Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture, recently gave another secret conference talk in conjunction with Baguio's Sabbath Believer's Congregation. It was not strictly secret but he sure did not bother to advertise it which means he did not want his audience to know he was going to be giving a lecture.
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https://www.facebook.com/sabbathbc.congregation/videos/848713996196488 |
Tim only has a few basic messages: faith in Christ is not enough the Law is what redeems us, the Philippines is Ophir and every other mysterious Bible locale including Sheba and Tarshish, and the restoration of true Philippine history combined with the restoration of the Law which was abolished once Christ came and fulfilled it will lead to the Philippines rising against the New World Order and condemning it. This same message was repeated at this conference.
2:13:51 Because Jesus, Yahusha, said Himself that the Philippines will rise in the last days and stand against the New World Order, the one world government. The Philippines! Can you imagine that? Start. Because it's coming soon. His prophecies never return unto him void.
That lie is based on Luke 11:31 which reads:
“The queen of the south shall rise up in the judgment with the men of this generation, and condemn them: for she came from the utmost parts of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and, behold, a greater than Solomon is here.”
Tim's false interpretation of this verse is that because Cebu is the Biblical land of Sheba from whence the Queen of the South came to visit Solomon therefore this is a prophecy about the Philippines. It's total nonsense but his audience eats it up. Practically everything Tim says is a continual praising of the Philippines and Filipinos as the most favored land and people on the face of the earth.
3:03:52 Now, this place Ophir, that's just the Bible name for the land of gold and it is the ancient name of the Philippines. Specifically Luzon. You're from Kalinga. No. You're from Ophir! Your from the land of gold. The greatest land in all of history literally in every way.
4:51:16 These are things that scholars should have figured out a long time ago and they're not. And they only reason they're not is because they live in a box and in their box Filipinos don't exist. In their box you are noting. In His you have no box and you are the most important people of the end times.
But of course you won't learn this stuff in high school or college.
4:56:27 You didn't learn this in high school did you? You didn't learn this in college did you? Why not?
Well thank goodness Timothy Jay Schwab, aka The God Culture, is here.
2:30:58 But we're working on a textbook. A real textbook. A four year course that will teach, especially Filipinos but people all over the world, the foundation of the Bible which includes the Philippines. Because it includes the Garden of Eden which is here. You don't get a more significant land than that of the Garden of Eden, the very land of creation itself. So, we're working on that project right now and we hope to get that out in time.
A real textbook? One can only wonder if it will include the noted contributions of the supposed God Culture Team or if it will only bear Tim's name as the author. Will we ever see evidence The God Culture is anything but a one man show? Just imagine what nonsense will be in that textbook. It will be nothing but lies. Lying comes so easy to Tim. In this first lecture he expounds on his lie about Pigafetta seeing elephants in the Philippines. Now Pigafetta saw elephants on three islands in the Philippines.
4:13:19 Even Pigafetta in his journal when Magellan came in 1521 tells you he saw elephants in at least three different islands.
That statement is such an incredible lie. Pigafetta saw elephants on Borneo. He did not see them in the Philippines.
There are two more sessions for the afternoon but I don't really care enough to listen to them. It will undoubtedly be the same old nonsense which, contrary to Tim's claims, I have shown to be false time and time again.
2:39:08 We don't have a single person who can go toe-to-toe with these facts and prove to us the Philippines is not Ophir nor can they prove that it's anywhere else. That's a problem because if you want to say "oh well that can't be the Philippines" ok what is it? Come on. Where is it? You don't know? Then you can't say "nu-uh." You can just say "duh, I don't know."
One does not have to give proof for an alternate location of Ophir in order to show that Tim's entire system is 100% wrong. He misuses sources, does not understand them, and quite often gives bogus interpretations like the City of Manila being mentioned on a map from 1492. His standard of proof is quite low and includes Greek mythology to prove that Filipinos circumnavigated Africa to trade with Greece and vice versa. I have gone toe-to-toe with his "facts" in depth. It is Tim who cannot go toe-to-toe with the actual facts I bring up. Nor can his audience who, judging by the comments they leave on my YouTube page, are some of the most ignorant people on the face of the earth.
One last thing to mention here and that is Tim does not appear in any of these videos except for when he briefly walks into frame.
The whole time the camera is focused on this tarp which means anyone watching the live stream would not have been able to see Tim's presentation. Why is that? Why does Tim not want to appear on camera anymore? Whatever the reason it's a genuine disservice for those watching from home because they do not get to see Tim's entire media presentation.
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