It was my intent in three blog posts to look at the God Culture's claims and give them an honest critique. I posted links to two of those blogs on the God Culture's Facebook page so they would have a chance to respond. Instead of dealing with the issues I raised they insulted me and made emotional appeals while copping an attitude of victory as if my criticisms were nothing and they did not care what I had to say. All the while behind the scenes it appears I really struck a nerve so much so that Tim and his gang have taken the time to remove and edit three of the very videos I criticized. I am aware they edited a few other videos too but I didn't watch those so I won't comment on them.
Here is the message they left on my previous post:
There is nothing erroneous in our research. A YouTube Channel quoting a source is normal. It is rare a YT channel sites anywhere near as much as we have and this is a ludicrous track of negative nothing. We have been updating our videos with more extensive sources and even page #s so thank you for pointing this out but let us not pretend you have a gotcha because you do not and you can stop with the act. What is truly laughable is we went back and listened and we never mention Suarez in that slide at all but the Periplus. We have removed Suarez completely and we have added quotes from Nowell proving your thinking that Suarez was right is wrong and Magellan proved that. You found nothing. Enough. We have more than satisfied your questions and we changed our videos already accordingly as one seeking truth should and would. We are also focused on larger print for the sources as the one you criticized was actually even larger than 30 pt but 40 pt in our program but we do get your point on that and we are responding to that as we have responded to your questions fully. There is nothing further to discuss on these
They changed their videos! I couldn't believe it but it's true. They deleted videos 2, 3, and 4 from their 100 Clues series in order to alter them. You know I feel a little flattered. Now if only I could get the Senate to launch a proper investigation into the causes surrounding the Marawi siege!
What did they change? Let's take a good hard look. Here is the playlist once again.
Clue #2
This is the video where they claim that the Philippines is the ancient source of Greek gold. Here is the very first change in their slides.
You see what Tim did here? He excised the reference to Thomas Suarez's book "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" from the slide. But that does not matter because he is still referencing it in the audio when he talks about Chryse and Argyre.
Contrary to what the God Culture says their reference is not in 30 or 40 point font but is in VERY TINY FONT at the bottom of the slide. If you do go to the link they provide which is you will find nothing about Argyre, the legendary island of silver, in the whole text of the "Periplus of the Erythaean Sea." Because the audio has not been changed from the original any talk of Argyre in the edited video still comes directly from Suarez who mentions Argyre by quoting Pompoinous Mela. Tim also falsifies what Mela actually wrote about Argyre by claiming it is "placed beyond the Ganges" rather than "in the vicinity of the Ganges." Here is the quote from Saurez:
This makes the God Culture's claim:
Starting at 3:26 in this video is where we get an entirely new section. In this part he quotes from a different source, "Magellan's voyage around the world; three contemporary accounts," by Charles Nowell.
This book contains the account of Pigafetta and other documentation. Tim does not quote from any of the primary sources but only from the introductory material by Nowell. This is all rather dumbfounding because the subject of this video is the Philippines being the ancient source of Greek gold and Nowell's book says absolutely nothing about the Greeks. It's totally out of place.
Tim quotes a bit from pages 21 and 22 but I think it would behoove us to quote a little more starting on page 20 and going to page 23.
Why not just tell everyone the first time around where he saw it? How is anyone supposed to confirm all things when information is being withheld?
This timeline is supposed to prove that the Philippines has more gold than any nation in the world at any time. I never disputed that. What I did dispute is Tim's baseless assertion that Philippine gold has been found in first century Egypt. Since he took the time to edit this video and still did not include any quotations from Legeza or Villegas it's a safe bet he has not actually read those sources.
Clue #4
Tim edited this video but I don't care because I never took any issue with what was in the original. The Boxer Codex shows Filipinos decked out in gold. That was never under question.
Summation and End
I only have a few more things to show before I close out. In my original post I wrote:
In the video for Clue #30 at 12:11 we see Timothy quoting Suarez.
Clue #2
This is the video where they claim that the Philippines is the ancient source of Greek gold. Here is the very first change in their slides.
You see what Tim did here? He excised the reference to Thomas Suarez's book "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" from the slide. But that does not matter because he is still referencing it in the audio when he talks about Chryse and Argyre.
Contrary to what the God Culture says their reference is not in 30 or 40 point font but is in VERY TINY FONT at the bottom of the slide. If you do go to the link they provide which is you will find nothing about Argyre, the legendary island of silver, in the whole text of the "Periplus of the Erythaean Sea." Because the audio has not been changed from the original any talk of Argyre in the edited video still comes directly from Suarez who mentions Argyre by quoting Pompoinous Mela. Tim also falsifies what Mela actually wrote about Argyre by claiming it is "placed beyond the Ganges" rather than "in the vicinity of the Ganges." Here is the quote from Saurez:
Gold and silver, in fact, characterize the earliest extant specific Western Reference to Southeast Asia. Pomponius Mela (37 - 43 A.D.), a Roman geographer and native os Southern Spain, largely carried on the Greek tradition about the East, perpetuating stories about Amazons, people without heads, griffins, and other such characters, but adds two lands which lay to the east of India. One was Chryse, said to boast soil of gold, the other, Argyre, said to have soil of silver:
In the vicinity of Tamus is the island of Chryse, in the vicinity of the Ganges that of Argyre, According to olden writers, the soil of the former consists of gold, that of the latter is of silver and it seems very probable that either the name arises from this fact or the legend derives from the name.
Early Mapping of Southeast Asia: The Epic Story of Seafarers, Adventurers, and Cartographers Who First Mapped the Regions between China and India, Thomas Suarez, Pg 62-63
"we never mention Suarez in that slide at all but the Periplus"
just another lie. Did Tim not realize there is no mention of Argyre in the "Periplus?" At 2:20 he says the following:
"Periplus of the Erytheaen Sea in the first century records Chryse and Argyre as being located in "the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself beyond the land of China which brought silk to India." Gee, umm I don't know which islands are east of China? Wait! Ethiopia? Nope, that's not it! Yemen? No. India? Ugh! Someone must know their geography very well in speculating that those guys could possibly be this ancient land of gold. It's the Philippines. Oh yeah! And they also map it. So really this is not rocket science folks."
The section highlighted in red italics shows just how condescending Tim is to his listeners. He talks this way in every single one of his videos. Here is the section from the Periplus he is referencing.
63. After these, the course turns toward the east again, and sailing with the ocean to the right and the shore remaining beyond to the left, Ganges comes into view, and near it the very last land toward the east, Chryse. There is a river near it called the Ganges, and it rises and falls in the same way as the Nile. On its bank is a market-town which has the same name as the river, Ganges. Through this place are brought malabathrum and Gangetic spikenard and pearls, and muslins of the finest sorts, which are called Gangetic. It is said that there are gold-mines near these places, and there is a gold coin which is called caltis. And just opposite this river there is an island in the ocean, the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself; it is called Chryse; and it has the best tortoise-shell of all the places on the Erythraean Sea.Not only does the Periplus not mention Argyre but it locates Chryse as being near the Ganges. "Just opposite this river" in fact. Tim claims this text says it is located "beyond the land of China." Did he even read the Periplus? Or did he pick through it, combine information from elsewhere, and make up his own facts? Let' compare where Tim, Mela, and the Periplus' locate Chryse and Argyre.
Tim: Chryse is beyond the land of China and Argyre is beyond the Ganges.
Mela: Chryse is in the vicinity of Tamus and Argyre is in the vicinity of the Ganges.
Periplus: Chryse is near the Ganges just opposite of it and there is no mention of Argyre.
See how Tim does not agree with the sources he is quoting? He says something completely different from both Mela and the Periplus.
Tim kept the same audio which refers to Suarez and changed the slide to appear as if he did not. He also misrepresents the Periplus as saying it mentions Argyre and that the island of Chryse lies "beyond the land of China" when it makes no mention of Argyre and clearly says Chryse lies just opposite of the Ganges. That is deception. But why be so deceptive? It doesn't make any sense and it doesn't further his cause. It only exposes him as at best a poor researcher who misrepresents and does not read his sources and at worst a liar.
Tim kept the same audio which refers to Suarez and changed the slide to appear as if he did not. He also misrepresents the Periplus as saying it mentions Argyre and that the island of Chryse lies "beyond the land of China" when it makes no mention of Argyre and clearly says Chryse lies just opposite of the Ganges. That is deception. But why be so deceptive? It doesn't make any sense and it doesn't further his cause. It only exposes him as at best a poor researcher who misrepresents and does not read his sources and at worst a liar.
Starting at 3:26 in this video is where we get an entirely new section. In this part he quotes from a different source, "Magellan's voyage around the world; three contemporary accounts," by Charles Nowell.
This book contains the account of Pigafetta and other documentation. Tim does not quote from any of the primary sources but only from the introductory material by Nowell. This is all rather dumbfounding because the subject of this video is the Philippines being the ancient source of Greek gold and Nowell's book says absolutely nothing about the Greeks. It's totally out of place.
Tim quotes a bit from pages 21 and 22 but I think it would behoove us to quote a little more starting on page 20 and going to page 23.
Duarte Barbosa, who wrote a geographical account of the countries bordering on the Indian Ocean and those within range of the ocean, has this to say of the Ryukyu inhabitants:
From Malaca they take the same goods as the Chins [Chinese] take. These islands are called Lequios [in one version ‘Liquii']. The Malaca people say that they are better men, and richer and more eminent merchants than the Chins. Of these folk we as yet know but little, as they have not yet come to Malaca since it has been under the King our Lord.”
The Duarte Barbosa who wrote this book has been identified by some with the Portuguese of the same name who became Magellan's cousin by marriage and accompanied him on his great voyage. Medina has shown that this was probably not the same man, but it makes little difference.” The Barbosa book was finished by 1516 and was available in manuscript to Magellan as he studied to complete his plan in Portugal before transferring allegiance to Spain. Magellan digested Barbosa's work and with his own hand rewrote one passage, which consisted of a list of places between the Cape of Good Hope and the Lequios that were known but not yet occupied by the Portuguese. Magellan's version substitutes for Barbosa's “Lequios” the words “Tarsis” and “Ofir.””
These are, of course, the biblical Tarshish and Ophir associated with Solomon and his trading partner, Hiram of Tyre. In I Kings 10:11 the statement is: “And the navy also of Hiram, that brought gold from Ophir, brought in from Ophir great plenty of almug trees, and precious stones.” II Chronicles 9:21 says: “For the king's ships went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram: every three years once came the ships of Tarshish bringing gold, and silver, ivory, and apes, and peacocks.” Elsewhere these Old Testament books agree in saying that Solomon received more than four hundred talents of gold from Ophir.
We shall not enter into the centuries-old debate as to what and where these lands actually were. The writer of I Kings certainly meant that the journey to Ophir began by way of the Red Sea, because in connection with Ophir (9:26) he says: “And the king Solomon made a navy of ships in Ezion-geber, which is beside Eloth, on the shore of the Red Sea, in the land of Edom.” Later Christian writers for centuries associated the gold of Ophir with East Africa, but at the time of the Portuguese discoveries Ophir was thought of as the Aurea Chersonnesus (Golden Peninsula) of Ptolemy, in which that Greek geographer also placed Cattigara, mentioned by Pigafetta as the immediate transpacific goal of Magellan. But Magellan connected Solomon's treasure with something else he had read in Barbosa:
"Facing this great land of China there are many islands in the sea, beyond which [on the other side of the sea] there is a very large land which they say is mainland, from which there come to Malacca every year three or four ships, like those of the Chins, belonging to white men who are said tobe great and rich merchants: they bring much gold, and silver in bars, silk, rich cloth, and much very good wheat, beautiful porcelains, and many other merchandises.”
Barbosa, in mentioning this great land across the water from China, might have been referring to Japan. More likely, though, he meant the island of Taiwan, or Formosa, separated by the Gulf of Fukien from mainland China. At the time Barbosa wrote, the Portuguese can scarcely have had information about Japan. They had some regarding Formosa and the Ryukyus, whose exact latitudinal position they did not know but correctly placed northward of Malacca and the Moluccas and hence north of the equator. These are obviously what Magellan took to be Tarshish and Ophir.
If further proof is needed that he sought these places in addition to the Moluccas, we have it in the agreement between the Spanish crown and Sebastian Cabot. On April 4, 1525, less than six years after Magellan sailed, Cabot, now pilot major of Spain, signed a contract to make much the same voyage, though with objectives more concisely stated. He offered to go with three ships through the Strait of Magellan to reach the Moluccas “and other islands and lands of Tarshish and Ophir and eastern Cathay and Cipangu.” “The Spanish government had preferred to leave the names Tarshish and Ophir out of the earlier Magellan contract, but now that the western route to the Orient had been discovered, security regulations could be relaxed to the extent of openly mentioning the biblical lands.
We now see what Magellan's aim in the Far East was: He expected to claim for Spain the Moluccas and the lands known to Solomon and Hiram of Tyre. It remains to be shown how he expected to reach those lands, and for this we must understand his mental image of the New World across the Atlantic.
It is a long quote but rather necessary. What we see here is Magellan himself falsifying Barbosa's text and inserting "Ophir" and "Tarshish" when Barbosa had written no such thing. We also see that Nowell refers just as everyone else does, including Suarez, to the Aurea Chersonnesus as being the Golden peninsula. That is literally what the name means. But Tim discounts everything Nowell has written, admits he is a good scholar, and calls his conclusions wrong. He says at 8:44
"One blogger even said, "Why use an author if you do not agree with his conclusions?" Well, a lot can still be gleaned from the research many times so obviously it's a good thing to do that. It is unwise not to."
Tim is not just gleaning from one author. He is gleaning from multiple sources and no one of any repute identifies the Aurea Chersonnesus as anything except the Malay peninsula.
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Yes I know Tim does not quote this book. The title and subtitle is what is important. |
However Tim doesn't care what any scholar says. It is Timothy Jay Schwab, (a man who is no trained cartographer, geographer, oceanographer, historian, linguist, or theologian), who is right, and all the academics who have dedicated their entire lives to studying history, languages, cartography, theology, or geography are wrong. Don't misunderstand me here. Sometimes the scholars, academics, and experts are wrong. Case in point Heinrich Schliemann the amateur archaeologist who discovered the ruins of Troy. But what Tim is doing is rejecting a solid body of geography and history stretching back to Ptolemey which identifies the Aurea Chersonnesus as the Malay peninsula and twisting it to fit his pseudo-history of the Philippines being both the Garden of Eden and Ophir and Tarshish and Filipinos being members of the lost tribes of Israel.
Tim mentions Columbus and says the following at 9:27
Tim mentions Columbus and says the following at 9:27
Are we to now call America "Southeast Asia" because Columbus said it was Southeast Asia? Of course not.
But this is exactly what Tim is doing with the Philippines! He is calling this place Ophir because Magellan falsified Barbosa's book and introduced the names Ophir and Tarshish. Tim is ok with this falsification. In fact in the video "Solomon's Gold Series - Part 6: Little Known History of Ophir. Philippines History" at 7:46 Tim says the following:
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"In "Magellan's Voyage Around the World" the author Charles E Nowell, notes that Magellan himself had rewritten part of Barbosa's book referring to the Lequios and in his version Magellan substituted "Tarsis" and "Ofir" for the word "Lequios." So "Lequios" equals "Tarshish" and "Ophir." This is huge."
Wow this really is huge! Magellan falsifies a book and Tim thinks what he wrote is the truth. In Tim's world truth is whatever you want it to be. Lequios is Ophir and Tarshish because Magellan said so. Just as, despite the Philippines being comprised of 7,000 islands, two tiny islands on an old map are the Philippines because Tim says so.
In numerous videos Timothy Schwab claims the two mythical islands of gold and silver, Chryse and Argyre, are Luzon and Mindanao respectively and he uses Mela's map as proof. However not only does Mela have Argyre located at the mouth of the Ganges near India while Mindanao is nowhere near India but none of the rest of the Philippines is accounted for! Tim expects us to believe that the Greeks visited the Philippines and accurately mapped the Philippines BUT somehow forgot to include the Visayas and misplaced Mindanao thousands of miles away at the mouth of the Ganges River!
In numerous videos Timothy Schwab claims the two mythical islands of gold and silver, Chryse and Argyre, are Luzon and Mindanao respectively and he uses Mela's map as proof. However not only does Mela have Argyre located at the mouth of the Ganges near India while Mindanao is nowhere near India but none of the rest of the Philippines is accounted for! Tim expects us to believe that the Greeks visited the Philippines and accurately mapped the Philippines BUT somehow forgot to include the Visayas and misplaced Mindanao thousands of miles away at the mouth of the Ganges River!
The next edited slide is the one with the Greek armor.
How can Tim with a straight face tell us at 13:56
"The thing is these are indisputably Greek from the symbols and structure and they are dated all the way back to 800 B.C. up to about 480 B.C."
when on the slide he has written "Archaeology confirmation pending?" Is it confirmed and indisputable or is the confirmation still pending? As with the first edited slide he keeps the original audio and only changes the slide. The result is a contradiction between the audio and the visual. What a boner from Tim the Joker!
Thankfully Tim listed the place where he saw this armor which is the Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center Museum in Butuan. Sadly there is no website for this hotel/museum and thus no online collection to look at. However I was able to find a picture of the armor displayed in a glass case outside the entrance to the museum.
Thankfully Tim listed the place where he saw this armor which is the Balanghai Hotel and Convention Center Museum in Butuan. Sadly there is no website for this hotel/museum and thus no online collection to look at. However I was able to find a picture of the armor displayed in a glass case outside the entrance to the museum.
Why not just tell everyone the first time around where he saw it? How is anyone supposed to confirm all things when information is being withheld?
That's it for Clue #2. Let's recap everything we have learned so far. Tim excises Suarez as a a source but still utilizes him when talking about Argyre because the Periplus of the Erythaean Sea does not mention Argyre. He misrepresents the Periplus' location of Chryse and Mela's location of Argyre. He quotes from Nowell but ignores everything he says especially his identification of the Aurea Chersonnesus. He is ok with the fact that Magellan inserted "Ophir" and "Tarshish" into Barbosa's book thus falsifying it. He says the armor is indisputably Greek while on the slide he contradicts himself by having written "Archeological confirmation pending!"
This edited video is worse than the original because it contains blunder after blunder as Tim tries to cover up his tracks, like removing Suarez from the slide but not from the audio, and it is also about 10 minutes longer because he added the totally unnecessary section with Nowell! Moving on.
Clue #3
This is the video where we are told Philippine gold was found in first century Egypt. My criticisms of this video were that Tim did not quote from any of the three sources he cites and one of them, J.T. Peralta, he cites erroneously. So what does Tim do to rectify this mess? Does he make a correction of the Peralta citation? No! He gets rid of Peralta altogether!
Let's look at his new sources which are still in the same VERY TINY FONT!
Sources: Wikipedia, cite
1. Legeza, Laszlo, "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug, 1988, pp 129-136.
2 Villegas, Ramon N. "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold", Manila: Bangko Central ng Pilipinas", 2004
Tim in his infinite wisdom eighty-sixed the Peralta citation as if that clears everything up. If he was attempting to be honest he would have corrected the citation and not deleted it. He still does not prove to us Philippine gold was found in first century Egypt by quoting the relevant matter from the two remaining sources he listed. It is also still badly cited. What Wikipedia page is he sourcing? What is That is not even a website! It is just another boner on Tim's part. How many more boners can Tim make?
Towards the end of the video he inserts a new section which is a timeline.
Clue #4
Tim edited this video but I don't care because I never took any issue with what was in the original. The Boxer Codex shows Filipinos decked out in gold. That was never under question.
Summation and End
I only have a few more things to show before I close out. In my original post I wrote:
I can just hear Tim now excoriating me for watching only 6 videos in the 100 Clues series rather then the whole Solomon's Gold series and saying I am uninformed, a hack, and a fraud. Such would be pure deflection on Tim's part as I have already demonstrated his research is incredibly biased, faulty, and downright dishonest. If he cannot deal honestly with his sources here he won't be dealing honestly with them there either. enough I was called all of those names and Tim's editing of these videos shows his outright dishonesty in dealing with sources both in the 100 Clues series and elsewhere. He may have edited out Suarez from Clue #2 and Peralta from Clue #3 but these two sources are scattered throughout the rest of his videos including the Solomon's Gold series.
In the video for Clue #30 at 12:11 we see Timothy quoting Suarez.
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Of course in discussing Argyre he is compelled to cite Mela via Suarez because the "Periplus" does not mention Argyre. Remember every slide that follows which claims the Periplus locates Chryse "beyond the land of China" and Argyre "beyond the Ganges" is a lie. As I demonstrated above the Periplus does not say that nor does Mela.
Clue #33 at 21:23 contains this same quotation from Suarez.
Clue #33 at 21:23 contains this same quotation from Suarez.
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In the video "Solomon's Gold Series Part 1C: UPHAZ GOLD & OPHIR. Origin of Gold Sheba, Tarshish, Havilah" at 8:27 we see the following slide:
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In the video "Let There Be Light... Philippines? Origin of Ophir, Sheba and Havilah. 12G" at 12:58 we see this slide:
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Suarez is quoted again in the video "Solomon's Gold Series - Part 6: Little Known History of Ophir. Philippines History" at both 18:19 and 19:29.
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It is pretty clear that Thomas Suarez's book "Early Mapping of Southeast Asia" is an important source for Tim. So why did he delete it from Clue #2 when he includes it in several other videos? He still rejects what Suarez has to say as to the identification of Chryse, Argyre, and the Aurea Chersonnesus but that is no big deal to Tim who picks and chooses, or rather gleans, what will confirm his thesis like any good and honest scholar.
In the video "Solomon's Gold Series Part 1D: Testing the RESOURCES of Ancient Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba" we see the following slide at 21:39:
At 32:03, and for almost seven straight minutes, in the video "Solomon's Gold Series - Part 6: Little Known History of Ophir. Philippines History" we see the same three citations that were used to claim Philippine gold was found in first century Egypt which are Legeza, Peralta, and Villegas. But again no actual quotations from them.
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Look closely because those citations are in VERY TINY FONT underneath all the text. At 41:40 in the same video we see this slide:
It's the same claim of Philippine gold being found in first century Egypt with the same three citations and with no actual quotations from those sources. Tim goes on to show us not actual Philippine gold found in Egypt but the similarity between a Philippine gold necklace and an Egyptian gold necklace. As if similarity of style proves his claim.
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The same claim about Egypt with the same three sources as were in the video Clue #3 before he edited it is to be found right here. Obviously Tim thinks these three sources are important which is why they are included in the main series Solomon's Gold which he tells everyone to watch!
What is going on here? Why is Timothy Schwab and the God Culture being dishonest about their sources? Why edit information out of some videos when other videos include the exact same information? These edits do not make any sense whatsoever. They are totally absurd and don't add to the veracity of their claims. They are not even good edits because, as in Clue #2, the original audio is kept and only the slide is changed!
The God Culture has been posting HUGE BLOCKS of text in the comment section on this blog. They have insulted me, they have made appeals to emotion (like the testimony of the lawyer), and they have manifested a triumphalist attitude ignoring everything I wrote about their poor research and documentation. In comment after comment they disdain what I have written as the work of an ignorant hack. They even called me a communist agitator twelve times!
But in private it is obvious I struck a nerve or they would not have edited their videos. They put up an offensive front when they knew I was right all along as these edits prove. But the edits cannot obscure what is in the main series Solomon's Gold which is Thomas Suarez and J.T. Peralta being used to bolster their claims. Is Tim going to edit those videos too? Will he be an honest man and quote the Periplus accurately? Will he be a good researcher and actually order the articles by Legeza and Peralta from Arts of Asia? The burden of proof lies squarely on Tim, not me. It would be better if Tim and the gang simply believed the sources they cite rather than make up their own facts, like Magellan did when he rewrote Barbosa's book, in order to propagate their pseudo-history.
What is going on here? Why is Timothy Schwab and the God Culture being dishonest about their sources? Why edit information out of some videos when other videos include the exact same information? These edits do not make any sense whatsoever. They are totally absurd and don't add to the veracity of their claims. They are not even good edits because, as in Clue #2, the original audio is kept and only the slide is changed!
The God Culture has been posting HUGE BLOCKS of text in the comment section on this blog. They have insulted me, they have made appeals to emotion (like the testimony of the lawyer), and they have manifested a triumphalist attitude ignoring everything I wrote about their poor research and documentation. In comment after comment they disdain what I have written as the work of an ignorant hack. They even called me a communist agitator twelve times!
But in private it is obvious I struck a nerve or they would not have edited their videos. They put up an offensive front when they knew I was right all along as these edits prove. But the edits cannot obscure what is in the main series Solomon's Gold which is Thomas Suarez and J.T. Peralta being used to bolster their claims. Is Tim going to edit those videos too? Will he be an honest man and quote the Periplus accurately? Will he be a good researcher and actually order the articles by Legeza and Peralta from Arts of Asia? The burden of proof lies squarely on Tim, not me. It would be better if Tim and the gang simply believed the sources they cite rather than make up their own facts, like Magellan did when he rewrote Barbosa's book, in order to propagate their pseudo-history.
As I wrote before, "If he cannot deal honestly with his sources here he won't be dealing honestly with them there either." Tim's quick editing and reposting of his videos without the same sources he utilizes elsewhere reeks of dishonesty. This is just a tiny sampling of the God Culture's output. I can't imagine what duplicitous twisting of facts lies in their other videos. And yet thousands of people are being taken in by this garbage.
After writing all of the above I must add a postscript. The God Culture is adding links to their videos which have sources for people to check up on and confirm. That's a good thing. Why didn't they do this earlier? However they are still making blunders.
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Let me this get this straight. Tim edits Suarez out of the video for Clue #2 saying he wasn't quoting Saurez anyway but now he includes him in this PDF as a "Supporting Research Source!?" Then why did he edit him out of Clue #2? It makes zero sense!
The little note requires our attention.
The note says the exact quote is "“the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself.” But in this video Tim says much more than just that. He says at 17:36
In this PDF mention is made of Peralta and the Philippine gold allegedly found in Egypt. See the relevant slide above.
This is basically the same edit as was made in the video for Clue #3. Instead of correcting the erroneous Peralta citation they leave it in the video and remove it from the sources listed in this PDF. Why didn't they just give the correct citation?
They also mess up the citations again. What Wikipedia article or articles are they sourcing? IS NOT A WEBSITE!! The FYI about Peralta being out of print is a non-issue because so is Legeza and it is Legeza, though not cited here as such, that has the reference to Philippine gold being found in Egypt.
The little note requires our attention.
NOTE: Under Fig. 31 is the exact quote we cited for the Periplus of the Erythraean Sea (1st Century C.E.)“the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself”
"the last part of the inhabited world toward the east, under the rising sun itself beyond the land of This (China) which brought silk to India" says this making it appear as if he is quoting the Periplus as locating Chryse beyond China! It doesn't. It says it is just opposite of the Ganges. Why doesn't he tell us exactly what he is quoting and what are his own words? It's simply confusing and dishonest. See above where I already discussed this.
In this PDF mention is made of Peralta and the Philippine gold allegedly found in Egypt. See the relevant slide above.
16. PH Gold found in Egypt: Wikipedia, AncientBlogspot. ph and many others cite 1 Legeza, Laszlo. “Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art,” Arts of Asia, July-Aug. 1988, pp.129-136. 2 Villegas, Ramon N. Ginto: History Wrought in Gold, Manila: Bangko Central ng Pilipinas, 2004. (FYI. Peralta is out of print but cited as well.)
They also mess up the citations again. What Wikipedia article or articles are they sourcing? IS NOT A WEBSITE!! The FYI about Peralta being out of print is a non-issue because so is Legeza and it is Legeza, though not cited here as such, that has the reference to Philippine gold being found in Egypt.
"Legeza, Laszlo. "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug. 1988, pp.129-136. (Mentions gold jewelry of Philippine origin in first century CE Egypt)"Both Legeza and Peralta can be ordered and shipped to the Philippines for $15 per article. I'm not going to do any research for Tim and order those articles. The burden of proof lies on him not me.
The God Culture is just another scam set up using the other scam known as religion. How long will it be before The God Culture starts inculding Indiana Jones as one of their sources?
ReplyDeleteOh no. They are adding links and sources to their research including page numbers? No. Don't make it easier for people to find these quotes. You can't do that. We will continue to tighten our case as we have all along and if that means we update materials of any sort, then we shall do so and we do not require the permission of a fool.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteLike I said, just scammers swindling pesos out of the gullible and naive Filipinos by blowing religious smoke up their assholes. You claim you prove the Philippines is Ophir, yet for some odd reason you lack both religious and non religious scholars and the fields of science backing up your claims. I wonder why that is? Oh yes, you're spouting bull shit.
Delete"No. Don't make it easier for people to find these quotes." Funny thing about that comment is that quotes are not sources and carry no weight as such.No, all you are doing is twisting words, evidence and such to what you want it to be to fit your scam.
I'm pretty sure if everything you claim to be true in you videos is true, backed by credible evidence the Nobel Peace Prize awaits you. Go on, submit all your "proof" to the scholars for review and investigations.
Oh, pretty pathetic trying to claim a world wide cover up conspiracy like you tried to do with the Spanish and Jesuits.
We feel very good after reading this blog. We knew he would return with such ignorant bluster. It is encouraging to know that one after us as heavily as this guy has been with his communist-style agitation and yet he has nothing whatsoever. He hasn't made a point. Notice he never points out anything positive ever. He is not objective in the least nor is he seeking truth but trying to suppress it just as the Spanish and the Jesuits have done all along. We will not play along with that evil. Watch our videos for yourself. Test the conclusions and see if you agree. We are not historians nor scientists and have never once ever claimed to be. However, we have located ancient Ophir. You have to review the case to know and you will not get that here. So watch The God Culture and go ahead and check the sources as we have added better sourcing to assist with your journey. Yup, that's a good thing. Enjoy your journey and you can even ask us questions along the way. We proved the Philippines is Ophir and anyone who has actually watched our series knows that but this guy has not. Anyone can hack things up but few can find the lost isles of gold. We find them in the Philippines and this restores prophecy. This is not a debate as there is no point here by which to respond. Yah Bless All.
ReplyDeleteDid you even bother to read what I wrote? Are you really this oblivious to your own videos? You lie about the Periplus saying it mentions Argyre. It does not! You locate Chryse and Agyre in a place where neither Mela nor the Periplus locates them. You are fine with Magellan rewriting Barbosa's book. You still mess up the citations for Philippine gold being found in Egypt. You call the armor indisputably Greek while your slide says something different! You delete Suarez from Clue #2 but keep him in several other videos and now even listen him as a research source in your PDF! You claim two tiny islands on an ancient map are the 7,000 islands of the Philippines.
DeleteHow do you justify any of those lies and contradictions?
Did you even read a single thing I wrote or did you just come here to comment?
The only ignorant bluster on this page is your silly comment which again ignores the facts I have laid out above. You are being dishonest about your sources by lying about them and trying to hide them. You can't even get a simple citation right but you have to toss it out and add more wrong citations like which is not even a website! You have the gall to say you have s high standard when you continue to show that you cannot deal honestly with your sources.
DeleteLike over in your other videos you only half quote Thomas Stackhouse who calls the Talmudic fables about Jews being in the Philippines and elsewhere, which you take as truth, nothing but lies! Why didn't you give the full citation and gist of that passage? He was not affirming Farissol as being truthful but showing that he is a fantastic liar! How many more half quotes and lies are in your videos? How many more fantasies and myths are you going to accept as truth?
We deal with this nonsense below. This ignorant blogger has no point. He is attempting communist-style agitation in ignorance and he has lost this debate and all debate.
DeleteWhat are you even doing? Look at all the comments you have posted across this blog today. Just today!! In the span of 30 minutes!!
DeleteOne minute you say We are done with you, you lost the right to debate, we will no longer respond, etc etc and yet here you are typing away comment after comment.
You know why? Because everything here is true and you can feel that sting. That is the same reason you edited 3 of your videos.
David, It's all about the pesos. If Filipinos got smart and stopped throwing money at these scammers they would disappear faster than a fart in a hurricane.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is one aspect. They say otherwise but here they are being deceitful about their sources. Who can trust them about anything else? I think they really believe what they are saying despite the sources they use contradicting them. I have at least two more posts about these guys coming but I'm not going to dwell on them as there is so much other stuff to write about as well.
DeleteDavid, Tim and his horde are prime examples of why people think religion is a joke and religion is dying out slowly. I find it telling that if everything is true and backed up with solid evidence then why not put it to the scientific community and scholars instead of peddling it to Filipinos? After all doing such and getting the backing of scholars and science would make them rich and famous would it not?
DeleteThere is no end to your ignorance. Our sources check out or this moron would have found something concrete yet he lost this debate and so do you. In fact why are you his crony anyway? Can you not think for yourself. Obviously not and you peddle occult arguments that have no merit nor weight as fool. You haven't watched this series yet you comment in ignorance as fool. You know nothing of us and everything you have said is wrong and foolish. We do not propagate religion and we are not affiliated with any such. You are David's little court jester. Enjoy that role.
Delete1. This blog is challenged to read. The Periplus is not only represented accurately in our video but it is very clear that he has not read it. We cover that and here are other sources with directions to Chryse that agree as well as more maps. Here is our response:
2. What fraud to take Mela's map from 43 AD reconstructed and represent that as ours. Only a fool would suggest that cartographers knew the shape of the Philippines in 43 A.D. Stupid!
1492 MAP Shows CHRYSE/Ophir as Luzon & ARGYRE/Tarshish a Mindanao.
3. This blog ignorantly and irresponsibly spouts most of what it asserts. However, 1 truly ignorant thing is saying the Lequios did not come from the Philippines. He claims to be scholarly yet he does not know that Pigafetta's Journal identifies them with Luzon. He is no scholar. Then, Magellan calls them "Tarsis" and "Ofir." We get it he wants the Philippines to Fail. Well it will not. It will rise. Here is that video on the Lequios of Luzon:
Finally, this guy can't disprove our conclusions and he attempts to nitpick at sources yet that has failed as we use them accurately and he is disproven, the one he said was out of print is also not out of print and the issue he has with someone else's claim of armor which we still support as fine to spend 45 seconds on in 1 slide. Then, he fraudulently and libelously claims we are dishonest based on misquoting and misrepresenting as even in the quote that says we do not mention Suarez shows we did not mention Suarez. Duh! We do not care that he wants to hate and this is our last comment here because this blog is useless trash. However, if you are following David and his libelous bluster of dishonest fraud, well, enjoy communist propaganda because that is the tactic being employed here. No thank you. This is disproven and clearly libel by any standard of measure. Debate settled. PhilippineFailsBlog Fails the Philippines.
The Periplus is not accurately represented at all in your videos. Tim claims the Periplus mentions Argyre. It does not. He claims the Periplus locates Chryse beyond China. It does not.
Delete"Only a fool would suggest cartographers knew the shape of the Philippines in 43 AD."
But this is your claim. That the Greeks sailed to the Philippines for their gold and accurately mapped it. Do you now reject your foolish claim?
Magellan rewrote Barbosa's book. Any claim of his about "Tarsis" and "Ofir" is his own insertions on the matter and are not to be taken seriously. The fact is he lied yet you are ok with his lying. Why is that?
All three sources you cite for Philippine gold being found in Egypt are indeed out of print. Call the BSP and try to order Ginto. You can't. It's out of print. So are the Arts of Asia magazines.
You do quote from Suarez who quotes Mela. That is because the Periplus DOES NOT MENTION ARGYRE. But Mela does and Mela is quoted in Suarez and you use Suarez as a source. It's even in your PDF of "Supporting Research Sources."
Everything I wrote above is true and is not nitpicking. You lie about your sources. You misrepresent your sources. You do this consistently and claim you don't.
What a fraud you are. Our coverage of the Periplus is an exact quote on Chryse and then we summarize the 2nd half of the directions in 1 brief slide. Locating Chryse is locating Argyre as Mela's map shows especially and we mention such marker quickly and move to maps which do not agree with you on anything. We cover the Periplus in more detail in "Finding Chryse" and the directions continue beyond China to the South and East just as we said. This ignorant blooger's opinion after all this ridiculous fraud he has perpetrated is meaningless. However, in 1492, the Portuguese settled this. They controlled Malaysia at the time and their map commissioned by their government shows their latest findings. They render the Malay Peninsula fairly true to it's position as well as China, IndoChina (labeled 2nd India), Java Major and Minor and then to the Northeast of Java Major and Southeast of China, we find Argyre in the shape of Mindanao and Chryse in the shape of Luzon jsut North of the equator. We have not lied about our sources and our videos are an accurate representation. You have never found anything nor have you disproven our conclusions in the slightest. That's stupid and something you have never proven but continue to attempt in fraud as everything you have offered operates from such paradigm.
DeleteProven wrong. Watch the videos everyone. This blogger is challenged with an acute learning disability and diarrhea of the mouth. He switches the topic. A source sheet for Part 6 of Solomon's Gold Series is not referencing a slide in Part 2 of 100 Clues, 2 different series. We said we did not "MENTION" Suarez on 1 slide in Part 2 of 100 Clues. We do not mention Solomon's Gold Series which he hasn't watched yet continues to debate in utter ignorance. He then, dictates our words in which we do NOT "mention" Suarez at ALL on that slide exactly as we said. Stupid and fraudulent. This is illiterate, childish agitation not scholarship and everything he points out is proven wrong, obliterated and shredded. This argument is toast. This blogger has no compass for telling the truth because every word that comes out of his mouth is a lie. Nitpicking at slides especially sources on the slides of a YouTube video when we tell one we have deeper sources and will be releasing a book is fraudulent in representation. When we update those sources and called "dishonest" that is illegal behavior for a public blogger in public forum. This blog commits libel, gross negligence, harassment and is attempting to mislead everyone. The fact is we quote the Periplus exactly and then editorialize to the EXACT meaning of it which we cover in the video linked in our previous comment. He just can't read it and understand. So, we provide a second source from that era with the same directions. We provide 3 maps originating in that era with same directions. Then, we locate a 1492 map with the same directions that identifies the shape of Luzon in part and Mindanao in part as Chryse and Ophir pretty much where they should be geographically. Oops! That is called OBLITERATED. Yet Mr. Diarrhea of the mouth just can't stop. Sore loser. This debate is over and lost. The Philippines is Chryse/Ophir and Argyre/Tarshish and no one has been able to debate that successfully in 3 years. This fool attempted to do so based on a topic we barely even covered. So, now we covered in detail and it says the same thing. Our research is very solid. Our sources check out. This pontification is just agitating in his communist style. All his arguments are toast. Nothing left to discuss as this blog is based in erroneous conclusion after conclusion and proven to be so. However, watch the videos linked above and see for yourself. Yah Bless all.
ReplyDeleteLook here Tim. Apparently you don't get it. THE PERIPLUS DOES NOT MENTION ARGYRE! But Suarez does because he quotes Mela. In your video you ONLY CHANGED THE SLIDE and not the audio. The slide says Periplus. The audio mentions Argyre. Therefore you are still mentioning Suarez. Every single time you mention Argyre you have to use Suarez as the source because it is he that quotes Mela and it is only Mela which mentions Argyre. That is a dishonest edit.
DeleteOr perhaps you mean you don't quote Suarez' words right? That is inconsequential because you are still quoting him as quoting Mela. He is still your source for Argyre. Why did you even edit out Suarez from Clue #1 when you use him elsewhere even in your new video Clue #53? Makes no sense.
Yes I saw the map from 1492 which you cribbed from Wikipedia. Did you know it has the mythical Isle of St. Brendan and the Dragon's tail? It's not very reliable. Interesting yes. Reliable. No. It also contradicts what both the Periplus and Mela have to say about the location of Chryse and Argyre as being near the Ganges since it locates them further East.
Besides all that you still have not provided any proof that the Greeks sailed to the Philippines for gold. And I mean real proof like records back in Greece. Not supposed armor found by someone somewhere in Mindanao. Or myths about islands made of gold. Do you have any real proof the Greeks field
"When we update those sources and called "dishonest" that is illegal behavior for a public blogger in public forum."
That is as hilarious as it gets! I am being illegal for pointing out your dishonest edits. You guys take the cake. It's amazing how much you can write and still not deal with any of the issues I raised about your edits.
The Periplus locates Chryse and Argyre is associated with it. We updated sources, removed a top quote that is common knowledge in that era as you seemed very confused by it and we will do so whenever we wish as this is our channel. We will continue to press everything we can further and further. However, having not actually reviewed our position, you continue to blog in utter ignorance and it shows.
DeleteI have most certainly reviewed your position and your facts and they all add up to a pack of lies. I have also proved that you don't do "Deep research" but copy/paste from Cheock, AncientPhilippines, and a host of other places. This is why you all have the same "Facts" some with out any sources and why you all misquote many of those sources and even why you continue to publish that erroneous citation of Peralta.
DeleteIt is also why Tim uses a middle school teachers history outline to discuss Dinoysisus Perigeretes at length without actually having read him! That source comes straight out of JG Cheock.
You just want to dismiss but you cannot. The information here is too substantial but you think with a lot of noise and a few DMCA takedown requests you can get rid of me. You are too scared to deal with all I have exposed about your videos. You say TEST US but when someone actually investigates you then you throw a hissy fit.
Honest critique? You attacked our ministry in libel, fraud, gross negligence and harassment and you call that honest critique. Spoken like a true communist-style agitator. You begin by misrepresenting, which is what you do, that we “deleted” 3 videos yet we updated them, announced this on our Facebook and in the Title each says “Edited.” That is so “dishonest?” What a fraudulent libelous claim. You really better watch what you write publicly and how you accuse because you are way over the line. You also need to learn how to read. You wrote 20 pages in this blog when we print it out and you say nothing. Tim responded already in video and now I will.
ReplyDelete1. Mela and Suarez: You misrepresented Mela and Suarez.
You committed libel when you said we “FALSIFIED what Mela actually wrote” and even ignore his map which says you can’t read, when first, the fragment you pull out of Suarez in fraudulent representation continues and says:
“Mela was quoting earlier, unknown sources and he GOES ON to vaguely mention the possibility of a Southeast Asian peninsula:”
[Our note: as what Suarez? As a marker to find the isles. There are no isles within the mainland of Asia. They are in the sea and this marker is the Southern point with China as the northern and the isles off the coast of that area is the Philippines and matches Mela’s map and others.]
“Between Colis [southeastern tip of Asia] and Tamus [China’] the coast runs straight…”
The previous reference from Mela in which, as most, says this is an island not a Peninsula. He says the isle of Chryse is in the vicinity or close to China. He says Argyre is in the vicinity of the Ganges yet on maps in that era, they draw the Ganges in IndoChina not the Malay Peninsula. We provide a map of Mela reconstructed but originally from his map from 43 AD. It matches our interpretation and not yours. You are “FALSIFYING” everything you can to look like anything less than a fool. You failed. In fact, Suarez continues and is clear that he is not so sure Pliny actually thought Chryse was a peninsula. He admits “Elsewhere in his Natural History, Pliny refers to Chryse as an island.” The thinking he meant a peninsula derives from his use of “promontory of Chryse” in 1 reference yet isles in the other. Either this discredits Pliny or Pliny knew that islands also have promontories or rocky points and they do especially Luzon. These are isles. This is false and libel.
2. The Periplus of the Erythaean Sea - You misrepresented the Periplus.
ReplyDeleteYou keep saying “another lie” yet you never find a first lie and then you act surprised when we respond in disgust for such demonic deception you offer. Your representations are lies and this is libel, gross negligence, fraud and harassment. The directions in the Periplus continue as well as they most certainly identify Chryse beyond China. Yes, Argyre too because they are together in many references and we can say so without quoting anyone but in general knowledge and you are a fraud for claiming that has to come only from Suarez and that we only read 1 book which is utterly stupid and uninformed in that brief video. A series of over 70 videos of length and another over 50 videos now and you dare utter such stupidity? The Periplus continues:
“After this region (we passed India and the Ganges already as you even quoted but you missed the rest very poorly) under the very north…” now it is about to tell us that’s China thus it’s under or South of China. Continue… “the sea outside ending in a land called This, there is a very great inland city called Thinae [i.e. China]…” After India, South of China and we now have in the sea which ends in China which the only fit to that is the China Sea and we already it is to the South of China thus the South China Sea. Our interpretation is not only accurate, it’s perfect and it fits not just Mela’s map but Dionysus The Tourist and especially the map of 1492 which obliterates your nonsense.
3. Mela’s 43 AD Map - You misrepresented Mela twice. Very poor. You also falsified and misrepresented his map which is not ours and you cut off the point of reference which is China is fraud.
ReplyDeleteAgain, you misquoted an incomplete representation of Mela when he says Chryse and Argyre are found in the sea as islands off the coast of IndoChina essentially when you actually read it. His map also shows exactly that. You attempt ridicule the map and fraudulently place a piece of it claiming that is OUR map vs. a modern map fo the Philippines and then, actually allude that they knew the shape of the Philippine back then. What a fool. You are no scholar. Stop misrepresenting yourself. We have no such map and you are a fraud. However, Mela’s map is well authenticated, your nonsense is not. It matches his directions and it matched 2 maps we show from Dionysus the Tourist as well as the 1492 map from Behaim. You truly are clueless, erroneous, fraudulent and libelous. Then, you are surprised we respond in disgust.
The slide clearly points to those islands calling them Luzon and Mindanao. Hence it is YOUR MAP of the Philippines.
DeleteWe believe definitively those islands are Luzon and Mindanao and we show the Portuguese government-commissioned map of 1492 that firms this up completely as it draws Chryse as the shape of Luzon principally just North of the Equator where the Philippines is and Argyre the shape of Mindanao just South of it. You are incapable of context and connecting things. All you can do is attempt to disconnect in this communist-style agitation paradigm you are attempting. You have failed David Roxas at PhilippinesFails.
Delete4. The Lequios - You misrepresented Barbosa and are ignorant of Pigafetta.
ReplyDeleteBarbosa NEVER says the Lequios were from Japan. In fact, we show quotes that are the clear that Japan has no junks yet the Lequios are known for their junk ships. Japan were not seafaring traders yet the Lequios are known specifically as the seafaring traders. You then suggest maybe it’s Taiwan. You just don’t know because you haven’t watched much of anything we cover yet think you everything and you know nothing and then blog about. You really should just call this trash blah, blah, blah because that is all you do. Pigafetta located the Lequios in his Journal on Luzon Island and then there’s the whole Iloconos of Ilocos who call their elder men Lakay and you really question whom the Lequios/Lequii or Lucoes are? You know nothing and just keep spouting absolute ignorance not even reading full paragraphs nor listening to full videos just as take the Bible out of context in the same way.
I never talk about Barbosa or Pigafetts. Not once. Not even the Lequois. I cite Nowell in full which Tim does not do because he does not care what Nowell has to say.
DeleteYou said the Lequios of Barbosa's quote is probably Japan not the Philippines because you know that how? You don't. Nowell makes the same uneducated guess when he describes the Lequios being islands North of the equator and then, he skips the Philippines and heads to Taiwan and Japan. Rather ludicrous and no, we don't cover author ramblings like that other than as an example of how not to think just as we don't cover your ramblings which are even worse. Regarding Pigafetta you just made our point which was you are ignorant of Pigafetta and you are. He places the Lequios as coming from Luzon.
Delete"You said the Lequios of Barbosa's quote is probably Japan not the Philippines"
DeleteWRONG!!!!! I quoted NOWELL. Those are HIS WORDS. Not mine. Read again.
"Barbosa, in mentioning this great land across the water from China, might have been referring to Japan. More likely, though, he meant the island of Taiwan, or Formosa, separated by the Gulf of Fukien from mainland China. At the time Barbosa wrote, the Portuguese can scarcely have had information about Japan. They had some regarding Formosa and the Ryukyus, whose exact latitudinal position they did not know but correctly placed northward of Malacca and the Moluccas and hence north of the equator. These are obviously what Magellan took to be Tarshish and Ophir."
NONE of those words are mine. They all come from Nowell.
ReplyDelete“Magellan FALSIFIED Barbosa’s Book…” You just libeled Magellan as well as us. Great job! You are truly
Magellan did not falsify Barbosa’s book. How stupid. He made notes just as Columbus made notes in different writings, his Bible, 2 Esdras, etc. Only a fraud would claim Magellan “falsified” Barbosa. Your ignorance reaches a level that is unbelievable. You go on to say “Tim is ok with this falsification.” Magellan making notes in his books, uh, yes because that is not falsifying by any standard. You are a fool. You then write in libel “Magellan falsifies a book and Tim thinks what he wrote is the truth. In Tim’s world truth is whatever you want it to be.” This is a demon talking because no human would look at almost 200 videos of content whose foundation is the Bible and claim we make up things. We go to painstaking lengths to prove things out and what an absolute crock of illiteracy. You don’t even know how to tell the truth as all you have are lies. All made up. Taking fragments out of context when our sources have other confirmations such in the case of Mela, his map and and the Periplus, Dionysus the Tourist plus maps. Then the 1492 map of Behaim makes you look really foolish as it shows a very close shape of Luzon and Mindanao pretty close to where they should be marked on his world map as Chryse and Argyre. Yet, you dare accuse us of making things up? What a fool! This is libel, gross negligence, fraud, harassment and I’m sure several other things. If you do not remove this trash, I will push Tim to pursue you because this is illegal.
Nowell himself say Magellan rewrote Barbosa's book. That is falsifying it. Read Nowell again. Really read your sources and listen to what they author is saying.
DeleteNowell does not libel Magellan as you do. Magellan made notes in HIS copy of Barbosa's book just as Columbus made notes even in the Bible and just as most of us make notes in our Bibles, books and other materials. That is what smart people do which is clearly a paradigm in which this blogger is unaware. This is a stupid communist-agitation point of yours founded in ignorance. He just libeled Magellan. What a fraud this David Roxas at PhilippinesFails is.
DeleteGod Cultue: Magellan made notes.
DeleteNowell the historian: Magellan digested Barbosa's work and with his own hand rewrote one passage, which consisted of a list of places between the Cape of Good Hope and the Lequios that were known but not yet occupied by the Portuguese. Magellan's version substitutes for Barbosa's “Lequios” the words “Tarsis” and “Ofir.””
Even Tim affirms Magellan REWORTE the passage and did not merely make a few notes. That is because he is QUOTING NOWELL!
""In "Magellan's Voyage Around the World" the author Charles E Nowell, notes that Magellan himself had rewritten part of Barbosa's book referring to the Lequios and in his version Magellan substituted "Tarsis" and "Ofir" for the word "Lequios." So "Lequios" equals "Tarshish" and "Ophir." This is huge."
ReplyDeleteYou used Tim and Anna’s faces without their permission. That is illegal. Do you not know anything about publishing? You cannot libel and harass a ministry like this.
Regarding the Greek armor, you have no point and you do not even know Greek mythology. The symbols on the breastplate are indisputably Greek and the helmet design as well. The gecko is used in the Greek pantheon. After your comment, we updated that slide to let viewers know Archaeological Confirmation Pending.” That is called honest and you called it “dishonest.” I guess with you the sky is not blue either but black. You are so jaded and angry and all we did was prove the Philippines is Ophir. That seems to bother you so badly. Well, get over it. You also said Peralta was out of print so we updated that only to find out, it is not out of print and one of our researchers had the article. You just assume in the worst ways consistently because you are not interested in the truth but a communist-style agitator conducting a hit and run hatchet job. You are horrible at it as well as you have broken several laws in doing so. You claim we conduct “outright dishonesty in dealing with sources in the 100 clues and elsewhere” yet you have never watched any other series so who is dishonest. Yeah, you. This is libel as you never proved us dishonest. The quote from our words you use says we did not mention Suarez and your own dictation of that slide shows we did not mention Suraez. What a fool! And the font we are using is 30 point in our program as we said and sometimes larger. We increased the font and updated sources just as you requested in fact and then you call us “dishonest.” That is libel you fraud. You continue to put Tim’s full name because you are trying to slander him and attack him personally yet you are the fraud here and he has already withstood the test of 3 years of public scrutiny and over 8 million views to that channel alone whether alone the packed conferences in many places. He has not been dishonest about sources, you have. And we have not been dishonest. In fact, I have answered your violent rants all along and we take challenges head on even on our channel. Timothy slapped you down big time in the last 3 videos and you are proven a fraud. Regarding the Arts of Asia articles, we have those as well as the Ginto book. We have a team of researchers not just Tim and you continue to attack him personally. He ignores you but I find your demonic behavior repulsive and have not problem telling you so.
You do quote Suarez because you quote Mela and Mela is being quoted by Suarez. I don't know how you don't get it. You use Suarez as your source for Mela. You are thus quoting his book! I have proved your dishonesty in this blog post quite thoroughly in fact. If you don't get it then read it again and again and again until you do. Though I'm not so sure that will help you.
DeleteNot sure what else to tell you. Tim edited the video but not the audio in Clue #2. He edited Peralta out of Clue #3 while retaining that source elsewhere. Tim calls Chryse Luzon and Argyre Mindanao as if those two islands next to India are the Philippines. Tim says Philippine gold was found in egypt but gives no proof and has obviously not read his sources. Tim does not handle his sources properly. He continually misrepresents them. Tim says the Periplus mentions Argyre. It doesn't!
I could go on and on. I have watched your other videos and the same pattern of misquotations and misrepresenting sources emerges.
Tim slapped me down? By taking a map from Wikipedia that has all kinds of mythical lands on it like the isle of St Brendan, Chryse and Argyre, and the Dragon's tail? Sure. He spent 3 videos responding to me talking about how the mythical islands of gold and silver are the Philippines. How ridiculous!
If you have the Arts of Asia articles and the Ginto then publish them. You cited them (erroneously) now actually use them and show us all about that Philippine gold found in Egypt.
The Greek is still dishonest BECAUSE the audio was not changed. Tim says the armor is INDISPUTABLY GREEK. But the slide says "Archeological confirmation pending." He is now contradicting himself because of the quick and dishonest edit. You should have just left it alone.
DeleteThe Arts of Asia magazine with Peralta's article is indeed out of print. The magazine is 30 years old. Not in print. Have to order a back issue from the website. Do you know what it means to be not in print? It means the publisher is no longer publishing the text. All three sources for Philippine gold found in Egypt are out of print. All of them. You cannot even order Ginto from the BSP.
DeleteThe quick clip on Greek armor is fine and we'll determine our content. The symbols are indisputably Greek indeed and there is nothing wrong with mentioning that. Our case is not made on that as it is a side note. We will continue to use side notes whenever and wherever we wish. This is a YouTube channel. Somehow this ignorant blogger thinks he can come in and tell us what to put and what not to. He cannot. He is way over the line into illegal behavior in cyber libel, fraud and misrepresentation, even attacking our leader on a very personal level in communist-style agitation. Let's not pretend he is interested in finding truth. What he wants is exactly what his name claims, David Roxas of PhilippinesFails wishes for the Philippines to fail. It does not and will not and in time, he will ahve to come to terms with that and the fact that he picked the very dumbest of names by which to name this disgusting show of ignorance.
DeleteThe sources for trade between Philippines and Egypt say exactly that even identifying the route involved and they use language such as "established fact," "prove" and they are exactly what was represented those whom we originally learned the information. This blog is a fraud about nothing.
Delete"The sources for trade between Philippines and Egypt say exactly that even identifying the route involved"
DeleteNo they don't and the only reason you know anything of what they actually say is because unlike YOU I spent my money to obtain those articles from Arts of Asia. You couldn't even be bothered to check the sources but are content to copy/paste from other blogs which is why you printed the wrong citation for Peralta. Stop talking like you are familiar with the sources when you are obviously not!
I will be pushing Tim to pursue you. You have committed libel multiple times. You called us liars several times yet never proved we lied once. That is because we did not lie and that was your confirmation bias from the beginning. You are far over the line and you did not prove we lied about a single thing nor that we are dishonest. You certainly have been dishonest in your representations as you can’t even finish reading what Mela said, didn’t even know Pigafetta locates the Lequios yet talk in circles like you know something, etc. You are no expert on this topic and Tim slapped you down in a classy way in his videos. You are proven wrong but worse you have crossed lines you cannot. You know exactly what you are doing however, let’s not pretend. Remove all your misrepresentations and you have not made a single point in this 20-page blog of blah other than a YouTube could source better. We better our sources which we had already been working, you’re welcome, and you head into to this disgusting hatchet job calling that dishonest which is not just stupid, but illegal. Unethical filth. You even repeat that libel in ignorance. You don’t even know what you are talking about with the Ginto book either. You accused Tim of not reading? That guy reads about a book every few days plus participated in research. He crushed your objections in his videos and exposed that you can’t even read and all in a classy way not even mentioning your name yet you dig at his over and over. This blog is worthless. You don’t know how to test. Your only aim is to attempt to manipulate, tear down and find some chink yet you found none. Our sources are accurate and accurately represented and you do not prove otherwise but really serve to confirm that. You have misrepresented many. You haven’t even watched but 6 briefs and still don’t know the case nor whether we prove it. It is the epitome of ignorance. Yet, you pontificate from your fictitious high tower and you don’t even know what you are talking about. It’s sad.
ReplyDeleteI know exactly what I am talking about with the Ginto book because I called the BSP to purchase it and they said it is out of print.
DeleteI already demonstrated in 3 posts where you are being deceptive and lying about your sources. I cannot help it if you don't comprehend what I am saying.
The Periplus does not mention Argyre like Tim claims it does. His response to that was, We don't ned sources for that because it's common knowledge.
Tim's classy way to cash my objections was use a map that contradicts both the Periplus and Mela in their locations of Chryse and Argyre. He only makes himself look more foolish by using that map as a bonafide source to prove the location of two islands which do not even exist.
Tim says prove all things, test all things. That is exactly what I did. I weighed you in the balance and found you wanting. You even edited videos because you knew what i wrote was 100% correct. Deal with it.
Maybe you skipped over this part:
DeleteThat's it for Clue #2. Let's recap everything we have learned so far. Tim excises Suarez as a a source but still utilizes him when talking about Argyre because the Periplus of the Erythaean Sea does not mention Argyre. He misrepresents the Periplus' location of Chryse and Mela's location of Argyre. He quotes from Nowell but ignores everything he says especially his identification of the Aurea Chersonnesus. He is ok with the fact that Magellan inserted "Ophir" and "Tarshish" into Barbosa's book thus falsifying it. He says the armor is indisputably Greek while on the slide he contradicts himself by having written "Archeological confirmation pending!"
Yes, we are all ok with Magellan making any notes he wished in his copy of any writing he so wished. If you don't make notes in books you read, well that is your stupid method. Columbus did the same even with the Bible. That in no way could be "falsifying" as you libel Magellan. You are such a fraud.
DeleteRegarding Philippine Gold in 1st Century Egypt:
ReplyDeleteAnd our thesis is fully proven which you have not reviewed yet write blogs in ignorance. Your other blog even cites 2 sources which certainly do suggest Philippine gold in Egypt in the first century. You put it out there and then dismiss it yet place some such scholars on a throne of godhood in status but not these 2 because they do not agree with your shallow, inaccurate view of commenting on a series you have not even watched like a fool. You claim correction to all those who sourced this and you are wrong, inappropriate and unqualified as these most certainly can be interpreted as such factually and they said nothing wrong in this. Even this point which we report the connection to the Philippines and 1st century Egypt is not misrepresented as you can't even read once again. Legeza is certainly suggesting that gold of Philippine origin is found in Egypt and that the connection in trade with Egypt is proven according to him:
"The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza
“Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove [our note: PROVE!!!] that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza
Again, Legeza says the connection in trade is PROVEN. You really can't read that??? That is not tentative language yet you attempt to mischaracterize it as such as you typically do in your attempt to demean, marginalize, libel, harass, agitate and exercise gross negligence. You have nothing.
And the Ginto book from Bangko Sentral most certainly not only makes such connection but then explains the route even and verifies Austronesian (Philippine) boats making it to at least Madagascar AS ESTABLISHED FACT. FYI, that's just off the coast of Africa. We know you are challenged in geography. Duh! Can you even read? You even report this above and then ignore what it says as you typically do.
“Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces (Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence (Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar (Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral
What? ESTABLISHED FACT!? PROVEN!? These land firmly. Gold of Philippine origin most certainly is reported as existing in Egypt in these articles with the route even specified and the dating of the 1st century AD. and those citing this source were not inaccurate. The point stands and you offer nothing yet again.
Strike 3, you're out!!!
Regarding the Philippines as Chryse and Argyre, we fully nail this down and firmly prove it in these videos including directions from the Periplus in the first century you misquote omitting the 2nd half indicated it is Southeast of China, directions from Dionysus the Tourist in 124 AD, verified and credible maps from Pomponius Mela originating in 43 AD and Dionysus originating in 124 AD labelling Chryse and Argyre as islands Southeast of China right where the Philippines is. Then, a 1492 Map from Behaim showing Chryse as the shape and location of Luzon and Argyre as the shape and location of Mindanao to the South of that. Here are those videos which obliterate this continued ignorance:
ReplyDeleteThe Lequios of Luzon:
Finding Chryse:
1492 Map shows Luzon as Chryse and Mindanao as Argyre:
Debate lost royally.
We have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.