Thursday, October 4, 2018

Filipinos Leave Garbage all over Cemetery

Whatever the occasion in the Philippines there is always food to be had. Be it a town fiesta or the death of a loved one. After lowering the casket and saying the last words it's snack time! Not meal time back at the church or elsewhere. Snack time right then and there at the cemetery.

That means juice boxes or small soda bottles and sandwiches wrapped in plastic. Being the careless people they are Filipinos toss the empty cartons and wrappers wherever they please with no regard to the environment or the sanctity of the dead. 

They might as well toss their trash in Lolo's grave.  It wouldn't be any less despicable.


  1. SO. MUCH. PINOY. PRIDE. HAHAHAHAHA. The continued shit show that is the Phillipines.Now to make their day, they will pile it all up and burn it making sure everyone, including babies, gather round to enjoy the smell.

  2. If a group of people would make such a disgusting mess like this in a cemetery of a civilized country, it would pass in the news the next day and they would use the word Profanation. That's exactly what it is. A massive lack of respect. I still can't believe that people in this country keep throw their f$%?ing trash everywhere like this. Then we hear them saying they're proud to be Filipino lolllll.

  3. Exactly Scott. Around my Subdivision,the air is constantly filled with the smoke of burning trash. They absolutely refuse to wait for the garbage truck every week, and instead just pile up their friggin garbage etc. and put a match to it. Such a disrespectful, disgusting culture. No involvement or contributions to the world order at all. Ever.
