Monday, March 9, 2020

The God Culture: Philippine Gold Jewelry Found in 1st Century Egypt

The God Culture claims that Philippine gold jewlery has been found in 1st century Egypt. This claim is just one of the many Timothy Schwab and his gang have made in order to prove that the Philippines is the land of Ophir, the Garden of Eden, and that Filipinos are members of the lost tribes. Here is the original unedited screenshot from their video Clue #3 in the 100 Clues Series.

It is important to use this unedited screenshot because it lists all the sources they use to substantiate their claim.
1. Laszlo Legeza, "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug, 1988, pp 129-136 
2. J.T. Peralta, "Prehistoric gold ornaments from the Central Bank of the Philippines," Arts of Asia 1981, no.4, p 54 
3. Ramon N. Villegas, "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold", Manila: Bangko Central ng Pilipinas", 2004
These same sources are also cited across the internet on various blogs which make the same sorts of claims about the Philippines as the God Culture does. These blogs include the following: 
This post will therefore not be directed towards the God Culture alone but to all who utilize these three citations to assert that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt.

All three sources are out of print. In each of the above blogs source 2 is cited incorrectly and none of them, including the God Culture, show what is in these sources to verify their assertion that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt. Source number three is also cited in all places aside from the God Culture in the following way:
"Legeza, Laszlo. "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug. 1988, pp.129-136. (Mentions gold jewelry of Philippine origin in first century CE Egypt)" 
What I aim to do in this post is set the record straight by revealing what these sources actually say.  I  ordered the two out of print articles from Arts of Asia and have in my possession PDF files of these documents. I also have a PDF file of the relevant material from "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold." They are available upon request.

Send me an email using the contact form on the sidebar and I will send them to you for the low, low price of a "please" and "thank you." Do they give proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in first century Egypt? Do they say something else entirely? Let's find out.

I will start with source number 3 and work backwards to Legeza which is the most important source allegedly having the strongest proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in Egypt.

3. Ramon N. Villegas, "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold", Manila: Bangko Central ng Pilipinas", 2004

I was unable to get hold of a physical copy of this book so I did the next best thing. I found a place on the internet where the text is searchable, I searched for the words Egypt and Egyptian, and then I went to my local library and had the librarian contact the library in Manila where a physical copy is and send me pictures of each of those pages.  Surprisingly there were only two pages where the word Egypt showed up, 45 and 48, and one where Egyptian showed up, 78. Chryse does not show up at all.

pg. 45
Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces (Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence (Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar (Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.
pg. 48
A related Philippine aesthetic principle was articulation, or the movement of joined parts. A prime example is the penannular earring with multiple pendants of floral forms. Ear ornaments constructed on the same principle, made of glass beads and similar cut-out forms in shell and sheet metal, are still made and worn by isolated mountain groups in northern Luzon, and eastern and central Mindanao (Ellis 1981: 234, 244, 246, 248; Rodgers 1985: 306-68). Very similar barter ring and pendant types are also found in Egypt (Aldred 1978: 111.94; Wilkinson 1971: ills. XLV and XLVI).
pg. 78 
This spread: Massive pennular gold farther runs. Rings, also in other metals, were used for exchange since Egyptian times in Africa. The form reached the other side of the Indian Ocean, up to East Asia. The great value of these barer runs suggest a major transaction, perhaps a dowry for a royal wedding. Note the wave-like engraving reminiscent of the sea.
Not one of these citations from "Ginto: A History Wrought in Gold" says a word about Philippine gold jewelry being found in Egypt. Taken as a whole these three brief statements tell us only that Egyptian influences made their way to the Philippines and were incorporated into Philippine gold art. Page 45 does make the claim that Austronesian traders had reached Madagascar and that the connection between Africa and Southeast Asia via trade routes is an established fact but says nothing about what was traded or how it was traded. We are certainly not told that Philippine junks sailed to Egypt which is a claim Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture makes.
How did the gold get there? Well, you will know by the end of this series because the Philippines had ancient ships that are gonna blow your mind.
Actually they don't make the exact and specific word-for word claim that Filipinos sailed to Egypt but it is explicitly implied that such is the case. What they do claim is that Filipinos had large ocean going ships and traded with China which is disputed by neither me nor anyone else.

The video for Clue #3 does not prove that Filipinos sailed to Egypt or explain how Philippine gold jewelry ended up in Egypt or that Philippine gold jewelry was even found in first century Egypt. All in all it's a rather pointless video that does not fulfill its promise.

Likewise "Ginto: History Wrought in Gold" does not support the claim that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt either. Admittedly we can infer from it that there might have been because of the trade routes mentioned but anything definite cannot be drawn from this book.

2. J.T. Peralta, "Prehistoric gold ornaments from the Central Bank of the Philippines," Arts of Asia 1983, no. 4, p. 51 

This article does not mention Egypt whatsoever. Instead Peralta discusses trade between China and the Philippines. Filipinos trading with the Chinese is an established fact and is not under dispute.

3. Laszlo Legeza, "Tantric Elements in pre-Hispanic Philippines Gold Art," Arts of Asia, July-Aug, 1988, pp 129-136 

There are two references to Egypt in this article.

pg. 129
Historically, our starting-point has to be a brief reference to the rich sources of natural gold in many Philippine islands, like Mindanao and Samar, and the desperate search, mainly by Indian maritime traders, to find fresh sources of gold as the Hellenistic Roman empire's resources ran dry in West Asia by the first century A.D. Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D. The earliest Carbon 14 date of A.D. 320 for one of the Butuan balangays (native seafaring boats) provides evidence of early Filipino participation in this trade.
pg. 131
Apart from India and China, Butuan is known to have had extensive trading connections with Arabia and in all probability with Sumatra and Java. The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.
Legeza is in agreement with Villegas in discussing established trade routes between Southeast Asia, West Asia, and Arabia. They also agree in telling us that Egyptian gold made its way to the Philippines. While Villegas only mentions Egyptian influence on Philippine gold art Legeza tells us that actual artifacts of Egyptian origin are to be found in Philippine burial sites.

The claim for Philippine gold jewelry being found in first Egypt rests solely on a cursory reference on page 131. But Legeza does not write that Philippine gold necklaces were found in Egypt, only that they seem to have been found. While he does state that trade contacts were established between the Philippines and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D. he does not give a date for the jewelry allegedly found in Egypt. He provides no support for his claim. There are no references and no pictures to back up what he writes. The whole assertion that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt is based on a single sentence, or rather two sentences pages apart, which has no proofs. That is a very shaky foundation on which to make this claim.

Given that there was a trade connection between Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire it is likely that Philippine gold jewelry did make its way to the West. But that is only to be inferred from these two sources. Absolute proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in first century Egypt as well as an explanation of how it got there such as Filipino junks sailing to Egypt or Philippine artifacts being traded across Asia until they reached Egypt will have to be looked for elsewhere. I will not be expanding beyond the bounds of these three sources.

It is not my intention to speculate here in order to prove the claims of the God Culture and others. My intention is only to look at the three sources commonly cited to prove that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt. Anyone who has read these sources could not honestly use them alone to support that claim. Even if the claim were true that does not prove the Philippines is Ophir.

It is beyond dispute that the Philippines is a land full of gold. There is much testimony to that fact. But is the Philippines really the mythical islands of gold and silver, Chryse and Argyre, as Timothy Schwab of the God Culture claims? Reading through Legeza and Peralta's articles we find that it is Mindanao where most gold has been found. Butuan in particular is a source of many golden artifacts. That would mean of all the islands in the Philippines Mindanao is the isle of gold. However Timothy Schwab says the opposite.

Tim designates Luzon as the island of gold and Mindanao as the island of silver. Tim puts a lot of faith in the existence of the non-existent mythical islands of Chryse and Argyre as being proof that the Philippines is Ophir and Tarshish. They both play a key role in his list of proofs. Chryse and Argyre are essential puzzle pieces in the God Culture's mythology. In a recent video Tim uses, along with the descriptions of Dionysius Perigetes, Martin Behaim's map of 1492 to prove that Chryse and Argyre are the Philippines.

On this map we see the same mistake that Mindanao (Argyre) is the island of silver while Luzon (Chryse) is the island of gold. Mindanao is also erroneously placed below the equator. But dare I say that Martin Behaim was not thinking at all of the Philippines or depicting them because they had not yet been discovered by Magellan? Behaim had never even been to this part of the world. Undoubtedly what was in his mind was not the Philippines but Chryse and Argyre as known in legend and myth. He also contradicts Mela's map by placing them in a very different location, much further to the East. Aside from depicting these two mythical islands his map also includes the equally mythical St. Brendan's Island and the dragon's tail which is a non-existent peninsula in East Asia. Needless to say Martin Behaim's map is worthless for telling us about the real world.

Instead of relying on old and unreliable maps to give us a true picture of our world let us quote the words of a man who has actually been to Chryse and Argyre. That is Sir John Mandeville.
"On the East there are two islands near this one, of which one is called Oriell and the other Arget [Pliny's Chryse and Argyre]; in those two isles the earth is full of gold and silver ore. And they are near the Red Sea, where it enters the Great Sea Ocean. And in those isles no stars can clearly be seen shining, except for one they call Canapos [Canopus]; nor can the moon be seen there except in the second quarter."
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, translated by C.W.R.D. Moseley, Penguin Books, pg 182-183 
No stars shine in the islands of Chryse and Argyre and the moon is only seen in its second quarter. Every night the stars shine big and bright over the Philippines. The moon is also seen in each of its stages as it passes overhead. Does Mandeville's description of Chryse and Argyre's night sky match that of the Philippines? As Tim would put it: " Ugh. Nope, that's not it! So really this is not rocket science folks."

This same Sir John Mandeville also tells us the exact location of the lost tribes!
In this same land are the hills of Caspian which are called Uber [ubera aquilonis, ‘breasts of the north wind’, the Caspian mountains]. The Jews of the Ten Lost Tribes are shut up in mese hills; they are called Gog and Magog, and they can get out on no side. King Alexander drove them here, for he intended to shut them up with the work of his men. When he saw he could not, he prayed to God that He would finish what he himself had begun. And although he was a heathen, God of His special grace heard his prayer and closed the hills together, and they are so big and high that they cannot be passed. And on the other side is the Caspian Sea; but no one can escape on that side because the sea comes up out of the earth under these hills, and runs on one side of the country through a great desert, reaching as far as the land of Persia. 
Even if it is called a sea, it is not one in fact, but a lake, the biggest in the world. So if the folk that are enclosed there desired and attempted to cross that sea by ship, they would not know where they would arrive and would not understand [any language except their own. And so they cannot get out]. And know that now the Jews have no land of their own to live in in all the world except among those hills. Even so they pay tribute to the Queen of the Amazons, and she has those hills guarded very well so that they do not cross them into [her] country, which borders those hills. Nevertheless it sometimes happens that one of them climbs over those hills and gets out, but no great number of them could climb out together because of the great height and the difficulty of the climb. And there is no other way out except by a little [path] made by men’s diligence. That track is about four miles long, and then there is a great desert where no water or shelter is to be found for men because there are dragons and snakes and other poisonous animals; so except in winter no man can travel that way. 
This narrow path they call Clyrem; and as I said the Queen of the Amazons has it guarded very carefully. If it should happen that any of them get out, they can speak no language except Hebrew and so cannot speak with other men when they come among them. Folk in the country nearby say that in the time of Antichrist those Jews will sally out and do much harm to Christian men. And so all the Jews in the different parts of the world learn to speak Hebrew, for they believe that the Jews who are enclosed among those hills will know that they are Jews (as they are) by their speech when they arrive. And then they will lead them into Christendom to destroy Christian men. For those Jews say they know by their prophecies that the Jews enclosed among the hills will issue out and the Christians will be under their sway, just as they have been under Christian domination. And if you would know how they will find a place to get out, I shall tell you what I once heard said. 
In the time of Antichrist a fox will make his earth in the very place where King Alexander had the gates of the hills shut up, when he enclosed this people. And this fox will dig for so long in the ground that at last he will emerge among those people. When they see him, they will marvel at him greatly, for they never before have seen an animal like that. (Nevertheless they have all kinds of animals except the fox among them.) They will be so intrigued by this fox that they will chase him hither and thither; and they will pursue him until they come to the hole whence he came out. Then they will dig after him for so long that they will come to the gates that Alexander had stopped up with great stones and cement, and then they will break down these gates and find the way out.
The Travels of Sir John Mandeville, translated by C.W.R.D. Moseley, Penguin Books, pg. 165-167 
Is Timothy Schwab ready to give credence to Sir John Mandeville? Columbus did. Even Leonardo da Vinci had Mandeville in his library. Mandeville is the first to mention a possible route to circumnavigate the globe so it is certain that Magellan read him and took him to be truthful.

Today we know Mandeville's description of the world is utterly fantastic. It is only people like Timothy Schwab, Anna Rose Lipshy, and the God Culture who, unlike the rest of the world, but just like Dionysius Perigetes, Sir John Mandeville, and Martin Behaim, grasp at the legends of Chryse and Argyre as being true. Why doesn't Tim use Sir John Mandeville as a source to prove his claims about the Philippines being Ophir and Filipinos being part of the lost tribes? Because his eyewitness descriptions do not conform to Tim's agenda.

It's better if Tim forgo Mandeville and every other legendary travelogue altogether for some good old fashioned common sense.
For to endeavor to determine the first settlers of these lands, whence and how they came, whether they were Carthaginians, Jews, Spaniards, Phoenicians, Greeks, Chinese, Tartars, etc., is reserved for God, who knows everything; and this task exceeds all human endeavor. And if such study obtain anything, it will amount only to a few fallible conjectures with danger of the judgment, and without any advance of the truth or of reputation.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1803, Vol. 40, pg. 296-297 
Indeed Timothy Schwab’s wild and unfounded speculations about the Philippines and Filipinos amount only to fallible conjectures without any advance of the truth. 


  1. Oops! In your attempt to create doubt you further entrench this 1 point you attempt to attack. Foolish. So, not only did the Philippines trade with Egypt 2000 years ago which was our only point on this 1 slide of about 1 minute but so did West Asia/Persia. Wow! That’s even better. This point becomes even stronger in a timeline of concurrent gold trading in the Philippines. The assumptions in these articles that India had to be a mediator between the Philippines and Egypt is illogical and unfounded even by their own admission. That is the exact scholarly false paradigm we have crushed and you are going to have to deal with whether you like it or not. For one to mention the Philippines trading with Egypt and West Asia even recognizing they had the large balangay ships at least (some 80’ long according to Pigafetta and actual archaeology in Butuan some dated as early as 320 AD), is willing ignorance. Professor Adrian Horridge even documents those balangay in operation going to Sri Lanka and India back in 200 BC at least. Wikipedia stakes a claim of Philippines mining gold since 1000 BC and we test that. The Greeks picked up these trade routes from Solomon’s navy, the Phoenicians and continued them from 800-100 BC approximately. We proved Chryse (Greek land of gold or Ophir) and Argyre (Greek land of silver or Tarshish) are the Philippines in the following videos:

  2. The Lequios of Luzon:
    Finding Chryse:
    1492 Map Shows Luzon as Chryse, Mindanao as Argyre:

    Pomponius Mela in 43 AD located Chryse and Argyre in the Philippines East of IndoChina and he mapped it in which we provide a fully vetted reconstruction that you ridicule like an ignorant child stupidly. He drew 2 large islands SE of China in the South China Sea. The Periplus of the Erythean Sea firmly places Chryse as an island SE of China in the South China Sea. Even Pliny who authors such as Suarez fraudulently represented, writes of Chryse as an Island numerous times in his writings. However, he provides a description of that area where there are 3 rivers in China, a bay and the promontory of Chryse. Based on the word “promontory” Suarez and others simply forget that Pliny said Chryse was an island several times nor do they even understand that “promontory” certainly can be a peninsula but is essentially a rocky point in which many isles of the Philippines have promontories. To throw out all the rest of Pliny’s obvious reference to an island is willing ignorance not scholarship. Dionysus the Tourist provides directions to Chryse as well from the North perspective and he locates it firmly SE of China in the South China Sea. There are 2 fully verified, published and vetted reconstructions of his map of 124 AD which clearly show the same as Mela and the Periplus were describing. In 1492, when Columbus sailed the ocean blue, the thinking of Columbus was he was headed to Ophir (Chryse) and Tarshish (Argyre) which he also identified as the land of the Garden of Eden and Arsareth where some of the Northern Lost Tribes of Israel migrated. Yes, we are aware of your learning disability to actually review something for yourself relying on a British propagandist which you seem to migrate to often. You will never find the truth doing so.

  3. For these articles to not know this information is their shortcoming and problematic for such scholars of willing ignorance. That’s what he wrote in his journal and notes whether you like it or not. However, Columbus was destined for SE Asia, SE of China just North of the equator to a group of islands. That’s called the Philippines and we do not have to guess because in the very same year of 1492, the first World Globe was published by Behaim and it is extremely well documented and attested in history. On that map, just North of the equator SE of China, Behaim identifies the isle of Chryse and it is the shape and location essentially of Luzon Island and Argyre as the shape of Mindanao to the South of it. Columbus did not find this land but the King of Spain then hired Magellan to do so. Magellan did as he even identifies the Lequios as Luzon Island according to Pigafetta. Magellan equates the Lequios as Ofir and Tarsis. This is not rocket science. You have nothing. Even if one threw out the Egyptian trade in the 1st century BC, which you cannot, you cannot disprove the Philippines is Ophir. So why not get over it and take it like a man. You will never win a debate on this topic because truth is truth. If only you would spend as much time truly proving instead of attempting gotcha’s with a communist-style agenda that wishes to see the PhilippinesFail as you are appropriately named, you may actually learn something.

  4. You even agree the blogs, book, Wikipedia, etc. who all make this same point were not entirely off-base. We agree it may be a bit far to assert Philippine gold found in Egypt though the reference certainly does elude to it. However, we find that unnecessary for our case and have already corrected such. We were merely looking for trade with Egypt and it seems West Asia as well which is even better and there it is confirmed. Then there is the well documented history of the Chinese for over 1000 years before the Spanish arrived long before Islam was even a religion trading gold with the Philippines and labeling it the Land of Gold in different variations. You can ignore whatever you want but let us not claim this blog represents the truth on this topic. You have continually lied and misrepresented. You misrepresented Mela, the Periplus and a host of others to attempt to refute the Philippines as Chryse yet you failed. You now continue to harp on a point you don’t even get. You are reading scholars in a false paradigm. You may enjoy that paradigm if you wish but much of the Philippines is tired of such stupidity. Oh yeah, and that ridiculously, lame comment you pulled out of The Philippine Islands which essentially says “duh, I don’t know and no one will ever know but God” is a perfect indication of the paradigm of this blog which certainly does not and is fighting any notion of knowing anything. The good news is you do not have to. The Philippines is Ophir and we prove it. Of course, you do not know that because you are incapable of processing the case evidentally and that is sad but you then blog as if you know something you know very little about even still. Wait til you get to the Bible portion and the Hebrew and most of the history you have missed. Just wait for our coming book and you will find we wrap this in a bow in such a way that academia is going to have to deal with this because this truth’s time has come. It will no longer remain hidden and obscured and nothing you will ever do will stop that momentum from building. Yah Bless.

    1. "The Philippines is Ophir and we prove it." You actually do not prove anything. Tim takes a mishmash of myth and history and then throws his spin on it. Fact is you cannot prove that Philippines is Ophir. All you have is conjecture.

    2. You know nothing because first you have only viewed a few brief videos and cannot even review that which you condemn. Einstein knew you type when he said "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance."
      This blog is thus only based on conjecture. You have to hack up history to try to make a point and even wrote a 20 page blog about a sentence in which we responded when your own blog begins with your dictation of the slide in question which says exactly what we said it did. That's fraudulent. You keep inserting the Lost Tribes which is a different series you have not reviewed any, our Original Canon Series in which you have reviewed none and Solomon's Gold Series in which you have only taken screen shots and have not watched. You do not have to watch but to write a blog in such overt ignorance simply makes you a fool. You know nothing and you have proven nothing wrong, not one point yet continue to draw conclusions in ignorance.

    3. This blog is based entirely on your videos. I have watched enough of them to see how Tim misuses his sources, hasn't read some of them, apparently knows nothing of what Christianity teaches, and in general is a poor researcher out to prove his thesis.

      What's fraudulent is changing your video slides yet keeping the same audio. I already wrote about how doing that makes your videos full of contradictions. Such as saying the armor is indisputably Greek when the slide says pending confirmation. Or omitting Saurez from the slide when you are clearly using him in the audio because the Periplus does not mention Argyre.

      Lost Tribes, Ophir, Garden of you not what your own videos and see how you link them all together? They are of one piece for you.

    4. We have not misused sources. The ones you said were misused were lies. Good job fool. You watched 6 or so videos and understand a case of over 100? How stupid. You know too little to be writing a blog as an expert. Foolish. Your research is pathetic. You continue to misuse one quote after another and the best you can come up with is where some stupid scholar said stars were placed in the face of actual directions leading to the islands SE of China that are fully identified and even mapped. You are not interest in the truth but wish to agitate like a communist. You have failed. We cite Suarez when we use his stuff on screen. We do not mention Suarez on that 1 slide and your own dictation of our words says we did not but you create a 20 page blog to deceive people into your witchcraft of putting words in our mouth your own dictation records were not there. What fraud. The symbols on that armor are indisputably Greek. Again you misrepresent and that's all you got. All these blogs and nothing. We have obliterated every point and you have nothing yet continue to claim you disproved something you haven't even touched. You have not watched the Lost Tribes and know nothing of our position there. You have not made it to the Garden of Eden proof either. You just keep offering stupidity and you look like a fool.

  5. Oh yeah and we will continue to forego the stupid conclusions of British propagandists. Perhaps you should too.

  6. If Chryse and Argyre are myths, why on earth have you spent so much time on their locations? What a hypocrite. They were never myth and remain today just as Ophir and Tarshish are not myths. Mela, The Periplus, Dionysus the Tourist, Columbus, Behaim, Magellan, Josephus, Pliny the Elder, etc. etc. etc. did not believe this a myth. However, again, if you believed it a myth than why would you stupidly argue it's location? You do so because you lost the debate and back up now and say, well, it's a myth anyway. That's childish. Grow up.

    1. I have spent time on them because YOU spend time on them. They are essential to your thesis. Josephus does not mention Chryse or Argyre. He does mention the Golden Peninsula.

    2. And we prove their location which you cannot disprove. However, you instead fraudulently omit half of Mela's directions, scoff at his well-attested map even having the nerve to elude to us making it up like a fool, half of the Periplus directions, misread much and then claim you have the right to write a blog representing yourself as knowing something you do not. That is sad.

    3. Mel puts Chryse and Argyre right near the Ganges in India.

      "In the vicinity of Tamus is the island of Chryse, in the vicinity of the Ganges that of Argyre, According to olden writers, the soil of the former consists of gold, that of the latter is of silver and it seems very probable that either the name arises from this fact or the legend derives from the name."

      This is in the map you use in several videos. Then you go and use a map which places them in a completely different location. So which map is true? Behaim? or Mela? I vote for neither. I also never said you made up the map. What I wrote is that you claim Mela's map represents the Philippines when it clearly does not. The Philippines is not two islands. It is 7,000 islands. To say the Greeks visited and wrote directions to the Philippines and omitted the Visayas is ridiculous. The image I posted of Mela and the Philippines side by side shows how dumb it is.

    4. There you go again in your ignorance. Josephus wrote in Latin Golden Chersonesus which in Greek is "Chryse Chersonesus." You aren't interested in the truth. You just want to agitate stupidly like a child. Grow up.

    5. You can't even quote an entire entry can you? Suarez continues to say he doesn't even know where Mela got that and then, records Mela firmly identifies Chryse and Argyre between the Tip of Malaysia and China in the sea as islands. Again, your geography seems extremely poor as the islands to the East of Indo-China are the Philippines who also fit every other marker in the Bible, history, geography, science, archaeology, linguistics, etc. of which you have hacked up the history portion only and that's it yet claim you have reviewed the case enough. Only enough to remain ignorant. You have no point and all is obliterated.

    6. Mela then, mapped his thoughts and you, in your sagacity, mock his map and scoff at it like a fool yet then claim other scholars to be gods practically. You just misrepresented Mela again as you represented his thoughts only in part leaving out his full belief which was that these isles were in the South China Sea opposite Indo-China essentially. When you scoffed at Mela's map and misquoted the Periplus directions in the same fashion omitting the 2nd half, we then provided such directions from Dionysus the Tourist from a different perspective and they lead to islands SE of China. He too has 2 verified, credible reconstructions of his 124 AD map which position Chryse as SE of China. You continued to scoff and we showed you a map of the first globe from Behaim from 1492, one of the most credible maps in all of history. It shows Chryse as an island in the shape of Luzon even North of the equator and SE of China. We also showed that Columbus agreed with the mindset of this map that he would find Ophir and Tarshish as islands in SE Asia just North of the equator. If you do not know that is the location of the Philippines, as you seem oblivious in this blog, you are simply willingly ignorant just as Peter warned would rise in our times. He then fortifies such with Argyre in the form of Mindinao just South of Chryse/Luzon. That's right where Mela placed it and right where Dionysus the Tourist mapped it and directions from his writings and the Periplus locate it as well. These blogs are a whole bunch of bluster about nothing.

    7. Josephus does not mention the island of Chryse. He mentions the golden peninsula. Same as Ptolemy. Chersonesus means peninsula.

    8. "In the vicinity of Tamus is the island of Chryse, in the vicinity of the Ganges that of Argyre, According to olden writers, the soil of the former consists of gold, that of the latter is of silver and it seems very probable that either the name arises from this fact or the legend derives from the name."

      That is not the south China Sea. That is India. Do you believe your sources or not? The disparity in locations between Mela, the Periplus, Dinoysisus, and Behaim is because these islands do not actually exist. There is no Chryse or Argyre.

      Suarez gives his own interpretation of what Mela meant and he does not mention the Philippines.

      "Chryse most likely represented Malaya, while Argyre was probably Burma, perhaps Arakan."

      Not a word from this expert cartographer about the Philippines. But what is scholarship to you? Tim even said he doesn't need him!

      "Thomas Suarez's book just to glean something that is actually common knowledge and doesn't require a source even. Talk about a non-issue! "

    9. Was there a nation named Philippines in 43 AD? You just get dumber and dumber. Do you really ignore that in even that portion of the quote Mela calls Chryse an island? Did he really not know the difference as a cartographer between an island and a peninsula? Suarez is wrong. You just quoted the first part of Mela's full view from Suarez's book in ignorance yet again. You just can't help yourself can you? He continues...

      "Mela was quoting earlier, unknown sources and he goes on to vaguely [our note: there is nothing vague about this] mention the possibility of a Southeast Asian peninsula:

      Between Colis [southeastern tip of Asia] and Tamus [China'] the coast runs straight. It is inhabited by retiring peoples who garner rich harvests from the sea."

      Then, Mela mapped his directions thus you have no debate as he shows Chryse and Argyre as islands in the South China Sea. Suarez continues to misrepresent that Pliny wrote of a Peninsula when he too calls Chryse an island several times and we explained this previously. He is misleading and so are you. You keep going on and on and on in ignorance. Go ahead, plug your ears fro the truth. We don't care but don't bring others into your ignorance.

      For everyone to review Suarez's words for themselves, here is a link:,+in+the+vicinity+of+the+Ganges+that+of+Argyre,+According+to+olden+writers,+the+soil+of+the+former+consists+of+gold,+that+of+the+latter+is+of+silver+and+it+seems+very+probable+that+either+the+name+arises+from+this+fact+or+the+legend+derives+from+the+name.&source=bl&ots=Tc0jPfRN7o&sig=ACfU3U3lvs2ic1xd0dGYfaB4f2bIHGULWA&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj2sc7zoZnoAhWNKqYKHUL2DKsQ6AEwAHoECAoQAQ#v=onepage&q=In%20the%20vicinity%20of%20Tamus%20is%20the%20island%20of%20Chryse%2C%20in%20the%20vicinity%20of%20the%20Ganges%20that%20of%20Argyre%2C%20According%20to%20olden%20writers%2C%20the%20soil%20of%20the%20former%20consists%20of%20gold%2C%20that%20of%20the%20latter%20is%20of%20silver%20and%20it%20seems%20very%20probable%20that%20either%20the%20name%20arises%20from%20this%20fact%20or%20the%20legend%20derives%20from%20the%20name.&f=false

    10. Was there a nation named Burma in 43 AD? Yet Suarez calls Argyre Burma. If Suarez thought Mela meant the Philippines that is what he would have said but he did not say that. Yeah Mela mentions a peninsula. That is not Chryse and Argyre. That is the Malaysian Peninsula. I quote Suarez in full right here:

      If you think Suarez is wrong then DON'T USE HIM AS A SOURCE!

    11. That's not this blog nor the last one which again shows how many words you have wasted on your attempt to twist the facts to your communist-style agenda to attempt to cast doubt on a very well proven case you cannot disprove nor have you offered anything whatsoever to even begin heading in such direction. Mela mapped his directions so you don't have to guess and it was NOT a peninsula nor in Malaysia. Let us put your childish line back to you: does that island of Chryse look like the shap of the Malay Peninsula? Of course, not. He shows large islands for Chryse and Argyre in the the area of the Philippines Southeast of China not Malaysia. The Periplus confirms this as does Dionysus the Tourist in directions and map and the 1492 map of Behaim supported with the notes and journal of Columbus who all agree. Magellan then found it firmly which you will never disprove. These are cartographers and explorers and to claim they did not know the difference between 2 islands and a Peninsula is willing ignorance especially when they all principally classify Chryse and Argyre as islands. They knew the location of Chryse and Argyre in 43 AD and 124 AD but not their shapes yet which you ridicule stupidly. However, in 1492, Behaim crushes your feeble attempt at humor and debate (or should I call it humorous debate). You cannot marginalize his map reconstruction which is fully published, vetted and proven for over 100 years though you attempted such as a child. You are no one to do so.

    12. Suarez is wrong. We do not quote his conclusions because they are ignorant and loaded with propaganda as well and we do not consider him a true scholar as he tows the Rothschild line inheriting such from the likes of Samuel Purchas who was employed by the East India Company specifically to hack up this topic as a matter of record and confuse people with propaganda. You are falling for this Rothschild propaganda under the banner of supposed "scholarship." He says Pliny calls Chryse an island which he does many times and then 1 time a peninsula which is false as a promontory or rocky point exists on islands as well and he clearly is meddling with the narrative which is not hard to see if you open your eyes. He leaves out the 2nd half of the Periplus directions in fraud really to support his British agenda which you espouse as well using the same tactic. This allows him to stay on the mainland which the Periplus continues to the sea Southeast of China to an island not a peninsula. That's fraud. You criticize us for not quoting his conclusions and then, say we shouldn't quote his conclusions. Make up your mind. You are not even consistent with your own blog which has only attempted to make a few points and you have struggled over 100 printed pages only to end up empty-handed. We hardly use Suarez at all and to attempt to reduce our extensive case to that 1 reference we spend about 1 minute on early in the series is simply stupid and you have failed. We will, however, use any author we wish at any time for any purpose as is our editorial discretion and it is inappropriate for you to even comment regarding that. We credited him appropriately when we used him which is hardly at all.

    13. Again, you have attempted to boil our extensive case down to essentially 3 sources which is ludicrous but this is because you have not actually reviewed the case. You, then, lose the debate on all 3 royally and you keep going on and on with more blogs. You did not disprove the Philippines is Chryse nor will you, yet we prove it is. You are unqualified to claim we did not as you have not reviewed the case which is far more than just history alone. Those who have would disagree with you to the tune of likely 99.9% and that includes doctors, lawyers, theologians, pastors, bishops, rabbis, academics, politicians, etc., all of whom we have heard from. You are not just name calling to us, you are calling them naive and you truly are clueless. You did not disprove the Philippines is Ophir nor will you and you are stuck in history only ignoring the mega-abundant history we cover especially but also you have not even gotten to the Bible which leads to the Philippines, geography, science, archaeology, linguistics, etc. You marginalize very ignorantly when this blog is one big waste of space about nothing. Our videos however, though not intended to be perfect, set forth a researchers' journey in finding Ophir and we most certainly do. Our book will shatter your mediocrity to pieces even more. Along the way, we do find the Garden of Eden which you have not even watched, Rivers from Eden which you have not even watched, Sheba and the Land of Creation. Once we prove all of this, we progressed to the Bible narratives of the Lost Tribes of Israel to find they consistently lead to the same for some of the Northern Lost Tribes as well as 2 other regions from which Isaiah says they will return and none are in Europe. We know you don't know because you continue to blah, blah, blah in ignorance having not reviewed our massive, overwhelming position which you have effectively wasted a whole lot of smoke beginning with your first 2 blogs in which you had only watched 2 recap videos. Talk about ignorance and total misrepresentation. You are not qualified to review this case.

    14. One potshot after another even demeaning our leader who has done nothing to you even attempting to tell people where he lives and you are wrong about everything you have guessed at. Very poor. You claimed he is a Zionist essentially and he is provably the opposite right there in the very videos you comment about without watching stupidly. You attacked his resume and you can't even read as he was a Publisher managing editorial, production, advertising and everything in large publishing operations all while continuing in the ministry for 30+ years. You claim we don't know Hebrew yet some of the guys have extensive such training and you don't know Hebrew and are not qualified to even enter such discussion. However, some of our viewers are linguists, rabbis, those who live in Israel and speak Hebrew and they think you are ignorant as well because we have heard from some. You continue to drag his full name into your blogs over and over and yet, what is your full name? Where do you live? Who exactly are you? Where are you from? Did you live in the US? Are you a communist? Are you being paid to attack The God Culture? What is your resume? What degrees do you possess? From where? Are you a Jesuit? What is you religion? What is your seminary training? Why don't you answer the very questions you put forth in expectation of others yet you hide behind a blog with no "about us" page and no information about yourself whatsoever. We don't really care about your resume ourselves as we will judge this blog by it's fruits which have been lies, libel, misrepresentations, badgering, harassing, illegal, brazen, etc. No one could be so stupid so you must be agitating co on purpose. Who is funding you?

    15. If Suarez is WRONG then stop using him as a source.

    16. You are truly ignorant. We do not use his wrong conclusions. We don't agree with most authors on this topic obviously thus applying such stupid constraining nonsense would mean we would not quote anyone. What a communist-style form of limiting speech in an inappropriate manner as is your entire blog.

    17. I know you reject his conclusions. But you STILL USE HIM AS A SOURCE! He is cited in several videos and he listed on the PDF of approved sources which you posted on Solomons Gold Part 6. If all you want is Mela then use Mela and don't use Suarez as a go between. Use primary sources.

    18. And you do agree with a British propagandist. Good job! Your stupidity is outrageous. We will use whatever we wish and it is inappropriate for you to even suggest otherwise. You are just frustrated because you have lost every debate so you resort to personal attacks and childish agitation.

    19. You are free to use any source you wish of course. But cherry picking sources as you do to confirm your thesis is no way to prove anything. In fact it makes Tim and the God Culture dishonest.

    20. There you go with more of your libel in your dishonest manner completely misrepresenting. We use hundreds of sources as they are overwhelmingly abundant and you focus on 3 principally in which we obliterate your debate even in those measly 3. You just keep talking but you are beating a dead horse as your debate is defunct. So you continue with immature dig after immature dig because you behave as a child. Sad.

    21. And our thesis is fully proven which you have not reviewed yet write blogs in ignorance. This blog even cites 2 sources which certainly do suggest Philippine gold in Egypt in the first century. You put it out there and then dismiss it yet place some such scholars on a throne of godhood in status but not these 2 because they do not agree with your shallow, inaccurate view of commenting on a series you have not even watched like a fool. You claim correction to all those who sourced this and you are wrong, inappropriate and unqualified as these most certainly can be interpreted as such factually and they said nothing wrong in this. Even this point which we report the connection to the Philippines and 1st century Egypt is not misrepresented as you can't even read once again. Legeza is certainly suggesting that gold of Philippine origin is found in Egypt and that the connection in trade with Egypt is proven according to him:

      "The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza
      “Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove [our note: PROVE!!!] that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza

      Again, Legeza says the connection in trade is PROVEN. You really can't read that??? That is not tentative language yet you attempt to mischaracterize it as such as you typically do in your attempt to demean, marginalize, libel, harass, agitate and exercise gross negligence. You have nothing.

      And the Ginto book from Bangko Sentral most certainly not only makes such connection but then explains the route even and verifies Austronesian (Philippine) boats making it to at least Madagascar AS ESTABLISHED FACT. FYI, that's just off the coast of Africa. We know you are challenged in geography. Duh! Can you even read? You even report this above and then ignore what it says as you typically do.

      “Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces (Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence (Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar (Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral

      What? ESTABLISHED FACT!? PROVEN!? These land firmly. Gold of Philippine origin most certainly is reported as existing in Egypt in these articles with the route even specified and the dating of the 1st century AD. and those citing this source were not inaccurate. The point stands and you offer nothing yet again.

      Strike 3, you're out!!!

  7. Regarding Filipinos sailing to Egypt, if you actually watched these videos in which you are commenting which you have not yet comment in ignorance even still, Professor Adrian Horridge places balangay sailing to Sri Lanka and India as far as Egypt in 200 BC. We cover that but perhaps you missed it. You keep saying we do not connect things we most certainly connect. It's as if you can't even absorb a 15 minute video and then you blog about your learning disability. We would say nothing about it but you just keep attacking. Our coming book will help you with this but it will not assist you in your tarnished image in this blog of smoke which has disintegrated. On this point, we appreciate your further gathering sources which we did as well but as we told you in the beginning, we will release them with our book. However, you continue to read British propagandists as if their opinion represents fact and it does not. You will remain very misled by those gymnastics and perhaps this is why your thinking has been so disjointed as to ignore the second half of multiple directions, etc. Using some stupid scholar's references to what stars shine or don't and when as if that overrules actual directions from true experts, is going to lead you far astray. We see this in scholarship all the time and it is why many chase their tails as you are doing on this topic. You cannot breakthru the paradigm because your thinking is too programmed. Shake it off. You can overcome this. You can learn and restore the identity of the Philippines which does not Fail. Yah Bless.

    1. "Using some stupid scholar's references to what stars shine or don't and when as if that overrules actual directions from true experts, is going to lead you far astray. "

      You show your ignorance here by underestimating Mandeville. It's obvious you don't even know who Sir John Mandeville is yet he is as important to the age of discovery as Marco Polo.

    2. You show your ignorance overestimating the agenda of the British which lines most of these such narratives. Columbus, Magellan, The Periplus, Dionysus the Tourist and many more prove Sir Mandeville wrong.

    3. I have not written a single word in favor of British-isrealism or any other lost tribe location. Mandeville's is as reliable as any of the other sources you use including Farissol and Behaim.

    4. He is not reliable compared to Isaiah and the other prophets. They locate the Lost Tribes and we do not use Farrisol to do so but as tertiary support for our finding them in scripture just as we did with Ophir which we first narrowed down the regions specifically without even covering history yet hardly. We even did so without extra-biblical books at first and proved our position out very well already. Of course you do not know that because you never watched Solomon's Gold Series but a recap video in which we tell you in the first sentences, this is a recap and there is no proof here but watch the series. You know nothing of our position yet you have created all these long blogs about something you know nothing of or too little for your opinion to matter and you have misrepresented us on numerous occasions in libel and gross negligence not scholarship. You position yourself as an expert on our findings and you have not even gotten to our conclusions but just attempt to nitpick sources of a YouTube Channel, take libelous potshots in fraud and you have failed. You can go on believing whatever you wish regarding these topics and any for that matter. However, don't misrepresent yourself as one who has even reviewed our position because you have not. We don't care if you do not but continue to spout this nonsense and we will respond as we will not allow you to deceive people nor instill doubt in people on something you have yet to offer one coherent point of disproof. This smokescreen has dissipated now. You have nothing.

    5. "we do not use Farrisol to do so but as tertiary support for our finding them"

      What an absolute joke. You use Farissol to prove your position and then you say you didn't! Mandeville was good enough for Columbus and he should be good enough for you.

    6. You have not watched our Lost Tribes Series fool thus you would not know. We use scripture to locate the Lost Tribes and this blog about Egyptian gold should not be delving into an entire series you haven't even watched. What a fool. No scholar is good enough without testing. All should be tested. He is not a god and he is prone to paradigms as you are. We smash paradigms when we simply read for ourselves.

  8. You cite us as saying:
    How did the gold get there? Well, you will know by the end of this series because the Philippines had ancient ships that are gonna blow your mind.

    Then, you seem to be unaware the different between a SERIES and a video. Do we need to define that for you? Then, write above:

    "The video for Clue #3 does not prove that Filipinos sailed to Egypt or explain how Philippine gold jewelry ended up in Egypt or that Philippine gold jewelry was even found in first century Egypt. All in all it's a rather pointless video that does not fulfill its promise."

    Can you be more stupid? A series is not 1 video of 100 or 1% of it's content. We have videos on the balangay, Philippines junks and Solomon's ships from his era. This whole series makes the case and fortifies it making such connection. You have not reviewed it yet speak in ignorance and in this case you can't even understand the difference between 1% and 100%. Smart.

    1. Then don't call your single video a series. Don't fault me for quoting Tim properly. His video would lead anyone who watched to believe that those junks sailed to Egypt and that is not the case. He does not prove that at all.

    2. How would you know, you have not watched the series? Ignorance. We did not call our single video a series. Tim said we would prove this by the end of the series not in one video. This is why you cannot attempt to dismantle this case by watching a few videos and hacking them up and you lose such debate royally because you are still less than a babe in knowledge on this topic. Seems that has been your mindset all along.

    3. Do you even have a plan for your series? You have wasted 3 videos or so responding to me! You even edited some of them. Again don't blame me for properly quoting Tim. Mrs. Lipshy.

    4. One potshot after another even demeaning our leader who has done nothing to you even attempting to tell people where he lives and you are wrong about everything you have guessed at. Very poor. You claimed he is a Zionist essentially and he is provably the opposite right there in the very videos you comment about without watching stupidly. You attacked his resume and you can't even read as he was a Publisher managing editorial, production, advertising and everything in large publishing operations all while continuing in the ministry for 30+ years. You claim we don't know Hebrew yet some of the guys have extensive such training and you don't know Hebrew and are not qualified to even enter such discussion. However, some of our viewers are linguists, rabbis, those who live in Israel and speak Hebrew and they think you are ignorant as well because we have heard from some. You continue to drag his full name into your blogs over and over and yet, what is your full name? Where do you live? Who exactly are you? Where are you from? Did you live in the US? Are you a communist? Are you being paid to attack The God Culture? What is your resume? What degrees do you possess? From where? Are you a Jesuit? What is you religion? What is your seminary training? Why don't you answer the very questions you put forth in expectation of others yet you hide behind a blog with no "about us" page and no information about yourself whatsoever. We don't really care about your resume ourselves as we will judge this blog by it's fruits which have been lies, libel, misrepresentations, badgering, harassing, illegal, brazen, etc. No one could be so stupid so you must be agitating co on purpose. Who is funding you?

    5. Anna Lipshy it is clear from this comment that i have really hit a nerve with you. You cannot even be coherent. You are all over the place here. You cannot even defend yourself against me with you going ad hominem. Better to just go back to selling real estate.

    6. Sorry moron. You don't even realize we are a group and Anna nor Tim even bother with your stupidity other than Tim's total smackdown in 3 videos which obliterate your nonsense. You have failed on every point and you need to go back to the communist rock you climbed out from underneath. What is you full name David? Where do you live? What is your resume? You demand such but in all your yellow journalism (well, that's a drastic overstatement as this is not journalism in any sense) you fail to tell the people who you are. Are you a communist? You didn't answer that so if if we operate in your manner then we would assume you are a communist then. Fortunately, we are not immature children such as you. What a waste of space.

  9. And our thesis is fully proven which you have not reviewed yet write blogs in ignorance. This blog even cites 2 sources which certainly do suggest Philippine gold in Egypt in the first century. You put it out there and then dismiss it yet place some such scholars on a throne of godhood in status but not these 2 because they do not agree with your shallow, inaccurate view of commenting on a series you have not even watched like a fool. You claim correction to all those who sourced this and you are wrong, inappropriate and unqualified as these most certainly can be interpreted as such factually and they said nothing wrong in this. Even this point which we report the connection to the Philippines and 1st century Egypt is not misrepresented as you can't even read once again. Legeza is certainly suggesting that gold of Philippine origin is found in Egypt and that the connection in trade with Egypt is proven according to him:

    "The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza
    “Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove [our note: PROVE!!!] that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza

    Again, Legeza says the connection in trade is PROVEN. You really can't read that??? That is not tentative language yet you attempt to mischaracterize it as such as you typically do in your attempt to demean, marginalize, libel, harass, agitate and exercise gross negligence. You have nothing.

    And the Ginto book from Bangko Sentral most certainly not only makes such connection but then explains the route even and verifies Austronesian (Philippine) boats making it to at least Madagascar AS ESTABLISHED FACT. FYI, that's just off the coast of Africa. We know you are challenged in geography. Duh! Can you even read? You even report this above and then ignore what it says as you typically do.

    “Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces (Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence (Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar (Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral

    What? ESTABLISHED FACT!? PROVEN!? These land firmly. Gold of Philippine origin most certainly is reported as existing in Egypt in these articles with the route even specified and the dating of the 1st century AD. and those citing this source were not inaccurate. The point stands and you offer nothing yet again.

    Strike 3, you're out!!!

    1. None of those three sources affirm that Philippine gold jewelry was found in ancient Egypt. You can make any inference you want but that will not make them true. You need other sources if you want to prove for a fact that Philippine gold jewelry was found in ancient Egypt.

      None of those sources say the Filipinos were boating to Madagascar. They say Austronesians which is an all encompassing term for various ethnic groups not limited to Filipinos. From those three sources (two really) what we see is influence moving east from Egypt to the Philippines and not the other way around.

      I was pretty clear in my intentions that I was not going to go beyond the bounds of those three sources. The intent was to only look at those sources and see what they had to say. They most certainly do not affirm beyond a shadow of a doubt and as a matter of fact that Philippine gold jewelry was found in 1st century Egypt. The whole claims is based on this once sentence from Legeza:

      The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.

      Seem to have reached. Not actually did. And he provides NO SOURCES for this claim.

    2. Go re-read what I wrote again. I dealt with your criticism already.

      Given that there was a trade connection between Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire it is likely that Philippine gold jewelry did make its way to the West. But that is only to be inferred from these two sources. Absolute proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in first century Egypt as well as an explanation of how it got there such as Filipino junks sailing to Egypt or Philippine artifacts being traded across Asia until they reached Egypt will have to be looked for elsewhere. I will not be expanding beyond the bounds of these three sources.

      Also while Legeza says trade contacts between the Philippines and West Asia are proven he does not discuss the nature of these contacts. He certainly does not make the claim that balangays made their way to Africa. Any information about these trade contacts will have to be looked for elsewhere.

      See this where you guys mess up big time. You infer too much and take that as fact. Instead of letting sources speak for themselves you put words in their mouth as it were. Let these three sources speak for themselves and they don't say what you claim they do. You want to know more about the trade routes? Then follow the citations in Villegas. They lead to two books about the trade routes between East Asia and the Roman Empire.

    3. Only a fool would read one author rendering a PROVEN trade between Egypt, West Asia and the Philippines and then call it speculative that the gold traded by the one side would end up in the other. That's willing ignorance not scholarship. Then, to read the other author who not only calls the African-Philippine trade as ESTABLISHED FACT but defines the route even but then, stupidly assert that both of these are only asserting a one-way trade of Egyptian goods to Philippines and not the other way around, ignorance. Villegas for Bangko Sentral even lays out the trade route of how Philippine items ended up in Egypt, etc. and you read that and say it's speculative based on the first part of a different article not even bothering to acknowledge this moves passed tentative language completely and nails it down as definitive. No surprise, that is exactly how you read the Bible and have even read our replies and attempting to screw up our videos. That is the kind of hatchet job you continue because it's all you got. You have nothing as you cannot disprove that the Philippines is Ophir. You have failed the Philippines. Again, you marginalize because you do not wish to accept what it clearly says. You don't have to but most will and most will see beyond this hack job on history you attempt which you represent. They will read for themselves and see your simply offering nonsense to confuse and instill doubt. But you failed.

    4. Everyone can read for themselves...
      “Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza [21]
      “Apart from India and China, Butuan is known to have had extensive trading connections with Arabia and in all probability with Sumatra and Java. The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza

      “Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces(Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence(Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar(Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral

    5. If Tim is doing the work of an evangelist in the Philippines surely he has a missionary visa, right? I don't think so. He has said he is not part of any organization, not part of any denomination. That means no one sent him to do religious work in the Philippines.

    6. You didn't read what I wrote at all. Here it is again.

      "Given that there was a trade connection between Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire it is likely that Philippine gold jewelry did make its way to the West. But that is only to be inferred from these two sources. Absolute proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in first century Egypt as well as an explanation of how it got there such as Filipino junks sailing to Egypt or Philippine artifacts being traded across Asia until they reached Egypt will have to be looked for elsewhere. I will not be expanding beyond the bounds of these three sources."

      You want more "proof" for Philippines training with Egypt DIRECTLY and of Philippine artifacts ending up in Egypt and how they ended up there you will have to look beyond these three sources. You have missed the point completely. The point is not to prove your thesis or any thesis but to look at what these sources say for themselves. Again if you want to prove your thesis you need to look BEYOND these three sources.

    7. Only a fool would read one author rendering a PROVEN trade between Egypt, West Asia and the Philippines and then call it speculative that the gold traded by the one side would end up in the other. That's willing ignorance not scholarship. Then, to read the other author who not only calls the African-Philippine trade as ESTABLISHED FACT but defines the route even but then, stupidly assert that both of these are only asserting a one-way trade of Egyptian goods to Philippines and not the other way around, ignorance. Villegas for Bangko Sentral even lays out the trade route of how Philippine items ended up in Egypt, etc. and you read that and say it's speculative based on the first part of a different article not even bothering to acknowledge this moves passed tentative language completely and nails it down as definitive. No surprise, that is exactly how you read the Bible and have even read our replies and attempting to screw up our videos. That is the kind of hatchet job you continue because it's all you got. You have nothing as you cannot disprove that the Philippines is Ophir. You have failed the Philippines. Again, you marginalize because you do not wish to accept what it clearly says. You don't have to but most will and most will see beyond this hack job on history you attempt which you represent. They will read for themselves and see your simply offering nonsense to confuse and instill doubt. But you failed.

    8. Everyone can read for themselves...
      “Hellenistic trade beads of West Asiatic and Egyptian origins found in early burials in many places in the Philippines, prove that such early trade contacts, no matter how irregular, existed between the Philippine archipelago and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D.” –Laszlo Legeza [21]
      “Apart from India and China, Butuan is known to have had extensive trading connections with Arabia and in all probability with Sumatra and Java. The locally produced gold necklaces comprising of dentate interlocking beads seem to have reached Egypt, later to be mistakenly identified by European collectors as Egyptian.” –Laszlo Legeza

      “Some of the non-Indian borrowed designs found only in their original sources and in the Philippine area suggest direct linkages with other cultural currents from the Indian Ocean. Among these are kamagi necklaces(Aldred 1978: 105) and penannular, barter rings which both show Egyptian influence(Aldred 1978: 20, 94). The earliest insular Southeast Asian products reached the Mediterranean through a port on the Arabian Gulf, which were transported overland to the headwaters of the Nile, then shipped down to Alexandria. Austronesian traders are also known to have reached Madagascar(Miller 1969; Taylor 1976), so the African connection is an established fact.” –Villegas, Bangko Sentral

  10. Regarding the Philippines as Chryse and Argyre, we fully nail this down and firmly prove it in these videos including directions from the Periplus in the first century you misquote omitting the 2nd half indicated it is Southeast of China, directions from Dionysus the Tourist in 124 AD, verified and credible maps from Pomponius Mela originating in 43 AD and Dionysus originating in 124 AD labelling Chryse and Argyre as islands Southeast of China right where the Philippines is. Then, a 1492 Map from Behaim showing Chryse as the shape and location of Luzon and Argyre as the shape and location of Mindanao to the South of that. Here are those videos which obliterate this continued ignorance:
    The Lequios of Luzon:
    Finding Chryse:
    1492 Map shows Luzon as Chryse and Mindanao as Argyre:

    Debate lost royally.

  11. You have lost the right to attempt debate as you are a fraud PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. It seems to bother you when someone uses your concealed name over and over PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas yet you do it in every blog in ignorance as much of what you invoke Tim's name isn't even him. You are a liar PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas who has lost every debate PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You misrepresent constantly PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and are guilty of libel, gross negligence, falsifying and massive misleadings PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I am very angry with your communist-style, jesuit-style agitation and many Filipinos are and will be as well as they will not tolerate your yellow-tard behavior much longer PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. One of our viewers called your worthless rants of nothing, saliva PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have attacked and attacked and attacked PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas without provocation nor reason and in fraud and you are proven wrong on every point PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have lost all debate PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. Everything you have attempted has been proven to have no basis and you have been caught manipulating historic quotes and misrepresenting taking fragments as you do with the word and misapplying them PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. Your Biblical illiteracy is ridiculous PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. This blog is one big blunder PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have been caught lying about our leader in personal libelous garbage PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and our group and you can't even render a sentence with accuracy PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You are a liar PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. This blog is full of lies and deceit and frankly, demonic in nature and no, we will not tolerate demons PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. We know who you are PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and we know more but we will save that for the right time. You have failed the Philippines PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. David Roxas owner of PhilippineFails.blogspot caught in manipulation, malicious lying. The person behind PhilippineFails.blogspot is David Roxas. President, PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. PhilippineFails.blogspot blogger David Roxas exposed for libel, manipulation, gross negligence and harassment. I am not going to tolerate you anymore PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You are a waste of space PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. We will not indulge you anymore in debate because you have lost such right as you are a fraud PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I will respond in the same annoying childish manner in which you have attacked because you have lost the right to debate immature child and you will simply have to get over it PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. However, the search engines are gonna love all these mentions and it will not take long for your name to rise to the top with PhilippineFails. Enough of your abuse, you are now going to get it back PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I've been nice so far PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas.

  12. This illiterate, uniformed blog from PhilippinesFails David Roxas in it's continued reckless name-calling in communist-style fashion now calls Tim a Judaizer for teaching the Biblical principal Messiah and the apostles taught to keep the Biblical Feasts. Was Paul a Judaizer? Was he rebuking himself? Was he a hypocrite? Of course not yet Paul kept the Biblical Feasts as did Messiah, the Apostles and the Early Church. Scripture is abundant on this as we prove. Did Paul ever say not to keep the Feasts? Of course not. Paul said to KEEP THE FEASTS and kept them himself, so did Luke and so did Messiah Himself and he was not talking about the very hypocritical replacements called Christmas and Easter which are both rebuked by Jeremiah. Yet hypocrites like PhilippinesFails David Roxas attack the actual Biblical feasts and usually, keep these 2 feasts of the Harlot of Babylon instead because of course that is Biblical how? Oh, it’s not. Watch our Spring Feasts in the New Testament video and you will find scripture is not silent on this matter nor can anyone claim to represent scripture and claim Paul was ever rebuking the keeping of the Biblical Feasts as to say so is to call Paul a hypocrite which is false doctrine. No surprise from this illiterate blogger PhilippinesFails David Roxas. That is Biblical illiteracy which this PhilippinesFails David Roxas blog who has no qualifications to teach the Bible whatsoever nor is he an historian, fails the Philippines yet again. In this blog, he also misrepresents himself a lawyer, among other misrepresentations in not being able to read and comprehend history either, which he knows nothing of immigration laws, and the Bureau of Immigration does not agree with his fraudulent interpretation either. How embarrassing for PhilippinesFails David Roxas who shows his ignorance constantly. On and on and on he goes with fraudulent attacks based on misrepresentation and never once has he actually landed a legitimate criticism of The God Culture’s conclusions which he has not even reviewed yet continues in utter ignorance unable to even read a sentence or a paragraph just as he can’t watch the videos he condemns as he misrepresents Paul in this fashion as rebuking himself stupidly. Now that’s dumb of PhilippinesFails David Roxas. This blog is trash which should be removed but PhilippinesFails David Roxas leaves this trash sitting there on the internet for you to have to sift thru. Even though disproven, this manipulator leaves his lies out there to deceive. What a fraud this PhilippinesFails David Roxas is.

  13. We have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.
