"Welcome to 100 Clues the Philippines is the Ancient Land of Gold known as Ophir!" So begins the first video in The God Culture's video series, "100 Clues the Philippines is the Ancient Land of Gold known as Ophir."
Thankfully these videos are short and to the point. They can be watched while eating a breakfast of rice and eggs or a lunch of rice and lechon or a dinner of rice and lumpia. That's a lot of rice! Rice for every meal! Is the abundance of rice in the Philippines one of the "100 Clues the Philippines is the Ancient Land of Gold known as Ophir?" Read on dear readers. If you have not read my previous exposé of The God Culture be sure to check it out.
Before we get to the clues we must take into account what Timothy Jay Schwab, CEO of Ocean Life Agency and head researcher at the God Culture, has to say about the purpose of these videos.
"Welcome to 100 Clues the Philippines is the Ancient Land of Gold known as Ophir in the Bible and history. No, it's no fable and this has already been proven in full in The God Culture's Solomon's Gold series in such a definitive way that no historian, scholar, theologian has been able to disprove their findings in over two years. The few that have tried to debate have failed."We've pulled out 100 clues from this research in which we will highlight briefs of the most compelling points and yes there are over 100! These videos are for those who have not had the time to watch Solomon's Gold series and a five minute or so video cannot replace that entire 50 video in-depth series nor prove the way that it does. But this will still be very effective nonetheless. So go there for full evidence but now our series 100 Clues the Philippines is Ophir...one clue at a time."
These 100 videos, only 50 as of this writing, are distillations of the much longer series Solomon's Gold. While these videos are not a substitute for that in-depth series they serve as an effective means of getting the main message, that the Philippines is the land of Ophir, across to an audience who does not have time to watch the longer series. It's the Cliff Notes version if you will.
If you want to watch this series here is the playlist which is thankfully not a total mess like the Solomon's Gold series playlist. Tim should clean up his Youtube channel and only have the relevant videos in each playlist. The Solomon's Gold playlist has videos which do not belong in it.
If you want to watch this series here is the playlist which is thankfully not a total mess like the Solomon's Gold series playlist. Tim should clean up his Youtube channel and only have the relevant videos in each playlist. The Solomon's Gold playlist has videos which do not belong in it.
On with the clues which I hope to sum up in a sentence or two.
Clue #1
The Philippines is the number one land of gold in all of history. There is a lot of gold which has been mined over thousands of years and much more remains to be mined. This video was published on August 15, 2019 which means Tim was not aware of the approval of golden rice! That's right golden rice!
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https://www.newscientist.com/article/2228793-gm-golden-rice-gets-landmark-safety-approval-in-the-philippines/ |
The Philippines has become the first country with a serious vitamin A deficiency problem to approve golden rice – which is genetically modified to prevent the deficiency – as safe for humans and animals to eat. According to a government report, it is as safe as conventional rice varieties.
“This is a victory for science, agriculture and all Filipinos,” member of congress Sharon Garin said in a statement.
Golden rice has been altered produce the orange pigment beta-carotene, which the body can turn into vitamin A. Because rice is a major part of the diet in the Philippines, if children eat golden rice instead of normal rice, it should substantially reduce vitamin A deficiency.
Wow!! Truly the Philippines is the land of gold and rice and now golden rice!
Clue #2
The Philippines is the ancient source of Greek gold. The Greeks mention an island of gold known as Chryse and an island of silver known as Argyre. These islands are located east of the Ganges River. That means....the Philippines! Tim identifies Chryse as Luzon and Argyre as Mindanao. Who knew the Greeks circumnavigated Africa on a regular basis just to visit the Philippines!? Tim gets his information from a book titled "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" by Thomas Suarez.
Mr. Suarez is an expert in interpreting early cartography. He knows all there is to know about maps and geography from ancient times.
About the AuthorThe book Tim quotes "has become a standard work in the field." That means what it says has authority. Let us quote at length from the section of Suarez's book to which Timothy jay Schwab refers.
Chryse and Argyre
Gold and silver, in fact, characterize the earliest extant specific Western Reference to Southeast Asia. Pomponius Mela (37 - 43 A.D.), a Roman geographer and native os Southern Spain, largely carried on the Greek tradition about the East, perpetuating stories about Amazons, people without heads, griffins, and other such characters, but adds two lands which lay to the east of India. One was Chryse, said to boast soil of gold, the other, Argyre, said to have soil of silver:
In the vicinity of Tamus is the island of Chryse, in the vicinity of the Ganges that of Argyre, According to olden writers, the soil of the former consists of gold, that of the latter is of silver and it seems very probable that either the name arises from this fact or the legend derives from the name.Mela was quoting earlier, unknown sources and he goes on to vaguely mention the possibility of a Southeast Asian peninsula:
Between Colis [southeastern tip of Asia] and Tamus [China?] the coast runs straight. It is inhabited by retiring peoples who garner rich harvests from the sea.
Pliny also alludes to a Southeast Asian peninsula. Noting that the Seres [Chinese] wait for trade to come to them, he lists three rivers of China, which are followed by “the promontory of Chryse” and then a bay. Elsewhere in his Natural history, however, Pliny refers to Chryse as an island. This discrepancy probably results from his having compiled news of the “land of gold” from contact via land (peninsula) and sea (island). It was more often mapped as an island in medieval mappaemundi.
Chryse most likely represented Malaya, while Argyre was probably Burma, perhaps Arakan. Both are seen as islands in the world map after Mela, Chryse being the island off to the east Asian coast, and Argyre the island at the Ganges delta next to Taprobana. On the twelfth-century “Turin” world map they appear as a single island in the easternmost ocean sea, the right-hand isle of the two immediately above Adam and Eve (the left-hand isle is simply designated isult and this may have been for either Chryse or Argyre).
Mention of Chryse is also made in the Periplus of the Erythean Sea, which describes Chryse as “the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself,”a land from which comes “the best tortoise-shell of all the places on the Erythean Sea.” The work’s anonymous author then described the land of This (China) and Thinae, from which raw silk, silk yarn, and silk cloth, acquired through silent barter, were brought overland to India. Isidorus Hispalensis (Isidore of Seville, ca. 560-636 A.D.), in his Etymologiae, one of the most popular cosmographies of the Middle Ages, also placed the lands of Chryse and Argyre in the southeastern extreme of the world, along with the Taprobana and Tyle (Tile, an island near India.)
Interestingly, Chryse and Argyre are reminiscent of some aspects of Buddhist cosmology where the waters that pour forth from Sumeru flow into four canals separated by four mountains, of which one is gold, another silver, and the other two, precious stones and crystal. The image of four canals separating four landmasses, can also be compared with a view of the Arctic region found in a medieval European text and used in later world maps by Renaissance cartographers Ruysch, Fine, and Mercator.
The search for gold also promoted intra-Asian maritime trade in the Indian Ocean during the first century A.D. As a result of the disruption by internal disorders of the traditional route through the steps of Central Asia to Siberian gold reserves, new sources for the metal, a medium of exchange between various Asian peoples, were sought. Rome decreased the gold content of its coins and introduces measures to halt their exportation. At the same time, new ocean-going vessels and navigational techniques made it more feasible for Indian merchants to pursue the “Islands of Gold” to their east.
The association of Southeast Asia with gold was so strong that Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews (second half of the first century), wrote that Ophir, the land fro which King Solomon had fetched gold, is now known as Aurea Chersoneus (Golden Peninsula, i.e. Malaya.) Josephus thus began the recurring idea that the Ophir of the Bible was in Southeast Asia, a belief that can be found in earnest through the latter nineteenth century. Various places were believed to have been the site of Ophir, from Malaya to Indochina, Sumatra, and the Pacific Ocean.
Early Mapping of Southeast Asia: The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who First Mapped the Regions between China and India, Thomas Suarez, Pg 62-63
Mr. Schwab is fond of quoting Wikipedia. He even says in this video at 15:16:
Clue #3
Philippine gold has been found in first century Egypt. How did it get there? The Philippines ruled the seas and brought their gold all over the world in their junks and other large ships. The Philippines is the ancient land of gold exporters. Allow me to point out that while he does list his sources they are all on the bottom of the screen in VERY TINY PRINT! He also does not show you the pages he is quoting from. That is bad form especially as many of these sources are not easily available. I wonder if he has actually read these sources or is quoting them secondhand. Let's find out.
This slide is the only time Philippine gold found in Egypt is mentioned. Tim neither shows us pictures of the gold nor tells us where the gold was found or anything else about the gold. In fact this video is about the ancient Philippine flotilla and not Philippine gold being found in first century Egypt. It's the ol' bait and switch! His sources are as follows:
Now let's look at the second source.
Clue #4
The Boxer Codex. It is in the University of Indiana and is essentially buried because SOMEONE does not want us to know this history! The Philippines is the ancient land of gold and this fact began to "truly get suppressed on a massive scale" in 1891. The Boxer Codex shows Pinoys decked out in bling! Tim also quotes Guido de Lavezaris as saying:
Clue #5
More of the Boxer Codex. Pinoys wearing heavy gold chains.
Clue #6
The land of Ophir is critical to end time prophecy! King Solomon and Ophir are really real. This block with Hebrew writing proves it!
To his critics Timothy Jay Schwab says:
That he separates history and salvation is very troubling. All the lost tribes talk I have ever listened to has focused on God directing history in order to preserve and save His people. Though they may be lost to history they are not lost to Him. Even in the Old Testament the history of Israel is part of the drama of salvation. That is the point of all the festivals like Passover and Tabernacles. For Tim to separate history and salvation makes his message meaningless. What is the point of the Philippines being Ophir or Filipinos being members of the lost tribes apart from their salvation? There is none! It becomes merely a neat historical fact and nothing more.
This blog post is already very long so I will stop here. There really is no reason to continue anyway. Timothy misrepresents his sources, has not read some of them, and he does not have any theological grounding for his assertions about history. He misuses the Bible and other texts to confirm what he already believes about the Philippines. While many Lost Tribes proponents will talk about God's sovereignty and how history is controlled by Him we are six videos into this series and Tim has not mentioned God or His plan of salvation for His people once and in fact discounts any such talk saying the Holy Spirit has not called him to do so! Maybe Tim does not realize that the Bible, while replete with history, is not a history book but a religious text which deals primarily with the salvation of man and the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus not the location of the land of Ophir.
Sadly enough two filmmakers have been duped by this shoddy "research" to the point that Tim and his wife have both signed a deal with them to work on a film about the Philippines being the land of Ophir.
Since there are 100 Clues maybe I will pick this back up in the future. But for now I think this is enough to show how ridiculous The God Culture and Timothy Jay Schwab are. I can just hear Tim now excoriating me for watching only 6 videos in the 100 Clues series rather then the whole Solomon's Gold series and saying I am uninformed, a hack, and a fraud. Such would be pure deflection on Tim's part as I have already demonstrated his research is incredibly biased, faulty, and downright dishonest. If he cannot deal honestly with his sources here he won't be dealing honestly with them there either.
"Greek history confirms exactly what Wikipedia had confirmed and so does Josephus. They don't speculate as to a possible location of Chryse/Ophir but they give exact directions and they map it. That map did not lead to Ethiopia did it? Nor Yemen, nor India. It leads to the Philippines."Actually Wikipedia says the opposite of what Timothy Jay Schwab is spouting and identifies the Aurea Chersoneus as the Malay peninsula.
The Golden Chersonese or Golden Khersonese (Ancient Greek: Χρυσῆ Χερσόνησος, Chrysḗ Chersónēsos; Latin: Chersonesus Aurea), meaning the Golden Peninsula, was the name used for the Malay Peninsula by Greek and Roman geographers in classical antiquity, most famously in Claudius Ptolemy's 2nd-century Geography.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_ChersoneseThe Wikipedia entry on Chryse and Argyre says nothing about the Philippines and relegates these two islands to legend.
Chryse and Argyre were a pair of legendary islands, located in the Indian Ocean and said to be made of gold (chrysos in Greek) and silver (argyros).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chryse_and_ArgyreWhat you have here is a classic case of confirmation bias. Rather than taking the source he quotes by Mr. Suarez in full and at face value, Tim picks and chooses what he will and then interprets that data in a manner that is totally opposite to the way it is presented in the book he references. At no time does Mr. Suarez hint that the islands of Chryse and Argyre could be the Philippines. Wikipedia also disagrees with Tim's conclusions as to the identity of the Aurea Chersonesus. Tim has messed up majorly by being dishonest with his sources. Cleary Tim has an agenda and the facts be damned! All the scholars are wrong and Tim, a man who studied business, marketing, and media and not languages or history, is right. The only real interesting thing in this video is that Tim tells us ancient Greek armor was found in Mindanao in 2018 but that deserves its own blog post. Let us press on.
Clue #3
Philippine gold has been found in first century Egypt. How did it get there? The Philippines ruled the seas and brought their gold all over the world in their junks and other large ships. The Philippines is the ancient land of gold exporters. Allow me to point out that while he does list his sources they are all on the bottom of the screen in VERY TINY PRINT! He also does not show you the pages he is quoting from. That is bad form especially as many of these sources are not easily available. I wonder if he has actually read these sources or is quoting them secondhand. Let's find out.
This slide is the only time Philippine gold found in Egypt is mentioned. Tim neither shows us pictures of the gold nor tells us where the gold was found or anything else about the gold. In fact this video is about the ancient Philippine flotilla and not Philippine gold being found in first century Egypt. It's the ol' bait and switch! His sources are as follows:
1. Laszlo Legeza, "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug, 1988, pp 129-136
2. J.T. Peralta, "Prehistoric gold ornaments from the Central Bank of the Philippines," Arts of Asia 1981, no.4, p 54
3. Ramon N. Villegas, "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold", Manila: Bangko Central ng Pilipinas", 2004Tim tells his listeners to prove and test all things.
"This is from three very credible sources. You'll note the sources on every slide all the way through this series making it easier for you to confirm. So go ahead prove all things, confirm everything we say. We hope that you will."How is one supposed to do that when these sources are unavailable to check so easily? Let's take the first source. It's only available on backorder from Arts of Asia. For $15 they will airmail you a photocopy of the article.
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https://www.artsofasianet.com/back_issues/back_issue.php?issue_code=1988_jul_aug |
If you search the internet for this source you will come across many instances of this exact citation:
"Legeza, Laszlo. "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug. 1988, pp.129-136. (Mentions gold jewelry of Philippine origin in first century CE Egypt)"
For example the book "Quests of the Dragon Clan and Bird Clan" has this citation. No publication with this citation actually quotes the relevant material but only asserts that this article mentions Philippine gold has been found in Egypt. Tim removes the part in parentheses but appeals to the article as being credible without telling us anything about what the article actually says about Philippine gold being found in Egypt.
Now let's look at the second source.
J.T. Peralta, "Prehistoric gold ornaments from the Central Bank of the Philippines," Arts of Asia 1981, no. 4, p. 54
A Google search will pull up many hits for that EXACT citation. Quests of the Dragon Clan and Bird Clan cites it. But every one of those citations is WRONG! This article does in fact exist but not in Arts of Asia 1981, no. 4, p. 54 but rather in Arts of Asia 1983, no. 4 p. 51! This article can also be ordered for $15.
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https://www.artsofasianet.com/back_issues/back_issue.php?issue_code=1983_jul_aug |
The fact that Timothy Jay Schwab did not properly cite Peralta is a huge clue that he did not read the three sources he quotes. He doesn't even show us the sources themselves. That is because he is quoting them secondhand from people who are simply copy-pasting what everyone else has posted without checking the sources to read what they say. In fact these three sources in this same order are quoted on other pages discussing the Philippines as Ophir such as the following:
http://moments-salamera.blogspot.com/2013/02/philippines-old-name-is-it-ophir.htmlEven Wikipedia has been bamboozled into accepting them, along with the erroneous citation of Peralta, as legitimate!
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chryse_(placename) |
Is it merely a coincidence that Tim and these other pages quote these same three sources in the same order including the erroneous citation of Peralta? A more likely explanation is that all these writers are copy-pasting from each other and ultimately have their origin in one corrupt source.
Tim tells us to confirm everything he says and I have just confirmed to you in Clues #2 and #3 that Timothy Jay Schwab is a liar who misrepresents his sources and sometimes does not even read them! He can prove me wrong by showing the relevant pages from each of the three sources he has cited about Philippine gold being found in first century Egypt.
Tim tells us to confirm everything he says and I have just confirmed to you in Clues #2 and #3 that Timothy Jay Schwab is a liar who misrepresents his sources and sometimes does not even read them! He can prove me wrong by showing the relevant pages from each of the three sources he has cited about Philippine gold being found in first century Egypt.
Clue #4
The Boxer Codex. It is in the University of Indiana and is essentially buried because SOMEONE does not want us to know this history! The Philippines is the ancient land of gold and this fact began to "truly get suppressed on a massive scale" in 1891. The Boxer Codex shows Pinoys decked out in bling! Tim also quotes Guido de Lavezaris as saying:
"There are so many of these chiefs [decked out in gold] that they are innumerable."Tim comments on this by saying:
"There are so many of these chiefs that they are innumerable!! They cannot be numbered! Really? That's many thousands! So what is he describing here? The ancient form of government of the Philippines was the barangay system of many thousands of leaders which sound an awful lot like the very same system instituted by Moses in the Bible."Who knew that Moses set up the Philippine form of tribal government back at Mt. Sinai! Wow! But did Tim also realize that the manna which fell from heaven was white and rice, the staple of the Filipino diet, is also white? Coincidence!?
Clue #5
More of the Boxer Codex. Pinoys wearing heavy gold chains.
Clue #6
The land of Ophir is critical to end time prophecy! King Solomon and Ophir are really real. This block with Hebrew writing proves it!
To his critics Timothy Jay Schwab says:
"For those of you who say "Why don't you focus on salvation!?" Well there's an entire Bible out there and we aim to know it especially early Genesis. That is our calling and that is what we will focus on and that is what the Holy Spirit has had us do. Don't tell us otherwise."The fact that Tim does not prioritize salvation but compartmentalizes it to a side issue makes me wonder if he is a heretic. And I mean a real actual heretic who denies certain doctrines about Jesus Christ and not just that we don't agree on some points. Just what does he believe and teach about Jesus Christ? Tim says "the bible teaches relationship not religion" which is a hallmark of modern day emergent church gobbledygook. Fact is it teaches both.
That he separates history and salvation is very troubling. All the lost tribes talk I have ever listened to has focused on God directing history in order to preserve and save His people. Though they may be lost to history they are not lost to Him. Even in the Old Testament the history of Israel is part of the drama of salvation. That is the point of all the festivals like Passover and Tabernacles. For Tim to separate history and salvation makes his message meaningless. What is the point of the Philippines being Ophir or Filipinos being members of the lost tribes apart from their salvation? There is none! It becomes merely a neat historical fact and nothing more.
This blog post is already very long so I will stop here. There really is no reason to continue anyway. Timothy misrepresents his sources, has not read some of them, and he does not have any theological grounding for his assertions about history. He misuses the Bible and other texts to confirm what he already believes about the Philippines. While many Lost Tribes proponents will talk about God's sovereignty and how history is controlled by Him we are six videos into this series and Tim has not mentioned God or His plan of salvation for His people once and in fact discounts any such talk saying the Holy Spirit has not called him to do so! Maybe Tim does not realize that the Bible, while replete with history, is not a history book but a religious text which deals primarily with the salvation of man and the Holy Spirit testifies of Jesus not the location of the land of Ophir.
Sadly enough two filmmakers have been duped by this shoddy "research" to the point that Tim and his wife have both signed a deal with them to work on a film about the Philippines being the land of Ophir.
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https://www.facebook.com/ophirthelosttribe/posts/breaking-newsthree-years-ago-two-dedicated-researchers-timothy-schwab-and-his-wi/1138587833015269/ |
Three years ago, two dedicated researchers, Timothy Schwab and his wife, Anna Rose Zamoranos, released a very successful series entitled "The God Culture". This series currently appears on YouTube with over approximately 40 videos of content regarding the accurate locations of Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden, Rivers from Eden, Land of Creation, and the Lost Tribes of Israel - which The God Culture traces to the Philippines.
On June 12, 2019 (Independence Day), they signed a deal to work with the Ophir and The Lost Tribe Movie creators, Virgilio Abes Bote and award-winning Director Will Harper to give accurate accounts stated in the Bible about Ophir.
We are excited and honored to have them on our team in making the Philippines and its people proud. The movie will be released internationally, stay tuned!!!!!!Dedicated researchers!? What a joke! Neither Tim nor his wife even picked up on the fact that they have erroneously cited Peralta! That is some real lazy research!
Since there are 100 Clues maybe I will pick this back up in the future. But for now I think this is enough to show how ridiculous The God Culture and Timothy Jay Schwab are. I can just hear Tim now excoriating me for watching only 6 videos in the 100 Clues series rather then the whole Solomon's Gold series and saying I am uninformed, a hack, and a fraud. Such would be pure deflection on Tim's part as I have already demonstrated his research is incredibly biased, faulty, and downright dishonest. If he cannot deal honestly with his sources here he won't be dealing honestly with them there either.
Note: We are signed in and the box below selected to respond as thegodculture. If this posts as Unknown like our other comments on his previous blog, understand this is officially us – The God Culture responding to ignorance.
ReplyDeleteIf you have not watched Solomon's Gold Series which this guy admits he has not even reviewed yet condemns, you will have to watch it and as we encourage every video, prove all things for yourself (1 Thess. 5:21). This blog does not know how to do that but has an obvious communist-style agenda so you will still have to watch. However, we will now respond to all this rambling nonsense.
Golden Rices? Really? You call that scholarly? What a fool. He even claims our sources are in very tiny print yet there are a 30 point font thus rather disingenuous as we have come to expect from this communist-style agitator. If you are viewing it on a cell phone screen perhaps it is small but plenty big when we create our slides and all right there to review which this writer has done with their confirmation bias. In fact, there is no such thing as a writing without confirmation bias. That is a bogus term. Everyone writes and reviews from their own bias. There is no possible way to forget everything one knows. To say the compressed series of shorter videos based on the 70 Solomon's Gold Series videos of greater length are confirmation bias, duh! It is a series confirming the original find. However, if this hack had actually reviewed the first series he rushed out to criticize with his foot in his mouth, he would realize, we do not even begin the series saying the Philippines is Ophir but the directions first lead from the Bible to isles in the Far East and it narrows from there. We didn't care if this ended up in Africa, especially since we have conducted missionary work there in our unqualified state of 30 years of ministry of course as he would say ignorantly. If this led West of the Red Sea, fine. It does not. If it led to Taiwan, fine, it does not. This is a search and our research is extensive, too much for this guy to absorb so in his frustration he desperately grabs onto any short video he can because he is not as bright as our viewers unfortunately. The good news is we are working on a book and perhaps this will assist him especially since we hardly use Wikipedia at all and have fortified our sources much better than we did for YouTube. For those actually conducting research, one begins by absorbing all they can and then, begin to attack a topic discipline by discipline as we have done thought his guy would not know that as he has not reviewed the case he condemns in ignorance. It is very easy to be a naysayer and run a negative PhilippinesFails blog especially when one is absolved of doing actual research solely relying on that which he accuses us – confirmation bias. He wrote an entire blog condemning this before he even reviewed anything in way of evidence so surprise he finally watches a few short videos and imagine that, he finds a way to offer a negative spin but not logically nor factually nor accurately. This is not even half-witted in approach as he even admits he only watch a few videos of 51 yet rushes out with a blog because of course, he already knows what we cover in full. Instead he is now just applying the same nonsensical approach to ancient source after ancient source and he has no mindset to even objectively approach this because of his confirmation bias. It is always amazing that those doing the accusing many times are the party guilty of that which they accuse, isn't it? Oh yeah, and remember, you came attacking us and we respond with same. So get over your hurt feelings and represent the truth for once. You fail in this blog miserably yet again. Are you even capable of delivering the truth?
ReplyDeleteYes, we start this series, a series of short videos disseminating the massive research of Solomon's Gold Series into bite-sized chunks about 20 min each. Will one ever understand the 100 videos having only watched the first one or first few? Of course not, that would require a hack thinking they can understand a position they are incapable of actually reviewing. And even this video, can he even understand it? Clearly not. It does not prove yet in 15 minutes but is a building case. Would this fraud know or understand that? Unfortunately that is not his aim. His aim is to attack a position he has never reviewed because he hates the Philippines. If he did not, he would have never named his ignorant blog "PhilippineFails." No, he fails the the Philippines once again as it's history is being restored and all he can offer is nuh uh and a hatchet job because he is a communist-style agitator which Filipinos are well familiar with his type.
ReplyDeleteSecond we are a group not a person though Timothy is proud to have released his name after 2 years of creating this series never mentioning his name once. Most people respect that but you will not find that kind of humility in a place like this. Of course in his last blog, this fraud criticizes our creating a Patreon account as well not realizing for the first 2 years of releasing videos and even prior while in research, we never offered a way for people to support the project once. Especially OFWs kept asking and we set up a Patreon for especially US OFWs to support our conferences when we launched such. Again, you will never find the truth in this blog which is destined to shed the Philippines in a negative light. You have entered a world that only knows how to be negative – the very world we were warned would rise in the last days where evil will be painted as good and good as evil.
ReplyDeleteShort and to the point? No, these videos are fragments meant for a small group study and introduction to those who have not been able to sit down with the whole series or are having difficulty processing that much English which is understandable but still this is a case not a point/counterpoint unless ingested in much larger parts than a few videos, but why are we not surprised to see that here? And clearly that is all this hack can take in because he lacks depth. And still has not watched a single Solomon's Gold Series which he criticized so heavily in his last blog. What a fraud. And yes, we started a series of 100 videos and we are on Part 51 after a few months. That's very good progress last we checked based on any other channel but sorry it does not meet your standards. Only a fool would elude otherwise. No, this is not the cliff notes version though we imagine that's predominantly the type of student you were not bothering to actually read the book before condemning it because condemning is well, what you do Mr. PhilippineFails.
ReplyDeleteThe Greeks did not travel to the ends of the earth for golden rice. How utterly stupid. So his debunking of Clue #1 is to inject Golden Rice? Ignorance but no surprise from this communist-style fraud of a blog. Whoever said ignorance is bliss by the way, was ignorant.
ReplyDeleteFor #2, he fails to mention Pomponius Mela's mapping of this Greek route East of India leads to the region of the Philippines not even Indonesia, Malaysia or Taiwan but the Philippines. The map from 43 A.D. is very clear in terms of modern geography whether Mela ever completely understood what the Philippines was at that time or not as they did not have geography down as complete as we do now but his mapping is accurate and it leads to the Philippines which was not called the Philippines thus, of course, you will not find that on a map nor referenced. We show the map, watch it. We are uninterested in what Mela thought, we are interested in what he knew and his map shows the Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish whether he understood what he was mapping or not. That's not confirmation bias, it is seeking the truth and understanding the time in which that was written and created as he did not travel to Ophir, he mapped based on what he knew and then guessed what it might be but his mapping is good never-the less. Columbus did the same and was accurate before his journey but then go off misunderstanding his surroundings which is no surprise. However, to then look at Columbus's writings after he landed in America not understanding he thought he landed in the Philippines, is simply historical ignorance. Yeah, he didn't get to that part either so once again ignorance. They pass India, pass Sumatra and head NE of Sumatra to the isle of Silver and skip a pace and enter the land of Gold where Luzon Island is. Pliny does indeed mention this as a Peninsula yet major problem as the Bible calls these isles. One must review the entire case before attempting this line of reckless hatchet job. This case is not a point, it's a very well-entrenched case that cannot be unraveled with such hacking. Yes, there are historians who record info on Ophir who did not know exactly what the geography of the area was even having never gone there themselves. However you take that data, match it to the Bible, Archaeology, very abundant history, science, linguistics, etc. and there is no debate. This guy has nothing. In fact, he notes 3 rivers in China in which the Lequois or Ilocanos trade all in China but this is because (an he would know this if he actually watch the whole series thus far without assuming which is all he does recklessly) Chinese history even records Filipinos coming there to trade many centuries before China even had an ocean-going vessel. Once again, this is a hack and assumption based on illogical nonsense but not his actual aim to find the truth but instead to continue to suppress what the Philippines is because he hates the Philippines. This blog does not even know how to conduct research. What's funny is his "mostly likely represents Malay" or better said, he has no clue what he is talking about as the Bible says Ophir and Tarshish are isles and so does the Perpilus of the Erythean Sea and Pomponius Mela on his map. Jospehus does identify Area Chersonesus as Chryse in Greek as Ophir in Hebrew, the ancient land of Gold. There is no debate. No, these guys did not know exactly where it was even though they mapped it and identified it in area and name, they did not go there.
ReplyDeleteIt would Columbus who would try and fail yet his research is clear in labeling the area of the Philippines as Ophir and Tarshish and the Garden of Eden for that matter as well as Arasareth, one of the areas where the Lost Tribes migrated. Magellan recorded the same when he crossed out Lequois or Ilocanos likely but at least inhabitants of Luzon and wrote in the margin Ophir and Tarshish. They knew where they were going. This guys acts as if he has disproven something yet the case just get stronger and stronger, yet he would not know, as the facts are disseminated. Attempting to reduce this incredibly obscured truth into a sound bite blog is reckless and watching a few short videos of a massive project is best described by Einstein: "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." This is ignorance indeed. It is far more often the case that knowing a little about a topic can be far more dangerous as when one jumps to all kinds of assumptions, they will screw it up just as this guy has.
ReplyDeleteHe makes a valid point in #3 in that we do not always provide page numbers though we usually do. Some of our older content does not though as we found when putting our coming book together. This is a YouTube Channel, however, not a book. However, his belly aching over books that are not available in e-format is not exactly a good one. A researcher can purchase those books and ye there are several sources who quote them. Lavezaris said there were so many of those chiefs they are enumerable in his letter to the King of Spain. Does he prove Lavaezaris did not write that? Well, no. Then, he makes a stupid comment about Moses yet a government of enumerable chiefs is most certainly the type of flat-level system set up by Moses. There is no debating that. This is not a point. It is his nasty, negative confirmation bias of hating the Philippines. Good job! Does he disprove the validity of the Boxer Codex? Of course not and those same rare jewelry pieces were found in the Surigao Treasure proven full circle as a reference as there is abundant history, actual illustrations from the 1590s and then, found in archaeology. Maybe try not hating the Philippines and maybe you can see the nose on your face. Not one shred of evidence has been produced that Tim is a liar and we are a group though you seem thick-headed thus you are calling all of liars. However, you are a fraud misrepresenting everything you have written about thus far.
ReplyDeleteClue #5. Did you actually have a point? So you do not wish to believe the Boxer Codex yet you cannot. You just keep failing the Philippines. How rude of you.
ReplyDeleteClue #6. Is that not Hebrew? Is that not the pottery shard found in 1946 in Tel Aviv? Why yes it is. And in Hebrew it says? Gold of Ophir to/for Beth Horon. Did you have a point or are you already worn out after a few short videos? You do not have the stomach and stamina for this my friend. That is poor.
ReplyDeletePlease tell us what religion the Bible teaches? It never identifies ANY! From Adam to Noah to Abraham to Jesus to today, it describes relationship with the Creator thru His Son. Again, out of context which is so surprising coming from you. Yahuah has always been about covenant relationship with those who will enter in. Even in the Exodus numerous times, the covenant blessings and curses were extended to the gentiles as well thus salvation is not a new testament concept but one of all of time especially since Messiah has always been and always will be according to John 1. Matt. 7 defines salvation from the lips of Messiah and He is very clear He either knows you or even if you are casting out demons, prophesying and performing miracles, but do not know Him, you will not enter the kingdom. The church does not teach that unfortunately nor John 15 which reiterates we are to obey His commandments if we love Him and we even find the same description of the remnant in the last days all the way up to Revelation. In other words, Messiah defines salvation and Paul NEVER disagrees with Him. It is NEVER "once saved always saved" in all of scripture and it is NEVER about saying a prayer and checking a box eternally.
If we are not in relationship with Him, we have nothing. We used to be evangelist touring the US for a number of years conducting altar calls consistently (oh forgot, we don't have any ministry experience according to this ignorant blog) and our experience in follow up was a whole lot of people who did not continue in relationship. In some cases, they were not discipled but the ultimately, shame on us for telling people all they had to do was say a prayer and they were saved forever. That is nonsense in scripture and one of the worst doctrines of men leading the lambs to slaughter just as this blog would prefer. Salvation is making a real decision to enter relationship with Yahusha (that's Jesus' actual Hebrew name as there is no J in Ancient Hebrew) and if He is truly your Lord, that relationship will progress. If it does not, you are not saved nor were you. One cannot make Him Lord of their lives and not at the same time.
ReplyDeleteEither one does or they do not and Billy Graham was wrong. Of course, he even changed that watered-down definition in the end to include Muslims, Buddhists, etc. which is unbiblical yet the church generally continues his comfortable doctrine because it is a whole lot easier to invite one to church and absolve oneself of responsibility that to actually take on the hard job of discipling. We explain this in full in "Grafted Into the Kingdom" and our viewers well now this as we explain it many times over. We don't hide our beliefs but somehow you think you are special and supposed to receive special treatment with your McDonalds approach to theology. No wonder you are so misled and mislead others. Salvation is not a side issue for us, it is for you as it is relationship with Yahusha and you clearly are lacking in this area with such irresponsible journalism of nothing. We see you keep attempting to place us in some box by which to debate and no wonder you are frustrated as we fit in none. We believe in relationship with Yahuah thru His Son Yahusha and going deep into the Word. I know how dare we tell people to spend more meaningful time with God. What a horrible doctrine. We are not affiliated with any group nor organization and have little interest in your polarizing classifications to attempt to scare people off which is really all you are trying to do unsuccessfully. Your goal is simply to get people to not watch or really, censor The God Culture content clearly.
ReplyDeleteHowever, what you should be doing is teaching people discernment not censorship. That will turn against you unfortunately. We separate history and salvation. Really? Odd. You started with our Lost Tribes Series, oh wait, I forgot, you did not actually watch it but claim to know what we prove and do not prove based on a 7 min recap of a 30 hour series. Funny, because as soon as we Biblical and historically locate the Lost Tribes, we release a video in the middle of that series fully defining salvation. Oh, we were not supposed to according to this ignorant blog which claims we only cover history separate from salvation which is stupid. However, your understanding is erroneous on every point and again, you have not taken the time to understand our position on anything as you are ignorant and seem to enjoy blustering from that position.
ReplyDeleteIt is about relationship and restoring His ways in our lives which is why we call ourselves The God Culture (which we say numerous times) as we want to know the culture of The God not the culture of the gods which indeed permeates much of the church even today. We are done with such false paradigms and we aren't going to fit into any of yours so stop trying. It is never meaningless to review every word written in the Word as Messiah is the Word according to John 1 especially. He was since the beginning and if you do not take the time to understand Genesis, you will never understand the New Covenant, salvation, prophecy, etc. Just read the comments and you will find many thousands entering deeper relationship with the Creator. I know, how dare we. You judge a ministry by it's fruits not it's resume in which every false prophet has a really good one. And you will even find many Catholics doing so as well. Our approach is very effective and yours meaningless. Perhaps you should try it rather than attempting to paint the Philippines is a negative light and standing against it.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch Solomon's Gold Series which you have failed to do, you will find it leads to the restoration not of just history but prophecy and an identity of a people in the Last Days. This leads to deeper relationship and people are going much deeper than ever before as a result yet you criticize and ridicule because that concept seems foreign to you. Well, it should not be and that is very sad. We know you will just ridicule that yet anyone having watched to Part 9 of Solomon's Gold Series and really even Part 1 already knows you are all smoke. We have heard from several viewers who are disgusted by your representation of our work. You don't have to agree with it but you are far out of line and wrong and we rebuke you. You need to grow up and learn and you have much to learn my friend.
ReplyDeleteOne last note, we did not write the movie press release, nor run it and there is no movie contract or agreement anymore though it was a nice thought for a few months. You have not only failed and rushed yet another judgment which you are not entitled but you are a fraud. You have proven nothing but that your confirmation biased is in the way for your hatred of the Philippines and us evidently. We do not require you to like us but you really should consider another profession because you are very poor in conducting research. We have had lawyers, doctors, theologians come in and review our entire case (entire, duh!) and come to us saying they did not believe just as you in the beginning but all checks out. Your opinion and blog have no basis and you have far more than crossed the line in journalism. You are no journalist, you are a communist-style agitator. You and your group will be called out in time, don't worry. No one has successfully disproven Solomon's Gold Series findings and this blog fails as well yet again.
ReplyDeleteFYI - Tim has not been in Florida for a number of years and Ocean Life Agency was a short-lived contract to produce events part-time so not exactly a major corporation. That's an old Linked In but no surprise this hack would not do actual research. Thus far, he has been wrong on every point even his snide little side points. Hope he has a day job because this is pathetic.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
Delete18 comments in a row! And every single one of them an ad hominem not dealing with what I wrote about Tim misrepresenting Suarez or erroneously citing Peralta which proves none of you actually read the source. The big points in this blog are for Clues #2 and #3 where I prove you have misrepresented your sources (Clue 2) and did not read them (Clue 3). Those are the real issues to deal with so if you respond please deal with them. Stop with the ad hominem like "I am a communist style agitator." Why did you erroneously cite Prelate and ignore EVERYTHING Suarez writes but still refer to him as an authoritative source? Did you read Peralta? If so show us the source. Show us the relevant pages. I am not going to do your research for you by ordering the article.
ReplyDeleteBoth points answered. Try reading. You seem to really be challenged with that. Perhaps stop writing long blogs if you can't read one's response to your ambush. You are wrong. We are not here to serve everything on a platter to you in your blog and your format answering your bogus questions loaded to deceive. We provide the sources. We will make obscure ones more available in time but we have yet to ever see a YouTube channel that is held to the standard of producing every actual book they reference and never using secondary sources especially for tertiary points. That is ridiculous. You can throw out half our sources and still you will find we prove and you will not disprove our findings. And you saying we do not use the Bible? What a deceiver you are. We use HUNDREDS of scriptures in this series. But you would not know because you have not actually reviewed that part. We have told you several times, if you are researching this and truly serious, begin with Solomon's Gold Series Part 1 but you cannot watch that 45 min video. Why? Because it id full of foundational scriptures for this journey. And you dare accuse us of not using the Bible and only extra-biblical books? You are crazy. Watch the actual series, not "cliff notes" and not a 7 min recap of a 30 hour series and supposedly a 28 min recap of a 70 hour series where we begin with, this video does not have any proof. Duh! Now you migrate to 100 clues, a series with a different purpose and you call yourself a serious researcher and yet you cannot watch a 45 min video? Stop your communist agitation. Your intention is clear. Grow up.
DeleteActually 1 comment not 18. Your system made us split them up. Seems you are the only one allowed to go on and on and on. Took that much to answer all this. And yet, you have said nothing. You cannot prove ourselves and several other sources are wrong about PH gold found in Egypt and again that is a side note, not our case. You also misunderstand Mela's map because you are not trying to look at it obviously. There it is right there. The Philippines. It's ok, keep your eyes shut. If you continue to watch, in time, you will find this is far to overwhelming to attempt this gnat straining approach in which you didn't actually find anything. PH gold was found and documented in 1st century Egypt. Don't like that one, throw it out. That's fine. The case does not require it. Periplus leads to the Philippines by his directions isles to the East of India and China. He got these directions while in India visiting from the Indians and Ceylon peoples and Mela mapped them. This also tells us India is not Ophir by the way. The isles East of China are right there on Mela's map NE of Sumatra and not the Malay Peninsula which is not an island and the word is island and it has to be to fit scripture as well which you have not reviewed because once again you launch off into a shortened video yet claim to be a researcher not even bothering to watch the first Solomon's Gold Series video which begins this foundation in scripture. This is a hatchet job not journalism in the slightest.
DeleteGo YHUH Culture! I see what is going on. How irrelevant their argument is over you. How bored are these people????
DeleteWe have a ton of sources and so many more points and data you haven't even remotely reviewed. Are you actually saying that the gold found in 1st century Egypt is not of Philippines origin? Can you prove that? If you can, we will listen, go ahead. If you cannot, stop with the nonsense.
ReplyDeleteI am saying you DID NOT PROVE Philippine gold was found there. You listed a source without giving any proof and the way it was cited, along with the erroneous citation of Peralta, indicates you did not read it. You are citing the same sources in the same order as other blogs along with the erroneous citation of Peralta. That is no coincidence. So if you read these sources show us the relevant information and don't just tell us this is what they say. Show us the pages from Laszlo Legeza and Jesus Peralta which discuss Philippine gold being found in Egypt.
DeleteSo the only point you have in your entire rant is not a point? You can't find some books hard to find and that means it's not true? You know better. Then you dare call us liars for using a well-referenced source and 3 of them in fact? Nonsense, you full well know that is not lying. We could care less that you do not agree with something you have never actually reviewed as most of us would be in that same boat. However, your willingness to rush in with conclusions you are not qualified to make is reckless and we will not be silent on that matter. We had another blogger that took your same approach and he ended up taking his blog down as he realized it not a fair test but a jaded refusal to even review the facts. Frankly, we get that more from Christians than even Catholics and Muslims. Of course somehow in your language you even demean the writings of the prophets as well as their sacrifice in martyrdom when you actually claim 1 Kings and Genesis are only history and not the Bible and have nothing to do with the Gospel when the actual Gospel begins in Gen. 1:1 and even before. If you can disprove our findings, go for it. No one has in 3 years nor have you even begun to do so and our case is first built on the Bible as you would have seen in Solomon's Gold Series are the first few videos especially.
DeleteNot sure why you can't take 45 minutes of Bible for Part 1 but sad that seems to be too difficult for you. One reference where we cite 3 sources also sourced by others is not us lying as you further misrepresent and some of our guys have verified them to the best of their abilities. You know better. With the Book project, we ordered most of these that we did not possess and not available on e-book and we will publish a video bibliography for sources that may be harder to find such as those when it is published but they are not necessary to test our work and you know better. Review it all and you will find this well-sourced and you could throw out half of them and still we prove the Philippines is Ophir. There are not that many that we do not already have at least in e-book form if nothing else. The book by the way has almost 400 sources in the Bibliography. Thus, any attempt to accuse us of not researching is erroneous and as you say yourself, we do in fact source our slides though 30 point type is not large enough for you we get it. Again, this is a side note of extra support not our case regardless as whether Philippine gold was found in Egypt or not, it does not make it Ophir nor do we say that single point does nor discount it nor can you prove it was not as you admit. Try actually dealing with the overall conclusions and go ahead try to disprove them. The format of Solomon's Gold Series is better for that.
Delete"Then you dare call us liars for using a well-referenced source and 3 of them in fact?"
DeleteWell referenced? You didn't eve cite Peralta properly! How are you missing this? That you gave the wrong citation is evidence that you did not read the citation!
I did hear about the book. Send me a review copy when it comes out. Thanks.
DeleteThere is nothing to miss. We have hundreds of sources. Especially in our YouTube videos, we used sometimes secondary sources which we did in this case in a repurposing of Solomon's Gold Series in soundbites essentially. However, with our book, we have been fortifying such sources and we have a team working on this and will soon provide any obscure reference that is harder to find to at least prove that the material exists adn says what it says. This was one thing we undertook recently but on YouTube we do have some secondary sources especially when we started. However, you do not get the point. You are harping on 1 source on a side note and secondary reference. Your point changes nothing and has 0 impact on our case. We have been closing these kinds of gaps and will have all that fortified very soon and your point is meaningless. You have got to be kidding.
DeleteNo no one using those 3 sources are liars and it is inappropriate for you to stretch this that far.
DeleteHi what I would say to this as the apostles where told not speak in this name, and they the Pharisees if it be of God it will work if not then it will fail. Gamaliel's Advice
Delete…38So in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone. Let them go! For if their purpose or endeavor is of human origin, it will fail. 39But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop them. You may even find yourselves fighting against God.” 40At this, they yielded to Gamaliel. They called the apostles in and had them flogged. Then they ordered them not to speak in the name of Jesus, and released them.… Acts 5-39
We do not quote a book by Pomponius Mela, we use his map:
ReplyDeleteWorld Map of Pomponius Mela, 43 A.D. rotated for north up and be comparable with modern maps. Reconstruction by Konrad Miller (reconstructed in 1898) form Mappae Mundi Bd. Vi. “Rekonstruierte Karten”, Tafel 7. Public Domain.
Try reading.
You quote "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" by Thomas Suarez. It's in the screenshot I took. Scroll back up and look. I then quote the entire source. I quote what Suarez has to say about Chryses and Argyre. Nothing he says agrees with what Gold Culture says. He has been misused and misrepresented.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteYes, he says Chryse is East of India and China. Islands. That's called the Philippines. The map from Mela you ignore maps it as Mindanao and Luzon essentially.
DeleteWrong! Read what he wrote and DO NOT PUT WORDS IN HIS MOUTH!! (BTW what about the Visayas??)
Delete"Chryse most likely represented Malaya, while Argyre was probably Burma, perhaps Arakan. Both are seen as islands in the world map after Mela, Chryse being the island off to the east Asian coast, and Argyre the island at the Ganges delta next to Taprobana."
That is what Suarez wrote. Not a word about the Philippines. You have misrepresented this source.
Not the same translation we used. We represented what we had exactly as it was worded. You are ridiculous.
DeleteThank you for recognizing that we source everything virtually. Most do not source. Regardless of your sour, negative mojo. FYI. Wikipedia is a great source for YouTube because it is easy to reference while watching especially when it is sourced and anyone can go deeper from there. The Peralta reference you make is from numerous sources but there are 3 referenced there in each of them. If you can prove that gold was not from Egypt, we'll listen. It is a side point, not our case and not such an important point though a nice side note that adds. You will not unravel this case on a side note regardless and it certainly appears that was PH gold found in Egypt. So prove otherwise and we will listen on that point. That is the only actual point you made in your entire rant of nonsense though as you have no clue, no context nor have you earned to criticize that which you have not reviewed. That is called ignorance not research.
ReplyDelete"If you can prove that gold was not from Egypt, we'll listen."
DeleteYou are totally missing the point. Nowhere have you OR THE OTHER BLOGS WHO CITE THESE SOURCES proved that Philippine gold has been found in Egypt? Has it? Then cite the source and prove it to us. That is the point. You made a huge assertion with NO PROOF. It is not a side note because Tim says PHL gold in Egypt is proof that Pinoys ruled the seas and traded all over and everyone came to the PHL for gold. It is not a minor point at all. All you have to do is manifest the relevant pages. Can you do it? Did you guys order the back issues from Arts of Asia or are you copy-pasting from everyone else? The burden of proof lies on you, not me.
Have you ever had any theist back up claims with proof/evidence? All I ever hear from theists is "The Bible says so" or "We don't have to prove anything."
DeleteSure. What proofs would you want? The strongest proof for the existence of God is the transcendental argument. A basic introduction to that is here: https://www.gotquestions.org/transcendental-argument.html Another good introduction would be this debate between Greg Bahnsen and Gordon Stein https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anGAazNCfdY
DeleteThe transcendental argument proves nothing. It is basically saying because man has morals and can think there has to be a god. Now with all the crap that goes on in the Bible, it is the last book that should be considered a source of morals and logic. By the way, the "Notify Me" does not work.
DeleteThe transcendental argument is pure presuppositional apologetics, no more:
What is "notify me?" Greg Bahnsen does a good job of explaining the transcendental argument in the debate.
DeleteThe "Notify Me" box below sign out. Does not matter how good of a job Greg Bahnsen does at explaining the transcendental argument. It is still a presupposition is nothing more than assumption, assuming without evidence or proof. Morals, logic do not prove the existence of a God. After all People who never heard of god of the Bible also have morals and logic.
DeleteAs for " The God Culture", they are pretty much blowing smoke up Filipinos asses. Makes one wonder how much money "The God Culture" is screwing Filipinos out of.
So it's more "the Bible says so". Funny citing a book of mythology as a reliable source. No The God Culture is just spreading holy bull shit and nothing else.
ReplyDeleteThey aren't really using the Bible to prove anything though. Their major sources are The Book of Jubilees and The Book of Enoch. They interpret the Bible through the lens of those books. They also use ancient and modern scholarship but as I have shown in this post they misrepresent those sources or don't even read them.
DeleteAt the beginning you quote them referring to "Known as Ophir in the Bible" and referring to Solomon's gold.
DeleteTo PhilippineFails who fails the Philippines... Talk about fraud. Solomon's Gold Series parts 1-11 NEVER use an extra-biblical book yet locate Ophir. You are so oblivious. The first video of Solomon's Gold Series has like 50 or so scriptures itself and that continues. You know nothing and need grow up and watch something before condemning it like a communist agitator.
DeleteThe story of Ophir originates in the Bible and no where else. To attempt to locate it without the Bible would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack without even knowing which haystack. Even Indian Jones used the Bible so you can stomach a little scripture along the way. However, understand, we teach the Bible so if you are viewing our series looking only for history, this blogger is clueless. You will get a ton of Bible.
DeleteMichael what I meant was the Bible is not their primary text to make their proofs. They do use the Bible but the Bible does not prove everything they hope to be proving. So they rely on the Book of Jubilless and the Book of Enoch as well as many ancient and wonder sources.
DeleteThanks for the clarification.
DeleteMichael... This guy has no clue what we cover he has not watched. If you watch Solomon's Gold Series rather than judging without watching as this blog continues to do, you will find we quote hundreds of Bible verses throughout the series and the very first video is completely set in scripture. Watch and see for yourself. We cover essentially every scripture on Ophir and Tarshish and then Sheba and even dig into the Hebrew deeply.
DeleteThe Bible is full of bull shit just like you are. Quoting Bible verse does not prove the Bible correct. You are just using a circular argument "The Bible is true because the Bible says it is true". As for the bull shit you are spreading about the Philippines and "quoting hundreds of Bible verses", Well the Bible also tells you exactly where to find the ark and you still have not found it. So much for the Bible being accurate.
DeleteYour occult assumptions show you really haven't thought about but just follow what you have you have heard. Your thinking that Noah, the carpenter who built the ark with his sons, left the only good wood left on earth sitting on top of a mountain while he waited for possibly decades for good timber to grow again, is not found anywhere in the Bible narrative and a poor assumption. It's a false narrative from the beginning not a point. There is no way Noah left the ark sitting as a museum or monument for one to find wood which he well knew breaks down over time. Your paradigm is set on falsehoods and we answer many of those questions though you have reviewed nothing but draw conclusions of course because that's the smart thing to do. You don't believe the Bible. Many do not. However, if you are going to claim it is untested and unproven in the face of the most tested and proven document in all of human history, you are simply misspeaking not representing fact. The narrative of Ophir is of Bible origin. If you are not interested, that is fine but to handcuff thinking by ignoring the source of the story is foolishness. Again, you begin in a false paradigm. I know how dare we quote the Bible. However, we do and tons of it and it proves and passes the test especially when one truly reviews in the original Hebrew for full understanding. Anyone can go in and create a false paradigm and argue with it from fragments but that's testing, it's hacking just as the tactic of this blog. What they cannot do is take literally every passage on a topic in cross-reference and then further test it across disciplines and then claim in honesty, it is not truth because the Bible proves true. You haven't done that so don't pretend you even have an opinion formed of logic. You can attempt to take issue with things some will even say are contradictory. Yet, when you actually truly look at each of those, you find the Bible does not contradict itself. Even after all of the toying around especially in interpretation, when one reads it for themselves, they will typically find it true. The few that do not, usually do so with an agenda just as this blog is written. Peter calls it "willing ignorance." Again, you have the right to reject the Creator of all things and even be willingly ignorant. He created you with a Will. The Bible fully identifies where the ark landed if one reads it. We cover that in full as a topic not in a blog comment. However, you don't even believe the Bible so let's not pretend you aim to seek the truth on where the ark landed.
DeleteOn par!
DeleteJust a few weeks ago, we were in Bacolod at a conference and an attorney approached me telling me he rejected the idea of the Philippines as Ophir from the beginning. His Filipino brother, a pilot, told him he had to watch Solomon's Gold Series because it really proves the case. He summarily dismissed it until his brother said, I thought you were a lawyer but sad that you will not give this case it's day in court. He still dismissed it until he begrudgingly finally watched the first video. He took notes on every scripture and source and tested the case. It proved out but he still did not believe the Philippines is Ophir. So, he launched into the 2nd determined that this one would not be able to continue the case. He took notes and yet again, he proved it out and it vetted. What do ya know he said so he watched the 3rd determined that the Bible story of Tarshish especially disproves our position. However, he took notes and tested it at the end and guess what? It vetted. He had done so at that point all the way to Part 12 and he wanted to come meet the one who changed his mind. Of course we are a group not a person. He began to tear as he was repeating back many of the same facts which he now has memorized even. This blog would assume that attorney just does not know what he is doing yet those in the real world not looking and hoping for the Philippines to Fail view it in the opposite perspective. That would be because they are not communist-style agitators but authentic people seeking the truth. You will not find that in this blog nor his other about our videos in which he admits in this one he watched 6 videos of 51 in our 100 Clues Series yet is an expert on what we cover even actually claiming we don't cover scripture in his above ignorant comment. This is the 2nd hatchet job he has committed as the first he literally even admittedly said he watched 7 minutes of a 30 hour series and he knew everything we did and did not prove based on that. Then, he now claims but before said not, he watched 28 minutes of our Solomon's Gold Series where we prove the Philippines is Ophir in about 70 hours of video. However, based on wacthing .7% of the series, he knows and after watching .4% of the other he knows and know after watching 11% of a brief series as well, well, you guessed it, he knows what we do or do not prove because well, he and Quiboloy own the universe perhaps because that is the only circumstance by which he could have even a basic understanding to then represent himself as a journalist? That's fraudulent. This is because this is a person not interested in the truth but he enjoys agitating thus his name PhilippineFails because see, he does not want anyone to believe the Philippines may actually be more than a 3rd World Country because that does not fit his Failure world view. He has failed the Philippines in yet another blog and shame on him.
ReplyDeleteNone of that changes the fact that you misrepresent your source "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" by Thomas Suarez or that you misquoted Peralta which proves you did not read that source at all. Stick with the issue.
DeleteWe used sources. That is not dishonest.
DeleteYou used a source to cherry pick. You took Suarez's research and tossed it aside. That is dishonest. You might as well have not even used it.
DeleteWe will clarify to our viewers.
DeleteSo is it reasonable to write a blog based on a review of less than 1% of reviewing a video series? How bout watching another series yet commenting on a different one you didn't even watch like he does our Original Canon Series completely out of context with understandable 0 comprehension as no one is that smart. I mean don't you always just read the introduction of a book and assume you know every word of it and then give a speech on the book? Well, you can draw an opinion to decide whether you wish to read further for yourself of course as we all do but this not a personal decision for this blog as they are publicly attempting rebuke of something they did not even review properly yet pass themselves off as qualified to render an opinion. What about 11% which is what he supposedly viewed of our new series not intended for research as much as a small group setting or to gain one's attention hopefully to get them to watch the full series? So he red the first 5 pages of a book and now, that means he knows every word right? Wrong.
ReplyDeleteHe just can't bring himself to review even Part 1 which is 45 min and ALL scripture pretty much but he'll draw the accusation we do not use scripture? Really us? Now that's as dumb as a bag of nails. None of our viewers would ever say that just go look at the comments on our videos. See what regular people think not some jaded troll who just wants to, just has to condemn everything because everything, according to his name, must fail in the Philippines. Would one actually attempt to call themselves educated based on such? Professionally, what would we call such a representation? Most would likely say a fraudulent representation indeed. This blog is trying to strain gnats but has yet to actually review Solomon's Gold Series by their own admission yet commenting as if he is an expert and qualified. He is not. He makes 2 points in this long blog based on 6 short videos of a 51 video series because that is all one needs to call themselves an expert right? To render an opinion is one thing but to produce a blog and position it on Google with our search results would be insane for most of us. He continues on and on thus we respond so in return. This is an epic fail blog desiring to agitate jumping to conclusions it is not entitled. The first point he makes is a slide in which we provide 3 sources same as several other sites by the way by his own admission so he knows better but who cares about facts, he wants to says things fail because that is his name and purpose. He thinks 1 source of 3 on a slide may not be accurate but does not argue with the point that PH gold was found in Egypt thus he has no actual point. But he's not making a point is he? No, he's agitating in communist-style. We cover hundreds of references in this series and this was a side note, a nice one but a side note and enough other sites quote this we do not have to view the original source ourselves though. Yet he contends we are lying thus everyone else using these is also lying? Really? That is not the definition of lying. Misrepresenting oneself as an expert when having only reviewed a minor percentage of a case, now that is disingenuous. Hope you never have to go to court under such circumstances with a judge who thinks like this guy.
ReplyDeleteThen he accuses us of confirmation bias, a bogus term of no actual meaning as all have bias in all we do unless we are robots yet he is the one with the bias. He accuses us falsely of ONLY using extra-biblical books yet we do not use one in the first 11 videos in Solomon's Gold Series and already prove the Philippines is Ophir by then. We use them to locate the Garden of Eden in Part 12 as there are exact directions out there that then Genesis affirms when you understand it. Then, he uses a different translation of another source but pretty much it still identifies the area of the Philippines in geographic area yet he then ignores the actual map from 43 A.D. which locates the Greek sources of gold and silver in the Philippines and claims to be logical and interested in the truth. Nope, just ignore that yet the two from the same century go hand in hand and the directions in the Periplus most certainly lead to the area of the Philippines with the map from Mela nailing it down specifically. It's a one-two punch and yet he can only focus on the one in which he misunderstands ignoring the more important one, you know, the actual map. It's right there... Lah. Lah. Lah. Can't see it. I don't hear anything. Under your nose... I can't hear you... Nice ignorance.
ReplyDeleteThomas Suarez is an authority in early cartogpraphy. You use his work and then distort it. He does not indicate that Chryses or Argyre is the Philippines. Why even use his work? Why use the work of a noted authority and then discount it? You simply cherry pick from it and that is dishonest.
DeleteYet Mela's map is very clear the 2 islands are islands and in the Philippines. We used the source we had as it read. You are using a different translation and we saw another different translation on Ancient Magostribe's channel recently as well which did not bother us but you seem to just desire to see the Philippines fail this test. You have nothing. You still know nothing as you have failed to do actual research in testing this case. You cannot unravel it on secondary sources and you have not offered anything that affects the conclusions of this series which you have failed to review yet rushed out with a blog as an expert on something you do not know.
DeleteYou quote Thomas Suarez, an authority in ancient map interpretation who says nothing about the Philippines, and then ignore his research. You, who are not authorities in ancient cartography, interpret the map in the wrong way. In a way he does not. So why bother to use Suarez as a source if you are going to ignore his research?
DeleteMela's map is pretty easy to interpret. One passes India heads into the Indies beyond Sumatra to the NE. That's called the Philippines.
DeleteThat is how YOU interpret it. That is not how expert in ancient cartogprahy Thomas Suarez, who's book is now an authoritative source in the field, interprets it. He says not one word about the Philippines. Nor does Jospehus nor Wikipedia for that matter.
DeleteThe Philippines was not a nation then so no one mentioned the Philippines. Not a point. Mela's map is right there for all to see. It shows the Philippines as Chryse/Ophir and Agyre/Tarshish. It's right there.
DeleteNeither was Malay or Burma but that is how Suarez identifies those two legendary islands made of gold and silver. Again you are discounting his expert knowledge and substituting it for you own. Why even bother using him as a source?
DeleteOur knowledge begins with the Bible and expands into the other disciplines and we found Ophir and you did not. Why would you give someone so much credit for identifying a place in an area they had never been? Now, that is illogical. We used a source and if it was wrong, we'll correct it but our case does not hinge on this point. You really have never looked at a map in which a cartographer interprets some places wrongly? Or perhaps you believe in mermaids? For instance, there was a debate for centuries as to whether Taprobane was Sri Lanka or Sumatra. You can use both sides of the argument and glean something from both. You give these guys far too much credit as none of them knew where Ophir was or they would have gone there. They are stepping stones to research not pillars. Even as we near the discovery. How could Columbus think he was in SE Asia when he was in the Carrbbean? That is what he wrote. Do you not ignore the mapping just after Columbus showing SE Asia below Canada? Yet you can still glean something from it. Did he not do his research? Of course he did but was wrong on the distance but right on identifying the islands just North of the equator in SE Asia as Ophir, Tarshish, the Garden of Eden and Arsareth, one of the migrations of the Northern Lost Tribes of Israel. And he actually went there. Does Columbus make our case? No, his research is a stepping stone. Did Suarez? No. Did Josephus the Pharisee? No. Did Ptolemy? No. You give them far too much credit and we view them as all stepping stone sources by which to glean a little data but no, we do not take any of them seriously until they near the time in which Ophir was fully found and identified by the Spanish because they did not find Ophir in their days but the Spanish did. Our interest is an overall case and to overwhelm with as much data as we can find. For our book, sources are much more fortified than a YouTube video yet we still prove our case very well if one reviews the whole thing. This piece of data is one small data point in a much larger picture. Move on.
DeleteSomehow that is supposed to be viewed as his proving something? Not in the slightest. He wishes to hit and run and hopes we will not respond yet we are the opposite as we respond to especially this kind of shoddy so-called journalism. We will respond and we will keep responding and we will not allow a failure of a blog which calls itself PhilippinesFails which hates the Philippines according to the name to continue to harass a group of researchers who actually found Ophir in the Philippines and has continued to uncover one proof after another for over 3 years. He does not have to agree ever nor do we care if he does or not but to go this route with a supposed "expose" which only exposes his own lack of knowledge is not something we will allow to stand. In the meantime, if you arrived here while searching Google for The God Culture and somehow this is peddled as the opposition which it is not even credible, you are better to watch the videos for yourself and use your own discernment which you should always do in all things. You are an adult.
ReplyDeleteSee if we prove the Philippines is Ophir as there are very many who do agree we do, and among them, professionals such as doctors, lawyers, academics, theologians and even some rabbis for that matter among others but most especially a whole lot of regular folk who not ignorant masses but are educating themselves because people like the writer of this hack blog have failed them, then this is monumental in scope. But see that would not Fail the Philippines so not within his world view. Yet, this guy is going to do what none of those real professionals could, he is going to disprove our findings and miraculously without even viewing them. It's magic. No really, it would be magic indeed as the Bible is clear His people perish for lack of knowledge and there are many such verses about just how foolish this communist-style agitation really is. Watch our Solomon's Gold Series and test every video. We do not promise perfection on a YouTube channel especially but excellence and we come thru on that. In fact, do so skeptically and even try to prove it wrong. We welcome that but this approach of ignorance, no. However, let us all not pretend this is a serious blog of any credibility nor weight whatsoever as the foundation of testing something without even watching is ludicrous and ignorant. This guy does so with a serious face somehow and yet it is laughable. This is a shameful ambush as was his last hit job. We are fine with criticism as we take it daily but to not even watch and claim you know what we prove or don't? You know what that is. Yah Bless.
ReplyDeleteLook at this WALL OF TEXT you keep posting and you cannot bring yourself to deal with the issue here which is you undeniably misrepresent your source "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" by Thomas Suarez and you erroneously cite Peralta and do not even cite him to make your case! Your erroneous citation proves you did not read the source and it follows you did not read "Laszlo Legeza, "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug, 1988, pp 129-136."
DeleteTHAT IS THE ISSUE. Stick to that and stop with the insults and appeals to people who believe your work. If you cannot deal with this issue then you might as well stop replying.
We have dealt with the issue. You have 1 meaningless point in which we are acquiring the original source so viewers do not have to and it has no bearing on our case whasoever which you cannot disprove so you have to try to strain gnats which must be really hard with all this data. Hmmm... You are the issue as you continue to attempt to review a case you have never reviewed which is stupidity. Grow up.
Delete"we are acquiring the original source"??? So then you don't have it and you didn't read it! So your research is dishonest. Thanks for admitting Iw as right all along. Funny you think that is meaningless.
DeleteWe quoted a source. That's not dishonest. Dishonest is not even bothering to watch a position and attempting debate with your pants down. Sure, you'll find something somewhere as this is extensive but nothing that will unravel these findings. They are far too solid. You are welcome to try but might want to wait for the book because it is several levels above a YouTube video. The book doesn't even use Peralta and quotes the best copy of Periplus we can get. However, neither changes the facts. The writers of Periplus used the directions from India but did not go to Ophir. However, Mela maps islands in the area of the Philippines clarifying this all. You can keep gnat straining but you have not unraveled anything.
DeleteBut you did not quote the source. You listed a citation for a source you didn't read. One of them you even cited erroneously!
DeleteWe will clarify this. Yah Bless.
DeleteYou know what's really dishonest? Making a video series called 100 Clues and claiming "they will still be very effective" then getting mad when some watches a few of them and takes issue with your "research." Why even bother to make the videos in the first place if you will only end up telling people they are still ignorant and have to watch the whole of Solomon's Gold. It doesn't make a lick of sense. Will you do the same for your book? If I read your book and tear it to shreds will you still call me ignorant and say i need to watch your videos?
DeleteNo, you misrepresent a word yet again. Surprise. Challenges which we get every day are welcome. Most are genuine and asking very good questions but that is not what you have done from the start. You agitate communist-style. Your first blog was completely ignorant watching less than 1% of a series and condemning it's conclusions. That is ignorance by definition to even bother to published a blog based on nothing. Now you come back having watch a few smaller videos still not the meat of Solomon's Gold Series which starts with scripture. You still have no clue of this position yet you have now produced 2 blogs with no actual idea of what we prove or not. Einstein said it best: "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." One would think a journalist would want context and basis before especially pursuing a ministry to attempt to prove it wrong. We actually do not care that you do but return fire of equal force just as Messiah did with Pharisees and the prophets many times with the priests of Ba'al and the like. Yet you do not bother with such details and we find that disrespectful. We hope you do read the book but you will not tear it to shreds in honesty. This case is far too strong and we understand even now, you still do not actually know that because you still have not reviewed this case. If you had actually watched Solomon's Gold Series as we have asked you to do numerous times before commenting and especially blogging about something you haven't even reviewed, then you would not behave this way most likely. Even those who oppose us gain a respect for the level and amount of data we have processed across multiple disciplines. However, you haven't even watched so you just come at us hostile and have since your first obvious message as your agenda was very clear. You can even keep attacking. No matter. The good thing is things work out in time and the truth shines thru. Whether we have a reference from a source you like or don't like, you will ever be able to overcome the gravity of this entire revelation. We found Ophir and many thousands of followers have researched this further and found the same never by nitpicking this or that but by realizing history and all the disciplines align with scripture on this one. You haven't even gotten to the scripture portion yet thus still very disconnected. You even told Michel earlier we don't even use the Bible but extra-biblical books which is nonsense but we understand you do not actually know what you are talking about because you still comment, yes, in ignorance. If you watched (honestly) all of Solomon's Gold Series, we already know your disposition towards us would change. This gotcha mentality would be overwhelmed by at least a place of mutual respect which you certainly have not shown which is why we respond the way we do. Timothy is traveling he said he will respond later to you.
DeleteIf I NEED to watch Solomons Gold then why would you even make the 100 Clues video?? You think i am being dishonest but I am not. I started this post with the intent to watch each of the clues and give short summation while making a few jokes about rice. But then i checked your facts and it just became too much. Had to stop. I am serious about sending me a book. I will review it as honestly as I have here. I ordered Eden in the East by Oppenheimer the other day. Does he figure into your research at all?
DeleteWe would welcome honest reviews and we do not mind criticism generally but on what you watch not what you haven't and not on doctrines you do not know we cover such as salvation which you make massive assumptions. Not attacking. Look, we get better with constructive criticism as we all do. Only a fool rejects good honest feedback. However, Solomon's Gold Series is complete and we are only half way thru this series and not finished. However, it is detailed as you absorb well into the series especially. The 50 videos up already prove this out pretty well but differently. It is easy to take 1 video and think you have a full view but even this you will find has multiple linked videos because of time as we tried to keep them under 20 min each which is very hard for us because we really are trying to prove not just stake a claim. You do not have to agree with every point and in fact, we hope you do not as that is not our intent. We aren't even attempting perfection but excellence. Funny you bring up Oppenheimer. We recently became aware of the book and some of the guys are reading it but I have not yet but hope to. Appears fascinating in scope. He is missing the context of Noah's division of the Earth in the Book of Jubilees though. The Garden is recorded there as on the Eastern border of Shem and Ham a little to the North. There is much more than that but it sets the border at all the mountains of fire known as such in Indonesia to this day as Gunung Gunung Api in Javanese or Mountains of Fire in English. This border set by Noah places Indonesia in Ham's territory which Ophir and Sheba from Shem cannot live and again the Garden is in Shem's territory on his Eastern border. Even Sabah, Malaysia is just above the northern most volcano in that chain of 147 volcanoes serving as a very natural border splitting Borneo in what would appear an odd way yet Noah did that. Regardless, should be good stuff to glean from the book. Yah Bless.
DeleteWe cited NOTHING erroneously as you claim in error. We did not make up quotes. Finally, this is research from years ago so we were waiting to get to the archives. You are very confused and confusing on this. That slide on Chryse has 2 sources not 1 and we'll take credit for not offering a complete source on the Periplus in which we do NOT get that from Suarez but it is a separate reference which we even treat so in commentary. The Suarez quote is ONLY for directions East of India and that is all we use it for, all that is in quotes for him and all he actually knew beyond speculation as Charles Nowell points out. We do not use that for The Periplus quote below it and that is why we place them in 2 separate blocks and not together. The Periplus is separate in scope. That comes from The Perpilus according to our source below WORD FOR WORD in quotes. Again, that frame is only meant to provide directions toward the Far East as neither knew anymore than that or they would have produce Ophir yet only Magellan did. Then, the next frame is a map from Mela which is a good map and source which you can easily verify. Here's our source at the bottom and notice the wording is the same as what we placed in quotes. Everything vetted just fine and we chose to run an accurate quote whether it matches the translation in the book you are quoting or not. The book you cite that portion from is not something we used for that and obviously it translates differently which is no matter because they both say Ophir is in the Far East beyond India which is really the point and all we gleaned from those. We originally saw this on a blogpost kinda like yours which according to you must not be credible thus not sure why you are even doing this. We corroborated it with this and it matched:
DeletePart 63: https://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/texts/periplus/periplus.html
"the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself;”
“it is called Chryse" We added NOT in quotes thus our words expressed appropriately and then in quotes "This(China)" which brought "silk" to India. Every word of our quote in quotes is accurate though a different translation than the book you are quoting which we did not use for that portion. There are numerous books on this but none who found Ophir so to treat them as complete fact will lead to ignorance.
Yes in fact you erroneously cited Peralta. I cannot make that any more clearer. You also had Suarez as a source and misrepresent him. If you didn't like his scholarship then you should not have cited him as a source. I did not say you made up quotes. I said you erroneously cited Peralta just like everyone else. It's pretty clear from what I wrote that this is indeed the case.
DeleteThere is nothing erroneous in our research. A YouTube Channel quoting a source is normal. It is rare a YT channel sites anywhere near as much as we have and this is a ludicrous track of negative nothing. We have been updating our videos with more extensive sources and even page #s so thank you for pointing this out but let us not pretend you have a gotcha because you do not and you can stop with the act. What is truly laughable is we went back and listened and we never mention Suarez in that slide at all but the Periplus. We have removed Suarez completely and we have added quotes from Nowell proving your thinking that Suarez was right is wrong and Magellan proved that. You found nothing. Enough. We have more than satisfied your questions and we changed our videos already accordingly as one seeking truth should and would. We are also focused on larger print for the sources as the one you criticized was actually even larger than 30 pt but 40 pt in our program but we do get your point on that and we are responding to that as we have responded to your questions fully. There is nothing further to discuss on these.
DeleteIf you really did edit that video and removed Suarez then that means you only falsified your information. I have the slide here where you actually do mention Suarez. So now you are only falsifying your info rather than explaining why you cite Suarez but reject his scholarship. BTW Suarez is an authoritative source and no one claims the Aurea Choresnus is the Philippines. They all say it is the Maylay peninsula.
DeleteI see that you have in fact deleted Clue videos 2, 3, and 4! That is just disgusting Ana. The fact that you cannot deal with my criticisms but have to actually edit them and falsify them shows how dishonest you and Tim are. I am really shocked at the level of dishonesty you would resort to. I am glad i saved some screenshots but now I wish i had save the whole video. So sad and sickening.
DeleteThe fact that you are editing these videos only goes to prove I was right all along. You come to my blog and insult me but in the end you edit your videos to cover up your fraud. How ridiculous!!
DeleteNo, we reloaded new. 2,3 and 4 are up. That's how it works and how we have always operated. This isn't a newspaper that runs corrections as there is no need, you update and replace. No dummy leaves the old videos up confusing their viewers like that who wouldn't know which to watch nor do you have a say in the matter. We dealt with your minor criticism and responded to you far more than we should have. You should be pleased. We increased the font size, added pages numbers on several, even fixed a typo, and added info you requested. We do not know another YouTube channel that would frankly but it's an improvement so we embraced it. Anything to make it easier for folks to prove which we thought was your concern. You're welcome. When you get to Part 25, we even added links for each of the sources in the description box and hope to do this moving forward though not easy. You are making this huge deal over Suarez and we went back and listened and we do NOT even mention the guy verbally at all on that 45 sec or so slide. Wait a minute, all of this bluster over a 45 sec slide that is not even the case but a stepping stone and we don't even mention the guy? Wow! And go back and read your comment as you are the one who suggested we delete Suarez completely and not use it which we don't talk about him anyway thus nothing was "falsified" nor "dishonest" and I remind you, you better think about these kinds of allegations when they are blatantly false. We mentioned Periplus not Suarez and you have harped and harped and harped on literally nothing. Didn't even rerecord that slide because he isn't even mentioned yet all this bluster over nothing, nothing, nothing and clearly you misrepresented and yet never even had a point because we do NOT cover Suarez. Added some good content though from Nowell to assist with your learning at your request. However, not sure what world you live in that you replace a video but leave the old one up too. Why would anyone confuse their viewers like that? That would be foolish. I think your largest issue is you do not understand the format of YouTube because it's not a book nor encyclopedia and in fact, many just go on unscripted in just commentary with no support. Proving all things does not mean one has to exhaust a book of content on every slide as there are limitations to humanity and no one except perhaps you expects the sources of a book on a YouTube video, though we are getting closer to that and we'll leave it at thank you for making us better. Unless you had another agenda that is... because that is the only purpose that nonsense would serve and you are very confused if you think we are here to be your whipping post. However, I will remind once and only once, you are writing these false allegations very publicly having judged our intentions wrongly in ways you cannot and most of all outright false libel and there is a point at which you will stop or be stopped. Yah Bless.
Delete"you do not understand the format of YouTube because it's not a book nor encyclopedia and in fact, many just go on unscripted in just commentary with no support."
DeleteSo you just make video with all these slides and citations....OFF THE CUFF!!!! You don't bother to write an outline or a script? If that is true that is so poor and pathetic. Even the Angry Video Game Nerd has a script!!!! Are you kidding me??
Did we say that? No, the opposite. Everything is Bizarro World with you – backwards. Whatever one says, you assume the opposite in a negative light and in a really rotten way. You need to get that checked. We script everything. How do you think we are able to translate into Tagalog so easily? You just keep going on and on with your own false paradigm don't you? We plan sometimes for months or more on a certain topic. The point was we are far above the normal standard. In fact, there are few channels or even ministries who have uncovered what we have in the past 5 or so years. We could care less if you ever see that but there are many thousands who do and they are growing deeper in relationship with Yahuah than they ever have. Now that is called fruit and that is the way you judge a ministry by it's fruit. We have had thousands leave Catholicism in following our teachings. We have had thousands enter very deep relationship with Yahusha not in fake "say a prayer and check a box" salvation but true salvation and that is the hardest. What is your fruit? What is the fruit of this blog?Unfortunately, it fits it's name from our perspective thus far but you can change that. You can learn to really know the Word not from your bookshelf which is meaningless but for yourself. That is what this life is all about. As Solomon put it all else is vain and meaningless. There is nothing but the pursuit of Him. May you learn to follow His voice in all things. Yah Bless.
DeleteYou went back and edited your videos because you know I was right all along. You erroneously cited Peralta, you did not read him or Legaza, and you cited Suarez but outright rejected his research. You add new things to the videos and change what was already there so now it looks like I was making stuff up. Honesty would not be changing everything but adding a note, making another video perhaps. Not changing everything and gas lighting. The fact is you listed Suarez and Peralta as a sources and now you have deleted them both. Now you have gotten rid of them but you would still have them if I had not pointed them. You do not have a high standard at all because it as me who pointed out your wrong citation of Peralta and your misuse of Suarez. There will be an answer from me about this but it won't be in this comment section. It will certainly be forthcoming and in a full and proper article.
DeleteMore fraud and misrepresentation. The usual from this blog. Legeza's article is represented accurately. Peralta focuses on the China trade but is 1 of 3 of the sources used on that slide and Villegas further fortifies Legeza with even the route identified for Philippines trade all the way to Egypt and West Asia. This was accurate and all this bluster and then proven to be nothing at all. This blowhard hasn't even touched our position. Not in the slightest. It remains incredibly solid and he will not disprove it especially have hardly even watched videos. It is so laughable that one would even attempt debate without having even reviewed the position they wish to condemn. It demonstrates an agenda and which one? Well, we'll let you decide but he is towing the British propaganda lines which we crush and doing so in communist-style agitation. Ignorance.
DeleteSorry if that was not clear and we will separate the 2 slides and expand from Charles Nowell who clarifies Josephus, Ptolemy and those in their times, did not know where Chryse was specifically just in region and he basically frames the thinking began with East Africa and that was wrong, then it progressed to the Malay Peninsula and that was wrong. Only Magellan found Ophir and everyone else is speculation. There is no evidence beyond that that can trump Magellan. This is the logical basis for our thinking that we can glean directions from those guys but not firm locations nor do we need to. They tried but again, they did not find Ophir. The Portuguese did not rise up with the claim of Ophir when Malaysia and Indonesia became their territories and the locals in the Malay Peninsula and even it's Tourism Dept and Government to this day still call what Britain renamed as Mt. Ophir in 1801 as it's true name Gunung Ledang not Mt. Ophir. They know better. However, these sourcs knew Chryse was in the Far East, East of but not India, not Yemen and Not Ethiopia which are the 3 big claims really. Even Britain backed off Malaysia as Ophir and went with India mostly. They thought it Malaysia but understand to the Western world there was no Philippine separate archipelago. They lumped it in with Malaysia and even India as it was part of the Indies in their mindset. We have other sources as well but for 1 slide in which we only glean East of India, not a trail worthy of time.
ReplyDeleteAfter your challenges, we had already reviewed most sources for our book project and frankly, we feel extremely good about the content of this channel. You should too because you have actually found nothing awry with the manner in which we support our conclusions and certainly you have not found anything that is an issue. You do not prove PH Gold was not found in Egypt but corroborate as we did with multiple sources of the same. You did not prove the armor was not Greek especially since you ignored all the symbols to focus on the gecko in which the Greek’s most certainly had an “askalabotes” or gecko in their pantheon as well and all the other symbols certainly appear Greek. We like that and will leave it in. We like the PH Gold in Egypt and will leave it in as well. This point is a non-point as well and your first blog said absolutely nothing as you never watched a video with any evidence at all. Now you have and you find… nothing. Yah Bless.
"You do not prove PH Gold was not found in Egypt but corroborate as we did with multiple sources of the same."
DeleteI did not corroborate that at all. And you didn't prove that at all either. Instead you list three sources you DO NOT QUOTE and one of them you cite erroneously which is Peralta. So give us the relevant quotes from Peralta and especially Legeza.
I am asking you again. Send me a book. I will review it fairly. I know you don't think so but I have reviewed you fairly here in these posts. I'd much rather have a book anyway. If you don't send me a preview copy I ask....Who will you be having review it? Is anybody gonna be reviewing your book before it goes to print?
DeleteWhat a great idea. And you can go ahead and blog about every page before it even goes to press. Sounds like exactly what we need. We have a publisher and they have that covered. Thank you for your offer. Yah Bless.
DeleteWhy in the world would I blog about every page? That would be ridiculous and way more than what a blog is about.
DeleteBecause you are liar with a communist-style fraud approach. You are blogging about a position you haven't even reviewed. Who does that? You are unqualified to begin dealing with this topic and your sad manipulation is exposed.
DeleteRegarding Philippine Gold in 1st Century Egypt:
ReplyDeleteAnd our thesis is fully proven which you have not reviewed yet write blogs in ignorance. Your other blog even cites 2 sources which certainly do suggest Philippine gold in Egypt in the first century. You put it out there and then dismiss it yet place some such scholars on a throne of godhood in status but not these 2 because they do not agree with your shallow, inaccurate view of commenting on a series you have not even watched like a fool. You claim correction to all those who sourced this and you are wrong, inappropriate and unqualified as these most certainly can be interpreted as such factually and they said nothing wrong in this. Even this point which we report the connection to the Philippines and 1st century Egypt is not misrepresented as you can't even read once again. Legeza is certainly suggesting that gold of Philippine origin is found in Egypt and that the connection in trade with Egypt is proven according to him:
"The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza
“Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove [our note: PROVE!!!] that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza
Again, Legeza says the connection in trade is PROVEN. You really can't read that??? That is not tentative language yet you attempt to mischaracterize it as such as you typically do in your attempt to demean, marginalize, libel, harass, agitate and exercise gross negligence. You have nothing.
And the Ginto book from Bangko Sentral most certainly not only makes such connection but then explains the route even and verifies Austronesian (Philippine) boats making it to at least Madagascar AS ESTABLISHED FACT. FYI, that's just off the coast of Africa. We know you are challenged in geography. Duh! Can you even read? You even report this above and then ignore what it says as you typically do.
“Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces (Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence (Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar (Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral
What? ESTABLISHED FACT!? PROVEN!? These land firmly. Gold of Philippine origin most certainly is reported as existing in Egypt in these articles with the route even specified and the dating of the 1st century AD. and those citing this source were not inaccurate. The point stands and you offer nothing yet again.
Strike 3, you're out!!!
Regarding the Philippines as Chryse and Argyre, we fully nail this down and firmly prove it in these videos including directions from the Periplus in the first century you misquote omitting the 2nd half indicated it is Southeast of China, directions from Dionysus the Tourist in 124 AD, verified and credible maps from Pomponius Mela originating in 43 AD and Dionysus originating in 124 AD labelling Chryse and Argyre as islands Southeast of China right where the Philippines is. Then, a 1492 Map from Behaim showing Chryse as the shape and location of Luzon and Argyre as the shape and location of Mindanao to the South of that. Here are those videos which obliterate this continued ignorance:
ReplyDeleteThe Lequios of Luzon: https://youtu.be/5QF9FGRjhhA
Finding Chryse: https://youtu.be/ffA5sWIdXI4
1492 Map shows Luzon as Chryse and Mindanao as Argyre: https://youtu.be/WLYZaHIb0O8
Debate lost royally.
We have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.
ReplyDeleteNo more rebut from the author? Couldn't stand his ground I believe LOL