Showing posts with label med. Show all posts
Showing posts with label med. Show all posts

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Picture of the Week: Body Temperature

If it's not enough to be frisked and have your bags searched to enter the mall now your body temperature must be scanned. Talk about invasive! What gives Barney Fife here the right to peer inside my body?

This picture was taken at Ayala mall. Funny enough they day I took this picture none of the other entrances had a security guard taking temperatures. I understand that all the doors are covered now so there is no escaping the body temp gun. Is this necessary? If you have a high temperature what will they do? Turn you away? Escort you to a quarantine zone? We might think this is ridiculous and silly now but who knows what is coming down the pipe when some people are advocating martial law to control the spread of the coronavirus.