If you listen long enough to Timothy Jay Schwab of The God Culture it becomes rather easy to spot his heresies and predict what he will say next. Tim's method is rather simple: EVERYTHING the Church teaches is wrong. In his view the Church is actually the Synagogue of Satan and must be opposed at every step. That is why Tim is so keen on refuting long established Biblical doctrines such as the Trinity, the tripartite nature of man as body, mind, and soul, and the doctrine of eternal punishment in the lake of fire.
What makes Tim exciting to listen to is not his dull, unoriginal heresies but his complex and original mental gymnastics which drive him to his heretical conclusions. This originality is exemplified in a video where Tim tells the world in no uncertain terms why Jesus Christ is by no means our Passover Lamb. Call it the anti-Gospel.
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CORRECTING Jonathan Cahn's "When Was Jesus REALLY Born?" Pharisee Leaven |
36:18 But is that Yahusha is the Passover Lamb? Is that true? Actually, no. What scripture says that? None. Now go search the KJV. None.
44:06 John Cahn says Messiah is the Passover Lamb as if that is ever a Biblical designation. Search it, it's never there. He is our sacrificial lamb all 59 times of the year not just Passover. This has, yes he is the Passover Lamb, he's every lamb, but he is not designated as the Passover Lamb in scripture ever specifically. Uh, this has always been false also no he did not die on Passover either. That is ridiculous because Passover only occurs at night during the dark hours and Messiah's crucifixion the sun was out and the Sun was darkened and that is illiterate to the passages.
45:16 Yes, 1 Corinthians 5:7 Paul does say Yahusha is the Passover but the Passover is not just about the lamb. That is illiterate. Understand not only is he the sacrifice for Passover, and he is because he is all 59 times of the year, however, there is far more to being the Passover than merely the lamb as well. How is it that this Rabbi doesn't know that Israel was delivered from Egypt on Passover? I mean this is what the event is all about it's not just about the lamb, duh. Talk about leavening a passage rebuking leaven even. Wow! But we can take this further.
Hebrews 10 is abundantly clear Yahusha is our sacrifice for all 52 sabbaths and all seven feasts all not just Passover. All, okay? That's just feasts and sabbaths alone but he replaces all animal sacrifice in scripture period from from the time of his sacrifice Forward Forever.
48:53 But wait Yahusha was not crucified, he wasn't, you know, put on the stake or the tree on Passover. No. That is absolutely ridiculous to say so is to not even know what Passover is because it's only an evening event. Can't possibly be.
52:21 Passover then ends to be completed basically uh it's finished. All remains of of the Lamb are to be burned because Passover is over. It's done. It's finished by the Morning, by Sunrise. Notice that did not happen with Yahusha either. So, if he was to follow the Passover Lamb he also should have been burned. Oops! And yet he wasn't. Oops! He wasn't following the Passover Lamb that is nonsense.
59:29 ...following Isaac's timeline exactly on the same day. Both Paramount events because this story is one of Covenant not following the Passover Lamb which is ludicrous. It's, it's a dumb statement never should come out of anyone's lips. He does not follow the lamb and is not fulfilling Covenant with the lamb. He fulfills the sacrifice so a lamb, a bull a goat yeah. It's not just lamb you do realize? He replaces all animal sacrifice all 59 plus times of the year. Duh.
What a lot of rubbish. But take a look at Tim's gymnastics. He says Jesus cannot be the Passover lamb specifically because the Passover happens at night and Jesus was crucified during the day. He also says the remnants of the Passover were burned therefore Jesus cannot be the Passover lamb. At least he recognizes that Jesus ate a Passover meal. But what happened at the meal? Jesus identified himself with it!
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Matthew 26 KJV |
The text says: AS THEY WERE EATING. Eating what? The Passover meal of course. As they were eating Jesus identified the bread and the wine as His body and blood which he was to shed in only a few hours.
It is ludicrous for Tim to say Jesus was not burned up therefore he cannot be the Passover lamb. Must he be an actual lamb too? Tim is correct that there is more to the Passover than just the lamb. There is also the deliverance of Israel. But what was that based upon? It was based upon the lamb being slain and its blood being applied to the doorposts of the house. There is NO deliverance without the lamb. Likewise there is no deliverance from sin without the shed blood of Jesus Christ who is our Passover as Paul says.
Tim does not have any real rebuttal to this verse except to agree that he is the Passover lamb because he is also all the lambs that were to be sacrificed through the year. That is not false per se but that is not what Paul is talking about. He mentions the Passover SPECIFICALLY. Why? The context is purging out the leaven which is what one did during the Passover. And what was sacrificed during the Passover? A LAMB! The identity of Jesus Christ as the Passover lamb in this verse is unmistakable. There is nothing else it could be because that is the only animal sacrificed during the Passover.
Tim says Jesus Christ fulfilled all sacrifices so he is our goat and bull as well as our lamb. It sounds good but it is wrong. Yes, it is true that Jesus Christ fulfilled all sacrifices including that of bulls and goats but the Bible never calls Him a goat or a bull. He is always referred to as a LAMB.
What's Lamb gotta do with it? EVERYTHING!! The Scriptures are crystal clear that Jesus Christ is THE LAMB sacrificed for us. Not the goat, not the bull, not the turtledove but THE LAMB!! Why is this? Because the Passover is a type which symbolized His coming and His sacrifice on the cross. We are saved by and through HIS BLOOD just as the Israelites were saved by the blood of the lamb on the doorpost. Tim's rejection of that clear Bible teaching is because he has embraced the Book of Jubilees which teaches otherwise. He puts more stock in that book than he does in the Bible.
The more appropriate question is: Who needs Timothy Jay Schwab of the God Culture when his theology is broken?
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