Saturday, April 27, 2019

Picture of the Week: Easter Zumba

What better way to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus than to put on your yoga pants and sports bra and do a little zumba?

And look who the instructor is! Why it's former MTV Asia VJ and ABS-CBN star turned Zumba Queen Regine Tolentino. And don't forget special guest Twinzins.  They live to dance!

This is a one time, one day only event at a luxury hotel so if you are looking to start a zumba program don't count on this class being your entry point. Regine and friends are in town for a wham-bam-zumba-ma'm evening of dancing your fat away.

This banner reminds me of the time I worked out with Arnold Schwarzenegger. True story. He came to town once and after hours of waiting he finally arrived and gave a speech about exercising and being healthy. Then he led all of us in knee bends and a few other exercises before getting in his car and driving off. I didn't have to pay 200 pesos for that privilege and doing knee bends with the Terminator is infinitely cooler then shaking your booty with a 40 year old washed up TV star and a pair of creepy twins. "Come dance with us, Danny."

Why is this hotel hosting an Easter Zumba? I have no idea but Easter Zumba is nothing new and is not unique to the Philippines. It's funny how serious Holy Week is taken in the Philippines with the government shutting down on Maunday Thursday and Good Friday and people even crucifying themselves and then seeing something as ridiculous as Easter Zumba. What a contrast. And how stupid.

Will they have Eid al-Fitr Zumba in June? I doubt it. Probably not halal.

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