Welcome back to 100 lies The God Culture teaches about the Philippines. Today's lie concerns Timothy Jay Schwab's claim that the city of Manila is shown on the 1492 Martin Behaim globe.
It is a very stupid and obvious lie but let's take a look at what he says.
Tracking the Lost Tribes of Israel. Part 2: The Destination. Answers In 2nd Esdras 22B |
37:29 Here is Chryse, or Crisis, identified even by shape and location as Luzon Island Philippines. The main or large island. Manila is there, the capital city, and Maniola written in on this map even really is referring to Manila.
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Understanding the Maps Used By Columbus & Magellan. Ophir, Philippines? Solomon's Gold Series 16E |
29:39 Maniola. Now this is one scholar's going oh no it was here, no it was there. No, here it is on the map. It's right there, okay? Maniola is Manila, duh! I mean it's not even hard to see by the name but it's on the map. It's, it's in the paragraph there. Uh, it's written in German of course so you probably won't be able to read it but I guess uh you know it speaks of the magnetic shoals where many shipwrecks occurred just off the coast of what? Maniola, Manila duh! I mean for any scholar to suggests Maniola is anything else, uh, but Manila requires willing ignorance. Here it is on the map right there. Again, that be the Philippines.
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Cattigara, Philippines. Finding the Land of Gold. Solomon's Gold Series 15C. |
11:20 Here's another mapping of Ptolemy from the 1400's showing showing Maniola near India which is wrong. remember Ptolemy actually wrote these directions in the second century so all these mappings they may progress and date but that doesn't mean they progress in mindset. In fact they're using Ptolemy to take everything back to before the time of the Portuguese and the Spanish. This is what the British do. We're going to expose that at the end of this video. Now, that is mapped by the 1492 globe. Okay? Very well. Maniola is in the Philippines. Uh, here it's near India and that's wrong. The obvious reference to Manila of course is so glaring yet much of academia says nu-uh. Yeah I mean even in the early 1900s they were already starting that control line and it's stupid problem. Uh-uh. You see it's fact and again the 1492 globe proves it.
30:57 Columbus and Magellan both knew this. There's Maniola or Manila referenced where ships, uh, wreck referring to the shoals. it calls them magnetic isles but it means that the ships are drawn to them and shipwrecked there that's what it that's what it is. Uh, and it's on the way to manila so Maniola Manila is appropriate in name.
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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manila |
On June 24, 1571, conquistador Miguel López de Legazpi arrived in Manila and declared it a territory of New Spain (Mexico), establishing a city council in what is now Intramuros district.
Yes, there is text on the map referring to Maniole but that is a reference to ten magnetic islands first described by Ptolemy. Did Tim even think to translate or to find a translation of the German? What a lazy blockhead. Once again he shows his poor research skills and proves that The God Culture is not a team but is a one man show.
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/61/RavensteinBehaim.jpg |
difer jnfell findt zehen gehaifen maniole dafelbft mag kain fchiff faren das eifen an hat umb defs magnet willen der dafelbft wechft (K 5 s).
There are ten of these islands called Maniole. No ship having iron in it dare navigate near them because of the magnet which is found there.
Ptolemy (VII 2) has "Maniolae insulae decim, quarum incolae sunt anthropophagi, in his gignitur magnes." These Magnet Islands of Ptolemy, however, are placed in the Sinus Gangeticus, whilst Behaim's legend is shifted to the east of the mainland. On fabulous Magnet Rocks, to be dreaded by mariners, because on approaching them the iron nails flew out, and the ship fell to pieces, see Peschel's essay in 'Abhandlungen zur Erd- und Völkerkundes,' Leipzig, 1877, p. 44 .
Here is the full citation from Ptolemy:
There are said to be other islands here adjoining, ten in number, called Maniolae, from which they say that boats, in which there are nails, are kept away, lest at any time the magnetic stone which is found near these islands should draw them to destruction. For this reason they say that these boats are drawn up on the shore and that they are strengthened with beams of wood. They also say that these islands are occupied by cannibals called Manioli. There are means of approach from these islands to the mainland.
Ptolemy says the cannibals occupying the Maniolae islands are called Manioli. Imagine that. The Islands are named after the cannibals who inhabit them and not because the City of Manila is there.
There is nothing on either the Behaim 1492 globe or Ptolemy's 2nd century map referring to Manila or the Philippines. For Tim to say otherwise is "willing ignorance." He knows the reference is to magnetic islands yet he is intentionally lying to his audience that this is a reference to the City of Manila because Maniolae and Manila look and sound similar. That is terrible linguistics. He is wrong. His utterly false and ignorant interpretation of this map underscores the fact that he is constantly twisting information to fit his paradigm. It is far worse than Tim not knowing what he is talking about. He is not merely an ignoramus. Timothy Jay Schwab is intentionally lying to his audience and they are too enamored with his praise of the Philippines as the most important land on earth to actually check and see if what Tim is saying is true.
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