Wednesday, February 2, 2022

More Coronavirus Signs and Situations Again

The Pandemic is winding down which means less bizarre coronavirus signs and situations will be seen in public. Thankfully I have a few leftovers to share with you.

With the vaccination program in full swing one of the most common signs to be seen is one letting customers know all employees are fully vaccinated.

"All-vaxxed to take care of you." Do these people not realize that despite being fully vaccinated and boosted that they can still transmit the virus to me? Maybe the "to take care of you" is a euphemism. But the virus has a 97% survival rate so even if these workers at Greenwich did infect me I'd probably not be "taken care of."

If you are out and about but forgot your cloth face mask then why not take tip from this guy.

Improvise with a plastic bag!

With the new virus comes new fashion. 

A hat with a face shield looks silly but what do I know? I'm no fashion designer. Too bad face shields are now out of fashion. But with new variants and an overbearing government they could come back at any time.

Remember in 2020 the long lines at every single store? A lot of that was because management was limiting the number of customers. Here is a reminder of that nonsense

It's not like one could "social distance" while shopping. The aisles are narrow and frankly I have never seen any one enforcing social distancing at any store.

Along with the coronavirus came warnings to wash your hands and sanitize everything with alcohol. Cleanliness got a little high tech in some sectors with UV sterilizers being given away with the purchase of a brand new phone.

Believe it or not UV radiation can kill germs including COVID-19. But that is not to say that his particular device is effective at anything except getting to you buy an expensive new phone.

Remember when your neighbors got the COVID and were branded by the local health department for all to see?

Yeah, I don't think that was ever a good idea. All it did was instill fear in the community. Apparently the family being quarantined in this particular house were the subject of rumors regarding their COVID status which is why they hung up this sign shortly after their quarantine period ended:

What news was being spread about these people that they had to resort to hanging up this sign? People do have a tendency to talk and start rumors but that would not have happened if the government had not branded the infected with a huge yellow Star of David, I mean red tarp, for all to see.

Here is one coronavirus sign that is a sign for all seasons. Digital eye strain has been an increasing problem over the years as everyone stares at screens for hours every day.

All of that is very good advice in our computer age.

What is one of the best ways to stop the spread of the coronavirus? Reducing bank hours of course!

In view of the COVID-19 situation, our new banking schedule is as follows

What is the science behind this? There is none! They could stay open for an hour more or less and the virus would still continue to spread.

Most coronavirus signs make sense even if they are silly but this one is beyond me.

Why was this posted? What does it have to do with stopping the spread of the virus? Who the heck would walk around with concealed gasoline?  It makes no sense. Is it even a coronavirus sign? It was posted next to one so I think it is. It's a ridiculous sign nonetheless.

The next picture is just as nonsensical.

This is a coronavirus scene from SM Supermarket. Is infectious waste really going in that trash can? No. Just hand wipes and paper towels. This is not the only SM Supermarket with an "Infectious Waste" trash can.

Here is another!!

So why place the fake label on the can? What's the point? Scaremongering? Well, keeping people afraid is integral to what these coronavirus signs and situations are all about.

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