The fact that Timothy Jay Schwab really believes Noah referred to Fairbanks, Alaska in the 2nd Temple Jewish text The Book of Jubilees is astounding in it's magnitude of ignorance. Words fail to describe this absolutely ridiculous and outrageous claim. Of all the things Tim says which prove that he is a total fraud who thinks he knows what he is talking about but actually does not, and there are many things he says which prove that, this claim takes the cake. It is the rancid cream at the top of Timothy's rotten crop. It deserves an article all of it's own.
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The first mention of this claim is in his video Flood Series - Part 4: Noah Divides All of Earth: Ham & Japheth from the Book of Jubilees.
32:37: And it extends until it approaches the west of Fara. Here we go again we are on the west coast of Europe. Now we are heading west further. This means across the ocean to the western side of Fara, whatever that is. Again, there is no historical reference to Fara that we can find necessarily, however the word of Fara means beautiful lovely, pleasant, fair and what's to the west of Europe? North America. America, America the beautiful. Coincidence? Maybe. However let's look at this one other way. Here's a thought. There is a place on the western side of North America called Fairbanks Alaska. Beautiful home of the Northern Lights. Again, we are theorizing on this one. But wouldn't it make sense that some place in Alaska would fit this best as the other territories are already solidified? So we're not really stretching to say that.
There is a lot happening in this little paragraph. Tim is discussing the word "Fara" which appears in Jubilees 8:27. Jubilees was composed in Hebrew, translated into Greek, translated into Ethiopic, and then translated into English. There is no complete Greek or Hebrew text existent. It only exists in full in the Ethiopic. Tim is using the English translation and he says that "Fara" means beautiful. The slide shows the source for that definition is
What does Fara mean?
Fara as a name for girls. The meaning of the name Fara is "lovely, pleasant". Fara is a version of Farrah (Middle English, Arabic): from the English word "fair".
He connects this word, which means beautiful, to America because of the song "America the Beautiful." Then he says "Fara" just might be FAIRBANKS, ALASKA as it is home of the beautiful Northern Lights.
What does the song "America the Beautiful" have to do with the Book of Jubilees?
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Katharine Lee Bates wrote the words to that song. Was she an unwitting tool of prophecy? Tim does not elaborate but I wish he had because it would have been interesting to hear his mangled explanation.
So, to recap Tim is studying an ancient book written in Hebrew, translated into Ethiopic and then into English, and in order to find out what the obscure word "Fara" means he consults where he finds the English name "Fara" which means beautiful and then he says it might mean America or Fairbanks, Alaska! That is insane. In order to get to the deep meaning of a word from a 2nd century B.C. Jewish writing he consults a modern day baby name dictionary that gives him the definition of a similar sounding word that is not Hebrew at all and he applies it to modern day Fairbanks, Alaska.
12:04 Yes we read scholars. We find it useful from time to time but many times we read and we really question how they could arrive at such decisions.
This video was published on July 18, 2017. Three years later Tim published his annotated version of Jubilees. This claim about Fairbanks, Alaska is still part of his system but he has tweaked it. Apparently he realized the absolute stupidity of consulting a baby name dictionary to interpret an ancient text so he gets rid of that source entirely.
On his map on page 86 of Jubilees we read the following.
We do not have a clear track on Fara in history but the directions are extremely clear it is in this region. Especially since Shem is Asia. Fara in Old Norse means “Passage.” That could fit the Bering Strait. The process of elimination says so.
Now "Fara" does not mean beautiful. It's Old Norse for "passage." Tim gives no source for this etymology but it can be found at Wiktionary. It is just as dumb to think that a text originally written in Hebrew used a singular Old Norse term as it is to interpret Jubilees by a baby name dictionary. Why would the Hebrew author of Jubilees, whom Tim claims is Moses, employ an Old Norse word in one and only one instance in his text? Where and when did Moses learn Old Norse? Just how old is this Old Norse word? As usual Timothy does not offer any explanation.
You can see Fairbanks, Alaska is on the map as well as the Fairweather Range. That is because Tim, despite saying that "Fara" is Old Norse, means passage, and could refer to the Bering Strait, still thinks it refers to Fairbanks, Alaska or some similar sounding place like the Fairweather Range or the Farallon Islands. That's what he says in his note to Jubilees 8:27.
Based on the orientation, this crosses the Atlantic to the West Coast of N. America. Likely. Fairbanks, Alaska or Farallon Islands off of San Fran. The 5 great islands affirms this as 4 of them are in N. Canada
On page 259 of the book he makes the same assertion. "Fara" is Fairbanks, Alaska.
In Japheth’s territory, he crosses the Atlantic into the Americas as he is in Gadir and heads into the Ocean to the West. There is no other way to interpret that. The five great islands also give this away as in the Northern Hemisphere of his territory, 5 of the 10 largest islands exist there. However, four of them are in Canada thus North America is invoked. This is why we believe Fara is Fairbanks, Alaska or similar in the area.
What happened to the Old Norse? What about the Bering Strait? Tim makes the wild and unfounded claim that "Fara" in this context is Old Norse, does not give any proof, doesn't give any reason, just leaves it there on the map with absolutely no discussion, and then abandons that interpretation completely in his notes.
Then he contradicts himself by saying that "Fara" is Fairbanks, Alaska! Why? There is nothing Old Norse about Fairbanks, Alaska. The modern town of Fairbanks, Alaska was founded in 1901. How would Noah know anything about Fairbanks, Alaska? Again, Tim offers no rationale for his conclusion and one is left to guess. My guess is that it is due to the phonetic similarity of "Fara" with Fairbanks, Fairweather, and Farralon.
Tim attempts to both deny and explain all this away in his new video "What Territory Belongs to JAPHETH? Answers In Jubilees: Part 4." In this video he annotates the above map from The Book of Jubilees and has a few words to say about Fairbanks, Alaska.
He starts off this video by telling everyone that he has already mapped out the lands of Shem and Ham. Therefore every reference left when distributing Japheth's portion must fit within that blue territory on the map.
4:09 We will operate with this in mind because we know already this is Japheth's territory by default so to not look for those references within his territory already established his record would really just be willing ignorance which is something we do not want to be known for.
It's a tautology to say that every marker in Japheth's territory is Japheth's territory. What Tim really means is that despite him writing very clearly that Fara means Fairbanks, Alaska he really did not mean that in a definitive way. Before continuing let's go over the progression here.
1. In his first video, which he has now deleted, he says Fara meaning Fairbanks, Alaska is only a theory.
2. In his map in The Book of Jubilees he has Fairbanks, Alaska as one of many possible interpretations of the word Fara along with the Fairweather Range and the Farallon Islands. Let's not forget that he has a question mark there so it's really Fairbanks, Alaska?
3.In his note to Jubilees 8:27 he says Fara is likely Fairbanks, Alaska. The word likely and the question mark will be important for his discussion in the new video.
4. He ends his annotated Book of Jubilees by affirming that Fara is Fairbanks, Alaska or something similar perhaps.
In all of those instances Tim is hitting hard for Fairbanks, Alaska above any other interpretation. It is very hard to miss that. For him to deny that is to deny what is plain as day and to gaslight his readers and listeners.
Back to the video.
8:17 We even place a note on the map, we'll show you, that we are not certain of the connection to Fairbanks, Alaska and there are question marks.
18:17 Fara also means passage in Old Norse fitting of the Bearing Strait the passage between the two continents essentially. As well, uh, I mean that's pretty self-explanatory that very well could be because well, Noah, because Noah mentions Alaska that'd be a pretty dumb thing to say, that's not what we say. But somewhere there is an ancient reference on the West Coast of North America to this Fara. That's what it is. Another ancient testament that Jubilees could not have been written by a Pharisee nor in the age of 150 B.C. in fact because these are very ancient directions, far more ancient.
19:36 The Farralon Islands off the coast of San Francisco are right on the 37the parallel even with Gadir, Spain. This offers likely the best tie for the word Fara. However we leave it with question marks because we have again, read the note, no definitive track. What we do know is Japheth's territory includes most of North America as it must.
Now he says the Farallon Islands are likely the best fit for Fara. Does he not know that Farallon is Spanish?
The Farallon Islands, or Farallones (from the Spanish farallón meaning "pillar" or "sea cliff"), are a group of islands and sea stacks in the Gulf of the Farallones, off the coast of San Francisco, California, United States. The islands are also sometimes referred to by mariners as the Devil's Teeth Islands, in reference to the many treacherous underwater shoals in their vicinity.
Devil's Teeth!? Perhaps Tim would have second thoughts about the Farallon Islands if he knew that factoid. The point here is that whether it's Fairbanks, Alaska or somewhere else Tim is interpreting Fara based upon modern place-names on the West Coast of North America despite acknowledging that it is an ANCIENT REFERENCE. That is the problem.
Even more problematic is that he admits "we have again, read the note, no definitive track." That means he is just guessing. So everything from America the Beautiful to Old Norse to Fairbanks, Alaska is just stuff he is pulling out of his hat. The fact that he would even consider Fairbanks, Alaska as being Fara is completely laughable and enough to dismiss him outright as a fraud and a hack who has no idea what he is talking about. His interpretation of Jubilees is indeed rubbish!
Let's hear one last word from this video.
25:08 There you have it this is confirmation that Noah indisputably does refer to Alaska.
This is all too stupid. The Book of Jubilees does not refer to Fairbanks, Alaska. Any one who thinks it does is a clueless hack and has no idea what Jubilees actually teaches. Tim has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to the word "Fara." Remember, this guy is passing himself off as an expert on Philippine and Biblical history who has engaged in deep research on both of those subjects. He even has a forthcoming book about ancient Philippine history.
Gilded in Gold
A Reconstruction of pre-colonial History and Geogprahy from the Beginning
Just imagine what kind of nonsense will be in that book. Tim is very wrong about Philippine history and I will have more about that later. But right here we see his shoddy method at work. It's less than that. It's not even a method. There is no deep research here. It's akin to throwing mud at the wall to see what will stick. Words cannot describe the profound ignorance Tim displays by using a baby name dictionary to interpret Jubilees. This man has zero credibility.
Close on the heels of the absurdities laid out above is Tim's claim that Bengali slang is in the text of Jubilees. It may not be the second worst claim he has made but it's certainly up there. Let's take a brief look.
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18:00 "And it extends toward the west to the sea of 'Atel.' Okay, where are we again? We're in the western edge of Sumatra basically. So to head west what is the sea you run into immediately? It's the Indian Ocean, right? Okay. So we cannot find a reference to the Indian Ocean as the Atel sea. Just can't find it anywhere. It is an ancient reference thus further proving that this book was written long before 200 to 100 BC. So do we head off around the world at this point and try to find something that sounds similar? Why? The word Atel which sounds like the very popular Indian name Patel is actually Bengali meaning a satirical term for intellectual. So it makes perfect sense that the Indian Ocean would have been referred and referenced in more ancient times as Atel sea. More so it is the sea to the west of Sumatra and we do not believe Noah would miss such a large body of water and skip to where some scholars say to the Atlantic.
...sea of ’Atêl as the Indian Ocean which is Bengali in origin thus the Indian Ocean and definitively by the directions...
Book of Jubilees, Timothy Jay Schwab, pg 28
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Book of Jubilees, Timothy Jay Schwab, pg. 85 |
Atel is a "satirical term for intellectual" in Bengali. It is the Indian Ocean LINGUISTICALLY and in the directions.
Tim could not be any clearer. The linguistic connection between "Atel" and "Indian Ocean" is very important to his case. It is not peripheral or secondary. It is germane. When you put it all together the conclusion is inescapable: Noah was using a Bengali slang word to identify the Indian Ocean. If he wasn't then the connection is superfluous.
Now, as with Fara, Tim is attempting to sweep all this under the table by denying that linguistic connection.
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What Territory Belongs to HAM? Answers In Jubilees: Part 3 |
18:47 ...claiming we say that Noah spoke Bengali essentially. Well we don't
20:30 The fact that Atel is Bengali is a bonus which connection we do not require but it is neat that it is there and we are researchers who ask such questions to affirm things we already know. We do not say this is the Indian Ocean because Atel is Bengali. That's stupid. We say it is the Indian ocean because that is the sea to the west of Indonesia where we were in the directions. That's it. And it's nice to know that it comes back full circle and ties that Atel is in fact a word in Bengali. Wow!
That is all a jumbled lie. Tim now says that he does not identify the Indian Ocean as Atel because it is a Bengali word but only because of the directions. The fact is he says both. But now he downplays the Bengali connection by saying it is merely "neat." Why is it neat? Why is it important to make this connection if it's not actually important?
In Tim's introduction to the Book of Jubilees he writes that the word Atel is Bengali in origin. In this video he contradicts himself by denying that Noah was speaking Bengali or using a Bengali word. But if that is so then the connection between Atel being a Bengali word and the identity of the Indian Ocean is irrelevant. Either Noah used a Bengali word and there is a Bengali word in the text or there is not. If Noah was not using a Bengali word and there is no Bengali word in the text then Tim's exegesis which employs a Bengali word is impertinent and paralogical.
Funnily enough in this tirade Tim reveals his ethos as a researcher: "...we are researchers who ask such questions to affirm things we already know." Researchers do not ask questions to affirm what they already know. They ask questions to find out the truth of a matter. If Tim is doing research to affirm what he already knows that is called confirmation bias. Again Tim shows us all he is not a real researcher engaged in honest research. He is a parviscient fraud and a hack who used a baby name dictionary to interpret the book of Jubilees and who says he is only looking to affirm what he already knows.
While he is denying the essential linguistic connection between Atel and Bengali with the identification of the Indian Ocean is he aware of what's on the map in his video just underneath Australia?
Atel is a "satirical term for intellectual" in Bengali. It is the Indian Ocean LINGUISTICALLY and in the directions.
His very own map contradicts everything he is saying. Folks, you cannot make up this kind of stupidity.
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As you can see Flood Series videos 3 and 4 are now missing from this play list. Tim has replaced them with his Answers in Jubilees videos. He says he is simply updating maps but what he is really doing is deleting evidence of his past false teachings. I downloaded a copy for posterity and thankfully a God Culture fan has uploaded it on his channel. If you want to watch go to this link.
Concerning the deleting of these videos Tim posted the following on Facebook:
Just letting everyone know as we updated and freshened our graphics with new high resolution, professional-quality maps (oh no, you are not allowed to do that are you?) and more detail for Noah's Division matching our recent publishing of The Book of Jubilees: The Torah Calendar where we invested in incredible maps, you will find in place of Parts 3&4 of the Flood Series in the playlist, new videos of Shem's Division just released as well as Ham's from the latest Answers In Jubilees and Japheth's is already there too but will go live next week. When we update such maps, we don't leave the old ones which serve no purpose for idiots to ridicule who can't even read a map in the first place
It's simply more deception from The God Culture. They are not merely updating maps. With the deletion of these videos they get rid of teachings as well as discussion in the comments and they reduce their view count. The new map isn't even accurate like the old one is. The new map is a cartoon while the old map was a projection of the earth as it is onto a flat surface. There was a lot of information in that video besides simply mapping out Noah's division to Ham and Japheth. Now Timothy has deleted all of that.
These new videos are also now labelled as part of 3 different series: Answers in Jubilees, The Flood Series, and 100 Clues. That makes for jumbled playlists and a lot of clutter and overlap. In fact several old videos have now been rebranded to be part of the 100 Clues series. It's more than a little lazy for Tim to retroactively add videos to a series he has basically abandoned, 100 Clues. It is also very disorganized as now several videos are on several different playlists.
It is also a great disservice to his audience. Just read this comment from a new viewer who is looking for Flood Series videos 3 and 4 which Tim mentions in his other videos but has now deleted.
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This guy was watching Tim's videos and following his recommendations to watch certain other videos. But now two of those videos have been deleted leaving this guy wondering what's happening. This is a prime example of why Tim should not have deleted his videos.
It's not that one cannot grow in their understanding and abandon false teachings. However that is not what Timothy is actually doing. The importance of this video is that it shows Tim had no idea and still has no idea what he is talking about when it comes to the Book of Jubilees. For goodness sake he used a baby name dictionary to interpret that ancient text! And he dares to call me a fool?
P.S. I am not going to rewrite any of the above but I want to clarify that Timothy has now undeleted the videos for Flood Series 3 and 4. The thing is though they are currently UNLISTED which means you cannot search for them and you won't see them in his list of videos.
Since the videos are unlisted they are unsearchable and invisible which makes them as good as deleted. Perhaps he will rectify this situation in the future.
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