Wednesday, May 2, 2018

PLDT Installers Leave Trash Everywhere

PLDT has been in and out of my neighbourhood installing internet and phone service. Every single time they do an installation they leave a mess of clipped wires and plastic widgets.

Every.  Single. Time.

There they are installing the internet. One up on a ladder and another down on the ground.

See the wire in the bushes? Like a snake in the grass.

A hook jus left on the street.

Wires all over the road.

Two views of the same pile of little doo-dads left all over the street.

Why? Why do these installers not give two flips about the mess they leave.  I watch them each time and I collect that garbage and tell them, "Hey you forgot this." They take it and never say anything but why do I have to give it to them?

Did their supervisors tell them to leave extra wires and plastic tabs where they fall?

It's pathetic.


  1. David,
    Why not cause a scene? Consider that since you already pick up their mess why not go a step further? Bag it all up but do not give to the workers. Instead go into PLDT office with the bag of trash and ask for the manager. When he comes out hand him the trash and a bill for cleaning up after PLDT and their workers.

  2. Based on my experiences here, anything you do or suggest falls on deaf ears. Filipinos never complain.. About anything. Don't care to improve their existence at all. Heaven forbid that a foreigner suggest a better way or any thoughtful improvement. Nope. Carry on with their daily casual idiocy and total environmental neglect. Keep on making babies and get deeper in debt while contributing nothing at all to global society.
