If you have ever played Dungeons and Dragons then you know what a bestiary is. It is the book that tells you about all the monsters the Dungeon Master will be sending your way. Better blow on that twenty-sided die for luck.
It turns out that Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture has his own bestiary. It is populated with elves and fairies and Nephilim. I do not need to slog through his videos to ferret this out because Tim spills the beans rather explicitly on these subjects in the comment sections of his videos. It turns out that elves and fairies and dinosaurs are either variations or creations of the Nephilim and fallen watcher angels.
The question of who the sons of God and daughters of men are in Genesis 6 has been the subject of great discussion over the millennia. Some say they are the children of Seth and Cain respectively. Others say they are angels and human women. Whatever the solution is no one I have ever read has ever posited that that fallen watcher angels mated with animals. Yet this is what Tim is teaching.
How exactly are fallen angels or Nephilim able to have offspring with animals? Note that Tim does not disagree with the commenter who writes "Minotaurs, Nagas, Cyclops, Medusa are the result of the Fallen one's genetic manipulation." That's because Tim believes this very thing. Both fallen angels and the Nephilim mated with animals and gave birth to all the monsters known to the world's mythologies.
The Nephilim are the offspring of angels and humans. Their DNA is corrupt and that means they are irredeemable abominations.
Remember The Sermon on the Mount where Jesus said, "Blessed are the fully human?" Neither do I. How exactly do humans and angels mate? Where do the angels get their bodies? We all know only God has the power of creation so they cannot have created their own bodies. That is just one of the many problems with this thesis that angels and humans mated. We could delve deeper about the whole mating process and talk about angel sperm and the mechanics of it all, such as the principle like begets like, which obliterates this whole notion of angels mating with either animals or men, but there is no need to go there. Tim certainly does not care to discuss those things. He simply assumes the fact and goes from there with absolutely no critical eye to the whole situation.
Did you know salvation is not just for men? Animals will also have to face the judgement.
8:47 “And the judgment of all is ordained and written on the heavenly tablets in righteousness even the judgment of all who depart from the path which is ordained for them to walk in and if they walk not therein judgment is written down for every creature and for every kind.” Realize that includes land animals who have spirits according to Jubilees too. So yes they’re going to be animals in the kingdom of heaven. Hmm. Interest.
Why only land animals? Why not water creatures as well? Do they not have sprits? Do they not have the breath of life? Why aren't plants part of this "all" that shall be judged? They are alive. They have a principle of life within them. And who is the mediator for the animals? How will they escape the judgement? Tim is stretching the word "all" beyond all practicality. You could just as well apply the universal statements in John 3:16 to animals since they are part of the world. But was Jesus Christ given for them?
Too bad for dinosaurs though because apparently they aren't even God's creation. They are actually Nephilim genetic manipulations. Maybe.
11:43 The dinosaurs which were likely, mostly, maybe not all, but most of the dinosaurs may actually be a monstrosity. Especially when you look at something that they label as a meat eater. That’s a problem before the flood because there were no meat eaters, they were all vegetarian. All animals and man, period. So, if they were meat eaters they, they have a problem. They were not His creation more than likely. So, we believe that the reason the dinosaurs disappear after the flood largely, especially the big ones like the T-rex, is because the T-rex was never a creation in the first place. Instead it is a manipulation of creation which we are going to discuss in a bit.
Tim claims most of the dinosaurs were genetic manipulations. But which ones? Only the meat eaters? What is his criteria exactly? And how did the Nephilim make these creatures? In the lab? Sexual relations? When did they receive the power to create? If the Nephilim really did create the dinosaurs via some sort of manipulation why would that mean they aren't creations of God? How about ligers, mules, and shih tzus? Are those hybrid animals God's creations? In Tim's line of thinking we would have to say no. It's as dumb as saying Tim is not a creation of God because he was made by the natural process of sexual relations and not directly by God Himself. Again, he is making large claims with zero proof and he is not thinking through what he is saying. Despite what he says he does not go on to discuss it "in a bit." Tim is not a very critical thinker.
Where is Tim getting all this from? He is getting it from the Book of Jubilees, a text I have proven many times never was considered scripture by Jews or Christians. Many of his conclusions are not supported by the text or even by the Dead Sea Scrolls. Tim must realize this which is why he keeps saying, "maybe," "perhaps," and "it could be." He simply does not know for sure because he is making it all up and he is using those words to cover his butt.
Nowhere in Jubilees or the Scrolls are elves mentioned. Tim says they are.
Mahya KC Elioud is the hybrid race of the Nephilim, maybe it's better to call this people who keep the DNA of the fallen ELJO. and China is very obsessed in altering the human DNA.
The God Culture Good point. Hollywood actually makes reference to it in veiled form. In Will Smith's movie Bright, it is the Manhatten Jews essentially who are elves or elyo perhaps. Lord of the Rings appears the same. Yah Bless.
How in the world would the Manhattan Jews be elves in the movie Bright when that movie takes place in Los Angeles? What bizarre kind of anti-Semitism is this? What does it even mean that it is the "Jews essentially who are elves or elyo?" If Tim is really equating the Jews to the Eljo or Elioud or Elyo then he is saying they are not humans at all but the very enemies of humanity.
The Eljo are not mankind, they slew mankind. They are a level of hybrid perhaps elves or similar. They are misreading Jubilees which says the Eljo slew mankind thinking they are man and they are not as it says man slew other man separately differentiating Eljo are not man. It's hard to read beyond that as they begin on a faulty foundation. Yah Bless.
Tim must not be up to speed on his elvish lore as elves are never portrayed as enemies of humanity. While there are "
dark elves" these creatures are not evil and you will not find them slaughtering humans in any stories I am aware of. Elves in general are friends and helpers of humanity. Elf even means "white being."
The word elf is found throughout the Germanic languages and seems originally to have meant 'white being'.
Elves are good. Orcs and goblins are evil. It's the perennial dualism of white vs black, good vs evil, yin vs yang. Tim does not know what he is talking about when it comes to elves which makes his reference to the Lord of the Rings all the more laughable. He mentions LOTR again in another video where he discusses fairies and elves. Tim is as certain the Book of Jubilees refers to elves and fairies as he is that it refers to Fairbanks, Alaska. Maybe. Perhaps. It would make sense. Probably because of the "el" in both "elves" and "Eljo." That's the level of linguistic interpretation we are dealing with here people.
10:30 Understand how important this was to Yahuah. His creation was being wiped out and defiled. He saved it and it was the corruption of orders, the modifying of DNA essentially. And we're having such conversations this very day in the scientific communities because it is a godless community of idiots many times who don't understand what they're even begging for. They are begging for the return of the Nephilim. That is lunacy! Including the founder of Facebook, who go out there you know he, he's propagating such and simply Nephilim doctrine and, who knows, maybe he even has Nephilim blood for that matter.
“And they begat sons the Naphidim and they were all unlike.” Now, Charles here doesn't wish to believe each may be unique, yet we see many differences in mythologies between these monstrosities and this may not actually be a corruption as he assumes, and he's just assuming that he doesn't know. Many times when a scholar simply does not wish to believe something well they claim it a corruption that's their normal, you know the status quo and it's usually ignorance this does not appear to be such a corruption.
“And they devoured one another and the giants,” Nephilim “slew the Naphil.” Now that's a different classification it appears likely the offspring of Nephilim perhaps and human women so they weren’t fully you know um Nephilim. They weren’t part angel to such a degree. They were watered down, their bloodlines and the second generation likely smaller they've lost size over the generations and that's why today their bloodlines though they try to keep them as pure as they can there's too much human in there and many just look human regardless. “And the Naphil slew the Eljo,” Now that would be what the elves maybe? Well, maybe. We don't know but it would make sense as elves fairies dwarfs fill the annals of mythology so maybe. Not all of these hybrids were giants by the way some were small. Uh, I mean you can see Lord of the Rings kind of forming here right?
It's pretty hilarious that Tim is using post-diluvian mythologies to interpret the antediluvian story of the Book of Jubilees. It's as dumb as using a modern day baby name dictionary to interpret Jubilees. Oh wait, Tim actually did that! And how exactly are we supposed to be seeing "the Lord of the Rings forming right here?" What does that even mean? Being familiar with Tolkien and the sources of his work I can say unequivocally that Tolkien did not build Middle Earth on the antediluvian fictions of the Book of Jubilees. But it's no wonder Tim makes this silly claim as he sees the Nephilim everywhere, even in Marvel Comics.

9:13 See, they will mix their seed now on a purer scale using these new Sciences which are really not new at all. And they will raise up world leaders who are even more evil than those since the flood, you know where the Bible says every imagination of their heart was evil continually. Do you know anybody like that? Because that's pretty evil. The Beast will be such and this is why he will appear to have special powers even which are being conditioned in Hollywood through the likes of Marvel Comics especially all the time. All of those characters are Nephilim. And Hollywood and the Kabbalaist Stan Lee yearned for the coming of their Nephilim Savior. Their Messiah, the Jewish Messiah who fits every definition of the Beast of Revelation.
Gog of Magog Attacks 2: FRESH REVELATION: Lost Tribes Series 5B: Who is Gog?
If the Nephilim are the offspring of angels and humans then the only Nephilim I can think of in the Marvel universe is Star Lord of Guardians of the Galaxy. His mom is human and his dad is an alien. All the other characters are either gods (Thor), mutants (the X-Men), aliens (Venom), or experiments (Iron Man). Once again Tim has no idea what he is talking about. Likewise he is ignorant of the agnostic Stan Lee who did not have a religious agenda. There is simply no credible evidence that he was a practitioner of Kabbalah who "yearned for the coming of" his "Nephilim Savior." This is just more made-up nonsense.
Note also that Tim refers to Mark Zuckerberg as being a Nephilim. Maybe. Perhaps. On what basis? None! It's completely invented just like his claim that Zuckerberg is a member of the Rothschild family.
Imagine even today, the founder of Facebook who has even at one time shut down our page and continues to attempt censorship at times, also happens to be a Rothschild family descendant.
One commenter asked how Mark Zuckerberg could be part Nephilim but Tim could not provide a straight answer.
Vidalyn Aquino I have a question: If Noah's family or the group inside the ark were the only left on earth after the flood because they remained pure and uncorrupted, so where does the blood line of FB CEO ( which you consider as NEPHILIM's descendant) originated?
The God Culture Fallen Angels and according to Genesis the qualifier is there that all "with the Breath of Life perished." That's Yah's spirit and Nephilim do not have it thus not mentioned there. Yah Bless.
Vidalyn Aquino Yeah from the fallen angels, but the Lord already wiped out those impure and corrupted which are all the descendants of FALLEN angels, and after the Flood, the earth started a new beginning with those pure and uncorrupted...until this time, so where did these nephilim and evil came from? as we know our present time is going to repeat the same thing happened to the time of Noah
The God Culture There is no record of another angel incursion and if it happened, it would be there. Yahuah reacts to that breaking of His law of Creation as He did before. Michael even said in Enoch no one will ever do that again because the punishment was so severe. There is no record of angels doing this again. Especially there is no record the judgment that that brings. A few Nephilim crossed over surviving the Flood. There is no other logical explanation and there is record of this as we covered. No record of the alternatives. Yah Bless.
The man wants to know where Mark Zuckerberg's alleged Nephilim bloodline came from but Tim refuses to answer. The commenter then reminds Tim that "after the Flood, the earth started a new beginning with those pure and uncorrupted." Tim finally responds by saying that a few Nephilim crossed over and survived the flood. But the whole point of God sending the flood was to wipe out the Nephilim and all their genetic manipulations. Their survival means Tim's God is a failure. Tim's scheme makes no sense.
There is not much more to say really. These passages speak for themselves. As time goes on Tim continues to dive deeper and deeper into into the weird and esoteric. He does not have time for the things pertaining to salvation. He does not wish to know Jesus Christ and Him crucified as Paul did. In fact if you asked him he would probably say all this garbage about elves actually does pertain to Christ as Christ came not only to save mankind but to reverse the actions and effects of the fallen watcher angels and the Nephilim. That may fly with
modern teachers like Michael Heiser but the Holy Spirit-led Church has nothing to do with such nonsense.
Tim actually mocks the Church for focusing too much on salvation.
5:30 The Church, no better and yet crickets, mostly. They're too busy focusing on their own salvation.
That quip is from a video where Tim defends his perversion of R.H. Charles' English translation of the Ethiopic Jubilees by substituting his made-up Hebrew name for God based on his reading of a few Hebrew texts. I won't comment on that here except to say the "true name of God" is not an issue in the Church whatsoever. It is an issue championed by those outside or on the periphery of the Church. Without fail these groups always have aberrant theology. They usually deny the Trinity, wish to revert to keeping the law with special emphasis on the sabbath, and seek to recover some nebulous lost truths that the Church has forgotten or covered up. They completely deny the truth of Pentecost and the sending of the Holy Spirit to lead the Church into all truth. That has been my experience with these kinds of groups over the past twenty years and this is exactly what Tim teaches. He denies that the Holy Spirit has led the Church into all truth. He is so bold in his denial of this fact that he actually believes his writings will restore the true canon of scripture as if the Church does not have it.
Tim is totally off his rocker thinking that the world was not given the true canon of the Bible through the Church nearly 2,000 years ago. This is the thinking of a deluded monomaniac who is totally outside the faith once delivered to the Saints. Timothy Jay Schwab's White Whale is the "true canon and restored Word" which he thinks he has found in the Dead Sea Scrolls. He says they are the voice of one crying out in the wilderness but apparently forgets that John the Baptist made way for Jesus Christ. In wanting to get back to the Dead Sea Scrolls Tim shows he has no room for Jesus Christ in his theological worldview.
If you think this has nothing to do with the Philippines you are wrong. Tim has been living in the Philippines for a few years now and has been teaching a false history of the nation and of the Bible to Filipinos. Read the comment section of his videos and you will see just how deluded these people are and how much Tim encourages them in their delusions. Take a look at this comment:
john lumus Newton left you a little message. It's not gravity due to the fruit falling from the tree. IT'S THE GRAVITY OF THE FALL due to the fruit of the tree
Editha Reduta Had Newton been conscious about the knowledge of the basic principles of creation.... He wouldn't had been a scientist...
The God Culture That's funny. Yah Bless.
The God Culture Good point. Yah Bless.
A guy makes a lame joke about Isaac Newton and some lady says, "Had Newton been conscious about the knowledge of the basic principles of creation.... He wouldn't had been a scientist..." And instead of rebuking this pure ignorance The God Culture responds with, "Good point. Yah bless." Unbelievable! The fact is that while Newton was an Arian, that means he did not believe that Jesus was uncreated, he was most certainly acquainted with the principles of creation. All of Newtonian physics, his mechanistic model of the universe, is based on that fact! Read what Newton has to say about Universal Design.
As impossible a feat it may seem Timothy Jay Schwab is actually making Filipinos dumber.
Tim's teaching is certainly spreading. As of now his Youtube channel, which he claims is being censored, has 102,000 subscribers. With that many subs The God Culture potentially stands to make more money from their videos. So much for censorship! New books are also on the way. It could be that very soon Tim's false ideas will be taught in Philippine schools as absolute truth. See this recent Facebook post:
Brigadier General Larry Casis of Aliaga Bright Minds Academy in Nueva Ecija received sets of gift copies of the Trio Bundle including copies of Ophir Philippines Coffee Table Book, The Search for King Solomon's Treasure and The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar from Preacher General Bien and Rowie Casis. Preacher Bien is indeed a General is Yah's army also retired Brig. Gen. as well. Salamat po Gen. Casis, Preacher Gen. Casis and blessings to Aliaga Bright Minds Academy. Yah Bless.
There are two things to take note of here.
First of all Brigadier General Larry Casis appears to be Retired Brigadier General Abraham Claro C. Casis and the husband of Noemi Bayudan-Casis who founded Aliaga Bright Minds Academy in 1995.
Aliaga Bright Minds Academy is a Montessori-oriented private elementary school founded by Ms. Noemi Bayudan-Casis in1995. It focuses on Character & Personality Devt.
It is not clear what his role is as of now with this school but at one point he was listed as the school administrator.
Pob. West IV, Aliaga, Nueva Ecija
Administrative Staff:
Abraham Claro C. Casis School Administrator
Noemi B. Casis School Directress
That information is from 2012 so it's not exactly clear what role Mr. Casis plays at the school currently but it could be that he is in a position to influence what is being taught. His wife certainly is. Do not forget that The God Culture has encouraged efforts at getting their books taught in schools. Tim wants to see this happen.
The second thing to take note of concerns Bien Casis. He is not a General of any kind. He is certainly not a General in the Army of God because he teaches the same false doctrine of law keeping that Tim teaches. He is also very trivial.
Whatever you believe about the date of Jesus Christ's birth making two birthday cakes and having a feast is no way to celebrate the solemnity of the Second Person of the Trinity taking on human flesh. Of course Bien Casis does not believe in the Trinity so he is a bonafide heretic. Perhaps he is a General in the Army of the God of this world.
This is a display that was gifted to him which shows many of his medals. You can see his rank spelled out on the plaque and displayed above his head with the 3 medallions. He retired as a Colonel. What more proof could Tim ask for? How about a Sunstar article?
Members of the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council headed by action officer and City Administrator Carlos Canilao proudly shows to AFP military historian and retired Army Col. Bien Casis Jr. and his wife Rowie the latest tools and equipment to save lives during the inauguration of the CDRRMC building located at Motorpool, Lower Rock Quarry Barangay.
Is Sunstar lying? Did Casis somehow work his way up the ranks to Brigadier General despite being retired? Why exactly does Tim continue to refer to this man as a retired Brigadier General?
Perhaps Bien Casis has misrepresented his rank to Tim. He reposted The God Culture's update with no corrections about him being a retired Colonel and not a retired Brigadier General.
But why would he do that? It would only cast shame on him and the AFP. I do not know why Tim continues to refer to Bien Casis as a retired Brigadier General. All the evidence points to Casis being a retired Colonel.