuir said.

A town earns SIPC status if there's been no NPA activity in the area in the past two years. Another consideration is that no resident is identified as an active armed rebel.

Vestuir said these municipalities were cleared of communist terrorist group influence in 2022 and have since achieved conflict-manageable status.

The Philippine Army, Philippine National Police, and the Department of the Interior and Local Government reaffirmed their strong support and commitment to sustaining stable peace and security in Sulat and San Julian.

Vestuir said the NPA platoon running in the mountains of Eastern Samar and Samar provinces has significantly weakened this year.

From 47 members with 43 firearms in the third quarter of 2023, Apoy Platoon's strength dropped to just 16 members with 25 members as of the second week of June 2024.

Most of them surrendered through the Friends Rescued Engagement through Their Families (FReE Families) initiative.

But that does not mean Samar is out of the woods yet. Just recently troops were sent to Samar to reinforce the 8th Infantry Division to root out the remaining rebels. Shortly after a solider was killed in a shoot out with the NPA in Samar.

A soldier was killed in what authorities said was a shootout with alleged members of the New People’s Army (NPA) in San Jose de Buan town, Samar over the weekend.

The alleged encounter happened at about 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 9.

Corporal Marvin Calvintos was hit in his abdomen during the two-minute gunfight.

The soldiers were in the area as part of their security patrol.

San Jose de Buan is one of the towns in Samar where there are still sightings of the NPA.

The 8th Infantry Division, which is based in Catbalogan City, Samar, lauded Calvintos for the “ultimate sacrifice” amid the battle against the communist rebels.

The NPA is alive and well in Samar.

Finally, a town in Laguna has also been declared insurgency-free.

Laguna province’s Pangil town has been officially declared insurgency-free, finally earning it the coveted Stable Internal Peace and Security (SIPS) status.

Brig. Gen. Cerilo Balaoro Jr, commander of the 202nd Infantry Brigade, said in a message to reporters on Friday that Pangil is the sixth local government unit (LGU) in the province to attain SIPS status.

Balaoro commended Pangil's leadership and the active involvement of its community in various peace-building endeavors.

He emphasized the importance of safeguarding the youth from recruitment by communist terrorist group members, urging parents and guardians to play a proactive role in ensuring a peaceful and prosperous future for their children.

“The declaration of Pangil as an insurgency-free town represents a significant stride towards enduring peace in the region, underscoring the efficacy of the integrated approach to security and development, which authorities aim to replicate in other areas,” Balaoro remarked.

Expressing gratitude to all stakeholders, Mayor Gerald Aritao celebrated the SIPS status declaration as a testament to the collective unity, resilience and commitment of Pangil residents towards fostering a secure and harmonious environment.

Balaoro disclosed that other cities and municipalities in Laguna have scheduled their SIPS declarations before the end of the third quarter, with the aim of positioning Laguna as the first SIPS province by the close of the year.

More Laguna towns are scheduled to be declared insurgency-free later this year with the goal of Laguna being the first SIPS province by years end. That is a very laudable goal.

Meanwhile in other regions the fight against the NPA continues. 

In South Kudarat.

The military here announced a successful operation against communist rebels in an upland town in Sultan Kudarat province over the weekend, which left one rebel dead.

Maj. Gen. Alex Rillera, commander of the Army’s 6th Infantry Division, said soldiers under the 7th Infantry Battalion (IB), led by Lt. Col. Tristan Rey Vallescas, clashed with New People’s Army (NPA) rebels at 4:30 a.m. on Sunday in Barangay Kiadsam, Sen. Ninoy Aquino town.

“No casualty was reported on the government side,” Rillera said.

He said 7IB troopers launched the operation after civilians complained of "massive extortion" activities by the NPA, led by NPA subleader Eusebio Cranzo.

Vallescas said Cranzo and his followers fled to Sitio Kiluding in Kiadsan village, leaving behind their slain comrade.

Recovered from the possession of the slain NPA rebel was a Garand rifle with ammunition.

Following the operation, Brig. Gen. Michael Santos, the Army’s 603rd Infantry Brigade commander, has ordered all units under his jurisdiction to intensify the operation against communist rebels who have been mulcting farmers during harvest season. 

In Masbate.

A member of the New People's Army (NPA) was killed while high-powered firearms were seized in a clash in Barangay Tubog, Pio V. Corpuz, Masbate province on Tuesday, the 9th Infantry Division (9ID) said.

In a report, Maj. Frank Roldan, 9ID Public Affairs Office chief, said the encounter ensued after troops responded to the reports of residents about the presence of armed men in their village. 

Based on the initial report, the government troops encountered more than 12 NPA members led by Bobby CaƱete, also known as Den-den/Bugas, of the Komiteng Larangang Guerilla South, Sub-Regional Committee 4.

Roldan said no casualties were reported on the side of the government troops, while an unidentified rebel was killed during the 20-minute firefight. 

"We are still waiting for the identification of the NPA member since our troops are still at the encounter site," he said in a message. 

After the insurgents withdrew, soldiers recovered several firearms, including an M14, M16, and M653 rifles at the clash site.

And in Antique.

Troops seized New People’s Army (NPA) ammunition following two clashes in Antique province this week.

The 12th Infantry Battalion (IB) recovered 28 bullets for M16, 15 bullets for M14, 10 bullets for AK47, and 10 shells for M16 rifle in Valderrama town.

Soldiers encountered more or less 20 NPA rebels in Barangay Culyat on June 10, resulting in a five-minute firefight until the communist guerillas withdrew north and northwest.

Pursuing troops later on engaged the fleeing NPA in a 15-minute gun battle. The rebels withdrew again.

The NPA belongs to the regional headquarters of the Komiteng Rehiyon-Panay.

The 3rd Infantry Division (ID) lauded the 12th IB for their efforts as well as residents for informing them of the presence of the NPA.

“Let us continue the culture of cooperation and collaboration to prevent the remaining communist terrorists from conducting any criminal activities in our communities,” said 3rd ID commander Major Gen. Marion Sison in a statement.

Along with Laguna being scheduled to be declared under a state of Stable Internal Peace and Security Condition perhaps other towns and regions will also achieve that status. Either way the fight against the remaining rebels goes on. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Egregiously False Philippine Independence Day Remarks

It is an indisputable fact of history that the Philippines did not become an independent and sovereign nation until July 4th, 1946. This fact of history was erased by President Diosdado Macapagal when he issued a proclamation declaring June 12th, 1898 to be the real independence day which was done in response to the US government's failure to pay a $73 million debt. 

The effects of that proclamation have been far reaching. In effect Macapagal erased a large part of Philippine history. At least it is erased every June 12th when Filipinos around the world pretend the Philippines has been independent since 1898. It does not help that the international community assists in this delusion by offering their congratulations each year on June 12th. This denial of history is heard clearly in the independence day speeches of politicians across the country. Here are three samples.

First from President Marcos.

Marcos recounted the declaration of Philippine independence that took place in Kawit, Cavite 126 years ago.

“It heralded the birth of the Philippines and declared to the world the untiring resolve of the Filipinos to chart their own destiny as a sovereign nation,” Marcos said.

A century and a quarter has passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation yet the fervor of nationalism persistently burns brightly in each of us today. We stand united as ever, upholding with pride the hard-earned liberty bequeathed to us by our forebears,” he added.

125 years "has passed since we unshackled the chains of subjugation?" Did Marcos forget about the Philippine-American war? Did he forget about the American Colonial period? That is a rather blatant denial of history and those who lived through it. Of course his remarks could be interpreted to mean it has been 125 years since the Spanish yoke was thrown off and there is a direct line between the declaration of the First Philippine Republic and the current one. But it is very doubtful that is what he means because he makes no caveats to indicate that is the case. 

Vice President Sara Duterte's remarks cannot be interpreted so generously. Her remarks are a flat out lie.

Vice President Sara Duterte on Wednesday urged the public to remember the heroism of the country's forefathers as the Philippines marked its 126 years of independence.

Speaking in a ceremony in Davao City for the Independence Day celebration, Duterte said that the freedom that Filipinos experience now is a result of the efforts of the country's ancestors to reclaim their rights and to govern the country as a sovereign nation. 

Today we are gathered to commemorate 126 years of sovereignty, as well as to honor this great legacy left to us by our forefathers who displayed true courage, bravery, and patriotism,” she said in her speech.

“On Independence Day, we do not only celebrate our liberation but also place emphasis on the importance of remembering the adversities we have overcome and the ideals we fight for.” 

126 years of sovereignty!? What!? No. Absolutely not. The Philippines has not been sovereign for 126 years. Like Marcos she is denying the Philippine-American war and the subsequent American occupation. And she wants "to honor this great legacy left to us by our forefathers who displayed true courage, bravery, and patriotism?" You cannot do that by denying history. 

Learning from history is, ironically, a mainstay of Philippine Independence Day speeches which emphatically deny the true history of the Philippines. Listen to the governor of Mayor of Puerto Princessa.

Mayor Lucilo Bayron of this city urged locals to draw inspiration from history in facing present challenges at the celebration of the 126th Independence Day of the country from Spanish rule at the Rizal Park on Wednesday morning (June 12).

Bayron said Independence Day is celebrated “in honor of the heroic deeds of the past generation that paved the way to the birth of the country’s freedom that was attained through sacrifices of blood, sweat and tears.”

He told the crowd in his speech that the celebration is also commemoration of a united journey and cause that binds Filipinos as one.

“Let us darw strength from our history and let our ancestor’s bravery serve as our inspiration to face the present challenges with the same passion,” Bayron said.

Like Marcos these remarks can be generously interpreted to mean, not that the Philippines actually obtained independence, but that the path was set towards independence. However, even that interpretation is wrong. 

President Diosdado Macapagal, in his very first June 12th Independence Day speech, has some interesting remarks to say about learning from history. 

It is noteworthy that no one among the half-dozen great heroes of our history, Rizal, Aguinaldo, Bonifacio, Lapu-Lapu, Abad Santos and Quezon, has played a role in the Republic that we administer today. This fact emphasizes the responsibility which devolves upon us to whom they bequeathed the fruits of their heroic labors to fashion this Republic as an instrument for the welfare and happiness of our people.

Thus, the very man who set the nation on a path to denying its past admitted that the heroes of the past have NO CONNECTION to the current Philippine Republic, the one born in 1946. He was able to say that because he did not have 48 years of indoctrination and erasure of history to contend with. Unless the date of independence is reverted to July 4th, 1946 and Filipinos are forced to deal with the real history of the Philippines these lies will continue to the detriment of everyone. 

Friday, June 14, 2024

Retards in the Government 369

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

The police chief of Porac, Pampanga was relieved from his post amid the investigation into the alleged “scam farm” inside a Philippine Offshore Gaming Operator  (POGO) hub that was raided this week, the Philippine National Police (PNP) said Thursday.

PNP spokesperson Police Colonel Jean Fajardo said the PNP will look as to how the Porac police force failed to detect the illegal operation of the POGO hub, according to a report of Super Radyo dzBB’s Glen Juego.

Aside from this, Fajardo said the PNP will also probe the town's municipal government on grounds that the POGO hub was allowed  to operate despite having no permit since 2023.

On Tuesday, authorities implemented a search warrant against the POGO hub based on a complaint of alleged human trafficking happening inside the 10-hectare establishment.

The POGO hub was reportedly involved in various criminal activities that include human trafficking, sex trafficking, torture, kidnapping, and scamming.

A total of 158 foreign nationals, mostly Chinese, were rescued during the operation.

Authorities said several more people inside the hub managed to escape after they supposedly received early warning of the impending raid.

The police chief of Porac has been relieved due to an investigation into a POGO hub.

A barangay kagawad or councilor was shot in Barangay San Pablo, Ormoc City, Leyte on Thursday, June 6.

The victim was identified as Ramie Matuguina, 49, married, kagawad of Barangay Salvacion in Ormoc.

Police said that Matuguina was driving a small blue hatchback and stopped in front of a store.

Two men who had been tailing him approached and fired at the unsuspecting victim.

Matuguina ran inside the store while the gunmen fled onboard a motorcycle toward Ormoc City proper.

He sustained bullet wounds and was brought to a hospital in Kananga, Leyte.

Police found six fired cartridges of a caliber .45 pistol, one discharged bullet, and a deformed slug in the crime scene.

The Ormoc City Police Station 1 launched dragnet operations in collaboration with neighboring police stations to track down the suspects.

A village councilor has been assassinated.

A member of the Philippine National Police - Special Action Force (PNP-SAF) has been relieved of his post after testing positive for illegal drugs.

In a message to reporters on Friday, SAF Director, Brig. Gen. Mark Pespes, said the officer, with the rank of patrolman, was the only one out of 93 personnel who yielded a positive result in a random drug test last week.

The officer, he added, also tested positive in confirmatory tests conducted this week.

"Confirmed naman at di naman nag-contest 'yung subject. Relieved siya at inaantay dito for the formal investigation (It was confirmed and the subject did not contest the results. He was relieved and we are waiting for the formal investigation)," Pespes said.

The conduct of the random drug tests came after the SAF received intelligence information that one of its troops was using illegal drugs.

Pespes said the police officer was reassigned to the Administrative Holding and Accounting Section and would be subjected to pre-charge investigation and summary hearing proceedings.

If found guilty, the police officer could be dismissed from the service.

A member of the PNP-SAF has been relieved of his post after testing positive for illegal drugs.

A 57-year-old barangay councilor was gunned down in Barangay Dimayon, an isolated barangay in Nunungan, Lanao del Norte, on Thursday afternoon, June 6.

Police identified the victim as Otar Bada Alamada, male, married, councilor of Barangay Rebucon, Nunungan.

Investigation said Alamada went to Barangay Dimayon to visit his relatives when the suspect, Adam Mamorasa, legal age, a resident of Sultan Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte, suddenly grabbed the M16 rifle that he was carrying for protection.

Mamarosa fired at Alamada and wounded B'ra Andam, 50, and Malik Guindo, 40, both farmers and residents of Barangay Dimayon.

Alamada sustained multiple bullet wounds and died on the spot.

Despite being wounded, Andam and Guindo managed to grab the firearm from Mamarosa and shot him.

Mamarosa sustained three bullet wounds and died on the spot. His body was taken by police to the Saint Michael's Funeral Homes in Kapatagan, Lanao del Norte and had been claimed by his relatives.

Police said Dimayon is an isolated barangay, about 20 kilometers away from the Nunungan police station. The area has no mobile phone signal and can only be reached by foot, police added.

Fired cartridge cases for caliber 5.56mm and caliber 30mm were found in the crime scene.

Police are conducting a follow-up investigation.

A village councilor has been assassinated.

A village official survived an ambush that happened along a busy street here on Friday evening, police said.

Colonel Querubin Manalang Jr,, Cotabato City police director, said in an interview that unidentified gunmen ambushed a Toyota Grandia of Edris Ayunan Pasawiran, village chief of Barangay Kalanganan 2, while he and companions were traveling along Mabini Street, Barangay Bagua 3 at about 8 p.m.

“Initially, there were five persons injured, two of them in critical condition,” Manalang told reporters on Friday night.

He added that per initial information, Pasawiran was unhurt.

Manalang said police investigators are yet to speak with the victims and their families to help determine the motive of the attack.

“When the police arrived at the crime scene, the victims already were out of the van,” Manalang said.

Police Scene of the Crime Operatives (SOCO) recovered about 100 pieces of empty shells of a yet unknown weapon at the ambush site beside Pasawiran’s van which was riddled with bullets.

Manalang also said that minutes after the ambush, a mini-van was recovered in Barangay Rosary Heights 3 with a caliber .45 pistol, two bottles of gasoline, and a bloodstain at the driver’s seat.

Police are determining if the Mazda mini-van (plate numbrr NBC-1215) has something to do with the ambush against the village official.

Cotabato City Mayor Bruce Matabalao has condemned the ambush and directed the police to look deeper into the case.

A village chief has survived an assassination attempt.

Three people, including a police official with a rank of lieutenant colonel, landed in jail for alleged carnapping involving a multi-purpose vehicle (MPV) that was rented in Bamban, Tarlac.

The operation, according to a police report from the Highway Patrol Group (HPG), stemmed from the complaint of the owner of an MPV who sought police assistance after learning that her car was being sold on June 5.

The complainant said that it was the supposed buyer of her vehicle who contacted her through a messaging app to verify if she is indeed the registered owner of the vehicle that was being sold for P350,000. 

The complainant told the police that the vehicle was rented from her by a certain Michael Perez Bautista on June 2. The rent was for two days but was not returned on time. 

The complainant immediately sought police assistance and at around 7 p.m. on January 5, the operation was carried out in Baclaran, ParaƱaque City which resulted in the recovery of the vehicle and the arrest of three people.

Those arrested were later identified as Police Lt. Col. Gideon Ines, Jr.; 52; Michael Perez Bautista, 42; and Lyn Salazar Tuazon, 25.

The complainant said the car was accepted by Bautista during the rental process while Tuazon was the one who arranged the rental online. 

Police are conducting an investigation to verify the allegation that it was Ines who was giving orders on the selling of the rented car, following his presence and arrest during the operation.  

Police then warned motor vehicle owners to be alert against what they described as ‘rentangay” scheme wherein the rented vehicles are being sold without the knowledge of the owners.

Appropriate criminal charges are now being prepared against the arrested suspects while separate administrative charges will be slapped against Ines. 

A cop has been arrested for carnapping.

The Office of the Ombudsman (OMB) has ordered the preventive suspension for six months of seven officials of the Marikina City Engineering Department due to the alleged solicitation of bribes in exchange for the fast tracking of building and occupancy permits.

Ordered suspended were City Engineer and Building Official Kennedy V. Sueno, Enforcement Section Chief Romeo G. Gutierrez, Jr., Building Inspector and Zoning Officer II Marlito E. Poquiz, Electrical Inspector and Electrician Foreman Alex V. Copreros, Engineer III Mark E. De Joya, Secretary and Administrative Aide III Abigail Joy C. Santiago a.k.a. Abby Salvador, and Electrician Foreman Manuel V. Santos.

"This Office finds sufficient grounds for the issuance of an Order for Preventive Suspension against respondents Sueno, Gutierrez, Poquiz, Corpreros, De Joya, Santiago,  and Santos considering that there is strong evidence showing their guilt," the OMB said in an order signed by Ombudsman Samuel R. Martires.

The order also stated: "The charges against them for grave misconduct and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of the service may warrant their removal from the service; their continued stay in office may prejudice the investigation of the case filed against them; to preserve documents and evidence pertaining to this case which respondents have control and custody; and to avert the commission of further malfeasance and misfeasance in office by the respondents (those suspended)."

The complaint against the seven city officials were filed by spouses Brian and Agnes Torres who applied for a building permit at the Marikina City Engineering Office sometime in August 2021.

The couple alleged that they underwent "numerous obstacles" during the approval process, including the payment of P430,000 upon pressure exerted by the City Engineering staff. The spouses said the permit was not released.

They said that in September 2021 they were approached by a former employee of city's Rescue 161 to help in the processing of the permit with the assistance of De Joya and an individual named "Don." The couple then proceeded to construct a simple fence-like structure within their compound in mid November 2021, but they were issued a Violation Notice.

They also said the construction was suspended from Dec. 20, 2021 to Jan. 20, 2022, and they were allegedly given a run around until April 19, 2022 when they received a Notice of Revocation of their Building Permit.

After examining their complaint, the OMB agreed that there was "deep-seated corruption" within the city government of Marikina, as it has become the modus operandi of city officials to solicit monetary considerations in every step of the permit process.

"The pervasive nature of this corruption undermines the fairness and transparency of government procedures, ultimately eroding public trust in the integrity of governance," the OMB order stressed. 

The Office of the Ombudsman has ordered the preventive suspension for six months of seven officials of the Marikina City Engineering Department due to the alleged solicitation of bribes in exchange for the fast tracking of building and occupancy permits.

The municipal agriculture officer of Villaba, Leyte, who also served as a lay minister, was fatally shot by unidentified assailants in Viillaba on Sunday, June 9.

The victim, Marcing, 52, a resident of Barangay Poblacion, Leyte, Leyte, was attacked after conducting Masses in two barangays in Leyte, Leyte.

Police discovered the victim lying on the ground with multiple bullet wounds Barangay Cabungahan some 13 kilometers away from the Villaba town proper.

The victim who was driving a black car from Barangays Bagabao and Mataloto was shot using a .45 caliber pistol.

He died on the spot and the suspects fled on foot toward the interior of Barangay Cabungahan.

The gunmen allegedly took the victim's sling bag which contained cash, a cellphone, and sacramental bread.

Police are conducting follow-up investigation.

The municipal agriculture officer of Villaba, Leyte, was fatally shot by unidentified assailants in Viillaba on Sunday, June 9.

A patrolwoman was reportedly sexually harassed by a police major in Bulacan last June 7, according to the authorities.

In a report on Monday, Bulacan police identified the suspect as Major Gerardo Navarro.

Police said Navarro reportedly went inside the Women and Children Protection Desk office along Barangay Poblacion in Plaridel where the victim was taking a nap.

Awakened by the suspect’s hug, the victim tried to stop Navarro, who allegedly continued touching her body.

The cop reportedly left only after she cried for help.

Navarro will face complaints for violating Republic Act 7877 or the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law, police said.

A cop is facing charges for sexual harassing a female cop.

The police chief and eight anti-narcotics operatives of this town have been relieved from their posts following the death of a drug suspect during an operation on May 28 in Barangay Lipahan here.

Police Lt. Col. Jesus Lintag was relieved and replaced by Police Lt. Col. Rommel Sorbido as officer-in-charge while the eight policemen were transferred to the Provincial Personnel Holding Center in Batangas City.

Police Regional Office 4-A chief Police Brig. Gen. Paul Kenneth Lucas has formed a special investigation team to determine if these policemen violated standard operating procedures and committed irregularities in the performance of duty. 

The victim, Bryan Laresma, alias Balot, was killed in a shootout with the police and two sachets of suspected shabu and a caliber. 38 revolver with bullets were recovered from him.

Laresma sensed that he was transacting with a police officer. He drew a gun and shot the lawman who returned fire and hit the suspect’s right thigh.

The suspect was taken to the San Juan District Hospital where he was declared dead.

Laresma’s relatives sought help of the National Bureau of Investigation for a re-autopsy and requested the Commission on Human Rights and House of Representatives to conduct parallel probes.

His sibling said Bryan had just alighted from his motorcycle when he was shot by the police.

Lintag said that the operation was legitimate and they are ready face to any investigation.

The police chief and eight anti-narcotics operatives of this town have been relieved from their posts following the death of a drug suspect during an operation on May 28 in Barangay Lipahan.

FIVE taxi drivers in Cebu have lodged a complaint against two officers of the Land Transportation Office in Central Visayas (LTO 7) for alleged grave abuse of authority, claiming they received “unreasonable, unfair, improper, and untimely” apprehension for having tinted taxi windows.

Taxi drivers Jessie Butlig, Wilfredo Soronio, Neil Lumapguid, Raul Barliso and Randy Campos, filed on May 27, 2024, a request for assistance before the Office of the Ombudsman Visayas on the alleged grave abuse of authority of LTO 7 officers Joel Catabas and Johnny Cella.

In their complaint-affidavit, the taxi drivers said Catabas and Cella apprehended them and imposed a P5,000 fine on each of them on separate occasions within a week, between April 24 and May 2, for alleged violations of LTO standards regarding window tints.

The drivers reportedly violated the standards set by the agency on operating with defective, improper, unauthorized accessories, devices, equipment and parts.

The drivers, however, maintained that the apprehension of their taxis due to tinted windows is “contrary to law or regulations.”

“Tinted windows on public utility vehicles, like taxis, neither constitute defective/ improper/ unauthorized accessories, devices, equipment, and parts nor change in color and other unauthorized modifications as they are not prohibited,” the drivers said in their six-page complaint-affidavit.

Attached in their complaint-affidavit are photocopies of the Temporary Operator’s Permit issued to them.

The drivers are represented by lawyer Aimele Rose Miano.

The drivers said that even if there is a restriction on installing tints, it should not be enforced strictly as tints are necessary for the safety and comfort of both drivers and passengers, especially in high temperatures. 

Miano said the drivers’ taxi units were originally untinted, but the tints were added due to passenger complaints about the heat.

The complainants noted that the high temperature caused discomfort, particularly for seniors and children. 

The extreme heat makes tinted windows essential for public utility vehicles. The drivers asserted that their taxis are not fully tinted, allowing law enforcers to peer inside. 

They also requested the Ombudsman to enjoin the LTO from continuing its apprehension of taxi drivers due to tinted windows.

Five taxi drivers in Cebu have lodged a complaint against two officers of  (LTO 7) for alleged grave abuse of authority, claiming they received “unreasonable, unfair, improper, and untimely” apprehension for having tinted taxi windows.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted former chancellor Taha Guro Sarip of the Mindanao State University Buug Campus (MSU-Buug) of graft and malversation of public funds for using P94,957.15 in school funds for the repairs of his personal vehicle in 2011 and 2012.

Sarip was sentenced to a prison term ranging from six to seven years for graft and from one year to three years for malversation. He was also barred perpetually from holding public office.

The anti-graft court did not impose any civil liability on Sarip since he had restituted the university of the amount he spent for his vehicle.

The court set aside Sarip's defense that he used the school's funds for the repairs since he was using his personal vehicle for his official travels.

"He (Sarip) did not present any travel order, or any evidence to show that his Toyota Innova vehicle was used on the dates of his official travels," the court said. 

Even assuming that the vehicle was indeed used for official travels, the court said that there was no evidence on record that would prove that the vehicle had to be repaired because it was damaged in the course of its use during official travels, it also said.

On Sarip's claim of good faith, the court said: "Contrary to accused Sarip's claim of good faith, the evidence on record would show that he was aware of the illegality of the disbursements."

"The Court finds that accused Sarip acted with evident bad faith when he knowingly approved the disbursements for the repairs and maintenance of his personal vehicle. Accused Sarip took advantage of his official position to gain in dishonest ways." the court ruled.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted former chancellor Taha Guro Sarip of the Mindanao State University Buug Campus of graft and malversation of public funds for using P94,957.15 in school funds for the repairs of his personal vehicle in 2011 and 2012.

A former soldier was killed, while another was wounded in a shooting incident Monday in Tinambac town in Camarines Sur province.

Police Brigadier General Andre Dizon, Bicol police chief, on Tuesday, June 11, identified the slain victim as Rey Alain Brugada, a former member of the Philippine Army and former village chief in Mananao. Wounded was Mary Jane Mayhay, head of the Tinambac Public Safety Office.

Unidentified suspects repeatedly hit the vehicle driven by Mayhay in Barangay Bagacay at 5:15 p.m.

Brugada died on the spot after suffering gunshot wounds in different parts of his body. Mayhay was brought to a hospital for treatment.

Dizon said they were still investigating the background of the victims and the motive behind the incident.

A former soldier was killed, while another was wounded in a shooting incident Monday in Tinambac town in Camarines Sur province.

Lawyers groups in this city are outraged over the killing of Davao Occidental Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Eleanor  “Ning” P. Dela PeƱa past 5 p.m. on Monday, June 10, on her way home.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Florante S. Retes, chief of the Digos city police,  said  Dela PeƱa, 54, was aboard a white Ford Raptor pickup and was on her way home to Chapter 8, Tienda, Barangay Aplaya in Digos City when attacked by an assassin.

Responding personnel from the Digos City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO) found her dead at the ambush site.

Four hours after the killing, at 9:40 p.m., police arrested a man identified as Dela PeƱa’s half-brother at the national highway of Talas village in Sulop town of Davao del Sur.

According to the police, the suspect Arnel Galot Dela PeƱa, 56, a former policeman and half-brother of the victim, was identified through the statements of the victim’s son Kenneth De Leon, the closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage near the crime scene and descriptions by witnesses.

Davao Occidental Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Eleanor  “Ning” P. Dela PeƱa was assassinated by her half-brother who is also a former policeman.

Two Caloocan City police officers and an individual were arrested in Quezon City on Monday afternoon for reportedly robbing and extorting money from a person allegedly involved in illegal drugs.

In a report on Tuesday, the Quezon City Police District (QCPD) said the two officers, Staff Sergeant Russel Ortega and Corporal Joel Taboga, and a civilian named Robin Caidic were collared during a police operation in front of Balon Bato Barangay Hall around 4:40 p.m.

Based on the investigation, victim Gerald Andrade claimed that he was on a motorcycle when the suspects, along with other police officers, blocked his path and reportedly took his wallet containing about P16,000.

Andrade, however, managed to escape from the police officers.

He was chased until the barangay hall, where the suspects were apprehended by the Criminal Investigation and Detection Unit (CIDU) operatives.

Prior to this situation, another officer backtracking CCTV footage for a homicide case saw the suspects running after the complainant.

This discovery prompted the CIDU operatives to quickly respond and go to the area.

When asked for documents indicating the legality of the suspects’ operation, QCPD said the suspects “failed to present any.”

The three arrested individuals and the complainant were brought to CIDU, along with the confiscated motorcycle and the P16,000 worth of cash.

Authorities are tracking down four other police officers for possible involvement.

They are Corporal Judy Rizare, Corporal Andy Moja, Corporal Mark Anthony Vinagrera and Corporal Alvin Cruz — who remain at large.

Two cops have been arrested for extortion while four other cops remain at large.

The village chief of Barangay San Pedro Cutud was killed in an ambush at past 4 p.m. on Tuesday, June 11.

The police scene of the crime operatives found no sign of life in Matt Ryan de la Cruz, 37, and his driver who sustained around 10 gunshot wounds, as they slumped on the front seats.

A live telecast of local television network CLTV36 showed the village official’s red car parked beside a gas pump station some 200 meters from the city’s new public market.

De la Cruz’s driver reportedly got down from the car and came back as it was being reloaded with gas when the gunman, reportedly using a long firearm, began firing, a witness reported.

The village chief of Barangay San Pedro Cutud has been assassinated.

An adversary shot dead on Saturday afternoon a Sama employee of the Pagadian City Tourism Office, also a barangay leader known for his extensive role in settling disputes among constituents in their seaside village.

In a report released on Sunday, the Pagadian City Police Office stated that the victim, Caloy Tanta Andal, 44, was on his way home from work when he was shot four times by a neighbor, identified only as Sahibil, while walking through a footbridge connecting houses in a Sama beachfront enclave in Purok Kabingaan in Barangay San Pedro.

Sahibil, also an ethnic Sama, and his three companions, overheard speaking to each other in their vernacular, escaped using a pumpboat hidden beside stilt houses a few meters away.

Barangay officials in San Pedro, home to mixed Sama, Tausug and Visayan communities, told reporters the slain Andal, a purok leader, and Sahibil had a heated altercation during a barangay conflict settlement meeting last month.

Andal, an employee of the Pagadian City Tourism Office, popular for his being active in resolving disputes among constituents in Barangay San Pedro, had reportedly reprimanded Sahibil for being unruly during their dialogue then.

Pagadian City Mayor Sammy Co on Saturday urged the officials of the Pagadian CPO and barangay leaders to cooperate in locating Sahibil and his three companions, all at large.

A city employee of the tourism office who is also a barangay leader has been assassinated.

The barangay chairman and a Sangguniang Kabataan kagawad (councilor) of Barangay Alta Vista, Ormoc City, were wounded in a shooting incident in the area on Wednesday, June 12.

Police identified the victims as Barangay Chairman Dennis Laurente and Hanna Toralba, 21, SK kagawad.

Investigation said gunmen onboard a motorcycle overtook and fired at Laurente’s vehicle.

Laurente and Toralba sustained multiple bullet wounds.

Ormoc City Mayor Lucy Torres-Gomez and Leyte Rep. Richard Gomez have offered a P200,000 reward for information leading to the gunmen.

The incident was caught on surveillance footage. 

Police are conducting follow-up investigation.

The barangay chairman and a Sangguniang Kabataan kagawad (councilor) of Barangay Alta Vista, Ormoc City, were wounded in an attempted assassination.

MalacaƱang suspended Gov. Edwin Jubahib of Davao del Norte for 30 more days after serving a two-month suspension.

Jubahib was slated to resume his office duties on Monday, June 10, after the 60-day preventive suspension imposed by MalacaƱang concluded.

However, another suspension directive thwarted his return, said Jubahib in a video message he posted on his official Facebook page on Tuesday, June 11.

“I regret to inform you (Davao del Norte residents) that I cannot return to my office as governor following another suspension order,” Jubahib said in a local dialect.

The Office of the President issued the 30-day suspension on Friday, June 7, for allegedly supporting a protest rally against the Northern Davao Electric Cooperative (Nordeco). 

Jubahib strongly disapproved of Nordeco due to its alleged low-quality service and power disruptions that hindered provincial growth.

He cited the Island Garden City of Samal (Igacos) as among the areas that endured the cooperative’s deficient operations, leading to demands for a more dependable electricity provider. 

Nordeco had earlier vowed to resolve the issue of power interruptions in Igacos and other concerned areas that have been the subject of complaints from the government and the people.

Jubahib said he will take the suspension as a challenge. He added that he stood up and fought for the people of the province who struggled due to the inconvenience Nordeco caused.

“If this is the price I have to pay for public service, then so be it,” the governor said while hoping for a positive outcome in the struggle for the welfare of the residents of Davao del Norte.

Jubahib was suspended on April 11 due to allegations of grave abuse of authority and oppression before the new preventive suspension order was issued.

MalacaƱang suspended Gov. Edwin Jubahib of Davao del Norte for 30 more days after serving a two-month suspension.

The Supreme Court has ordered a municipal trial court judge in Calamba City, Laguna, dismissed and disbarred for falsifying public documents in order to continue receiving the salaries of her contractual driver who had already resigned.

In a 42-page per curiam decision, the high court en banc found Vice Executive Judge and presiding Judge Sharon Alamada-Magayanes guilty of falsification of official documents, serious dishonesty and gross misconduct.

She was also cited for the commission of crimes involving moral turpitude and violations of the New Code of Judicial Conduct.

Her corespondents, court clerk Rachel Worwor-Miguel and court stenographer Beverly de Jesus, were likewise found guilty of falsification and serious dishonesty for falsifying the payroll registers by signing the document.

Wowor-Miguel was fined P140,000 for falsifying the payroll registers for seven periods while De Jesus was penalized P20,000 for falsifying the payroll register for one period.

According to the court, Alamada confessed that she signed the payroll registers of the Calamba City government for her contractual driver and certified that he rendered service for the period stated in the document although he had already resigned.

The high tribunal also noted that the ATM card of the driver was with the judge and that from September 2020 until July 2021, his salaries were still being credited to the ATM card and “consistently withdrawn upon the instructions of Judge Alamada.”

In dismissing the judge from service, the court ruled that her acts showed her moral depravity and she “fell short of the standards of a magistrate of the law.”

“Judges are repeatedly reminded to be irreproachable in conduct and to be free from any appearance of impropriety,” it said in a statement on Tuesday.

The high tribunal further ruled that Alamada’s false certifications and misappropriation of her staff’s salaries also constituted gross misconduct and serious dishonesty—both considered serious offenses under Canon VI, Section 33 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability.

“Judge Alamada’s acts did not only affect the image of the judiciary, but also put her moral character in serious doubt and rendered her unfit to continue in the practice of law,” it said.

The court added that it further considered the multiple offenses committed by the judicial officer, in addition to her “lack of remorse” and the severity of her offenses in imposing the penalty of disbarment.

The Supreme Court has ordered a municipal trial court judge in Calamba City, Laguna, dismissed and disbarred for falsifying public documents in order to continue receiving the salaries of her contractual driver who had already resigned.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted former mayor Voltaire Anthony C. Villarosa of Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro of violation of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Act of 1997 and ordered his perpetual disqualification from holding public office.

Villarosa was also sentenced to two to four years imprisonment and ordered to pay a fine of P10,000 for violation of Section 6(b) in relation to Section 52(g) of Republic Act No. 8291, the GSIS law.

However, he was acquitted of graft charge and alleged violation of Section 81 in relation to Section 272(b) of R.A. No. 8424, the Tax Reform Act of 1997.

Villarosa was charged for the failure of the municipality to turn over the remittance of the GSIS premiums and contributions of its officials and employees covering the period from Sept. 20, 2015 to May 20, 2016 amounting to P4,808,283.63.

In its decision, the anti-graft court said that Villarosa, as local chief executive of Mamburao, is "duty bound" to enforce the provisions of RA 8291. However, he failed to remit the GSIS contributions within 30 days from which they became due and demandable, the court said.

While Villarosa argued that he passed the responsibility of signing checks for the payment of the GSIS contributions, the court said that he failed to adduce evidence proving such delegation of responsibility.

"Villarosa cannot absolve himself from liability by merely passing the buck to the municipal administrators," the decision stated. "Even granting that there was indeed a delegation, Villarosa should have followed up on the status of the items he has delegated," it said.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted former mayor Voltaire Anthony C. Villarosa of Mamburao, Occidental Mindoro of violation of the Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) Act of 1997 and ordered his perpetual disqualification from holding public office.