Saturday, March 8, 2025

The God Culture: 100 Lies: #37: Jose Rizal Thought the Philippines Was the Garden of Eden

Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concern Timothy Jay Schwab's claim Dr. Jose Rizal thought the Philippines was the Garden of Eden. 

This claims shows up in his videos.

Solomon's Gold Series - Part 12E: Garden of Eden, Mount of the East Found: Ophir, Philippines

11:22 Another viewer sent us this poem from Jose Rizal "My Last Farewell" written on the eve of his execution in 1896. We show it in its original form in Spanish as well as in English and Tagalog of course we'll read it in English because that's all we really know. "Farewell my adored land, region of the Sun caressed." Imagine that there we go with the Sun reference again. "Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost. With gladness I give you my life sad and repressed and were it more brilliant, more fresh, and at its best I would still give it to you for your welfare at most." So, not only is bdellium, pearl, found in the Philippines and the most significant in size but the land is even called the Pearl of the Orient. Hmm sounds like Havilah to me. Could it be? Of course it is. "Our Eden lost." So, Rizal knew that the Philippines was Ophir which we covered before according to his writings and he also knew it was the Garden of Eden. Yeah this could be a reference that anyone could make to any country their Eden blah, blah, blah, blah, yeah that's possible. However, we think this actually could be very telling because this man knew something. And by the way who lost Eden though? Actually Adam did. Fascinating.

100 Clues #13: Philippines Is The Ancient Land of PEARL: Havilah - Ophir, Sheba, Tarshish

funny thing is even long before these large pearls were produced and then recorded Dr. Jose Rizal in 1896 wrote a poem identifying the Philippines as the Pearl of the Orient. Almost seems like he kind of knew something, huh? Well, you will find his contemporary professor Blumentritt writes that in fact and he did as well even in 1891.

This claim also shows up in his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure. 

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pg. 296

Did Dr. Jose Rizal know more about the Philippines than we are told? On the eve of his execution, he wrote this poem in which he referred to the Philippines as the “region of the sun” which is important in identifying the land of Chryse/Ophir, “Pearl of the Orient Sea” which is crucial in revealing the land of Ancient Havilah next to the Garden of Eden and “our Eden lost” as if he knew this was in fact the long lost location of the Garden of Eden perhaps.

One must wonder if Rizal had other writings which may have been smuggled out of his prison of exile but no such speculation is needed to locate the Garden of Eden which has actually been recorded since very ancient times and exact directions even. We will delve into this realm though we were hesitant at first. Can we really find the Garden of Eden in the Philippines?

In one of his videos Tim says he previously covered writings where Dr. Rizal "knew the Philippines was Ophir." While they get a passing glance he does not cover those writings in his book The Search for King Solomon's Treasure in any meaningful way so they must not be very important.

The Search for King Solomon's Treasure, pg 102

Even in 1890, Philippine Former Prime Minister Pedro A. Paterno recorded Ophir as the Philippines and many allude Professor Fernando Blumentritt, contemporary and friend of Dr. Jose Rizal, knew as well.

However, Rizal's poem is very important. Tim even uses it in his conferences. 

So, what does this poem mean? Is Dr. Jose Rizal actually calling the Philippines the Garden of Eden? Of course not. It's a poem. It's the last poem he ever wrote before facing the firing squad.

It's not a geography lesson or a history course. It's 14 stanzas of thoughts about his country, the Philippines. Funny that Tim does not talk about the other stanzas or even attempt to relate the actual message of the poem. Instead he latches onto the phrases "pearl of the orient" and "our Eden lost" and says, "Oh, look see Rizal thought the Philippines was the Garden of Eden!"

In the fourth stanza Rizal writes:
My dreams, when scarcely a lad adolescent, 
My dreams when already a youth, full of vigor to attain, 
Were to see you, Gem of the Sea of the Orient
Your dark eyes dry, smooth brow held to a high plane,
Without frown, without wrinkles and of shame without stain.
According to Tim that would mean Rizal is not being poetic but is talking about the many precious gem stones that are to be found in the Philippines. Likewise in the 13th stanza Rizal writes:
My idolized Country, for whom I most gravely pine, 
Dear Philippines, to my last goodbye, oh, harken 
There I leave all: my parents, loves of mine, 
I'll go where there are no slaves, tyrants or hangmen 
Where faith does not kill and where God alone does reign.
Oh no! Is the Philippines now an idol to be worshipped? If we follow Tim's literal approach that is what we would have to say. 

Dr. Jose Rizal was not the first to call the Philippines Pearl of the Orient. Fr. Juan P. Delgado in his book Historia de Filipinas can claim that honor.

In a short time the name of Nueva Castilla was forgotten and that of Manila prevailed by the election of the same Adelantado; for in this place he founded the city, which he spoke of as being the court and pearl of the East.

Having described the island of Luzon, with all the provinces it contains, only the city of Manila, capital and court of the Philippines, remains before beginning the description of the other islands in particular. Because although it has already been outlined by other erudite pens, as all things have their beginnings, increases and decline, so has this capital, subject to changes, like other human things. In times past, according to the ancient historians, when trade with Japan flourished, Manila was the wonder and pearl of the East, as well in its neighborhood, as in buildings and riches, which, in exchange for the goods of the land, came in abundance; Now it can be said that it is only a canal, because there remains in it only the sign of the great deal of silver that comes from Spain having passed to other kingdoms, enriching them with it, without anything remaining in Manila but the sound that attracts the neighbors, bloodsuckers, Moors and heretics of Batavia to sweep it, leaving in it the infinite poverty and misery that its inhabitants experience, except for one or another neighbor who has some wealth, which, in these times, are counted.

Having already written elsewhere about the material nature of the city of Manila, we will put in this chapter its formal aspects, in which it can compete with the most famous in Europe. It is located in the best, most pleasant, leafy and abundant site of the island of Luzon, head and core of the Philippine Archipelago. It very justly deserves the name of pearl of the east, a distinguished and very loyal city; and as such, it enjoys all the honors, franchises and privileges of those who are heads of kingdom, granted by our Catholic kings in the decrees of November 19, 1595, and March 20, 1596, in the latter of which it was granted a particular coat of arms.
Each one of these mentions of the Pearl of the East is a reference to the City of Manila and not the entire nation and has nothing to do with actual pearls. Very obviously Rizal has taken this sobriquet and applied it to the nation as a whole. For Rizal the Philippines, his homeland, is beautiful and precious above all else. 

In 1911 The Manila Merchants Association published a pamphlet titled "The Philippines, Treasure House of the Tropics, Manila, Pearl of the Orient."

Are they claiming the Philippines is Ophir and the Garden of Eden by calling Manila Pearl of the Orient? No, they are indicating the beauty of the city. The point is Pearl of the Orient is a common name applied to the Philippines and has to do with the beauty of the nation and not its status as Ophir or The Garden of Eden.  

Tim's claim that Dr. Jose Rizal thought the Philippines was the Garden of Eden based on this poem is total nonsense and wrests it from its true meaning. It is simply one more lie about the Philippines being taught by Timothy Jay Schwab who is The God Culture. 

Friday, March 7, 2025

Retards in the Government 407

It's your weekly compendium of foolishness and corruption in the Philippine government.

The Philippine National Police Internal Affairs Service (PNP IAS) has recommended the dismissal of a patrolman detailed to the Laguna police for his alleged involvement in a robbery hold-up last year.

In a statement on Thursday, the IAS did not name the police officer but said the latter was found guilty of grave misconduct and conduct unbecoming of a police officer.

According to IAS, the police officer and two accomplices aboard two motorcycles forcibly took cash and a cell phone from a victim at gunpoint in Western Bicutan in Taguig City last June.

A follow-up operation by police resulted in the arrest of the three suspects and led to the discovery that one of them was the active duty policeman, who used his PNP-issued firearm during the robbery hold-up.

“This kind of criminal behavior is precisely what damages public trust in the Philippine National Police,” IAS Inspector-General Brigido Dulay said in a statement.

“This dismissal serves as a stark reminder that being a police officer is not just a job but a lifelong responsibility to uphold integrity and public trust,” Dulay added.

The Philippine National Police Internal Affairs Service has recommended the dismissal of a patrolman detailed to the Laguna police for his alleged involvement in a robbery hold-up last year.

A former policeman was shot dead in Purok Michelle, Barangay Dulao, Bago City, Negros Occidental on Thursday morning, Feb. 27. 
The victim was identified as Renaldo Bernel, a resident of Barangay Pacol, Bago City. 
Bernel was driving a motorcycle when he was shot by unidentified gunmen. 
Recovered from the crime scene were 16 fired 5.56 mm caliber cartridges, nine fired cartridges, a fired bullet, a 9mm bullet, a handheld radio, and a cellular phone. 
Bernel was gunned down 10 years after he was linked to a shooting incident where a policeman in E.B. Magalona, Negros Occidental was killed. 
Police have yet to ascertain if Bernel’s death could be linked to the incident. Bernel’s murder case from the E.B. Magalona incident was dismissed.  
Bernel was dismissed from the service in 2016 for being Absent Without Official Leave.  
Police are conducting follow-up investigation. 

A former policeman was shot dead.

Gunmen shot and killed the 60-year-old husband of the mayor of Lumbaca-Unayan town in Lanao del Sur in an attack on Wednesday, February 26.

Senior officials of the Lanao del Sur Provincial Police Office and local executives separately told reporters on Thursday, February 27, that Abdulazis Tadua Aloyodan was standing outside of their house in the town center of Lumbaca-Unayan when armed men in a vehicle pulled over close to him and opened fire, killing him instantly.

Aloyodan’s spouse, Jamaliah Dimatunday Aloyodan, is the current mayor of Lumbaca-Unayan. The slain Abdulazis Tadua Aloyodan had also served as mayor of the municipality before his wife was elected to the same post in 2022.

The killers of Aloyodan quickly fled the scene amidst the commotion caused by the gunshots, which echoed through the area, not far from the Lumbaca-Unayan town hall.

Gov. Mamintal Alonto Adiong Jr., chairman of the multi-sector Lanao del Sur Provincial Peace and Order Council, condemned the incident and urged officials of the Lumbaca-Unayan Municipal Police Station and barangay leaders in the municipality to put an immediate closure on the incident.

“We want the people behind that crime prosecuted to the fullest extent of law,” Adiong said.

Brig. Gen. Romeo Juan Macapaz, director of the Police Regional Office-Bangsamoro Autonomous Region, stated that investigators are still working to identify the killers of Aloyodan and determine the motive behind the attack.

He also said that it remains unclear whether the murder was politically motivated.

A former Mayor who is now the current mayor's husband has been assassinated.

The former vice mayor of Minglanilla, Cebu and his three siblings were arrested for constructing a fence without necessary permits in Barangay Calaojan.

Former Vice Mayor Loben Geonzon, former municipal Councilor and incumbent Barangay Tunghaan Councilor Lynette Geonzon, and Glenson Geonzon and Lonito Geonzon were arrested on Friday afternoon, Feb. 28, on warrants issued by Judge Albie Charisse Faith Sojor of the Municipal Trial Court in Minglanilla for alleged violation of Section 301 of Presidential Decree No. 1096 or the National Building Code of the Philippines.

“No person, firm, or corporation, including any agency or instrumentality of the government, shall erect, construct, alter, repair, move, convert, or demolish any building or structure or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a building permit therefor from the building official assigned in the place where the subject building is located or the building work is to be done,” PD 1096 said.

A group of residents filed the charges after the siblings ordered the construction of a fence in their property that prevented them from accessing their homes.

The local government of Minglanilla discovered that the construction of the fence did not have a permit. In June 2023 and March 2024, notices of illegal construction and violation were sent to the respondents but the construction of the fence continued, prompting the filing of charges against the Geonzons.

“From the evidence presented thus far, the undersigned finds that there is prima facie evidence to charge the respondent for violation of Section 301, Chapter 3 (Illegal Construction) of PD No. 1096 otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines, and that there is reasonable certainty of conviction based on available witnesses and documentary evidence produced,” said Assistant Provincial Prosecutor Ivy B. Susvilla-Layson in her resolution approved by Provincial Prosecutor Ludivico Vistal Cutaran.

Bail was set at P12,000 for the accused. The siblings have posted bail.

The former vice mayor of Minglanilla, Cebu and his three siblings were arrested for constructing a fence without necessary permits in Barangay Calaojan.

Department of Agrarian Reform Secretary Conrado Estrella III yesterday ordered the immediate dismissal of a DAR driver who fled from enforcers after being flagged down for a traffic violation.

“Fire him,” Estrella said, as he directed DAR Assistant Secretary Ubaldo Sadiarin Jr. to ensure that driver Russel Smith surrenders to traffic authorities and takes full responsibility for his violation.

Smith, a DAR contract worker, mentioned Estrella’s name while being apprehended by Quezon City traffic enforcers on Thursday for illegally parking his vehicle along Timog Avenue.

Video footage shows Smith refusing to present his driver’s license and speeding away to evade apprehension.

Smith was hired as an administrative support staff under the office of Sadiarin.

Estrella apologized to the traffic enforcers and commended them for professionalism and commitment to enforcing the law. He denied any direct association with Smith and ordered an immediate and thorough investigation.

“My parents and grandparents taught me to live a simple life. I do not keep police escorts nor do I condone the misuse of my name,” Estrella said in response to reports that Smith resorted to name-dropping during the incident.

Regardless of the findings, Estrella said Smith’s contract of service with the department would not be renewed, and he would be permanently barred from any future employment with the DAR.

“We will recommend the filing of criminal charges against Mr. Smith if our investigation points us to this action. However, the Quezon City Police Department must file charges now if evidence warrants,” Estrella added.

Department of Agrarian Reform Secretary Conrado Estrella III yesterday ordered the immediate dismissal of a DAR driver who fled from enforcers after being flagged down for a traffic violation.

The convoy of a mayoral candidate in the Cordillera province of Abra was attacked at the boundary of Pilar town at 4:40 p.m. on Friday, leaving two dead.

But the primary target, Artemio “Billy Boy” Donato Jr., who is running for mayor of Pidigan town, was unharmed, according to a spot report released by the municipal police of Pilar.

Local sources said the convoy of 11 vehicles was ferrying Donato to Villaviciosa town from Pilar’s Barangay Poblacion when gunmen hidden up a small ridge fired shots at the group.

Responding police officers found a bullet-riddled black Montero sports utility vehicle—with its driver, Kevin Bueno, already dead from a gunshot wound in the head at Sitio Palicad, Barangay Poblacion in Pilar.

The police rushed to the hospital the other injured—Froilan Bueno, the Barangay chair of Quilla in Langiden town, who was shot in the abdomen; and Sonny Bisares Bueno, who was shot in the right leg. It was not clear if the two men were related at press time.

The village chair died while undergoing treatment while Sonny has been confined at Seares Hospital in Bangued town.

Donato is running for mayor of Pidigan against the brother of suspended Vice Gov. Joy Valera Bernos in this year’s midterm polls. He is a former mayor of Langiden, which is now governed by his wife.

Police were also investigating reports that Donato had been involved in an altercation three days ago with a prominent political figure.

In 2013, Donato escaped an attempt on his life following an attack on another convoy while he served as barangay chair of Baac in Langiden. In 2023, the police revoked his licenses to own 15 guns.

Abra has been in the spotlight during previous elections due to warring political families with their own private armed groups that the Inquirer revealed in 2005, which was confirmed by a government fact-finding investigation.

Back in January, the towns of Bangued, Bucay and Pilar were classified as “orange” by the Cordillera Regional Joint Command Center, because of the presence of serious armed threats in these Abra municipalities.

It alao designated the Abra towns of Lagayan, Pidigan, Tayum, Tineg, Dolores and Langangilang as “yellow” due to their longstanding history with poll violence.

Only Lubuagan town in Kalinga is also classified as yellow, with the rest of the Cordillera classified as “green”—to signify their are no concerns in these areas once the elections commences in May.

The convoy of a mayoral candidate in the Cordillera province of Abra was attacked at the boundary of Pilar town at 4:40 p.m. on Friday, leaving two dead.

Transportation Secretary Vince Dizon yesterday announced the dismissal of five Land Transportation Office (LTO) enforcers for harassing a motorcycle driver they caught carrying a bladed weapon in Panglao, Bohol on Friday.

“We are the people’s servants, not their lords. In that context, I would like to announce in behalf of the DOTr (Department of Transportation) and the LTO that effective today, we are dismissing the law enforcers involved in the incident in Panglao,” Dizon said at a press conference.

The incident sparked outrage on social media after a netizen uploaded a video showing five LTO men dragging the rider, identified only as 57-year-old Mang Bert, off his motorcycle. Bert reportedly identified himself as a farmer and that he uses the knife when working in his farm.

Dizon stressed that he would not tolerate such behavior from government employees.

“I already consulted (LTO chief) Assistant Secretary Vigor (Mendoza II). Based on the information gathered by (Transportation) Assistant Secretary Jojo Reyes, they will be dismissed immediately. This is without prejudice to future cases that may be filed, depending on the outcome of the pending investigation,” Dizon said.

He added that Reyes met with Bert and his family in the hospital.

“If there are reports that Mang Bert, a farmer from Panglao was drunk, even if it is true that he was holding a knife, even if it comes out during investigation that he was riding a colorum motorcycle – even if all these are true, it cannot justify the violence of the law enforcers,” Dizon said.

The DOTr chief noted that reports of the victim being a brother of a former vice mayor was not considered in his decision.

“Even if there are violations, it is incumbent on law enforcers, especially, to always exercise maximum tolerance,” Dizon said.

Five LTO officers have been sacked for manhandling a motorcycle driver.

Pasay police chief Col. Samuel Pabonita was relieved from his post yesterday following a shooting incident in Baclaran on Feb. 3.

Pabonita was replaced by Col. Joselito De Sesto.

Pabonita, who was named Pasay police chief in June 2024, said he was relieved by the National Capital Region Police Office for command responsibility over the shooting.

“As a commander, I am obliged to follow the directive,” he said in a phone interview with The STAR.

Asked whether he was sacked because of the continued proliferation of “underground” Philippine offshore gaming operators in Pasay, Pabonita said no.

He has been reassigned to another post in the Southern Police District.

Pasay police chief Col. Samuel Pabonita was relieved from his post yesterday following a shooting incident in Baclaran on Feb. 3.

The chief of the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Group (PNP AKG) was administratively relieved pending an investigation into the rescue operation of a Chinese teenager.

This directive is taking effect amid a “public scrutiny” over the way the activity was reported.

According to the order made public on Saturday, PNP AKG Director Col. Elmer Ragay’s relief was effective on Friday.

In a separate statement also on Saturday, the PNP said the order stemmed from the case of a 14-year-old Chinese student who was reported missing on Feb. 20.

It cited a “need for a thorough review to address growing public scrutiny and ensure full transparency.”

According to the PNP, the move followed “adverse news reports and viral social media discussions questioning the legitimacy” of the operation that supposedly recovered the Chinese victim.

The AKG was reportedly not responsible for the operation, despite the PNP’s statement on Wednesday that attributed the recovery of the Chinese minor to the PNP’s anti-kidnapping arm.

“This review is meant to clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident and reinforce public trust in the PNP,” Chief Gen. Rommel Marbil said in the statement.

The chief of the Philippine National Police Anti-Kidnapping Group was administratively relieved pending an investigation into the rescue operation of a Chinese teenager.

A police colonel wanted for alleged acts of lasciviousness was arrested in Quezon City yesterday.

He was apprehended by operatives of the Anonas police station 9 in Barangay Fairview.

The police official was arrested based on a warrant issued by the Quezon City Metropolitan Trial Court Branch 135 for acts of lasciviousness under Article 336 of the Revised Penal Code.

A bail of P36,000 was recommended for his temporary liberty.

The suspect’s alleged victim, a non-uniformed personnel of the Philippine National Police (PNP), filed a complaint against the suspect.

The identities of the police colonel and the victim were withheld.

In a nine-page resolution issued on Feb. 11, the Quezon City prosecutor’s office found sufficient evidence to indict the police official for acts of lasciviousness.

The victim said the police official touched her hands, thighs and private parts while she was in his car in June 2023.

She said the police official suggested they go to a motel, which she rejected.

She said the suspect even offered her P10,000 in exchange for having a relationship with him.

The prosecutor’s office dismissed the complaint filed against the suspect for sexual harassment for lack of evidence.

The police official, the victim and other PNP personnel had just attended a meeting in Manila before the incident happened.

According to the victim, the colonel asked her to ride with him. As the suspect has a higher rank in the PNP, she said she and her colleagues could not refuse.

A police colonel wanted for alleged acts of lasciviousness was arrested in Quezon City yesterday.

The  chairman of Barangay Cabisera 27 here was shot dead on Tuesday evening, March 4.

Police said Avelino Quitola, 62, was driving a motorcycle with his wife following behind on an electric bike in Purok 7, Barangay Cabisera 27 when he was shot upon reaching a corn field at 7:55 p.m. by a lone gunman.

The gunman fled and the victim was taken to a hospital where he was declared dead.

Police took 30 minutes to reach the area as it was in the innermost part of the barangay.

The couple was on their way home when the incident happened.

Follow-up investigation and pursuit operation against the suspect is underway.

The  chairman of Barangay Cabisera 27 here was shot dead on Tuesday evening, March 4.

A 63-year-old village head of Cabiseria 27 (Abuan) in this city was shot and killed on Tuesday by two men on a motorcycle, the police said.

Police Captain Noralyn Andal, Ilagan police spokesperson, told the Inquirer that they have identified persons of interest in the killing of Avelino Quitola, 63, who died from bullet wounds to the head and body.

Quitola was on his way home after overseeing operations at his business in Villa Imelda village when two gunmen wearing helmets and black jackets ambushed him.

Investigators said the suspects were riding an unlicensed motorcycle. His wife had left their store earlier on an electric bike, while Quitola followed later on his “kolong-kolong” or improvised tricycle.

Lt. Col. Jeffrey Raposas, Ilagan police chief, said the motive for the killing and the identities of the assailants remained undetermined.

In response, the Ilagan police, with the Regional Mobile Force Battalion (RMFB) and the Provincial Mobile Force Company (PMFC), set up checkpoints and conducted dragnet operations, but no arrests had been made so far.

Ilagan City Mayor Josemarie Diaz has ordered stricter peace and security measures, including implementing checkpoints in every village.

Diaz downplayed the possibility of a political motive, describing Quitola as a “peaceful and law-abiding citizen” and noting that most village heads in the city support the local government.

But Diaz noted that he did not want to preempt the police investigation.

“I am giving them [full authority] to probe the case,” he added.

A village head has been assassinated.

Dismissed Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama continues to insist he is still the city’s chief executive.

Considering himself as the rightful mayor, Rama refused to return a Cebu City Hall-owned vehicle despite repeated demands from the city government.

In a letter addressed to the City Legal Office, Rama argued that there is no official record proving that an order from Office of the Ombudsman removing him from office has been implemented.

Last September, the Ombudsman found Rama guilty of nepotism and ordered him dismissed. The anti-graft court has also dismissed Rama’s motion for reconsideration.

"We clarify that, to date, no record shows that the Decision of the Office of the Ombudsman has been implemented, contrary to the rules of the Office of the Ombudsman itself," Rama’s legal counsel Luis A. Vera Cruz Jr. wrote.

Vera Cruz cited a Nov. 6, 2024 letter from the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) that stated that it "is not privy to the implementation of the said decision."

Rama’s camp said in the absence of proof showing that the dismissal was properly served, he continues to be the mayor who must retain his privileges, including the use of the Toyota Hi-Ace Super Grandia that City Hall wants him to return.

Rama would only return the vehicle if there is legal documentation, Vera Cruz said.

Rama urged the city government to formally request all relevant records from the Ombudsman, including proof of service of the implementation order.

"Proper documentation is imperative and must be complied with for any demand or return of the subject vehicle," Vera Cruz said.

The City Hall has warned that charges may be filed against Rama if he fails to return the vehicle.

The city has reported the matter to the Highway Patrol Group-Central Visayas.

"Government vehicles should not be in the hands of private individuals, particularly those no longer in office,"  Mayor Raymond Alvin Garcia said.

"If you are not the owner, then you are not authorized to use it, and that can be tantamount to carnapping," Garcia added.

Garcia urged Rama to return the vehicle “so we can have peace moving forward.”

Dismissed Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama continues to insist he is still the city’s chief executive.

A former police intelligence officer was arrested after almost two decades for murder and other cases.

According to Marisol Abdurahman’s exclusive report in “24 Oras” on Wednesday, the suspect completely accepted his fate after the Makati City Police finally caught him after being charged for murder in 2006.

(His fingerprint as Arnel Bagise matched with those of his current identity as Niko Garcia. I was also convinced that they were the same person based on his old pictures. He did not undergo plastic surgery to change his facial features.)

Dela Torre said authorities had a hard time finding the suspect after he changed his identity. She added that the suspect even applied for late registration of birth certificate.

The suspect is also facing charges for robbery and direct bribery in Manila and for kidnap for ransom in other regions, the report said. But he was still able to leave the country despite his cases.

(He admitted that he’s been hiding anywhere. He was not able to stay for long in one place.)

The suspect admitted that he was a former cop for 14 years before he hid. When asked why he committed the crimes, he replied: “Trabaho lang.” (It was just for work.)

A former police intelligence officer was arrested after almost two decades for murder and other cases.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Coronavirus Lockdown: Bananas, Special Audit, and More!

More news about how the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines is being handled by the public and the government. 

Business has changed since the pandemic causing more Filipinos to be hired as virtual assistants.

The business world is always evolving, with new technologies and trends constantly shaping it. But with change comes opportunity—allowing businesses to adapt, grow, and refine their operations. Take the pandemic, for example. Even though it’s been nearly half a decade, its impact is still felt today, pushing companies to rethink how they work and embrace more flexible, efficient ways of operating.

One way companies have successfully weathered these changes is by hiring skilled remote professionals from the Philippines—ranging from virtual assistants to highly specialized roles. But what makes Filipino talent such a great choice?

In this article, we’ll dive into the benefits of hiring remote professionals from the Philippines and how they can help your business grow in more ways than one.

There are plenty of reasons why businesses are turning to remote Filipino talent. From their excellent English proficiency to their strong work ethic, virtual assistants in the Philippines are highly preferred and considered valuable assets in companies because:

Filipino VAs are known for delivering high-quality work, which allows businesses to focus on growth and expansion. But that’s not all, Filipino remote talent are flexible, adaptable, and always looking for ways to improve. That’s because hard work has been deeply ingrained in Filipino culture. 

More importantly, beyond cost-effectiveness, the Philippines has ranked among the top countries for delivering exceptional digital services. With digital work becoming essential across industries, this makes hiring Filipino talent an even wiser decision for businesses worldwide.

eCommerce has experienced massive growth since the pandemic, and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. After all, it offers customers the convenience of shopping anytime, anywhere. But running an eCommerce business isn’t always seamless. That’s where an eCommerce Virtual Assistant comes in.

Working from home your computer as a virtual assistant can't be that bad of a job. 

The Department of Budget and Management and the Department of Health want COVID-19 health allowances to be audited.

The Department of Budget and Management and the Department of Health have requested the Commission on Audit to conduct a special audit of the previously released and disbursed funds for the payment of all Public Health Emergency Benefits and Allowances (PHEBA) claims

In a joint statement, the DBM and DOH said this will ensure proper accounting of public funds spent for the purpose and will assist the Health Department in validating and consolidating all requests and disbursements related to the health emergency allowance.

The agencies noted the constantly changing funding requirements for PHEBA.

They said the DBM has allotted and released to the DOH a total of P121.325 billion, covering all healthcare and non-healthcare workers who rendered their services from 2020 to 2023.

The P121.325 billion covered the grant of Special Risk Allowance, Health Emergency Allowance/One COVID-19 Allowance, COVID-19 Sickness and Death Compensation, and other benefits, such as meal, accommodation, and transportation allowances.

During the hearing of the Senate committee on health and demography on April 2 and May 20, 2024, the DOH requested for P27.453 billion in additional funds to cover the full requirement for the supposed final computation of the PHEBA arrears.

On July 5, 2024, Budget  Secretary Amenah Pangandaman approved the release of a Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) amounting to P27.453 billion.

"The Advice of SARO specifically provides that the allotment release therein shall cover the full funding requirements for the PHEBA of eligible healthcare and non-healthcare workers, based on the submitted report dated April 26, 2024. This is the final and validated computation by the DOH based on submissions before a set deadline," the agencies said.

"However, despite the final and validated computation of health emergency allowance payments timely filed before the announced deadline, the DOH and DBM have received various appeals and additional requests for health emergency allowance payments from health facilities that were not covered by previous releases," the joint statement read.

It was also reported that the PHEBA funding requirements, as of December 12, 2024, was P110.30 billion instead of the earlier reported P103.5 billion.

“An additional funding requirement of P6.8 billion, in addition to the P121.325 billion funding, is requested," the agencies said.

The DBM and DOH said it raised serious concerns among economic managers why the funding requirements to cover the incentives remain a moving target, even more than a year after the state of public health emergency due to COVID-19 was lifted by President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. in July 2023

"This situation creates uncertainties regarding the government's payment obligations for this purpose," they added.

Aside from the special audit, the DOH has agreed to finalize the list of health emergency allowance recipients to resolve the longstanding concern once and for all.

It is amazing how health workers have still not been paid what they are due. It is also amazing how much corruption and fraud was committed during the pandemic. 

The Bureau of Immigration remains committed to backing efforts to boost tourism to get it back to pre-pandemic levels.

The Bureau of Immigration (BI) has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting the country’s tourism recovery, in line with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr.’s vision of strengthening the Philippine economy through increased foreign arrivals and enhanced international connectivity.

According to BI data, the Philippines recorded a total of 14,733,597 international arrivals in 2024, a strong rebound nearing the pre-pandemic figure of 17,085,097 in 2019.

BI Commissioner Joel Anthony Viado said that this reflects a steady recovery of the tourism sector, bringing the country closer to pre-pandemic levels despite global challenges.

South Korea remained the top source of foreign arrivals, with 1,761,281 visitors, followed by the United States with 1,325,684) arrivals and China with 500,082 inbound travelers. Other key markets included Japan, Australia, Canada, Taiwan, the United Kingdom, India, and Singapore.

Viado emphasized the Bureau’s role in facilitating tourism growth through improved immigration processes.

“The return of international arrivals to near pre-pandemic levels is a testament to the Philippines’ appeal as a top destination,” said Viado. “The BI remains committed to streamlining and modernizing our entry procedures to support this momentum while upholding border security,” he added.

The BI recognizes South Korea as a key market for Philippine tourism and supports the country’s drive to sustain and further increase arrivals from Japan, given the strong cultural and travel exchange between the two countries.

Additionally, India and Singapore have shown significant potential for further growth.

“The BI fully supports the government’s initiatives to strengthen the tourism industry. We will continue working with relevant agencies to ensure that immigration policies align with global tourism trends, making the Philippines an even more accessible and welcoming destination,” Viado added.

Apart from arrivals, Viado said that they are inviting foreign tourists to stay longer in the Philippines and enjoy the country’s different sights and sounds by making immigration services easy and accessible. He said that visa extensions and other services are easily available through its more than 60 offices nationwide, or online via

Perhaps the DOT and BI will finally meet their goals this year. 

Another province has fully recovered from the pandemic. This time its Nueva Vizcaya.

The province of Nueva Vizcaya has posted a remarkable economic recovery from 2021 to 2023 based on the latest Economic Performance Report of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) Region 2.

The economic growth is attributed to the implementation of various local and national interventions after the COVID-19 pandemic.

Engineer Jonem Gacad, head of the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO), highlighted the role of the provincial government’s P1 billion loan secured through the Land Bank of the Philippines for the improvement of farm-to-market roads, which has significantly enhanced transportation and connectivity.

In addition to infrastructure, other key initiatives included measures to combat African Swine Fever (ASF), such as a repopulation program, and various livelihood assistance programs in collaboration with national agencies played a crucial role in the province’s impressive economic rebound.

“The reopening of our tourism industry post-COVID-19 has also been a significant factor in our economic recovery. Through strategic promotions of our local tourist attractions via social media, we’ve been able to draw both local and international visitors back to Nueva Vizcaya.” Gacad said.

Gacad also credited the continued operations of mining projects in the province—specifically, the OceanaGold Philippines, Inc. in Barangay Didipio, Kasibu, and the FCF Minerals Corporation in Barangay Runruno, Quezon. These projects have contributed substantially to the local economy, generating revenue through taxes such as the Real Property Tax and the province’s share of the National Wealth Tax.

“Our increased collection of local taxes has allowed the provincial government to fund critical infrastructure and social welfare programs, creating numerous jobs for residents, especially during the post-pandemic recovery phase,” she added.

Supporting these statements, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) reported robust economic growth in Nueva Vizcaya from 2021 to 2023. Cholly Bayon, PSA Provincial Chief, noted that the province experienced a 13.1 percent growth in its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 2021 to 2022, followed by an 8.7 percent increase from 2022 to 2023.

“We can confidently say that our province has made significant strides in economic recovery, even amid the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic,” Bayon remarked.

Wow! Who knew building roads would grow the economy? But why are so many places in the Philippines wihtout proper roads? 

China is now not the top market for Philippine bananas.

Vietnam has upended the Philippines’ 20-year rule as the top supplier of bananas to China.

International Trade Centre (ITC) data showed that Vietnam – for the first time – overtook the Philippines as China’s top supplier of bananas last year.

China imported a record-high 625,166 metric tons of bananas from Vietnam while its purchase from the Philippines stood at 463,306 MT, the lowest volume in 15 years.

On an annual basis, China’s banana imports from Vietnam expanded by almost 24 percent from 505,633 MT in 2023, reflecting the Southeast Asian country’s growing production and exports for the prized fruit.

Meanwhile, China’s imports of Philippine bananas plunged by 32.45 percent from 685,869 MT in 2023.

Throughout the years, Vietnam has been eroding the Philippines’ share in China’s robust banana market, which imports about 1.8 million MT of bananas annually.

From a peak of 70 percent share in 2017, the Philippines now accounts for only 27.47 percent of China’s banana imports, based on ITC data.

Vietnam now accounts for 37.06 percent of China’s banana imports – a surge from a share of just one percent 10 years ago.

China is one of the Philippines’ top three markets for bananas. It used to be the Philippines’ top market for bananas in 2018 and 2019, thanks to warmer relations between the two countries during the Duterte administration.

However, China has been relegated to the second largest banana market for the Philippines since 2020 due to the economic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic and persisting domestic production challenges.

In recent years, the rising geopolitical tensions in the West Philippines Sea have also impacted Filipino banana growers, with China further cutting back on its purchases of the country’s prized commodity, industry players confirmed.

Crazy that the pandemic impacted the banana market this way. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Philippines' Public Markets Are Disgusting

Way back in 2019 President Duterte ordered all LGUs to clear roads and sidewalks of all obsutrctions. One of the local markets took this order too literally and removed a very necessary trash container which meant vendors were tossing garbage on the road for a number of months. 

Later the containers were restored but that has not stopped vendors from tossing garbage on the street. This is the view of the backside of the public market as of March 3rd, 2025. 

At least the garbage is segregated into separate piles? As if that makes it better. This area is filthy and disgusting and there is no reason for garbage to be left in huge piles on the street. Especially at a public market which needs to be kept as clean as possible to prevent rodents and bugs who will create unsanitary conditions and possibly spread disease via the food being sold. 

But if public markets are not infested with rodents the city won't be able to host "Rat Catching Challenges." Where's the fun in that?

There is really nothing to do but watch in despair. Here is the video.