Monday, November 26, 2018

Motorcycle Madness 5

Vroom a zoom zoom!  No helmets.  No shoes.  No headlights at night. Welcome to the wild world of motorcycle riding in the Philippines. In this edition we see there are quite a few small children riding.  Up front. Squished in between mom and dad. These little buggers probably just need to get to school. What safer way to get them there than to let them ride on dad's motorcycle? And why not let mom come along too? She can carry the yougin's book bag. Hang on tight buckaroo!


  1. ah yes, the pilopines, where intelligence is the greatest threat to their culture.

    1. "ah yes, the pilopines, where intelligence is the greatest threat to their culture."

      1 very obvious way to ID this trait:

      1.) Constructively / Intellectually criticize Duterte & Marcos.
      2.) Mention these 2 boxers: Jeff Horn & Floyd Mayweather Jr.
      3.) Enjoy the fireworks.

    2. Well Duterte, Marcos and Filipinos bring it on themselves. As for the ID this trait, ok:

      Looks like he is correct that intelligence is a threat to Filipinos.

    3. Spread around Duterte / Marcos supporters FB / Twitter Pages, and they'll go:

      "Bias! Lies & Propaganda of the Yellow Supporters & The Yellow Media to make us look bad! Boycott!"
