Monday, June 24, 2019

Smoky Piles 8: The Smokiest Pile of All

It was 5am when I noticed the entire neighbourhood was filled with smoke. A thin, white, stinky haze almost ghostly blanketing the air. After finishing taking all the dogs out for their morning business I hopped on a bicycle and followed my nose and intuition. I was not quite prepared for what I found.

This monster smoky pile was stinking up the whole area. Not even a fire. Just a smouldering pile of leaves and grass. Finding this pile cleared up another mystery for me. Now I knew just why the area stank when I ran past it in the mornings. The construction workers are tearing up all the grass, placing them in piles, and then burning them. These piles then smoulder all day and night until they extinguish themselves.  Below is another pile being burned in the evening.

There is really nothing one can do in a situation like this. A pile like that can't be stomped out. One simply has to batten down the hatches to ensure no smoke creeps its way inside. An impossible task!

Here is the first pile with the backdrop of the rising sun.

I hate the smell of smoky piles in the morning. And at every other time as well.

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