Thursday, March 28, 2019

Painting the Red Sidewalk Red

These hardworking men are painting the red sidewalk red.

What is the point of this? Its dumb enough that a perfectly good sidewalk was torn up and destroyed with debris laying on the side of the road for months as they glued those faux brick tiles on the smooth concrete.

It's dumb enough that the curb was hand painted with yellow and black stripes using non reflective paint which totally defeats the purpose of the curb being painted so it can be seen at night. At least I think that is the purpose of painting the curb but then why use black? Heck why not use white like these guys:

This whole project of beautifying sidewalks by glueing faux brick tile to the concrete is happening all over town and it makes no sense whatsoever. These sidewalks were perfectly fine. A sidewalk serves a utilitarian purpose of allowing people to walk safely from one destination to another. Unless the sidewalk is in a car-free pedestrian shopping area it makes no sense to embark on a beautification project.

Because this project has taken so long to complete trip hazards were introduced thus making the sidewalks more dangerous.

It's bad enough they created these trip hazards when just a few yards away is the following sight:

Why are those two men painting the red sidewalk red? It's make-work. It serves no purpose except to further whatever scam is taking place here. How would this scam work? Perhaps someone suggests this worthless project and the city agrees to it and then there is overbidding and skimming from the top. It has been almost a year since these projects have begun and they are still not finished. I'm pretty sure it's a scam of some sort. If it's not a scam it is mighty stupid and pointless and the money could have gone to a more needful project somewhere else.

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