Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Grocery Store Vegetable Section or Pharmacy?

While shopping at Metro Market in Ayala Mall I noticed the strangest thing. Fruits and vegetables are being marketed as medicines! It's not enough that there are so many quack "doctors" here like Edinell Calvario marketing their snake oil but even grocery stores feel the need to jump into the fray. Sure veggies are good for you but is it right to market them as miraculous medicines? I say no. I say the FDA will not approve of these rather bold claims for garlic and apples.  Take a look at these signs.

Is there a real difference between garlic, native garlic, and garlic from taiwan? According to this sign there is. All three types have different benefits listed. Maybe they share all these benefits? Who knew garlic stopped toothaches and headaches?

Ginger is great for your hair and treats dandruff and split ends! Why not boil some garlic and wash your hair with it?

Chinese cabbage prevents cancer! Now that is an outrageous claim. But is it only Chinese cabbage that does this? What about the Russian kind used to make borscht?

Papaya red lady heals cirrhosis, treats your worms, and stops cancer growth.

Regular papaya expels worms and cures ulcers.

Why are these Fuji apples different prices? Could it be because they offer differing benefits? One whitens your teeth. The other flushes out your fat. 

I really have never seen anything like this before. When I buy vegetables and fruits I'm not thinking of their health benefits. I don't buy apples to whiten my teeth or tomatoes to prevent cancer. I buy them because I like to eat them. Health benefits are there of course but I don't think about them. Do you? 

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