Mindanao seems to have been quite since the January church bombing in Jolo however the AFP is still out in the jungles engaging in clashes with and chasing down rebels and terrorists.
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https://www.gmanetwork.com/news/news/regions/687322/4-troops-wounded-in-clash-with-suspected-reds-in-quezon/story/ |
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https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/03/08/afp-troops-continue-hot-pursuit-on-asg-fighters-under-sahiron-sawadjaan/ |
Col. Gerry Besana, the Spokesman of the AFP Western Mindanao Command, said at 6:40 a.m. Friday (March 8), the Philippine Air Force conducted a bomb run targeting 200 ASG members under ASG leaders Radulan Sahiron and Hatib Hajan Sawadjaan in Sitios Agas-Agas and Limasan of Barangay Kabbun Takas, Patikul, Sulu.
Besana said the result of the bombardment is yet to be determined as clearing operations were still being conducted.
Joint Task Force (JTF) Sulu Commander Brig. Gen. Divino Rey Pabayo, Jr. said they have stepped-up their tactical offensives against the ASG following the monitored and validated consolidation of the ASG terrorists in the hinterland of Patikul.
“This military offensive is launched before they could carry out whatever terroristic action they are planning which I believe something big as they have consolidated such number of terrorists,” Pabayo said.
Dropping bombs on suspected terrorist lairs is a new tactic as Duterte said he did not wish to drop bombs because of the risk of civilian casualties. But since he he did tell the AFP to crush Abu Sayyaf by any means necessary it appears anything goes.The sooner Abu Sayyaf is crushed the better because they are bad for the economy.
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https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2019/03/04/1898714/duterte-says-abu-sayyaf-threat-driving-away-investments |
"If we do not get rid of them, everybody who wants to invest in the Philippines will never do that. So we cannot be productive," the president said during a campaign rally of the Partido Demokratiko Pilipino-Lakas ng Bayan last Sunday in Zamboanga City.
Recently Brig. Gen. Antonio Paralde was appointed deputy chief of staff for civil military operations and he has vowed to expose the CPP-NPA for the scam that they are.
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https://malaya.com.ph/business-news/news/general-vows-expose-communist-‘evils’ |
“We will expose the CPP as the greatest scam of the century. They are the reason why our poor remain to be poor. They are the reason why our rural areas remain undeveloped,” he said.
“We (military) have to share with the people the correct narrative of everything. The thing is, the people are not yet aware how mischievous the CPP and NPA are… civil military operations will be a big factor (to reverse this),” he said.
He said he would “expose” how the communists “exploited” indigenous peoples, teachers, peasants and other groups just to advance their 50-year-old revolutionary struggle.
He also he would make public how the communist movement has “manipulated international organs like EU (European Union) and UN (United Nations) in order to solicit billions of funding from them.”
He said the communists have been soliciting funds from the EU and the UN through “bogus front organizations.”
Aside from politicians paying the CPP-NPA a collective P200 million to campaign and win it appears that the CPP-NPA is also recieving funds from the EU and UN via front organisations.
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https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/03/06/cpp-foreign-funding-revealed-ph-asks-belgium-eu-to-stop-cash-flow/ |
As the government takes its war against communist terrorists a step further, the National Task Force was assured by European officials that it would look into the reported funding of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) by Belgium and other EU-member countries.
Data presented by the Philippine delegation showed that communist front organizations receive funds from the Belgian government and some European countries in the guise of marginalized and pro-poor programs.
Documents obtained by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) also revealed that the Belgian government has released its first tranche of more than 621,000 Euros (P36,663,840) out of the 15-million Euro (P885,600,000) grant to some non-government organizations for the 2017-2021 program.
This year, some 1.3 million Euros (P76,752,000) are expected to be released.
According to Brig. Gen. Antonio Parlade Jr., AFP Deputy Chief of Staff for Civil Military Operations, the communist terrorist groups hide behind legitimate organisations.
Parlade said the information about the EU and Belgian government unwittingly funding organizations affiliated with the CPP and NewPeople’s Army (NPA), came from EU and the Belgian government themselves.
“Many of these money was channeled by these NGOs to other organizations whose only objective is to portray President (Rodrigo) Duterte as a tyrant and his administration as oppressive,” he added.
“What we wanted the EU and UN (United Nations) to also know is that the CPP and its front organizations, like Karapatan, are consistent and persistent in providing UN and European governments with all these false data,” Parlade added.
Gilles de Kerchove, EU Counter-Terrorism coordinator, vowed to look into the information very seriously and develop a more intense cooperation.
He said he will talk with his colleagues in the European Commission and conduct an independent financial audit.
“You can be assured that we will monitor the country’s expenditures and donors who may have given to the organizations for the same activity,” de Kerchove added. “We will share with you the outcome of (the) external audit.
Unwittingly giving money to foreign organisations that are actually fronts for terrorists is just one reason among many why foreign governments should not be quick to dispense aid around the world especially without vetting the organisations they are funding. Is the Philippine government giving money to these organisations? If not then why not and why should the EU or the UN give them money? Those are questions to ask before handing out money pell-mell to every outstretched hand.
In a stunning irony not only is the EU unwittingly supporting NPA terrorists but it is they who will be training MILF terrorists on how to govern their newly given BARMM.
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http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1064079 |
The 41 members of the Bangsamoro Transition Authority (BTA) from the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) will be trained on public policy, governance and management through a European Union-funded program this summer, the EU delegation in Manila announced Friday.
Of the 41 MILF members, six are from the MILF central committee, the EU said.
A consultation is set between the Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies (CPCS), a Cambodian-based organization working on peace-building in Asia, and the Bangsamoro Leadership and Management Institute (BLMI) to align the design, content, and timeline of activities included in the program.
According to the delegation, part of the EU-funded technical support is a seven-day study tour to yet unspecified "country or countries where peace processes allowed for revolutionary organization's transition to political organisation".
EU Ambassador Franz Jessen said the upcoming transition in the region is "definitely critical" but also presents an opportunity for all actors to work toward the laying down of a solid foundation for political, economic and social stability in Mindanao.
"The EU remains committed to support the need for a better future for Bangsamoro and its people- the aspirations and visions for the future of every well-meaning citizen, not only of Bangsamoro but outside of Bangsamoro," he said.
Why don't Duterte and Murad Ebrahim tell the EU to F-off and stop meddling in Philippine affairs? Why is the EU committed to support the future of the BARMM? Where were they or other countries when the ARMM was formed? Did they offer to help the ARMM succeed? Why can't the MILF learn to govern from the Philippine government?
Everybody is banking on the BARMM to succeed. The Philippine government as well as outside organisations consider such success the most important goal against terrorism.
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https://www.rappler.com/nation/225082-bangsamoro-government-success-most-important-goal-vs-terrorism-philippines |
Ensuring the success of the Bangsamoro government in fostering peace and development in the new autonomous region is the "single most important goal" of counter-terrorism efforts in the Philippines, a Jakarta-based think tank said.
"The single most important goal of counter-terrorism programs and funding in the Philippines now should be trying to ensure that BARMM succeeds in meeting the huge challenges it faces," the report said.
The report said failure to establish a functioning government Bangsamoro Autobnomous Region in Muslim Mindanao where there may be corruption, dispute over access to jobs, resources, and land, among others could leave residents disillusioned and give Islamic State-inspired groups "a new lease on life."
"Stronger support for pro-ISIS components is only one of several possible outcomes of a failed BARMM but it could be the deadliest…. The key to reducing the appeal of Islamic State is to produce a more attractive alternative for Mindanao’s Muslims," said IPAC.
One of the keys, the final key in fact, to the full implementation of the MILF peace deal is normalisation.
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https://news.mb.com.ph/2019/03/08/full-implementation-of-milf-normalization-process-under-way/ |
The government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are working on the formulation of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the proposed Executive Order on the Normalization Track under the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro (CAB).
The CAB, which was signed between the government and the MILF, has two tracks, namely the Political Track that covers the passage of the Bangsamoro Organic Law and the Normalization process, which includes the decommissioning of MILF combatants and their weapons and the transformation of several camps into productive and resilient communities.
The EO will provide the necessary framework for the implementation of the Normalization Track to include the creation of an inter-cabinet mechanism responsible for coordinating and mobilizing government agencies, generating resource, and providing policy and legal advice.
Galvez said the IRR of the EO will be finalized “within next month.”
“The MILF forces will be decommissioned in four phases. The ceremonial decommissioning of 145 combatants was completed in 2015. Thirty percent, or more or less 12,000 combatants, will be scheduled late this year 2019. Another 35 percent will be decommissioned next year in 2020, while the remaining will be done in 2021-2022 before the signing of the exit agreements,” the chief peace adviser explained.
Normalisation is an important part of the peace process and it consists in decommissioning MILF forces and absolving MILF members charges with crimes. That is amnesty for past terrorist acts. Let's take a brief look at it. The document can be viewed here.
It starts off:
In the name of God the beneficent, the merciful.
That is the Islamic Bismillah. What kind of treaty starts off with a religious invocation? Right away we get a glimpse that this whole normalisation process is in accord with Islamic law and will be more favourable to the MILF than the Philippine government. Let's take a look at of some of the provisions.
A. Policing
5. Upon its establishment and pending the implementation of the agreed policing in the Bangsomoro, the BTA shall have substantial participation in choosing the head and in the employment and deployment of the existing PNP in the Bangsomoro. The head of the police force will be selected from a list of three (3) eligible officers recommended by the PNP.
B. Transitional Components of Normalisation
2. To ensure effective security collaboration, several joint mechanisms shall be established. The Joint Normalisation Committee (JNC) shall coordinate the different processes in normalisation. The Joint Peace and Security Committee (JPSC) shall coordinate the security component of the normalisation process. The Joint Peace Security Teams (JPSTs) shall be operating units composed of the Armed forces of the Philippines (AFP), the PNP, and the MILF's Bangsomoro Islamic Armed Forces (BIAF). These mechanisms shall work for the maintenance of peace and order and the stability of the areas mutually identified by the GPH and the MILF.
B3. Joint Peace and Security Teams
1. Contingents from the AFP, PNP, and the BIAF, shall be organised into the JPSTs that will work for the maintenance of peace and order and the stability of the areas mutually identified by the PGH and the MILF.
2. The JPSTs shall have the falling additional functions:
a. Tracking and documenting of private armies and other armed groups, and the reduction and control of weapons and material
C. Decomissioning
2. Decommissioning shall be a process that includes achieves aimed at achieving a smooth transition for the BIAF members to productive civilian life.
3. To achieve the above goal, a comprehensive needs assessment shall be undertaken for the members of the BIAF and their communities as a basis for a comprehensive socio-economic development program.
D. Redeployment of the AFP
1. The government shall redeploy AFP units and troops from or within the Bangsamoro, consistent with a normal and peaceful life and the progress in the other aspects of normalisation.
2. There shall be a joint security assessment and an inventory of AFP units and troops in the Bangsamoro to ensure an order redeployment of AFP units and troops, and avoid a security vacuum in the Bangsamoro. The AFP shall only retain installations necessary for national defence and security.
4. There shall be coordination between the Central Government and the Bangsamoro Government in the movement of the AFP in the Bangsamoro. In the exercise of this coordination, protocols shall be established by the Central Government and the Bangsamoro Government.
G. Socio-economic Development Program
5. The Parties recognise the need to attract multi-donor country support, assistance and pledges to the normalisation process. For this purpose, a Trust Fund shall be established through which urgent support, recurrent and investment budget cost will be released with efficiency, transparency and accountability. The Parties agree to adopt criteria for eligible financing schemes, such as, priority areas of capacity building, institutional strengthening, impact programs to address imbalances in development and infrastructures, and economic facilitation for return to normal life affecting combatant and non-combatant elements of the MILF, indigenous peoples, women, children, and internally displaced persons.
I. Resource Mobilisation
1. The GPH shall provide the necessary funding for the normalisation process.
J. Confidence-Building Measures
1. Upon the signing of this Annex on Normalisation and as a gesture of goodwill, the two parties shall constitute joint task forces for the previously acknowledged MILF camps:
a. Camp Abubaker as-Siddique in Maguindanao
b. Camp Bilal in Lanao del Norte and Lanao del Sur
c. Camp Omar ibn-al Khattab in Maguindano
d. Camp Rajaumda in North Cotabato and Maguindanao
e. Camp Badre in Maguindanao
f. Camp Busrah Somiorang in Lana del Sur
The task forces will assess the needs, plan appropriate programs, and undertake the necessary measures to transform these areas into peaceful and productive communities.2. To facilitate the healing of the wounds of conflict and the return to normal life, the Government shall take immediate steps through amnesty, pardon and other available processes towards the resolution of cases of persons charged with or convicted of crimes and offences connected to the armed conflict in Mindanao.
What benefits do the Philippine government receive from any of the foregoing? Peace? Stability? Neither of those are assured. The GPH is giving up land and authority to the MILF. They are allowing the MILF to dictate who heads the PNP as well the movement of PNP officers and AFP units and troops in the BARMM. The AFP, PNP, and BIAF are to collaborate together to ensure security in the BARMM but the BIAF is also set to be decommissioned and BIAF camps are to be transformed into "peaceful and productive communities." The GPH is also giving up prosecuting MILF terrorists who have been charged with crimes related to the conflict in Mindanao. The MILF is getting off scot-free and will not be held accountable for their deeds. This is not a deal at all. Why would anyone in the GPH sign this document?
To add insult to injury the GPH is charged with paying for the whole process! Already the leaders of the BTA have received P31 billion which is the budget for the former ARMM.
To add insult to injury the GPH is charged with paying for the whole process! Already the leaders of the BTA have received P31 billion which is the budget for the former ARMM.
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https://www.philstar.com/headlines/2019/02/28/1897436/barmm-leaders-get-p31-billion-budget |
In his still-to-be-enacted proposed budget for this year, the President allocated a total of P31.117 billion to ARMM divided as P13.4 billion for salaries, P4.659 billion for maintenance and other operating expenses and P13.059 billion for capital outlay, the bulk of which is for infrastructure projects.
They call it a normalisation process but there is nothing normal about it. The Philippine people will be paying to provide MILF terrorists socio-economic benefits through their taxes with little to benefits to themselves. President Aquino famously called the ARMM a "failed experiment" but seeing that the BARMM is the ARMM with a facelift why should anyone expect things to go differently? How much money will be wasted being pumped into this region?
Guess what else the people are paying for. Housing and social programs for NPA terrorists.
Guess what else the people are paying for. Housing and social programs for NPA terrorists.
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http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1064042 |
Who cares about all those poor indigent squatters throughout the country building shanties where they should not be, barely squeaking by, and living in squalor when CPP-NPA terrorists have surrendered?
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http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1063944 |
The activity was initiated by the Army’s 53rd Infantry Battalion to address the needs of the surrenderers who recently yielded to military authorities.
“After returning to the mainstream of society, former rebels have to be indulged in activities like this (values formation and psychosocial activity),” said Lt. Gen. Arnel dela Vega, Western Mindanao Command (Westmincom) chief.
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http://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1063872 |
Sobejana said that if they are eligible, the returnees may avail of the Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP) of the government for them to start a new life and live peacefully with their families.
After fighting against the government and then deciding to thrown down their arms the government had better build them houses and give them money and jobs right? Right!??
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