Took a jeepney for the ride home and the driver stopped to take a leak.
I wish had taken a video!
"Don't Dump Your Garbage Here," reads the sign. How hard is it to not trash up someone else's property? For Filipinos it is incredibly hard.
That is only one of the many garbage piles around town.
No doubt everyone who dumped their garbage here looked at the sign and thought, "You can't tell me what to do."
I came across an accident a while back. I am not sure what happened but it appears a lady was hit by a motorcycle or maybe even a bicycle. As we approached I snapped as many photos as I could and this is one of them:
It's like a pieta. Very tragic. I do not know the sequel but this moment in time has been frozen forever.
I came across this lovely picture at the veterinarians office.
Just look at those cute Shitzus for sale. Wait. What? Shitzu? SHITzu????
It's actually spelled Shih Tzu.
This is not a one off.
Is this Taglish?
It's ridiculish!
What is the best way to clean a high ceiling? If you said using a tall scaffolding or a moveable lift you would be wrong. The correct way is to use a medium sized ladder with its feet resting on cardboard so you can easily move it around.
Who needs hard hats, harnesses, and boots when you got your friends to move you around and catch you if you fall?
These guys can learn a thing or two from the resourceful Filipinos.
This is a basketball hoop on the side of the road. I think it was erected by the sugarcane workers. who were cutting the cane in the field across the street. Who else could it be? It's not secure in the ground and can be moved.
It's more than a little strange looking but everyone needs their recreation.
I witnessed this scene at TriNoma mall in Manila.
Before leaving the floor each employee is required to remove his socks and shoes and be frisked. There is a security guard dedicated to just that task. All day long she frisks employees to make sure they haven't stolen anything. I have seen employees in other places getting frisked as they leave the premises. Pray tell what exactly is a barista going to be stealing from Starbucks that can be stuffed down their pants?
It's just another example of how the Philippines lacks social capital and no one is to be trusted. That is not to say there are no trustworthy people in the Philippines but clearly no one is taking that risk.
The government is campaigning hard for everyone to get a national ID. In fact, they are literally going into the streets for the cause!
These hard working government employees did not bring their own tables or source of electricity and they were working on Bonifacio Day. I asked if one of them if they were getting extra holiday pay and he said no. Sounds rather odd to me since working on Bonifacio Day ensures one will be receiving substantial extra wages. Given the strange circumstances I wondered aloud if these were even real employees of the Philippine Statistics Authority and was assured they were.
I took this picture a while back one afternoon.
It's two friends traveling down the road. Reminds me of this song:
The greatest adventure is what lies ahead.Today and tomorrow are yet to be said.The chances, the changes are all yours to make.The mold of your life is in your hands to break.The greatest adventure is there if you're bold.Let go of the moment that life makes you hold.To measure the meaning can make you delay;It's time you stop thinkin' and wasting the day.
What better way to go on an adventure than with a friend?
Just look at this:
Who would do something so cruel as to place their dog's cage on stilts! One strong typhoon gust of wind or some hungry termites and he's a goner. Sure it makes it easier to clean up the mess because it all falls to the ground and is washed away. But isn't the safety and security of your animal more important than your ease from work?
I saw this sight in my neighborhood.
Obviously this is to prevent anyone from using this net to play ball. Well you know what, take it off the street and put inside your lot!
Filipinos do everything in the street. They barbecue in the street, they walk in the street, their dogs roam all over the street, children play games in the street, they place their construction material in the street, they dry their rice in the street, they play basketball in the street, and they even have parties and wakes that extend into the street. Why??? GET OUT OF THE ROAD!!!
Should I stay or should I go? It's telling me to do both!! There's a red arrow and a green light.
What better way to honor legendary basketball player Kobie Brian than by naming your restaurant after him?
Did you know Kobie Brian's parents named after the Japanese beef? It's too bad because Kobie Brian was the real thing while Kobie beef is often imitated just like honey. Well, if you are ever in town come on by and have some barbecue in Kobe Bryant's honor.
I was at the market to buy some coffee when I saw a lady asleep on the rice she was selling.
It's not the best place to sleep. Probably not very comfortable. Probably not so hygienic either. When I passed by on m way back she had switched positions which means she was out like a light.
In the Philippines the motorcycle is a multipurpose vehicle. It is used to transport whole families as well as deliver packages and other large objects. It is not uncommon to see a back rider holding tightly on to a gas tank. Honestly, nothing is shocking once you have been in this country long enough. But that is not to say one cannot be shocked. Here is a picture of a backrider carrying a stationery exercise bicycle!
It's a bit blurry since I took the picture with a bad camera and through the plastic window on a jeepney. But it's pretty clear what is going on here. Why not hire a tricycle to transport this exercise bike? What sense does it make to hold this unwieldily thing your lap? Absolute stupidity!
Do any ladies out there need a job? Are you also a single mother between the ages of 18 and 50? If so then I have the perfect job for you.
Better apply fast before this once in a lifetime opportunity is gone forever.
I saw this beautiful sight yesterday and snapped a picture before it dissipated.
This is probably the coolest cloud I have ever seen in my life. I won't waste any words describing it. Just take a good long look for yourself.