What do you get when you romanticize and fetishize a people overlooking their inherent qualities and ignoring their actual state of being? You get the myth of the noble savage. In the Philippines no one is more guilty of holding to that myth than Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture and Kyle Jennerman of Becoming Filipino. Those two men are like peas in a pod. While they inhabit different ends of the ideological spectrum both treat Filipinos the same way. To Tim and Kyle Filipinos as they are cease to exist and instead become the idealized fantasies they wish for them to be. Let's take a look.
First up, the God Culture. From the 100 Clues Series, Clue#25: Philippines is Ophir: Magellan, Pinto, Barbosa, King of Spain, Cabot KNEW - Ophir, Tarshish.
The majority of this video is a justification of Magellan's falsification of Barbosa's book as if that is evidence that Magellan was prescient and knew the location and identification of the Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish. That does not concern us here. It is the first few minutes which are important. Tim quotes an Anglican churchman quoting a Jew who allegedly located some of the lost tribes in the Philippines.
Starting at 2:00
First to follow up on Columbus from our last video. We said Columbus in his margin notes and journal had initially found in his research the location of Ophir, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden, and some of the lost tribes of Israel all in the Philippines in fact. He was not the only one however in his era.
Now, this original writing is lost to history but preserved in an 1846 book by Rev. Thomas Stackhouse. Stackhouse records that Italian-Jewish scholar and contemporary to Columbus, Farrisol, reached the very same conclusion regarding the lost tribes. He says the lost tribes of Israel are in, for one,...THE PHILIPPINES! Huh? Ever hear that one in your history class? Yeah. Us either.
Gee, these Italian-Jews were searching hard for the lost tribes in the Philippines. And why? Well just look at what Columbus did to what he thought were the lost tribes of Israel in Haiti. He enslaved them and took their gold and resources. That's pleasant. And Magellan was headed in the same direction until of course he lost his head that is.
The Spanish continued to repeat the same pattern. Columbus is cited to acquire this gold for the rebuilding of Jerusalem. Yet the funny thing is if he believed these were lost tribes, knowing the prophecy that they are to return to Jerusalem would they not be a brother to a fellow Jew? It makes one wonder if Columbus and his brand of Jew were even Hebrews in the first place. Hmm. We'll leave that one for another time.
If Tim had actually read the source he is quoting he would have saved much time and effort because he would have ended up chucking it into the garbage and not giving it another look. By this point it should be no surprise that Tim does not thoroughly read his sources, gleans from them whatever supports his thesis while tossing the rest, and that he manipulates them rather shamelessly to make them say what he wants them to say. Sometimes he disdains the need for sources entirely! In the video for Clue #53 he makes this incredible statement at 18:00:
Thomas Suarez's book just to glean something that is actually common knowledge and doesn't require a source even. Talk about a non-issue!
Talk about
fallacious reasoning! Who knew the the locations of Chryse and Argyre and the Turin map, all things he "gleans" from Suarez, are just plain old common knowledge like how rubbing Vicks on your feet will cure everything? Is it any wonder that one cannot reason with this guy when in pursuit of his thesis he chucks all reason to the curb?
The section of this book Tim quotes from actually starts on page 648 and is titled, "
Of the Transportation of the Ten Tribes and Their Return." After briefly discussing the dispersion of the Ten Tribes Stackhouse writes:
Such, with very small exception, has been the case of this unhappy people, ever since the time of the Assyrian captivity; and yet, such is their pride and arrogance, that instead of owning the truth, they have devised fables of their living all along in great prosperity and grandeur in some unknown land, as a national and united body, in an independent state, and under monarchies or republics of their own. So, that before we begin to inquire into the real places of their transportation, and some other circumstances thereunto belonging, it may not be amiss to examine a little the merit of these pretensions, and what foundation they have for such mighty boasts.
It is the pretension of the Jews to locate their lost brethren as living in the nether parts of the world in prosperity and grandeur. Before discussing where the tribes have been located he mentions the oft quoted passage from 2 Esdras 13:40-45 which it would not be amiss to quote here:
40 Those are the ten tribes, which were carried away prisoners out of their own land in the time of Osea the king, whom Salmanasar the king of Assyria led away captive, and he carried them over the waters, and so came they into another land.
41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind dwelt,
42 That they might there keep their statutes, which they never kept in their own land.
43 And they entered into Euphrates by the narrow places of the river.
44 For the most High then shewed signs for them, and held still the flood, till they were passed over.
45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arsareth.
These are the key verses which serve as a prooftext for any number of lost tribes theories, Tim's included. Rev. Stackhouse is less enthusiastic about the entire book of 2 Esdras than Tim.
In short, this counterfeit Esdras, who seems to have been a Christian, and to have lived about the end of the first, or the beginning of the second century, is not only so inconsistent in his account of this, and several other transactions, but so fond of uncertain traditions, and so romantic and fabulous about the divine inspiration which he boasts of, that there is no credit to be given to what he says, a concerning the retreat of the ten tribes into an unknown land.
It is not only Esdras whom Stackhosue accuses of being fond of the romantic and fabulous. He also accuses Farissol, a man whom Timothy thinks is telling the absolute truth, of spouting fantastic nonsense and forgeries.
Another Jewish author, in his description of the world, has found out very commodious habitations for the ten tribes, and in many places has given them a glorious establishment. In a country which he calls Perricha, inclosed by unknown mountains, and bounded by Assyria, he has settled some, and made them a flourishing and populous kingdom. Others he places in the desert of Chabor, which, according to him, lies upon the Indian sea, where they live, in the manner of the ancient Rechabites, without houses, sowing, or the use of wine. Nay, he enters the Indies likewise, and peoples the banks of the Ganges, the isles of Bengala, the Philippines, and several other places, with the Jews, to whom he assigns a powerful king, called Daniel, who had three other kings tributary, and dependent on him. But this is all of the same piece, a forged account to aggrandize the nation, and to make it be believed, that the sceptre is not departed from Judah, nor a lawgiver from between his feet, and that Shiloh consequently is not yet come.
Stackhouse then describes other alleged locations of the lost tribes such as in the New World among the American Indians, rejects them all, and concludes:
Thus we have endeavoured to find out the situation of the ten tribes of Israel, and yet can meet with nothing, but either the fabulous accounts of the Talmudists, or the uncertain conjectures of modern critics; let us now have recourse to the Scriptures, and know what the information is that they can supply us with, in this our inquiry.
Rev. Stackhouse dismisses the writings of Farissol and the rest of the Jews concerning the lost tribes out of hand as nothing but "the fabulous accounts of the Talmudists." On Farissol's Wikipedia page there is a link to the book "Chapters on Jewish Literature."
Chapter 20 of this book is titled "Traveller's Tales" and is all about the fabulous tales of Jews and how they located the lost tribes in sundry places throughout the world during their travels. Farissol is mentioned in this chapter very briefly. The point here is to say that the writings of Farissol and his fellow Jews, including Columbus, are nothing but fantastic falsehoods. The dreams of a dispossessed people longing to regain their former glory. The Jews have placed the lost tribes in every nook and cranny of the world, the Philippines included. But no one believes any of their fevered fantasies just like no one believes in the legends of Prester John, El Dorado, Sir John Mandeville, Chryse and Argyre, or the Fountain of Youth. Except perhaps Tim and the God Culture.
Contrary to what Tim claims in his video Farissol's book is not l
ost to history. In fact here is the Latin/Hebrew edition on Google Books.
This Renaissance-era tome is referenced in the 2013 book "The Ten Lost Tribes: A World History" by Zvi Ben-Dor Benite. A PDF of that book can be downloaded from this link. The "Philippines" does not appear in its pages despite the author discussing where Farissol, Columbus, and other writers locate the lost tribes. He writes the following on page 133:
Farissol’s actual treatment of the ten tribes is rather disappointing, despite the fact that they appear as a distinct item in the title page of the Igeret and although he dedicates a whole chapter to David. Farissol does not have much new to report and, by his own admission, resorts to the familiar Talmudic “India.” The big change is that he includes the tribes for the first time within a real charted geography.
On page 180:
In Farissol’s Igeret (which he cites), the ten tribes are in the old southern location somewhere between Arabia and India.
"Somewhere between Arabia and India." Not the Philippines. Either Benite is not telling us everything Farissol wrote about the locations of the lost tribes or Stackhouse is reading Farissol wrong. Either way Tim has not read Farissol and should not be citing him. That he does so is more evidence of the poor research which permeates his videos. No serious researcher would use hearsay as evidence for his claims yet this is what Tim does by quoting Farissol. He bases many of his assertions that the Israelites made their way to the Philippines in this video and in others on one paragraph in Stackhouse's book which is not even a quotation from Farissol but is only a brief summation of what he allegedly wrote.
I challenge Tim with all his Hebraic linguistic
skills to translate
Farissol into English so we can read what
he actually wrote about the lost tribes being located in the Philippines.
What's really interesting to note here is that Tim presents Stackhouse as an authority.
A vicar of the Church of England no less. Yeah, we'll keep an eye on this guy too as he quotes a Pharisee trying to figure out the markers but there is something to this once again and his interpretation is not necessarily off it's actually pretty good so we wish to share it.
But he declines to tell his listeners about Stackhouse's negative remarks concerning Farissol and all the other Jews who attempted to locate the lost tribes. With this partial quote it appears as if Stackhouse is presenting Farissol in a positive light when just the opposite is true. He completely misrepresents the good Rev. Thomas Stackhouse. As with all the other sources Tim uses they are only authoritative insofar as they further his agenda. He "gleans" what he will and tosses out the rest as chaff. It is simply more deception and intellectual dishonesty on Tim's part. He can be found using this source in the same way in the following videos:
Where Did the Lost Tribes of Israel Go? Part 2C: Ophir, Philippines? THE HISTORY Continued
Lost Tribes Series Part 2G: The Landing of the 2nd Exodus In Ophir, Philippines
In those two videos he takes Stackhouse's account of Farissol's work and put's it to a historical test resulting in some of the silliest linguistic gymnastics like in the following slide:
Farissol allegedly located some of the tribes in a place called Perricha. Tim shows just what a cunning linguist he is by telling us that Perricha sounds like Pharisee which sounds like Persia which means Kurdistan! Tah-dah! The Kurds are also part of the lost tribes. It must be heard to be believed and I encourage all to click the link beneath the slide.
What Timothy Schwab is doing by referring to Farissol as a genuine historical source is perpetuating Jewish fables. Why did Thomas Stackhouse dismiss Farissol and other Jews locations of the lost tribes as "the fabulous accounts of the Talmudists
" but Timothy Jay Schwab embrace him? Why are Jewish fables which the Apostle Paul said to reject (
Titus 1:4,
1 Tim 1:4) exalted to the status of Gospel truth for Tim? Because Tim is at heart a Judaizer. He takes his Christianity scattered, smothered, and covered with Judaism and he encourages others to do the same. Timothy Jay Schwab's message is not simply that Filipinos are members of the lost tribes but that they must also worship God in a Jewish manner. They can begin to do this by keeping the Sabbath and the Biblical feasts. Look at this comment from one of Tim's videos about the Feasts of YHWH.
Worshipping on the Sabbath and lighting a shabbat candle gets an, "Awesome!! Yah Bless," from Tim. But far more than Saturday worship is on Tim's mind. He envisions the Philippines as being of vital importance to all of humanity in learning the correct manner of worshipping God.
Obviously there is no temple in Israel today so no actual need to go there although certainly visit that's fine. But we don't need that anymore. In fact watch our Solomon's Gold series and you will find His Holy of Holies on earth has always been permanently in the Garden of Eden which we locate in the Philippines. And the one in Israel was very temporary of course. Thus everyone should really travel to the Philippines for these feasts. How about that? Something to think about. And this is why we say that the Philippines is where they will reinstate these feasts in full especially.
If that is not fetishizing and romanticizing Filipinos and the Philippines then I don't know what is. Not only are Filipinos members of the lost tribes but the Holy of Holies is right here in the Philippines in the Garden of Eden and everyone should travel here to keep the feasts. The Philippines is not only the home of God's people, it is the home of God Himself!
How much more ludicrous can this guy get? In an
earlier post I wondered if Tim might be an actual heretic and here he is being an actual heretic, a Judaizer! Telling people to keep the feasts, which Jesus fulfilled, despite admitting to not even knowing the proper calendrical calculations. (
Feasts of YHWH 1A). Telling people to return to the schoolmaster which was supposed to lead us to Christ. Telling people that they are both children of the bondwoman and the free. (
Galatians 3-4) Telling people that there has been no changing of the law even though there has been a change of the priesthood. (
Hebrews 7:12) He is so Judaized that he can not even bring himself to use the names Jesus, God, or Lord but resorts to using his own Hebrew configurations of Yahua and Yahusha. Listen at
7:52 of Feasts of YHWH 1A where he reads from Matthew and corrects the name of Jesus with the fake name of Yahusha. Better still go watch his
Name of God video series and hear just how Judaized the man really is as he tells us all what the REAL names of God and Jesus are.
Watching Tim's Feasts of YHWH videos is quite painful. It is painfully obvious he does not understand basic Christianity or Church History. When he speaks about Easter Tim makes the outlandish and easily disprovable accusation that Constantine entered into a conspiracy with the Bishops to censor and cover up the truth of Passover. Since he rejects what was decreed at Nicea concerning Easter it is almost certain that he also rejects the faith which was promulgated at Nicea and enshrined in the
Nicean Creed. Does Tim believe in the Trinity or not?
Let's hear in their own words why the Bishops rejected the Jewish Passover:
When the question relative to the sacred festival of Easter arose, it was universally thought that it would be convenient that all should keep the feast on one day; for what could be more beautiful and more desirable, than to see this festival, through which we receive the hope of immortality, celebrated by all with one accord, and in the same manner? It was declared to be particularly unworthy for this, the holiest of all festivals, to follow the custom of the Jews, who had soiled their hands with the most fearful of crimes, and whose minds were blinded. In rejecting their custom, we may transmit to our descendants the legitimate mode of celebrating Easter, which we have observed from the time of the Saviour's Passion to the present day [according to the day of the week]. We ought not, therefore, to have anything in common with the Jews, for the Saviour has shown us another way; our worship follows a more legitimate and more convenient course (the order of the days of the week); and consequently, in unanimously adopting this mode, we desire, dearest brethren, to separate ourselves from the detestable company of the Jews, for it is truly shameful for us to hear them boast that without their direction we could not keep this feast. How can they be in the right, they who, after the death of the Saviour, have no longer been led by reason but by wild violence, as their delusion may urge them? They do not possess the truth in this Easter question; for, in their blindness and repugnance to all improvements, they frequently celebrate two passovers in the same year. We could not imitate those who are openly in error. How, then, could we follow these Jews, who are most certainly blinded by error? for to celebrate the passover twice in one year is totally inadmissible.
The Bishops of Nicea set the date of Easter the way they did in the name of unity and to separate themselves from the Jews. Tim on the other hand wants to be a Jew. He even wants to discover lost Jews. As of this writing he has made almost two hundred videos just to prove Filipinos are members of the lost
tribes of Israel. Tim has swallowed the Talmudic fables of Farissol, Columbus, and others to the point that he proclaims the Philippines as being the Garden of Eden wherein resides the Holy of Holies! Never mind that man will NEVER RETURN to the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 3:23-24) Never mind that the Holy of Holies is not on earth but in heaven where Christ entered in to obtain eternal redemption for us. (Hebrews 9) Never mind that all Tim believes about the Philippines and Filipinos is "a farrago of nonsense that is contravened by a multitude of eyewitness accounts, inconvenient facts, and simple common sense." Never mind any of that. Filipinos are Israelites. Farissol says so. Columbus says so. Magellan says so. Timothy Jay Schwab says so. End. Of. Story.
It should come as no surprise that Tim would utilize one of Kyle Jennerman's videos in his own video series. After all these two are practically cut from the same cloth. Here is Kyle "Kulas" Jennerman starring in Clue #14.
If you look closely you can see in TINY FONT at the bottom of the title cards for each of the God Culture's videos a copyright notice telling the viewer:
Re-uploading this video to Youtube in part to whole is prohibited.
Did Tim receive Kyle Jennerman's permission to use his video about Romblon? Or is Tim doing to Kyle exactly what he prohibits others from doing to him? He did place a notice in the bottom corner of this video while Kyle was on screen saying:
Editorial use only
As if that excuses him from cribbing Kyle's entire video minus 30 seconds.
The original can be viewed here.
See also how Tim places Kyle's information in TINY FONT in the bottom right corner which blends into the background sometimes and is partially obscured by the God Culture logo? That is all the mention Kyle gets. Not once does Tim bother to thank Kyle or mention him either in the video or in the description or any of the links he posted in the comment section. How rude is that? To use this man's video to further his agenda and barely acknowledge him!
To make matters worse this video is monetized!
That means Tim and the God Culture are making money, however little, off Kyle's video! And they can't even give him a proper shout-out!? Incredible!
Kyle is very different from Tim because Kyle actually wants to become a Filipino. Now that may be a little hyperbolic but not really. I don't think it's a schtick either. My take is that Kyle hates himself. He has grown up in Canada being bombarded by all the propaganda telling him that the White Man is the bane of all existence, the root of all evil and he has taken that to heart. He is alienated from himself and his culture which the media has constantly told him is the worst thing on Earth. You see Kyle, just like Tim, has also believed in Jewish fables. During his travels he ends up in the Philippines and he falls in love with Filipinos and Filipino culture which he sees as more innocent, more pure, and thus morally superior to his own people and culture. Filipinos love "Kulas" and he loves them. He loves them so much that he wants to be one of them even going so far as to excuse their glaring faults, like a penchant for violence, as stereotypes.
Remember that time in May 2017 when Kyle whined on Facebook about how his parents could not visit him in Mindanao because the Canadian government issued a notice to avoid all travel to that island?
I believe that the first step is changing perception here in the Philippines... because from personal experience that word has a lot of negative stereotyping and generalizing attached to it here locally and spread by local people. If we can all start spreading positive education about this part of the Philippines, I believe it can help fight back at these incredibly difficult advisories
And then do you remember how after writing all that the Marawi siege happened and Mindanao was placed under martial law only two weeks later? Some stereotype, huh! Just goes to show how boneheaded Kyle is and that despite having lived here for so long he knew nothing about the people of Mindanao. Has he learned anything in the past 3 years? Probably not.
Tim has also moved to the Philippines. No more Mr. Florida. Now he is Mr. Somehwere North of Manila. Even though both Tim and Kyle live in this nation they really don't live here. They live in a Philippines of their own making populated by Filipinos created in their own image. For Tim they are God's chosen people, Israelites, who are asleep to their true origin and ultimate destiny and need to be awakened so they can Rise Up. For Kyle they are noble savages untainted by the stain of modern civilization, always smiling and full of love for strangers. Of course there is much to be said for the theory that we each live in a Philippines, nay a world, of our own perceptions.