Thursday, March 21, 2019

Political Garbage

In the Philippines politicians put their names on everything. Everything. What better place to put your name than on a garbage can?

Councillor Renecito Novero has set up these garbage cans with his name on them all over town. The thing is they are worthless as far as garbage cans go.  Sure you can put your trash in them but the receptacle is on the ground and has no lid which makes it a veritable buffet for any hungry dog who happen to come along.

What a waste of money to pretend you give two flips about the environment. They look like plant pots. Like a huge shrub should be growing out of them. I suppose they are better than nothing but here is what effective public waste cans look like:

No stray dogs will be getting into those bins.

1 comment:

  1. Here's the other problem. They probably will never be emptied.

    The local Barangay will argue that they're not responsible for putting them there so they're not responsible emptying them.

    Over time these trash cans will overflow and crumble and simply add to the overall decay that is the Philippines.
