Monday, June 10, 2019

The God Culture: The Philippines is the Garden of Eden, the Land of Ophir, and Filipinos are Members of the Lost Tribes of Israel

Who doesn't want to believe they have a destiny? Who doesn't want to believe there is more out there for them than their normal humdrum life? Who doesn't want to believe they belong to a people with a collective special purpose? That even though now they are downtrodden, the scum of the earth, the lowest of the low at some time in the future they will rise up and cast off their chains and boldly rush in to claim their inheritance!

The story of the poor downtrodden nobody who is really a princess or a chosen one is ubiquitous. From Cinderella to Star Wars to the Matrix the story of a poor oppressed person or an unknown neophyte chosen one rising up to riches or leading the people to victory abounds.

What if you were part of a people group who have been essentially colonised for 500 years and have practically lost all real sense of culture from before that time? What if someone came along and said, "You have been lied to all this while and I can give you the answers to who you are?" Don't you think those people would prick up their ears and listen?

I introduce to you The God Culture.

The God Culture is a Youtube channel and website promoting the idea that the Philippines is the location of the garden of Eden, King Solomon's mines (the land of Ophir), and that Filipinos are part of the lost tribes of Israel.  There are 85 videos on the channel and many of them are over an hour long which makes sorting through this series overwhelming. What I hope to do here is give a very brief taste of what is in these videos.

The best place to start is this video which is an animated 6 minute recap of the series about the lost tribes.

This picture shows us that members of the northern nation of Israel settled in Kurdistan (that is the red county) but some members decided to sail far away to the land of Ophir which is the Philippines.

This picture shows us how these lost tribesmen have been dispersed throughout all nations according to Bible prophecy and that is due to the OFW program. Starting at 4:22 we hear:
The lost ten tribes of the northern kingdom in the Philippines through its overseas workers programs have now spread literally into every nation on earth and from Kurdistan the lost tribes have scattered into 66 countries but they retain their Filipino and Kurdish identities mostly.  
That's right the OFW program is Bible prophecy in action.

The yellow in this picture represents the dispersion of the Jews after 70 AD and the fall of Jerusalem. The narrator, his name is Timothy Jay Schwab, has this to say at 4:43
And the three southern kingdom tribes of Africa were scattered all over the Americas, Europe, and even Asia many as slaves in the most brutal and evil of deportations again scattered but they too retained their identity with their homeland. 
Have you spotted what's wrong yet? Let me tell you. The Israelites are Semitic people descended from Shem.  All Middle Eastern people groups are Semitic.  Are Filipinos Semites? Are the black Africans who were enslaved in the Americas Semites? The answer to both questions is NO! As for the Kurds they come from Iran and are wandering nomads with no relation to Israel whatsoever. Right away his whole story falls apart solely based on race.

A Kurd, Filipino, and American slave. Do these people look like they are from the same genetic group?

The second place to go is this video which is a 28 minute long recap of the videos proving that the Philippines is both the garden of Eden and the land of Ophir, Solomon's mines. The Philippines has a surprisingly long history of being identified as Ophir and that claim is not limited to this series of videos. 

At 2:02 Timothy Schwab says:
In the Book of Jubilees which was considered canon scripture and inspired by the ancients John the Baptist and even the early church fathers....  
Here is where a huge crux of Timothy's argument lies. Throughout all of his videos he is constantly referring to the Book of Jubilees as if it is a reliable piece of scripture and history. He even has an entire video dedicated to its defence. For now let's just say unequivocally that the Book of Jubilees was never a part of anyone's canon expect the Ethiopian church and a small Jewish sect. Let's look at two more pictures from this recap video before we explore that.

In this picture we see that Noah's ark landed on Mt. Everest! Did he not read the text he is quoting? The flood waters only rose 15 cubits which is 22 feet! Mt. Everest is 29,000 feet high!! Obviously the ark did not land on Mt. Everest.

In this picture we see one of the most creative aspects of his whole revisionist history. The wisemen from the east who visited the child Jesus bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh all came from the Philippines! Is your mind blown yet? No? Well hold on to your butts!

In his defence of the Book of Jubilees Timothy Jay Schwab cites John the Baptist as holding to its inspiration and canonicity. He does this by asserting the the Dead Sea Scrolls were the personal library of John the Baptist.

At 51:35 in this video we hear: 
So let's address some questions that arise as a result of proving that John the Baptist lived in Qumran and the Dead Sea Scrolls represent John's library.
At 52:24:
But was this the library of John the Baptist? I mean really? Can we say that? Yes. We believe we have proven he lived there and even after his death his disciples would have kept an eye on these. All the Dead Sea Scrolls are they inspired? Are they canon? Are they scripture? We get that a lot whenever we use Jubilees or Enoch for that matter. According to John it appears they are indeed inspired. They are canon. But we will go through each one to further test this to be sure. Even if it is determined that some of the writings may not be scripture it does not mean they are not useful which is what really matters. That is the right question. 
You got to hand it to Timothy and his team of researchers, this is an original thesis. The Book of Jubilees was indeed among one of the texts found in the caves at Qumran. Numerous scrolls were hidden away in vases in 11 caves in Qumran and the complete list can be found here. As long as they are useful to prove what he wants to prove then they are all good even if they are not part of the canon. This begs the question about the pagan poets the Apostle Paul quoted in his preaching and letters. Should we now elevate them to the level of scripture? Why not? 

Good luck going through each one of the scrolls which were found and figuring out what is and is not scripture. What measure will Timothy Schwab use to make that determination? Here is what he says at 5:38 in his video defending the Book of Jubilees:
But let's be clear. That canon was chosen by the Catholic Church which has never nor ever will have the authority to censor nor add a single book to the original canon of scripture.
With that statement we know right away we are dealing with a man who does not understand the history of the formation of the canon. The canon took centuries to be defined. It wasn't done at a single council or by the Catholic Church. It was Athanasius who first wrote down the now accepted New Testament canon while his Old Testament canon adds books rejected and excludes books accepted today. Even then there was still debate over certain books like Hebrews, James, and Revelation. Timothy Jay Schwab also appears to have very little understanding of church history whatsoever when he refers to a monolithic Catholic Church. The church, until the schism of 1054, encompassed East and West and the councils were affirmed by all. But what need does he have for the church anyway? This is a man who consistently says we must challenge tradition and who has written:
The God Culture is a group of independent researchers not affiliated with any denomination nor organization.
Timothy and his crew are not a part of anything. They are totally outside the church. Who is this guy anyway? Just another white saviour! That's right. He is a white guy living in Delray Beach, Florida who is married to a Filipina and through his studies God has enlightened him to knowledge which has been hidden away for centuries and now Timothy is His herald to the Philippines.

Like Prometheus he comes bearing fire to enlighten the minds of the Filipinos as to their true identity. Timothy Jay Schwab is a true gnostic and revealer of the secret fire. Listen to the interview in the link underneath the above picture. What he says in essence is that the facts he is promoting are truths that have been hidden for centuries. Not only have they been hidden but they have been wilfully suppressed by the Jesuits among other people. Now they are coming to light and it is time for Filipinos to RISE up! RISE Up is literally the name of the conferences they just had across the nation.

Why is this white man the one who is bringing the knowledge? When Israel was delivered from Egypt it was Moses, an Israelite, who delivered the people. Why did God not reveal this knowledge to a Filipino, an Israelite?

The fate of the ten northern tribes of Israel have been the subject of speculation for centuries. It seems as if everyone has claimed to be part of the lost tribes. From British Israelites to Black Hebrews to even certain groups in East Africa the lost tribes have been traced all over the world. I wonder what Timothy thinks of the claims of the British Israelites. Does he even know about them? Does he know about the Stone of Scone or the Behistun inscription? How about the prophecies given to Ephraim and Manasseh? I think it's time to end this but I want to leave you with two real gems I found in his videos.

First up is this video at 14:22:

Can you think, by the way, of a more peaceable multitude than the Filipinos? We can't.
Spoken like a man who has never lived in this country! I suppose the peaceableness of Filipinos is why every house is surrounded by a barbed wire topped fence and every business has an armed guard.

The second is from the same video at 34:07:

So check this out! Malacañang ti Amianan..."Bring the messenger of God from Manasseh to protect my people!" Now some may read that as Marcos and maybe it is but we are not saying that because you will find this tribe in more than one place in the Philippines and we don't know whether we can say Marcos was sent from God or not. But you know, even Solomon who was appointed and anointed by YAHUAH God did not prove out to be a very good king in the end.  Yet he was anointed by YAHUAH God. He took many riches for himself and he really taxed the people. The Bible says he was hard on his people. Not justifying but we still wonder if we even know that full story properly. Especially with all the CIA disinformation which usually bears out to have numerous falsehoods in our research. So we'll render no opinion but this palace is the story here. 
Timothy Jay Schwab is a Marcos apologist. That's what I get from this brief clip. And if you are wondering what YAHUAH is you will have to watch his name of God video series where he tells us how to pronounce the name of God. Every single lost tribe group, without fail, has their own way to pronounce the name of God and of Jesus. Timothy is not unique in this endeavour.

There is so much more I could bring up here but I don't want to expand beyond the bounds of a simple blog post. I have been an off and on student of the lost tribes for years. Also I have delved into church history and the writings of the fathers and the traditions of the church before the schism and I can say without a doubt Timothy Jay Schwab and the God Culture is more ignorant Protestant nonsense which everyone would do good to stay away from.

Post Script

I sent the following email to God Culture via their website:
Dear Timothy Jay Schwab 
A few days ago I wrote to you at but have yet to receive a response so I am writing to you again through this website contact form in hopes of getting a quicker response. 
I have composed a response and review of your Youtube videos and claims for my blog However before I publish it I have a few questions I hope you will answer. 
1.  You claim to not be part of a denomination or organization yet according to you were once a youth pastor and elsewhere you indicate that you were the worship leader at a few churches Are you still part of a church and if so what kind of church? 
2. Are you a trinitarian? Do you believe the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit share one nature and are three separate persons? Or are you a oneness pentecostal who believes that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are manifestations of the same being? 
3. You give a lot of detailed linguistic information in your videos comparing Hebrew with Tagalog asserting that similarity of sound equals similarity of origin. What background in linguistics do you possess? Have you studied Hebrew or Taglog at a collegiate level? 
4. Have you ever lived in the Philippines? Aside from your recent brief trip to the Philippines for the RISE conferences what is your experience with Filipino people and culture? 
5. You claim that Kurds, Filipinos, and West Africans are members of the lost tribes of Israel. Have you heard of other lost tribe theories and claims like those of the British Israelites, Christian Identity, and Black Hebrews? What do you think of their claims?  
6. How can Filipinos and West Africans be members of a Semitic tribe when they are not Semitic peoples? 
7. At 34:07 in your video Lost Tribes 2 G you make some brief comments about Marcos. Are you a Marcos apologist?  Do you think Marcos was ultimately good for the country and all the bad things said about him are CIA disinformation? 
8. You are not a Filipino yet you are claiming to be bringing to Filipinos lost knowledge about who they are. Knowledge which has been suppressed and hidden on purpose. When God delivered Israel out of Egypt he chose Moses, an Israelite, to lead them. Why do you think God has chosen you, a white man, to bring this knowledge rather than a Filipino? What do you think of the claim that to bring such knowledge would make you another white saviour? 
I hope to hear from you soon.  Thanks.
This was the response I received:
Thank you for your patience. Actually, when I searched for your blog you touted, I found it seemingly was no longer operating, for sale and nothing that made sense so I did not respond. Things like this which were really odd:
 Wednesday, August 9, 2017 Shuts Down Again!Well it happened again. has closed it's doors for the 2nd time in just a few months.  Closed in November 2016.  Re-opened in February 2017. Closed once more in August 2017.  For the last time?  Who knows! 
In fact, here are 2 attached.  
Timothy is on vacation after 6 weeks of rigorous touring and will not be responding but you will find we have NO affiliation to any denomination nor organization nor movement nor political force of any sort. Some attempt to pull us into something based on a side note of some sort but that is always just another agitator trying to twist facts. We are researchers period and we say so in every video, every conference, etc. We have all done much in the ministry indeed in the past, yes, but have found we have had to overcome much of that training in order to get to the truth especially regarding Biblical geography prior to the Flood and just after it which is FAR off. Just as Jonah was used as a foreigner in Nineveh, The God Culture is being used to bring repentance to the Philippines and that is already happening. You are very far behind the curve as our track record and fruits already abound and they are abundant.  
Yah Bless, 
The God Culture
Whoever read my email did not even notice that I put the correct URL of this blog in the second sentence! Instead of clicking on that link they actually went searching for my blog and found some "things which were really odd." Whoever read and responded to my email is not a very bright person. If they cannot even read my email and see the link in the text then I have no hope whatsoever for their research skills.


  1. Timothy is just another scam artist using religion to push his scam. Funny thing though. They claim Timothy is very active and popular, yet nothing exist about him when do a web search.

    1. If you actually watched our series, you would never say such except dishonestly. We prove our position. You do not have to agree with it but calling us a scam artist when this fraud produces an article on all of our 160 videos based on a 7 minute recap video of the Lost Tribes Series not even Solomon's Gold Series, that is dishonest and fraudulent. Go ahead and play along in ignorance. We'll keep educated people based on what we prove and you nor this blog has ever disproven.

  2. Have you heard of God Culture before then? It seems less like a scam to me and more like off the wall alternative history in the vein of Erik von Daniken or Zechariah Sitchin. There is nothing for sale on the website though he does have a Patreon account people can donate to for funding conferences. The secrecy of the whole project I find a bit baffling. Most people with a religious message will zealously tell you all about themselves so you know who you are dealing with but not God Culture. Either the youtube account has disabled the subscriber account or there are no subscribers. Why hide your subscriber count? With 5 million views I doubt there are zero subscribers. And who are these researchers? What are their qualifications? Tim appears to be a magazine publisher from Maryland. His college degree is in business and management. How is he qualified to present all this history, linguistics, anthropology, zoology, and all the other information in those videos? He is obviously not competent in church history so why trust him with anything else? I do not think he is a very active person on social media but there is enough information if you look in the right places.

    1. Whats your purpose in making this blogspot?, what nation are you from?, what church are you from?, do you have enough research as much as him about the topic that he is been sharing on youtube? Do have enough credentials to discredit the man and his works?., if you are credible enough and you have as much research to prove him wrong?., I dare you to start a debate between you and the man behind the god culture channel on youtube... Because If you cannot prove him wrong it only shows that you envy him and his works and everthing that is connected to his research.( The truth will always prevails)

    2. I have already written enough to disprove this man's thesis which is that Pinoys are Israelites. Fact is Filipinos are NOT semites. They are not from the middle east. You do not need to run all kinds of tests and have a debate to tell if that thing on the sidewalk is a dog turd. You can know just by looking at it. There is way too much crazy in his videos to even begin a proper debate and debunk him point by point. What I have written in this article is sufficient.

    3. You haven't even watched the series stupid yet you comment on a 6 minute recap video. What a fraud. David Roxas, you are misrepresenting and you are not qualified to speak on this topic.

  3. Never heard of it till your article. But looks like a scam to me. Their website in second paragraph says they will never ask for money then toward the end ask for money. The third paragraph is nothing but how to send them money. I find it interesting that they put all their focus on the Philippines and Filipinos. Just like the Catholics did and like Felix Manalo did.

    They are putting up opinions in such a way that they sound like facts which they are not. I also question the 5 million views. Largest view I saw under one video was 471K but most were under 100K. Remember, Filipinos fell for the "Davao is the safest city in Asia" claim. Now this "God Culture is telling them they are Israelite and other bull shit and the Filipinos are eating it up. No, this is a scam. No names of researchers, their credentials, education, nothing along those lines listed on their website. Almost like they was hiding.

    1. The 5 million views is the total for all videos. You can click on the about section on their Youtube page to see that. You can't manipulate those numbers. According to his Linkedin profile the God Culture was originally supposed to be a "Prototype project to create an app for the Christian world centered around worship, study, prayer and love." Obviously it evolved into something completely different.

    2. Micheal shutup your big shit hole mouth because everything that goes out of your big shit hole mouth is bullshit and full of stinking crap...

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Correction. The first paragraph says they will never ask for money. The second paragraph says send what you are led to send. The third paragraph list all the ways to send them money.

    1. What a fraud. You cannot get a single narrative right. We do not ask for money. People begged us for 2 years to give to support our effort and we turned them away letting them know we did not need money. We then began conducting conferences largely at our own expense and we set up a Patreon account specifically for OFWs who were asking to support the effort and yes, sorry, we needed some help to pull off these conferences especially the one for 6,000 people in Davao recently and the one in Muntinlupa where we paid out of our own pocket to buy lunch for that 1000 people. It is an incredibly stupid paradigm to suggest we conduct conferences and turn away assistance from viewers who not only can but wish to help and inappropriate for you to comment in ignorance which is all you have offered on anything you have said here taking a 7 minute recap video which we tell you in the first paragraph is NOT intended to prove but watch the series for proof and then, applied that Lost Tribes Series to acting as if you have educated yourself on our 70 Solomon's Gold Series videos. You are a deceiving fraud sir. What a hack you are.

  5. The religious will fall for anything that involves their religion, Filipinos more so:

    1. Michael base on your comments Its only shows that you envy and you are jealous that Philippines and the filipinos may have been that special and significant...

    2. Michael base on your comments Its only shows that you envy and you are jealous that Philippines and the filipinos may have been that special and significant...

    3. Michael base on your comments Its only shows that you envy and you are jealous that Philippines and the filipinos may have been that special and significant...

    4. Once again, you are simply foolish spinning false narratives. We aren't religious and we teach NO religion. You know nothing of The God Culture nor what we teach as you actually represent yourself fraudulently as an expert when you have reviewed a 7 minute recap video of a different series of which you are claiming to know of what you speak. That's like saying you just flew in a plane therfore you are qualified to be a pilot. No worse, it's really like saying I just saw a plane fly overhead, therefore I am a pilot. What a ridiculous heap of nonsense this entire blog represents. You have failed the Philippines and to tell the truth which clearly is not your interest. You are just another Jesuit-style agitator. Our challenge to anyone reading this nonsense is watch the series for yourself, read the comments of the many thousands who have even researched this on their own and found it to be true as well as those challenging, test it for yourself and know the truth. You will not get it from these kind of ignorant blogs.

    5. "We aren't religious and we teach NO religion." This says a lot about your organisation Tim. If you aren't using the scriptures to teach the religion of Jesus Christ then you are misusing the Bible plain and simple. You want to use it to take a look at history? Fine. But the Bible is a religious book and the religion it teaches is that of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

    6. What a fraud! Religion is not the Bible. The Bible teaches relationship NOT religion. You are a fraud!

    7. Religion IS the real fraud!

    8. Yes religion but the Bible is not religion nor has it ever been. It lays out a relationship with The Creator. However, if you don’t even believe in God nor the Bible, it is rather Insane to even comment ON a Bible topic as if you have any legitimacy. You Do not.

  6. To everybody here. The God Culture never said that Filipinos as a race were semitic ppl. They just said that the Hebrews came to the Philippines, to Ilocos Norte, in Northern Philippines. So, what these simply means is that, some Filipinos might have Hebrew blood - not all. Just like Americans are a mixture of diff ppl, so do Filipinos. Alright? Thx.

    1. Hebrews are Semites. If they came to the Philippines then that means Filipinos, who it is claimed are members of the lost tribe of Israel, are Semites. And remember God does not stand for race mixing. Read Ezra where they were forced to put away their foreign wives. If Hebrews came here they would not have intermarried with any locals. If you want to take God Culture seriously you have to believe that Filipinos who are lost tribe members are Semitic people

    2. Hebrews are semites, Ashkenazi Jews are not. You are clueless and haven't even watched the videos you condemn. Just a 6 minute recap. What a fool you are David Roxas.

  7. Let's see. GC says Filipinos are one of the lost tribes. GC says Philippines is the Garden of Eden, GC says a lot of holy bull shit.

  8. Not that my Filipino heritage will put more weight on my opinion, but you have to understand why it is quite easy for us Filipinos to believe such claims. The whole Philippines system ie. Govermental, Educational and Religious even Language are all American-influenced arrangements. You have to see this in a bigger picture. The Filipino people have idolized America ever since it's modernization, and the country was saved be the Americans during the 2nd world war, and so on. People strive to live according to their inspiration. In other words.... Filipinos want to be Americans...their savior, this is in the deepest part of our subconscious mind. Now, what happens when a person wants to be somebody but is not able to? He will cling on to anything that will make him special. it's not about facts... it's about feeling special. We don't care if Timothy is right or wrong. We want to be special!!! It's ironic, because Filipinos will say they are proud to be Filipino... but from Israelite. Heard of the Filipino Pastor Quiboloy, ha... you think Timothy is deluded???

    1. This is impertinent. You are responded to this blog as if they know something they do not and prove something they do not. Note this blog watched a 7 min recap of the wrong series and thinks he knows what the 70 videos of Solomon's Gold Series prove and disprove. Right, and you think Quiboloy is deceptive this PhilippineFails even by it's horrible name, is worse than him. And you accept this as truth? Then, you say other Filipinos are gullible? I think you have mischaracterized our viewers who include many lawyers, doctors and even theologians who disagree with this blog from it's fraudulent foundation. The question is, is it true or isn't it? Does The God Culture prove the Philippines to be Ophir? No one including this rambling of a fool has proven our research wrong and we dare you to test it for yourself. Watch Solomon's Gold Series, test it and go ahead, try to prove it wrong. This blog has not. Yah Bless.

    2. I'm amazed at how your entire ilk is shocked by a humble blog post debunking your measly  recap videos as if you're whole life's work was set on fire, going as far as to accusing the author to be on a niche above quiboloy. The other 70 videos can only be summed up by more blatant biblical misinterpretations, pseudo-linguistics, pseudo-archaeology and historical revisionism that someone in the calibre of a middle-class filipino mindset could easily fall for. From a biological standpoint, I can find multiple academic sources proving frankincense and myrrh are obtained from shrub species uniquely endemic from the *middle east to northern africa* and survive in desert and arid climate conditions yet your narrative states that they were brought to bethlehem from the tropical typhoon-ridden islands of philippines. These subtle plotholes alone collapses your entire framework built on the foundations of illusions.

      So why not come out of theatre drapes and reveal the names of these daring lawyers, doctors and theologians coming to sue a tiny internet blogger. What's there to be afraid of?

      You have yet to rebuke every geographical, linguistical and logical arguments without relying on purely immature ad hominems and biblical interpretations. Even an elementary student can agree with what is posited by this article.

      Dozens of nations around the world have countless times made claims to be the lost land of ophir, sheba and tarshis. Countless foreign non-semitic ethnic groups like the black Israelites have asserted to be the lost tribe. This is an adaptation of the same story retold many times.

    3. You wtched a 7 min video and have not reviewed any proof and you think you know something. You know nothing. You are a hack. The Lost Tribes Series is not where we prove Ophir but Solomon's Gold Series. 70 videos you never bothered to review yet think you debunked based on a 7 min recap of another series. What an idiot.

    4. Amazing. A 7 minute recap of another series has you thinking you debunked a different series you haven't even watched. What a fool.

    5. Really The God Culture, this reply is going to be as blunt as possible. Your only reply to an actual intelligent person who has not only done some simple research but summarized well enough who you guys are is, "What an idiot." or "What a fool.". I'm currently watching both "The Solomon's Gold Series." and "The Original Canon" Series that you guys so seriously claim to be truth and I must say Well done!! You've presented them well enough that people who aren't actually academic or purveyors of knowledge cannot refute because they cannot comprehend. Above all you've tapped into the ego of little minded Filipino's that are not special and now have trapped them in your delusion. I've talked to other Filipinos already and shared what you guys do and they don't believe what you've said. I'm also Filipino myself so please...

      Let me answer you in your level of understanding The God Culture. This is just a review of your first video on the Solomon Gold's Series:

      1. In your 1st video amongst the ilk of information, why do you then use the KJV only in your videos to prove that it says "The isles" in connection to the Philippines when actual original Autographs are more appropriately stating those passages as "Coastland","Coast", or "region"? The KJV although is pretty literal in translation, isn't the most up to date as it does lack some of the manuscripts in which newer translations don't lack such as the ESV, NASB, or NIV to name a few. This isn't according to Bibletext or Bible Hub as you would call out, but actual translations of the Hebrew Autographs in English translations. Because as you would know Manuscripts are copies of the Original Autographs of Scriptures (Aramaic/Hebrew/Latin) meaning that this debunks your whole argument of the Philippines being Ophir.

      2. Not only is that a single issue with your videos but you cannot claim the Philippines is Ophir without questioning your method of investigation. You put your answers in the form of questions and then say along the lines of "This is the truth and all other information is wrong so therefore believe this." It's the classic straw man arguement. You give enough information to give half of a truth but the truth is your truth.

      3. Lastly, Biblical interpretation basics, "A Text Taken out of Context Becomes a Pretext" - Now I'm not saying that you guys don't study scripture or are not genuine because you are, but many of the texts that you've presented to prove your point are taken out of context only because you need them to fit your paradigm or frame work. Especially when it comes to the "Isles" or "Ophir". Genuineness of the heart is not equivalent to the genuiness of Scriptural integrity.

      These are just a few of my major problems to why I don't believe what you guys claim about the Philippines and Ophir. I will continue to watch your videos, but make no mistake, I don't agree with what you guys push for.

    6. You are of Course oblivious to all the harassment we have receivers from this idiot which includes His breaking the LAW incuber libel, gross negligence and Fraud. You Call yourself intelligent but you are uneducated ON this Matter. In fact, you say we must produce Shorter videos and we have been doing si for a long time now. Again, you may be intelligent perhaps but uneducated yet you comment. You have no Major problema with our case, you have not reviewed it and pretend to be intelligent yet comment in ignorance in uneducated Fashion. Lets not pretend you are anything but a supported of this Fraud and equally ignorant ON this topic. Sure, you think you know and you may tell people whatever you want. However don’t misrepresent yourself as an expert ON our Research you have not reviewed. As Einstein said “Condemnation without investigations is the epitome of ignorance.” You admit you for that definition. Now watch Or don’t watch, but stop peddling ignorance and supporting a stalker who is a criminal.

  9. I love my Filipino people... but I have to admit, we are quite deluded. We will believe almost anything, if it will make us feel special. Many Filipinos claim that we are from the tribe of Joktan his children Ophir and Sheba. This makes us feel special! Because, Joktan is related (distant) to Abraham, which means Filipinos are related (distant) to Mary mother of Jesus, because Mary is related to Abraham. What does this mean??? It means by claiming that our lineage was from Joktan, it means Filipino people are related to Jesus Christ. What about that! It does not matter if it is actual fact or not. If this makes us feel special... it is our fact! Study Filipino psychology and everything will make more sense. I love'em!

    1. You are responded to this blog as if they know something they do not and prove something they do not. Note this blog watched a 7 min recap of the wrong series and thinks he knows what the 70 videos of Solomon's Gold Series prove and disprove. Right, and you think Quiboloy is deceptive this PhilippineFails even by it's horrible name, is worse than him. And you accept this as truth? Then, you say other Filipinos are gullible? I think you have mischaracterized our viewers who include many lawyers, doctors and even theologians who disagree with this blog from it's fraudulent foundation. The question is, is it true or isn't it? Does The God Culture prove the Philippines to be Ophir? No one including this rambling of a fool has proven our research wrong and we dare you to test it for yourself. Watch Solomon's Gold Series, test it and go ahead, try to prove it wrong. This blog has not. Yah Bless.

  10. You have failed! Funny. It is very easy to take a critical position arguing with something in which you do not even bother to show the case and encourage people to go watch a 7 minute recap with no proof telling you even to go watch the 25 video series for proof. This is fraudulent in nature, misrepresenting and not 1 point made here has any merit. Once we researched this guy, we well knew this was going to be exactly as this article appears. We obliterate this nonsense in our Lost Tribes Series and even before in our Solomon's Gold Series. However, this guy tries to pick a part a recap because he's too lazy to actually watch and review the position he criticizes. We prove Hebrews are not white nor those who call themselves Jews today from the Bible. Does he offer 1 thing that proves that wrong? No one. Just bluster based on a false paradigm we fully address in this series. We dare anyone to review the entire series and dare to challenge. We dare ya. This guy thinks he is academic yet he is merely performing a magic show chopping up pieces out of context ignoring the actually position. Any fool can do that. However, what he has not done is prove our position wrong especially the one of Ophir being Philippines which he hardly addresses but tries to wrap into this rant. You can listen to ignorant people if you wish but you owe it to yourself to prove things out including everything he assumes. We get traditional positions are difficult to break out of as we are all educated into false paradigms. We dare all of you to watch the entire Solomon's Gold Series and go ahead, try to challenge it. We deal with all this guys bluster and much more and obliterate it. Then, watch our Lost Tribes Series and go ahead, try to disprove it. No one has in over 2 years and this guy is not even close. Yah Bless.

    1. Dear Timothy Schwab (if that is indeed you):

      To be quite honest I do not have the time to watch your videos that are rather lengthy and tedious and numerous. Your recap videos gets your message across loud and clear which is why I dealt with them. Keep in mind this is a blog post not a book. I have neither the time nor the wherewithal to critique your entire position point by point.

      Hebrews and Jews may not be white (what do you even mean by white?) but neither are they Malay or Chinese which is the stock from which Filipinos descend. That fact alone destroys your thesis. Filipinos, Ilocanos, are not Semites! Nor are Black Africans Jews. They are Hamites, not Semites.

      Just because someone has not definitively disproved your thesis in two years does not mean it is a correct one. That is really bad logic on your part. If you want to hear real teaching on the Lost Tribes then listen to Dr Gene Scott's teaching on the subject. You can get the torrent from the pirate bay. Search Gene Scott Lost Tribes. Not a single mention of Africans or Filipinos or Kurds!

    2. Indeed, real research is tedious. Unfortunately, you do not seem familiar with the process. Then don't write articles claiming you have or have a clue what we prove especially when you use a 7 minute recap video from the wrong series to misrepresent a ridiculous opinion about our Solomon's Gold Series you are too lazy to even watch 1 video but represent yourself as an expert which you are not. You do not have to watch but writing an article claiming you have reviewed our position is fraudulent. You are not critiquing our position, you are making stuff up because you have not done your due diligence. No one watching our series, even if they do not agree with all our conclusions would agree with this hatchet job of ignorance.
      Don't ask questions you do not wish to have answers. We answer every one of these in detail and it is sad you would write such a blog in such ignorance. Science has disproven the Malay and Chinese origins of the Filipino thru chicken migration patterns and older bones but you would know that if you actually watched especially the right series because we do not cover Ophir in the Lost Tribes Series which you are showing and then, critiquing another series even. No, you cannot destroy a comprehensive position with a jab based on ignorance.
      Judah married Shuah the Canaanite, a Hamite. Moses marries an Ethiopian Hamite. Most Hebrews are medium brown but some are black. This has been vetted internationally with over 7 million views and 3 years. You are not that smart to debunk it based on watching a 7 minute video in the wrong series and think you know anything. You are not qualified to write on this topic.
      You are wrong, this has hit international audiences and reviewed by scholars, rabbis, pastors, theologians, historians, attorneys, doctors, educators, etc. We know because we hear from them.
      We address Dr. Gene Scott who has some interesting things to say and a whole lot of Zionist propaganda we could care less about. If Scott does not mention that Lost Tribes of the Northern Kingdom migrated into Kurdistan (Assyria of old), he is completely ignoring scripture and forming his own narrative because the Bible says (we cover every scripture) ALL of the Northern Kingdom was taken into Assyria (Kurdistan) and NONE returned as they were replaced by Persians later known as Pharisees (Parsees/Persians as a party int he Temple and did not exist until 165 BC). The Northern Kingdom was then freed when Babylon conquered Assyria as they assisted the Babylonians. 2 Esdras (quoted by Messiah in the 1611 KJV as scripture) says some stayed in Assyria (Kurdistan) and the rest migrated for a year and a half journey to what Isaiah would call the Isles of the East associated with Tarshish which we prove in another series is the Philippines. Of course they did because Ophir and Tarshish were the only allies of Israel in those days. However, if you actually want answers to your questions, watch the videos. If you wish to create a contrary opinion, stop being lazy and do your research and watch the videos. Understand Solomon's Gold Series is where we prove the Philippines is Ophir and the Garden of Eden not the Lost Tribes Series which you are not ready for remotely and yes, we do prove it and we dare you to watch and go ahead, try to prove us wrong.

    3. Is this Timothy? This blog must have really hit a nerve because I see you have posted several comments here today. Good to read that you are familiar with Dr. Scott. He is a very interesting guy. I am not sure how to respond to you. Just take it all in I suppose. Your recap videos are just fine and gets all the right info across without going into depth. You made it. Why knock them? As I wrote previously just because someone has not gone minute by minute through your hundreds of hours of videos and totally debunked you does not mean your position is correct. One does not need to do scientific analysis on a turd to know what it is. Filipinos, Kurds, and black west Africans are not Israelites.

      Please reread this blog post and note that I actually engage two of your recap videos. One about the lost tribes and one about Solomon's Gold and I discuss both of those issues.

      Please do answer my second question in the list of questions I posed for you. Are you a trinitarian? Or put another way who is Jesus Christ?

      As for me being worse than Quiboloy:

    4. You actually admit " I actually engage two of your recap videos" with a straight face and leave this uninformed, uneducated blog up with that? About 100 videos and you watch a recap and think you are qualified to render an opinion on evidence you have never reviewed? Stupid. You are welcomed to have an opinion but to represent yourself as expert? Foolish. We are replying as The God Culture which we are signed in as right now on your site but this site only posts it as Unknown. You are not sure how to respond because you haven't actually done any research but foolishly publish a blog which commits fraud misrepresenting everything you are covering and hacking it all up horribly and childishly. Grow up. You even cherry pick out of Kurds which have many ethnicities to make another point of nothingness. You watched a 7 minute recap video of a series of 25 videos in our Lost Tribes Series which you do not understand because you have not reviewed any evidence nor the hundreds of scriptures that we cover and then you dare to represent yourself as an expert even a different series, Solomon's Gold Series and you haven't done anything. What laziness! You cannot debunk that which you never reviewed. We even tell yo in the opening of both recaps, there is no evidence there and we are not making a case for 25 hours of video in 7 minutes. To think we do is stupidity. What kind of communist double talk is this? You do not get to ask more questions which you will fraudulently misrepresent as you continue to offer thus far. You will watch the videos for our actual position or you will continue to just blabber about nothing as you know nothing. We prove the Philippines is Ophir and you have proven? Nothing! We prove the Lost Tribes migrated to 3 regions according to scripture and they will return from the same according to scripture and you have proven? Nothing. Your source claims everything with DN in it's name is the Tribe of Dan which is utterly stupid and unscholarly but no surprise you would migrate to that and not even bother to review something well supported. You haven't made any coherent points and you are reckless, lazy and irresponsible in posting a blog based on a 7 minute recap of a different series even. What stupidity. We lay our positions out in videos not uneducated blogs of babble. Grow up and do actual research instead of behaving like a childish fool. What a lousy representation of uneducated nothing.

    5. You know, just reading your interactions "The God Culture" honestly it is like that kid who just had his phone removed from him/her, chucks a frenzy, or a Cancer patient who knows they'll die soon yet replies, "I don't want to hear it, I don't want to hear it." It's immature and childish, and shows you don't have any sportsmanship, and most of all not the reflection of a Believer. If this wasn't an issue and you were serious you wouldn't take 2-4 months to reply to a simple post.

      2 Suggestions for The God Culture,

      1. If you really want to grab people's attention, stop over producing long winded videos that people won't watch fully. What you have made is incredibly tangled, really badly put together, and so many unending tangents that don't have meat but rather just fluff and milk. and let's say, uneducated because not just because of it's length but from the way you've presented it and to your research.

      2. You would not need to defend these beliefs if they were true in fact, they would not need proving because ultimately God does not need a body guard. I say this it is because all you've been doing in this blog post is chucking insults at everyone who disagrees with you guys. GROW UP.

      Lastly, I'll be praying for you, and whoever is along side with The God Culture, that you would be gracious and in essence come to to the real knowledge which is found only in Christ.

    6. “To be quite honest I do not have the time to watch your videos that are rather lengthy and tedious and numerous”. You just disqualified yourself on expressing an opinion on these studies. You haven’t even watched them! You do you go through all the trouble then? I’m a researcher and a I did go through almost all the videos plus I did my own research and I find the God Culture presentation very solid. True I don’t agree now with a few things because I lack the information to confirm but in the most part it is very compelling.

    7. Do you really need to study a dog turd to know its a dog turd? The heresy comes out of their video titles. I have watched more than a few videos now and everything I said here before watching them in full stands. I was right all the time. You get old enough and your BS detector becomes stronger with age.

      If you find these videos compelling then you have not really checked up on their sources at all. They don't do any deep research. They quote liberally from Wikipedia and various blogs.

    8. A dog turd is One who writes a Blog about videos they havent even watched. Yep looks and Stella like it. Read future blogs and you Will find this blogger proven to be a liar, an harasser, a libeler and a Fraud who changes maps and history including the Bible to fit His false view in Fraud. Then he moved to maliciously harass illegally. This is a criminal.

  11. I think there's a temptation that often hits smart and gifted people, a desire to be the first to discover something.
    That's how almost all fake-Christian cults start.

    1. True. This blog fits your characterization perfectly. This guy may be a little smart though but he does not prove anything and you certainly would be gullible to fall for his cult of nonsense indeed. However, to characterize our research in such a way is fraudulent. You are responding to this blog as if they know something they do not and prove something they do not. Note this blog watched a 7 min recap of the wrong series and thinks he knows what the 70 videos of Solomon's Gold Series prove and disprove. Right, and you think Quiboloy is deceptive this PhilippineFails even by it's horrible name, is worse than him. And you accept this as truth? Then, you say other Filipinos are gullible? I think you have mischaracterized our viewers who include many lawyers, doctors and even theologians who disagree with this blog from it's fraudulent foundation. The question is, is it true or isn't it? Does The God Culture prove the Philippines to be Ophir? No one including this rambling of a fool has proven our research wrong and we dare you to test it for yourself. Watch Solomon's Gold Series, test it and go ahead, try to prove it wrong. This blog has not. Yah Bless.

    2. Tim this blog post is not supposed to be an point by point complete rebuttal of every point of your teaching. I am writing a blog, not a book! Did you read where i wrote, "What I hope to do here is give a very brief taste of what is in these videos."

      All I wanted to do with this blog is give a brief taste of your teaching which is that the Philippines is the Garden of Eden and that some Filipinos are members of the lost tribes. I did that. And I gave my opinion about it. I put up all the links. If anyone wants to check you out they are free to do so. But this is a blog and I try to be as succinct as possible here.

      I chose the name PhilippineFails because I live here and that is what I write about. I write about government corruption and foolishness as well as stupid things I experience day to day living in this country. You don't live here so I am sure you are not aware what this place is really like. Just like you say I should watch all your videos before making any comments I say you should try living here before making any comments on Philippine society.

    3. No this blog is a hit and run. Clearly that is it's purpose. How can you give people a brief taste of videos you have not viewed? You cannot. You are unqualified yet attempting to represent yourself as an expert. It's as if you saw a plane fly over and decided you are now a pilot. It would be unthinkable and foolish and yet that is exactly what you have done and evidently by your answer, that is the modus operandi for you. We have no issue telling you so because you are misrepresenting. You cannot be succinct on a topic of major ramifications representing you have actually reviewed a position you have not. That is not journalism, it is the behavior of a fool. You're putting up the links does not absolve your reckless behavior as you are telling them not to watch. Duh! We do not care that you do not agree and no surprise since you have not actually reviewed our extensive, well-supported position, but even in this message you are telling people don't watch this but here are the links. Right.

      You chose the name Philippine Fails because you are trying to paint the Philippines in a negative light just as you have rejected a case you have not reviewed for a position in which you offer 0 support. You have not disproven anything but let us not pretend that is your intent. Your intent is to agitate as the communist teach. Just instill doubt. You are not interested in the truth or you would have felt the need to actually review a position before offering this rant of nonsense in which you say nothing and still attempt to justify. A reasonable person who was interested in the truth would have taken this foolishness down already. We had another blog do that and he even contacted us recently with a further apology because he has now watched the videos. Maybe you should try. You can keep trying to steer people away and we will keep growing regardless but let us not pretend you are interested in the truth nor represent it. If you did, you would have watched before moving forward on this piece of lousy journalism that attempts to debate something you have not even reviewed. And how stupid for you to assume yet again in complete ignorance that we do not live here. Our leader has lived in the Philippines for several years. Open mouth, insert foot yet again. This entire blog does that many times so no surprise you just continue with your communist-style ignorance. What a hack! Grow up and educate yourself and stop agitating based on nothing.

  12. I just hope this doesn't end in any absurd situation, like a cult or a rise of extremists. To be honest, I'd like some credible historian to review their work. I can't completely believe in anything based on scriptures and theories that I don't know about, which seems more like speculations than anything remotely credible. A lot of us Filipinos tend to believe in anything that can push our egos higher, which would usually end up inviting people who would berate those who would say otherwise.

    Also, I commented on a video of a man who watched one of their episodes, saying how the whole Ophir idea was interesting but I still have my doubts, and they replied to me with this:

    Highlighted reply
    The God Culture
    2 hours ago
    A Random Fox watch the series even as a skeptic and we challenge you to try to prove it wrong. In 3 years, no one has been able to but we dare ya to try. Yah bless.

    3 years. must be because of their low reputation.

    1. Maybe you should educate yourself if you have such fears. The God Culture is not an organization and not forming movement, church nor especially a cult. We research the truth using the Bible, history, geography, archeology, science, language, etc. - none of which are employed in this FailThe Philippines blog which is all it does based on 0 actually research. He watched a 7 minute video in the wrong series, the Lost Tribes Series which is a recap of over 25 much longer video teachings and thinks he knows what we teach about the Philippines which is in Solomon's Gold Series. The amount of research he has done to claim to be an expert on the matter is laughable as it is the same as one saying I saw a plane fly over, therefore, I must be a pilot. What's truly funny is you follow that ignorance and then accuse other, more informed Filipinos of that which you are far more guilty of even commenting on this platform. You read 1 comment of someone who watched 1 video and now, you too must be an expert. Hope I don't get on your planes.
      "Low reputation?" This series has had over 7 million views. Once again, this is a blog of ignorance meant to deceive with no interest in the truth.
      This entire blog is the epitome of ignorance just as Einstein described:
      "Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance." No, you have not investigated a series of proofs by watching a 7 minute recap of a different series even and this comment is even worse having read 1 comment of one who watched 1 video. How utterly foolish. You guys are living in a dream world that is crashing down and it will continue to be expose in this age of increasing knowledge to a point where it will be completely discredited. Let us all not pretend this is anything more than a hatchet job to attempt to get people not to watch at all. Why? Well, those with extremely weak positions would prefer you not review such a well-researched series. We dare everyone to try and even try to prove us wrong. No one has in 3 years certainly not this ridiculous hack job.

    2. Just this weekend, we conducted a conference in Bacolod and a lawyer approached me telling me he did basically as this blog does. His brother told him he had to watch Solomon's Gold Series because we prove that the Philippines is Ophir and immediately he dismissed it because he is already an educated lawyer and he would know this if it were true. His brother, an airline pilot, put it back to him, "you are exercising judgment without allowing a day in court. I thought you were a lawyer." He reluctantly watched the first video and he was frustrated because he took notes and tested it and could not prove it wrong. He then watched the second and did the same. Today, he has completed the first 20 or so videos and has thoroughly tested our teachings and he agrees with our conclusions. He is an expert, this blog is not. However, do not take the word of this Filipino lawyer nor ours, watch the series, test it for yourself and prove out a topic you most certainly have not and no, you are not educated on the issue. We assure you if nothing else, you will learn something along the way and it will be a valuable process. Commenting here in ignorance however, will net nothing but additional ignorance and unfortunately you are serving to mislead people unknowingly. It's time we grow up and realize we have not been told the truth on all Colonial narratives as we prove, they do not even agree with themselves. The world knew where Ophir was 3,000 years ago, still 2,000 years ago which we document, even 1000 years ago, even 500 years ago, even in 1850 and even in 1891. That is when we forgot where Ophir was. However, prior to that it is well-documented but not taught and the sources are the best you can find such as Pigafetta's Journal with originals in the British Museum, Italian Museum and Yale University Library, the Boxer Codex of 1590 housed in a University in Indiana and documented thru history, actual archeology that will blow you away, the KJV Bible, documented journals, notes, writings and even contracts of Columbus, Barbosa, Pigafetta, the King of Spain, Cabot, De Morga, Riquel, Lavazeris, and hundreds of writings including Chinese, Greek, Indian, Malaysian, Muslim, Spain, Protugal, France, Italy, etc. The Philippines was the Ancient Land of Gold to all of these places and they record it as such. Only the British attempt to go against it not by actually debating it or attempting to disprove because they could not but instead they traveled around the word with ADHD saying India is Ophir, no Malaysia is Ophir (only the British territory of course), no Peru is Ophir, no, India is Ophir and Peru is Tarshish (6000 miles apart, right). Now they say Britain or Spain are Tarshish and India is Ophir. That is not logical, not scientific and not scholarship. They even participate in deceiving Ethiopia as the Queen of Sheba finding a temple there dated to 200 AD and a cave which they did not enter nor do they actually know whether it even has gold, but they found the famed Gold of Sheba. Only problem is Ophir is from Shem and not Ham and cannot live in Africa and Sheba was his brother and cannot be the one from Ham. None of it fits but they go on and on. We dismantle every such claim overwhelmingly as nothing compares to the massive documentation that the Philippines is Ophir. After reviewing the entire case, no one has ever said they did not at least agree we prove our case. They may not wish for the Philippines to be Ophir but no one has disproven our conclusions. Again, we dare you to try.

    3. Let's say you are right about the Garden of Eden was or is in the Philippians...... Now what? If researchers actually found pieces of the ark or the nails they nailed into Christ's body...... they would have no spiritual powers whatsoever if they were touched, kissed or even eaten. So, I have researched your ministries for about a solid 8 hours as of today (I know not much), and I have found some serious problems which go against the Word Of God. For example; ......Saying that the sufficiency of Jesus Christ's Death on the cross was not enough when Jesus HIMSELF said, IT IS FINISHED! Of course, He still had to physically rise from the dead. But His work of atonement was done......Also, your study on the book of Enoch when speaking of the Son of Man to come says that that Son of Man was actually Enoch himself. There are other problems with the Book of Enoch that does not fit with the Word of God. Plus, of course your responses to the naysayers are not Christian like at all. I know it is not easy being attacked but we still must answer in a godly way or just don't answer. I think the biggest problem is what you believe of who is GOD according to your understanding of the Bible. Where can I find what you teach on that issue. Some of the side stuff is not as important as DOCTRINE. I honestly don't care if the Philippians is where Solomon's mines are........

  13. Regarding the Dead Sea Scrolls, this is quite a selective hack job of our videos on the topic in which we thoroughly test especially the Book of Jubilees finding doctrine from the New Testament originating in Jubilees and nowhere else in the Old Testament. You do not have to accept as scripture, however, to say that the Qumran community did not is fraud because it most certainly did as it quotes it for law or Torah even. Joh, Peter, Paul and Luke derive monumental doctrine from Jubilees. The Early Church Fathers preached from Jubilees as scripture up until the Catholic Church censored and even beyond. The Ethiopian church continued it as cannon until this very day. Those Ethiopian copies were found by the West and translated into English by RH Charles in 1903, 40 years before the DSS were even found and then, we found the Qumran scrolls in 1947 or so and on and it turns out Jubilees is the #6 most found scroll in that find and it was found alone in a scroll jar with Genesis which is how they taught it with Genesis. However, we locate Ophir without ever using a single Dead Sea Scroll all the way through Part 11 which this blog would not know because they have not reviewed the right series even but comment as if they do in ignorance. They watched a 7 min recap in our Lost Tribes Series in which we tell you in the first paragraph we do not prove anything in that video as it is a 7 min recap really for mapping purposes for those who have watched. They take that and claim they know what they are talking about when they are truly ignorant and watched the wrong series as the bulk of what they comment on is proven in our 70 videos in Solomon's Gold Series. We begin that series in locating the home and base of operations in Bethabara where he baptisized Messiah and we prove from actual maps of Israel, that is Qumran. John the Baptist lived there. Those frauds claiming Essenes lived there have done no reseach because there is not 1 shred of evidence as the writers of the Dead Sea Scroll community writings were Sons of Zadok or Aaronic, Levite Priests qualified for the High Priesthood who were exiled from the Temple by the Hasmoneans. They call the Hasmoneans the "Sons of Darkness" and themselves "Sons of Light" and read Zacharias' prophecy of John when he was born and you will find he is called a "Son of Light." Everything about their doctrine, the placement, etc. is a fit to John. Essenses however, are recorded by Pliny to have their headquarters in Ein Gedi 25 miles South of Qumran and it just so happens archeologists found a treasure of archeology there so much so they call it "The Essene Find." Of course, this guy would not represent any actual facts but pulls out of a 25 video series of 45 min+ long videos, a 7 minute recap video. He, then, claims he knows what we prove in our 70 videos in our Solomon's Gold Series of which there is no content in that 7 minute recap video and then, he reads a few comments of the Original Canon Series so he can fully misrepresent himself fraudulently as an expert on that as well. That's more than a slight error, it is a blunder of epic proportions which is what one would expect from a fool. He then, wishes to highlight our leader's name Timothy Schwab multiple times but we are a group and we say so in every video though he does not mind being called out. All of us are behind this and all of us condemn and rebuke this satanic blob of nonsense in this ridiculous blog of ignorance.

  14. Regarding the picture this deceiver shows of Kurds, Filipinos and Central Africans, it does not address any of what we teach. We never, ever say ALL Kurds are Lost Tribes nor ALL Filipinos, etc. We follow their migrations in scripture, in prophecy from where they will return and in history and test this topic to exhaustion. That did not happen in 7 minutes and no one calling themselves informed nor educated would watch a 7 minute video and claim to be an expert on the topic. Talk about showing up for a debate with your pants down. This is ludicrous. Demand that he do actual research and stop this corrupt fraudulent line of deception. And any of you who are relying on this buffoon to do your research for you would be even more ignorant unfortunately. You do not have to however. You can stop being lazy and take the full journey and see for yourself if we prove it. Yah Bless.

  15. Comments from actual informed people who are educated on these topics unlike this blog from viewers on our Facebook page unsolicited:
    "TGC is not making a claim. They prove things, and they do with real, solid evidence and Biblical history."
    "Have been listening to their many compilation of true facts & proofs & crystal clear discussions of the TRUTH!!! IMHO!!! It's so very remarkably realistic, relevant, informative & reliable! INDEED!!!"
    "good research with strong arguments and evidence"
    "TGC really brought us the facts about our real identity as a nation. Research of the century indeed. Filipinos should now be aware of our identity. I strongly agree to watch the entire Solomons Gold Series.. It's long videos of real evidence. Take time to be aware of this my fellow Filipinos. YAHUAH Bless us. Thank You"
    "It gives another perspective to our use of the Bible. Not another interpretation, but as a history book."
    "So much deception is happening around us. Conquerors manipulate and erase history. But the truth will always surface and shall proclaim our glorious past. There could only be one source for uncovering the truth based on facts"
    "They do real and extensive research and not just claim stuff— they vet them. They start from the bible and then find supporting evidence throughout history, geography, etc. I have watched every series they have on YouTube as well as recent videos"
    "very clear explanations and comprehensive research on topics!"
    "Let the Bible interpret the Bible." - TGC
    "The Philippines' heritage and destiny. Based on the Bible, history, archaeology."
    "Very good research with solid evidence! I love it!"
    "It is very informative and an eye opener that will make you read the Bible and strengthen your faith in God even more. Yahua bless!"
    "this page is more accurate than any other researcher on you tube"
    "Biblical revelations on the end-time prophecy of God for the Philippines, fact-based evidences from comprehensive research."
    "Good for deep study for word of God"
    "God Culture uses a variety of provable sources for the conclusions they come to."
    "All the findings are all backed up thoroughly according to KJV Bible, not just speculations but with evidences, geographically, Biblically and in truth..."
    "Hats off to the people behind TGC. Your well-documented research with Biblical Hebrew and ancient history's connection gave us a new paradigm to look at when studying the Scriptures and Philippine history. We have learned a lot of Hebrew words too."
    "Comprehensive Research. Not just Informative but also Enlightening. Divinely Guided Proof and Evidences."
    "i just love the way research is executed"
    "it is a compilation of facts based on history, geography and most specially the bible...all these resources and studies, when combined together, present the more logical reasoning on what the bible truly wants to express....i have yet to see a convincing contradiction on their findings, and I believe that this team is inspired by our Yah to shed light on man's mistaken interpretation or conception of the bible"
    "Through in-depth research that took years and counting, THE GOD CULTURE lays analysis and documentation that can not be debated or even questioned. Evidences and even recent facts are presented and proved to be true."

    Now, it's your turn. Educate yourself and prove all things. Follow the series and again, even try to prove it wrong. We challenge you to try. Yah Bless.

  16. You have lost the right to attempt debate as you are a fraud PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. It seems to bother you when someone uses your concealed name over and over PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas yet you do it in every blog in ignorance as much of what you invoke Tim's name isn't even him. You are a liar PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas who has lost every debate PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You misrepresent constantly PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and are guilty of libel, gross negligence, falsifying and massive misleadings PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I am very angry with your communist-style, jesuit-style agitation and many Filipinos are and will be as well as they will not tolerate your yellow-tard behavior much longer PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. One of our viewers called your worthless rants of nothing, saliva PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have attacked and attacked and attacked PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas without provocation nor reason and in fraud and you are proven wrong on every point PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have lost all debate PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. Everything you have attempted has been proven to have no basis and you have been caught manipulating historic quotes and misrepresenting taking fragments as you do with the word and misapplying them PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. Your Biblical illiteracy is ridiculous PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. This blog is one big blunder PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You have been caught lying about our leader in personal libelous garbage PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and our group and you can't even render a sentence with accuracy PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You are a liar PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. This blog is full of lies and deceit and frankly, demonic in nature and no, we will not tolerate demons PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. We know who you are PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas and we know more but we will save that for the right time. You have failed the Philippines PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. David Roxas owner of PhilippineFails.blogspot caught in manipulation, malicious lying. The person behind PhilippineFails.blogspot is David Roxas. President, PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. PhilippineFails.blogspot blogger David Roxas exposed for libel, manipulation, gross negligence and harassment. I am not going to tolerate you anymore PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. You are a waste of space PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. We will not indulge you anymore in debate because you have lost such right as you are a fraud PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I will respond in the same annoying childish manner in which you have attacked because you have lost the right to debate immature child and you will simply have to get over it PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. However, the search engines are gonna love all these mentions and it will not take long for your name to rise to the top with PhilippineFails. Enough of your abuse, you are now going to get it back PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas. I've been nice so far PhilippineFails.blogspot David Roxas.

  17. This blog is based on a fraudulent representation as this blogger did not even watch the series in which he comments other than recaps with no evidence yet his claim is we don't prove anything yet he doesn't now because he is simply ignorant and fraudulently representing himself as an expert on something he knows nothing about. It's called a hack job. What an ignorant fool this David Roxas of PhilippinesFails.Blogspot is.

    1. There is no fraudulent representation here. The God Culture teaches that the Philippines is the Garden of Eden, Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba, and that Pinoys are Israelites. Go watch your videos again and you will see those are the claims you make.

    2. Condemning a case one has not even reviewed is the epitome of ignorance. This blogger represents himself as an expert on The God Culture yet he hasn't even viewed 1 series in which he condemns. He goes into history and mixes and confuses as well as the Bible pulling out fragments out of context and his comprehension is atrocious and uneducated. Even when called out, he'll switch in his communist-style agitation to another fragment in deflection. We prove the Philippines is the Garden of Eden, Ophir, Tarshish, Sheba indeed in our Solomon's Gold Series and this blog does not disprove it. We do not address Lost Tribes of Israel in that series but in another progressing series, we test the routes of migration for the Lost Tribes and yes we find some migrate to the Ophir, Philippines. He hasn't watched that series either which is fine but then to blog about it is misrepresentation and fraud. This blogger is unqualified and uneducated. His name is David Roxas of PhilippinesFails and he has no issue committing cyber libel in which he is caught as well as fraud, gross negligence, etc. He has been caught in numerous lies and misrepresentations. What he is doing is towing the British propaganda line with communist-style agitation tactics. This is a gross display of vomit as you continue to read these blogs in which he, just as he begins to go here, goes over all the lines of the law. He is unqualified and misrepresenting himself as a journalist when has no clue of the profession.

  18. Our logo is not for this site to use and they are violating our trademark and copyrights. David Roxas is guilty of defrauding the public in misrepresenting himself with every one of these blogs on this topic as he has no clue what our videos are about. The epitome of ignorance. I didn't watch your videos but if I had, well, I know you didn't prove anything. Fool!

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. The only way you arrive at the conclusion that TGC is dishing out bad information is if you haven't watched the videos and am willfully blind. C'mon, Philippinefails... At least challenge the arguments directly instead of distracting from them. You're being weak and lazy.

    1. Indeed Daniel and a year has passed and he continues to attack yet still has no watched 1 of the 5 or so series he attempts to bash. Talk about the epitome of ignorance. Yah Bless.

  21. We have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map, scripture after scripture… This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God in his own words. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.

  22. You have entered the Twilight Zone of PhilippineFrauds who only knows how to misrepresent, lie and fraud and then commit cyber libel and deflect in Jesuit-communist poise as he is merely a commissioned agitator. He has been caught and exposed.
    This will be our response to this fraud David Roxas for the rest of this blog and we will not engage in debate he has not earned but abused such right. Watch our videos which are very well produced with abundant scripture. You do not have to agree with all we teach but calling us all these names, committing libel and fraud to oppose us, well, that’s satanic, let’s be clear. Again, we have proven over and over from his own words and deeds, this is a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, fraud who offers nothing of value. He only knows how to corrupt and fraud and we have proven that with quote after quote, map after map and even attempting most of a blog about a sentence in a comment in YouTube out of context which was accurate and fine but he has to go get YT regulations and try to make a mountain out of an ant hill as he usually does. This shows how pathetic he is and he has identified his foundation now, we have it. David Roxas of PhilippineFails hates God. He blames him for the state of the Philippines instead of looking at how the Filipino people have lost covenant relationship which we are working to restore. Yet, he mischaracterizes and misrepresents yet claims he cares but he hates the Philippines and he is a racist, bigot who hates Filipinos and Americans. Seems he just hates everyone but this is common with those whose father is the devil. We live in the End Times when evil is painted as good and good as evil and this persecution is welcomed as it demonstrates we are in the Will of Yahuah. This fraud is in the will of his father, satan. They are liars incapable of truth, haters oblivious to love, demonizers who are the ones with demons, accusers yet guilty themselves… these are hypocrites and yes, the Philippines is not perfect but mostly because of the influence of these Jesuit and Communist-style agitators… They read scripture and then ignore it reframing it in fragments to manipulate to their Pharisee leaven which this fraud represents. They read history and outright lie and commit fraud to reframe it and cover it up but no longer. They are exposed. David Roxas of PhilippineFails has failed the Philippines.

  23. It has been a year now since this libelous, fraudulent, liar began attacking and stalking The God Culture in illegal harassing behavior on several levels and several times. He is a criminal. However, the larger issue as you see from this first blog he wrote about a year ago, he is criticizing and ridiculing 3 different series he never watched. So, where are we now. It's been a year and he still have not watched either series and the Original Canon Series is all of 3 videos for goodness sake. Talk about gross negligence and misrepresentation. I mean what kind of psycho would write a blog on something they never reviewed? Then, multiple blogs for a year yet still failing to review the position? What a fraud. We have caught him lying and misrepresenting several times and called him out but then he gets personal and become his psycho, stalker self coming after our leaders especially. This is like the stalker (which this definitely is) saying to the victim, don't you love me? Don't you appreciate the attention I have given you? Really? This is evil, illegal, satanic and this criminal has committed fraud, negligence, cyber libel, etc. and then, wants us to pat him on the back calling that research yet he has yet to represent any topic with accuracy on any level as he is proven a liar. Sending pictures of our leaders' kids in harassment is not research, it's illegal. No sane person would do that. Sending us a text message twice in which he is harassing former family is definitely insane especially when the conversation said nothing but he wanted to harass. Stalker! Sending our leader's DMV report in which the report says his SS# was verified by this stalker is not research, it is a Federal Offense. Publishing our leader's marriage certificate calling his wife a harlot and saying she should be "put away" is not just offensive, unethical and completely wrong, but it is evil in the worst sense. What a lousy stalker this PhilippineFrauds is. This especially after he even verified they were married in the very large mega-church in which they were ministering completely legally and Biblical. What a fraud. Found nothing, proven to be nothing and yet, he doubles down in fraud to harass, cyber libel and call into question the unquestionable. Of course, after proven wrong, he leaves all this garbage lying around the internet for you to stumble upon. It is fraud and libel, illegal, criminal trash.

  24. A stalker would characterize the wrong visa he thinks Tim needs yet Tim is not a missionary and we are not a missionary organization in any sense which this blogger already well-knew before. He admits he knows in the same blog but continues on with the requirements of the wrong visa and Tim's visa is accurate and up-to-date and very valid as he is welcomed in that country and invited by many. Then, when corrected that he was wrong according the BI, what does this stalker fraud do? Well, he doubles down on his fraud and claims to know more than the Bureau of Immigration and an attorney on immigration because he's an attorney? Nope. A BI official? Nope. Could he be more of a fool? Could he be more of a stalker? A stalker would claim to publish a biography of our leader and miss 30 years of ministry experience and then, call into question that which he missed. When corrected what does this ignorant blogger do, well, he doubles down on stupidity and still claims that doesn't mean anything yet it is gross negligence legally, fraudulent and libel among other things and that is according to the law. He would then marginalize Tim's almost 30 year, successful publishing career even rising to one of the largest magazines on newsstands worldwide but no, that is not important, st aside all Tim's successes and only focuses on 2 years of 30 years experience in which he attempted to start a magazine. Of course, David Roxas has a better resume? Nope. He doesn't and in yellow journalism he tells you nothing of himself because he is a fraud who is unqualified to publish anything. However, Tim has been a Publisher in title for many years. How stupid! A stalker would send 4 emails this am to Tim's private email about nothing including one of some woman asking questions alluding to something in fraud. Tim forwards this crap to me and it is senseless, pyscho babble completely incoherent. This David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a psycho. A stalker would assume that because Tim mentioned the word Tax in some context in some video that that means Tim must have tax problems yet no such record exists as that is a fraudulent assumption. He just keeps going and going and going like a stalker because he is a stalker and a libelous, abusive, harassing, lying, bullying, fraud. Is there no law this fraud will not break to try to prove something he cannot prove? I mean he has lost every debate on facts royally so he has to result in this kind of psycho behavior of a stalker. Then, he wants to have a conversation about theology? Even satan isn't that stupid. He even sent Tim an email this am about what coffee he likes or something like that. Only a stalker would assume a friendship from his abuse. How filthy... I need to go take a shower because this David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a stalker. I feel not just for our group as a whole but especially for our leaders who are his victims. This is demonic, satanic behavior and he is willing to lie and break the law to do so. Disgusting! That's not to even mention all the fraud he committed with The Periplus, Mela, Dionysius, Villegas, Legeza, Horridge, etc. in which he outright lied nor all the many maps he frauded and screwed up to support his British propaganda as he hates the Philippines and is prejudice against Filipinos whom he calls gullible. What a fool! He can't read nor comprehend and everything he has touched he has frauded just like a stalker would because David Roxas of PhilippineFrauds is a stalker. This is garbage.

    1. It's called "being called out." Deal with it. You're being a hypocrite by stating that the blogger is fraudulent and harassing when you're using bullshittery to trick people and revisiting his blog to comment these things. How low of a human can you get?

  25. I am Nigerian, not Phillipino and I have read this blog article and watched The GOD Culture videos on the Name of God, their Sabbath Series and only recently the Solomon Gold Series on the Garden of Eden. I must commend the amount of work that has gone into the research that The GOD CUuLTURE publishes on Youtube. I believe that with over 30 years of ministry, the Leader of God Culture is clearly and obviously Trinitarian since He has clearly taught the name of the Father & the Son. Ruach Ha'Qodesh is pretty known by everyone who genuinely wants to know the name of the third person of the Trinity but the correct name and pronunciation of Yahuah and Yahusha is pretty much divided and I have God Culture to be right on this matter. Regarding the issue of Phillipino being the Garden of Eden, I stand with GOD Culture until new evidences arise. The only thing I see here are two agendas;Phillipino Fails and Phillipino Rise. And I stand with GOD Culture in the name of Yahusha, Phillipino will indeed RISE. Take the advise from this group of researchers and watch their videos from a place of humility and desire to learn the truth not to criticize, then you can form your decision but watching a recap and trying to distort the narrative of a very comprehensive body of work is actually very evil and painful. You are doing the work of devil. Stop it. But if not, at least we all know on whose side you are on! #PhillipinoFails so sad.

    1. I have watched many more of their videos since writing this article. I am familiar with their case and with their methods. I have written almost 20 articles about them reviewing what they have to say. In short Timothy Schwab is an out and out liar and a heretic. If you actually listened to his videos you would know he denies the Trinity and maligns the Church which is the body of Christ.

      There is no good to be found in The God Culture. Only confusion and deception. Stay away from them.

    2. people with the likes of you should stay away from GOD CULTURE, people who wants to broaden understanding on these kinds of topic should watch the entries and test it for themselves and they should decide.

  26. I dont see any reason for this type of argument for just a mere recap of a video, true or not, we are only given a glimpse of what could be true or not, that is why we need to test it by our selves. if you do not not anything good to say to others, then just dont say anything. every one has his or her own truth, let them decide. the God Culture is just trying to give us an alternative education. you consider the bible as a holy religious book, that is good but you need to understand that in order for us to be able dissect the content of the book, we should take what is written on that book as plain and simple, in lay mans term so to speak. So the GOD CULTURE is doing a great thing not just for the filippinos but for the whole of humanity. Foong Sai Yuk

    1. There are many articles on this blog taking apart the nonsense that The God Culture teaches and showing how it is all wrong. Everything they teach is a lie and they are leading you on the road to hell. Timothy Jay Schwab is a murderer of souls as he leads you away from the grace that is in Christ back to the law.

  27. This blog is by far one of the most ignorant and ad hominem filled tirade that on the onset can be analyzed as obviously coming from a very lazy individual full of jealousy and dumb founded pride in one's intelligence that is very evident to be severely lacking or non-existent. I highly doubt you're even a Filipino, you sound very much like Ressa who's just a poser... you don't understand Philippine history in the slightest nor take the time to comprehend the context presented by the God Culture. For instance, I highly doubt you even know that Jose Rizal for example, our national hero wrote extensively about how the Philippines was indeed the Garden of Eden and that we shared various similar traditions that no other countries practiced that are unique to the Hebrews such as the blood pact of Datu Sikatuna with Legazpi, much the same way as the Last Supper was. Keep in mind, that's only one example, read Noli me Tangere, you will find more! But I very highly doubt you will even attempt to do so since by your own admission, "well if it's too long, why bother reading it" which proves the fact that you are a lazy, ignorant individual who have no established reason to even critique such works as what the God Culture represents let alone a national hero.

    1. Just because Rizal wrote that the Philippines is the Garden of Eden does not make it so. The God Culture teaches that the Garden of Eden is NOT IN the Philippines but is actually BELOW THE FLOOR OF THE SULU SEA. So they don't even agree with Rizal. There is no ad hominem in this blog but only an extensive analysis of The God Culture's videos and teachings. There are at least 50 articles here on that topic alone exposing Timothy Jay Schwab's fake history and his utterly blasphemous doctrines.

  28. Michael, we did meet personally with Bro Tim and his team and were able to conduct seminar and our place. Despite i do not agree in all his knowledge about us but i personally that he really knew what he stand for. one time he just sent money as love gift even when i do not ask. Superb research tgc.

  29. So, from what I can see from this discussion here is that 1) The Revelation about the True Origin of Philippines before it became known as the Philippines .... has absolutely excited me and caused me to look forward to that day when God Himself will put things right within that Space we now call the Philippines, Originally known as Ophir ... 2) If the God Culture is wrong about it all then what hurt has there been? 3) However, if God Culture is correct in everything then tell me who will miss out on possibly one of the Greatest events that God is about to do ... 4) To The person Micheal, I sense a rather enormous spirit of jealousy, because God has not given the Revelation to a Filipino ... which is like saying to a Jew that a Gentile got a Revelation from God. You need to be reminded that God has the Right to choose whom ever he chooses, for by Grace are we saved through Faith in Christ ... after all God used a Donkey .... 'Just saying'

  30. The best thing to do is pray for wisdom and and love , try to research for more facts, there is a Filipino doctor from USA his name is Dr.Richard Vincent Narag MD, THD. A doctor in both Medicine and Theology, studied at Harvard University.he released his book RIZAL CODE La Pluma De Sangre on year June 2012 he is the first to discuss to validate and confirmed that Philippines is Ophir in his books like Rizal Code, Garden of Eden is in Philippines, Baybayin Decoded and many more . Try to read his majestic and hermeneutical analysis he really amazing. God bless
