Monday, January 8, 2024

The God Culture: Exclusive Interview With The God Culture

Recently my lovely assistant sat down with Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture for an in-depth interview. What follows is the transcript.

Exclusive Interview With The God Culture

Tonight we have a very special guest, Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture. We will be diving deep into his doctrines.  Get ready because this interview will blow you away. 

How are you tonight Mr. Schwab?

0:29 Doing Great.

Unlocking Hidden Truths with The God Culture - Zen Garcia & Tim Schwab 

That's good to hear. So, you are an American who moved to the Philippines not too long ago. Tell us about what it meant for you to relocate to the Philippines. 

2:11:00 You know, I have been here in the Philippines now for about eight years. Even becoming a  citizen and you can call me Petros. Nah, keep calling me the same thing. But you know I fell in love with this country a long time ago first with a beautiful woman who changed my life and just observing the culture of her and her mother and the way the Philippine people operate as opposed to the average American! I mean this has just been amazing.

But I had no idea where that would lead. You know, we moved here to the Philippines we weren't exactly sure what we were going to do. Right? I mean it was a big move. As an American I can't just go down the street and get a job too easy. So what do I do right? I'm not going to work in a rice field so uh but you know Yahuah has given us a vision and he's provided every step of the way.

You say you became a Philippine citizen does that mean you gave up your American citizenship? Are you no longer an American citizen?

49:37 You know when it comes down to it America came in as conquerors. That's how they approached the Philippines. They could've just given the Philippines their freedom if they were to spread democracy. We came in here to spread democracy. See, America's a great place, except for that's not what they did. They sent their military in and they crushed the Philippines, killing in some estimates as many as 2 million Filipinos. That's a conqueror. They had their boot on your neck. That's how they operate and they can try to paint it whatever way they want. I am an American but I know the truth and I'm going to tell the truth. I am ashamed at what my country did and I am proud to be a Filipino

We all know that you did not move to the Philippines to work in a rice field. Instead you ended up working on a video series and then you published a number of books. Tell us about the vision for the Philippines that God has given you. 

21:08 This is why Yahusha said this land will restore his law. This land will rise against the final generation (kingdom?). It's why Isaiah said His law will be restored in this land. Why just the Philippines? It's not just the Philippines, it's the land of creation, the land of the Garden of Eden, the land of his Holy of Holies. His presence is here. You know, one thing you wonder and a lot of the world wonders and, I don't know, I'm sure there's studies that show somebody else somewhere, to me Filipinos are the happiest people on earth. At some point you've been conquered and raped and stolen from and all of these things in history in the last 400 years or so and yet you're still the happiest people on earth. Why? Because you are just above the Holy of Holies above Yahuah. That's why. Wow.

Tell us more about what you mean by "restoring the law." Is it not true Jesus Christ came to free us from the law by fulfilling it? Certainly there is no temple in Israel.

22:08 Obviously there is no temple in Israel today so no actual need to go there although certainly visit that's fine. But we don't need that anymore. In fact watch our Solomon's Gold series and you will find His Holy of Holies on earth has always been put permanently in the Garden of Eden which we locate in the Philippines. And the one in Israel was very temporary of course. Thus everyone should really travel to  the Philippines for these feasts. How about that? Something to think about. And this is why we say that the Philippines is where they will reinstate these feasts in full especially.
But if there is no temple how can one keep the feasts in full since they are to be kept in the place God designated which is at the temple? And what about not knowing the correct dates on which God says to keep them? Is that not a problem? Can one really keep the feasts if they are not being kept in the right place at the right time?
1:09:59 But no one has these dates a hundred percent that we can verify including us, uh, so don't beat people up over oh well you do it this day oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, don't do that. The point, keep the feast.

The Feast of Tabernacles: Sukkot, A Shadow Of Things To Come. Feasts of YHWH Series

You said that the Holy of Holies is in the Garden of Eden which is in the Philippines. Where in the Philippines is the Garden of Eden located?

34:36 So, there you go. The Garden of Eden is just below the Philippines under the Sulu Sea.

Where is the Garden of Eden? Answers In Jubilees: Part 8

The Garden of Eden is under the Sulu Sea? That sounds inaccessible and uninhabitable.

29:07 So there you go. New revelation. Elijah just as Enoch was also taken into the Garden of Eden where the two of them remain.  Wonder what they're doing? Well, they are priests. They're just as a temple priest in the Holy of Holies because they are in the permanent Holy of Holies of Yahuah. Now, we know Enoch was sacrificing even burnt offerings according to the book of Jubilees we covered so essentially they took the place of Adam who was a priest in the garden. He was keeping the garden. It is clear this is the case and these two continue to live and serve Yahuah there. They remain holy and will to the end.

Where Are Enoch and Elijah Now? Not Heaven. Answers In First Enoch: Part 28

Wow! Enoch and Elijah are sacrificing burnt offerings in The Garden of Eden underneath the Sulu Sea below the Philippines? Does that mean there are animals living in the Garden of Eden? Can we enter the garden and visit Enoch and Elijah? 

27:39 You and I, however, can't enter but it will be open to us again in the end on the day of judgment. 

Where Are Enoch and Elijah Now? Not Heaven. Answers In First Enoch: Part 28

Aside from being the location of the Holy of Holies on earth what is it that makes the Philippines so special in the last days?

2:13:51  Because Jesus, Yahusha, said Himself that the Philippines will rise in the last days and stand against the New World Order, the one world government. The Philippines! Can you imagine that? Start. Because it's coming soon. His prophecies never return unto him void.

It seems rather exciting to imagine that the Philippines will be rising up to fight against the New World Order. Tell us more about that. 
1:31:53 The Two Witnesses are coming and they will stand in the strongest of ways and we do believe that will be the first three and a half years of the tribulation when many will rise all over the world against the corruption. But the two lands which will lead this charge will be Kurdistan and Philippines according to the words of Yahusah Himself. And the Two Witnesses will come from there as well.  
In other words other governments around the earth will be preparing for the rise of their Messiah.  They already are.  The Beast or the anti-christ, the anti-Messiah to some, also known as the Mahdi in Islam, Maitreya in the New Age mythos, and the Jewish Messiah to come as well who is not Yahusha who they reject even still, who already came.  
But these two lands, Kurdistan, Philippines, will rise against that final generation and condemn it in Messiah's words. That means they will lead a charge to repentance all over the world. Though two of them, perhaps prophets, maybe even small groups, will go to Jerusalem and prophesy for 1260 days. We believe we are already beginning to see the stage set for this as these two lands especially are lost tribes areas as is Central Africa.

Two Witnesses of Revelation Explained. This Will Rock Your World. Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish

When do you think this final generation will arrive? Is it our generation or is there still more time?

51:41 So, 2120 for the tribulation start and 2127 for Messiah's return. These are ballparks. We're not saying exacts, we're not saying it's exactly and we don't know. Look, this isn't trigonometry or calculus we could be off a decade, we could be off a year, we could be off certain months, we could be not considering something. We're not saying any of that, all right? This isn't an exact science. We don't care for it to be because we don't get to know the day or the hour. But here's what we do know. We know it's time to prepare. We know when the season is and we have about a century folks.

Let's go back to your comment about "restoring the law." Is it not true Jesus Christ came to free us from the law by fulfilling it?  

30:18  He came to fulfill the covenant which is certainly for us indeed. This was His purpose but has He done this yet? Didn't He do that on the cross already and in His resurrection? Well let's see what He says about that. 
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law," that's the law of Moses, "or the prophets," that's the Old Testament, the writings of the prophets. "I am not come to destroy," destroy what? The law of Moses nor the Old Testament.  "But to fulfill," fulfill what? The law of Moses and the prophecies of the prophets, the Old Testament. And then He tells when all will be fulfilled and he does not use His resurrection as the timestamp at all.  "For verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass one jot or one tittle," Hebrew letters basically, "shall in nowise pass from the law till all be fulfilled."   
Now when does heaven and earth pass away? When all is fulfilled. Did it pass away at His resurrection. No. It's still there. Revelation 21 says that heaven and earth pass away at the time of the final judgment basically. Look around. Has earth passed away yet? If someone tells you it ever did they don't know scripture because the first heaven and earth are still here.  
And the second one does not take place until that time of the end according to scripture essentially at the final judgement. But also this passage tells us when the law is fulfilled. All is fulfilled when? When heaven and earth pass away.  Why, by the way?  Because heaven and earth are the witnesses to the law in scripture. Keep reading though. 
"Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven." Why would He say this knowing He was about to go to the cross if He were about to fulfill the law?

Lost Tribes Series: Part 4A: Grafted Into the Kingdom

So, you are saying Christ did not fulfill the law? Did he not say it is finished while on the cross?

33:12 There's only one day of judgment and that's when all souls are judged. All of them. Billions. Uh, Messiah's greatest work is to come. Uh, the cross was wonderful and very significant no doubt but he did not complete his work on the cross and no scripture actually says he does. That comes out of our pulpits but actually his greatest works are to come.

Unlocking Hidden Truths with The God Culture - Zen Garcia & Tim Schwab

So, you are saying Christ did not fulfill the law or complete His work, and we must still keep the law?  Is that right?

20:05 For us to not keep his law, uh-oh here it comes, is also to not love Him. As if we love Him what do we do? John 15, keep my commandments. Even in revelation what are they found doing at the very end the end times remnant? Keeping His commandments, His law.  Do we love him? This is a covenant folks and it is  the way it works. See that's they way he defines this. It's a covenant relationship. This is intimacy wth the Creator.  He loves you that much. He wants to be intimate with you in relationship. Are we in relationship with Him or not?
Sabbath Series: Part 3B. Messiah Kept the Sabbath.

18:52 Relationship with Him is the requirement of salvation and for getting our prayers answered.

You are equating and reducing our relationship with God to keeping the law. What about righteousness by faith apart from the law? Romans 3:21-22 says, "But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets; Even the righteousness of God which is by faith of Jesus Christ unto all and upon all them that believe."

19:30 So this is another example that we aren't to just have faith in Yahusha. That’s not enough. That’s not it.  No, no, no, no. We are to keep His commandments.
Sabbath Series: Part 5: The End Times Sabbath
40:11 The law is what redeems us.

The law is what redeems us? But in Galatians 3:13 Paul says, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law." Paul also tells us Abraham was not justified by keeping the law but by his faith. Romans 4:3 says "Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness." That means he was righteous apart from the law.

16:44 Abraham kept the law and the sabbath. And so did Isaac and Jacob.  I mean how can they be called righteous if there was no law by which they could be judged as righteous? The very notion is ridiculous from the start.

Sabbath Series: Introduction Commentary Only

It seems that you are saying a man is not saved by faith but by keeping the law. 

11:39 Abiding is doing something, by the way. It's not sitting back and doing nothing. Abiding is something that you physically have to do in relationship with Him which is never defined in all of scripture as saying a shallow prayer and checking a box on a decision card. 

If abiding in Christ is dependent upon our works and not the faithfulness of Jesus Christ who promised in John 10 I will give you eternal life and no man can pluck you out of my hand how can we ever have any assurance of  our salvation? 

27:46 People ask at times how do we know we are saved? Well, are you keeping the sabbath? That is the sign of one who is saved and in relationship with Him. Sorry, we tell the truth here. 

So, keeping the Sabbath indicates we are saved?

22:35 One person commented drawing the conclusion that we teach sabbath is salvation and that, we want to call out right now, is absolutely ridiculous. Wrong. We never said that. We said knowing Him in a true relationship is and always has been, even in the Old Testament, salvation.

Sabbath Series: Part 3B. Messiah Kept the Sabbath.

A moment ago you said keeping the sabbath is "the sign of one who is saved."  But now you are saying the opposite and that keeping the sabbath is not indicative of salvation. How do you reconcile this contradiction? Can a person lose their salvation if they do not keep the sabbath and the rest of the Mosaic law?

59:10  For if God spared not the natural branches, the Israelites, take heed lest he also spare not thee. Wait I thought you couldn't lose your salvation. Hmmm.

Lost Tribes Series: Part 4A: Grafted Into the Kingdom

8:20 There is no such thing as "once saved always saved" because you said a prayer. Forget it, it's not Scripture. Salvation is always in Scripture according to Paul, especially, a lifestyle. Again read Matthew 7, read John 15 the whole chapters and you will find Messiah defines salvation not Paul and Paul agrees with his definition and he has to. Most especially to Paul who just said so in this passage multiple times as he tells us that we should do good works, that we should walk, that we should have relationship. We're talking about action words here, we're talking about us having to do something. He's also saying to keep the law. That's doing something.   

Colossians 2. What Did Paul Say? Not What We Are Told.

Where does Jesus Christ fit in all of this? What need do we have of Him if our salvation depends on keeping the law? Isn't Jesus Christ the core of the entire Bible? 

45:00  The Sabbath and the feasts are the core of the biblical calendar and of the entire bible.

Sabbath Series: Part 2A. Origin of the Sabbath. Not Moses!

10:39 Again, is there salvation through the law? No. One is not saved by keeping the law.  That is Pharisee doctrine, not what Paul says. Paul is clear there is only salvation through Yahushah Hamashiach. 
It may sound confusing but it's actually very simple. It has become confusing because Pharisees have gotten their hands in it and mixed it up.  We receive Him in making a decision to make Him our Lord. I mean a real decision not just saying a prayer and in fact a prayer is not even required. However we are saved if we continue in that relationship and this where the law comes in because if you claim Messiah is your lord you cannot serve the law of sin and death any longer. If you serve the law of sin and death He is not your Lord. Sorry but He's not. He can't be. You cannot serve two masters, right? He said that. And there is no reconciling the two opposite laws as somehow the same. 
Colossians 3. What Did Paul Say? Not What We Are Told.

Tim, you say that we are not saved by keeping the law but earlier you said that our relationship to God is defined by keeping the law which is the same thing as saying we are saved by keeping the law. You even said the law is what redeems us. Do you not see this as a contradiction? Isn't it true that while you are saying we must keep the law you are living in open sin by being  married to a twice divorced woman which is something Jesus condemned when he said "whosoever shall marry her that is divorced commiteth adultery?" How do you reconcile the contradiction between your doctrine of salvation by keeping the law and your living in open adultery?

35:46 Just so you know I am divorced and remarried myself. At the time I was ministering, leading worship and helps ministry, at a mega church in Florida in which that group of pastors assessed my situation and shows it was lawful and they married my Filipino wife and I in their Chapel with her full endorsement, many of those pastors even in attendance but their full support. We continue to be vetted and by many since and this woman is the largest blessing of my life. This is a blogger somehow who employ such distasteful, disgusting and demonic, poets who actually said my wife, my wonderful wife, should be put away.

How dare he. He better hope I am able to follow the commandments if I ever meet him, that's for sure.

Sabbath Series: Part 3D: Sermon On The Mount: Did Messiah Abolish the Law?

Let's move on to another topic. Do you believe in the Trinity? That God is three persons, the Father, Son, and Spirit, in one divine nature? 

1:00:44 Then espousing some doctrine of men like Trinity which is a word that never even appears in scripture once. That's why you don't see any videos from us on that. We could care less about the doctrines of men. 

Sabbath Series: Part 3C. Did Messiah Break the Sabbath?
Yes, the word Trinity is not in the Bible but certainly the concept is right? 

36:22 Moses wrote Genesis and he wrote Elohim in the beginning because the Elohim he refers to is two, the Father and the Son. 

Restoring Creation: Part 2: Continued... Did Moses Write the First Chapters of Genesis?

What about the Holy Spirit? Isn't He also God?

1:27:47 Yahusha said Moses wrote of me. Hello? He did so in Genesis and Jubilees first and actually if we went back even further uh, when it says "In the beginning Elohim said", right, Elohim created the heavens and the earth, well, that word Elohim is there, not God, by the way. It's Elohim in Hebrew and it's plural. It's two. It's the Father and the Son. Some throw in the Holy Spirit uh, we can't find any Scriptures where the Holy Spirit is a creator, but whatever. 

Restoring Creation: Part 3: What Is the Origin of Genesis? Not Sumer or the Occult!

You say that the Holy Spirit is not God but everything He does, everything attributed to Him, indicates he is God. In Ephesians 2:22 Paul says we "are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit." Surely that would mean the Spirit of God is divine? 

13:08 There's no mention in Jubilees of the Holy Spirit specifically. Uh, Moses doesn't separate him out there, uh, and that may be telling, uh, but we're, we're not sure on that though we'll keep researching. Uh, he mentions all the spirits that serve before Him, uh, which are indisputably angels. Uh, whether the Holy Spirit is included in that we don't know. Uh, that's a topic for another series requiring a lot of research we're not going to touch yet but we will eventually. We'd like to get to that, anyway. We know He was there though and that the Angels weren't yet, uh, at that point on Genesis 1:2. Uh, so if if He was created per se He would have been created before, uh, the Angels not at the same time and certainly not lumped in with them. So, not sure that, that that's the case and He very well may be. Uh, yes he's the Eternal Holy Spirit but Eternal, uh, the angels are Eternal, man is eternal so that doesn't mean that He existed prior to being created if he was a creation like other Spirits. There's just no mention of Him as existing prior and the word Eternal does not denote no beginning, again. So, there's no scripture that really says, okay, and that may actually tell us much.

Restoring Creation: Part 13: Where Did the Water and Deep Come From? Gen. 1:2 Understood in Job 26

You heard it here folks. The Holy Spirit, the very spirit of God who dwells within us and seals our redemption, is a creation.

Tim, tell us what future projects you are working on.

2:30:58 But we're working on a textbook. A real textbook. A four year course that will teach, especially Filipinos but people all over the world, the foundation of the Bible which includes the Philippines. Because it includes the Garden of Eden which is here. You don't get a more significant land than that of the Garden of Eden, the very land of creation itself. So, we're working on that project right now and we hope to get that out in time.

A real textbook? Does that mean your books and videos will be taught in the classroom?

1:01:35 Of course we we understand there's a lot of professors out there whose jobs are at stake if they took a stand for this. But do you know there are some that are teaching this in classrooms? I won't expose them but there's one who asked us for Solomon's Treasure and we sent them copies for their classrooms. There's another one that's using the videos and they're actually showing Solomon's Gold Series in the college classroom.

Is Philippines Ophir? Recent News. Live in Davao. Message to Congress.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with us Tim. I am sure the audience has learned quite a lot from what you have to say about the Philippines and the Bible.

1:41:40 I want to thank you for having us on. 

And there you have it folks. That was Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture. A man who believes Filipinos will fight the anti-christ, faith in Christ is not enough to save a person, one can lose their salvation, and the Holy Spirit, the very spirit of God himself who dwells within all believers, is a creature. Is that what you believe too? Good night everybody and see you next time. 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Retards in the Government 345

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

A driver of a police car responsible for a bus crash that left five passengers injured along the EDSA Carousel in Quezon City on Wednesday was relieved from his post.

Col. Jean Fajardo, chief information officer of the Philippine National Police, said the driver, who is a police officer, would be facing administrative charges.

Fajardo did not identify the policeman, who is assigned with the National Police Training Institute in Calamba City, Laguna.

Quezon City police director Brig. Gen. Redrico Maranan said a traffic ticket was issued to the policeman for reckless driving.

He said the police officer would also face criminal complaints.

Dashcam videos posted by the Department of Transportation on its Facebook page showed the bus was traversing the southbound lane of EDSA when the police car veered to the left and entered the Carousel.

The bus driver tried to avoid the police car, but ended up hitting the railings of the Metro Rail Transit’s Santolan station.

A cop has been sacked after causing a bus to crash.

The Supreme Court (SC) has affirmed the conviction of two Manila police officers who were found guilty of robbery and extortion.

In an 11-page decision penned by Senior Associate Justice Marvic Leonen, the SC’s Second Division denied the consolidated petitions for review filed by Cpl. Ireneo Sosas Jr. and Senior M/Sgt. Ariel Salvador.

Sosas and Salvador were sentenced to up to eight years in prison.

They were also ordered to pay Arbuez P20,000 in damages.

In 2010, Sosas and Salvador were charged with robbery before the Office of the Deputy Ombudsman for the Military and Other Law Enforcement Offices, based on the complaint of salesperson Janith Arbuez.

Arbuez, who worked at a cell phone shop at Isetann Mall, had claimed that Sosas brought her to the mall’s administrative office to report her for selling stolen phones.

Sosas allegedly took Arbuez to the police station.

Salvador and Sosas allegedly asked P20,000 from the victim in exchange for the dropping of a complaint for violating the Anti-Fencing Law against Arbuez.

When Arbuez negotiated for a lower amount, Sosas allegedly agreed on the condition that they become “sweethearts.”

The victim refused and called her sister-in-law to bring the money to the police station.

After 18 hours in detention, Arbuez was freed after Sosas had received the money.

The Manila regional trial court found Sosas and Salvador guilty of robbery. Their conviction was affirmed by the Court of Appeals, prompting them to elevate their appeal to the SC.

The conviction of two cops for robbery and extortion has been upheld by the Supreme Court.

Former Palompon, Leyte Mayor Myra Georgina Arevalo and her former municipal planning and development officer have been charged for alleged illegal issuance of a cease-and-desist order against DBSN Farms Agriventures Corp.

The case filed by DBSN on Thursday, December 28, before the Regional Trial Court Branch 14 here stemmed from her alleged denial to sign the renewal of the business permit of the breeder farm in Barangay San Joaquin on January 25, 2021, due to alleged environmental violations.

She likewise issued a cease-and-desist order on its operation on February 19, 2021, despite allegedly complying with all the statutory requirements.

"The closure made by Myra Georgina Laurente Arevalo was designed merely to harass the company for purely personal and political motives as she had singled out DBSN," the corporation said in a statement.

DBSN lawyer Gerentstein Banzon said the actions of the former local chief executive have resulted in the failure of DBSN to deliver fertilized eggs for hatching to other facilities owned by San Miguel Corp.

"Based on the contract of San Miguel and DBSN, DBSN was obliged to pay and has in fact paid P110 million in terms of penalties. DBSN has also suffered a loss of income in the amount of P84 million with total damage of P195,252,970.913," Banzon said.

A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and Preliminary Injunction (PI) were later issued by the Palompon Regional Trial Court Branch 17 which upheld that DBSN has the right to continue the chicken breeder farm operations.

DBSN further claimed that the actions of the respondents caused irreversible deprivation of a major food source of over 33,600 tons of chicken meat in the region.

"Chicken meat is the preferred meat source in Region 8. The actions of Arevalo and Pastor caused irreversible deprivation of a major food source of over 33,600 metric tons of chicken meat in the region," it said.

"To put into context, the total chicken meat requirement in Region 8 alone is approximately 64,000 tons of chicken meat,  more than half of that chicken meat requirement was sourced outside of Region 8 because of the illegal acts of Arevalo and Pastor when it could have been easily sourced here in the region."

A former mayor has been charged for issuing an illegal cease-and-desist order against a chicken farming corporation.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted former mayor Apolinaria H. Balistoy of Cortes town in Bohol of criminal charges in connection with the fraudulent use of the municipality’s P105,000 training funds in 2010.

The anti-graft court said that while Balistoy insisted that she attended the training, the prosecution’s evidence successfully proved that she actually did not.

Balistoy was sentenced to six to eight years in jail for violation of Section 3(e) of Republic Act No. 3019, the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, with perpetual disqualification from holding public office. She was also ordered to indemnify the municipality of Cortes in the amount of P105,000.

For her conviction under Article 171 (falsification) of the Revised Penal Code (RPC), Balistoy was sentenced to four to 10 years imprisonment and was ordered to pay a fine of P5,000.

She was also sentenced to four months to six years for each of her convictions on five counts of Article 217 in relation to Article 172 (malversation of public funds through use of falsified documents) of the RPC and was ordered to pay a fine of P105,000.

However, the Sandiganbayan acquitted her co-accused, Executive Director of Asian Women's Network on Gender and Development (AWNGAD) Daphne D. Roxas, for failure of the prosecution to prove her guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

The cases against Balistoy arose from the disbursement of P105,000 public funds as reimbursement for expenses incurred for her and her son's attendance in Modules 1 to 4 of Trainings on Local Environment Governance and the Barangay E-Agri Training from May to October 2010.

The prosecution alleged and the anti-graft court agreed that Balistoy took public funds by falsifying Official Receipts and Certificates of Attendance as well as other liquidation documents by making it appear that they attended and completed the four module trainings and Barangay E-Agri Training.

"In sum, accused Balistoy is found guilty of all the cases filed against her. Sufficient opportunity was given to her to defend her cases and present evidence to refute the allegations against her but she failed to do so and even jumped bail," the court said.

"It was shown beyond reasonable doubt that Balistoy used fraudulent and incomplete documents to reimburse for expenses of trainings and seminars thereby making it appear that she participated when in fact she did not," it added.

The Sandiganbayan has convicted a former mayor of graft, malversation, and falsification.

The death of a policeman who was found with a severe gunshot wound on his head in Negros Oriental on Saturday morning, December 30, 2023, was allegedly caused by his own gun accidentally firing.

This was according to the investigation of the Negros Oriental police on the death of Police Staff Sergeant John Kelly N. Catedral.

A police report showed that Catedral was driving his scooter on his way to La Libertad Proper when the fatal accident happened.

The accident took place at around 9:30 a.m. along the national highway in Sitio Looc, Barangay Martilio, La Libertad town in Negros Oriental.

However, witnesses claimed to hear a single burst of gunfire all of a sudden and found that Catedral has fallen to the ground.

Responding officers arrived at the scene and found the lifeless Catedral lying beside his scooter  with a severe gunshot wound on his head.

Police recovered from underneath Catedral’s scooter an empty cartridge of 5.56 caliber rifle.

The report said that the policeman’s issued firearms had been secured and would be processed by Scene of the Crime Operatives (SOCO).

Catedral is a member of the Philippine National Police (PNP) assigned at the La Libertad Police Station.

A cop died after accidentally shooting himself in the head.

The Office of the Ombudsman meted a six-month suspension without pay to a town mayor of Mindoro Oriental province after finding him administratively liable in connection with irregularities in the operation of a cockfighting arena.

This is the second suspension of Mayor German Rodegerio, after his first suspension last March.

In a copy of the order made public Monday, Assistant Ombudsman Pilarita Lapitan said Rodegerio's suspension took effect on Dec. 1, 2023, pursuant to a decision handed down by the Ombudsman last Aug. 31 finding the mayor administratively liable for simple misconduct.

This stemmed from the complaint filed by four individuals -- Vic Ruskin Ong, Wilfredo Condesa, Teotimo Famplume Jr. and Rimando Recalde -- who claimed that town officials, including the mayor, gave unwarranted benefits to the Gloria Cockpit Arena (GCA) which did not have a franchise.

The latest suspension order covers Rodegerio's issuance of 295 permits for cockfighting operations of the GCA from December 2017 to February 2021.

The Ombudsman earlier suspended Rodegerio for issuing 127 permits in favor of GCA from December 2018 to November 2019.

Rodegerio, meanwhile, claimed he acted in good faith and merely continued what his predecessors did when he issued permits to GCA.

He said the issuance was based on municipal resolutions issued by past administrations and even during the time of then-vice mayor Ramon Solas, who was one of the complainants.

A mayor has been suspended again over cockfighting irregularities.

A barangay chairman was stabbed dead by a tricycle driver in Ajuy, Iloilo on Sunday.

Cornelio Cacho, 67, of Barangay Sto. Rosario, was declared dead on arrival at the Sara District Hospital due to a stab wound in the abdomen.

Police arrested the suspect, identified as Jonel Amaba, 42, in a pursuit operation in nearby Anilao town.

The victim was sitting in front of a commercial establishment in Barangay Malayu-an when Amaba allegedly stabbed him, according to Lt. Randy Lambungan, Ajuy police chief.

Lambungan said probers are eyeing jealousy as the motive for the killing.

A barangay chairman has been stabbed dead by a tricycle driver.

A motorcycle-riding traffic enforcer of the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA) hit commuters getting off a bus along the EDSA Carousel in Cubao, Quezon City on Sunday.

Believed to be drunk, the MMDA enforcer, who was in uniform and equipped with a two-way radio, struck two passengers who alighted from a bus on the southbound lane of the EDSA Carousel, according to a report of the Special Action and Intelligence Committee for Transportation (SAICT).

The passengers suffered minor injuries, the report said.

The traffic enforcer was speeding along the EDSA busway when he rammed the commuters, according to SAICT.

Video footage uploaded by the MMDA on its Facebook page showed the enforcer was apparently drunk as he could not get on his motorcycle following the accident.

A bus driver, who recorded the video, sought help from officers of the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) assigned at the bus stop and apprehended the traffic enforcer.

The MMDA personnel did not yield his driver’s license to the PCG officers and told them to stop picking on him, saying he was also a law enforcer, according to SAICT.

The MMDA has yet to identify the traffic enforcer.

Acting MMDA Chairman Romando Artes said he has ordered an investigation into the incident.

“He might be terminated if he is a job order employee,” Artes said.

A drunk MMDA employee has been caught hitting bus passengers.

The Sandiganbayan has affirmed its decision that convicted the municipal revenue collector of Santa Ignacia, Tarlac of malversation of public funds amounting to P343,000 in 2013.

In a resolution, the anti-graft court denied Joseph M. Pattawi’s motion for reconsideration which alleged that the witnesses presented by the prosecution had no personal knowledge on the reported shortage in the General and Special Education Fund and, thus, their testimonies were “hearsay.”

The court disagreed with Pattawi. “The Court has already passed upon the issues raised in the assailed decision and since there are no new arguments presented by the accused and it failed to comply with the Rules of Court, it becomes evident that the motion should be considered as a mere scrap of paper.”

The Saniganbyana hass affiremd the conviction of a Tarlac treasurer for malversation of public funds.

A drunk soldier ran amok and shot dead two persons while injuring two others in Magpet town, North Cotabato on New Year's Eve, authorities said Tuesday.

In a statement, the Army’s 10th Infantry Division (ID) said the suspect, Sgt. Alin Anthony Jimenez, is affiliated with the Army's 10th Civil-Military Operations Battalion (10CMOBn).

The 10CMOBn operates under the operational control (OPCON) of the Joint Task Force Haribon.

On Monday, the 10CMOBn commander surrendered Jimenez, of Barangay Patag, Cagayan de Oro City, to the Magpet police.

Police report said Jimenez, who was apparently drunk, was involved in an altercation with a person who checked him because he was driving a motorcycle without a license plate at Crossing Matas in Magpet.

Jimenez then left and came back with a pistol and opened fire on people standing near a burger store, killing Eljey Repolidon on the spot.

Another victim, Jesson Torres, later died in the hospital, while others were wounded.

Cases of double murder and double frustrated murder are readied against Jimenez.

“As a result, any administrative case or complaint against the personnel mentioned above cannot be addressed by the 10ID. Nevertheless, the 10ID remains resolute in its commitment to remind all our organic and OPCON personnel to uphold the highest standards of discipline in all their endeavors," the 10ID said.

A drunk soldier has been arrested for murder and frustrated murder.

The Baguio City Police Office (BCPO) in a press statement on Wednesday confirmed the death of one of its personnel.

The victim was identified as 25-year-old Patrolman Jumieko Potennec.

The police admission implied that the death of the cop was a self-inflicted gunshot.

“Accidents can be unavoidable in the handling of firearms,” Baguio City police director Colonel Francisco Bulwayan Jr. said as he emphasized the importance of adhering to safety principles when dealing with issued firearms to prevent such incidents.

The Baguio City police also ruled out foul play and stressed that the incident was “a tragic accident”.

The police vowed necessary assistance to the family of Potennec.

"Every member of our force will actively contribute to ease the financial burden faced by the family, following one of the best practices of BCPO," the police said.

It also stressed that Potennec will be remembered for his dedicated service to his countrymen as a police officer.

"His contributions to the community will forever be etched in our hearts," Bulwayan said.

Another cop has died after accidentally firing his gun.

A Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) kagawad or councilor was arrested after he accidentally shot a seven-year-old child in Dumangas town, Iloilo province.

The Dumangas Municipal Police Station arrested “Radnie” of Barangay Paloc Bigque on Tuesday, January 2.

The suspect reportedly took a 12-gauge shotgun from his room but accidentally dropped the weapon on the floor. The firearm went off and a bullet hit the victim who was in their home playing.  

Radnie fled but was arrested by the police in a hot-pursuit operation.

The Police Regional Office-6 commended the Police for arresting the suspect.

A councilor has been arrested for accidentally shooting a seven year old boy.

A barangay councilor or “kagawad” was shot dead by a lone gunman on the national highway in Barangay Salay, Mangaldan, Pangasinan on Tuesday night, January 2.

The Police Regional Office-1 (Ilocos) identified the victim as Romeo Abrazaldo del Campo, 43, kagawad of Barangay Guilig, Mangaldan.

Investigation said the victim was riding a Sports Utility Vehicle with his live-in partner and their six-year-old daughter driven by Percival Mercado de Guzman, 33, of Calamba City, Laguna when the suspect, Deo Gapulao Quilan, 30, jobless, of Candelaria, Quezon, appeared on board a motorcycle with no license plate.

Quilan drew a caliber .45 pistol gun and shot the victim in the head. Del Ocampo was taken to a hospital where he was declared dead.

The suspect fled onboard the motorcycle. Quilan was apprehended by patrolling policemen during a running gun battle after the suspect fell of his motorcycle on the Cayanga Bridge in Barangay Tempra-Guilig, San Fabian, Pangasinan, when he was hit on the thigh.

Quilan was taken to the Region 1 Medical Center in Dagupan City, Pangasinan where he is under hospital arrest.

The gun was recovered from the suspect who faces appropriate charges.

Another barangay councilor has been assassinated.

A member of the Citizens Armed Forces Geographical Unit (CAFGU) is facing two counts each of murder and attempted murder charges for the shooting in Moises Padilla, Negros Occidental on Tuesday.

“We are filing a case for two counts of murder before the Office of the Provincial Prosecutor. It will be attempted murder in the case of two females hit by stray bullets,” Maj. Jovito Bose, town police chief, said in an interview on Wednesday.

Police report said Donan Sosia, 32, a member of government militia under the 32nd Negros Occidental CAFGU Active Auxiliary Delta Company of the Philippine Army’s 62nd Infantry Battalion, shot and killed Godofredo Templatura, 70; and his son John Albert, 32, around 4:30 p.m. 

Sosia was responding to a call for assistance from Montilla village chief Nenita Alconera to pacify a commotion between the younger Templatura and his neighbor Alvin Abaño in Purok Sab-a.

Sosia, armed with an M-16 rifle, approached Templatura, who drew a bolo, prompting the former to fire at him twice.

When the victim’s father came in between them, Sosia also shot him.

Marites Rafol, 49; and Jeisel Abaño, 34, were hit by stray bullets.

Sosia is now detained at the Moises Padilla Municipal Police Station.

In an interview, Sosia alleged that he was acting in self-defense when the younger Templatura tried to attack him with a bolo.

A member of the CAFGU has been arrested for murder.

A leader of village watchmen (barangay tanod) in Nasugbu town in Batangas province, was shot and killed on Tuesday, police said.

The Batangas police said in a report on Wednesday, Jan. 3, that Hilario Rodriguez, 53, chief of the watchmen in Barangay Cogunan, was about to report for duty around 7 p.m. when a gunman shot him using a caliber .45 pistol.

The assailant fled after the shooting.

Rodriguez was taken to a local hospital but died while undergoing treatment.

The police said an official of the village’s office of the Violence Against Women and Children (VAWC), who witnessed the incident, identified the killer as alias “Suro,” 43, a resident of the barangay.

An investigation is ongoing to establish the motive behind the incident.

Police launched a manhunt operation to arrest the assailant.

A village watchmen leader has been assassinated.