Thursday, November 30, 2017

Retards in the Government 25

Part 25 of Retards in the Government.  There really are no words for a fitting introduction.  Its all too crazy and all too real.

August 16th
November 24th

Goodbye Duterte.

Throughout the Philippines numerous houses and businesses are built on sidewalks or right on the edge of busy roads which is a great danger to everyone. That these offending structures are barangay halls is just more proof of nonsense from even the lower levels of government within the Philippines. They had enough money to buy expensive CCTV equipment but none to build in a proper location?
The mayor approved a voucher worth 380,000 pesos for a backhoe which was never delivered. Regulations prevent advanced payments?  Was he scammed? I know Filipinos are easily scammed. They will give you a product on credit but when hey go to collect there is no one to pa up!  Happens quite often.
If the PNP had busted this guy the headline would be much different.  "Barangay official killed in Davao City buy-bust."
Under the bill, all gaming operations would have to secure a legislative franchise from Congress, just like public utilities. 
Franchisees would subject to a 5-percent franchise tax on aggregate gross earnings. 
The full amount of tax collections would fund the charitable and social obligations of Pagcor and the Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office (PCSO).
Let's pass a law that will mandate casinos to pay 5% of all earnings to congress which would then pass the money to the PCSO so it could fulfil its obligations. What could possibly go wrong with that amount of money changing hands? The PCSO is a sam as it stands. It's simply legal gambling sponsored by the government and design to compete will illegal gambling. Why not just take out the illegal gambling networks? What sense does it make for the government to compete with criminals? Search "PCSO corruption" and 75,000 results show up.
The impeachment if the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court rests on the unreliable testimony this man. I fail to understand how he even has standing to bring impeachment articles against anyone. This case should probably be tossed out but Duterte is so bent on ridding the highest level of government of political opposition that it will continue to the end.
“Senator Gordon wants the exclusion of certain procedures, which are related to his name,” Sen. Sonny Angara, chairman of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, said in jest, referring to Sen. Richard Gordon, who is also called as “Dick” by some of his colleagues.
Making dick jokes during a Senate hearing.  How professional.
So far, 81 PNP personnel have been dismissed from the service for violating police operational procedures in the war on drugs. 
From the 81, 5 were officers and 76 were non-commissioned officers. Twenty were demoted and 31 suspended.
But somehow it will all be different once the PNP takes the lead in the drug war again.
Dela Rosa, who retires by year end, has revealed that one-third of the 150,000-strong PNP are "scalawags."
When Bato retires at the end of the year he is going to hunt down all 50,000 corrupt PNP officers because he is very dedicated to eradicating corruption from the ranks of the PNP.
But Dela Rosa, one of the President’s most trusted police officials, admitted that he has yet to see the Reuters report.
Drug lords are now investigative journalists.  Drug lords altered the video footage. It's so exciting that the PNP is going to be leading the drug war again. Be sure to read the report yourself:
Constitutions are never perfect.  They are literally just words on a sheet of paper with an arbitrary meaning unless there are people who are committed to upholding the principles enshrined in the constitution.  So even if the Philippines had the best Constitution it won't be worth the paper it's written on so long as the culture of corruption continues.
Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez said on Tuesday there was “nothing” Congress could do if President Rodrigo Duterte wishes to install a revolutionary government. 
“For me, the President has long stated [his intent to install a revolutionary government], and on the basis of the results of the elections, he achieved a very large mandate,” he told a news conference. 
“This means the people are in favor of it,” the Speaker said.
Politicians say all kinds of things during the campaign. That does not mean the people agree with everything the candidate they vote for says. According to Alvarez Duterte is a dictator already. It's just a matter of flexing his power whenever he so chooses. 

The Philippine government said Tuesday it is uncertain which side to take in case of a military clash between North Korea and the United States and its allies, despite a mutual defense agreement between Manila and Washington.
This however is not unbelievable. As has been shown previously filing frivolous lawsuits to tie up the courts and keep opponents busy with expenses is a common political tactic in the Philippines. So filing a lawsuit because some blogger said something about you that you don't like is par for the course.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Police Bathroom

Filipino toilets are generally filthy.  Some might be more clean than others but then you realise there is no paper to wipe yourself so what are you supposed to do?  But broadly and generally speaking the common household toilet, and even the public toilet, is vile.
The DOH, through its National Sustainable Sanitation Plan, aims to achieve a zero open-defecation status in all barangays by 2022. 
This is to deal with the fact that 7 million Filipinos still practice open defecation, especially in rural areas. 
Duque noted that giving away toilets alone would not solve the problem.
No kidding it won't solve the problem and I see they didn't mention the more common problem of urinating in public. The problem is cultural and not technological. There is no lack of technology in the Philippines but said technology is often utilised in the most improper or inefficient manner. Take the abundance of cell phones. What are they used for besides communication? Facebook drama. Give a Pinoy a can opener and he will look at you funny. Give a Pinoy a knife and he can open any can! The stores all sell toilet paper but I have yet to see any in the toilets of private businesses or in private household toilets. This begs the question: Why is toilet paper in stock and who is buying it?

The nasty toilet issue goes all the way to the top. I wonder what the toilets in Malacañang palace are like.  Is there paper or a bucket and ladle?

Here is a picture of a toilet at SM Supermarket.

Its very clean but there is no paper (those few napkins do not count), no seat, and not even a bucket of water.  Never leave the house with a full colon.

Recently I was at a police station and was able to document the lamentable condition of their CR.

Look at that toilet.  No lid to put down when you need to sit. No toilet paper. The floor is wet and filthy. The sign above the toilet is like a cruel joke.

Remember to flush? And there is a picture pointing to a handle! The toilet does not have a tank or a handle to flush.  So how are you supposed to flush?

By pouring water into the bowl.  This is also where you are to wash your hands. Out of frame and above the toilet is an additional sign.

Please flush the toilet and wash your hands. Again it's like a twisted joke.  You can't flush and you can't exactly wash your hands without making a huge mess.  What are you gonna do? Plunge your dirty hands into that huge vat of water?  That will pollute the water with fecal material. It's all too gross.

Now put all those pictures together and this is what you get:

Lovely huh? Really puts the discomfort in comfort room.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Martial Law: All-out War

Marital law was declared in Mindanao on May 23 because the Maute Group of ISLAMIC terrorists besieged the city of Marawi.  Five months later the city of Marawi was freed from the grip of these terrorists and the city has begun its path to renewal.
“The plan is we will flatten all buildings in the most affected areas and we will build new structures, from two-lane highways to four-lane highways,” Roque said in a news conference in Marawi City. 
“We will have underground electric cables instead of the usual posts and we will make a promenade in Agus River, which will become a prime tourist attraction.”
Sounds ambitious and one does wish that all electric cables in the Philippines were underground rather than jumbled together on rotten leaning wooden posts.  What about this "prime tourist attraction?"  What tourists are they hoping to attract to Marawi?

The Canadian government on Tuesday warned its citizens to exercise a high degree of caution in the Philippines due to the threat of terrorism and the high level of crime. 
Canadians were told to avoid all travels to Mindanao, excluding urban areas of Davao City, due to serious threats of terrorist attacks and kidnapping. 
“There is a serious risk of terrorist attacks and kidnappings in this region. Bombs causing deaths and injuries have exploded in public areas of major centers, including the cities of Cagayan de Oro, Cotabato, General Santos, Isabela, Jolo, Kidapawan and Zamboanga,” the latest travel advisory said.
Who in their right mind would ever vacation in Mindanao? The place has been a hot bed of ISLAMIC terrorism for decades.  Now that the siege is over and the justification for martial law has gone what will happen next in Mindanao?  There are some who wish to see martial law remain in place as a means to fight terrorism  in the region.
A senior military commander wants Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) to remain under the Martial Law. 
Lt. Gen. Carlito Galvez Jr., commander of Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom), said he wants to extend Martial Law in ARMM because of their assessment of the high level of acceptance of the people. 
“Based on what we see, though I don’t want to pre-judge, but for the Westmincom AOR it is safe for me to at least say that ARMM should be maintained under martial law and some other areas like part of Zamboanga and also area of Iligan,” Galvez said. 
Galvez, however, said the extension or the stay of Martial Law in Mindanao will still depend on the assessment based consultation with the people. 
"The people are asking, they want martial law will continue because they see that due to martial law they will feel more safe," Galvez said. 
"Unlike the martial law during the early days, The martial law we have currently the full constitutional rights of our citizens is being protected. We have seen in Marawi even though we have the martial law the high level of acceptance of the military from the civilian populace. Not only in Marawi but also the whole populace (whole nation) that the military can be trusted in the implementation of martial law," Galvez added.
Where does Gen. Galvez get the notion that the extension of martial law depends on a consultation with the people?  There are strict provisions in the constitution for when martial law can be declared. All over social media one will read anecdotal statements about the people of Mindanao wanting and applauding marital law because they feel safer. The emphasis is always that these people support Duterte's declaration and not the sad fact that for the people of Mindanao to feel safe they need martial law. Those who support martial law seem to not realise that if you need martial law to feel safe then something has gone horribly wrong.

If martial law is to be continued there needs to be a legal justification for Congress to extend it.  The opinions of the people of Mindanao don't matter one bit.
Article 7 section 18 of the constitution spells out the reasons martial law can be declared.
In case of invasion or rebellion, when the public safety requires it, he may, for a period not exceeding sixty days, suspend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or place the Philippines or any part thereof under martial law.
It's not very likely that an invasion will be happening anytime soon and pubic safety has always been at risk in Mindanao so those options as justification for the extension of martial law are out. But what could possibly happen that would constitute a rebellion?

An all-out war with the NPA.
“The Filipino people and revolutionary forces waging the people’s democratic revolution have no choice but to intensify the people’s war through extensive and intensive guerrilla warfare in rural areas and partisan or commando operations in urban areas,” Sison said in a statement.
Last week Duterte moved to cancelled the peace talks with the communists and he also officially declared that they are a terrorist organisation. This week he has signed an order officially ending the peace talks, the military has declared war on the NPA, and the leader of the CPP-NPA has vowed to intensify "the people's war." And Duterte is only too eager to oblige them.
The goal of the CPP has always been to overthrow the government.
There is no negotiating with a group which is working to eradicate you. The inevitable war with the NPA is now upon us and if all goes according to plan this war will be the excuse to not only extend martial law in Mindanao but to expand it over the entire country.
If coordinated attacks were carried out all over the Philippines the people would certainly get in line with support for war and martial law would be clamoured for by the people and politicians as a means to effectively handle the situation.  This is a classic dialectic of problem, reaction, solution. 

At the same time the undertrained and ill-equipped AFP is at war with the NPA the war against MUSLIM terrorists in Mindanao will be on-going. It will be a multi-front war across all 7,641 islands of the Philippine archipelago with Mindanao being the main theatre of conflict.
New terror leaders have begun to emerge one month after fighting between government forces and Islamic State-inspired extremists here ended, a military official said Thursday.
New terror leaders emerging to reshape and lead the remains of the Maute Group and Abu Sayyaf. A newly declared war with the NPA. It's only going to get worse in Mindanao.

But wait! There's more!
“Today with God’s guidance and the resistance of people in the region we can say that this evil has either been lifted from the head of the people or has been reduced,” Rouhani said in an address broadcast live on state TV.  
“Of course the remnants will continue but the foundation and roots have been destroyed.”
After years of fighting in Syria and Iraq the president of Iran has declared ISIS is finished. What does this mean for the Philippines? It means that if President Rouhani is correct we could see the remnants he mentions set up shop in Mindanao in an even bigger way that they have now. Remember it was in 2014 that the call went out for fighters to make their way to the Philippines to spread jihad. Many heeded that call.  Many are still heeding that call. 

This declaration must be taken with a huge grain of salt but should jihadis begin flocking en masse to the Philippines to wage war against the kafirs the AFP is totally unprepared to deal with that situation and the world knows it. Marawi showed everyone an inept and bungling military which was kept at bay for five months by only 1,000 jihadists. Did they get the job done? Yeah they did but not without a hard struggle which they admit they were not prepared for.
Hard challenges and hard choices are coming in the next month. What will happen before year's end? God only knows but the immediate future does not look so bright. It looks bloody.
There will be more blood. President Rodrigo Duterte, already being criticized for the bloodshed that marred his war on drugs, told  soldiers to prepare for heightened violence following his decision to scuttle peace talks with communist rebels. 
The rebels, Mr. Duterte told members of the First Scout Ranger Regiment, “will strike again.” 
“There will be virulent confrontations,” he said a day after signing Proclamation No. 360 terminating peace talks with communist rebels. 
“Be prepared for that,” said the President, who wore a Ranger uniform in a gesture that appeared to deliver the message that he was ready for a full-scale war with communist rebels.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Fake Honey? Maybe!

Usually there are some pretty tasty food stalls at the mall.  This one was pretty nice. The bag of coffee on the top shelf caught my eye and the saleslady pushed hard for the sale.  It's a blend of several coffees she said.  Arabica and robust.  Coffees from the region. She offered a sample which I gladly received.  It was way too hot to drink. She said coffee is supposed to be hot.  Yeah but not hot enough to burn your tongue.  This is supposed to be a drinkable sample.

The coffee they are selling was 150 pesos for 250 grams. That is just too expensive.  I buy Batangas ground coffee from the market at 200 pesos for a kilo. This can last a month or two.  The salesman told me their 250 gram bag of coffee will make 50 cups.  I don't know about that. I wasn't interested at all in buying their coffee.

I noticed they had honey for sale so naturally I asked about it. The saleslady said it was from the region. A friend of hers ships the honey to her in large containers and then she repackages it. I asked why there was no foam and was told that there is no foam because the honey is mature. Next I asked about green honey. She said they don't sell green honey but then she touted its benefits.

That was enough for me to know that this lady has no idea about honey.  I suppose my question was a bit devious because in the stall adjacent to her is "Wise Man's Food" which is selling fake regular honey and fake green honey. My question was a sly trick to garner her opinion on green honey which I am sure she knows is being sold in the stall right next to hers. Maybe she knows green honey is fake and does not want the saleslady in the next stall to hear her say that.  I doubt it.

It was not the saleslady who told me that the honey has no foam because it is mature. Her husband and partner told me that. Apparently this man is the Jarvis of Jarvis Gourmet Foods. Going off their Facebook page it appears as if he is the chef who creates all their food items.  So his food is real. He makes the food.  

But the honey is another story. Maybe not all honey has foam.  Maybe mature honey does not have foam. I don't know really. That sounds dubious to me and the internet isn't exactly helpful with confirming this information. What I do know is that this lady's friend shipping her honey in large containers to be repackaged and which looks suspiciously like syrup and not honey at all does not sit well with me. The fact of her touting the health benefits of fake green honey shows she has not the slightest clue of what she is talking about when it comes to honey. Go ahead and ask a "dog breeder" about princess type shih tzus and you will get the same response as this lady gave me about green honey: the highest praise for something which does not exist. In the Philippines so-called experts are duped all the time and, either wittingly or unwittingly, they pass on the wrong information to their customers. I would not be surprised if these two have been duped by their friend into believing this fake honey is real.

I could be wrong of course but this is the Philippines and there's always a scam right around the next door.

However, their bread and spinach cheese spread was quite delicious!

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Retards in the Government 24

Part 24 of "Retards in the Government.  Part 24 but there will be more. If I remain alive I guarantee part 25!

You know what they say.  No good deed goes unpunished. With all the good work the PDEA is doing we all know this is not about their performance. Or maybe it is.  All those arrests and not enough kills. How will the PDEA help Duterte make good on his promise to make the streets run with blood?
Another frivolous lawsuit from the lawsuit king. The only thing of note about this one is that RJ Nieto will have his time wasted in court and end up spending lots of money on legal fees. But then he is good friends with the Dutertes so maybe he is covered?
With Mocha receiving so much ridicule for being suggested as a senatorial candidate it can hardly be a coincidence that she has decided to study up on the law. There are no coincidences in politics. She is likely going the same route that Manny Pacquiao went.
Wow a 10 day course is all it takes to be ready to govern the country! I wonder if 10 days of intense training would be all I need to KO the Pac-Man.
A voice of sanity amongst so many loud and insane voices. He does offer a reasonable alternative to the push to federalism:  "merely but effectively and efficiently implementing the provisions of the 1987 Constitution for strong local autonomy and decentralisation." How about that? The constitution has everything needed to do what needs to be done.  Who would've thought?
"Genuine heart for Filipinos" does not qualify anyone for a seat in the senate. How about knowledge of the law and the country's needs? How about being morally upstanding and able to work with people you disagree with in a civil manner?  The senate is populated with unqualified actors and athletes who have plenty of genuine heart for Filipinos and no genuine brain to know how to actually help them.

Story time again!

October 11th:
November 23rd:
“Many among us who participated and witnessed the Senate and the lower house hearings on the smuggled Php 6.4B shabu shipment that passed through our country’s customs house under the noses of those tasked to check on smuggling are shocked and angered by the dismissal of the case against all the BOC personnel,” Senator Panfilo Lacson said in a statement. 
Lacson said it was “unimaginable, if not impossible” that the drug shipment would reach its destination in Valenzuela City from China, without the participation and complicity of the BOC personnel involved. 
“Simple logic will tell us that at the very least those under whose watch the drug shipment passed through should be held criminally liable as well,” he added.
Looks like no one is going to be held responsible for this huge amount of shabu slipping past customs.
And it looks like someone does not want this matter to be investigated at all.
So much for the hardline stance on even a whiff of corruption barring someone from employment with the government.
It will certainly be a refreshing change once the PNP gets back in control of the drug war. If these cops are involved in illegal activities it only stands to reason that they should be charged, tried, and punished rather than simply be dismissed.
How in the world can someone be appointed to post that does not exist?  Only in the Philippines!
In a press conference on Friday, Aguirre said that a witness, a private citizen, has come forward to reveal the government may have been duped into paying P8.7 billion for a road right of way (RROW) scam in Mindanao. The National Bureau of Investigation was also tapped to conduct a case build up on the information.
Random, anonymous guy makes claim about alleged scam and the DOJ Secretary immediately holds a press conference to reveal this allegation to the world rather than have the NBI quietly investigate the matter and build a case first. Makes a lot of sense. In the corrupt Philippines that is.
All this probing into the past administration but absolutely none for the current administration.  Is this selective justice?  If Duterte can sign an order preventing the NBI from investigating Faeldon can he not also sign an order to prevent the NBI from investigating Aquino?  How would he even possess such authority?