Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has finally done it. He has produced a video that is so over the top in its looniness and outrageousness that he is losing followers at break neck speed. Joke lang! He did make an outrageous and looney video but his viewers still love him because they are gullible fools who do not do what Tim tells them to do which is to "test all things," including him. But that should be no surprise as Filipinos are easily swayed into believing all manner of falsehoods.
So what is this new video? It's an interpretation of the Biblical flood and the archaeological findings of Ron Wyatt through the lens of Zechariah Sitchin's fictitious "The Lost Book of Enki."
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fztqrNHtvU |
The title and subtitle tell us what the content of this video will be.
Oops! Did Ron Wyatt Find the Nephilim Ark?
The Book of Enki says "Yes." And the Bible says that's not Noah!
Many of my readers might not know who Ron Wyatt is or what the Book of Enki is so here is a brief summary. Ron Waytt was an archeologist who claimed to have found Noah's Ark in Turkey, the Ark of the Covenant, Golgotha (the place where Jesus was crucified) and many other Biblical artifacts. Whether he was a fraud as many claim or whether he was correct is not exactly pertinent here. In this video Tim assumes Ron Wyatt did find an ark, just not Noah's Ark. Instead he found the Nephilim Ark.
The Nephilim are allegedly the offspring of Angels and human females which are mentioned in Genesis 6 as giants. According to Tim, God actually caused the flood not because of mankind's wickedness but because of the wickedness of the Nephilim. According to Tim when the Bible says that God "saw the wickedness of man and that it was great," that is a reference to the Nephilim and not to genetically pure humans. Only Noah and his family had pure human DNA. This is why Noah was chosen to be saved in the ark. Tim actually lays all that out in his first Flood Series video which can be watched here.
Tim goes on to explain that God would destroy all living beings which had the Breath of Life. That is a very important qualifier because Tim does not believe that the Nephilim, which is basically everybody except Noah and his family, had the Breath of Life or that they were created by God. But none of that makes sense. If God's intent was to wipe out the Nephilim and to kill all which had the Breath of Life, yet the Nephilim did not have the Breath of Life and thus would not be killed, then you have too many contradictions as God's intended targets would not be killed. In fact it is the conceit of the video being reviewed here that some Nephilim actually built an ark and survived the flood which further undoes what Tim claims was God's original intent with the flood, namely to kill the Nephilim to save mankind.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48-XtI0JAIs&lc=UgwcO30RC4xMroEfdiZ4AaABAg.9LCfVjFnLiq9LCt5eBWon9 |
Yahuah caused the Flood and He said He did and we ALWAYS say so. However, the reason was not just His waking up one day and deciding to create an adventure. He was ridding the world of the control of the Nephilim who were destroying it. The same will return in the last days and we are already seeing these signs. This is what the Bible says.
Thus, before we even begin to rip apart this new video we see Tim's doctrine makes no sense. He says God sent a flood to save mankind from the Nephilim but that the flood specifically did not kill the Nephilim because they did not have the Breath of Life and that some of them survived in their own ark. However, they would not even need an ark to survive since they did not have the Breath of Life and only those with the Breath of Life died. That would mean ALL THE NEPHILIM survived the flood. That also means God's plan for the flood failed and mankind was not saved from the Nephilim because even today there is Nephilim influence according to Tim. Speaking of the end-time government, and government in general really, Tim says it will be run by Nephilim.
8:01 - This identifies the leaders God will use will be Nephilim, mixtures, not men and they will mix with human genes to create these leaders. Now, Nephilim have been mixing with humans all along in all of history.
Gog of Magog Attacks 2: FRESH REVELATION: Lost Tribes Series 5B: Who is Gog?
Nephilim run the world? I thought it was the Reptilians! According to Tim God failed to wipe out the Nephilim in the flood despite their destruction being his intention. Timothy Jay Schwab's God is a failure.
That brings us to The Lost Book of Enki.
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https://www.amazon.com/Lost-Book-Enki-Prophecies-Extraterrestrial/dp/1591430372 |
Will the past become our future? Is humankind destined to repeat the events that occurred on another planet, far away from Earth? Zecharia Sitchin's bestselling series, The Earth Chronicles, provided humanity's side of the story—as recorded on ancient clay tablets and other Sumerian artifacts—concerning our origins at the hands of the Anunnaki, "those who from heaven to earth came." In The Lost Book of Enki, we can view this saga from a different perspective through this richly conceived autobiographical account of Lord Enki, an Anunnaki god, who tells the story of these extraterrestrials' arrival on Earth from the 12th planet, Nibiru.
The object of their colonization: gold to replenish the dying atmosphere of their home planet. Finding this precious metal results in the Anunnaki creation of homo sapiens—the human race—to mine this important resource. In his previous works, Sitchin compiled the complete story of the Anunnaki's impact on human civilization in peacetime and in war from the fragments scattered throughout Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian, Assyrian, Hittite, Egyptian, Canaanite, and Hebrew sources--the "myths" of all ancient peoples in the old world as well as the new. Missing from these accounts, however, was the perspective of the Anunnaki themselves. What was life like on their own planet? What motives propelled them to settle on Earth—and what drove them from their new home?
Convinced of the existence of a now lost book that formed the basis of ancient Sumerian texts holding the answers to these questions, the author began his search for evidence. Through exhaustive research of primary sources, he has here re-created tales as the memoirs of Enki, the leader of these first "astronauts." What takes shape is the story of a world of Mounting tensions, deep rivalries, and sophisticated scientific knowledge that is only today being confirmed. An epic tale of gods and men unfolds, challenging every assumption we hold about our cre-ation, our past, and our future.
As the back cover tells us, The Lost Book of Enki is wholly a work of fiction compiled by Zechariah Sitchin who authored The Earth Chronicles. That series of books is about how ancient aliens landed on earth to mine gold and created man especially for the task. In this book he has "RE-CREATED TALES AS THE MEMOIRS OF ENKI." All he has done is take Sumerian myths and stitched them together into a hypothetical memoir. That's because there is no Lost Book of Enki except for this literary creation of Sitchin. Sitchin was one of the most preeminent ancient aliens theorists out there. And his writings are total garbage, especially if one is a Christian, or follower of Jesus Christ or whatever one calls themselves, as Timothy Jay Schwab claims to be. Now on to the video.
There really is no need to go point by point through this thing. Let's take a look at a few highlights which reveal it's utter absurdity.
3:30 - First let's go to The Book of Enki, The Lost Book of Enki, from Zachariah Sitchin's publishing in recent years. So, this is accepted, you know, in much of scholarship as The Book of Enki. Yes, this is not scripture at all it is absolutely occult, 100%.
This is the first lie in this video. What does Tim mean that "in much of scholarship" this book is accepted? Who accepts it? No scholar takes Zechariah Sitchin seriously. There is a whole section of criticisms on his Wikipedia entry regarding his erroneous translations, interpretations, and total lack of credentials. Michael Heiser, a man who I know Tim reads and whose theology he has appropriated, has a webpage titled, "Sitchin is Wrong." And as mentioned above, THERE IS NO LOST BOOK OF ENKI! Sitchin made it up. Tim's admission that The Lost Book of Enki is 100% occult will return to bite him later when he accuses scholars of following occult paradigms. Oops! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
One of Tim's viewers actually commented about how Zechariah Sitchin is unreliable and no scholar takes him seriously.
Whoever you are, you need to be stupid to think Zacharia stichin is even a scholar. he is not. He knows NO ancient languages so if you believe anything he writes, you're ignorant. No one in scholarship even acknowledges him or his "work".
Tim begins his reading on page 221 of the ebook which is also the same page as the print book. The story of the deluge in The Lost Book of Enki really begins on page 211 where the Anunnaki decide to end their mission on earth because there is an oncoming flood. It is decided that humankind must perish but Enki defies Elil who gave this command and directs his son Ziusudra, who has a human mother, to build a boat which will save mankind as well as animal and plant life.
It was to be through Ziusudra that civilization would be preserved.
8:08 - "By you shall the seed of civilized mankind survive." Now you know they do that today. In colonialism for the past several centuries they've been telling us, "Oh well we're civilized mankind." Yeah, where did the term come from? The Nephilim. That's where that comes from. Let's call it what it is. Colonialism is evil it always has been and it is a Nephilim concept and there you have it right there, their thinking that we find in colonialism. "Civilized mankind" what a ridiculous term. Man is man. If you do not value every man as equal then you are an idiot. There's no other way to term that. And you were thinking like a Nephilim. Colonialism was wrong and it was Nephilim thinking.
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See how the Philippines is just like any other place? Surely Tim would have no problem living here because there is no difference! |
22:27 - Now again, let's be clear. Enki is a fallen angel, a watcher from before the flood. Again, they mated with human women and they had an offspring who were the Nephilim who are the origin of demons who are evil. Every imagination of their heart is evil continually. Now who is this Ziusudra or sudra however you want to pronounce it? Let's see, he is no mere mortal, oh no. He's no mere man because he's not a man. “My son,” he is this is Enki talking, "Enki to Ziusudra pointing cried out." so he's pointing to Ziusudra saying that's my son he's a Nephilim. He's not Noah he can't possibly be Noah. Noah was pure in his generations so you have to completely ignore the Bible to say that this guy is Noah.
Genesis 6:5 “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”
Genesis 6:6 “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”Genesis 6:7 “And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them.”
Genesis 8:21 “And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.”Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?”
However, a Nephilim is pure evil period.
This is wrong on so many levels. There is no such thing as "pure evil." Evil does not exist as a substance but is a privation of good. There are many kinds of evils. Evil like sin is an action, breaking the law. Evil like disease is the absence of health. Tim's doctrine of a creature being "pure evil" is Manichaeism and Zoroastrianism and in complete contrast to the scriptures. Everything that exists is good insofar as it exists and that is because God created everything that exists and he cannot and does not create evil.
What, then, does the term Nefilim mean? Stemming from the Semitic root NFL ("to be cast down"), it means exactly what it says: It means those who were cast down upon Earth!
Contemporary theologians and biblical scholars have tended to avoid the troublesome verses, either by explaining them away allegorically or simply by ignoring them altogether. But Jewish writings of the time of the Second Temple did recognize in these verses the echoes of ancient traditions of "fallen angels." Some of the early scholarly works even mentioned the names of these divine beings "who fell from Heaven and were on Earth in those days": Sham-Hazzai ("shem's lookout"); Uzza ("mighty") and Uzi-El ("God's might").
Malbim, a noted Jewish biblical commentator of the nineteenth century, recognized these ancient roots and explained that "in ancient times the rulers of countries were the sons of the deities who arrived upon the Earth from the Heavens, and ruled the Earth, and married wives from among the daughters of Man; and their offspring included heroes and mighty ones, princes and sovereigns." These stories, Malbirn said, were of the pagan gods, "sons of the deities, who in earliest times fell down from the Heavens upon the Earth . . . that is why they called themselves Nefilim; i.e. Those Who Fell Down."
Irrespective of the theological implications, the literal and original meaning of the verses cannot be escaped: The sons of the gods who came to Earth from the heavens were the Nefilim. And the Nefilim were the People of the Shem—the People of the Rocket Ships. Henceforward, we shall call them by their biblical name.
45:16 - Thus Wyatt not only found the Nephilim ark it appears, well, but he proved it with the supplies with metal included which would be Nephilim and using the Nephilim measurement even. Good job!
Some 445,000 years ago, astronauts from another planet came to Earth in search of gold.
Splashing down in one of Earth’s seas, they waded ashore and established Eridu, “Home in the Faraway.” In time the initial settlement expanded to a full-fledged Mission Earth—with a Mission Control Center, a spaceport, mining operations, and even a way station on Mars.
Short of manpower, the astronauts employed genetic engineering to fashion Primitive Workers—Homo sapiens. The Deluge that catastrophically swept over the Earth required a fresh start; the astronauts became gods, granting Mankind civilization, teaching it to worship.
Then, about four thousand years ago, all that had been achieved unraveled in a nuclear calamity, brought about by the visitors to Earth inthe course of their own rivalries and wars.
Put on a timeline it looks like this.
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The 12th Planet, Zachariah Sitchin, pg2. 410-411 |
But there is no way Tim believes that because he claims to believe the Bible. So why would he consult The Lost Book of Enki in order to corroborate the Bible and attempt to disprove Josephus, Berossus, Ron Wyatt, and the testimony of history that Noah landed in Turkey? It does not make any sense. Tim's alternate thesis is that Noah landed on Mt. Everest. In fact this video is a sequel to NOAH'S ARK FOUND in 2010 on Mount Ararat? Does The Bible Agree? Flood Series 5A which I already thoroughly eviscerated and exsanguinated. Click the above link to read it. That video is filled with numerous errors and outright lies which I fully exposed.
There really isn't much more to say here. The tie to the Philippines is that Tim teaches Noah made the ark out of narra wood in the Philippines. Of course this same wood is native to many countries in Southeast Asia. Also Tim does not believe there was an ocean before the flood. That means Noah was living on what we know as the ocean floor while the Philippines would have been the tops of mountains. Again Tim's cosmology does not make sense. To posit there was no ocean before the flood defies all the evidence to the contrary.
What we are seeing here is the progression of Tim as he slips further and further away from Christianity because he thinks he has discovered some new and truer revelation which restores the truth. Something which has been hidden in plain sight for millennia and only Tim has been smart enough to put together. Tim is a typical case of the Dunning-Kruger effect. First he latched onto the Dead Sea Scrolls getting it into his head that the REAL Biblical canon is to be found in them. This includes Jubilees and Enoch and excludes any book not found among the scrolls such as Esther and the Maccabees. In fact, based solely on his interpretation of a few scrolls, he calls Maccabees a fraud claiming that Antiochus Epiphanies never defiled the temple and that Hanukkah is a hoax. He offers no clue on who wrote the Maccabees and when or how it made its way into the Septuagint which predates the Qumran community by a century and is the Bible of Jesus Christ and the Apostles and the early church and is still the Bible of the Eastern Orthodox to this day. He also offers no alternate origin story for Hanukkah or the story of Anitochus Epiphanies' desecration of the temple or why the multitude accepted Maccabees and why that book is cited or alluded to in the New Testament. I have no idea what he bases his New Testament canon on because no NT book was found in the caves of Qumran. If Tim were consistent he would have no New Testament.
Then he incorporates the Dead Sea Scrolls into his systematic theology formulating a system that is at odds with what the Bible actually teaches. For example, based on Jubilees 2:2 he teaches the heretical doctrine of the pre-existence of souls or spirits as well as downplaying the role of the Holy Spirit in creation and thus denying that He is God.
8:03 The Father and Son created together. The Holy Spirit had some sort of role though not laid out other than He hovered upon the waters, but there's no detail we found yet in any passage explaining what exactly he was doing. But He was there admittedly
21:27 All spirits for every man who will ever live were already created from day one.
The 22 Works of Creation. Who Were the Creators? Answers In Jubilees: Part 12
A much more sober analysis of the Sumerian myth of Enki is to be found in James Frazer's book, "Folklore in the Old Testament."
That is a one volume abridgment but the story can be found on pages 120-125 of volume 1 of this work at archive.org. I recommend this book not because I believe the Bible to be myth but because it offers insight into parallel flood stories from around the world.
Is Tim aware that practically every single culture has a flood story and that they all differ in significant ways? In one story only a single man and his dog survive. He then finds out the dog is actually a woman and he tricks her into revealing her form and they repopulate the earth. In several other stories a brother and sister survive and they have to repopulate the earth. What relation do these and other flood myths have to Noah or Enki's flood? What is their origin? Comparative religion is interesting but when you start treating myths as history, like Tim does with the myth of Enki, then you have gone off the deep end.
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