Monday, October 17, 2022

Jeepney's Makeshift Gas Tank

I like to ride in the  front seat whenever I take the jeepney but on September 14th I was told I needed to sit in the back despite the front seat being empty. The problem? The driver had a makeshift gas tank sitting on the floor. 

How is that legal? I am pretty sure it's not legal. In fact I would bet more than half of the jeepeny's in town are not up to code. Too many bellow thick black clouds of exhaust and I have seen this same makeshift gas tank set up before.

Behind the driver's set was a huge jug of yellow liquid that looked like gasoline. He told me it was water. 

Maybe it is, maybe it's not. I sure would not want to get in a situation hoping that thing doesn't explode. On October 4th I encountered the same thing!

Just look at that bad boy!!! It certainly is bad. And illegal!  But most of all dangerous. Jeepney modernization my hurt some drivers but it is desperately needed. 

1 comment:

  1. Good God that is terrifying. I'd bet half of these jeepney drivers smoke so they're easily one hot crumb and ashing away from making their own Hindenburg on the highway ⚠️😳
