Having examined Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture's doctrine of the afterlife I want to end on a lighter note and examine a few of his many errors. Along the way Tim has dropped quite a lot of boners. These run the gamut from linguistic flubs to geological blunders.
Let's start with one of the stupidest errors of all.
What Is Hell? Is It Real? Part 9 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23I |
1:22:36 No men enter the lowest hell which is Taratrus or in Greek Gehenna or Tartaroo.
This is wrong. Tartaroo is a verb. It means to be cast into Tartartus. It appears one time in the entire Bible and that is in 2 Peter 2:4. Is this an oversight? Tim says Tartaroo is a place several times in this video. At Tim's favorite website for learning Greek and Hebrew you can look up that verse and find that the Greek word tartaroo is a verb.
https://www.blueletterbible.org/lexicon/g5020/kjv/tr/0-1/ |
A verb is not a noun and therefore Tartaroo is not a place. How he missed this is beyond me. Perhaps he is intentionally lying to his audience.
But it's not only Greek that Tim has a problem with. He also is not familiar with English.
Where Do We Go When We Die? Part 1. Answers In 2nd Esdras 23A |
9:46 That which are alive and remain until the coming of Yahusha shall not prevent them which are asleep. No, we covered this before uh in this series. Uh, basically the rapture segment. I think part one. This word prevent is actually precede or go before in Hebrew. It's not prevent, never means prevent not even one single time. It is called fraud and they do that in the Bible. That's why we got to check the Hebrew and the Greek. So, otherwise it would make no sense. You can't prevent those which are dead and asleep, you can't prevent their spirits from from rising. You can't do that. That's ridiculous. So, it's not even, it just doesn't even make any sense.
There are actually two bloopers in this section. First of all 1 Thessalonians, from which Tim is quoting, was written in Greek and not Hebrew. Second of all the word prevent does mean to precede.
https://www.dictionary.com/browse/prevent |
Did Tim forget that the KJV was written in the early 1600's? Is he really so dumb as not to know that more than a few of the words in the KJV are archaic or their meaning in common usage has changed? Prevent is used 7 times in the KJV and it never means to hinder or stop but to go before or precede.
https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/search.php?hs=1&q=prevent |
There is no fraud here from the translators of the King James Bible. The only fraud is from Timothy Jay Schwab. One wonders why he is reading from the KJV but the text onscreen is the NIV. It does not make any sense.
Now, I understand Tim is a modern man and is by all accounts not a man of culture in the least. So, it's no surprise that he has never read Dante's Divine Comedy and has no idea what it's all about.
What Is Hell? Is It Real? Part 9 Answers In 2nd Esdras 23I |
34:08 So, "One important late medieval figure who played a key role in shaping the cultural concepts of life and death," this is, this is important to understand, "even to the present day," this is, this is a key to how this got in, uh, in, in such a large way, uh, in society and in churches, "is Dante Aligheri the Florentine poet who was born in the 1260s and died in 1321. In his epic poem known as the Divine Comedy." Hmm, comedy? Hell part of a comedy? Imagine that. This guy is an occultist loser, let's be clear. He is not looking to educate people and he doesn't represent the Bible at all in any of his poem.
"And Dante creates a fictional version of himself." Who, who's he copying here? Think about it."Who travels through the furthest reaches of hell ,inferno, purgatory, purgatorio and paradise, paradiso. Uh, what is Dante doing? Well he's replacing and mocking Enoch's journey with his own. What an idiot. And the church bought it because they prefer the occult view over that of the Bible. That's fact. Dante did not make up anything really though. He just replaced Enoch with an occult view of himself of course, uh, and that's really it. I mean the guy's an idiot. He, he didn't do anything, okay? Maybe his poem, you know, maybe it rhymes well. I don't know but whatever it does or doesn't do, whether it is a masterpiece of sort, what makes it of such importance is it's a linchpin in time in infusing the occult into the church. Oh, good job there buddy.
Dante called the poem "Comedy" (the adjective "Divine" was added later, in the 16th century) because poems in the ancient world were classified as High ("Tragedy") or Low ("Comedy"). Low poems had happy endings and were written in everyday language, whereas High poems treated more serious matters and were written in an elevated style. Dante was one of the first in the Middle Ages to write of a serious subject, the Redemption of humanity, in the low and "vulgar" Italian language and not the Latin one might expect for such a serious topic.
29:34 Let's go to an article from a Jewish organization. Uh, in an article from Khan Academy we find a reasonable explanation that makes sense as to what is happening with the church's screwed up view on heaven and hell.
Salman Amin Khan (born 11 October 1976), known as Sal Khan, is an American educator and the founder of Khan Academy, a free online education platform and an organization with which he has produced over 6,500 video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of academic subjects, originally focusing on mathematics and sciences. He is also the founder of Khan Lab School, a brick-and-mortar school associated with Khan Academy.Salman Amin Khan was born in Metairie, Louisiana, to a Bengali Muslim family. His father is from Barisal, Bangladesh, and his mother is from Murshidabad in West Bengal, India.
Is it too hard to ask Tim to get things right?
Several times in this series Tim says there is no magma deep in the earth. In video 2 he even says the deepest borehole did not strike magma. This is all wrong.
16:17 So, even from the beginning Yahuah created these places within the earth. I know, it's all magma. No it's not. That's not scientific at all. It's a stupid theory never proven and actually easily proven false especially from the deepest boreholes ever. We've never found magma in any of them. We've found water flowing through rock. We know that there's oil within the earth. We know that there's pockets of water within the earth. We know that there's hollow pockets within the earth. It's not all magma, that's stupid. That's not science.
Lazarus Come Forth... Where Do We Go When We Die? Part 2. Answers In 2nd Esdras 23B
Science says, wrong!
https://www.ucdavis.edu/news/scientists-drill-hits-magma-only-third-time-record |
Scientists drilling a borehole deep into Iceland’s rocky crust to explore new methods of using geothermal energy hit a major roadblock on Thursday: Their drill ran into molten rock at a depth of 6,900 feet.
“This is only the third time that magma has ever flowed into a geothermal drill hole, as far as we know,” said Peter Schiffman, a geology professor at UC Davis and member of the international team conducting the study. “A research project in Hawaii hit magma in 2005, and in 1977 magma erupted out the top of a producing geothermal well not far from our site in Krafla, Iceland.”
How could Tim get this so wrong? Magma has been hit three times! Why not more? Because not even the deepest borehole on record has cracked through to the mantle. I am sure Tim will say these people are lying but that would be more of his ad hoc method. Timothy Jay Schwab the singer and magazine publisher knows more about science than actual scientists.
Isaiah 14 is one of the more famous chapters in all of scripture. It's the chapter that says, "O Lucifer how art thou fallen from heaven." Traditionally Isaiah 14 along with Ezekiel 28 have been interpreted as relating the fall of the angel Lucifer. Of course Tim profoundly mucks it up and says King David is the subject.
Answering Challenges. Where Do We Go When We Die? Part 4. Answers In 2nd Esdras 23D |
29:28 Isaiah 14:9-11. And then we'll take you back a couple of verses to see the context because he doesn't get this at all. "Hell," now, that's sheol in Hebrew, uh which simply means, uh you know within the earth essentially, not a burning hell. Uh, though there is one included for, again, angels. The watcher fallen angels are there but not men. "From beneath is moved for thee to meet thee at thy coming." Meet what? Our spirit. Not your body. We know that. That's very clear in scripture. You know the body is to return to dust that's what scripture says it's very clear.
Uh, by the way someone asked, you know, what about cremation? How does that affect, uh, us on the day of judgment? And the reality is it doesn't affect you at all. Because to have your body cremated it turns to to dust, uh, in the earth or if you cremate it you're just speeding up the process really. Um, the reality is Yahuaha is going to give you or Yahusha is going to give you a new body, uh, on the day of judgment so it really matters not if someone's been cremated. So, I, don't worry about the ramifications of that. Just want to bring that up because we have had some people ask it.
"It stirreth up the dead for thee, even all the chief ones of the earth; it hath raised up from their thrones all the kings of the nations." This is interesting. I'm going to finish reading and I'll explain. "All they shall speak and say unto thee." Wait a minute. They're speaking? They're saying? When does that happen? Ah! Not while they're asleep in the chambers. Hello? "Art thou also become weak as we?" This is what they're saying when? On the day of judgment. "Art thou." They're saying this to David. David was a great king so now there's oh dude David what you know you're just as weak as we are. Your body went into the, into you know, dust just like ours did. "Art thou become like unto us." I mean we're the same you're no better than us. "Thy pomp is brought down to the grave." Right? "And the noise of thy viols: the worm is spread under thee and the worms cover thee." Now notice who's speaking here. They're only focusing on physical terms because well these are pagan rulers.
Once again here's the problem: what is the context of this passage? We'll go back and read but even here this is the day of judgment as these kings of the nations are being raised and speaking at the end on the day of judgment. Again this will be clear when go backwards and see the context so let's do so. Now let's go back to verse five in, uh, Isaiah here and he will tell you that this is the day of judgment. So it's really not even questionable.
This is incredible. Tim is reading from Isaiah 14 and to get the context he goes to verse five. Why? The context begins in verse 4!
4 That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!
And not only that but Tim neglects to fill out the context by discussing the concluding verses of this proverb against the king of Babylon.
12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.
No one with a modicum of sense could read this passage and claim it has anything to do with King David or that the events it describes takes place on the final day of judgement. Read one way it is very much a warning to the king of Babylon that he will be destroyed. Read another way this passage tells us about the fall of Lucifer, Satan. How did Timothy Jay Schwab mess it up so bad? And he expects us to accept him as an astute Bible researcher who is telling it as it really is? What an idiot!
And now let's end with perhaps the most glaring boner of them all. In this series Tim claims that Enoch, who never died, will die when Christ appears because the Bible says all men die.
18:43 "And we shall be changed." Now, those still alive will still be changed and yes, even Enoch and Elijah. This is the explanation for all die. All men will die, it's appointed for all men to die, right? See, they didn't die yet however they will but they'll experience a very quick physical death and resurrection receiving their new bodies and they will be changed. They must be, they have to be.
"For this corruptable must put on incorruption." This corruptible body your body is corrupt and born into sin essentially thanks to Adam. So it's corruptible. We must put on a new body that is incorruption. Again, even Enoch. So all men will die, period, even those alive in the end. Which is the same boat as Enoch because they'll still be alive in the end. hat's not a mystery and it's no surprise the Bible deals with that.
Ok. It's stupid but understandable. However Tim contradicts this statement in the comments to his new 1 Enoch series.
![]() |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gtS6yWyF36I&lc=UgwJm-QMr9B9FdYgx_h4AaABAg |
Dave Lopez: Is Enoch eating from the Tree of Life to stay alive?
The God Culture: He must be. Yah Bless.
So, Enoch is eating from the Tree of Life and yet he is still going to die? It's total madness. It's not coherent and it's not consistent. When one eats from the Tree of Life he will never die. That's why it's called the Tree of Life!
Well, that's enough for this series. Tim did promise a video about the descent of Jesus into Hell and his raising up 500 souls to minister with him but it's been weeks and he seems to have moved on from that. If he does discuss that matter I will probably continue with part 5.
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