To understand the teaching and doctrine of The God Culture one must be familiar with The Book of Jubilees. All the teachings distinctive to Timothy Jay Schwab and his group come directly from that book. Be it the teachings about the sabbath day and the feasts or that the Philippines is the Garden of Eden all their principal doctrines are derived from The Book of Jubilees.
Tim defends The Book of Jubilees as being part of the original canon of scripture which was allegedly suppressed by the Catholic church to hide the truth about the sabbath. He claims that he has thoroughly tested the Book of Jubilees and found it to be in line with the teachings of what we accept as scripture (the 66 Books of the Bible.) Is that true? Did Tim really put it to the test? Was the Book of Jubilees ever a part of Hebrew or Christian scripture which was suppressed by authorities to cover up truth?
Tim defends The Book of Jubilees as being part of the original canon of scripture which was allegedly suppressed by the Catholic church to hide the truth about the sabbath. He claims that he has thoroughly tested the Book of Jubilees and found it to be in line with the teachings of what we accept as scripture (the 66 Books of the Bible.) Is that true? Did Tim really put it to the test? Was the Book of Jubilees ever a part of Hebrew or Christian scripture which was suppressed by authorities to cover up truth?
In this post I will look at three of The God Culture's videos which discuss this issue. The first two are foundational and give us a good sense of Timothy Jay Schwab's mindset regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls and extra-canonical books. The last one deals directly with the Book of Jubilees. Following a cursory analysis of these videos will be a survey of the Book of Jubilees itself.
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2:46 - Oldest copies of the Bible either in part or in whole that we had were from the 9th century AD forward. Wen you hear someone say the original Hebrew or Greek or even Aramaic including us they are actually referring to one of these texts from 900 AD, the Masoretic text typically. Because there are none that we knew of before that until 1947. That was 70 years ago. So today we have incorporated these into bible translations and have learned much from them right? Well not really. Unfortunately that has not happened even remotely to the degree that it should. Why?
4:08 - Dead sea scrolls are they inspired? Are they canon? Well, yes.
4:47 - The Book of Jubilees a book with THOUSANDS OF YEARS OF HISTORY and use before Yahusha Jesus and even by the early Church Fathers after. And with that book we have actually found The Garden of Eden and the land of creation. It's right there. Directions from Noah. Is that really evil?Those "directions from Noah" to the Garden of Eden are in chapter 8 of the Book of Jubilees. Suffice it to say Tim is wrong. The Book of Jubilees does not have a history of usage for thousands of years. It was written in the 2nd century BC and not by Moses. It is interesting to note that Tim believes the Dead Sea Scrolls are canon and should be incorporated into the Christian Bible. He is very adamant that the Dead Sea Scrolls constitute John the Baptist's library and that the issue of our day is restoring God's Word which includes the Scrolls.
65:54 - There are those who would marginalize them because the Catholic Church chose to delete them from John the Baptist's Bible. Yes that's what they really did. They censored a portion of John the Baptist's Bible. If we prove this out completely, and we will, it will take a few videos but we will, then we will prove this is the case. Because that is what an ancient scroll library is. It is the Old Testament, there were no New Testament scrolls found, there were also no gnostic gospels found that is a lie if you have heard that. So the Old Testament, the oldest canon of scripture of the Old Testament scripture, was indeed compiled byy John the Baptist. Not just arbitrary writings of pagan Essenses. This is the issue of our day. Restoring Yahuah God's Word and understanding exactly what THE God Culture really is.One thing Tim says quite a few times is that the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls is the voice of one crying in the wilderness once more. That is to say John is crying out once more. Tim does not tell us which books among the Dead Sea Scrolls point specifically to Jesus as the Messiah which is what John cried out. It's strange that if John wrote books and kept a library that he would be silent about Jesus Christ. Tim admits no New Testament books were found at Qumran.
The second video is "Who Lived In Qumran? Essenes? NO! Where Did They Live? Proof."
This whole video is an attempt to prove that the Essenes did not live at Qumran. Tim repeatedly bashes scholars calling them frauds and accusing them of being willingly ignorant for ignoring what is right under their noses. All the scholars who have devoted their lives to their fields of study are wrong and amateur armchair archaeologist Timothy Jay Schwab is correct. The Essenes had nothing to do with the Dead Sea Scrolls and lived no where near Qumran according to expert historian Timothy Schwab.
23:44 "the scholar who wrote the Wikipedia article"
32:34 The Wikipedia article is jumping to a conclusion that it is on the northwest side of the Dead Sea and then marrying that to Qumran that is very misleading and blatantly false.
38:40 "The scholar who wrote this Wikipedia article says..."
Does Tim really believe that scholars write the articles on Wikipedia? Well they don't. ANYONE can edit a Wikipedia article. That is one reason why it's not 100% reliable and why Tim should not be using it as a primary source as he does in practically all of his videos. Does he know he can delete that allegedly erroneous passage and add a correction? Funny that he accuses the article of "jumping to a conclusion" when he does this with abandon throughout his videos.
49:50 This is a time capsule of the Old Testament canon of scripture from the most reliable source, John the Baptist. If our current canon does not match his then we should be asking if any books not found in his are inspired or canon. And we should be considering how to include books like Jubilees and Enoch which were among the most found scrolls in all of the Dead Sea Scroll library.
53:05 Even if it is determined that some of the writings may not be scripture it does not mean they are not useful which is what really matters. That's the right question.The issue for Tim is not canonicity per se but usefulness, i.e. whether or not the Scrolls confirm any of his own personal beliefs. He also says the Scrolls are being hidden in plain sight for a reason. It's all a conspiracy.
The final video is "BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls."
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This video is chock full of nonsense and I will have to pass by practically all of it. At 36:52 Tim begins a harangue against the government. He brings up the IRS and tax codes calling them part of the world's Pharisaic leavened government. Is that a clue as to why he left the USA? Was he having tax problems? It's a rather odd topic to insert in a video about The Book of Jubilees.
This video is also infuriatingly disappointing. Tim does not begin to discuss the actual contents of The Book of Jubilees until halfway through. He promises more videos to come which will discuss The Book of Jubilees in depth but it has been over a year and there has been nothing. If you were expecting anything like a systematic perusal and analysis of The Book of Jubilees' contents as I was then you will be sorely disappointed.
Tim has not thoroughly tested this book at all. His shallow discussion of The Book of Jubilees is limited to comparing the wording of a few New Testament passages with those in Jubilees. His thesis is that the Apostles were familiar with the book and used it for formulating doctrine. This is all based on the principle that everything must have at least two witnesses. For example he thinks John 1:3 is a citation of or allusion to Jubilees 16:26.
However Jubilees 16:26 is not a prophecy about the Messiah but about the nation of Israel. James VanderKam, who has devoted most of his life to studying The Book of Jubilees, has produced not only a different translation from that of R.H. Charles which is based on the finds at Qumran as well as the Ethiopic text but also a vast commentary on The Book of Jubilees.
Take it for what it's worth, the commentary of a man who has devoted his life to studying The Book of Jubilees. For Tim's thesis and method to have any merit a comparative look at the original texts would have to be done to see what similarities there are. Such claims cannot rely solely on English translations.
Tim says that the Book of Jubilees clarifies Genesis and that it is Torah. According to him without the Book of Jubilees we will not rightly understand Genesis. Towards the end of the video he offers this challenge:
This video is also infuriatingly disappointing. Tim does not begin to discuss the actual contents of The Book of Jubilees until halfway through. He promises more videos to come which will discuss The Book of Jubilees in depth but it has been over a year and there has been nothing. If you were expecting anything like a systematic perusal and analysis of The Book of Jubilees' contents as I was then you will be sorely disappointed.
Tim has not thoroughly tested this book at all. His shallow discussion of The Book of Jubilees is limited to comparing the wording of a few New Testament passages with those in Jubilees. His thesis is that the Apostles were familiar with the book and used it for formulating doctrine. This is all based on the principle that everything must have at least two witnesses. For example he thinks John 1:3 is a citation of or allusion to Jubilees 16:26.
However Jubilees 16:26 is not a prophecy about the Messiah but about the nation of Israel. James VanderKam, who has devoted most of his life to studying The Book of Jubilees, has produced not only a different translation from that of R.H. Charles which is based on the finds at Qumran as well as the Ethiopic text but also a vast commentary on The Book of Jubilees.
26. He blessed his Creator who had created him in his generation because he had created him for his pleasure, for he knew and ascertained that from him there would come a righteous plant for the history of eternity and (that) from him there would be holy descendants so that they should be like the one who had made everything.
Now he blesses the Creator for his marvelous actions initiated through him. The verse concludes with an affirmation that he was aware that holy descendants, resembling the one who created them, would arise from him. This seems to be an appeal to those passages in the Holiness Code (e.g., Lev 19:2) and elsewhere calling Israel to be holy as the Lord himself is (see above on 15:27, 31; 16:17-18). Berger notes that the language here—“that they should be like the one who had made everything”— reminds one of the image of God. In its holiness, which can hardly be separated from keeping the law, Israel would exhibit the likeness of the Creator.
Jubilees A Commentary in Two Volumes, Vol 1, pg. 546
Tim says that the Book of Jubilees clarifies Genesis and that it is Torah. According to him without the Book of Jubilees we will not rightly understand Genesis. Towards the end of the video he offers this challenge:
1:18:55 - And we issue this challenge to modern scholarly paradigms to actually read this book and test it.I will now take up this challenge. What does The Book of Jubilees actually contain? Does The Book of Jubilees clarify Genesis? Is it part of the Torah written by Moses? Was it ever part of the Hebrew or Christian canon until it was suppressed?
The Book of Jubilees is an apologetic for the law.
Obviously, the chief object of the work is to exalt the Law (and Hasidæan practise) as divinely ordained and fixed from eternity, to extol the institutions of the Sabbath and circumcision as heavenly signs distinguishing Israel from the rest of the nations, and, finally, to draw the sharpest possible lines of demarcation between Israel and the Gentiles—in striking contrast to the practise of the Hellenist party.
One of the most striking things about The Book of Jubilees is that we read the Patriarchs Adam, Noah, and Abraham all kept the law before it had been given on Mt. Sinai through Moses. That is because, according to Jubilees, the law is eternal being written on heavenly tables. The Book of Jubilees espouses the occult Hermetic doctrine of as above, so below. The sabbath is kept above in the heavens so it must be kept below on the earth.
We also read stories about the Patriarchs that sound similar to what is in Genesis but details have been changed. What is happening is that the author is filling in the gaps attempting to answer difficult questions. From James VanderKam's commentary on Jubilees we read:
What I am going to do now is go through The Book of Jubilees and list passages that are dissimilar to the Genesis narrative in a way that contradicts it proving that Moses did not write The Book of Jubilees. Why would Moses write two differing Genesis accounts anyway? These disparities will prove that Jubilees is rightly rejected as canonical by everyone who is not a schismatic like the group at Qumran who collected the Dead Sea Scrolls and The God Culture who wishes to incorporate The Book of Jubilees into the Bible. The Ethiopian Church does include Jubilees in their canon but they are also a heretical group which teaches a non-Chalcedonian Christology and they include other apocryphal books in their canon. They certainly don't teach anything like the doctrine Tim derives from The Book of Jubilees.
To keep this post neat and not have it run to an unwieldy length I will not be quoting full passages but only giving the references to chapter and verse with a description of what is being said and what it means. Despite that what follows will necessarily be a wall of text. You can follow along by reading The Book of Jubilees online.
Chapter 1 begins with God telling Moses that Israel will forsake Him. Moses prays for the people. God tells the Angel of the Presence to write for Moses about creation and the dividing of times until the renewal of the heavens and earth until the sanctuary of the Lord shall be made in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.
Already we have an anachronism with the mention of Jerusalem and Mount Zion. Jerusalem was not even taken by the Jews until David sacked it hundreds of years after they entered Canaan. Whoever wrote Jubilees was familiar with Jerusalem, Mount Zion, and the temple. That means the author is not Moses.
Chapter 2 is about creation. In verse 19 God says he will choose a people to keep the Sabbath day. Verse 20 tells us God chose Jacob. Verse 30 tells us that the Sabbath was kept in heaven before it was revealed to man. But how could this be if the Sabbath is strictly tied to creation and is the day of rest after creation was completed? It makes no sense except in the scheme of the author who is exalting the law. The Sabbath now becomes an eternal ordinance and is no longer strictly tied with creation. Of all the nations only Israel is sanctified to keep this eternal ordinance.
Verse 31 says that God "did not sanctify all peoples and nations to keep the Sabbath" but only Israel. Verse 33 says this law and testimony of the Sabbath were given to the children of Israel forever. This would mean that Tim, being a Gentile, is under no obligation to keep the Sabbath. So why does he teach that all men must keep the Sabbath? Why contradict Jubilees if he considers it to be canon? Tim says in his new sabbath series:
Both Tim's and Exodus' doctrine of the sabbath is a clear contradiction of Jubilees! Jesus is also contradicted by Jubilees. If the sabbath was created for man as Christ says then it cannot be an enteral ordinance kept by angels in heaven before it was revealed to man as The Book of Jubilees declares.
In contrast to Tim James Vanderkam gives an interpretation that takes these verses for what they mean.
Chapter 3 is about the formation of Eve and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were created in the same week but Eve was not shown to Adam until 14 days had passed. After 40 days Adam was placed into the Garden of Eden but Eve was not brought into the Garden of Eden until 80 days had passed. So Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden for 80 days! Verse 10 tells us the reason for this is in regards to the purity laws after a woman had given birth. These laws can be found in Leviticus 12.
How does this addition clarify Genesis? God says it is not good for man to be alone so he created woman from the man's rib. Now man has a helpmeet. But in Jubilees man is still alone even after woman had been created because Eve is impure! What do the purity laws in Leviticus have to do with the formation of Eve? The Book of Jubilees contradicts the Genesis account of the formation of man and muddies the story by the additional explanation of the Levitical purity laws regarding childbirth. There is no clarity here only confusion.
After seven years the serpent comes to tempt Adam and Eve. They are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Verse 28 indicates that animals used to speak. There is no protoevangelium of the woman's seed crushing the serpent's head. There is also no angel with a flaming sword guarding the entrance to the Garden. Though Adam and Eve sin by eating the fruit of a tree there is no mention of a Tree of Life or a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Chapter 4 verse 23 tells us that Enoch was taken into the Garden of Eden. Verse 26 mentions Mount Zion which is an anachronism. Moses knew nothing of Mount Zion.
Chapter 6 verse 2 says Noah made an atonement for the guilt of the earth which does not make sense because everyone was dead except Noah and his family. It is not clear at all what is meant by "the guilt of the earth." Can an atonement be made for the dead? Verse 17 says Noah celebrated the Feast of Weeks once a year to renew the covenant God made with him. Verse 19 says Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob also observed the Feast of Weeks until it was forgotten and then renewed on Sinai. Verse 32 says a year is 364 days which is not correct at all. The import of this verse is to regulate the observation of the feasts. This chapter ends by God predicting that the people will forget the 364 day year when they begin to observe the moon and see it coming 10 days too soon.
Here we have the Patriarchs celebrating feasts which were later revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. But in Leviticus the Feast of Weeks is called a harvest festival and not at all meant to commemorate the covenant God made with Noah after the flood. How does the story of these Patriarchs keeping the Feast of Weeks for a reason which contradicts the Torah clarify Genesis?
Chapter 8 is where we find the "directions to the Garden of Eden" which Tim claims is the Philippines. Verse 19 calls the Garden of Eden the Holy of Holies and the dwelling place of the Lord and mentions Mount Zion and Mount Sinai as also being holy places. All three places (Eden, Zion, and Sinai) face each other. Mount Zion is called the navel of the world. If the Garden of Eden is facing Mt. Zion and Mt. Sinai as this chapter attests then it cannot possibly be in the Philippines which is thousands of miles away from Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion.
Again Moses would have had no knowledge of Mount Zion as he did not even enter the promised land. We are led to believe that the Garden of Eden exists somewhere on earth even after the flood. According to chapter 4 Enoch was taken there. Tim says Enoch resides in the Garden of Eden (which Tim declares is the Philippines) to this day!
In Chapter 10 Noah prays to God that He would imprison all the unclean demons who were leading men astray. Mastema, also known as Satan, intervenes and asks God to let him have some of the evil spirits to control so that he can use them to lead men astray and tempt them. God acquiesces to his request and allows 1/10th of them to remain free.
Chapter 11 introduces us to Abram. At the age of 14 he stops worshipping idols and begins to pray to the Creator to save him. Verse 11 tells us that Mastema sent ravens to eat the seed which was sown and that food was scarce as a result. After Abram prays to God he is able to command the ravens to not eat the seed and to never return. As a result he becomes very famous in the land. In Genesis Abram is nobody, a literal idol worshipper whom God calls to leave his homeland. He's not a famous man who has power with God to command animals nor is he a monotheist when he is called by God. How does this very fanciful and apocryphal story clarify Genesis when it contradicts it?
Chapter 16 verses 20 - 31 Abraham celebrates the Feast of Tabernacles. Verse 29 says that this festival is made a statue for Israel forever. This is a clear contradiction of Leviticus 23:42-43 which tells us that the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths is to commemorate the exodus from Egypt when Israel was made to dwell in tents. It is a senseless anachronism to have Abraham celebrating this feast. This contradiction between Jubilees and Leviticus does not add clarity to Genesis.
Chapter 17 verse 16 tells us that Mastema, Satan, instigated God to command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a test of his obedience. This account is similar to the book of Job where Satan persuades God to allow him to tempt Job as a test of his righteousness. It also turns the Genesis narrative on its head as the temptation of Abraham now become a contest between God and Satan. Chapter 18 verse 12 says Mastema was put to shame after Abraham passes the test.
Introducing Mastema gets rid of the messianic type of this story. Isaac is no longer a type of Christ and the focus is on Satan instead of Abraham. It is highly likely that Satan is injected into the story here to absolve God of any blame for tempting Abraham to sacrifice his son. This story does not clarify the Genesis narrative but only muddies it.
The God Culture agrees that the insertion of Satan into this story clarifies things and absolves God from any blame.
Inserting Satan seems to clear things up but there is in fact no very serious theological question to rectify except for those who do not believe what the text actually says. Is this dynamic to be found in Job? No. In Job Satan asks permission from God to try Job and the permission is granted. God does nothing to Job. Satan even has Job's children slaughtered.
But in Genesis God is the one doing the action. He is the one who tempts or tests Abraham. And he is the one who stays Abraham's hand. It is a test of Abraham's faith and Isaac is a type of Christ. Abraham was willing to offer up his son while God really did offer up his only Son for our salvation.
Chapter 22 verses 16-18 Isaac warns Jacob to separate himself from the nations because their works are unclean. The whole chapter stresses that Jacob will be separate from the Gentiles and that he will establish a Holy Seed. This is the theme of Jubilees as shown in chapter 2.
Chapter 24 verse 27-33 Isaac curses the Philistines. Verse 27 says he made peace with them under constraint. Verses 28-32 are an imprecation against the Philistines swearing their eternal destruction. Verse 33 says this curse is written on the heavenly tables.
This story turns Genesis 26:26-33 on it's head. In that story Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, approaches Isaac to ask for an oath and covenant of peace. Isaac asks "Why, since you hate me," and the king says, "Because we see God is with you and has blessed you." They then have a feast and in the morning swear peace to one another and part amicably. There is no constraint here. Isaac enters this covenant willingly and even has a feast! In Jubilees there is no peace between Isaac and the Philistines. Instead there is only a curse from Isaac. Jubilees contradicts Genesis in this account.
VanderKam notes the following about this account in Jubilees 24 and its contradiction with Genesis 26.
Chapter 25 verse 4 Jacob says he is nine weeks of years old which is an odd way of speaking if one does not keep in mind the object of the Book of Jubilees is to divide all time in to weeks of years and Jubilees which is 7 weeks of years or 49 years.
Chapter 28 is about Jacob's marriage to Leah and Rachel. Laban tricks him and says he did so because it is not right to give away the younger before the elder. Verse 7 has an admonition to the "children of Israel" that they follow this custom. It is another anachronism as there were no children of Israel nor had Jacob's name been changed to Israel at that time.
Chapter 30 is the story of the defilement of Jacob's daughter Dinah. Verses 5-22 gives a warning to the Israelites to not marry with the Gentiles. Verse 18 says that the tribe of Levi was chosen to the priesthood because of the zealousness of Levi in avenging Dinah.
Chapter 31 is similar to Genesis 48 and the blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh by Jacob. This time it's Isaac who blesses Levi and Judah. The blessing he gives to each is of the priesthood and the throne respectively. This story is not recorded in Genesis. There is in fact no mention of a Levitical priesthood in the scriptures until after the exodus from Egypt. There is also no throne given to Judah until David. This story is clearly an addition by the second century author who is exalting the twin pillars of Israel's uniqueness which is the throne of David and the Levitical priesthood.
Chapter 32 verse 1 says Levi dreamed he was ordained the priest of the Most High God. Verse 3 has Jacob clothing Levi in garments of the priesthood. Verse 9 says Levi discharged the priestly office. How did he discharge this office with no ark and no tabernacle or temple? He didn't. This is a made up story by the author of Jubilees to magnify the Levitical priesthood. Like many of the other stories in Jubilees it is also found in the spurious pseudepigraphal work The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. This story is in the Testament of Levi chapter 9.
Chapter 33 is the story of Reuben sleeping with Bilah. Verses 10-20 are an excursus from the law about how abominable this sin is. It is another chance for the author to extol the law.
Chapter 34 verses 4-9 has a strange story about Jacob subduing several kings and imposing tribute on them until the day Jacob left for Egypt. We read of nothing like it in Genesis or Josephus or elsewhere. When did Jacob and his sons become a powerful army which could subdue kings? The Pharaoh of Egypt would have heard of such a thing but he never mentions it when Jacob appears before him.
In chapters 35-36 Esau and Jacob visit their dying father Isaac. He admonishes Esau to be at peace with Jacob and not to hate him. Brotherly love and affection are appealed to in 36:8. In chapter 37 the sons of Esau become very angry with their father because Isaac had given the portion of the elder to the younger. They declare war against Jacob and provoke Esau to join them. A huge army then confronts Jacob. In chapter 38 Judah tells Jacob to slay the enemy. In 38:2 Jacob kills Esau with a bowshot. Jacob's sons prevail over the sons of Esau and they become their servants paying tribute until the day Jacob left for Egypt.
The killing of Esau by Jacob is a major departure from the narrative in Genesis. Why is it included? What clarity does this horrendous story of fratricide shed upon Genesis? What are we supposed to learn from this story? It seems that it is a story made up by the author of Jubilees to explain the enmity between the Edomites and Israel. Judah is the one who is given the throne and his descendant David will conquer Edom in the future (2 Samuel 8:14). Thus it is symbolic that he tells Jacob, who is Israel, to slay the enemy, who is Esau or Edom. Israel then subjects the Edomites to tribute. This would explain why the Edomites are at enmity with Israel. The God Culture also agrees with that explanation:
The subduing of the Edomites along with the subduing of the other kings and putting them to tribute would be a story that Pharaoh of Egypt would be familiar with but he does not bring it up when he meets Jacob. Jacob and his family are portrayed as shepherds and not as a powerful nation to which other nations were paying tribute. This is more evidence that the story is spurious.
Chapter 48 verse 2 tells us that Mastema, Satan, attempted to kill Moses at the lodging place. This is a reference to Exodus 4:24-26 where God meets Moses to kill him. Zipporah, Moses' wife, stays God's hand by circumcising her two boys. Like Jubilees' retelling of the temptation of Abraham this story is again turned on its head likely in an effort to absolve God of any alleged wrongdoing for attempting to kill Moses after he sent him to Egypt to deliver the people.
Chapter 50 ends with a discussion of the sabbath and how to celebrate it. This is in keeping with the twin themes of Jubilees which are the exaltation of the law and Israel as a people separate from all the other nations.
That's the Book of Jubilees in a nutshell. One has to read it to get a feel for how different from Genesis it really is. The Book of Jubilees introduces significant departures from Genesis in every chapter. It sounds like scripture but it is most definitely not consistent with any book in the Hebrew canon. This blog post has barely scratched the surface of the content and meaning of The Book of Jubilees. For further reading I recommend James VanderKam's two volume commentary which is the fruit of a lifetime of study. A PDF of both volumes is available online.
We also read stories about the Patriarchs that sound similar to what is in Genesis but details have been changed. What is happening is that the author is filling in the gaps attempting to answer difficult questions. From James VanderKam's commentary on Jubilees we read:
One impulse to ancient interpretation is expressed by the הספור שלא סופר :Hebrew title of Joshua Levinson’s book= (literally) The Story That Was Not Told. For some early readers, a goal of interpretation was to explain not so much what was explicit but what was left implicit—or so the expositor thought—in the text. Filling in the gaps served to clarify the text by adding helpful information. Examples include the following:
1. Inserting laws into the stories. As will be seen below, an important question was whether the ancestors knew some or all of the Mosaic law. Jubilees answers the question by showing that some legal material was revealed to the ancestors (e.g., the festivals), while full disclosure awaited the law of Moses.
2. Another question was whether God was justified in sending so frightful a punishment as the flood. Jubilees, with other ancient works, supplements the pre-flood material in Genesis with a story about angels who married women and fathered giants to explain that sin became monstrous and that God responded justly (5:1-19).
3. Jubilees, again with other ancient works, includes a detailed geographical section about the division of the earth among the sons and grandsons of Noah. The section not only answered the question of why nations were located where they were but also documented Israel’s right to the land as descendants of Shem and Arpachshad (8:8—9:15; 10:28-34).
4. In order to explain the ongoing evil after the flood, Jubilees introduces a story about the demonic off-spring of the Watchers. They continued to mislead people although God greatly limited their power (10:1-13).
5. The author adds stories about Abram’s youth. The Abram of Genesis is introduced through a genealogical notice, a report about his marriage, and a move by the family (11:27-32); immediately thereafter in Gen 12:1-3 he receives the grand promises from the Lord. Why did he rather than someone else enjoy such favorable treatment from the deity? Jubilees supplies stories about Abram as a boy and a young man (11:15—12:21), including ones documenting his precocious embrace of monotheism, zeal against idols, and growth in understanding of his one God. All of this happened before the divine promises came to him. The additional stories provide an explanation for why he was the recipient of them and thus fill a lacuna in Genesis.
6. Abraham and Jacob. A puzzle for readers of Genesis was that, while the lives of Abraham and Jacob, the two major patriarchs, overlapped for fifteen years, the text records no interaction between them. The writer of Jubilees incorporates several scenes in which Abraham recognizes early on that Jacob will be his true heir, the one to whom the promises will come. He blesses Jacob and also instructs him about how he is to conduct himself (19:16-29; 22:10-30).
7. Another curious feature of Genesis is that it presents Levi, the ancestor of the Levites and priests, in a less-than-favorable light. How could someone who angered his father because of his violence at Shechem (Genesis 34) and who earned a curse from Jacob for it (Gen 49:5-7) become the eponymous father of the priesthood? Jubilees presents a very different Levi: he carried out a righteous slaughter of the Shechemites (30:17-20); his grandfather Isaac blessed him (31:13- 17); he received a dream that he was appointed to the priesthood (32:1); and his father Jacob ordained him to the sacerdotal office (32:2-9). He was indeed a worthy ancestor of those who would serve at the sanctuary.
8. The Bible does not explain why the bones of Joseph remained in Egypt until the time of the exodus, whereas, it may be implied, the remains of his brothers received burial in Canaan at an earlier time (see Gen 50:24-26; Exod 13:19; Josh 24:32; cf. Acts 7:16). The writer of Jubilees inserts a story about a war between Canaan and Egypt. A lull in it allowed for burial of the brothers’ bones in Hebron, but Joseph’s body remained in Egypt because at the time of his death it was not possible to travel between Egypt and Canaan (46:4-11).
Jubilees A Commentary in Two Volumes, Vol 1, pg. 22-23With these explanatory additions The Book of Jubilees is equivalent to a collection of just-so stories. Though the additional material in Jubilees does serve to answer questions that does not mean the material is genuine or that any of it actually took place. Much of the promised clarity from these additions does not arise as familiar stories in Genesis are turned on their heads and more questions are left unanswered. Some of the additions outright contradict the Torah. Other additions, such as Jacob killing Esau, are too important to have been left unnoticed by Genesis which casts doubt on their authenticity. The addition of these explanatory stories also does not mean that the Book of Jubilees was considered scripture or canon by the Jews or anyone else expect of course for the community at Qumran.
What I am going to do now is go through The Book of Jubilees and list passages that are dissimilar to the Genesis narrative in a way that contradicts it proving that Moses did not write The Book of Jubilees. Why would Moses write two differing Genesis accounts anyway? These disparities will prove that Jubilees is rightly rejected as canonical by everyone who is not a schismatic like the group at Qumran who collected the Dead Sea Scrolls and The God Culture who wishes to incorporate The Book of Jubilees into the Bible. The Ethiopian Church does include Jubilees in their canon but they are also a heretical group which teaches a non-Chalcedonian Christology and they include other apocryphal books in their canon. They certainly don't teach anything like the doctrine Tim derives from The Book of Jubilees.
To keep this post neat and not have it run to an unwieldy length I will not be quoting full passages but only giving the references to chapter and verse with a description of what is being said and what it means. Despite that what follows will necessarily be a wall of text. You can follow along by reading The Book of Jubilees online.
Chapter 1 begins with God telling Moses that Israel will forsake Him. Moses prays for the people. God tells the Angel of the Presence to write for Moses about creation and the dividing of times until the renewal of the heavens and earth until the sanctuary of the Lord shall be made in Jerusalem on Mount Zion.
Already we have an anachronism with the mention of Jerusalem and Mount Zion. Jerusalem was not even taken by the Jews until David sacked it hundreds of years after they entered Canaan. Whoever wrote Jubilees was familiar with Jerusalem, Mount Zion, and the temple. That means the author is not Moses.
Chapter 2 is about creation. In verse 19 God says he will choose a people to keep the Sabbath day. Verse 20 tells us God chose Jacob. Verse 30 tells us that the Sabbath was kept in heaven before it was revealed to man. But how could this be if the Sabbath is strictly tied to creation and is the day of rest after creation was completed? It makes no sense except in the scheme of the author who is exalting the law. The Sabbath now becomes an eternal ordinance and is no longer strictly tied with creation. Of all the nations only Israel is sanctified to keep this eternal ordinance.
Verse 31 says that God "did not sanctify all peoples and nations to keep the Sabbath" but only Israel. Verse 33 says this law and testimony of the Sabbath were given to the children of Israel forever. This would mean that Tim, being a Gentile, is under no obligation to keep the Sabbath. So why does he teach that all men must keep the Sabbath? Why contradict Jubilees if he considers it to be canon? Tim says in his new sabbath series:
Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord Yahuah thy God. In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates, Gentiles. Hello? This has never been a Jewish practice. It has never been exclusive but always available to the stranger among you.
So the true Bible which it would include part of the Torah that's missing right now called The Book of Jubilees has said all along right here the sabbath is for everyone including all in heaven and on earth.
In contrast to Tim James Vanderkam gives an interpretation that takes these verses for what they mean.
The inclusive statement—“before it was made known to all humanity [lit., to all flesh]”—again, as in 2:25, makes it seem as if everyone was invited to keep Sabbath, though the explicit teachings of the chapter are decidedly opposed to this inference. It may be that the writer is distinguishing between the announcement of the Sabbath to all and the actual acceptance of the law by Israel alone (e.g., in Exod 24:3, 7). Jubilees 2:31 is somewhat clearer: all humanity received the command to observe the Sabbath, but the Creator God sanctified Israel (see Exod 31:13 [cf. 19:5-6]; Ezek 37:28) alone to obey the prescription. Sanctity was required to keep the day, and God gave that quality to Israel alone, not the other nations.
Jubilees A Commentary in Two Volumes, Vol 1, pg. 202This chapter is again full of anachronisms. The point of the author is to distinguish the nation of Israel from the Gentiles via the keeping of the Sabbath. This is why he writes that Sabbath keeping is not for all nations but only Israel. Such an attitude would be in keeping with that of a Jew whose nation had been overrun by Gentiles like the Romans and Greeks and wished to remain separate from them. It is internal evidence that Moses did not write the book but someone much later in the 2nd century did.
Chapter 3 is about the formation of Eve and the expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve were created in the same week but Eve was not shown to Adam until 14 days had passed. After 40 days Adam was placed into the Garden of Eden but Eve was not brought into the Garden of Eden until 80 days had passed. So Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden for 80 days! Verse 10 tells us the reason for this is in regards to the purity laws after a woman had given birth. These laws can be found in Leviticus 12.
How does this addition clarify Genesis? God says it is not good for man to be alone so he created woman from the man's rib. Now man has a helpmeet. But in Jubilees man is still alone even after woman had been created because Eve is impure! What do the purity laws in Leviticus have to do with the formation of Eve? The Book of Jubilees contradicts the Genesis account of the formation of man and muddies the story by the additional explanation of the Levitical purity laws regarding childbirth. There is no clarity here only confusion.
After seven years the serpent comes to tempt Adam and Eve. They are expelled from the Garden of Eden. Verse 28 indicates that animals used to speak. There is no protoevangelium of the woman's seed crushing the serpent's head. There is also no angel with a flaming sword guarding the entrance to the Garden. Though Adam and Eve sin by eating the fruit of a tree there is no mention of a Tree of Life or a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.
Chapter 4 verse 23 tells us that Enoch was taken into the Garden of Eden. Verse 26 mentions Mount Zion which is an anachronism. Moses knew nothing of Mount Zion.
Chapter 6 verse 2 says Noah made an atonement for the guilt of the earth which does not make sense because everyone was dead except Noah and his family. It is not clear at all what is meant by "the guilt of the earth." Can an atonement be made for the dead? Verse 17 says Noah celebrated the Feast of Weeks once a year to renew the covenant God made with him. Verse 19 says Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob also observed the Feast of Weeks until it was forgotten and then renewed on Sinai. Verse 32 says a year is 364 days which is not correct at all. The import of this verse is to regulate the observation of the feasts. This chapter ends by God predicting that the people will forget the 364 day year when they begin to observe the moon and see it coming 10 days too soon.
Here we have the Patriarchs celebrating feasts which were later revealed to Moses on Mt. Sinai. But in Leviticus the Feast of Weeks is called a harvest festival and not at all meant to commemorate the covenant God made with Noah after the flood. How does the story of these Patriarchs keeping the Feast of Weeks for a reason which contradicts the Torah clarify Genesis?
Chapter 8 is where we find the "directions to the Garden of Eden" which Tim claims is the Philippines. Verse 19 calls the Garden of Eden the Holy of Holies and the dwelling place of the Lord and mentions Mount Zion and Mount Sinai as also being holy places. All three places (Eden, Zion, and Sinai) face each other. Mount Zion is called the navel of the world. If the Garden of Eden is facing Mt. Zion and Mt. Sinai as this chapter attests then it cannot possibly be in the Philippines which is thousands of miles away from Mt. Sinai and Mt. Zion.
Again Moses would have had no knowledge of Mount Zion as he did not even enter the promised land. We are led to believe that the Garden of Eden exists somewhere on earth even after the flood. According to chapter 4 Enoch was taken there. Tim says Enoch resides in the Garden of Eden (which Tim declares is the Philippines) to this day!
What about Enoch? Oh now he is the key to the whole formula. See Enoch's a different story here. Enoch lived before the flood, the seventh from Adam but he did not die this experience the flood, lived after the flood, and is still alive to this day! Where is he? He's in the Garden of Eden to this day according to Jubilees. to Tim Enoch is alive and well in the Philippines at this very moment! Wow!
In Chapter 10 Noah prays to God that He would imprison all the unclean demons who were leading men astray. Mastema, also known as Satan, intervenes and asks God to let him have some of the evil spirits to control so that he can use them to lead men astray and tempt them. God acquiesces to his request and allows 1/10th of them to remain free.
Chapter 11 introduces us to Abram. At the age of 14 he stops worshipping idols and begins to pray to the Creator to save him. Verse 11 tells us that Mastema sent ravens to eat the seed which was sown and that food was scarce as a result. After Abram prays to God he is able to command the ravens to not eat the seed and to never return. As a result he becomes very famous in the land. In Genesis Abram is nobody, a literal idol worshipper whom God calls to leave his homeland. He's not a famous man who has power with God to command animals nor is he a monotheist when he is called by God. How does this very fanciful and apocryphal story clarify Genesis when it contradicts it?
Chapter 16 verses 20 - 31 Abraham celebrates the Feast of Tabernacles. Verse 29 says that this festival is made a statue for Israel forever. This is a clear contradiction of Leviticus 23:42-43 which tells us that the Feast of Tabernacles or Booths is to commemorate the exodus from Egypt when Israel was made to dwell in tents. It is a senseless anachronism to have Abraham celebrating this feast. This contradiction between Jubilees and Leviticus does not add clarity to Genesis.
Chapter 17 verse 16 tells us that Mastema, Satan, instigated God to command Abraham to sacrifice Isaac as a test of his obedience. This account is similar to the book of Job where Satan persuades God to allow him to tempt Job as a test of his righteousness. It also turns the Genesis narrative on its head as the temptation of Abraham now become a contest between God and Satan. Chapter 18 verse 12 says Mastema was put to shame after Abraham passes the test.
Introducing Mastema gets rid of the messianic type of this story. Isaac is no longer a type of Christ and the focus is on Satan instead of Abraham. It is highly likely that Satan is injected into the story here to absolve God of any blame for tempting Abraham to sacrifice his son. This story does not clarify the Genesis narrative but only muddies it.
The God Culture agrees that the insertion of Satan into this story clarifies things and absolves God from any blame.
The same dynamic in Job existed in the story of Abraham and it is very Biblical and in no way flies in the face of anything Genesis says unless you make things up like you do of course in fraud. That's not testing, it's fraud. Once again, extremely poor. You think you are smart yet your comprehension is pathetic just as it is with history and geography. Otherwise, you are accusing Yahuah of coming up with the idea which is out of character and illegitimate as this blog is. Jubilees actually rectifies a very serious theological question because without it, fools like you are blaming Yahuah for something satan instigated. Real bright. It turns nothing on it's head and stands consistent and you are no one to say otherwise and unqualified to render such opinion nor write this blog by your own standards you have laid out over and over in ignorance. story does offer a thorny problem. Would God really tempt someone to sacrifice their son? Such a notion seems horrifying to us. It is in the same category as God's commanding Israel to utterly destroy all the Canaanites. Or in the crucifixion where the innocent Son of God is offered up. Or in the command to sacrifice animals to appease God's wrath. Why would God command such things?
Inserting Satan seems to clear things up but there is in fact no very serious theological question to rectify except for those who do not believe what the text actually says. Is this dynamic to be found in Job? No. In Job Satan asks permission from God to try Job and the permission is granted. God does nothing to Job. Satan even has Job's children slaughtered.
But in Genesis God is the one doing the action. He is the one who tempts or tests Abraham. And he is the one who stays Abraham's hand. It is a test of Abraham's faith and Isaac is a type of Christ. Abraham was willing to offer up his son while God really did offer up his only Son for our salvation.
Chapter 22 verses 16-18 Isaac warns Jacob to separate himself from the nations because their works are unclean. The whole chapter stresses that Jacob will be separate from the Gentiles and that he will establish a Holy Seed. This is the theme of Jubilees as shown in chapter 2.
Chapter 24 verse 27-33 Isaac curses the Philistines. Verse 27 says he made peace with them under constraint. Verses 28-32 are an imprecation against the Philistines swearing their eternal destruction. Verse 33 says this curse is written on the heavenly tables.
This story turns Genesis 26:26-33 on it's head. In that story Abimelech, the king of the Philistines, approaches Isaac to ask for an oath and covenant of peace. Isaac asks "Why, since you hate me," and the king says, "Because we see God is with you and has blessed you." They then have a feast and in the morning swear peace to one another and part amicably. There is no constraint here. Isaac enters this covenant willingly and even has a feast! In Jubilees there is no peace between Isaac and the Philistines. Instead there is only a curse from Isaac. Jubilees contradicts Genesis in this account.
VanderKam notes the following about this account in Jubilees 24 and its contradiction with Genesis 26.
Genesis 26:26-31 must have pained the writer of Jubilees because it pictured Isaac, with whom the promises to Abraham had just been renewed, swearing a covenantal oath with representatives of the Philistines and sealing the agreement by eating a meal with them. His conduct directly contradicted Abraham’s commands to Jacob: “Separate from the nations, / and do not eat with them” (22:16). It also conflicted with Exod 23:32 (“You shall make no covenant with them [the peoples of Canaan]”); 34:12, 15 (no covenant with them); and Deut 7:2 (no covenant with the seven Canaanite peoples).45 The writer of Jubilees had omitted the earlier story where Abraham made a covenant with the same people (Gen 21:32 uses “covenant” for their sworn agreement), but he included the one involving Isaac and thus had to find a fitting explanation for what the second patriarch had done.
Jubilees A Commentary in Two Volumes, Vol 2, pg. 722The allegation of deception and thus constraint on the part of the Philistines provides this "fitting explanation." The clear contradiction between Genesis and Jubilees is proof that the explanation is a fiction by the writer of The Book of Jubilees.
Chapter 25 verse 4 Jacob says he is nine weeks of years old which is an odd way of speaking if one does not keep in mind the object of the Book of Jubilees is to divide all time in to weeks of years and Jubilees which is 7 weeks of years or 49 years.
Chapter 28 is about Jacob's marriage to Leah and Rachel. Laban tricks him and says he did so because it is not right to give away the younger before the elder. Verse 7 has an admonition to the "children of Israel" that they follow this custom. It is another anachronism as there were no children of Israel nor had Jacob's name been changed to Israel at that time.
Chapter 30 is the story of the defilement of Jacob's daughter Dinah. Verses 5-22 gives a warning to the Israelites to not marry with the Gentiles. Verse 18 says that the tribe of Levi was chosen to the priesthood because of the zealousness of Levi in avenging Dinah.
Chapter 31 is similar to Genesis 48 and the blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh by Jacob. This time it's Isaac who blesses Levi and Judah. The blessing he gives to each is of the priesthood and the throne respectively. This story is not recorded in Genesis. There is in fact no mention of a Levitical priesthood in the scriptures until after the exodus from Egypt. There is also no throne given to Judah until David. This story is clearly an addition by the second century author who is exalting the twin pillars of Israel's uniqueness which is the throne of David and the Levitical priesthood.
Chapter 32 verse 1 says Levi dreamed he was ordained the priest of the Most High God. Verse 3 has Jacob clothing Levi in garments of the priesthood. Verse 9 says Levi discharged the priestly office. How did he discharge this office with no ark and no tabernacle or temple? He didn't. This is a made up story by the author of Jubilees to magnify the Levitical priesthood. Like many of the other stories in Jubilees it is also found in the spurious pseudepigraphal work The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs. This story is in the Testament of Levi chapter 9.
Chapter 33 is the story of Reuben sleeping with Bilah. Verses 10-20 are an excursus from the law about how abominable this sin is. It is another chance for the author to extol the law.
Chapter 34 verses 4-9 has a strange story about Jacob subduing several kings and imposing tribute on them until the day Jacob left for Egypt. We read of nothing like it in Genesis or Josephus or elsewhere. When did Jacob and his sons become a powerful army which could subdue kings? The Pharaoh of Egypt would have heard of such a thing but he never mentions it when Jacob appears before him.
In chapters 35-36 Esau and Jacob visit their dying father Isaac. He admonishes Esau to be at peace with Jacob and not to hate him. Brotherly love and affection are appealed to in 36:8. In chapter 37 the sons of Esau become very angry with their father because Isaac had given the portion of the elder to the younger. They declare war against Jacob and provoke Esau to join them. A huge army then confronts Jacob. In chapter 38 Judah tells Jacob to slay the enemy. In 38:2 Jacob kills Esau with a bowshot. Jacob's sons prevail over the sons of Esau and they become their servants paying tribute until the day Jacob left for Egypt.
The killing of Esau by Jacob is a major departure from the narrative in Genesis. Why is it included? What clarity does this horrendous story of fratricide shed upon Genesis? What are we supposed to learn from this story? It seems that it is a story made up by the author of Jubilees to explain the enmity between the Edomites and Israel. Judah is the one who is given the throne and his descendant David will conquer Edom in the future (2 Samuel 8:14). Thus it is symbolic that he tells Jacob, who is Israel, to slay the enemy, who is Esau or Edom. Israel then subjects the Edomites to tribute. This would explain why the Edomites are at enmity with Israel. The God Culture also agrees with that explanation:
Esau is Edom and the Edomites are not at peace with Israel/Jacob. In fact, they are one of the largest enemies of Israel throughout scripture even in Psalm 83, the minor prophets record this as well and they are the enemy of Israel and believers all the way to the very end in the final battle. This is an extremely deep-rooted hatred of Israel yet your buffoonery leaves it at the brothers reconciled which is ignorance. Jesus will defeat them in the end by the way. However, what happened? How does one get from reconciled brothers to complete opposites and enemies again? Have you even thought this thru? Nope, you're incapable of such thought clearly. Obviously there is more to the story and Jubilees is the record of that story very consistent not only with Genesis but with the entire Bible on this. are right that there is more to the story as the Bible does not include everything. Yet this story, which would be of massive importance if it were true, is not recorded anywhere in scripture. Josephus does not mention it in his Antiquites of the Jews. It is only recorded in The Book of Jubilees which is a 2nd century text written to exalt the law and in another pseudepigraphal work The Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs which borrows heavily from Jubilees. The story is found in the Testament of Judah chapter 9.
The subduing of the Edomites along with the subduing of the other kings and putting them to tribute would be a story that Pharaoh of Egypt would be familiar with but he does not bring it up when he meets Jacob. Jacob and his family are portrayed as shepherds and not as a powerful nation to which other nations were paying tribute. This is more evidence that the story is spurious.
Chapter 48 verse 2 tells us that Mastema, Satan, attempted to kill Moses at the lodging place. This is a reference to Exodus 4:24-26 where God meets Moses to kill him. Zipporah, Moses' wife, stays God's hand by circumcising her two boys. Like Jubilees' retelling of the temptation of Abraham this story is again turned on its head likely in an effort to absolve God of any alleged wrongdoing for attempting to kill Moses after he sent him to Egypt to deliver the people.
Chapter 50 ends with a discussion of the sabbath and how to celebrate it. This is in keeping with the twin themes of Jubilees which are the exaltation of the law and Israel as a people separate from all the other nations.
That's the Book of Jubilees in a nutshell. One has to read it to get a feel for how different from Genesis it really is. The Book of Jubilees introduces significant departures from Genesis in every chapter. It sounds like scripture but it is most definitely not consistent with any book in the Hebrew canon. This blog post has barely scratched the surface of the content and meaning of The Book of Jubilees. For further reading I recommend James VanderKam's two volume commentary which is the fruit of a lifetime of study. A PDF of both volumes is available online.
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Jubilees A Commentary in Two volumes |
Tim says the Dead Sea Scrolls represent the oldest canon of scripture as compiled by John the Baptist and therefore The Book of Jubilees is part of the original Hebrew canon.
I recommend "The Biblical Canon" by Lee Martin McDonald.
One of the real values of this book is that it has lists of canon in the appendix as well as a list of citations and allusions to various apocryphal books, including Jubilees, in the New Testament. Tim should take note that just because a book is cited or alluded to does not mean that the book was ever considered canon. That includes Enoch which Jude does cite.
While he's at it Tim should read up on the councils so he knows what the church has taught and why. His constant bashing of Nicea as a conspiracy to cover up the truth and The God Culture's teaching that the synagogue of Satan took over the early church is completely ignorant and blasphemous as Christ said He would build his church and the gates of hell would not overcome it.
If that's too much to handle then he should read Leo Davis' book on the seven ecumenical councils.
The five color coded books in the background are Jaroslav Pelikan's "The Christian Tradition" which is his magisterial history of Christian doctrine from the early church until Vatican II. Tim should read that series as well. The point is he needs to learn more about the history of the church and her doctrines because he is sorely lacking in that knowledge and continues to make wild and unhistorical claims as if he is some big-brained super genius who has been awakened to truths which have been intentionally suppressed.
So the Old Testament, the oldest canon of scripture of the Old Testament scripture, was indeed compiled by John the BaptistThis is simply more proof of Tim's ignorance concerning the formation of the canon. The Septuagint was produced in the 3rd century BC and is still in use by the Eastern Churches. It represents the oldest canon of scripture and not the Dead Sea Scrolls which were hidden 300 years later in the caves of Qumran. It would do well for Tim to study more on the formation of the canon and stop making absurd claims which have no historical merit whatsoever.
I recommend "The Biblical Canon" by Lee Martin McDonald.
One of the real values of this book is that it has lists of canon in the appendix as well as a list of citations and allusions to various apocryphal books, including Jubilees, in the New Testament. Tim should take note that just because a book is cited or alluded to does not mean that the book was ever considered canon. That includes Enoch which Jude does cite.
While he's at it Tim should read up on the councils so he knows what the church has taught and why. His constant bashing of Nicea as a conspiracy to cover up the truth and The God Culture's teaching that the synagogue of Satan took over the early church is completely ignorant and blasphemous as Christ said He would build his church and the gates of hell would not overcome it.
Now that is already a problem as no Pope nor Christian leader can be compared with John the Baptist. Thus changing his canon of scripture which this library would represent and which we now have full documentation in his time capsule preserved in the caves of Qumran is very problematic to any traditional line attempting to suppress books considered scripture by John and by the way Yahusha even visited and was baptized there which could be considered a a further endorsement in fact. You cannot say that about the council of Nicea or any of the other councils. Yahusha was not there and believe me not in any sense whatsoever as they eliminated the book of Jubilees and others which was scripture inspired and canon.
BOOK OF JUBILEES: Scripture? Inspired? What does the Bible Say? Enoch, Jasher, Dead Sea Scrolls at 38:22
The synagogue of satan was installed and their doctrines as what we call the early church today but the true early church was wiped out.
Karl Josef von Hefele has written the definitive "History of the Councils of the Church."New Sabbath Series Trailer
If that's too much to handle then he should read Leo Davis' book on the seven ecumenical councils.
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An actual picture of Tim thinking he knows more than scholars |
It would also do Tim well, and all who desire to elevate Jubilees to the status of inspired scripture, to consider why neither the Jews nor the Christians included it in their canons of scripture. Was it intentionally suppressed because it contains information "They" don't want the people to know about? No it's because the contents are not in line with the rest of scripture. The Book of Jubilees was never on anyone's list of scripture before it was allegedly suppressed by the authorities. Guided by the Holy Spirit the church was able to discern what was and was not scripture.
The Book of Jubilees, like the Gospel of Thomas, NEVER MADE THE CUT! It was NEVER on anyone's list of canonical books Christian or Jewish. Tim fails to understand that because he knows NOTHING about the formation of the canon. The Book of Jubilees contains stories and doctrines that are at odds with the Torah, Psalms, and Prophets. It is pseudepigrapha propaganda written by a 2nd century BC scribe using Moses' name to lend it weight and authority. It is not now nor has it been nor will it ever be scripture. And Enoch has not been living in the Philippines for the past four thousand years! That is an incredibly stupid teaching which Tim bases on The Book of Jubilees.
It is best to leave the fanciful Book of Jubilees in the darkness of the caves of Qumran from whence it came.
The Book of Jubilees, like the Gospel of Thomas, NEVER MADE THE CUT! It was NEVER on anyone's list of canonical books Christian or Jewish. Tim fails to understand that because he knows NOTHING about the formation of the canon. The Book of Jubilees contains stories and doctrines that are at odds with the Torah, Psalms, and Prophets. It is pseudepigrapha propaganda written by a 2nd century BC scribe using Moses' name to lend it weight and authority. It is not now nor has it been nor will it ever be scripture. And Enoch has not been living in the Philippines for the past four thousand years! That is an incredibly stupid teaching which Tim bases on The Book of Jubilees.
It is best to leave the fanciful Book of Jubilees in the darkness of the caves of Qumran from whence it came.
If it isn't the return of Mr. Fragment who cannot represent even a concept in whole context but twists everything he desires to bend to his Pharisee, British propaganda. We are not reading this garbage! Anyone wishing to actually explore a comprehensive case, watch our videos. These are not topics for point-counterpoint blog posts especially in the immature and fraudulent manner of this ignorant and illiterate blog. The Book of Jubilees vets and we prove this out in:
ReplyDeleteTesting the Book of Jubilees
Sabbath is certainly not a topic for a point-counterpoint blog of a fraud and lair, proven so. Watch our series for yourself and see what we prove and do not. Since it is only on Part 2, there is much to cover and we haven’t even begun to deal with Paul and all the objections which we will but in our videos not for a fraud blogger who would begin trying to mix and confuse as it is launched in a very tasteless way to attempt to pre-empt a series. This guy has no class in any sense. He just ridicules, agitates, commits fraud and libel in gross negligence and wants to appear significant yet is not in the slightest as he has already well-proven his ignorance in history, geography, science, language, etc. His learning disability is profound. Talk about an idiot!
Sabbath Series:
Also, we have started our Feast of YHWH Series:
We could care less what this blogger has to say about things we prove out extremely well. He doesn’t have to agree but he has already proven he is no expert but just a communist-style agitator trying to ridicule. Go back and look at the way we wiped the floor with him in debate as he is just another, shallow, ignorant fool spouting false control narratives. He certainly has not earned the right to attempt to position himself as our equal neither intellectually nor especially in Biblical aptitude and we are not answering this stupid blog any further. Watch our videos and see for yourself and you will likely see the blatant propaganda from this fraud. This fraud tries to hack up our video as usual as he is just a communist-style agitator only offering ridicule. He even continues in cyber libel and other criminal behavior with no regard for the law nor the truth. We are done responding in detail to such a fraud who then takes a fragment of our words, reframes them and spits out the opposite many times. It is the worst of society today and this needs to be dealt with. These communist-style frauds need to be dealt with. This will be facing such very soon.
"Anyone wishing to actually explore a comprehensive case, watch our videos."
DeleteYou don't have a comprehensive case. You have one video about the Book of Jubilees that is as shallow as a mud puddle. You didn't even discuss the book in any meaningful way. Here in this blogpost i actually engage the Book of Jubilees and discuss what is in it.
You mean videos you haven't even watched. Real bright. This liar is not engaging anything. He forms the false paradigm that in order for Jubilees to be scripture it must be Genesis but wouldn't it then be called Genesis? That's not logic. This is the ramblings of fool. He sets forth a false paradigm and then debates his own dumb conclusions. What a court jester this fool proves to be as well as a liar and a fraud on many such materials especially the Bible, history, geography, linguistics, etc. He is unqualified to even write this blog and has proven so many times over. We are done with the waste of time agitation in which he attacks in stupid, childish ridicule with less than elementary understanding and then goes on and on about nothing. When called out he deflects, distracts and outright lies which we have caught him doing many times over. This is a liar and fraud. Don't waste your time, we are done wasting ours.
DeleteThe largest problem with one who is such a fool trying to dabble in things he does not understand is the misleading ignorance in assumptions. This guy goes on and on about Jubilees which offers details that reconcile theology such as how Jacob and Esau are at odds with each other throughout history though reconciled for a time. Something happened and Jubilees is that record which we do not find in Genesis. Why did Rueben lose the birthright as scripture tells us it was given to Ephram. Then, stupid ridicules Jubilees which answers these questions and very Biblically and accurately so. The level of stupid is so severe as he proves he has not read and truly tested the book nor really watched our videos on the topic. He sets a false paradigm and tests with ignorance in his world of stupid which we are done with nonsense. In this case, he is saying Jubilees must only tell us what Genesis tells us and no more or it cannot be scripture. That’s lunacy. As Moses wrote both, would that not be redundant? Wouldn’t that just be called Genesis? Apply his same stupidity to Leviticus. It provides more detail and different stories than Exodus. Does that mean it is no longer scripture? It’s stupidity in ignorance. Would not Moses writing another book actually fill in gaps and blanks? Jubilees does and it is quoted by John, Paul, Peter, Luke, the Early Church Fathers and the Qumran community treated it as Torah. It proves itself and this fool will never disprove it but better yet, he’ll never actually test it but only ridicule and hack and mislead which is all he has done on any topic thus far. It is the worst trash we have read. Read this if you want but then go and actually watch to see what we actually teach because that is not represented here in this blog by a known proven liar and fraud who is ignorant of history, geography, science, linguistics and especially the Bible. We will not be responding any further to this trash. Go an watch our videos and test them for yourself. Few will agree with this buffoon and few do. Really, it requires an agenda most do not support. Yah Bless everyone.
ReplyDeleteJubilees contradicts Genesis and Leviticus in several places. It does not reconcile anything. It only offers fictitious stories which appear to do so.
Delete"Does that mean it is no longer scripture?"
It NEVER WAS scripture. That's the point. The group at Qumran accepted it as so and so does the Ethiopian church but that is it. And now modern day schismatics like yourself accept it and lead others astray.
Jubilees was never scripture because it is completely at odds with the Torah, was not written by Moses, and did not come onto the scene until the second century.
"John, Paul, Peter, Luke, the Early Church Fathers and the Qumran community treated it as Torah."
Except for Qumran that is all a lie. Learn about the history of the canon.
In other words, you have nothing that says Jubilees conflicts with Genesis but only a false paradigm of comparison in moronic ignorance. If Jubilees has a story not in Genesis, to you, that is called conflict. For those of us who can actually think and are not fraud propagandists as you are, that gives us a reason for Moses writing another writing. One would think that would not be so difficult to understand. All you do is ridicule and you are incapable of rational thought and your comprehension is below elementary level. It is the epitome of ignorance but that is whom you are.
DeleteIf you actually watched our video, we show examples where John, Paul, Peter and Luke derived significant doctrine from Jubilees not found in the modern Old Testament. You are a fraud who only knows how to misrepresent. We are done with you.
Remember everyone, this is the same fraud who has libeled our lead and his wife several times. He is a criminal breaking the law. Additionally, he has committed fraud in only representing part of the directions to the ancient land of gold Chrse/Ophir leaving out the most important parts in the The Periplus, Pomponius Mela, Dionysius the Tourist, etc. He fraudulently uses maps like the 1492 Behaim Globe in utter misrepresentation as he claims that Burma is Malaysia when Malaysia is right there on the map with Sumatra, Java Minor and Major to the South and Indochina and China to the North. He is a hack and a fraud misrepresenting everything he has touched. He has misrepresented our leader’s resume, claims to write a biography yet misses the small point of over 30 years of ministry experience yet even what he did find actually support that but he mischaracterizes everything he touches as he is an absolute fraud. He will use a scripture such as Matthew and then when he is called out as misinterpreting it, he’ll only quote 1/3 of the scripture, when called out again, he quotes the 3/3 of the scripture but leave the 2/3 which proves him wrong out completely. Then, when he loses that debate, he goes to another scripture which is worded differently. That’s called fraud and all you will get here from this lair. He has been proven to lie and fraud numerous times as he reads scholars such as Legeza who firmly identifies trade between the Philippines and Africa in the first century as proven and tells you it is not proven because of another word for another portion of the quote which is not as definitive. That’s called fraud. He quotes Bangko Sentral’s Villegas who calls the trade between Africa and Philippines “established fact” but waives his hands to tell you it doesn’t actually mean established yet that is the word the author and expert chose. We quote Supreme Court Justice Carpio and he says Carpio is wrong when he says Professor Horridge believed Philippine ships were travelling to Africa as early as 200 BC. He says he didn’t believe based on a tentative word in one sentence while the paragraph before is abundantly clear he firmly believed this as fact and treats it as such. He has a blog where he goes on and on and on with maps he can’t even read and that prove him wrong if he actually did. When proven wrong in these and many more cases, he just deflects, libels and heads in other directions including attempting to address theology for which he is wholly unqualified and proven so. He goes on and on in ignorance and foolishness and we just aren’t placating such stupidity. You can if you wish. This blogger is proven a liar and fraud many times over and his use of information highly deceptive and demonic. You will be deceived here.
ReplyDelete"Professor Horridge believed Philippine ships were travelling to Africa as early as 200 BC."
DeleteYou are just awful. HOrridge NEVER wrote that. Go back and read what he wrote.
"He quotes Bangko Sentral’s Villegas who calls the trade between Africa and Philippines “established fact” but waives his hands to tell you it doesn’t actually mean established yet that is the word the author and expert chose."
Another filthy lie. I never denied there was a trade connection. But what you do is jump to conclusions that PHL ships were sailing to Egypt which NONE of those sources say.
Truth is most certainly not in your vocabulary.
Why don't you tell us all EXACTLY where in the Philippines Enoch is living right now at this moment.
DeleteThis blogger keeps doubling down on stupid as usual. He contests Philippine-Egypt trade now says he didn't. You can read the blogs for yourself. He is a liar. He even lies about his lies. Amazing.
DeleteWhere does Genesis say Enoch was taken? Please tell your viewers...
Remember everyone, this is the same fraud who has libeled our lead and his wife several times. He is a criminal breaking the law. Additionally, he has committed fraud in only representing part of the directions to the ancient land of gold Chrse/Ophir leaving out the most important parts in the The Periplus, Pomponius Mela, Dionysius the Tourist, etc. He fraudulently uses maps like the 1492 Behaim Globe in utter misrepresentation as he claims that Burma is Malaysia when Malaysia is right there on the map with Sumatra, Java Minor and Major to the South and Indochina and China to the North. He is a hack and a fraud misrepresenting everything he has touched. He has misrepresented our leader’s resume, claims to write a biography yet misses the small point of over 30 years of ministry experience yet even what he did find actually support that but he mischaracterizes everything he touches as he is an absolute fraud. He will use a scripture such as Matthew and then when he is called out as misinterpreting it, he’ll only quote 1/3 of the scripture, when called out again, he quotes the 3/3 of the scripture but leave the 2/3 which proves him wrong out completely. Then, when he loses that debate, he goes to another scripture which is worded differently. That’s called fraud and all you will get here from this lair. He has been proven to lie and fraud numerous times as he reads scholars such as Legeza who firmly identifies trade between the Philippines and Africa in the first century as proven and tells you it is not proven because of another word for another portion of the quote which is not as definitive. That’s called fraud. He quotes Bangko Sentral’s Villegas who calls the trade between Africa and Philippines “established fact” but waives his hands to tell you it doesn’t actually mean established yet that is the word the author and expert chose. We quote Supreme Court Justice Carpio and he says Carpio is wrong when he says Professor Horridge believed Philippine ships were travelling to Africa as early as 200 BC. He says he didn’t believe based on a tentative word in one sentence while the paragraph before is abundantly clear he firmly believed this as fact and treats it as such. He has a blog where he goes on and on and on with maps he can’t even read and that prove him wrong if he actually did. When proven wrong in these and many more cases, he just deflects, libels and heads in other directions including attempting to address theology for which he is wholly unqualified and proven so. He goes on and on in ignorance and foolishness and we just aren’t placating such stupidity. You can if you wish. This blogger is proven a liar and fraud many times over and his use of information highly deceptive and demonic. You will be deceived here.
DeleteThis fraud applies a supposed test of Jubilees that sets the standard it has to say everything Genesis says. Could one be more stupid? Certainly not. Moses wrote another book because he wanted to record different things.
DeleteWhere does Genesis say Enoch was taken? Please tell us stupid.
You are the one who claims he has been alive and well in the Philippines for 4000 years. So tell us EXACTLY where in the Philippines he is.
Delete"He contests Philippine-Egypt trade now says he didn't."
DeleteWhat a lie. You are twisting everything I wrote and that the threes sources say. They never say there was a direct Egyptian-PHL trade connection. They never say Egyptian boats sailed to the PHL or vice versa. YOU say that. YOU jump to that conclusion.
Here it is again in FULL:
"Not one of these citations from "Ginto: A History Wrought in Gold" says a word about Philippine gold jewelry being found in Egypt. Taken as a whole these three brief statements tell us only that Egyptian influences made their way to the Philippines and were incorporated into Philippine gold art. Page 45 does make the claim that Austronesian traders had reached Madagascar and that the connection between Africa and Southeast Asia via trade routes is an established fact but says nothing about what was traded or how it was traded. We are certainly not told that Philippine junks sailed to Egypt which is a claim Timothy J Schwab of the God Culture makes."
"The claim for Philippine gold jewelry being found in first Egypt rests solely on a cursory reference on page 131. But Legeza does not write that Philippine gold necklaces were found in Egypt, only that they seem to have been found. While he does state that trade contacts were established between the Philippines and West Asia by the first centuries of the first millennium A.D. he does not give a date for the jewelry allegedly found in Egypt. He provides no support for his claim. There are no references and no pictures to back up what he writes. The whole assertion that Philippine gold jewelry has been found in first century Egypt is based on a single sentence, or rather two sentences pages apart, which has no proofs. That is a very shaky foundation on which to make this claim."
"Given that there was a trade connection between Southeast Asia and the Roman Empire it is likely that Philippine gold jewelry did make its way to the West. But that is only to be inferred from these two sources. Absolute proof of Philippine gold jewelry being found in first century Egypt as well as an explanation of how it got there such as Filipino junks sailing to Egypt or Philippine artifacts being traded across Asia until they reached Egypt will have to be looked for elsewhere. I will not be expanding beyond the bounds of these three sources."
Another example of your profound ignorance as you clearly have not watched our videos as usual. What a fraud to write a blog in such misrepresentation as if you did. Otherwise, you have an acute learning disability. We don't say where Enoch is, the Books of Jubilees as well as Genesis Apocryphon do. There is no conflict with Genesis which does not say where he was taken. It is assumed Heaven yet it does not say so. Yes, Enoch is still alive and never died. That is what the Bible says. You don't know the Bible nor do you seem to believe it. Anyone wishing to find the Garden of Eden would have to watch those videos which you have not fool. You have no clue how we prove it.
Delete"We don't say where Enoch is, the Books of Jubilees as well as Genesis Apocryphon do."
DeleteWOW! I guess you also don't say Jesus died either. The Gospels do. LOL.
You teach that Enoch is alive at this moment IN THE PHILIPPINES. So tell us all exactly where he is. Or better yet go there yourself and put him in one of your videos!
"You don't know the Bible nor do you seem to believe it."
Jubilees and Genesis Apcryphon are not scripture. Never have been and never will be.
"Anyone wishing to find the Garden of Eden would have to watch those videos which you have not fool."
DeleteThe Garden of Eden is no longer on this earth. And even if it was no man will ever into it again! That includes Enoch. There's a cherubim with a flaming sword guarding the entrance.
No, we never represent ourselves above scripture. Are you actually saying you do? Seems so. So, it cannot be on earth because you said so then? That’s scientific and real scriptural. Well, your “if it was” shows you do not know what you are talking about. So tell people you don’t know and you do not represent scripture because you do not and be honest for a change. You are falling for Jewish Fables and Pharisee leaven and are clueless of scripture as usual. Where does the Bible say the Garden of Eden left the Earth? That’s Kabbalah not Bible. Another doctrine of men not from scripture represented by PhilippineFails David Roxas which your next blog I guess should be BibleFails because you certainly don’t know it nor believe it either. Even Revelation is clear the Garden and the Tree of Life are on earth and will be opened again after the Day of Judgment in which all believers will partake of the Tree of Life. You would know this if you watched this video in which you are supposedly reviewing yet have not watched. Stupid fraud. Where does Genesis say Enoch went somewhere other than the Garden of Eden? Nowhere. Jubilees says he was conducted into the Garden by Angels meaning he had permission to enter and escorts. You do not. Enoch did because Yahuah took him and he was righteous. You really are obtuse on every level. Stop misleading with your guesses and doctrines of men. What kind of fool would even comment on something they had not reviewed yet even your answer admits such. Well, Proverbs calls that a fool and you have done so since your first blog about us. You just can’t stop your idiot, diarrhea mouth from going on and on but this is on purpose because you are simply a Jesuit-style agitator and no more. You are not qualified to discuss this topic and your research is all steeped in a false paradigm in fraud from the beginning. Only a true Satanist would act so demonic. Jubilees was scripture the last Levite library we have and it is treated as Torah there. You have nothing to say which can overrule that nor is your opinion of any consequence whatsoever. You are such a fraud. That’s it. We are not debating a fraud with no foundation. You are done. No more answers from us here. Grow up child. You have wasted enough of my time.
DeleteWhat a lot of hogwash. You are incredibly deluded. This is the kind of dreck one starts to believe when the leave the church.
Delete"No, we never represent ourselves above scripture."
You teach that Enoch is alive and well in the Philippines. That is a FACT. YOU teach it. Tim says it. It's matter of record. It is part of your doctrine. Quit mincing words. You base it on Jubilees? So what!? YOU STILL TEACH IT!!!
The Tree of Life in Revelation is not in The Garden of Eden. It is in the new earth. The Garden of Eden is part of the old earth. No man will ever reenter it. That's why its guarded by an angel with a flaming sword.
"Where does the Bible say the Garden of Eden left the Earth?"
Right. So here in the Philippines there is a garden being guarded by an angel with a flaming sword and the only inhabitant is a 4000 year old man. Sure buddy. Better go tell the DOT. That would boost tourism dollars by the billions.
"You are not qualified to discuss this topic"
You might be right about that. I haven't left the church and gone off the deep end into kooky wacky speculations based on apocryphal books which are not and never were scripture. My mind is steeped in the doctrines of the church and not your sectarian filth.
"You have nothing to say which can overrule that nor is your opinion of any consequence whatsoever."
I already listed in this blog several places where Jubilees CONTRADICTS the Torah. Go read them. If you dare! But you won't because you don't care. In your pride you are right and every one else is wrong. You teach that Satan conquered the church even though Jesus said this would never happen.
The dangerous thing about you is that you infect the minds of gullible Filipinos. They eat up your words which tickle their ears and you think that is evidence of good fruit and the veracity of your doctrine. It's not.
We have a basis for our belief from Jubilees which is scripture and we prove it and you do nothing to disprove other than ridicule in ignorance in a false paradigm you create. You use Kabbalah's concept of a Garden and Tree of Life out of this world on another plain of existence. What's worse is your are too stupid to even know you are a Kabbalist buying Jewish Fables not scripture. Sad but true.
DeleteYou are not qualified because you have a major learning disability already proven as you have committed fraud in every topic you have touched on a profound scale in fact. You do not know scripture, history, geography nor linguistics yet represent yourself in fraud as an expert and you are nothing. You have no resume in these areas and no right to speak by your own standards in which you attempted to quiet us yet Tim is 10 levels over your head and vets credible.
You are the representation of a gullible Filipino not our viewers. They can think and research and are far smarter than you. You cannot even render a sentence accurately and all you do is tow the line for Colonialists in the worst of ignorance. You actually accept the control lines from the ones that conquered, enslaved and stole from your people and continue to do so on your watch. Yet, all you can do is peddle their doctrines, their rewritten, misrepresented history and all is meant to keep you as the failure you are and will likely remain. However, the Philippines is not nor will they be in prophecy. They will leave you far behind assuming they even let you stay in this country because your brand of Jesuit-style agitation will be ousted. You will either change or you will face the music. In the meantime, we will continue as we are. You haven't disproven anything at all but served to fortify our case even deeper. A case you haven't even reviewed yet because you are a racist, pig even toward your own people bearing a Colonialist mentality as you have demonstrated even now, you are the worst of the Philippines and that worst will go whether you like it or not. Don't worry Mr. Cyber Libel, you will be dealt with.
"you do nothing to disprove other than ridicule"
DeleteYes your teaching that Enoch has been living in the Philippines for 4000 years is worthy of ridicule.
"Tim is 10 levels over your head"
I agree. He is sunk way deep in the mire of ignorance and prelest.
"You are the representation of a gullible Filipino not our viewers. They can think and research and are far smarter than you."
I am the ONLY one who has given you any sort of challenge. The ONLY ONE. You even deceitfully changed your videos and website because of me. No one else has done this. Only me. Only I have gone systematically through your videos proving your fraud again and again and again all the only defense you have is ad hominems. That's because deep down you know I am right and it pains you that my web page is on the top of Google results when people look up the God Culture.
You seem oblivious as usual. You are not testing, you are ridiculing in a big smart nuh-uh. Duh! That's just stupid not testing. You cannot prove that Enoch is anywhere else nor can you prove he is not in the Garden. What a fraud and fool you are.
DeleteYou do realize that in terms of water as you choose in stupid ignorance yet again, that still places Tim above you fool. What a stupid response as usual.
You are the only one dumb enough to challenge a postion without even reviewing it. You r ignorance is so profound you literally rank among the dumbest fools out there. You have never challenged anything as all you have done is guess what we do or do not prove, play around with sources that turn out to be accurate and ridicule. Then, you lose debate as you always do and you break the law in cyber libel, etc. and you will soon pay for that. You don't even know what right is. You are a Kabbalist in this blog, then, a British propagandists, you are a wavering idiot with no moral compass nor foundation which you have proven over and over. You are a fraud and proven so. You know nothing of history, geography, science, linguistics and especially not the Bible. You call us a fraud but you cannot prove it as we are legitimate. We have 200 YouTube videos, how bout you? We have 80,000 subscribers and over 9 million views, how bout you? You even ridiculed a video as no one likes it yet can't even bother to look at YouTube which that video alone had 1,200 likes and over 40,000 views. You are a fraud. The 10 people that will see this blog are all laughing at your ignorance and you deserve it.
Notice the absolute stupidity of this Jesuit fraud who thinks the Catholic Church can take credit for the Bible. They wrote none of it. The Prophets and Apostles did and they left books out, added books and even have been caught altering texts especially manuscripts in complete fraud. There is no Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, etc. who has the authority to overrule John the Baptist and the Levite priests who kept scripture in Qumran and Messiah visited this library more than once. Levites were the keepers of scripture and the teachers, the temple priests as well as the High Priest of the temple. The Catholic Church is a sad, hollow shell of Pharisee leaven which leads to ignorance and the Dark Ages exhibiting the fruits of satan stealing, killing and destroying everywhere they go. You can see this buffoon continues to comment in utter ignorance only taking fragments of our videos even which is his established pattern with scripture, history, etc. and since his first blog which he wrote having never watched the 3 series he condemned in ignorance. That has not changed. What a fraud. We are done with this fraud.
ReplyDelete"Notice the absolute stupidity of this Jesuit fraud who thinks the Catholic Church can take credit for the Bible."
DeleteNever said that at all.
"There is no Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, etc. who has the authority to overrule John the Baptist and the Levite priests who kept scripture in Qumran and Messiah visited this library more than once. Levites were the keepers of scripture and the teachers, the temple priests as well as the High Priest of the temple."
The canon of the Septuagint predates Qumran and does not contain Jubilees because it did not even exist at that time! Not even Jospehus utilized it in his writings. You are totally ignorant of how the Bible was formed.
The Septuagint canon is questionable as those were not Levites. Levites kept scripture and lived in Qumran. What a fraud you are. Josephus was a Pharisee stupid. The fact you would not know just continues your pattern of ignorance. He too was not a Levite nor a keeper of scripture but the Qumran community were Aaronic Levite priest, the sons of Zadok. They are the only ones authorized to determine scripture not the Catholic Church and not a Pharisee in Rome nor Essenes/Gnostics in Egypt.
DeleteHowever, let's apply your logic of stupid as you conclude that everything written first must be the truth. It is incredibly stupid but let's apply it anyway. That thinking means since we published our videos first, you are wrong because we were first. There ya go. Debate lost. You never seem to apply your own stupid logic to yourself. What an absolute hypocrite and fool.
"The Septuagint canon is questionable"
DeleteNo it isn't. It is historical and provable. It is in use to this day in the East. I have a copy sitting on my shelf. It does not and never did contain Jubilees.
"That thinking means since we published our videos first, you are wrong because we were first."
What a total misrepresentation of not only what I said but of history. The Septuagint represents an older canon and an older textual tradition that Qumran and the Masoretic. And it never contained Enoch or Jubilees in its canon. That is a fact.
Oh, well I guess your shelf outrules the Levites as the keeper of scripture. Huh? What a ridiculously stupid comment from a fool. Please tell us Aaronic Levite Priest wrote the Septuagint. Please… The Temple Levites were exiled to Qumran where they kept and preserved all of the Bible where Messiah was baptized by John the Baptist and visited again. They are the only ones qualified to keep and determine scripture. The Septuagint is awesome to have as a tool but it is not such representation and you are a fraud to think that trumps Levite Temple Priests. What a fool you are.
DeleteApplying your stupid logic on the other part and absolutely stupid indeed. Your logic is utter idiocy. Something earlier does not make it truth. The practice of keeping scripture follows Levites and no one else. You vomit up Josephus the Pharisee in stupidity as well as a translation that is good to have in Greek but not known as a complete representation of scripture and neither can replace the Temple Levites who kept Jubilees and used it as Torah as fact. Then, John, Peter, Luke and Paul all quote the Book of Jubilees for significant and monumental New Testament doctrine which does not derive from the entire Old Testament. That is a massive problem for scholars attempting to dismiss it. They cannot and neither can you effectively.
"Please tell us Aaronic Levite Priest wrote the Septuagint."
DeleteNobody WROTE the Septuagint. The Septuagint is a TRANSLATION of the HEBREW SCRIPTURES. It was translated in the 3rd century BC by the Jews themselves at the behest of the king of Egypt. There is no Jubilees in the Septuagint. It is not scripture. Was not even written until the middle of the 2nd century BC.
"Then, John, Peter, Luke and Paul all quote the Book of Jubilees for significant and monumental New Testament doctrine which does not derive from the entire Old Testament."
No they don't. That is a CLAIM you make by comparing two English translations. It is not something you have proven. All the NT doctrine comes from the OT version of the Septuagint. That is what Jesus and the Apostles quote over and over.
"That is a massive problem for scholars attempting to dismiss it."
It's not a problem at all. Only trinity denying heretics and schismatics like you are making these kinds of claims. Digging through trash thinking you are pulling up treasure. It is fitting you accept it as scripture because the Body of Christ never did and you are no part of the Body of Christ as you admit.
In other words, NO Levite priests wrote nor compiled nor translated the Septuagint. You are a fraud. This disqualifies it as a determination of what books were in scripture. Only the Levite Library in Qumran qualifies and it says Jubilees is Torah. Who are you to overrule the Levites from the Temple? Just a worthless blogger who struggles to comprehend a sentence whether alone determining a book as scripture. Your approach has, as always been, ignorant ridicule from a false paradigm and they are among the dumbest comments we have ever seen on the topic. Unintelligent and uneducated.
DeleteWe have proven the Apostles quoted Jubilees and we are not the first to conclude such. You have not disproven it have you? Can you prove that the Old Testament ever says that Messiah created all things? No! Please produce such scripture. You will not fool. You know nothing. That originates in the Book of Jubilees. Where does the OT mention the "Sons of Perdition" used by Paul and Peter? Oops! Not there. Only in Jubilees. Where does Paul get the doctrine of a New Creature in Christ? Oops! Not in the OT canon, but it is a direct reference to Jubilees. Your saying nuh-uh is simply willing ignorance of a fool which is all you represent and in fraud. However, having lost the debate yet again, what do you do? Well, deflect like a communist as usual. What a fraud you are. You are done and we are done responding to this ignorant ball of nothing. Quit wasting people's time and find a career that uits your skillset as you are certainly no credible blogger, not a scholar, not a theologian nor can you think on such level in slightest. You sound like an ignorant teenager.
"This disqualifies it as a determination of what books were in scripture. Only the Levite Library in Qumran qualifies.."
DeleteMore assumptions. You assume that what was in the caves is a measuring stick for what is and what is not canon. There are no NT books in Qumran. Not all the OT was found at Qumran. Many scrolls were found there. Many of them, including Jubilees, are not scripture.
"We have proven the Apostles quoted Jubilees and we are not the first to conclude such."
Again no you haven't. You showed places in the english translations of the NT and Jubilees which appear to be similar. That is all.
"Where does Paul get the doctrine of a New Creature in Christ?"
Paul was taught directly by God in the desert for three years. All his doctrine comes from God. Go read Galatians again.
You people are such frauds it is unbelievable. Tim can't even settle on a project! 100 clues?? No! You didn't plan out 100 clues. 3 of those videos are responses to me!
DeleteAn in-depth look at the Book of Jubilees? It's been a year and we are still waiting!
In the meantime he started a new series about the Feasts.....OOPSS!!!
I mean he started a new series on the sabbath without finishing what he started about the Feasts. Will he even finish it or will he get bored and move on to something else? Even got a plan for it? It's been 3 days and no new video yet!
Will he ever finish the 100 clues?
As if the word fraud has anything to do with a how often we put out videos. You don't even know how to use the word but you certainly know how to play the fraud because that is all you have done. You ridicule and you cannot handle overwhelming force in response. Tough luck crybaby. You are pathetic. You just get dumber and dumber all the time. Your viewers are now laughing at you. What a loser you are.
DeleteYou are a fraud and proven so. You know nothing of history, geography, science, linguistics and especially not the Bible. You call us a fraud but you cannot prove it as we are legitimate. We have 200 YouTube videos, how bout you? We have 80,000 subscribers and over 9 million views, how bout you? You even ridiculed a video as no one likes it yet can't even bother to look at YouTube which that video alone had 1,200 likes and over 40,000 views. You are a fraud. The 10 people that will see this blog are all laughing at your ignorance and you deserve it.
Delete"We have 200 YouTube videos, how bout you? We have 80,000 subscribers and over 9 million views, how bout you?"
DeleteLOL!! INC, JWs. and the Mormons have MILLIONS of members. How bout you?
In other words, you have none, nothing. In fact, in the time we uploaded 8 videos you have less stupid, trashy, illegitimate, poorly researched, propaganda blogs. What a fraud, you don't even bother to look at yourself before point at others even. And we publish quality videos that require far more work. Amazingly stupid you are David Roxas. Instead let's critique this blog. First, the logo above is stolen from the previous founder of this blog according to that founder. Worse, it looks like it was created in Microsoft Word and trashy, low resolution. Pathetic. Then, there's the Clip Art used which looks like an elementary school child drew it. No, even worse than that really. Nice! Your journalism employs sensational titles that by your own admission do not actually represent the content which you are trying to represent. Poor and illegitmate! Then, the content itself sets a false paradigm such as this one which claims that the only way to test Jubilees is it must be Genesis and if it is not an exact match to Genesis, it must not be scripture. That's stupidity not a manner in which to test and certainly not a paradigm one with intelligence would employ unless they have an agenda as you do but intelligence is very questionable. But stupidity is your middle name. Yep, we researched that. We have nothing in common with those cults but you do. You all buy into Pharisee leaven and you are frauds who do not know the Bihble, history, geography, linguistics, etc. You are a profane disgusting stench in the nostrils of Yahuah. Your knowledge of scripture is less than elementary, your use of history is fraudulent and erroneous on a broad and large scale, your proficient with maps does not even register on the scale it is so lacking in aptitude. You are just a passive aggressive fool who flirts with demons to do what you have. In fact, this fraud blogger sent pictures of our leader's kids to our emails more than once in threat which is illegal and harasssment, he just sent a text message from a former family member who is a lawyer and not pleased that he sent their private communication without his permission which is illegal. He has no regard for the law in his demonic pursuits, no lines which he has crossed into Cyber Libel, fraud, gross negligence, sending pictures of minors is illegal, posting signatures of our leader including his private information illegally... the list goes on and on and then he proved to be a liar and a fraud many times over. He frauds history misrepresenting The Periplus absent critical directions that don't support his British propaganda view of course, then Mela in which he does the same ignoring that he believed Chryse/Ophir to be islands between Malay Peninsula tip and China which is called the Philippines and maps prove this though he ridicules and ignores any of them that do not fit his fraud, misrepresented Dionysius the Tourist very grossly ignoring maps including the very one he put in his blog which proves him wrong but he left off the marker that it is located directly below the lyne (Tropic) of Cancer which is the Philippines. He lied and misrepresented Legeza, Villegas, Horridge and others even in this blog. His opinion is just British propaganda and this is the worst of what is left in the Philippines right now. He just attacks and ridicules and very stupidly but more so in a criminally negligent manner and this will be dealt with. This element of corruption including PhilippineFails will be ousted very soon as the Philippines rises in judgment and is restored and it will be. Unfortunately, David Roxas will be left behind.
DeleteFor those who truly wish to learn, there is a track on scroll libraries we can all follow long before the Catholic Church was formed. Anyone who thinks the Bible began in 325 AD is an absolute moron. Ecumenical Councils are impertinent as the Catholic Church is not the origin of scripture and what a ridiculously uneducated claim this fraud makes yet again. He truly knows nothing at all. There were scroll libraries far prior and the one to follow is that of those according to the Bible who kept scripture and taught it. The teachers were the Levites. Any buffoon who thinks he knows anything about scripture and the selection of books that begins with the Catholic Church is among the most ignorant of all. The Levites can be followed thru history from Jerusalem and in 165 BC, they were exiled mostly from the Temple especially the sons of Zadok who were the High Priestly line and leadership who was expelled by the Hasmoneans and Pharisees. Only a fool would then give Josephus, an admitted Hasmonean and Pharisee credit for keeping track of scripture. The notion is insanity. Others who claim a translation from Egypt in Greek not compiled by Levites either is simply a fraud to say such. The ones to follow are the Levites and we have such a find unearthed in 1947 in Qumran. In the Bible this is Bethabara/Betharabah where Messiah was baptized by John the Baptist. This is well-proven in videos this fraud blogger has not watched yet ridicules because he is a fool. We find maps from the most ancient of Israel to 1901 locating Bethabara in Qumran. There is a reason why the Pharisees, however, who control the find today do not want you and I to know about it nor the Catholic Church who was involved in the beginning. This library from John the Baptist's community easily verified as such is the time capsule and only accurate measure of the Old Testament Canon in the days of Messiah who also visited there more than once. Like he didn't know they kept the Word there and did not read it all several times practically endorsing the library in fact. However, we are told Kabbalistic Essenes lived in Qumran yet those documents, and there are several, identify themselves as Aaronic bloodline Levite Priests NEVER 1 time as Essenes. NEVER once to they espouse Kabbalistic Essene doctrine. The Essenes lived in Ein Gedi 25 miles South of Qumran which has 0 Dead Sea Scroll scripture. They were not keepers of scripture. The Levites were and they kept such library in tact which was found in 1947.
ReplyDeleteGood to know Christ has not preserved his church and left it with a true Bible.
DeleteThere ya go again... Another example of a moron who can't read. He can't even reflect a sentence with accuracy. See the way he agitates as a child and very stupidly? This is just a Jesuit-style fraud and nothing else. We are done with this garbage.
Delete"This is just a Jesuit-style fraud and nothing else."
DeleteYOU are the one who claims that Satan took over the church. That the church does not have the true canon of scripture and that the DSS discovery is a restoration of what the church lost. That is YOUR doctrine.
You literally teach that Christ lied when He said I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. So where has the church been for 2k years? Hidden until Tim came along and got his revelation?
In other words, you have none, nothing. In fact, in the time we uploaded 8 videos you have less stupid, trashy, illegitimate, poorly researched, propaganda blogs. What a fraud, you don't even bother to look at yourself before point at others even. And we publish quality videos that require far more work. Amazingly stupid you are David Roxas. Instead let's critique this blog. First, the logo above is stolen from the previous founder of this blog according to that founder. Worse, it looks like it was created in Microsoft Word and trashy, low resolution. Pathetic. Then, there's the Clip Art used which looks like an elementary school child drew it. No, even worse than that really. Nice! Your journalism employs sensational titles that by your own admission do not actually represent the content which you are trying to represent. Poor and illegitmate! Then, the content itself sets a false paradigm such as this one which claims that the only way to test Jubilees is it must be Genesis and if it is not an exact match to Genesis, it must not be scripture. That's stupidity not a manner in which to test and certainly not a paradigm one with intelligence would employ unless they have an agenda as you do but intelligence is very questionable. But stupidity is your middle name. Yep, we researched that. We have nothing in common with those cults but you do. You all buy into Pharisee leaven and you are frauds who do not know the Bihble, history, geography, linguistics, etc. You are a profane disgusting stench in the nostrils of Yahuah. Your knowledge of scripture is less than elementary, your use of history is fraudulent and erroneous on a broad and large scale, your proficient with maps does not even register on the scale it is so lacking in aptitude. You are just a passive aggressive fool who flirts with demons to do what you have. In fact, this fraud blogger sent pictures of our leader's kids to our emails more than once in threat which is illegal and harasssment, he just sent a text message from a former family member who is a lawyer and not pleased that he sent their private communication without his permission which is illegal. He has no regard for the law in his demonic pursuits, no lines which he has crossed into Cyber Libel, fraud, gross negligence, sending pictures of minors is illegal, posting signatures of our leader including his private information illegally... the list goes on and on and then he proved to be a liar and a fraud many times over. He frauds history misrepresenting The Periplus absent critical directions that don't support his British propaganda view of course, then Mela in which he does the same ignoring that he believed Chryse/Ophir to be islands between Malay Peninsula tip and China which is called the Philippines and maps prove this though he ridicules and ignores any of them that do not fit his fraud, misrepresented Dionysius the Tourist very grossly ignoring maps including the very one he put in his blog which proves him wrong but he left off the marker that it is located directly below the lyne (Tropic) of Cancer which is the Philippines. He lied and misrepresented Legeza, Villegas, Horridge and others even in this blog. His opinion is just British propaganda and this is the worst of what is left in the Philippines right now. He just attacks and ridicules and very stupidly but more so in a criminally negligent manner and this will be dealt with. This element of corruption including PhilippineFails will be ousted very soon as the Philippines rises in judgment and is restored and it will be. Unfortunately, David Roxas will be left behind.
Delete"First, the logo above is stolen from the previous founder of this blog according to that founder."
DeleteThat is not true at all. I changed my logo and I used an online logo creator.
"Then, there's the Clip Art used which looks like an elementary school child drew it."
What clip art?
"Then, the content itself sets a false paradigm such as this one which claims that the only way to test Jubilees is it must be Genesis and if it is not an exact match to Genesis, it must not be scripture. "
Jubilees CONTRADICTS Genesis. Get over it.
"in threat"
Tell us EXACTLY what the threat is.
Listen if you really are going to hang out here just tell us all whether or not the Holy Spirit is a Person or an impersonal force.
"posting signatures of our leader including his private information illegally."
LOL! All that information is available PUBLICLY. A lot more is available publicly too.
No Tim's personal email is not available publicly until you published it you libelous fraud but you have done far worse than that and you will pay for that soon.
DeleteAll this idiot knows is agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child. Look at this fraud. We are done with this trash and will respond with canned responses to the rest of his garbage.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
"No Tim's personal email is not available publicly until you published it you"
DeleteLook at this guy who does not know that all info about who owns a website, (including name, address, phone number, and email) is PUBLICLY available. how do you think I got all that info?
Do you not know how to use the internet??
This should have changed our world yet the church works with the Pharisees to suppress what they do not even realize because they have conducted no research, is a New Testament community of John the Baptist and Aaronic Levite Priests who were exiled from the Temple by the Hasmoneans and Pharisees. It is very easy to unravel when actually conducts research which you will never get from this fraudulent misrepresentation par for the course for this blog of a liar who is proven so. What our Original Canon Series which this blogger has not yet ridicules in ignorance and stupidity and you will find maps indisputably prove this along wth Joshua and other scripture which agrees. It's time to cut thru the nonsense and the false paradigms of losers who misrepresent themselves and the Word. This fraud blogger has no qualifications to teach scripture nor has he ever that he has ever produced. Yet, he pretends to enter an arena in which he is inept on every level acting as if he knows something and he knows nothing which we have proven. This is sad. Don't pay attention to such deceivers and frauds who have an agenda that leads to Kabbalah, Jewish Fables, Catholic nonsense and the fraudulent doctrines of men in which he cannot even produce scripture to support. This hack is a criminal who invokes cyber libel attacking our leader and his wife numerous times far over the line because he is a passive aggressive fraud who cannot process the level of detail of our Solomon's Gold Series he has not watched nor any of our series. He is the epitome of the worse part of the Philippines. The agitators who tear down and can't even offer a single positive word. He has been attacking us for over 9 months now and every time we have wiped the floor with his nonsense with actual facts and support. Essentially you can wrap this up in 2 words because it all that is coherent from all this bluster - nuh uh. He has the intelligence of a child in comprehension and can't even understand very direct and straIght forward quotes even proven in this blog as he ignores words like PROVE and ESTABLISHED FACT as well as markers like directly below the lyne (Tropic) of Cancer. He is absolute fraud mixing and confusing and trying to mislead even attempting to jump into a series that just started in utter disrespect. Then, he complains we have not put out enough videos as if 200 is not enough. These are videos of quality not trash that is not thought through with trashy graphics and horrible titles and journalism far below elementary level. He ridicules a video as no wonder no one likes it and yet it has 1,200 likes and over 40,000 views as a complete fool. He disregards actual facts and makes up his own because he is a fraud and a liar. He has lied about The Periplus and he was caught and exposed. He misrepresented about Mela and he was caught and exposed. He lied about Dionysius omitting the most important part of the directions which complete them just as he did with the Periplus in fraud and he was caught and exposed. He was caught misrepresenting Legeza, Villegas, Horridge and a host of others in complete fraud in interpretation as he ignores what they actually wrote making up his own false narrative. I mean these lies and fraud on a large scale and his misrepresentation very severe. We are done with this stupidity.
ReplyDelete"We are done with this stupidity."
DeleteReally? You are? Then stop coming back here.
Unfortunately for you, I committed to keep you in check and you aren't getting off the hook you belligerent, harassing, libelous, lying, fraud. I will be calling you out often and you are caught. Keep attacking and I'll keep coming because you are not going to get away with your fraud. What a loser you are David Roxas of PhilippineFailsFraud. Now worries though because very soon, you will have to answer for your criminal behavior. Enjoy.
Delete"I committed to keep you in check"
DeleteThen stop saying "We are done." Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
BTW is the Holy Spirit a person or an impersonal force?
All this idiot knows is agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child. Look at this fraud. We are done with this trash and will respond with canned responses to the rest of his garbage.
Deleteagitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
If you don't give a definite answer then from your previous statements I will have to assume that Tim teaches the Holy Spirit is an impersonal force. He certainly does not believe the Holy Spirit is God.
DeleteYou are owed no response you libelous fraud. You lost all right to ask us questions loser. All this idiot knows is agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child. Look at this fraud. We are done with this trash and will respond with canned responses to the rest of his garbage.
Deleteagitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
"You are owed no response"
DeleteThen stop responding. It's really that simple. You should really answer the question though about the Holy Spirit so we can portray you accurately. One way or another you will be answering the question.
Follow the track including maps and scripture at:
ReplyDeleteOriginal Canon Series:
Sabbath is certainly not a topic for a point-counterpoint blog of a fraud and lair, proven so. Watch our series for yourself and see what we prove and do not. Since it is only on Part 2, there is much to cover and we haven’t even begun to deal with Paul and all the objections which we will but in our videos not for a fraud blogger who would begin trying to mix and confuse as it is launched in a very tasteless way to attempt to pre-empt a series. This guy has no class in any sense. He just ridicules, agitates, commits fraud and libel in gross negligence and wants to appear significant yet is not in the slightest as he has already well-proven his ignorance in history, geography, science, language, etc. His learning disability is profound. Talk about an idiot!
Sabbath Series:
Also, we have started our Feast of YHWH Series:
Watch, test and learn. Yah Bless all.
Your original canon series stinks! There are only 3 videos that are pertinent. And you DON'T DISCUSS CANON!!! In 2 videos you attempt to prove who was at Qumran. In the Jubileess video you don't even analyze the book's contents. You promise more and DO NOT DELIVER!!
DeleteNever once do you talk about how the canon was formed or what books are in it or why they are there any thing like that whatsoever. It's just more garbage.
BTW is the Holy Spirit a person or a force?
"Sabbath is certainly not a topic for a point-counterpoint blog"
DeleteThis blog is not ABOUT the sabbath. Did you read it? Or just see the screenshots? This is about JUBILEES. A book you claim you tested but did not. BTW Tim....why talk about the IRS? Did you have tax problems? I know you went bankrupt and owed back pay for child support. Was the IRS breathing down your neck?
You haven't even watched our Original Canon Series. The findings there are profound but a child like you would never understand because they do not support your arrogant fraud. You will face the music soon criminal.
DeleteNow, look at the agitation. Tax problems? How would that be any of this fool's business anyway? Tim's 30 years career speaks for itself. What a fraud. Does this fool's experience? No. He is illegitimate and has no journalism experience and doesn't know what he is doing which is why he stupidly runs his diarhhea mouth illegally. Kinda like his texting our leader's former attorney and a former family member just to harass. He doesn't even ask them anything meaningful that would give such purpose but only to harass which is blatant and highly illegal. He forwards these to us just to harass as well as pictures of children which is very illegal. This harassment is illegal as is his Cyber Libel among other infractions this criminal continues to perpetrate. What a fraud. What is he even talking about? First, I'm not Tim and we do not discuss taxes as that is not one of our topics nor will it be. What a ridiculously stupid fool this David Roxas of PhilippineFails is. Watch his tactic. He loses the debate and then, goes off on another tangent unrelated and unsupported to deflect because he is a loser and a child. This is because he is a fraud and a liar. This loser will soon reap the rewards of this Jesuit-style agitation he is commissioned to execute. Very soon.
The insinuation that Tim has had some kind of tax problems with 0 basis is such a lie being perpetrated yet again in Cyber Libel by this criminal. He just can't stop his diarhhea mouth at all. No, you don't call yourself a responsible journalist and insinuate things you have 0 support for nor will he ever find such support. This proves this is no journalist but just another fraud. He is an arrogant, demon-possessed liar. He will reap the rewards of his demonic ilk very soon.
Delete"The insinuation that Tim has had some kind of tax problems with 0 basis is such a lie"
DeleteThen why bring up the IRS in a video about The Book of Jubilees? Asking a question isn't libel. You have poor grasp of the law, Tim.
"You haven't even watched our Original Canon Series."
OK i am going to come clean here. You are right. I have not WATCHED your series. What I did was download the video, extract the audio, and put it on my mp3 player so I can listen very closely and take notes so I can visit each slide as necessary.
You don' really need to watch those videos. They work just as fine as a lecture with no visuals needed to comprehend what Tim is saying.
All this idiot knows is agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child. Look at this fraud. We are done with this trash and will respond with canned responses to the rest of his garbage.
Deleteagitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
agitate. deceive. deflect. distract. lie. fraud. as a child.
We have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.
ReplyDeleteHaving viewed both sides of this debate (if it can be claimed that PhilippineFails has a side to debate), I have to conclude that The God Culture have proven out every angle of The Dead Sea Scrolls.
ReplyDeleteThey have succeeded in clarifying their history in a more complete and articulate way than I have seen done anywhere else. Not only that, but The God Culture have clarified major topics to me which in 30 years, the Christian/Catholic church (they're both the same to me nowadays) have completely failed to clarify.
For example, how come Isaiah says that the first to return to Israel will be the strangers which rebuild the walls? How could the Bible be true if the Jews were the Hebrews since it's the Jews which rebuilt the walls? This was a problem for me, until The God Culture explained how the Jews are not of Shem but are from Japheth and therefore are not the Hebrews. They explained clearly with evidence, how they came to be in Israel before Yahusha's time and even where they went when they left there - to the Russian Steppes.
They backed that all up further by proving out where the Hebrew Lost Tribes of Israel went after they left Israel, again, before Yahusha came. They tracked them from Kurdistan to the Philippines, which only seems to add even greater credence to their Solomon's Gold Series where they identify the Land of Creation, the Garden of Eden and where the Sons of Noah lived after the flood.
They were able to clearly prove out to me that The Book of Esther is a Pharisee fraud, so too was the MODERN book of Yasher and Maccabees.
Unlike other blogs and scholars and preachers from the pulpit, The God Culture prove everything out in laymans terms from multiple angles, so that both the scholar and the unlearned alike can both understand the truths being shared.
This PhilippineFails blog, is clearly not the blog of someone who is honestly seeking to promote the truth, since you are attempting to corrupt and to hide so many truths. This is a blatant and coordinated attack intended to both waste the time of The God Culture to prevent them from reaching more people and a desperate attempt of the enemy of Yahuah and of mankind at damage control. There is no way that the Philippine people will fall for this trash now. Their eyes are being opened and THEY WILL RISE!
I agree that the God Culture throws out a lot of information to prove their claims but a closer look reveals them to be twisting the information they use. Timothy says to "prove all things" and I have done this multiple times on this blog.
DeleteHere is Tim lying about Lost Tribes going to the Philippines:
Here is Tim lying about Hebrew place names in the Philippines:
Here is Tim lying about the Book of Jubilees being in constant use in the church from 150 AD to the 1300's:
Here is Tim lying about ancient maps:
Here is Tim lying about the River's of Eden being underwater ocean trenches and Daniel being in Susa:
I could go on and on and on. The fact is Timothy Jay Schwab is lying to you and to all his other viewers and listeners. That you could write "This PhilippineFails blog, is clearly not the blog of someone who is honestly seeking to promote the truth" shows that you are simply not familiar with this blog or the work I have done in exposing the lies of The God Culture and Timothy Jay Schwab.
Philippinefails - I just want to say thank you for the work you've put into this! I watched TGC's videos and considered his work "testing" jubilees to not be sufficient. I've already found some big potential discrepancies to the canon, but I needed a more thorough analysis. Your blog has been incredibly helpful and has saved me hours and hours of work. Between what you've shown, and I've found on my own, I am moving on from testing this book.