Tuesday, April 4, 2017

What does the EU Know?

Here we go again.  Disgraced Senator Leila De Lima is calling for her release from prison not because she has proved her innocence but because a foreign government body, the European Parliament, knows the truth and stands behind her.

Does the EU really know the truth about De Lima?  Did they watch the televised hearings?  Did they see De Lima's theatrics?  Did they watch her not defend herself but instead accuse her accusers of lying and place herself at God's mercy?  Did they watch this brilliant lawyer do everything but make use of the law to refute the charges against her?

No, probably not.

How can the EU know the truth about what is happening in the Philippines when they apparently do not even know what is happening in their front yard?

Does the EU know that Sweden is the rape capital of the world?


Does the EU know that Angela Merkel's immigration policies have helped destroy Europe?


Does the EU know that Turkish PM Erdogan has declared that Turks are the future of Europe?


Does the EU know that ISIS is at the door and ready to attack and that they have used the "refugee crisis" to sneak in militants?


Does the EU know that there are no-go zones inhabited by Muslims scattered throughout various cites across Europe?


Does the EU know that Western European culture and heritage is at risk of being destroyed?


Does the EU know it has forgotten the face of its fathers, despised the blood spilled in the past by Europeans to protect Europe from the Muslims, destroyed its current and future heritage, put its people at risk, and has decided to commit cultural suicide and ethnic genocide? Is the EU so indifferent and blind to the needs of the people of Europe and to the rich cultural heritage of Europe that it would see Europe turn into a caliphate of the Islamic State or as an extension of North Africa and the peoples of Europe be bred out of existence?

How can the EU know anything about what is happening in a tiny island nation 5,000 miles away when it cannot even see or acknowledge the truth of what is happening right in its very front yard?

It is preposterous.

And for De Lima, Robredo, or anyone else to continue to appeal to the effete, weak, and ineffectual EU Parliament as some voice of moral authority when they have wilfully closed their eyes to the destruction their people and culture is the height of blindness and stupidity.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Another Filipino First

Meet Rey Galleon. He is the first Filipino, of what could be hundreds of thousands, to be deported under the Trump administration.

After seven years of living in the US as an undocumented immigrant, Rey Galleon's life in the country came to an abrupt end on March 17. 
The former crewman was the first known undocumented Filipino in Southern California arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) since President Donald Trump took office. 
From his home, ICE took him to the Homeland Security Office in Long Beach with an ultimatum. 
“Pinapili nila ako kung uuwi ba ako or gusto ma detain,” he said. 
He was then escorted to Los Angeles International Airport and by 10 p.m. he was on a Philippine-bound plane on a ticket that he paid for himself. 
With nowhere to go, Galleon's wife and children followed him home to Zamboanga about a week later. 

Although it's not very clear (this article says he "jumped ship") it seems as if Rey Galleon was a crew member of the US Navy who went AWOL as soon as he landed in San Diego. Never mind the fact that being a part of the Filipino Mafia could eventually lead to obtaining real citizenship. 


With no, or little, thought of the consequences he ran off into the promised land.  No more poor Philippines.  Now he is in the rich land of milk and honey and damn anyone who would try and say he has no right to be there. In the process he managed to illegally sneak in his wife.
Actually this story doesn't make any sense.  He entered the USA illegally seven years ago. His wife is also illegal.  But they have two children who are US citizens (birthright citizenship no doubt). One of those children is nine.  So did the wife precede him by two years and overstay her visa?  Was she pregnant with his child when she came?  Did they plan for two years some way to sneak him into the USA? It's a tangled web that's not really worth unravelling since all that matters is that they are both back in the Philippines. 
But reality set in and he was forced to become a TNT (Tago Ng Tago) and remain in hiding.  Only he didn't hide so well and ICE eventually caught up with him and gave him the option of self-deportation or being detained. 

Now that he is back in his homeland he is whining and moaning that his rights were violated and he is planning on giving speeches to let other illegal Filipinos in the USA know their "rights."
A Filipino who was recently deported from the United States hopes that his story will make undocumented immigrants more aware about their legal options to fight deportation.
Simply put this is the epitome of everything people hate about Filipinos and especially illegal aliens. The sense of entitlement to what is not theirs.  The demand that you cater to them.  No consideration of the consequences of their unlawful deeds. Blaming others for the consequences of their actions. Involving their entire family in illegal behaviour and putting their children at great risk of psychological harm. Using their children to elicit sympathy. A total disdain for the law while at the same time demanding you recognise their "rights" under the law. The insistence that "no person is illegal." The assertion that to label illegal aliens as criminals rather than bona fide immigrants is to be bigoted, hateful, and racist.

Men like Rey Galleon do not deserve to live in the USA. He was given a chance at being legitimate when he enlisted in the US Navy and he flubbed it up big time. The Navy took a chance enlisting this foreigner and if he had made it through his contract the reward would have been a pathway to citizenship. He disgraced himself and gave a big middle finger to the USA by going AWOL as soon as he made port. His actions show that he is not worthy to be a United States citizen especially when so many sacrifice so much to do it the right way. It's good he is back in the Philippines. It's where he belongs.

Of course if he did enlist in the Navy it's likely that the Military Police would be involved and Rey would be confined in the brig awaiting court martial. Perhaps he was just a crewman on a cargo ship. As stated previously, none of the news articles are clear on this matter and the details of his story don't add up. Either way the essence of this analysis of his character and behaviour still stands.

Why should anyone have sympathy for the lawful deportation of the illegal alien Rey Galleon? Would Filipinos have sympathy for an alien who overstayed a visa or declined to file the proper paperwork and pay the fees or simply decided to not follow any of the immigration laws of the country?  The Philippines Bureau of Immigration certainly would have none.


Sunday, April 2, 2017

A Tale of Two Motorcycles

Motorcycles that pass at the intersection and speak each other in passing,
Only a signal shown and a distant voice in the darkness;
So on the ocean of life, we pass and speak one another,
Only a look and a voice, then darkness again and a silence.
                          - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

It was the best of times to go out for a ride with the family,
it was the worst of times in that no one wore a helmet,
it was the age of wisdom in knowing you don’t need to wear a motorcycle helmet,
it was the age of foolishness in carrying your helmet on your arm instead,
it was the epoch of belief that you won’t crash and kill your family,
it was the epoch of incredulity that four people can safely fit on a motorcycle,
it was the season of Light so everyone can see how stupid both these families are,
it was the season of Darkness because everyone thinks this is normal and not dangerous,
it was the spring of hope that no crash would happen and God would protect them,
it was the winter of despair when they crashed and all their children’s heads split open like watermelons.

                                                                  - Charles Dickens

Saturday, April 1, 2017

Flirty Duterte

On March 31, 2017 Duterte held a day for women at Malacañang Palace.


In front of hundreds of ladies who attended Friday's "Digong Day for Women" at the Malacañang Palace, President Rodrigo Duterte admitted that he was an incorrigible flirt. 
Duterte recounted a recent incident, in which he would not let go of a young woman's hand, despite her squirming.

Surely all the women were empowered by hearing this uplifting story. Right?


At the “Digong’s Day for Women” event in Malacañang, Assistant Communications Secretary Marie Banaag was asked whether the President’s remarks about women, including jokes about extramarital affairs, have been good for their empowerment. 
“I don’t want to be defensive about all these, but for women’s month, if we can have a forgiving heart. We voted for a President, we did not vote for a priest, we did not vote for a saint,” Banaag said.

In a sane county the President would not invite women to the Palace for women's day and then make sexist jokes.  And if he did he would most certainly apologise and not have his sposkeperson defend his remarks. 

What can anyone expect from a man who has acknowledged that he is on the road to perdition?  Truly he is no saint. 

But if he does declare martial law will they still be defending him and demanding the public forgive him because he is only a man?  This is the same excuse De Lima gave for having an affair, her "frailties as a woman."

Friday, March 31, 2017

To Martial Law, or Not to Martial Law -- Why is That Even a Question?

A spectre is haunting the Philippines - the spectre of martial law. The history of all recent Philippine history is the history of dictatorship.  

Fast forward to 2015 and witness the ascendancy of Rodrigo Duterte.  As mayor of Davao he had already built a reputation as a strongman, a take-no-prisoners kind of guy who would tolerate not the slightest infraction of the law. Davao, they said, was the safest city in the Philippines. This reputation would thrust him into the national spotlight and eventually win him the Presidency. He has not been silent on his opinions of how the country should be run and what it will take to get it back into shape. The spectre of martial law haunts even him.



The President disdains to conceal his views and aims. He openly declares that his ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing political conditions. Yet something is holding him back from going all the way. 

President Duterte is a man at war with himself.  Deep inside of him is a desire to save his beloved Philippines from drugs and terrorists and foreign influence and everything else he sees as a threat to the divine right of Philippines to exist and sovereignly determine it's destiny. Pitted against that desire is the strong temptation to declare martial law as the one surefire way to accomplish these goals and save the nation.

So will he or won't he?

Listen to the voice inside his head striving to break down that barrier. It says:
"Let the drug pushers and terrorists tremble at a declaration of martial law.  The Philippines and Filipinos have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win.                                        Filipinos of all provinces, unite!"

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Terrorism Tramples Tourism

Last week the Department of Tourism Chief pleaded with the media to tone down reports on EJKs (extrajudicial killings) because it's bad news for tourism.


Is the DOT chief even remotely aware of how rife with crime and how dangerous the whole country is for tourists in general? The reputation the Philippines has for being unsafe did not start with the advent of the drug war. This website has an extensive list of names of foreigners who have been murdered in the Philippines: http://factsanddetails.com/southeast-asia/Philippines/sub5_6f/entry-3910.html 

Needles to say the response to her suggestion was not positive.


An EJK is defined as:
An extrajudicial killing (also known as extrajudicial execution) is the killing of a person by governmental authorities without the sanction of any judicial proceeding or legal process.

In the midst of the war on drugs the President of the Philippines has been accused of giving the police free reign to kill whomever they suspect is an addict or a pusher.  Many have died since President Duterte took office.  However, the number of people dead from actual EKJs is disputed and none of the statistics on either side of the aisle are particularly reliable.  Here is a rebuttal from journalist Robert Tigalo regarding the inflating of these numbers.

In regards to EJKs and tourism let's ask a completely different question: "What's worse for tourism: a criminal getting killed or tourists actually being kidnapped and beheaded by Muslim terrorists?"

Since the war on drugs began only one foreigner has been a direct casualty.


Wow a British national known for dealing drugs is killed in the drug war.  Big shocker.  The police knew she was a dealer and so did her killers.

Now let's look at how many tourists have been kidnapped and beheaded by Muslims.





The last guy, Bernard Then, was not even a tourist.

After being kidnapped by Abu Sayyaf militants from a restaurant in neighbouring Sandakan, Sabah on 15 May 2015, he was brought to Parang, Sulu before beheaded in Jolo after ransom demands was not met

Abu Sayyaf is so dangerous that not only are tourists not safe but no country in the region is safe.  

It's clear that the greater threat to tourists and tourism in the Philippines is Abu Sayyaf and other Muslim terrorist groups and not EJKs.


What madness is this that the Philippines is tolerating becoming a training ground for ISIS? It's time to put an end to Islamic terrorism in the Philippines once and for all.  

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Best of Duterte...So Far!

March 28th is the birthday of President Rodrigo Duterte. Happy Birthday to the wildest President in all of South East Asia and the world.













Happy Birthday, President Duterte. May your birthday wish come true.