Previously I wrote that this series would be only headlines with no comments but it's clear that some commentary is necessary. Sometimes you have to read behind the headline and understand the whole gestalt to get the deeper meaning. Other times you merely have to read the article to get the full story. The best headlines are those which tell the whole story in one glance.
I will try to keep my comments brief. Not all headlines need commentary.
This government employee has been receiving a salary for five years now and has not been doing any work. What's the big deal? Sounds like any Senator or bureaucrat.
The thing Sen. Chiz wants us to know is that Aquino's administration did the same things Duterte is now doing: threatening the ombudsman with impeachment, threatening senators with jail time. See? Not a thing has changed! It's the same show with a different lead and a few new principals and many old faces in their familiar roles.
We're not gonna take it! No! We ain't gonna take it! We ain't gonna take your money anymore!
What is Trillanes doing in the USA? I don't know and apparently Malacañang doesn't either but distrust runs so deep that they HOPE Triallnes is not disseminating false information about the Philippines or meeting with the CIA to plot a coup.
No one here trusts anyone else. No wonder the government is broken.
Duterte said in 2015 he would implement a revolutionary government if he was elected. His goal is federalism. But federalism is "easily" implemented with a change in the constitution. One thing though: Duterte has such a disdain for the constitution why would he use constitutionally provided measures to amend it?
Duterte is a man of extremes. It's either "Kill 'em all!" or "Give up and let them kill us." He simply cannot find his way to a happy medium where the war on drugs is actually a war on DRUGS and not a merciless bloodbath where everyone holding a packet of shabu gets killed and then your best buddy and former running mate covers for you by telling the newspapers that everyone who got killed was a drug dealer.
When Cayetano visited the UN part of his entourage included PCOO Assistant Secretary Mocha Uson and pro-Duterte blogger R.J. Nieto. His defence is that these bloggers help get the message out unlike reporters of which none followed him to New York. Also Mocha Uson and R.J. Nieto are government employees. With Mocha Uson he gets a pass since the PCOO does disseminate the current administration's message but R.J. Nieto is only a consultant at the DFA and is not considered a government employee.
This issue was brought up in the Senate hearing on fake news and is a matter of public record. He is, however, a very good boy who serves his master well and deserves a treat now and then. Journalists in the Philippines were able to report on Cayetano's speech quite ably since it was broadcast live around the world as it happened. No need to spend thousands on a trip to the UN.
EJK's in the Philippines? It all depends on your definition or rather the Philippines' definition. Since the Philippines has it's own definition this means any definition used by the EU, UN, or the USA is an imposition on the sovereignty of the Philippines.
Why is the justice system so ineffective in the Philippines? For one, the police cannot make an arrest on probable cause. They are forced to wade through a byzantine system of paperwork and bureaucracy. This man has been identified as the gunman in a recent murder and consequently he was arrested. But here come the lawyers: "
Dela Cruz said the police should have filed a complaint first against Calumba and asked the court to issue a warrant for his arrest."
First of all the war has not been finished. Second of all Duterte says so much crazy stuff it might be this is not just a slip of the tongue. Duterte is dangerously close to G.W. Bush territory each time he opens his mouth. He claims he was not trained in rhetoric but rhetoric would be an indispensable part of training in law. Who wants to hire a lawyer who can't persuade the court?
A steady drop since Duterte took office. Coincidence??? It's a destabilisation plot!
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